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But the item said Whoopi hates "mouthy."  She couldn't possibly hate Meredith, could she?  Could anyone, lol?   And who would ever label Meredith as being "mouthy?"  Nah, can't be her.  I wish it was but it doesn't fit.

Neither does Joy.  The item says "Mouthy" is a former cast member.  God it couldn't be Hasselbeck, could it?  haa just kidding

Sherri has moved on to other things and she is not at all up to the task of moderating, anyway.  Not enough brain cells. 

Who else is there?  Everyone hated Jenny McCarthy.  They would never bring her back.  Rosie Perez wouldn't give this show the time of day after the way they treated her (I hope).  I doubt Paula Farris would either.  It ain't Raven (see description of Sherri above).  

Michelle Collins? She's kind of mouthy, but did Whoopi "hate" her?  Oooohhhhh  Star Jones!!!!  Maybe it's her.  She wasn't on the show while Whoopi was, was she?  But that doesn't mean Whoopi doesn't hate her.  Lots of people hate Star, lol.  Isn't she living in Chicago with some dude or something?  Is she even on TV any more?  

I could live with Star.  Maybe.  But I still think the item just screams out Whoopi/Rosie.  I really want this to come to something and not just be a rumor.  Even if Rosie doesn't come back, I would still enjoy the producers attempting to replace Whoopi with her and Whoopi flipping when she found out.  Like she owns the damn show and has a say in what goes on after she is GONE.  Pull-eeeze! 

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Rosie would be crazy to come back, cuz it would give Drumpf a prime deflection target, and I don't want to see anyone hurt by such an asshole.

BTW, I saw Michelle Collins interviewing the Little Women of LA on a  special.  I didn't recognize her although I knew I knew her. She grew her bangs out.  She overtly, ridiculously sucked up to those little ladies.  Have some dignity,  woman.  

Edited by Tosia
Texting is not the sane as typing. Or same.
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On 4/16/2017 at 1:35 PM, Fatkat said:

“You black stabber”!

[slow clap] Awesome!

17 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Neither does Joy.  The item says "Mouthy" is a former cast member.  God it couldn't be Hasselbeck, could it?  haa just kidding

SHUT UP!  Don't even say that [runs away screaming].

2 hours ago, Tosia said:

BTW, I saw Michelle Collins interviewing the Little Women of LA on a  special.  I didn't recognize her although I knew I knew her. She grew her bangs out.  She overtly, ridiculously sucked up to those little ladies.  Have some dign

Damn it!  Now I have to watch that crap?  Of course I do.

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Hasselbeck is looking for a job because she committed the ultimate FOX sin, she aged. I don't know if I would describe her as mouthy, more like under educated. 

Once again, I would like to add Whoopi just ignores the audience at the view where all previous moderators used to talk to the audience during commercials,  actually all the people on now seem to ignore the audience, don't know if that is a rule. or something. 

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Worth mentioning that I Googled this morning to see if any gossip rags were possibly talking about the story and I saw recent news from earlier this month that Rosie sold her home in Chicago and is moving to New York. Hmmm. Who knows. If Whoopi is leaving, I wouldn't mind Rosie returning if it kept Paula or someone worse from joining the table daily. Jedi is unbearable enough when she's solo, and then throw in Sunny on the social issues...

  • Love 1
58 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Worth mentioning that I Googled this morning to see if any gossip rags were possibly talking about the story and I saw recent news from earlier this month that Rosie sold her home in Chicago and is moving to New York.

She sold the home as soon as her Chicago-based talk show was cancelled, five years ago. It went on the market again this week, but Rosie is not the seller or owner. (Chicago has few celebrities outside of sports or politics, so that's why the sale of the former home of a celebrity made news.)

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Worth mentioning that I Googled this morning to see if any gossip rags were possibly talking about the story and I saw recent news from earlier this month that Rosie sold her home in Chicago and is moving to New York. Hmmm. Who knows. If Whoopi is leaving, I wouldn't mind Rosie returning if it kept Paula or someone worse from joining the table daily. Jedi is unbearable enough when she's solo, and then throw in Sunny on the social issues...

I think Rosie is selling her house on Long Island and moving to NYC for school for Dakota.  

I believe the rumor about Whoopie having a bad reaction to Rosie coming back as her replacement.  This is not the first time that Whoopie has had a meltdown.  You guys forgot when she spoke in a slave dialect, referring to ABC as her master, calling herself the N word and screaming it is a 12 year a Whoopie, in an effort, to rattle the producers, for a perceived insult on their part.  LMAO.... Whatever it was that caused her to react in such a petulant manner must have worked because they gave in to her demands. If Rosie coming back has put the movie star in a foul mood, then, I am all for it. Welcome back Rosie! You have been missed..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 6

You posted it to ruin my day, @Jaded, admit it.  Well you succeeded!!!!!!  

Just kidding.  But man it is some bullshit that Whoopi is sticking around.  I cringed reading her name in that story.  It made it real.  It made it true. 

Having been on a long break from the show and reading the names of who will there when they return, it was Whoopi and Jediblahblah who I realized I was most dreading.  And I have to admit, the bloom is off of Sunny Hostin for me a bit, as much as I liked her originally.  That leaves ... Joy and Sarah?  And occasionally Paul-ugh Faris.  

I am not sure I will be watching this show very much this coming season.  I just don't wanna hear what I know I will hear from Whoopi and Jed - the rants, the lectures, the excuses, the LIES.  Don't wanna see Sunny bat her lashes or see Paula clutch her pearls. Don't want to hear Joy's stale jokes.  Has it really turned out that Sara is the only one of them that doesn't make me want to cancel my cable subscription?  If you'd told me that her first season, I would never have believed it.

I can't WAIT to see who the guests for the first week are going to be.  They were really scraping the bottom of the barrel last season, but if ratings really are as good as they say in that article, maybe they will finally be able to get some decent people to appear on the show. 

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4 minutes ago, Dissy said:

Just saw this about Barbara Walters. Don't know how accurate it is but sad if true.


I think there must be some truth to it. BW hasn't been making any appearances on the show when it would seem she would be there like when Meredith and the others showed up for the retrospective. BW is vain and if she isn't doing the botox or whatever she was doing anymore then she wouldn't go on camera. If she does have dementia then she wouldn't want to show the world that either.

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22 minutes ago, rcc said:

I think there must be some truth to it. BW hasn't been making any appearances on the show when it would seem she would be there like when Meredith and the others showed up for the retrospective. BW is vain and if she isn't doing the botox or whatever she was doing anymore then she wouldn't go on camera. If she does have dementia then she wouldn't want to show the world that either.

Oh man :(  I remember the last time I saw her and noticing how frail she looked.  That Dem/Alz is the cruelest of diseases.  For a family member to lose the ability to remember their whole life, all the memories, the good times and bad.  Its so tragic when the ones you've loved your whole life.  They've always been there. And now they're not. Mentally or physically.  That's so cruel, so very mean and heartbreaking.  I've lost several relatives but the worst is right now.  My older sister (she's only 56).  She's progressed from dementia to alzheimerz.  

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, Tammee said:

Oh man :(  I remember the last time I saw her and noticing how frail she looked.  That Dem/Alz is the cruelest of diseases.  For a family member to lose the ability to remember their whole life, all the memories, the good times and bad.  Its so tragic when the ones you've loved your whole life.  They've always been there. And now they're not. Mentally or physically.  That's so cruel, so very mean and heartbreaking.  I've lost several relatives but the worst is right now.  My older sister (she's only 56).  She's progressed from dementia to alzheimerz.  

Awww Tammee, my heart goes out to you!!!

  • Love 4

That sounds true to me, too. Barbara never bothered me as much as many here during the Year of Barbara (mostly because the other three that year were worse, and I thought as the creator of the show, she did deserve the fanfare), but you could tell she had difficulty walking, looked frail, and had difficulty keeping up with the pace of the conversation (sometimes repeating things already said). It didn't bother me because I've always been around people that age and that's not something that can be controlled.  And at least she tried to prepare ahead of time to make up for her failings. I hope she doesn't have dementia/Alzheimer's though; that's not something I'd wish on anyone (my grandmother had it, sadly).

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Well, Paula's still around (she also happens to be better than the fired co-hosts before and after her). From what I've seen of Meghan elsewhere, my impression is of someone extremely snotty and bratty, who only has a career because of her daddy. Still, I'll take her--well, just about anyone--over Jedilyingliarwholies.

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1 hour ago, buffynut said:

I've never seen Meghan McCain, so I'll give her a chance.  It would be nice to watch a conservative co-host who wasn't loud, abrasive and downright unlikable.  

I think I only ever saw her once when she was either a guest host on this show or just a guest, and I don't recall her being obnoxious or annoying. However, with her father's current illness, and how she's been defending him against 45, I don't expect her to be defending him or making excuses for him, like Jedifoxbot was. So like you, I will do a wait and see.

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2 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Was this back in 2009? Or during Obama's second term? I've seen every episode within the past six years, I think (because I didn't know he had his own show almost a year after Politically Incorrect was cancelled, so discovered this show late), but I don't remember this one. She came of more as uninformed, but not terribly obnoxious, like the Shebeast, Jedifoxbot, the Cryptkeeper and others of their ilk have done. Though I did snort and laugh at Begala's "I wasn't born during the French Revolution, but know of it." I just fucking love him.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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