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S06.E07: New Kids on the Dock

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12 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Caroline and Rhylee seem to have the same problem with accepting feedback.  Both need to question and talk over and explain what they are thinking.  Rhylee seems to also always do it in a snotty manner.  Both need to realize they are the bottom of the pecking order and just give an affirmative.  The Rhylee/Ashton and Caroline/Josiah interacts were pretty similar, the deck one was just more aggressive.  

Rhylee annoys me, even when I see that she's pleasant to guests, etc.  She feels her position is beneath her, and she can't get past that.  She took this job, so she really needs to accept that this is what it is.  And the same complaints over and over are like nails on a chalkboard to me.  I understand her frustration, but speaking to people the way she does is unacceptable.   She has enough experience to realize that being disrespectful is not a great idea, and she was outrageously disrespectful to Chandler very, very early on.  He's no prize, that's for sure, but her outright disrespect from the beginning set the tone for the problems between them, IMO, so I have no sympathy for her. 

12 hours ago, nr65000 said:

As far as taking small children on vacation, I am all for it, however I honestly would be terrified to have little kiddos on a yacht like this.  Even with life jackets there just seems to be so many opportunities for a child to fall overboard and nobody notice.  There are lots of adults on board which also makes it more likely that the "I thought they were with you" scenario might happen.   I'm sure precautions were in place to ensure it didn't happen but it just made me nervous!

I thought of that too.  I'm not sure how relaxing a vacation this can be when there are small children who need to be watched literally at every moment.   There's a lot of potential for danger on a yacht like this, especially if the adults are drinking.  Even when the kids are in bed, they easily could wake up and wander in unfamiliar surroundings.  It really calls for extraordinary and constant monitoring, and keeping them in sight constantly - much more so than a more typical vacation.

8 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't know the reason but I find it very refreshing! No sex, hook up or jealousy drama. Just plain old bitching and backstabbing about who's not pulling their weight and who doesn't like who,  just like you find in most places of employment. 

I agree.  It IS refreshing!  I don't miss that stuff at all.  I'm finding this season very refreshing and enjoyable too.  :-)

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2 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

It's not that they didn't bring the dry bags, it's that they didn't leave them.  The bags were loaded up with the guests, but not unloaded.

 I think you could see the dry bags in the tender as the deck crew cruised back-and-forth. The camera focused on the bags a couple of times.

Edited by Skycatcher
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47 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 I think you could see the dry bags in the tender as the deck crew cruised back-and-forth. The camera focused on the bags a couple of times.

Yes, if I remember correctly, they were neon orange.  I don't recall which of the two aux boats they were loaded on, but they definitely were taken.

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1 hour ago, scrb said:

Bags with supplies for 10 people would have taken up a lot of space on those boats.

how can they be so oblivious?

faked story line?

They were actually pretty small. You can see them being loaded on the tender. It was such a small part of the story and the guests reacted in such a neutral way that it doesn’t appear to be worth a storyline.

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6 hours ago, biakbiak said:

It was such a small part of the story and the guests reacted in such a neutral way that it doesn’t appear to be worth a storyline.

Except that it adds to  the Chandler's incompetence storyline, part of the build-up to a demotion or firing.

ETA:  Even though their butts were on the line too, I wonder if there wasn't a little (maybe subconscious?) Chandler-related sabotage by the crew. Those bags were too obvious to be missed.

Edited by Skycatcher
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3 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Except that it adds to  the Chandler's incompetence storyline, part of the build-up to a demotion or firing.

ETA:  Even though their butts were on the line too, I wonder if there wasn't a little (maybe subconscious?) Chandler-related sabotage by the crew. Those bags were too obvious to be missed.

Chandler fucks up enough on his own and while the bosun is ultimately responsible for the crew, not unloading the dry bags reflects much more poorly on them than it does Chandler.

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13 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Chandler fucks up enough on his own and while the bosun is ultimately responsible for the crew, not unloading the dry bags reflects much more poorly on them than it does Chandler.

True. BUT!!!!!! It reflects on his management (or lack of) skills.  I don't really think it was sabotage, but it did occur to me while watching the dry bags run back-and-forth on the little boat.

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3 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

True. BUT!!!!!! It reflects on his management (or lack of) skills.  I don't really think it was sabotage, but it did occur to me while watching the dry bags run back-and-forth on the little boat.

If three of the crew are so incompetent that  they can’t follow his orders when not there (he told them about the dry bags) that speaks more to Captain Lee’s management since he signed off on hiring them.

Edited by biakbiak
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10 hours ago, biakbiak said:

They were actually pretty small. You can see them being loaded on the tender. It was such a small part of the story and the guests reacted in such a neutral way that it doesn’t appear to be worth a storyline.

Not a big story line?

Kate and Lee were doing damage control as the guests returned to the yacht.

Lee was going to dress down the whole deck crew because they left the guests without provisions.

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1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

True. BUT!!!!!! It reflects on his management (or lack of) skills.  I don't really think it was sabotage, but it did occur to me while watching the dry bags run back-and-forth on the little boat.

^This^ First, Chandler decides he isn’t going with the tenders because why? Because he hates Rhylee and doesn’t want to be around her so he stays behind, which is both extremely immature and highly unprofessional. On a trip like that where so many things could have gone wrong, the bosun should have been part of the tender crew AND one of the crew and one of the tenders should have stayed with the group ‘just in case’. AND, Chandler should have radioed his crew and asked if the dry bags were with the group, but instead he ignored his radio or left it somewhere he was not, and decided it was appropriate to go sit in the crew galley and check his phone. He is a fucking moron and if Captain Lee doesn’t finally fire his ass I’m going to think a lot less of Lee from now on.

Edited by gingerella
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On 11/13/2018 at 10:12 PM, Emmeline said:

I just think it was strange that they just left the guests off on the beach without a single crew member along.  As far as I can remember there has always been at least one crew member with the guests on land excursions.

I thought Ross stayed with the guests. Maybe I'm wrong.

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On 11/14/2018 at 9:50 AM, Mindthinkr said:

We hear them (the charter guests) whine that their drink order was put in 10 minutes ago only to have Kate come through with them i.e. the cucumber jalapeño mojito proseco drink.

I'm fairly certain that the comment about time lapsed was a joke. That is the way I took it and I think Caroline did too.

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Lee's all bark and no bite. He keeps promising a keel hauling but all we get is a sort of, "I'm very disappointed in you." lol

I'm not buying the 'disappointed guests' routine.  While not exactly fully staged, these people know full well they're going on a charter with a bunch of fukkups...that's the whole point of the show!  ;)

and another thing..... am I wrong in that this week, Ashton said all the deckhands should've been going along with the guests on the trip while last week, Lee got mad because they did all go.

"Caroline to Kate, Caroline to Kate... guest wants a cup of boiling water. How do I make that?"

All the fakeout drama setups. Bet the kid stubbed his toe or something in a separate incident and started whining he's bleeding. Then while carrying the kid downstairs, Mom simply turns her head in response to Caroline dropping a glass behind her and states the observation.

Edited by 100Proof
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The issue with the towels and bags are the reason why Chandler needs to be fired, and maybe a more experienced bosun brought in. I don't know if any of them are ready to be bosun, including Ross - and I really like him. But all of them made a rookie error. 

But this is WHY the checklist is so important. Sure everyone knows how to do their job, but even pilots who fly the same route every few days have a damn checklist they follow. I bet Captain Lee has one too. As bosun, it isn't hard for Chandler to say to his team here is the checklist. Dock at port XYZ. Ashton, you stay with the guests while Rhylee unloads the bags and returns with the small boat to the tender and return. Ashton - guests should be reminded it takes us 25 minutes to pick them up, so to give us notice in advance. Etc.

Even if they had a generic checklist for activities, it just makes it easier. They have to juggle a lot, it is helpful to go down a list and say "guest pick up messaging, done, towel drop off, done, etc"

It isn't micromanaging, it is delegating. Micromanaging is then asking 10 times if they did it, etc.  

We see Kate checking with the Captain on the plan so she can get the guests ready, have lunch, and plan her schedule and breaks. 

Caroline needs to be gone now. She is much to fragile to be a stew on a yacht. She is much too inexperienced to provide the right level of service to the guests. She doesn't care to learn either, so she isn't planning on going further. She hasn't picked up any new skill, or her speed, or anything. I realize she was injured, but she should have also realized she is doing a huge disservice to her fellow crew mates by not going to the Captain and saying "I'm hurt and I can't do this."

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Honestly I think there was plenty of blame to go around on the failure to provide towels and water for the guests on their excursion. Captain Lee specifically told Chandler to pack up water and towels. I assume everyone knew about the water and towels because even Rhylee knew so Bosum and 3rd crew knew. Ross and Rhylee forgot to leave the bags of supplies with the guests. Aside from the water and towels, I imagine the bags contained snacks for the kids, sunscreen, cameras, and maybe some clean dry clothes to change into.

If it were Below Deck Med, Hannah would have stayed with the guests and I think if Caroline were healthy and normal, she might have gone along and stayed with the guests to cater to their needs. 

At this point the Captain knows he needs to "babysit" (in his words) the deck crew and he failed to do so. He's aware enough to know his ass is on the line for these stupid mistakes and he should be worried about his job. Every single deck crew member should also be concerned since they're not insuring the guests have an amazing time with their every need taken care of properly, promptly, and cheerfully.

Chandler didn't go with the guests as he should have. He should be hands on with the guests whenever possible and he should be bringing his best crewmate to assist, as when he failed to bring Rhylee fishing.

Chandler couldn't find the guests when he went (without Ross) to pick them up and not only did he screw up the pick up, the guests could see his screw up. They maintained their good humor throughout but another (full paying?) guest wouldn't. Frankly, I don't think I would remain in a good mood after all that.

Oh Rhylee, Rhylee, Rhylee! I am fully on her team even as I see how she's irritating her fellow crewmates. Ashton tells her to start unloading toys but she thinks Chandler told her something different and she KNOWS Chandler will rip her from stem to stern if she makes the teeny tiniest of mistakes. 

I notice Kate asked her to have towels ready when the guests returned and she was on it. She is willing and able to work hard and pitch in where and when asked but she is subject to irrational and unwarranted reaming from Chandler.

Chandler is such a bad boss!!! He's got a capable hard worker (Kate wishes she had such a capable and hard worker in the 3rd position!!) but he can't or won't give her an ounce of credit or train her to know the boat and it's responsibilities better! Remember EJ last year teaching the crew knots and things I'd think they'd know? He jumped in to TEACH and bring them up in capabilities. Please bring back EJ!!

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On 11/15/2018 at 2:45 PM, lcarolynl said:


Chandler is such a bad boss!!! He's got a capable hard worker (Kate wishes she had such a capable and hard worker in the 3rd position!!) but he can't or won't give her an ounce of credit or train her to know the boat and it's responsibilities better! Remember EJ last year teaching the crew knots and things I'd think they'd know? He jumped in to TEACH and bring them up in capabilities. Please bring back EJ!!

Yes, this! I agree that Rhylee is difficult to work with. But in the end, she is very good with the guests and she is willing to work. While she might complain, she puts in the hours and effort. I agree, I wonder how EJ would be with a team that is willing to have a strong bosun, and no Nico to try and undermine him at every turn. 

Edited by nenya
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1 hour ago, maggiemae said:

Gotta say - why did Kate never give Caroline a book on making drinks?

ETA - or Caroline ask for one or use her smartphone?

I think Kate expected that Caroline knew how to make drinks, but honestly why didn’t Caroline simply google them rather than show her ineptitude?

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On 11/14/2018 at 3:52 AM, lcarolynl said:

I think it certainly looks like Captain Lee is firing someone on Kate’s crew and that has to be Caroline.

in a preview earlier this season Kate said something like, “Its her or me” and now we know Caroline can’t do the work and is creating weird paranoid drama everywhere she goes.

Based on the hallway standoff from some previews and Caroline’s comments on Twitter I think Cptn Lee physically removes her from the ship and she screams, cries, and fights the whole time.

At this point I think Caroline has some serious mental health issues. Stories about her mom’s dementia and now disappearing and her brother’s violent tendencies indicate some long term, familial problems coupled with her on board behavior and subsequent social media postings... she’s not okay.

oh there's no question she's "not ok." "not ok" is a very kind way of putting it! the woman is batshit, the definition of mentally fragile and mentally unstable. 

but Below Deck previews can be so misleading, so unless we specifically see a preview of Captain Lee telling someone they're fired, I tend to think it's all smoke and mirrors and nobody was fired. Caroline is so dramatic and crazy, it could very well be that nobody was fired and Caroline's just acting paranoid and over-reacting on Twitter now that she's getting all this negative feedback and reading/listening to snarky comments about her made by her castmates. She got really upset and went on a whole rant about Captain Lee in response to his 1 snarky tweet about her being injured one minute, then being able to walk on her foot perfectly fine the next. 

she's even accused josiah and kate of deliberately plotting against her to make her look crazy. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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10 hours ago, lcarolynl said:

Oh Rhylee, Rhylee, Rhylee! I am fully on her team even as I see how she's irritating her fellow crewmates. Ashton tells her to start unloading toys but she thinks Chandler told her something different and she KNOWS Chandler will rip her from stem to stern if she makes the teeny tiniest of mistakes. 

I notice Kate asked her to have towels ready when the guests returned and she was on it. She is willing and able to work hard and pitch in where and when asked but she is subject to irrational and unwarranted reaming from Chandler.


6 hours ago, nenya said:

Yes, this! I agree that Rhylee is difficult to work with. But in the end, she is very good with the guests and she is willing to work. While she might complain, she puts in the hours and effort. 

 I suspect Rhylee is trying to do her best but with Chandler being incompetent and such a misogynistic jerk she's pretty much blocked at every turn.  From the beginning she has tried to get direction and guidance from him and all she gets is crap.  She quickly learns that the smallest error earns more crap, so she starts asking questions, looking for clarification. Then she gets more crap for "attitude". 

 You can see this clearly when it came to putting out the water toys when she knew there was an excursion planned. I'd have been asking for clarification too!  Come to find out Chandler didn't even know about the excursion so his instructions to the crew were bogus.  How is it the bosun, the guy in charge of the deck crew, doesn't even know what the day's schedule is?

Chandler knows she has captained fishing boats and that's probably very threatening to him. I'm not going to pass judgment on her until I see how she operates under a competent bosun.

Edited by Skycatcher
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3 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

I think Kate expected that Caroline knew how to make drinks, but honestly why didn’t Caroline simply google them rather than show her ineptitude?

exactly, i remember thinking the same thing. and common sense will tell you that it's just rum, ice and pina colada mix. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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On 11/14/2018 at 10:23 AM, nr65000 said:

Caroline is a shit stirrer.  She was there when Kate said to not give feedback to the chef and the way she was so slimy when she said "soooo, you like feedback, right?????".  She knew exactly what she was doing and I'm glad she got it thrown in her face.  She is the worst sort of person who thrives in the negative.

As far as taking small children on vacation, I am all for it, however I honestly would be terrified to have little kiddos on a yacht like this.  Even with life jackets there just seems to be so many opportunities for a child to fall overboard and nobody notice.  There are lots of adults on board which also makes it more likely that the "I thought they were with you" scenario might happen.   I'm sure precautions were in place to ensure it didn't happen but it just made me nervous!

yup, that's part of why i was incredulous someone would bring small children on a yacht vacation. it seems like it'd be hard to relax and enjoy yourself when you have to constantly be concerned about the kids, too. i just think other types of vacations are better suited for children, like disney cruises! 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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On 11/14/2018 at 7:38 AM, Choco9 said:

Caroline should voluntarily leave the boat due to her foot.  The doctor doesn't know what is wrong after two visits and you are in Tahiti where you don't know what you may have contracted?  I'd be gone. 

We also are only hearing Caroline's version of the conversation with the doctor.   The doctor could have just as likely told her that it was a minor injury and would be fine, then responded "I don't know" to some sort of wacky thing she asked.

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5 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

exactly, i remember thinking the same thing. and common sense will tell you that it's just rum, ice and pina colada mix. 

Plus, the probable instructions on the pina colada mix bottle itself. 

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I'd like to think they are making pina coladas without bottle mix being they grow pineapples in Tahiti.  I'd also like to think they are utilizing fresh coconut instead of Coco Lopez, but that's a lot harder and requires a lot of prepping ahead of time.  Although, it wouldn't be outlandish to have Adrian deal with the coconuts and make a stockpile of supplies every few charters.

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Chandler didn't know about the excursion because his radio was off or on another channel; we saw all the other deckhands "copy" after hearing the Captain's deadline for the guests to be at the swim platform.  He apparently didn't pay any attention to it during the preference sheet meeting...though it was explicitly mentioned and one would think a competent bosun would have planned for it in advance.  But it's obvious that Chandler is not competent.  And excuse me, but if I were a paying customer who also saw the bags being loaded onto the tender, I would make sure the bags came off the tender too.  What's wrong with the guests that they didn't immediately notice they had no towels or water?  Just a, "Hey, can somebody run those bags back here while we swim with the fishes?"

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There is an expectation of pampering, of having every need met without having to think about it. However, if the primary can call Kate to get picked up it would have been just as easy to call Kate and say, "Hey we need towels." So yeah, there is some responsibility but still, for what they are paying, the expectation is carefree  pampering.

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The primary had Kate's cellphone number? That seems a little... odd?

Or maybe it's given to all the charterers? Or maybe production loaned the primary a phone? I guess Bravo could have a 'company' phone that they give to crew members for such a situation but you'd think they'd give it to the captain.

Then again, maybe Kate just readily gives out her number. Kate? Slip me an email, babe.

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20 hours ago, lcarolynl said:

Chandler didn't go with the guests as he should have. He should be hands on with the guests whenever possible and he should be bringing his best crewmate to assist, as when he failed to bring Rhylee fishing.


20 hours ago, lcarolynl said:

I notice Kate asked her to have towels ready when the guests returned and she was on it. She is willing and able to work hard and pitch in where and when asked but she is subject to irrational and unwarranted reaming from Chandler.

This is a good point. Chandler really hasn't been hands-on with the guests at all this season. Does he think it's totally up to interior to keep them happy? His understanding of yachting seems so minimal. 

And yes, Rhylee did jump into action for Kate. Maybe she should work interior. Not because she's a girl, but because she seems eager to please and could get away from inept, arrogant Chandler. 

Of course, the better option is to replace Chandler entirely. 

10 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

You can see this clearly when it came to putting out the water toys when she knew there was an excursion planned. I'd have been asking for clarification too!  Come to find out Chandler didn't even know about the excursion so his instructions to the crew were bogus.  How is it the bosun, the guy in charge of the deck crew, doesn't even know what the day's schedule is?

And the worst part about Chandler is, he's one of those pricks that CANNOT be told he's wrong by someone who's not his superior. He just can't handle it. Won't listen. Won't accept it. People like that infuriate me. You have to be open to the possibility that you're wrong. It won't ruin your life; I promise. 

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50 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

And the worst part about Chandler is, he's one of those pricks that CANNOT be told he's wrong by someone who's not his superior. He just can't handle it. Won't listen. Won't accept it.

Well to be fair, he cant tolerate criticism or feedback from his superior either, witness his calling Captain Lee and asshole when he departs the wheelhouse after getting his lame ass handed to him by Captain, and deservedly so.

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1 hour ago, gingerella said:

Well to be fair, he cant tolerate criticism or feedback from his superior either, witness his calling Captain Lee and asshole when he departs the wheelhouse after getting his lame ass handed to him by Captain, and deservedly so.

Fair point. I stand corrected. =)

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It was said that if someone has a prescription for something like Xanax then they can bring it when they go to another country.  That's actually not a given.  Some meds are banned in other countries or more highly controlled.  In those countries you often have to contact the appropriate department in the country, send your medication list and letters from your doctor, then they will approve your entry into the country or not with those medications.  In some of these countries, you're to do that just three weeks before you leave, so if you've made accommodations and bought tickets by then you're at risk of not being able to go.  Japan is one of these countries.  So I wouldn't assume that you can bring any meds just because you have a name on a prescription bottle.

 This might be down to editing, but did anyone notice what Caroline did in the last episode?  Kate asked her how her foot was, or Caroline went up to her and told her something like "It's better, it even looks less swollen." Yet when someone else asked (Adrian, maybe) if it was the same or any better, Caroline said "no better."  If that did happen that way, I think it was because Caroline knew she had used up Kate's store of tolerance for self-pity and she moved on to greener pastures.

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3 hours ago, Eater of Worlds said:

It was said that if someone has a prescription for something like Xanax then they can bring it when they go to another country.  That's actually not a given.  Some meds are banned in other countries or more highly controlled.  In those countries you often have to contact the appropriate department in the country, send your medication list and letters from your doctor, then they will approve your entry into the country or not with those medications.  In some of these countries, you're to do that just three weeks before you leave, so if you've made accommodations and bought tickets by then you're at risk of not being able to go.  Japan is one of these countries.  So I wouldn't assume that you can bring any meds just because you have a name on a prescription bottle.

 This might be down to editing, but did anyone notice what Caroline did in the last episode?  Kate asked her how her foot was, or Caroline went up to her and told her something like "It's better, it even looks less swollen." Yet when someone else asked (Adrian, maybe) if it was the same or any better, Caroline said "no better."  If that did happen that way, I think it was because Caroline knew she had used up Kate's store of tolerance for self-pity and she moved on to greener pastures.

Not to split hairs but I've never heard of anyone having legit Rxs taken away upon arrival in any country, and I've been to many. It's always best to have them in the legit prescription bottle they came in though, but it's never been an issue to anyone I know. Terrorism and associated contraband are priority #1 for countries when one goes through customs, personal meds, not so much.

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It's true that different countries have different medication rules.  You always need to check the consulate regulations for the country that you are going to before you travel to make sure that you are in compliance with the rules of that country.  

It seems to me that if Caroline really wanted to make sure that no one thought she was faking things, she could go out of her way to try to be more useful.  If I were her and I was being told to stay off my feet, then I would be saying, look, I can't be on service, but there's no reason I can't flip the laundry, fold the laundry at this table here while my foot is propped up.  I can lower the ironing board, etc.  Also, if we move the dishes down to here, I can wash them if I'm on a stool.  So, I can't flip a stateroom, but I'll take over all of this stuff until I can take back over the other stuff.  She's just all boohoo, I can't pour shots because I have an ouchie foot!

Chandler never seems to have his radio on.  He wasn't aware of any of the plans for the day, so he was having them drag out every toy, when they weren't going to use them.  Then he misses Ross asking if he should come back to the boat or not, Captain Lee is the one who said he should.  Chandler should have been out on the tender and should have made sure someone was stationed out there, what if one of the kids (or one of the adults, even), didn't want to be out there?  Maybe they didn't like the excursion, or didn't want to be out in the sun and wanted to head back to the boat, what were they supposed to do, just sit out there and wait until someone came to pick them up at some random time?  And then Chandler didn't even know where the hell they were?  It's crazy.

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Caroline dislike and I use that word loosely is over the top, she has been using #Me too insinuating something about Capt Lee and on Capt Lees twitter.  Capt Lee retweeted a tweet from Kelly - check out the comments in that thread -  people call out Caroline her center of attention and me me me is at an all time time and she can not admit she is wrong and she tries to back pedal but then says the same thing.  I hope this made sense

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5 hours ago, gingerella said:

Not to split hairs but I've never heard of anyone having legit Rxs taken away upon arrival in any country, and I've been to many. It's always best to have them in the legit prescription bottle they came in though, but it's never been an issue to anyone I know. Terrorism and associated contraband are priority #1 for countries when one goes through customs, personal meds, not so much.

As @Eater of Worlds said, Japan. People have had their meds taken from them and been arrested.

Singapore, United Arab Emirates, much of the Middle East, and Southeast Asia are pretty bad too. However, Japan is the one that everyone talks about because a bunch of over the counter and prescription medications are illegal there. Even for some of the over the counter meds that are "legal" there have dosage limits that don't match anything that you can buy in the US. Like allowing people to have OTC medications that have 10mg or less of the active ingredient per dose, but that product is only available at 25mg in the US.



Edited by HunterHunted
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16 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Singapore, United Arab Emirates, much of the Middle East, and Southeast Asia are pretty bad too.

One time my friend Samantha, she's a publicist, was going on a business trip to Abu Dhabi and she had all kinds of OTC hormone creams because she was going through menopause and they got confiscated on the way into the country.  Then she got kicked out of the country for making out on the beach.  She also almost started a riot in the souq by dressing scantily, yelling, and flinging around condoms.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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5 hours ago, smores said:

It's true that different countries have different medication rules.  You always need to check the consulate regulations for the country that you are going to before you travel to make sure that you are in compliance with the rules of that country.  

It seems to me that if Caroline really wanted to make sure that no one thought she was faking things, she could go out of her way to try to be more useful.  If I were her and I was being told to stay off my feet, then I would be saying, look, I can't be on service, but there's no reason I can't flip the laundry, fold the laundry at this table here while my foot is propped up.  I can lower the ironing board, etc.  Also, if we move the dishes down to here, I can wash them if I'm on a stool.  So, I can't flip a stateroom, but I'll take over all of this stuff until I can take back over the other stuff.  She's just all boohoo, I can't pour shots because I have an ouchie foot!

Chandler never seems to have his radio on.  He wasn't aware of any of the plans for the day, so he was having them drag out every toy, when they weren't going to use them.  Then he misses Ross asking if he should come back to the boat or not, Captain Lee is the one who said he should.  Chandler should have been out on the tender and should have made sure someone was stationed out there, what if one of the kids (or one of the adults, even), didn't want to be out there?  Maybe they didn't like the excursion, or didn't want to be out in the sun and wanted to head back to the boat, what were they supposed to do, just sit out there and wait until someone came to pick them up at some random time?  And then Chandler didn't even know where the hell they were?  It's crazy.

Didn't the last group go to swim with the sharks and rays? I assumed Chandler knew where it was. Idiot.

I think if had been Lee, after the last debacle I would have told Chandler to have me a daily schedule for the next charter. Can't believe he didn't know what they are doing every day. Can you imagine if Adrian acted like that? Just get up every day and start cooking something and putting it on the table whenever he felt like it.

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@yourmomiseasy Ha Ha!

5 hours ago, 1SimonMom said:

Caroline dislike and I use that word loosely is over the top, she has been using #Me too insinuating something about Capt Lee and on Capt Lees twitter.  Capt Lee retweeted a tweet from Kelly - check out the comments in that thread -  people call out Caroline her center of attention and me me me is at an all time time and she can not admit she is wrong and she tries to back pedal but then says the same thing.  I hope this made sense

I've seen a lot of comments calling Caroline crazier than Rocky. Rocky wasn't crazy; she was lazy, spoiled, and entitled. She was Sam 2.0. Jenderella is another variation on that personality type. Sierra was just fucking dumb. Kat was a semi housebroken party girl. Bri was competent, but very wedded to this idea of being the hot girl that all the guys wanted. Rabbity Emily is her upper class Regency equivalent. Adrienne was stressed, high strung, and cursed with the undermining and insubordinate Sam and Kat as her interior crew. Amy was basically perfect. Josiah is essentially Kate. However, Caroline is actually unstable and paranoid. She does not appear to have the resilience necessary to film this show. She's too raw and fragile.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Ok, Caroline, to her credit, at least clarified: 

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/6P4SDIM"><a href="//imgur.com/6P4SDIM"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Screen Shot 2018-11-17 at 1.18.33 AM.png

Edited by SheTalksShit
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2 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

One time my friend Samantha, she's a publicist, was going on a business trip to Abu Dhabi and she had all kinds of OTC hormone creams because she was going through menopause and they got confiscated on the way into the country.  Then she got kicked out of the country for making out on the beach.  She also almost started a riot in the souq by dressing scantily, yelling, and flinging around condoms.

She sounds like a perfect candidate for one of the Housewives franchises.  ;-)

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Hi She Talks Shit, in reference you pointing out that Caroline clarified her tweet about ME Too and Capt Lee, read the post under Kelley in the thread,  Caroline is only trying to cover her self and she is doing a bad job.  Caroline is supposed to be a college educated woman and a psychology major if I remember, she knew exactly what she was doing and is now trying to play the victim by saying I did not mean how it sounded poor poor me, no understands me.  Caroline gives women a bad name by saying something like what she said and other things and she knows its true.  Below Deck casting got what they wanted from her, DRAMA, DRAMA.

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12 hours ago, gingerella said:

Not to split hairs but I've never heard of anyone having legit Rxs taken away upon arrival in any country, and I've been to many. It's always best to have them in the legit prescription bottle they came in though, but it's never been an issue to anyone I know. Terrorism and associated contraband are priority #1 for countries when one goes through customs, personal meds, not so much.


8 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

As @Eater of Worlds said, Japan. People have had their meds taken from them and been arrested.

Singapore, United Arab Emirates, much of the Middle East, and Southeast Asia are pretty bad too. However, Japan is the one that everyone talks about because a bunch of over the counter and prescription medications are illegal there. Even for some of the over the counter meds that are "legal" there have dosage limits that don't match anything that you can buy in the US. Like allowing people to have OTC medications that have 10mg or less of the active ingredient per dose, but that product is only available at 25mg in the US.



UAE just changed their laws a couple of months ago.  ALL prescriptions must be preapproved before arriving in the country.  Several prescriptions are either outlawed or tightly controlled (including Adderall which made it difficult for parents with kids who were ADHD). If you show up with unapproved prescriptions, they can and will confiscate them plus other various punishments dependent on your attitude and what country you are from. So, even my 75 year old dad with a pacemaker and a lengthy history of cardiac issues would have to have his anti-coagulant, hypertension med, Lasix, and pot-chlor Pre-approved or else they would be confiscated. 

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8 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

One time my friend Samantha, she's a publicist, was going on a business trip to Abu Dhabi and she had all kinds of OTC hormone creams because she was going through menopause and they got confiscated on the way into the country.  Then she got kicked out of the country for making out on the beach.  She also almost started a riot in the souq by dressing scantily, yelling, and flinging around condoms.

Hmmm.... sounds surprisingly like Samantha Jones's main storyline from the movie Sex and the City 2 ;) 

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On 11/14/2018 at 8:10 PM, DebbieM4 said:

Rhylee annoys me, even when I see that she's pleasant to guests, etc.  She feels her position is beneath her, and she can't get past that.  She took this job, so she really needs to accept that this is what it is.  And the same complaints over and over are like nails on a chalkboard to me.  I understand her frustration, but speaking to people the way she does is unacceptable.   She has enough experience to realize that being disrespectful is not a great idea, and she was outrageously disrespectful to Chandler very, very early on.  He's no prize, that's for sure, but her outright disrespect from the beginning set the tone for the problems between them, IMO, so I have no sympathy for her. 


You and I disagree somewhat on Rhylee. She is very rude, yes VERY RUDE, at times but I think she's ok being low man on the totem pole. She's willing to work, unlike her boson, and willing to learn. Her resentment and complaints have always been not being taught to be a yacht deckhand, not given opportunities to learn nor excel at what she's good at (fishing), contempt and lack of communication from her boson. Those are valid complaints. Not to mention she's getting chewed our for following orders, having higher-ups tell her two different things, being laughed at for what she doesn't know. 

It sounds like a broken record because she has a shitty entitled bosun who is just as disrespectful of those above and below him, who also doesn't have a clue about leadership, management, teaching, nor seeing and evaluating a situation nor his crew. More He's not addressing the problems and create a solution. It's happening again, and again, and again. 

All of the crew under him are frustrated and bitching about him. She is aggravating because she's rude and inappropriately vocal at times.

I think under a different boson we might see a different Rhylee.


Edited to add: I saw it as they were both disrespectful to each other early on. Rhylee was harsh but Chandler was very condescending towards her. 

Edited by Giselle
Can't keep my big mouth shut.
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