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The View in the Media


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Meh, this is really just more of the same basic rumors that have been circling for months, although some of the salary/contract term specifics (if true) are new. Correct me if I'm wrong, but The View doesn't follow GMA in any market, does it? I know on the West Coast GMA has always (or at least for decades) been followed at 9 AM by Live. The View airs at 10 AM here after Live. They may well be considering expanding GMA, but the way this article links that directly to a cancellation of The View, and the way it implies that they hoped GMA's improved ratings would have anything to do with The View's ratings sounds very suspect to me since GMA is not it's lead-in in any market (I don't think). As I usually do with these kinds of stories, I just assume that there are a few bites of fact with a big side helping of BS and rumor.

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and the way it implies that they hoped GMA's improved ratings would have anything to do with The View's ratings sounds very suspect to me since GMA is not it's lead-in in any market (I don't think).  

Here, it's GMA, Live, Ellen and then The View. Where my daughter is, Rachel Ray is on before The View. Without a set schedule across the board, I can't see linking the ratings to GMA.

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Where I live, Dr. Phil re-runs and The Queen Latifah Show air between GMA and The View.


Re:the show's possible end--if nothing else, it'd make more sense to fire everyone and go back to unknowns like the first season if they want smaller paychecks. I'm actually surprised Rosie O's pay is that high (if true). Unfortunately, that may end up playing against her when they think about what to do next year. I always wondered if that might have hurt Joy, too, considering her check had probably amounted after being on the show for years.

Variety is reporting that Rosie P is on her way out due to among things "unable to read from the TelePrompter."


OY! If Jenny McCarthy can last longer than Rosie P, that's a problem.

I was just coming here to post that myself. Not all that surprising I suppose. She was an odd and surprising choice for the panel to begin with. Where Nicolle fairly consistently improved within the format over time, RP never seemed to even begin to settle in and looked just as uncomfortable on her last day as she did on her first. Perhaps this explains why they've been overloading the table with guest hosts.

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I like Rosie P. but I don't think she is working out.  I think she probably has a lot of pain and/or discomfort from her neck injury a few years ago.  There are times where she holds her neck and back very stiff and straight and appears to be in pain. The tension at that table doesn't help either.  Nicolle said that she sweats when the tension rises.

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I am disappointed as well. Yes, Rosie's accent puts off a lot of people who aren't used to hearing an ethnic NY accent but she sounds a lot like my grandmother's family so her accent is just fine with me. She's also a pretty decent actress and hard worker and I like some of her opinions and take on things so I am sorry if this rumor is true.


The past two days with that Nia Rivera talking about white people showering... I did NOT get the impression she was joking when she first said it; today of course it was written off to a joke. It wasn't a joke when she first said it. She meant it. Would much rather have Rosie back than someone who excuses herself by saying 'it was just a joke' when it wasn't.

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This is the line from that Variety article that I found interesting:


More changes in staffing — both behind and in front of the camera — are said to be in the works


Sounds like someone else might be on her way out.


I'm about 200% over my Mario Cantone tolerance level, so enough already!  There's no reason for there to be 5 sitting at the table on a daily basis.

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I don't really dislike Rosie P, but I haven't been missing her these last 2 weeks either.  So if she doesn't come back, that will be fine with me.


I like Mario, but in small doses, not every day.  But maybe it would be a neat twist to have a male as the 5th co-host.  It would certainly bring a different perspective to the table. But it would take away the original vision of 5 women of different ages, but then that hasn't been the case in years. 


If they HAVE to have 5 co-hosts, I'd like the 5th one to be revolving, but pulled from a small group of people, so you get to know them, but not tire of them. LIke in the beginning, when Barbara wasn't on all the time, it was a *treat* to see her when she showed up to join the others. 

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I really dislike when articles are written in a way that presents opinions of one or a few as fact and/or the opinion of most.  Granted, I'm behind on The View episodes, but I just watched about two weeks worth of shows and I didn't see a problem with Rosie's performance whatsoever.  I like her a lot on the show.  She brings intelligence, knowledge and common sense while not backing down from Whoopi unlike Jenny, Sherri and Elisabeth used to do.  What I like is that Whoopi cannot steamroll any of the women on the panel.  To me, the #1 problem on the show is Whoopi who uses her moderator position to shut down conversation she doesn't agree with and/or get the last word in.  She doesn't moderate at all.  She brings more tensity.

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Would much rather have Rosie back than someone who excuses herself by saying 'it was just a joke' when it wasn't.


I'd rather have a show that was unafraid to say something controversial or even a bit offensive without having to do a large-scale apology the next day.


Make sparks!  Just be sure to pee on them the next day to avoid a fire.

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On Ask Ro someone asked Rosie who is the "they" that wants to have 5 co-hosts and she responded, "the network."




I would believe that.  ABC probably thinks with five people at the table there will be at least one person for everyone in the audience to like or identify with.  The problem with that is if you only like one and dislike the other four you will probably tune out.  Which is what I did.  I loved Joy and when she left there was nobody on the show I liked.

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I believe that one of the ways ABC got Rosie back was to allow her to be producer--so that tells me she has some say in who will appear as a guest co-host, no?


So, I don't think she'll say 'Velcome, Open Arms' to that twat, Shepard.


And if I am proven wrong, on both things (Rosie P. leaving, Shepard ultimately appearing), I will happily grumpily eat Crow.

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ABC news is fully denying the stuff about RosieP, but Variety isn't The Mail or TMZ.

That was my thought as well. Variety, while certainly not shy about printing well sourced Industry rumor, isn't known for being a blatant gossip rag per se, so unless that has changed (which is certainly possible) I have to think they were at least reasonably confident in their sourcing before they ran with the story. Of course, that doesn't mean they didn't get it wrong nevertheless. Either way we'll know soon enough.

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I actually think the show works better with 5 co-hosts. Of course, not if they're all actors/comedians around the same age, but with a diverse cast, 5 is great. I still say the best solution would be to get rid of Whoopi, bring Joy back to sit in the middle, and then hire a fifth younger co-host. Either have Rosie O be the moderator or hire a young co-host who could fill that role.


I'm not sure how to feel about these articles. On the one hand, this did happen with Elisabeth, Joy, Sherri, and Jenny, and they let the co-hosts save face by "quitting." On the other hand, the media has been creating these stories and salivating for drama the moment Rosie O returned to the show--so I take them less seriously than I might have. Still, I don't doubt executives are thinking of ways to work on the show, but I can't believe they see Rosie P as a "problem." Although I think the supposed backstage problems with makeup artists/stylists are probably true.

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In addition to the obvious problem(s) The View has with its on-air personnel and its production staff, it seems they need to address the probability that there is a serious leak from their inside staff. TPTB must be going f*n nuts trying to figure out who the loose lips belong to, and this has been going on for a very long time.  Whoever it is better be getting paid well by the recipients of their info because at some point they're going to be quite unemployed and unemployable...it better be worth it to him/her.  There's most likely a Confidentiality Agreement that's been broken, and that can mean big, sue-able bucks when the perpetrator is found out.  Wouldn't wanna' be in their shoes!

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I believe that one of the ways ABC got Rosie back was to allow her to be producer--so that tells me she has some say in who will appear as a guest co-host, no?

Is RO a producer on the show?     I thought that one way ABC got RO to come back was to get rid of Sweaty Geddie - something I remember because it was a double win for me.  



I think they are true too.  Someone is going to get blamed for the terrible ratings, and for some reason ABC likes Whoopi.

Five million reasons a year  if the reported salaries are correct  and since Sherri was getting something like $3 million a year it sounds about right.  To get rid of Whoopi for the 18th season (and really give it a fresh new overhaul) would have cost $10 million dollars.  Now, I think it would have been worth it  (shocker!) but I'm not a network numbers cruncher.


As far a the reports in the rags go, I think the Rosie P going through hairstylists, makeup artists, and assistants is probably true.  Not sure about the rest but after all these years I'd believe Variety over ABC any day. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I won't miss Rosie P at all.

Seems to me the guest co-hosts are not known for their brains. And the show used to have some.....BW (back in the day), Lisa, Star, Meredith and Joy. I think RO does, and Nicole. Elizabeth, Sherri, Jenny, Rosie P....just no. Nor Whoopi.

IMO the show needs to figure out if they are news or entertainment, or both and I don't think they do either well. Especially when Whoopi is the mod.

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Does Barbara still have a piece of this show?  And if so, how involved is she with Geddie these days.  Nothing worse than an aging, bitter, pink slipped producer who probably still hears the dirt and has the rags on speed dial.  I just find it ugly that this show seems to be leaking dirt weekly.  Even the Today Show gossip isn't as frequent in the media as The View.

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So tonight Extra led with a story about Rosie O having a screaming fight backstage with a producer yesterday and they said she was upset and accusing the production person of "leaking stories to create drama" to the press.    

There have been blind items at CDAN since the show started in the fall about someone in production doing that to bring attention to the show and keep it in the press.



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Does Barbara still have a piece of this show?  And if so, how involved is she with Geddie these days.  Nothing worse than an aging, bitter, pink slipped producer who probably still hears the dirt and has the rags on speed dial.  I just find it ugly that this show seems to be leaking dirt weekly.  Even the Today Show gossip isn't as frequent in the media as The View.

Dizzy, she still gets a check of some kind for a (producer credit) but I honestly don't believe she's been involved in the decision-making for years, including her own retirement.  


I'm not so sure the show is leaking dirt - The Daily Mail is kind of famous for making stuff up and/or taking some snippet and blowing it up to a big deal, plus [as car54 noted] there is the theory of keeping the show in the tabloids means keeping the show on people's minds.  For all we know, TPTB are leaking this stuff to keep their show front and center (or at least to the side) of the tabs. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Why does this stuff always get heated on Thursdays?  Now we're hanging until Monday.


I wish I better understood what RO's role is, I thought I remembered when the deal was being negotiated that she would have an integral production role, like it was negotiated for her to have that since Whoopi would be continuing as Moderator - a sharing of power so to speak.


Who knows, and as far as RosieP goes, I just have to wonder if the hair and makeup thing leads back to her injury - and that it's just easier and less painful for her to do it herself instead of having someone poking and prodding at her, a diva, she has never struck me as.


This is all disappointing, I was so excited for this season and it just seems like it's falling apart.

Edited by NextIteration
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Sherri's take on The View: http://blackamericaw...rgans-comeback/




Wow Sherri is beyond obnoxious.  She says something about "until they do right by her".  WTF does that mean?  They employed her for seven years even though she sucked at  her job.  Unless her job was to represent the complete morons in the audience.  And then she says Joy has been invited back.  Barbara has been invited back.  Sherri, if you haven't been invited back it's because they DO NOT WANT YOU BACK.  And considering she dissed Rosie O a few months back I wouldn't be expecting an invitation any time soon.

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I can totally see these rumors being created by ABC to drum up interest in the show.


Then again, I can totally see Rosie Perez "resigning" once the play is under way because doing both jobs is too time-consuming.


How interesting would it be for Rosie O's daughter Chelsea to guest-host?  I think that would be a scream.


And speaking of screaming, if Michelle Williams comes back, that's what I'll be doing.

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I've called the Rosie P not coming back after the play starts card since we figured out she wasn't a right fit on the show.  


Does Sherri really think she is going to be asked back to co-host?  I read that interview upthread and I can't believe she told the story about Babs reprimanding her on stage during a show, that seemed like a private reprimand by a boss and she ends up telling the story for the world to hear...how stupid.  Part of me thinks they might invite her back to see if she might boost ratings, but then again she dissed Rosie O compounded w/the fact that Rosie O won't put up w/her stupidity.  


I also think that Whoopi was told to take an extended vacation and she chose to get surgery for a pre-existing condition during the time.

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That Sherri interview is amazing in that she manages to insult three people. She implies that Whoopi isn't really suffering from a back problem, but just "needed a break." She then compares Rosie P unfavorably to herself, bragging that they never had to approach *her* in the first four months of her job, unlike Rosie P (nyah nyah). And the Barbara Walters story - "little woman", baring her teeth. She has totally burned her bridges there.

Joy has had run-ins with Bawa (even briefly being fired) but didn't mention it for years - and now discusses it as a joke. Bits wisely refuses to talk at all about her time there. Nor did Rosie talk about Bawa after the first stint. Bawa's influence and power in the industry is waning,but I still would not want to cross her. Plus it makes Sherri look unprofessional and bitter.

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That Sherri interview is amazing in that she manages to insult three people. She implies that Whoopi isn't really suffering from a back problem, but just "needed a break." She then compares Rosie P unfavorably to herself, bragging that they never had to approach *her* in the first four months of her job, unlike Rosie P (nyah nyah). And the Barbara Walters story - "little woman", baring her teeth. She has totally burned her bridges there.


According to Sherri we won't be seeing her on The View: https://twitter.com/SherriEShepherd/status/556226101815812096

Somebody w/ a twitter account please comment "it also helps that they haven't actually asked you back to co-host either."


I thought Rosie did talk about her time after the View regarding how Babs stabbed her in the back during the feud w/Trump by siding w/her on the show then was still friendly w/him outside of work.  Didn't her book Audition talk about all of that time on the View basically.

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That Sherri interview is amazing in that she manages to insult three people. She implies that Whoopi isn't really suffering from a back problem, but just "needed a break." She then compares Rosie P unfavorably to herself, bragging that they never had to approach *her* in the first four months of her job, unlike Rosie P (nyah nyah). And the Barbara Walters story - "little woman", baring her teeth. She has totally burned her bridges there.


Well,  those were the Geddie days - clearly standards were much lower.    I'd rather see this whole show blow up than Sherri and her mouth back on The View. 


Somebody w/ a twitter account please comment "it also helps that they haven't actually asked you back to co-host either."


I thought Rosie did talk about her time after the View regarding how Babs stabbed her in the back during the feud w/Trump by siding w/her on the show then was still friendly w/him outside of work.  Didn't her book Audition talk about all of that time on the View basically.

I never read Audition because watching the show the year it came out seemed like I'd already heard enough about it.  Plus an entire hour of her on Oprah.  But I do remember RO discussing it - at least on her blog.  She said she felt stabbed in the back and took responsibility for her rift with Babs, saying she [RO] blew up at her[babs] and felt like she might have frightened her.  RO also said that she made the mistake of thinking Babs was some sort of mother figure and feminist when really Babs just played by the Good Ol Boys rules.   I'm glad RO has evolved to where she could reconnect with Babs without expectations. 

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