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I Feel Bad - General Discussion

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Airdate: September 19, 2018


When Emet starts to worry that her biggest fear is coming true, she makes a concerted effort to be the opposite of her judgmental mother, Maya. Her limits are tested when her daughter, Lily, joins a provocative dance team.


When Emet's parents temporarily move in, she becomes overwhelmed and finds a sneaky way to get a much-needed break.

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I loved the show!!! :) Very funny!!!! Although they had sex in the neighbor's bedroom! Yuck! The recast son they had on the 2nd episode, I don't feel he has a lot of chemistry with the family, as I saw in the 1st boy in the first episode. Wonder why they changed the son. The end of the episode with the parents making fun of their daughter and son in law, was odd. All in all it was really good, and I'm going to give it a chance. :)

Edited by sonyab
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I liked the nerds. I was SO uncomfortable with the wife taking over the neighbor's house. On the fence here, but I did laugh a few times. Watched with nerd-age kids, and son #2 said he worked at a place that looked just like that. Except for that slide, "We didn't have THAT!"

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Welcome to the show with the worst title since “Cougar Town”. I agree with biakbiak, the show is better than the commercials, which were awful. The best part of this show is the workplace weirdos. I kind of wish it was a workplace comedy. I also think the little girl who plays the sister is hilarious. I wish the mom was less whiny, but with a title like “I Feel Bad”, that’s probably not going to happen. Still, I liked this, and laughed during both episodes. I think I’m in for the long haul. However long that is, considering that awful title.

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Not usually a sitcom person, and the first episode was pretty much a throwaway given that we've seen every single joke from it in the previews and commercials, but I dug the second episode a lot more. I like Emmitt or however you spell her name - I don't have kids but I can relate to her not being able to say no/guilt/passive-aggressiveness, and I loved the workplace aspects a lot. Loved that the nerds made her a bathtub VR simulation. Cute. I like my mom a lot more than she likes hers, but their relationship and my white boyfriend dealing with our Latina selves reminded me a bit of that whole side of it.  But yes, I was on edge the whole time she was in her neighbors' house, expecting them to come home unexpectedly at any minute. 

Probably not DVR-worthy but not channel-changing fare for me either. 

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I watched the first episode and then got interrupted halfway through the second. After that I didn't bother to finish the episode, so I guess I'm out. If I really liked it I would have found time in the last two days to finish that episode.

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I enjoyed the second episode more than the first, and overall, it was a little better than the commercials led me to believe. It didn't rock my world or anything, but it's the type of undemanding, comfort food-type of sitcom that I could make a spot in my schedule for.

Plus, it stars Paul Adelstein and I heart him. 

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2 hours ago, LucindaWalsh said:

hope I am over the blur feeling by the next episode. I can't even remember if it is her company or she just works there also. 

She just works there but she is head of her team. 

I love Madhur Jaffrey, I just made her chicken korma for dinner! If anyone likes Indian food you should check out her cookbooks. She’s been nicknamed the Indian Julia Child.

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I liked it enough to keep watching, but I didn't love it. I like Sarayu a ton from No Tomorrow and I have always liked Paul, the actor playing her husband. I liked the work stuff a lot, easily the part that worked the most for me. It was funny and completely unexpected with how great they were and how much screen time they are getting. I hope that balance keeps up. I like Sarayu and Paul as a couple quite a bit. 

Some of the problems - I could probably take a bit less of her parents, or maybe less of the mother and a better balance of using the father? I'm not sure on that front exactly, but I'd say the mom felt more forced and there was quite a bit of her. Even if she's meant to be an over the top character, I'd say they need to refine that role a bit. The ubiquitous Brian George was used less, yet I definitely found his parts more amusing. Now, the problems I have with the mom are how she's used and her lines and delivery, not that she's included here. The parents presence was great and the jokes surrounding that, especially from Sarayu, worked in large part. I didn't dislike who I assume is her best friend, but I found her inclusion rather random. Definitely felt like there was stuff cut from that pilot that would've helped the best friend get established more as a distinctive character. The kids seem like weak casting points by a mile.


@LucindaWalsh Fabulous screen name!

Edited by JasmineFlower
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I wasn't sure of I was going to be into this. This may sound bad but I'm burned out "Women have it so bad, am I right?" tv shows. I would just like to see more shows where the lead female just happens to a woman and not that it's like the hook for the show. I'm a black male but I would feel the same way if I was watching more and more it's hard to be black tv shows. I just find it tiresome at this point.

But, the show was quite funny and every guy aren't JUST THE WORST. There is some nuance in that department. 

Also, a married couple that don't hate each other is a bonus.

Right now I am in. 

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10 hours ago, Racj82 said:

This may sound bad but I'm burned out "Women have it so bad, am I right?" tv shows. I would just like to see more shows where the lead female just happens to a woman and not that it's like the hook for the show. I'm a black male but I would feel the same way if I was watching more and more it's hard to be black tv shows. I just find it tiresome at this point.

I AM a woman and I agree with you on this. It can become exhausting, especially because frequently on TV the women are doing it to themselves. I get not being able to say no to things, but in order to make it a 'comedy' they'll take it over the top.  And as a woman it is frustrating because it becomes unrealistic. 

That being said, I did like the show.  I was waiting for the neighbors to catch her too - either because they have cameras or coming home early.  

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I just kept comparing to American Housewife and imagining how Katie would handle the situations, and how it would have been funnier (we'll never know, but if I could write it funnier in my head I'm sure trained comedy writers could do the same). Some aspects seemed over-the-top and cartoonish, but that wasn't in keeping with the tone (compare to, say, Kimmy Schmidt, which certainly knows what its tone is). 

I'll give it one more in case it settles down (I gave up on Mom after 6 minutes, returned to it 2 years later and discovered I love it, so don't want to repeat that mistake).

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I feel bad that I watched the pilot.

I do not feel bad that the only characters I liked were the work nerds, especially the guy who fell off the rock wall & now identifies himself with the climbers/survivors of Mt. Everest.

And while sitcoms stretch the parameters of the real world beyond recognition, I do not buy the main character 40 something mom being in a work group with 20 something millennials.  Even bigger stretch that all of her nerd herd gives enough of a sh** about her family life and kids to get actively involved with resolving her ‘hilarious’ weekly wacky shenanigans.  

I will just have to be content with The Good Place and Superstore as far as NBC sitcoms go.

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11 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

I saw the first episode. It was exhausting. And I found the mom really mean. But I like actors, so I will give it a shot. Also, I like the other 3 NBC sitcoms, and I'm a completist. 

Do you mean tonight’s episode? That was actually the third. 

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Emet is tired of other people getting perks, so she games the system and fakes her way into accessing the fast drop-off lane at her kids' school; when her son becomes an innocent victim of her scheme, she must decide whether to come clean.

Edited by biakbiak
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Officially dropped this show from my DVR after this episode. Really intensely dislike the grandmother, not sure why Hollywood thinks it's funny to have overly critical parents - but they've made her too mean and too unlikeable. And the ridiculous change once she thinks her grandson is on the honor roll is just too illogical for me, even for a sit-com. 

I find all of unappealing and can't say I like anyone except for maybe the father and the daughter. The nerds in the office are annoying. She is annoying. The grandparents are annoying.

Nope, not for me.

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i deleted it also. absolutely shit. like a lot of stuff on tv today. no chemistry. annoying characters, too much with the kids. i can't even follow it without being distracted so i don't know where she works or what she does or her husband etc etc. correct. unappealing. hope it's canceled soon.

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Watched the first episode.  Thought the workplace scenes were trying too hard to replicate the workplace dynamic/types of conversations in Black-ish.


On 10/4/2018 at 9:02 PM, tvrox said:

I'm glad the show features an interracial/multicultural family, but its not funny. Sigh.

Except 1/2 of the two older children is not remotely interracial (and looks out of place).  I guess it might be difficult to find a young actress with Indian roots at the right age that can act and has the right "look".  So maybe it's okay at the moment since she's young but I think if this show is picked up for several more seasons, they are going to have a hard time blending the daughter into the rest of the family.

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On 9/21/2018 at 6:44 AM, Beezella said:

I liked the nerds. I was SO uncomfortable with the wife taking over the neighbor's house. On the fence here, but I did laugh a few times. Watched with nerd-age kids, and son #2 said he worked at a place that looked just like that. Except for that slide, "We didn't have THAT!"

I actually quite liked this show, but the neighbor's house thing did bother me; I find it impossible to believe that there were no ramifications for eating their food, using their lotions, burning down their candles, wearing their clothes, etc.

I like the husband a lot.  And I like that both the main couple and the parents seem to still like and love each other after all these years.  Emet's dad is great, and I'd rather see more of him than the mother - she's a little over-the-top for me.  Do mothers really walk into their daughter's house and immediately announce that it's filth?

Also in agreement with those who said the show moves too fast.  For me it was the dialogue....I had to turn on subtitles because I realized I was missing so much, which normally is not a thing that happens for me.

Edited by MaryPatShelby
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I keep trying to like this.  There's a giggle here and there but.... What the hell with the old nasty lady?  She's rude, insulting, certainly not funny and tonight she's slamming dishes and breaking them.

Why is she here?  I don't follow the appeal.  I'm so distracted thinking about how I'd kick her smarmy little ass that maybe I'm missing the point?

Then again, I'm always stabby with the tired "mean old person" trope.

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I’m an Indian woman, married to a non Indian man, work full time and have kids.  I really wanted to love this show, esp with Poehler as executive producer.  I think I’m at the end of my rope.

My parents aren’t perfect but sheesh the mom is just cruel.  I have never seen an Indian parent so wanting their child to fail.  Most of the time we hear how we aren’t good enough compared to someone.  But I just watched the episode where Emet is juggling work and dance practice.  The grandma is so mean, man!  Also I grew up watching Mahur Jaffrey teaching my mom and I how to make different Indian dishes.  It’s like watching Rachael Ray be mean in 30 years. 

This show needs to change, ASAP.  What happened to her friend? I liked her. 

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I seriously LOVE Paul Adelstein and am mostly watching the show for him, but I might have to give it up. I just can't stand the wife. The mother is sometimes off putting, but I find her funny. But I really don't know if I can keep watching. 

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I'm watching mostly Paul Adelstein as well, but I do like Emet too. However, Emet's mother is just plain mean to her.  I find it unrealistic that David and Emet are just fine with their kids hearing their mother being constantly put down by her mother.  

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I didn't really understand why the Indian grandparents were so upset that the kids were not observant of their Indian culture. In all of the episodes the grandparents claimed they were the ones raising the kids, so a lack of knowledge about Indian traditions would suggest that the grandparents were not practicing those traditions as well, or the kids would have been immersed in them.

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