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S10.E01: Hollywood Calling!

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I didn't really think I'd want to watch another season of this but the first few minutes of the first episode pulled me in. I can definitely see the types already. The healthy eating woman with a bit of Giada/Nigella sexiness, the retro/rockabilly butcher with the tats, Asian guy, Cuban guy, Mr. Gimmick, etc. Still, I'm kind of intrigued. 


Love that Sarah the pageant girl said there was a stereotype about pageant girls and then followed it up with "I'm a much more deeper person than that." Yeah, you tell 'em. 


Why does everyone always show up seeming like they've never seen this show before. It's all about packaging yourself as this palatable, familiar, but unique cooking instructor and being able to convey that in 30 second to maybe 15 minute soundbites or demonstrations. Come on, people.


Luca is adorable. And Giada clearly likes him.


The Cuban guy reminds me of the other Latino guy who used to be overweight and then refused to play into that and instead came up with some weird message about teaching guys to cook. Of course, later we saw that he's clearly willing to play into his "culture."


Oh, no, Sarah! Don't make soup for a party bite! I find the tuna tartare and beef tartare to also be bad choices.


"Ross is literally a fixture at all E red carpet events." OK, calm down, now. He's in the booth babysitting Kelly Osbourne and not talking to any celebrities.


Oh, Sarah. At least she didn't shimmy.


The frontrunners definitely emerged quickly by the podium challenge. 


I'm sorry to see Donna go so soon. Why do all the healthy cooks get knocked out so fast? I definitely could see them repackaging her as more of a Giada/Nigella home cook with a healthy twist. I don't think she'll be able to get it together fast enough on Star Salvation but I still like her.


I saw this last week on ON Demand. I figured it was going to be some sort of sneak peak and was surprised that it was the full first episode. I just checked and it's still there.


Well, thank you for that because I thought I was late to the party. Then I found out that the party had not officially started! But being the nosy nose that I am I had to go check it out on On Demand which I wouldn't have known to do if I hadn't read it here. Thanks. Sometimes On Demand perplexes me, but it depends on the network. It's crazy. I'm watching now, but I'm guessing that they'll do what most do and cast certain types to fit certain roles. I can't recall much about last season except the one who was shimmying all the time (and didn't she end up winning?) heh


Now I'll have to try to get these 12 straight in my head so I can enjoy the snark-fest, replete with disparaging (or not) nicknames. :)

Edited by ari333

I'm trying to get these folks straight in my head.


Donna - Attractive (imo) brunette female "holistic health coach"/slash nutritionist. Takes "comfort food and makes it healthy."


Loreal - Lady with headband festooned hair, "sassy" butcher and baker from Louisiana, loves "char-dah-nize and strong drinks." Nailed it.


Kenny - Asian dude, short hair with glasses, owner of a restaurant and 2 food trucks, "fast casual." Tried to fit a gazillion words into 30 seconds. Blew it.


Sarah - Attractive (imo) blonde, private chef, mother of two, castoff from season 8... "background in pageantry"  Threw kisses on the promo.  Yikes. Blew it.


Chris - Cute (imo) black dude, accused of, "Raiding Alton's closet" whatever that means. Bowtie, "executive chef of catering company." He totally blanked on his 30 second promo. Blew it.


Rueben - Bearded Latino owner of Columbian/Cuban restaurant/liquor store in Miami and described by others as "hipster" and "zippity."


Lenny - Bearded cowboy dude who came out of the double doors with a lasso, cowboy hat, western print shirt, kerchief around the neck, and huge belt buckle who referred to all females as "Ma'am". I personally hate that Ma'am thing because I'm a weirdo. (Ok, it makes me feel old; although I know it's meant to be polite. I prefer "Babe" or "Hotstuff," but enough about me.) He did a total babble ramble in his incoherent 30 seconds. He should have mentioned that he was a "real" chuck wagon cook.


Christopher - Executive chef dude from NOLA, salt and pepper-ish hair. Worked with Emeril.


Nicole - Thought to be a "model" by another contestant. Long light brown hair, personal chef from Atlantic City. Overused the word "passion" and got nailed for it


Aryen - Attractive (imo) black woman who is a home cook with international background.  Originally from Italy, worked at NASA, exchange study in Japan.


Emma - Pixie-ish  former restaurant owner, culinary instructor, with a "down home earthiness" with a  "farm to table guru" theme.


Luca - Hot Italian guy. His accent is swoon-worthy as are his face and body. (Sorry I'm a pig/slash/pervertido woman). Executive chef for a restaurant group in San Antonio. He is comfy in his  "skeen".. indeed... BigHead clearly wanted to hump him  and I can't blame her.


I was only using the physical descriptions to make the identities easy to spot and to distinguish the 12 from each other for us, the viewers. I wasn't trying to be an ass.... just in case I came off as trying to be an ass.... :)

Edited by ari333
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I copied this photo from Kromm's post in the Season 10 Anticipation thread.  Maverick then described what some of the people are like and I tried to guess who was who in the picture based on Maverick's descriptions.  I'm pretty sure I got five right:

Loreal - second from left in front row (in black dress). She's the only one with a headband.

Reuben - second from left in back row (beard and red plaid shirt)

Christopher - right end of front row in blue jacket.  He looks salt and pepperish.

Aryen - left end end of front row

Luca -  left end of back row, khaki shirt.

I guess Emma to be the blond women in the green dress but she doesn't look pixie-ish in that picture, so I'm probably wrong on her.

Wrong guesses: Donna, Kenny, Sarah.


I'm so shallow and bitchy, but I really loathe the way BigHead smiles with the bottom of her top teeth touching the top of her bottom teeth. I didn't say that well, but it looks so .... fake and IDK what. It scares me and my cat.



I copied this photo from Kromm's post in the Season 10 Anticipation thread.  Maverick then described what some of the people are like and I tried to guess who was who in the picture based on Maverick's descriptions.  I'm pretty sure I got five right:

Loreal - second from left in front row (in black dress). She's the only one with a headband.

Reuben - second from left in back row (beard and red plaid shirt)

Christopher - right end of front row in blue jacket.  He looks salt and pepperish.

Aryen - left end end of front row

Luca -  left end of back row, khaki shirt.

I guess Emma to be the blond women in the green dress but she doesn't look pixie-ish in that picture, so I'm probably wrong on her.

Wrong guesses: Donna, Kenny, Sarah.


I'm not Maverick,  but wow, that was good guessing. And you're right about Emma. When I said "pixie-ish," I got that impression at first, but now seeing her standing among the others... not so much. But yes, that is Emma. Maybe I was going with pixie because of the hair, the smile, and the voice, rather than the height, per se. IDK


Thanks for the photo...all..


There's a Lenny and a Kenny; Lenny  is the cowboy in the back row, our right. Kenny is the Asian dude in the right front.


Sarah is the blonde, back row, middle


Donna is front row, middle, white skirt with black trim/print.


Nicole is back row (our right) next to cowboy.


There's a Christopher and a Chris;  Christopher is the salt and pepper-ish older white dude on our far right, front row and next to him is "Chris," younger, black guy with bowtie our far right.


Note to self: Get a life. :)

Edited by ari333

In looking at the video without sound (because I'm at work) Chad looks like this Slade that shows up on reality stuff on other channels (not Food Network). I first saw Slade on some show about choosing a husband for his ex-girlfriend Jo and I think he's now on Celebrity Marriage Boot Camp (saw ads, not watching).  I didn't notice the resemblance on the show because Chad is such a far better person.

Luca - Hot Italian guy. His accent is swoon-worthy as are his face and body. (Sorry I'm a pig/slash/pervertido woman). Executive chef for a restaurant group in San Antonio. He is comfy in his  "skeen".. indeed... BigHead clearly wanted to hump him  and I can't blame her.

Heh. I see no reason to apologize. This is a show attempting to find a TV Personality, and not a show to find the best chef/teacher. Physical attractiveness is an important factor. It's not the most important factor, but I would be kidding myself if I thought it wasn't part of the reason I choose to watch one Food Network show over another.

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I know I'll be in the minority here, but I can't stand Luca (so far, initial impression only). He reminds me of the smarmy guys like Juan Pablo (Bachelorette) that get by on "good looks" and accents. I say that because I don't find either attractive at all. I'll wait to reserve judgment to see how his cooking turns out and what type of show he would be in. But first glance, I would never watch a show he hosted. 


Of course I've never watch Justin either. 


Are Martie and Chad competing in the competition or competing to come back in the competition?  Does this mean Martie and Chad will have to beat each other (and others) to re-enter?   And at what point does that person re-enter?


I'm confused about this redemption competition.  Usually with other formats like this (Last Chance Kitchen) only the eliminated contestants compete against each other.

Edited by nottopbravo

"Affected" seems to be the word of the day with this first episode.


Everyone showed up on the Hollywood backlot with what I thought were costumes of what they wanted their PoV to be.  Wrong!  That's (supposedly) just how they dress.  Many of the contestants seemed to be trying so hard to be a TV version of themselves and came across as incredibly fake.


First challenge: spend 30 seconds telling us about your PoV.  Cut to one of the contestants in a private interview freaking out that they're "not prepared for this already!"  Really?  What did you think was going to happen once the cameras started rolling?  Then, they had to prepare a signature dish for 100 people.  Cut to a private interview, where someone else is astonished to discover that they're going to have to start cooking so soon in the competition.


What's the matter with these people?  Don't they watch the show?  Don't they know the title of the show?  it's like going on "The Amazing Race" and being shocked that they have to head off to the airport.


I really disliked the blonde pageant girl.  She didn't want to be categorized as a stereotypical pageant contestant, so she starts off by telling everyone she's a former pageant girl and then starts blowing kisses.  Brilliant.


If Lenny the Cooking Cowboy dressed like that on the real cattle drives he apparently participated in, I don't think he would have made it back to the ranch house in one piece.  Chef Roy Rogers seemed to win over the judges, though.


Hopefully, the contestants will settle down and start acting more "real" and we'll see some actual stars emerge.  I love this show, and look forward to seeing some nice people who know how to cook, and how to teach others to cook.

  • Love 2

Well, that wasn't too bad.  Even though most of them fit the Food Network Big Book of Contestant Types, I think I like - or at least can tolerate - more of them than not.  


I'm bummed that Donna went home over Sarah. I think she could've been okay with a couple more weeks.


Ugh, Sarah.  I don't dislike pageant girls in general, but I dislike the ones who immediately introduce themselves as pageant girls.  (Also, Sarah does an odd diagonal stretchy thing like she's stretching words with her hands, and it will annoy me by next week.)


Initial impressions:

Like: Loreal, Nicole, Chris, Reuben.

Don't like: Sarah

Not sure yet: Lenny, Emma, Christopher, Aryan, Luca, Kenny


I liked that blue dress Giada was wearing during the first segment of the show.  But her weird supersized smile during the "event" segment threw me off.  That was a very not-so-genuine smile from someone who wants other people to be genuine.


Oh, silly summer show, I've missed you.


Martie and Chad are coming back for a redemption competition, online only. Damaris and Geoffrey Zakarian are judging. It's in the video link. Looks like they'll be a twist for the new competitors to try and keep them out.



Why are they bringing back former contestants for twists?  Did Mark Burnett buy out this show and I missed the memo?   I wasn't crazy about the online competition when they introduced it last year, but at least it wasn't recycling previous season's contestants.  Unless I've blocked that part out of my mind.  So help me, if I see Boston Rob on here, I'm gone.

  • Love 2

I couldn't stand Sarah or Donna right off the bat so I was glad one of them got sent packing although I'd have liked to see the blonde go first.  She's beyond annoying even if she is "much more deeper" than pageant girls.  I'm reserving judgment on the rest of them.  Reuben seems nice enough but I hate his too long and too bushy beard.  Loreal reminds me, looks alone, of Sara who was on the last season of Top Chef.  I hope she has a better personality.

 I didn't care for pageant girl either.  She didn't make the cut two seasons ago, totally blew her 30 second presentation and ended up in the bottom 2 the first week.  Why is she still here?


 I instantly didn't like Christopher.  Being from New Orleans should have helped temper the doucebag factor (it does for John Besh) but nope, just didn't like him.


 Luca is annoying.


 I didn't get Donna.  She's the healthy one this year and chooses a BLT as her dish.  Her version has endive, arugula and bacon.  Um, the bacon is the bad the part, not the tomato dear.  She's reminded a bit of nutty Dzinznda from a few years ago (Dzinznda loves to dance!  Dzinznda loves to twirl!) and the show needs a few goofs like that because most of these people take themselves WAY to seriously.  I was surprised they dispensed with the healthy contestant so early this year and basically said, "yeah, no one's going to watch that"


 I know I said the show needs some nutty characters, but....Lenny needs to go.  Stat.  Unless they revive Hee Haw, Lenny doesn't need to be on TV.  And if they do, I don't care if he's on there because I'd be watching something else anyway.   Can we replace him with Ross??


 Giada bugs to no end.  What was up with the hands in pocket thing in the first segment?  Some weird body language there.  Defensive, off putting, something. 


 Ah the press walk.  So cringe worthy.  Glad they did it in the first episode this year so that everyone has to run the gauntlet of embarrassment.  I hope they pay those extras well (and keep them out of focus) because really, there's a thankless job.

I'm glad I'm not the only person puzzled and annoyed that these contestants seem baffled at the 30 second explain yourself bit, cooking stufffffs for groups, the upcoming sabotage challenge.... I mean seriously people. Every. Freaking. Season.

And i guess before they loved the professional newscaster preparation but now it sounds too scripted and prepared. So now you have to sound "real" but "authentic".... So kinda....fakey real. Cue eye roll.

Why does the Food Network keep trying to cram caricatures down our throats? It's like I have to be taught by a cowboy? Why??? That belt buckle was kind of epic awesome though.

Big Head eating that endive appetizer using her teeth but not her lips? FRIGHT.

I knew I saw that cutthroat kitchen guy looked familiar!

Donna- they should have kept that babbling trainwreck. She was hilariously scattered. "Donna BLT" indeed. And holy cleavage.

Of course his name was Luca. I'm surprised he wasn't wearing linen pants. Will he fizzle?

Pink bandana was not a great choice for Malibu notapageantgirl Barbie. And mushroom soup? Really????

They were less than impressed with asian dude's tartare but the brunette chick crusts tuna with sesame seeds and is a genius? Riiiiight.


I loved the dress Giada wore in the opening. However, "She's stuck in pageant mode" from a 40 something woman wearing glitter with a rictus smile?


I laughed when Sarah said this was her one chance to impress the judges. No dear, this is you second chance, unlike the others.


Haven't really developed an opinion on any of the contestants except that Lenny needs to go.

Edited by xaxat
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But her weird supersized smile during the "event" segment threw me off.  That was a very not-so-genuine smile from someone who wants other people to be genuine.

Should we start the counter now for all the ways the judges can't or won't follow their own advice for the contestants. I've said it in previous seasons but I don't think these judges would make it through FNS. They have all come across as unlikable at one point or another. I think Bobby is the worst. He's like a charisma vacuum. Giada is kind of fake and plastic but there's something about her that I like. Alton is great on his show but there's something about his demeanor outside of Good Eats (I stopped listening to his podcast a few episodes in) that is unappealing.


It's almost too cheesy to enjoy even with the snark factor and would be so much better with cocktails.

Sigh, it's amazing how much bad TV (reality and narrative) that I manage to watch without taking a single drink. I'm not a recovering alcoholic or underage. My body just doesn't metabolize alcohol properly. 


Why does the Food Network keep trying to cram caricatures down our throats? It's like I have to be taught by a cowboy? Why??? That belt buckle was kind of epic awesome though.

I don't really watch Food Network anymore. It's kind of an unnecessary timesuck when you don't actually cook anything. But don't they already have a pioneer woman and a bunch of southern cooks? I fail to see the appeal or necessity of a cowboy/ranch hand. Also, he's going to give everyone heart attacks with recipes like that and then who's going to be left to watch his show?

Edited by aradia22

Ugh, I hate Ross the Intern.  He just bugs the hell out of me.


Sarah the Pageant Girl can foad any minute now.  Not an attractive quality.


And cowboy probably knows about as much about ropin' and ridin' as I do.  He can join Sarah in the cemetery.  "I want to show the selection committee that I'm authentic."  Because dressing like that is soooo authentic.



I instantly didn't like Christopher.  Being from New Orleans should have helped temper the doucebag factor (it does for John Besh) but nope, just didn't like him.

He couldn't even get Laissez les bontemps roulez right, so I wonder just how authentically New Orleansian he is.

Edited by Rick Kitchen
I didn't care for pageant girl either.  She didn't make the cut two seasons ago, totally blew her 30 second presentation and ended up in the bottom 2 the first week.  Why is she still here?



Right?  I mean, if you've been through the casting process before SURELY you would know how important a POV is on this show and have one ready prepared. That actually goes for all of them.  How have they NOT been practicing a 30 second spiel of what they POV is for weeks before coming on the show?


Luca may be able to cook, and certainly has everything else going for him.  But how many times can I hear an Italian cook talk about the importance of fresh ingredients and simple techniques?  Yawn.  Old news.  He needs to get some unique perspective stat.  Of course, I'm still pretty sure they'll keep him around until at least mid-way through the season just for eye (and ear) candy.


Also, I don't think I've ever wanted anyone to win any reality show as much as I want Lenny to win this one.  Unique, cool, likeable, a POV I've never heard of before but would be very interesting, and delicious sounding/looking food.  He's my pick to win.  Which, of course, means he'll come in 4th or 3rd.

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Sarah looked a little bit like Kristen Bell but with a fuller face. The kisses were cringe-inducing, though - I don't why she thought that was a good idea.

That belt buckle was kind of epic awesome though.

I laughed when he flashed it during that red carpet thing. That was the only moment I liked out of that whole part because I find those made-up "fan/celebrity" bits embarrassing. Hell's Kitchen does them as well and they're the worst.

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Where have I seen Donna before? She's so familiar and I would have sworn it was from this show.

She was on a season of Vh1's Tough Love.

Oh my God, that must be why I responded to her so quickly! I thought it had something to do with her reminding me of Giada and Nigella but she probably just reminded me of... herself. Also, I know you're judging me for watching Tough Love. Stop it. In my defense, I only watched one season.


Right?  I mean, if you've been through the casting process before SURELY you would know how important a POV is on this show and have one ready prepared. That actually goes for all of them.  How have they NOT been practicing a 30 second spiel of what they POV is for weeks before coming on the show?

Part of me always wonders, are they just asking them leading questions or asking to pretend to be shocked about everything (you know the way people on ANTM and most shows pretend they've heard of the rando the producers managed to bring on that week. Yeah... I totally know who this person is. They're great, so talented. I'm so privileged to get the chance to work with them.) But then I shake myself out of it because no one could fail this badly on purpose.

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This show is the perfect thing to watch after "Game of Thrones."  So easy, so relaxing. 


I'm not buying the cowboy as a cowboy, but I assume he'll be around awhile, I guess I'll roll with it.  


I actually liked the pageant girl's reference to pageants in her 30-second intro (the practice one in front of mentors).  I think you could edit that to come off as cute.  That said, I think she needs to go. 


I hope this season they test their skills at hosting a game show, or simply eating something.  Chances are, if the winner winds up doing anything, it'll be something along those lines.  


Which- did Damaris ever get on the network with a show?  I know they have her co-hosting the online thing I refuse to watch (my theory on tv is simple: if it's an important part of the show it should be aired), but have they validated this concept by, y'know, letting her cook on television?  Or are they fully about the game show piece only?

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