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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Adams gross, but I just caught up on the latest episodes and I can't with Chelsea anymore.  Everyone gave her a pass because she didn't get knocked up again.  That wasn't her choice, she just didn't have a man to do it to her.  She was sleeping with Adam still right up to Cole.  The baby voice, the clinginess, the wanting Cole to be Aubree's father is so embarrassing.  Now she's got Cole doing the baby voice and I can't take 2 of them doing it now.  Aubree is I think the prettiest of the babies, but has turned into a spoiled tantrum thrower that I can see growing up to be just how Chelsea is. I can barely watch her scenes anymore.

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I keep hearing about all of these bratty tantrums that Aubree keeps having but I sure don't remember them. I've seen it maybe 2 or 3 times which is pretty damn normal for a kid that age. We've seen every kid on this show have tantrums but only Aubree's keep being mentioned.

She seems like a normal kid to me.

As far as her not getting pregnant because she didn't have a man, that's why I like her so much. She's attractive, on TV and has money, she could have found a guy at any time to latch onto and have kids with but she didn't.

The baby talk is nothing in the Grand scheme of things. Who the fuck cares what her voice sounds like?! I'd rather hear a nice person baby talk than to hear somebody like Jenelle bitch and complain in a normal voice.

If Aubree does grow up to be just like Chelsea, how is that bad? Chelsea is a nice person, has a career and has a great family, is a great mom and doesn't seem to have a mean bone in her body. Yeah, it would be horrible if Aubree grew up to be like that.

Edited by Maharincess
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I'm an NPR listener and they have been doing a series on opiate addiction in the past few weeks. From what i understand opiate pills like oxy are supposed to be time released when taken orally. Hence they cover them with a very hard substance that has to be broken down by digestive acids. But for addicts, just taking a pill and letting it time release does not provide the rush or high they are wanting, so they crush the pills and snort them. So you ncan imagine a pill that is supposed to release of a course of 8 hours hits like a hammer. Apparently the manufacturers have tried putting thicker stronger coatings on the pills, but the addicts find away around them. It's actually quite elaborate how they create little machines to crack teh coating and then heat to dissolve it.

So I'm not surprised by the orange thing thing in the car. She probably snorts through it after she crushes the pills.

Its ,really sad that she has probably blown every cent of TM money on pillses. I knew a guy who had a knee replacement and got hooked. He was taking like 25 a day. His wife would doctorand pharmacy shop with him. As long as Leah has money to blow on it, she will continue down that road unless she gets help. Opiates are not something that can be ,stopped cold turkey. She will need in patient care to beat it.

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Well she admitted to her mom before she went off to rehab that she had been prescribed Percocet and Vicodin after her pregnancy (which I find highly unlikely). And she always complains about being "overprescribed" her anxiety meds, which probably means she's abusing them, since if she felt she was "overprescribed" she could just lower her dosage herself because it's not like there's a doctor with a gun to her head slamming pills down her throat. 

Yeah, although sometimes it does in fact take quite a while to figure out your appropriate dosage.


What's the latest on TR Dues? I can't actually find anything.

Edited by Lm2162
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The Ashley just posted a story about the Steve Harvey appearance tomorrow, and as predicted Leah avoids the issue by asking questions that were not asked... Color me shocked. What I don't understand is why is Kail going!? I can kinda somewhat get sad panda, I don't think he'll add anything or help but he is a "dr" that has dealt with Leah for a few years, but what the hall does Kail add? Unless it's unrelated and the show topic is teen mom and Kail is there unrelated to Leah I guess.

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leighroda, on 17 Apr 2016 - 10:39 PM, said:

The Ashley just posted a story about the Steve Harvey appearance tomorrow, and as predicted Leah avoids the issue by asking questions that were not asked... Color me shocked. What I don't understand is why is Kail going!? I can kinda somewhat get sad panda, I don't think he'll add anything or help but he is a "dr" that has dealt with Leah for a few years, but what the hall does Kail add? Unless it's unrelated and the show topic is teen mom and Kail is there unrelated to Leah I guess.


The show description in my guide addressing guests sad panda, Leah, and Kail says "Dr. Drew Pinsky and two young women from 'Teen Mom 2' answer questions from teen mothers."

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Nope. Not watching it. Leah is getting "role model" confused with "cautionary tale". Saying she has nothing to gain from being on TM2/this show... $$$ spring to my mind... The only person she's helping is herself. Lying, hypocritical POS.

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The show description in my guide addressing guests sad panda, Leah, and Kail says "Dr. Drew Pinsky and two young women from 'Teen Mom 2' answer questions from teen mothers."

The only question these two can honestly answer for any teen girls is "how do I sell myself to MTV so I can get on the gravy train w you?".

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what the hall does Kail add? Unless it's unrelated and the show topic is teen mom and Kail is there unrelated to Leah I guess.

Well, if anyone could use a vacation, it would be....

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While checking the TV listings in my area for the Steve Harvey show, I saw the upcoming topic for Wednesday's show is "Finding Mr. Right on Tinder". Ha, Jenelle should be the guest star on that one. She's the subject matter expert there.

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The show description in my guide addressing guests sad panda, Leah, and Kail says "Dr. Drew Pinsky and two young women from 'Teen Mom 2' answer questions from teen mothers."


I'm surprised they could rustle up enough teen mothers to ask enough questions to fill an hour, considering how 16&P and Teen Mom have so dramatically reduced the teen pregnancy rate.

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My favorite part was her talking about coming back from treatment and Corey and Miranda apparently being so wowed that they became believers and looked to her for therapy activities. I hope it helped them during the custody battle and when she was shouting "Monkey" at the reunion show.

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But just when you didn't think things could be any more softball than the good doctor, allow me to introduce Steve Harvey, who allows Leah to say that her problems all stemmed from putting everyone but herself first, and maintain that she was on the "anxiety track" at rehab.



Excuse me, when did Leah ever put everyone before herself? Was it when she cheated on her husband just days before the wedding? Was it when she refused to do laundry? Was it when she blamed the dissolution of her marriage on Cory wanting/needing a new truck for work? Was it when she moved another guy in super quickly and was pushing her daughters to "love" him? Was it when she let the kids crawl around under tables unsupervised and locked herself in her room to talk to Germy? Was it when she took out her IUD and got pregnant again, despite having a very rocky second relationship? Was it when she kept moving her girls from house to house, including apartments and homes with a bunch of stairs that her physically disabled daughter wouldn't be able to navigate? Was it when she blew all of their money on Mary Kay that she never sold? Was it when she was falling asleep while driving and holding babies? Was it when she was making her girls miss therapy appointments/be late to school/etc? Was it when she refused to admit she had a problem and pretended to go to rehab the first time? Was it when she didn't have food in the house for her kids?


Need I go on? That girl has always put on thing first - LEAH. 

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StatisticalOutlier, on 18 Apr 2016 - 4:46 PM, said:


Then he added:  "Everybody makes mistakes. There's ain't a livin' soul that don't make mistakes."  And exhorted them to not beat themselves up over it. 


Was Steve Harvey ever a preacher? Does he preach in his spare time? Because that's exactly what he sounded like to me. I kept waiting for the audience to lift their hands into the air and shout "Amen!" or "Hallelujah!"


It was bizarre.


Oh, and Leah? If the only reason "[you] put your life out there is to be a positive influence," time to travel down a different path, because you have failed miserably in that regard. Unless your plan is to become the poster girl for "How to Screw Up Your Life - and Your Girlses, Too!" - in which case, congrats. Home run..

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I'm surprised they could rustle up enough teen mothers to ask enough questions to fill an hour, considering how 16&P and Teen Mom have so DRAMASTICALLY reduced the teen pregnancy rate.

I fixed that for you.

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I think we can all agree that for some, there is value in an education in itself, regardless of whether or not it leads to high paying long term employment. And some see it as merely a means to an end, which is gainful employment. Some people do well in a classroom, some prefer to learn via experience because classroom stuff is too theoretical. Chelsea strikes me as someone who would struggle with schoolwork and would rather be home with her kids than working anyways. This show has provided her a rare opportunity to do that and she's taking it.

Eta: I mean obviously working outside the home; would never imply stay at home moms (real ones, not Leah and the like) aren't working.

Edited by Tatum
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Does anyone know if there's a place where I can watch it online?  I had to help a friend with an emergency and I missed it.


You didn't miss much. It was even more irritating than I feared it might be. I was really hoping for a dose of reality moment, but not even close. Steve's obviously never seen the show and was just going by whatever BS the moms and Drew fed him during the interview.


Also for those who don't usually watch Steve Harvey, I do watch him fairly regularly and I apologize that I didn't mention he does several clips per show. It's rare he focuses on just one person or topic for an hour, so I figured this would only be 10-15 minutes.


I don't think he was ever a preacher, but he sure does sound that way sometimes. He was a stand up comic for almost 30 years, so he's definitely got a big stage presence.


I am bummed because I really like Steve most of the time but this segment disappointed me big time.

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Excuse me, when did Leah ever put everyone before herself? Was it when she cheated on her husband just days before the wedding? Was it when she refused to do laundry? Was it when she blamed the dissolution of her marriage on Cory wanting/needing a new truck for work? Was it when she moved another guy in super quickly and was pushing her daughters to "love" him? Was it when she let the kids crawl around under tables unsupervised and locked herself in her room to talk to Germy? Was it when she took out her IUD and got pregnant again, despite having a very rocky second relationship? Was it when she kept moving her girls from house to house, including apartments and homes with a bunch of stairs that her physically disabled daughter wouldn't be able to navigate? Was it when she blew all of their money on Mary Kay that she never sold? Was it when she was falling asleep while driving and holding babies? Was it when she was making her girls miss therapy appointments/be late to school/etc? Was it when she refused to admit she had a problem and pretended to go to rehab the first time? Was it when she didn't have food in the house for her kids?

Need I go on? That girl has always put on thing first - LEAH.

This makes me ragey. Leah, when you occasionally put down your phone or roll your lazy ass out of bed at noon in order to feed your kids or give them a bath or answer the door and thank the nice policeman for returning a child you didn't know was missing- that is not putting "everyone" ahead of yourself- that is called "parenting". And when you and your husband have agreed you'll stay home and he will work outside the home, you are doing your fucking job by keeping up the house, not sacrificing yourself for your husband. God she's frustrating and I think she actually believes this bullshit she's spewing.

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She says she does this to help people and no other reason. Right! Take away those 250,000 pay checks and see if she will sign up for next season.

Edited by Mkay
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Does anyone know if there's a place where I can watch it online?  I had to help a friend with an emergency and I missed it.


As far as being able to watch it, I found this: http://www.steveharveytv.com/shepisodes/. It's not up yet but I imagine it'll be there soon. They've already got stuff up from last Friday so it looks like it's updated pretty fast. I couldn't find it anywhere else yet. There's also this one, but it's also not up yet: http://www.tv.com/shows/steve-harvey/kailyn-and-leah-from-mtvs-teen-mom-2-with-dr-drew-pinsky-harveys-law-with-judge-patricia-dimango-3372098/.


Oh, forgot to mention it came across (to me anyway) as being mostly the Kail show.  He did talk to Leah, but Kail was seated closest to the host and answered a lot of the questions while Leah followed up with something like "yeah what she said." I will say this as a positive, Leah didn't look drugged out to me. So maybe that's progress?

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My favorite part was her talking about coming back from treatment and Corey and Miranda apparently being so wowed that they became believers and looked to her for therapy activities. I hope it helped them during the custody battle and when she was shouting "Monkey" at the reunion show.


Corey and Miranda looking to Leah for therapy activity advice? LMAO.  What exactly are her therapy activities? Sleeping? Laying around on the couch? Smoking weed?  Telling everyone how tired and stressed she is?


She is so delusional.

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Corey and Miranda looking to Leah for therapy activity advice? LMAO.  What exactly are her therapy activities? Sleeping? Laying around on the couch? Smoking weed?  Telling everyone how tired and stressed she is?


She is so delusional.


Sitting in the bathtub thinking about the "power of now" apparently. While her kids are... where? and who are they with?

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Lmao the ONLY thing Leah puts before herself is the penis of every young man in WV, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Kentucky (yeah I had to look at a map to know the surrounding states lol).

As per usual there was a marathon on today and I caught a part I had seen before but it stuck out to me this time... When Corey was talking to Jeff about the custody change, and how he told the girls it was because he lived closer to the school... They were talking about how hard this is for everyone, and Corey said its not that hard on him, it's the girls that have it hardest... And it clicked in my head how significant that is because anytime Leah talks about it being hard it's about how hard it is on HER, when she mentions anything about it being hard for the girls it's about how hard it is because they miss HER, but for the most part this whole situation is about how hard life is for LEAH.

This isn't a new revelation it always struck me how much Leah makes it about her. I'm not a mom, but the majority of my friends are so I see the interactions (that sounds so scientific lol) but it seems so unnatural to think of any of them saying or doing the stuff Leah does.

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Sitting in the bathtub thinking about the "power of now" apparently. While her kids are... where? and who are they with?


LOL, she has been posting all sorts of self help books on her Instagram. She claims she never liked reading until now. Bahaha, okay then. 

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I'm surprised they could rustle up enough teen mothers to ask enough questions to fill an hour, considering how 16&P and Teen Mom have so DRAMASTICALLY reduced the teen pregnancy rate.


I fixed that for you.


Thank you.  I hate it when I inadvertently advertise the fact that I didn't go to well schools.

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I apologize for being so late in the game.  I watch it on Hulu, so I just saw the first episode of the new season.  The part where Leah is getting the girls ready for school just breaks my heart.  They open the fridge and are dismayed to find no Lunchables (which in my opinion aren't really lunch).  They ask Leah to "just go to a gas station" and buy them stuff to eat.  What type of food would they get from a gas station?  A bag of chips?  A candy bar?


And then in the car they complain that they're hungry.  Meanwhile Leah looks stoned out of her mind.  It's only when the girls say, "Daddy & Miranda make us breakfast" does she acknowledge them by yelling.  


Those poor girls.  They live in filth with no healthy food and with a mother who spends her day sitting on a couch, clearly stoned.  No wonder Cory got full custody.

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Well, Leah has been a positive influence on my life. I never realized how AMAZING I am that I can get my son to "school" (daycare) and myself to work on time FIVE days a week!  Or how I'm Super Mom because he doesn't make himself ravioli at midnight and he's never gone without breakfast (which I either feed him at home or get him to daycare on time to eat)! I used to feel lots of mommy guilt about whether or not I was anywhere close to being a good enough parent. I never realized that I am totally KILLING IT at this parenting thing until I saw how hard it is for Leah to do everyday parenting tasks.

Thanks Leah (and Jenelle)!  /sarcasm

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Well, Leah has been a positive influence on my life. I never realized how AMAZING I am that I can get my son to "school" (daycare) and myself to work on time FIVE days a week!  Or how I'm Super Mom because he doesn't make himself ravioli at midnight and he's never gone without breakfast (which I either feed him at home or get him to daycare on time to eat)! I used to feel lots of mommy guilt about whether or not I was anywhere close to being a good enough parent. I never realized that I am totally KILLING IT at this parenting thing until I saw how hard it is for Leah to do everyday parenting tasks.

Thanks Leah (and Jenelle)!  /sarcasm

LOL!!!  How true!  When I watch Leah I realize how clean my house is!  Same thing as when I watch Hoarders.  :)

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I'm 100% sure we know what she is talking about. https://twitter.com/tm2leahdawn/status/722496584219541508


Wow, shockingly enough, most of the tweets in response are mocking her. Only about a handful are saying how "obvious" it was that Jeremy was still 100% in love with her, he just didn't want to say so since his girlfriend was watching. OK geniuses, if he cares about what his girlfriend thinks, he's obviously not in love with Leah, but whatever.

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Shouldn't she be calling Germy fake, not the TV show? Is she suggesting Germy admitted that he still had feelings for her, but MTV edited it out, dubbed in a different response, then threatened him at gunpoint from contradicting them once it aired????

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Yeah I guess it's the editing again, just like how the editors dubbed in that dialogue of her kids saying they were hungry and didn't have food. And photoshopped all those soda bottles strewn about her house.

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Yeah I guess it's the editing again, just like how the editors dubbed in that dialogue of her kids saying they were hungry and didn't have food. And photoshopped all those soda bottles strewn about her house.

Do you think they could come film my life and edit it to make it appear as if I'm a millionaire? That would be awesome. hahaha

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I love the people telling her she won't quit because she loves the money. I wonder if MTV likes being called fake ass?

What about the ones who are saying they could see the feelings were mutual? Jeremy could hardly look at her.  What the heck were they looking at? He looked like he was so over her.  

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What about the ones who are saying they could see the feelings were mutual? Jeremy could hardly look at her. What the heck were they looking at? He looked like he was so over her.

Duh! He couldn't look her in the face because he was so in love with her that if he made eye contact he'd break his resolve to not reconnect with her.

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What about the ones who are saying they could see the feelings were mutual? Jeremy could hardly look at her.  What the heck were they looking at? He looked like he was so over her.  

Those must be the same fangirls that post on FB. You can usually tell because of the misspellings, aint go no's, u doin gr8 gurls, best mom 4 evah, etc. They're probably girls she went to high school with that have a few kids with a few different fathers and are living on child support and public assistance. They think she's a movie star to look up to.

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Those must be the same fangirls that post on FB. You can usually tell because of the misspellings, aint go no's, u doin gr8 gurls, best mom 4 evah, etc. They're probably girls she went to high school with that have a few kids with a few different fathers and are living on child support and public assistance. They think she's a movie star to look up to.

You forgot my personal favorites: "fuck the haterz" and "keep doing you."

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you all have pretty much said what I would want to comment, but I have to add that I particularly get a kick out of the high level of vocabulary and grammar.

Her friend (or sister?) talking about the concert that Germy brought Addie to said she woulda went if she knew.

And of course. Leah telling Germy that Addie aint got no shoes.

I mean seriously. 


My only question is- WHY were she and Germy meeting and having drinks/dinner? Is this a case where MTV stages it for good watching or what was the reason they got together? 

And yes it was sad watching her slur her words and be so out of it. I kept wondering if she drove herself there (and therefore would have to drive home> I hope not.)

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You forgot my personal favorites: "fuck the haterz" and "keep doing you."

After reading the crap on the TM2 FB page, my brain went numb! My husband has been gone for the last week and a half and I've wasted waaaaay too much time reading stuff about these fools. For a moment, I thought some of the FB posts were satire. Then I realized there really is a small army of uneducated yokels out there that believe Leah is a really good mom and Corey and Miranda are evil and just out to hurt saint Leah. And, Germy is a big meanie that was never there for her and left her when she needed him the most. That's why she needs her pillses! It's amazing Saint Leah has been able to keep it together at all!


My husband will be home tonight and my brain will thank me for having less time to dumb it down! And, my waistline will thank me for not eating Ben & Jerry's for dinner 4 nights a week.

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you all have pretty much said what I would want to comment, but I have to add that I particularly get a kick out of the high level of vocabulary and grammar.

Her friend (or sister?) talking about the concert that Germy brought Addie to said she woulda went if she knew.

And of course. Leah telling Germy that Addie aint got no shoes.

I mean seriously. 


My only question is- WHY were she and Germy meeting and having drinks/dinner? Is this a case where MTV stages it for good watching or what was the reason they got together? 

And yes it was sad watching her slur her words and be so out of it. I kept wondering if she drove herself there (and therefore would have to drive home> I hope not.)

It seems like it was production setting it up for the sake of filming. But, her sister was very aware of Leah thinking Germy was about to fall for her charms and told her to slow her roll. Maybe production saw that Leah was angling for a Germy seduction and used it to set up the dinner?

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It seems like it was production setting it up for the sake of filming. But, her sister was very aware of Leah thinking Germy was about to fall for her charms and told her to slow her roll. Maybe production saw that Leah was angling for a Germy seduction and used it to set up the dinner?

I kept wondering if the slow her roll comment was in regards to TR Dues, Jeremy, and/or Leah trying to have two guys to theoretically "choose" from again. I think it was probably Jeremy but it was hard to tell for sure.

I thought it was sad that she seemed more sober at dinner when she was supposedly drunk off of 3 sips of wine (ha, right) than she did in most earlier episodes - up until she realized Jeremy was having none of her crap, anyway.

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I kept wondering if the slow her roll comment was in regards to TR Dues, Jeremy, and/or Leah trying to have two guys to theoretically "choose" from again. I think it was probably Jeremy but it was hard to tell for sure.

I thought it was sad that she seemed more sober at dinner when she was supposedly drunk off of 3 sips of wine (ha, right) than she did in most earlier episodes - up until she realized Jeremy was having none of her crap, anyway.

I think you're spot on about the whole thing. Her sister knows she's living with TR and has been listening to her talk about thinking she'll give Germy another go. Slow your roll would definitely apply!

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