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Eric & Leida: Put It In Proper

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13 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

Also, I LOVE your pix, Funky-Rat! Back in late 1983, maybe early 1984 (I know it was when we were engaged) Mr. Snappy and I thought it would be fun to go to Penn Hills (for lovers only!) ... didn't go all out on a place with the champagne glass and kind of regretted that but in retrospect it was just as well ... but got one of those rooms with all the shag carpet and huge heart-shapen sunken hot tub. I had the worst case of the flu that weekend, we didn't get to do ANY of the "fun" resort things (fancy-shmancy meals, heated pool, etc. much less the fun stuff you do when engaged at a for lovers only resort) ... ALL I could do was sit in the hot tub and whine while taking medicine and watching a lot of TV. Which I guess is kind of like our life now except without the hot tub. No pix from the risque weekend. 

I have albums full - both of photos I took of the various suites over the years, and the staff photographer took, but I'm leery of sharing photos that I'm in, etc.

I remember Penn Hills well.  "Penn Hills is for Lovers Only.  If you're in love, you'll love Penn Hills!".  We looked at Penn Hills, the Mount Airy resorts (there were 3), The Summit, and the then-Caerar's resorts (which are now the C.H.E.R. Resorts).  We ruled out Penn Hills and 2 of the Mount Airy resorts right away because they didn't have in-room pools, and we really wanted that.  Mount Airy Lodge itself, The Summit, and the then-Caesar's resorts all had them.  We ended up ruling out Mount Airy Lodge because horror stories were coming out about it, and we ruled out The Summit because even in 1999, their website was horribly cheesy and badly done, and all of their materials were HORRIBLY dated - they were very obviously done in the early 80's, judging by clothing and other things, and never updated, so we passed.  Plus their rates were on par with Caesar's, and they had just done a huge remodel.  We have around 12-13 stays under our belts since 1999, and we've seen the area as a whole decline, which is sad. Cheap air fare, and cheap cruises pulled all of the people away.  Weeknights used to be packed, but not so much anymore.  And after Caesar's sold them, they went through 2-3 do-nothing owners who let the properties run down a bit, but the new owners are really working on that, but the process is slow going.  Us long timers are willing to overlook those issues because we want the resorts to stay around, but the Groupon crowd is the source of most of the negativity as of late.

  • Love 1

Re Leida's "jewish" last name(s).  On reddit someone posted that she seriously dated a guy named "Cohenstein" which afaik is not a name and doesn't make any sense at all, unless he or she made it up.  She reportedly signed off on some of her FB posts as "Mrs. Cohenstein."  Indonesia apparently has a strong history of antisemitism:

Home to only a tiny number of Jews, Indonesia is a hotbed of anti-Semitism. The disturbing popularity of Nazi imagery in the country came to international attention with stories of a Third Reich-themed restaurant and a museum where visitors could take selfies with Hitler. In 2016, an Indonesian artist for Marvel Comics was fired amid global outcry after his illustrations were revealed to contain hidden anti-Semitic references. But while these bizarre and ghastly expressions of anti-Semitism have shocked international opinion, they are only the most recent phase of a long history of prejudice and violence in Southeast Asia, one that links Jews and local Chinese communities, both of which are seen as dangerous minorities. This tragic common fate is a heritage of colonial rule, when anti-Semitic officials compared the Chinese of Southeast Asia to the Jews of Europe.


  • Love 8

I saw the photo of the champagne glass tub in the Poconos, and I had to comment.  My husband and I went to one of these Poconos resorts about 3 years ago.  It was clear that the heyday of these were in the 1970s, but we still loved it.  It was kitschy in a cute way, and I'd like to go back!  As a side note, the heart-shaped hot tub is comfy (but you should wipe it down with bleach first)!

  • Love 3
34 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

I saw the photo of the champagne glass tub in the Poconos, and I had to comment.  My husband and I went to one of these Poconos resorts about 3 years ago.  It was clear that the heyday of these were in the 1970s, but we still loved it.  It was kitschy in a cute way, and I'd like to go back!  As a side note, the heart-shaped hot tub is comfy (but you should wipe it down with bleach first)!

Housekeeping does a good job, but yes, we do wipe things down too.  You were probably at the Cove, Stream, or Palace.  We love all 3.  : )

2 hours ago, Mothra said:

Re Leida's "jewish" last name(s).  On reddit someone posted that she seriously dated a guy named "Cohenstein" which afaik is not a name and doesn't make any sense at all, unless he or she made it up.  She reportedly signed off on some of her FB posts as "Mrs. Cohenstein."  Indonesia apparently has a strong history of antisemitism:

Home to only a tiny number of Jews, Indonesia is a hotbed of anti-Semitism. The disturbing popularity of Nazi imagery in the country came to international attention with stories of a Third Reich-themed restaurant and a museum where visitors could take selfies with Hitler. In 2016, an Indonesian artist for Marvel Comics was fired amid global outcry after his illustrations were revealed to contain hidden anti-Semitic references. But while these bizarre and ghastly expressions of anti-Semitism have shocked international opinion, they are only the most recent phase of a long history of prejudice and violence in Southeast Asia, one that links Jews and local Chinese communities, both of which are seen as dangerous minorities. This tragic common fate is a heritage of colonial rule, when anti-Semitic officials compared the Chinese of Southeast Asia to the Jews of Europe.


I've never in my  life heard of Cohenstein as a legitimate surname, ever.

Your comments are spot on with regards to Indonesia and anti-semitism. While working on a project that had a religion aspect to it, I was rather shocked to be told by government officials that "Indonesia does not recognize Judaism as an official, legit religion." I also met a family in a remote village who showed off their toddler, Dam-Dam, who, they proudly told me was named after their hero Saddam Hussein. I know American Jews who were denied work opportunities there because it "might be a problem". So all that is to say, it's weird that Leida would deliberately choose to appropriate a Jewish identity knowing how it's perceived in her country. I wish I could say it makes me like her one iota more, but it doesn't because I'm sure there's a selfish reason behind it since it's Leida we're talking about.

  • Love 8
44 minutes ago, gingerella said:

I've never in my  life heard of Cohenstein as a legitimate surname, ever.

Your comments are spot on with regards to Indonesia and anti-semitism. While working on a project that had a religion aspect to it, I was rather shocked to be told by government officials that "Indonesia does not recognize Judaism as an official, legit religion." I also met a family in a remote village who showed off their toddler, Dam-Dam, who, they proudly told me was named after their hero Saddam Hussein. I know American Jews who were denied work opportunities there because it "might be a problem". So all that is to say, it's weird that Leida would deliberately choose to appropriate a Jewish identity knowing how it's perceived in her country. I wish I could say it makes me like her one iota more, but it doesn't because I'm sure there's a selfish reason behind it since it's Leida we're talking about.

"Cohen" is a special name in Jewish history, and bearers of that surname used to--maybe still do--have religious obligations that "ordinary" Jews don't--my source is stories by Sholem Aleichem, who ought to know.  Pairing "Cohen" with "Stein"--"stone" doesn't make any sense at all.  "Stein" is a common part of other Jewish names, like Rosenstein (Redstone) or Goldstein, but Cohen (priest) plus Stein (rock)?  Wha?

I am sorry to say that I think Leida thinks she is being funny with her use of these names, and that feeling fits with what I have learned about antisemitism in Indonesia. People who are not members of minority groups often make jokes which are not funny at all to the people who are being made fun of.  I don't think Leida is appropriating a Jewish identity at all; I think she's making fun of Jews.

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, funky-rat said:

I have albums full - both of photos I took of the various suites over the years, and the staff photographer took, but I'm leery of sharing photos that I'm in, etc.

I hear you ... but am so glad you have them! I wonder if the age of the "house photographer" is now a thing of the past because of selfies, etc. ... I still have some of the "group photos/table photos" from long-ago cheesy resort trips in my teens/early 20s, not to mention some of my family, and they're priceless. And not something you can do with a selfie. 

Leida being an anti-semitic YIP simply gives me one more log to put on the "I Hate Leida" fire. It seems from what people are reporting here that her self-image and online presence has not exactly gone the way she'd hoped/planned and nothing could make me happier. I hope she's completely and utterly miserable. And a big thank you to CSS.MD for doing your bit to contribute to that! I salute you!

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Mothra said:

"Cohen" is a special name in Jewish history, and bearers of that surname used to--maybe still do--have religious obligations that "ordinary" Jews don't--my source is stories by Sholem Aleichem, who ought to know.

In a simplified nutshell, among the 12 tribes of Israel, the Cohens are like the first tribe, and at synagogue during the high holy days a "Cohen" descendant is the one who does the first reading and a "Levi" (another main tribe) does the second one. Everyone who is not a Cohen or Levi (descendants of those two tribes) is referred to as a Yisroelite/Israelite (or garden variety Jew LOL). 

It's more complicated than that but, yes, the Cohens and Levis do have special religious obligations (happily, I descend from a variety of no-name nebbishes). 

ETA: EEEEEEK it didn't merge ... Drogo, if there is a special magic formula -- forumula? -- please let me know! Meanwhile, profound apologies. 

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
  • Love 10

After reading about Leida and the Cohenstein (?) issue why does TLC continue to air their portions of the show?  This on the heals of the Nazi salute by high schoolers makes me wonder if Leida thinks Baraboo is her kind of town. 

I wonder if she and Eric are like minded.

Very eye opening says the Jewish girl.

  • Love 15

@PamelaMaeSnap, I had to find a Cohen for my son's pidyon haben,  my good friend's father is a Cohen, he has "performed" part of a few family wedding ceremonies, he enjoy's the duty of his role with, respect, fun and priviledge, he survived 3 Nazi camps in Poland in his youth and at 94 years old is doing well.  

I am hoping that Leida is harmless and ignorant.

Your explanation of a Cohen was spot on, thank you.

  • Love 13

My first thought when seeing Leida use Jewish surnames was (to me) obvious antisemitism and......the reason WHY she uses those names.

The reason being, SHE thinks (in her ignorance) like some others do that all Jews are rich, so she wants people here to think she is rich and that is one way she does it.

It is more common than people think and being Jewish myself, I have heard numerous versions of that sentiment many times in my life.  

Never knew about the Cohen name importance. My mom's mom was a Cohen.

Edited by Cherrio
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Mothra said:

"Cohen" is a special name in Jewish history, and bearers of that surname used to--maybe still do--have religious obligations that "ordinary" Jews don't--my source is stories by Sholem Aleichem, who ought to know.  Pairing "Cohen" with "Stein"--"stone" doesn't make any sense at all.  "Stein" is a common part of other Jewish names, like Rosenstein (Redstone) or Goldstein, but Cohen (priest) plus Stein (rock)?  Wha?

I am sorry to say that I think Leida thinks she is being funny with her use of these names, and that feeling fits with what I have learned about antisemitism in Indonesia. People who are not members of minority groups often make jokes which are not funny at all to the people who are being made fun of.  I don't think Leida is appropriating a Jewish identity at all; I think she's making fun of Jews.

I imagine that she thinks it makes her sound successful and rich in America. I wonder if she used it in Indonesia? I’m amazed at how so many different people with different life experiences bond on a message board about these strange people

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I had to find a Cohen for my son's pidyon haben,  my good friend's father is a Cohen, he has "performed" part of a few family wedding ceremonies, he enjoy's the duty of his role with, respect, fun and priviledge, he survived 3 Nazi camps in Poland in his youth and at 94 years old is doing well. 

That is SO awesome ... if you get a chance, try to find Ann Curry's "We'll Meet Again" episode airing now about two Holocaust survivors, one in LA and one in Brooklyn ... watched it last night on PBS and definitely got teary-eyed! (I also remember a scene in one of the "All Of A Kind Family" books where the youngest brother doesn't understand why he can't find the birdie at his cousin's pidyon haben ... "I want to see Ben the Pigeon!")

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Owwwww ma leg said:

I imagine that she thinks it makes her sound successful and rich in America. I wonder if she used it in Indonesia? I’m amazed at how so many different people with different life experiences bond on a message board about these strange people

She was using the name "Mrs. Cohenstein" online, so that's international.  I'm beginning to think Leida is going to be very comfortable indeed in Baraboo, with their Nazi-saluting prom-goers.

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I am hoping that Leida is harmless and ignorant.

I’m also more inclined to think she’s just dumb as a bag of rocks. I bet she doesn’t even understand the history of anti-Semitism.

She doesn’t strike me as the type of person who would watch “Fantastic Beasts” and notice the Nazi/WWII allegories or see Hitler in Grindelwald. Probably thinks it’s just a prequel about magic?

I went to school in undergrad with a guy in Jakarta who was wealthy enough to travel around Europe, he went to Madame Tussaud’s (I think it was in London) and posed with the Hitler wax statue with his hand doing to the “Heil Hitler” gesture, and had this photo taken doing so. He had this as his social media profile photo (it was his main photo for quite a while, IIRC). This wasn’t just a well-travelled, well-educated guy... This guy studied International Law (where you learn all about WWII in International Humanitarian Law class and human rights). I mean this guy was close buddies with the son of the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time, FFS... He’s not some poser like Leida. And he didn’t know any better!

Eric, however... I can totally see him being the type to believe in the Hollywood stereotypes—maybe even indulge in some of the slurs. (Someone on the previous page of this thread did theorise they may have chosen a Jewish name because in their minds it sounds more “showbizzy”.)

He doesn’t seem to be the one with with showbiz aspirations. I think she may have expressed wanting to be an actress in Hollywood, he thought it would be a good idea to do what they’re doing.

These two were bad enough human beings individually, and then they had to meet and become an item... Blegh.

6 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

Leida being an anti-semitic YIP simply gives me one more log to put on the "I Hate Leida" fire. It seems from what people are reporting here that her self-image and online presence has not exactly gone the way she'd hoped/planned and nothing could make me happier. I hope she's completely and utterly miserable. And a big thank you to CSS.MD for doing your bit to contribute to that! I salute you!

Thank you for reading! 💛

Edited by CSS.MD
For clarity... 🤷🏻‍♀️🕶🥤
  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Mothra said:

"Cohen" is a special name in Jewish history, and bearers of that surname used to--maybe still do--have religious obligations that "ordinary" Jews don't--my source is stories by Sholem Aleichem, who ought to know.  Pairing "Cohen" with "Stein"--"stone" doesn't make any sense at all.  "Stein" is a common part of other Jewish names, like Rosenstein (Redstone) or Goldstein, but Cohen (priest) plus Stein (rock)?  Wha?

I am sorry to say that I think Leida thinks she is being funny with her use of these names, and that feeling fits with what I have learned about antisemitism in Indonesia. People who are not members of minority groups often make jokes which are not funny at all to the people who are being made fun of.  I don't think Leida is appropriating a Jewish identity at all; I think she's making fun of Jews.

I think she’s more likely appropriating because she’s a dumbass and thinks it’s “cool” (I’m afraid to even wonder what Eric’s reasoning would be, so I won’t go there).

I doubt she’d manage to catch an anti-Semitic “joke” in the first place, let alone use a joke to “make fun” of a marginalised group.

I mean this is a GROWN 30-something woman who thinks it’s cute/badass to call her fiancé a “fat ass”. How sophisticated do you think she is?

Cunning enough to scam a man out of child support/alimony, sure! 😏 But geopolitical joke? Nah. 😒

Edited by CSS.MD
  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, CSS.MD said:

I think she’s more likely appropriating because she’s a dumbass and thinks it’s “cool” (I’m afraid to even wonder what Eric’s reasoning would be, so I won’t go there).

I doubt she’d manage to catch an anti-Semitic “joke” in the first place, let alone use a joke to “make fun” of a marginalised group.

I mean this is a GROWN 30-something woman who thinks it’s cute/badass to call her fiancé a “fat ass”. How sophisticated do you think she is?

And draw penises on pictures.

Isnt Ricki Lake Jewish? Or maybe one of her husbands is? If she’s hosting the tell all, maybe someone can email and ask her to ask Leida and Eric about it?

  • Love 3

This whole use of Cohenstein is bizarre, but I have a different, though also anti Semitic, reason that Leida is using that surname. I think more than anything else, she wants to be the next Paris Hilton social media famewhore, and she thinks the most successful entertainment people are Jewish - and there definitely is a high proportion of Jewish entertainment muck-a-mucks (some are relatives of mine) - and I think that is why she’s using that name, and in particular why she calls her fake company Cohen-Rosen, she knows it sounds like Jewish muck-a-mucks are running the show, hell, that’s what I thought when I stumbled upon it!  My first thought was “what schmucks signed on to rep these two putzes?!”

As for the K/Cohen surname, it actually means “priest” in Hebrew, and the descendants of the sons of Aaron, who were priests in the Temple of Jerusalem. 

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, CSS.MD said:

How sophisticated do you think she is?

Well, she *is* a medical school graduate.

7 hours ago, gingerella said:

This whole use of Cohenstein is bizarre, but I have a different, though also anti Semitic, reason that Leida is using that surname. I think more than anything else, she wants to be the next Paris Hilton social media famewhore, and she thinks the most successful entertainment people are Jewish - and there definitely is a high proportion of Jewish entertainment muck-a-mucks (some are relatives of mine) - and I think that is why she’s using that name, and in particular why she calls her fake company Cohen-Rosen, she knows it sounds like Jewish muck-a-mucks are running the show, hell, that’s what I thought when I stumbled upon it!  My first thought was “what schmucks signed on to rep these two putzes?!”

As for the K/Cohen surname, it actually means “priest” in Hebrew, and the descendants of the sons of Aaron, who were priests in the Temple of Jerusalem. 

I think you're right, and I don't think you're actually disagreeing with me.  I think "Cohenstein" was the most Jewish name she/they could think of, or, actually make up.

I wonder if she's aware of Jewish doctor jokes, if she's trying to make her mother proud?

  • Love 3
20 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Well, she *is* a medical school graduate.

I mean I know well-travelled, well-educated men who went to law school in Indonesia (majored in International law/humanitarian law where they teach you all about WWII) and got a Master’s in England, and still thought it would be “funny” to post a photo with at Madame Tussaud’s with “Hitler”, doing the Nazi salute... (Not necessarily in a sinister anti-Semitic way, but in a stupid way like Prince Harry when she dressed as a Nazi for Halloween.)

So, I’m not really counting on her education/degree to really mean anything right now.

Speaking of med school... Anyone know her alma mater?

You’d think her former classmates would come out of the woodwork by now! 🍿

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, CSS.MD said:

I mean I know well-travelled, well-educated men who went to law school in Indonesia (majored in International law/humanitarian law where they teach you all about WWII) and got a Master’s in England, and still thought it would be “funny” to post a photo with at Madame Tussaud’s with “Hitler”, doing the Nazi salute... (Not necessarily in a sinister anti-Semitic way, but in a stupid way like Prince Harry when she dressed as a Nazi for Halloween.)

So, I’m not really counting on her education/degree to really mean anything right now.

Speaking of med school... Anyone know her alma mater?

You’d think her former classmates would come out of the woodwork by now! 🍿

I was teasing.  People have posted that "medical school" in Indonesia can mean what is essentially an undergraduate program in the US, and in fact graduates of Indonesian medical schools' four-year program have a bachelor's degree in medicine, not a doctorate.  Leida and Eric have played fast and loose with her "medical degree" to imply that she is a doctor as we understand it here, and she isn't.  I have seen parts of her cv online that say she has "assisted" her father in surgery, but I would bet the farm she has never practiced medicine on her own.

I am suspicious of her being antisemitic because of "Cohenstein" which to me has no other explanation--although I'd be really happy to learn I'm wrong--plus the information from online about the level of institutionalized antisemitism that exists in Indonesia, where "Cohenstein" might be considered the very height of wit.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

I don't think I've hated another couple on this show more than these two.  What a piece of shit father he is treating his own daughter this way .

They are both vile.  Ledia is disturbing and just a POS.  I hope that all this is made up drama because Eric schemed of a way for his daughters and ex-wife to get paid from this show so they invented drama for an excuse for them to all be on episodes.  I look forward to Ledia's downfall.  Maybe Tasha's name is on the lease; then they could not kick her out until the lease is finished. 


What happens if an American brings over a spouse, they scrimp and save to pay the visa fees and for citizenship and sponsorship and then they both somehow end up on public assistance?  Could that happen? or not for 10 years because someone has to sponsor the spouse?  I vaguely know this guy that is on disability and he brought over a woman to marry.  His parents basically bought him a wife and a free nurse.  They are the sponsors but then the father lost his good job.  They all live together in one big house.  The father has a semi-okay job now, but the guy on disability doesn't work, his wife started working as soon as she got her green card at mostly really crappy jobs.  They struggle, even though they live in a nice house.  He said the plan was that when the parents pass, he gets the house, but he will still have to pay taxes and insurance plus living expenses and utilities.  If something happens to the father so he can't work anymore, I definitely see them all on public assistance.   It irks me that he had the gall to get married to someone he barely knew and she has no skills, no education, he just wanted sex and couldn't find anyone to marry him here; he can't even take care of himself on his own.  His parents would have been better off setting up some sort of trust for him instead of wasting money bringing his wife over and encouraging that.   She has no will to better herself and they don't have the means for her to do so.  When the parents are gone, she will be the sole provider and she can't do much.  I feel sorry for her though the most; her living conditions have vastly improved, but I think she deals with a great amount of stress and provocation from the parents and from him.  I think she was sold a bill of goods to get her to come and marry him; and she's very religious so she won't divorce him and will most likely stay and put up with his crap.  She also wants kids but they definitely can not afford them and I think has 2nd thoughts now about having children with him.  Different from Ledia and Eric in a way (he reminds me of Eric but with a healthy dose of Pol mixed in), but does the US do anything if the spouse eventually ends up on assistance?

Edited by doyouevengohere
  • Useful 1
2 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

They are both vile.  Ledia is disturbing and just a POS.  I hope that all this is made up drama because Eric schemed of a way for his daughters and ex-wife to get paid from this show so they invented drama for an excuse for them to all be on episodes.  I look forward to Ledia's downfall.  Maybe Tasha's name is on the lease; then they could not kick her out until the lease is finished. 

I just watched that clip and it made me so uncomfortable.  I know what it is like to have a parent (with me it was Mom) who had an SO who was the end all be all and whatever he said, went.  I could just see HIM sitting there, saying "Well you gotta go" and MY MOM sitting over there, avoiding all eye contact and siding with him.  Just icky feelings all around, I hope this was just for show but........I would move out, make a nice home for myself and let dad (eric) hang himself.  When Leida leaves I would be as cold to Eric as he was to me.

Eric is no prize, why does he want to sign up for fatherhood take two with an unpleasant woman?  Leida, if he treats his OWN daughters this way how he is gonna turn on your son someday?

  • Love 13
14 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

What happens if an American brings over a spouse, they scrimp and save to pay the visa fees and for citizenship and sponsorship and then they both somehow end up on public assistance?  Could that happen? or not for 10 years because someone has to sponsor the spouse?  I vaguely know this guy that is on disability and he brought over a woman to marry.  His parents basically bought him a wife and a free nurse.  They are the sponsors but then the father lost his good job.  They all live together in one big house.  The father has a semi-okay job now, but the guy on disability doesn't work, his wife started working as soon as she got her green card at mostly really crappy jobs.  They struggle, even though they live in a nice house.  He said the plan was that when the parents pass, he gets the house, but he will still have to pay taxes and insurance plus living expenses and utilities.  If something happens to the father so he can't work anymore, I definitely see them all on public assistance.   It irks me that he had the gall to get married to someone he barely knew and she has no skills, no education, he just wanted sex and couldn't find anyone to marry him here.  She has no will to better herself and they don't have the means for her to do so.  When the parents are gone, she will be the sole provider and she can't do much.  Different from Ledia and Eric in a way, but does the US do anything if the spouse eventually ends up on assistance?

The government can sue you to try for reimbursement. Assuming you ever get back on your feet and are able to pay the judgement.

  • Love 4
39 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I know what it is like to have a parent (with me it was Mom) who had an SO who was the end all be all and whatever he said, went.  I could just see HIM sitting there, saying "Well you gotta go" and MY MOM sitting over there, avoiding all eye contact and siding with him.  Just icky feelings all around, I hope this was just for show but........I would move out, make a nice home for myself and let dad (eric) hang himself.  When Leida leaves I would be as cold to Eric as he was to me.

Sorry you had to experience that.  I didn't have a good relationship with my mother either but for very different reasons,  I know how certain scenes can bring back old memories.  I really feel for the kids on this show they didn't have any say in this.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

I don't think I've hated another couple on this show more than these two.  What a piece of shit father he is treating his own daughter this way .

I am here for Tasha's clapback. "I'm on the lease, so maybe YOU need to move!". Tasha is one person who is not moved by Leida's bullshit attitude and I love her for it.

  • Love 20
3 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I am here for Tasha's clapback. "I'm on the lease, so maybe YOU need to move!". Tasha is one person who is not moved by Leida's bullshit attitude and I love her for it.


Many leases stipulate how many people can live in an apartment, how long guests can stay Etc. especially if utilities are paid by the landlord. It’s  not fair to them if they are told two adults will live there and suddenly it’s 3 plus  kid, (more water, electricity etc) 

If I had my name on the lease, and the lease limited the occupancy to 2, then I’d tell my father that I’m not going anywhere and she’s not staying her with her kid. So he can rent a new apartment for them and either live with them or stay with me, but whatever he decides , he’s responsible to pay half the rent onthe current apt till the lease is up. Once the lease was done, I’d move out and limit my contact with him.

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, Mothra said:

I was teasing.  People have posted that "medical school" in Indonesia can mean what is essentially an undergraduate program in the US, and in fact graduates of Indonesian medical schools' four-year program have a bachelor's degree in medicine, not a doctorate.  Leida and Eric have played fast and loose with her "medical degree" to imply that she is a doctor as we understand it here, and she isn't.  I have seen parts of her cv online that say she has "assisted" her father in surgery, but I would bet the farm she has never practiced medicine on her own.

I am suspicious of her being antisemitic because of "Cohenstein" which to me has no other explanation--although I'd be really happy to learn I'm wrong--plus the information from online about the level of institutionalized antisemitism that exists in Indonesia, where "Cohenstein" might be considered the very height of wit.

Sorry I took that so seriously/literally! 💛

IDK if it’s because things just get so personal for me, or if I really am on the spectrum (don’t want to get diagnosed for ANYTHING by an Indonesian psychiatrist, so I’m waiting until I’m overseas to get diagnosed—many Indonesian shrinks still classify homosexuality as a “disorder” and at one point a sadistic “psychologist” acting as a ‘counsellor’ at my charm school reduced me to tears for no apparent reason, I had my ADHD diagnosed in Holland). So sorry if I came off pissy.

I’ve known until recently there was a travel ban for Indonesians to travel to Israel, but if I’m not mistaken, it’s been lifted this year.

4 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I am here for Tasha's clapback. "I'm on the lease, so maybe YOU need to move!". Tasha is one person who is not moved by Leida's bullshit attitude and I love her for it.

I want the clap back to to be Tasha reminding Leida that SHE’s lived on daddy’s money/property herself and that Indonesian child support laws (yes, it exists, Tasha! Don’t listen to the grifter your dad’s about to marry) imply that parents support their children beyond the 18 years in Indonesia. Leida’s double standards are disgusting.

I NEVER judge women who say they’re not willing to marry men with children from previous marriages, because I understand that to Ben a decent human being means you’ll have to put up with the ex-wife breathing on the back of your neck until the children turn 18. And if you don’t want to put up with that, fair enough IMO. It’s not selfish at all.

But gold-diggers who come out of nowhere knowing they're marrying men with children from previous marriages, and then wreck havoc on an existing family are gross. The first thing she did was try to kick his daughter out and get him to stop paying child support.

7 hours ago, iwasish said:

I think she probably played “Operation!” With him as a kid. 

BEEP! 😂😂😂🤣

Edited by CSS.MD
I type faster than I think. 🤷🏻‍♀️🕶🥤
  • Love 6
9 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

I don't think I've hated another couple on this show more than these two.  What a piece of shit father he is treating his own daughter this way .


Check out Leida’s NARCISSISM, tho. 😳

”Did you do this on purpose to make me explode?”

Yeah, Leida, Tasha totally chose to live in this mess just so she can piss YOU off. She’s been plotting to piss you off by the state of the very own home she’s been living in before she even met you! Just to piss YOU off.

Because everything is about you...

Even when my brother’s pushy girlfriend (who wants the relationship to move waaaay too fast) crashed MY birthday party and made it all about HER, I never assumed it was all about me! I always thought it was because she was trying to insert herself and impose “force-introduce” herself to the rest of the family ASAP as to “secure the bag”.

Hell, even when my brother’s pushy girlfriend started “Single White Female”-ing me (by wearing the same outfits I wore to family events that I’ve posted photos of on Instagram), I STILL never thought it was about me, me, MEEEE. I thought it was about her “love bombing” my parents to fool them into thinking she was “just like the women in my family”, so they’d accept her easier (later, when my parents eventually met her parents, my mother noticed that the girlfriend dresses/behaves like she wasn’t raised by her own parents, but raised by my parents—it was actually kind of creepy LOL).

I can’t believe Leida actually thinks Tasha purposely lived in a dump just to “make her explode”. I can’t.

She’s so delusional.

Edited by CSS.MD
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, CSS.MD said:


Check out Leida’s NARCISSISM, tho. 😳

”Did you do this on purpose to make me explode?”

Yeah, Leida, Tasha totally chose to live in this mess just so she can piss YOU off. She’s been plotting to piss you off by the state of the very own home she’s been living in before she even met you! Just to piss YOU off.

Because everything is about you...

Even when my brother’s pushy girlfriend (who wants the relationship to move waaaay too fast) crashed MY birthday party and made it all about HER, I never assumed it was all about me! I always thought it was because she was trying to insert herself and impose “force-introduce” herself to the rest of the family ASAP as to “secure the bag”.

Hell, even when my brother’s pushy girlfriend started “Single White Female”-ing me (by wearing the same outfits I wore to family events that I’ve posted photos of on Instagram), I STILL never thought it was about me, me, MEEEE. I thought it was about her “love bombing” my parents to fool them into thinking she was “just like the women in my family”, so they’d accept her easier (later, when my parents eventually met her parents, my mother noticed that the girlfriend dresses/behaves like she wasn’t raised by her own parents, but raised by my parents—it was actually kind of creepy LOL).

I can’t believe Leida actually thinks Tasha purposely lived in a dump just to “make her explode”. I can’t.

She’s so delusional.

Why do I secretly hope that Tasha did leave the mess ( that was probably mostly Eric’s ) to “make her explode”. I did love her saying that “ i’m not gonna cry myself  to sleep over it,   but I do feel bad that you had that reaction” 

And that she knew her rights regarding the lease. And nice house dress Leida, you look like my 80 yr old granny. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Why do I secretly hope that Tasha did leave the mess ( that was probably mostly Eric’s ) to “make her explode”. I did love her saying that “ i’m not gonna cry myself  to sleep over it,   but I do feel bad that you had that reaction” 

And that she knew her rights regarding the lease. And nice house dress Leida, you look like my 80 yr old granny. 

It’s interesting how she accused Tasha of pushing her buttons to provoke an “explosion” because AFAIK, that’s what people with certain “high-conflict personalities” do.

So, what they do is, the keep pushing your buttons with micro-aggressions until you lose your shit (at which point, they’ll play the victim and whine, “wheeee look how mean so-and-so was to me! They’re crazyyyy...”). 😒

Perhaps because she tries to make others “explode” on purpose a lot herself?

Very telling tidbit, that... 😐


  • Love 1
On 11/8/2018 at 5:18 AM, queenjen said:

This is one relationship I cannot see lasting. I've not watched this show before. Leida is already saying she wants to go home. Does that ever happen before the 90 days?

Maybe the family has decided (with Eric) that this marriage is the best outcome for Leida's future (and her son's). Perhaps they are all banking on slowly moving their kids to the States? Who knows why they didn't put their foot down and say NO! I have a feeling that Eric is offering a lot more then this family is returning. 

  • Like 1
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7 minutes ago, CSS.MD said:

It’s interesting how she accused Tasha of pushing her buttons to provoke an “explosion” because AFAIK, that’s what people with certain “high-conflict personalities” do.

So, what they do is, the keep pushing your buttons with micro-aggressions until you lose your shit (at which point, they’ll play the victim and whine, “wheeee look how mean so-and-so was to me! They’re crazyyyy...”). 😒

Perhaps because she tries to make others “explode” on purpose a lot herself?

Very telling tidbit, that... 😐


I don’t see what Eric sees in her. There’s nothing remotely sexy or even sexual about her. She’s the last type of woman a drunk like him needs to be with, the yelling, nagging and constant stream of babble out of her mouth would make me drink and I rarely do. 

Or maybe he needs someone like that around or he’d never get off his ass at all. 

  • Love 8
31 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I don’t see what Eric sees in her. There’s nothing remotely sexy or even sexual about her. She’s the last type of woman a drunk like him needs to be with, the yelling, nagging and constant stream of babble out of her mouth would make me drink and I rarely do. 

Or maybe he needs someone like that around or he’d never get off his ass at all. 

I’m actually beginning to wonder if she went on an online dating site/app telling men outright that she just needed someone to partner up to be on the show?

Like a “casting” proposition? In the one time in her life she isn’t playing coy?

And Eric’s just like, “aaaay, side-hustle! Let’s do this!” 💰😂🤣

Terrible casting on her part, if you ask me.

Zero chemistry... 🔬👩🏻‍🔬⚗️

CUT! 🎬

  • Love 11
19 minutes ago, CSS.MD said:

I’m actually beginning to wonder if she went on an online dating site/app telling men outright that she just needed someone to partner up to be on the show?

I read somewhere that Leida claims she wasn’t using an online dating site but that she was shopping online for furniture (!) when she “accidentally” clicked on Eric’s profile. Yeah, right

Edited by magemaud
  • LOL 1
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13 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I read somewhere that Leida claims she wasn’t using an online dating site but that she was shopping online for furniture (!) when she “accidentally” clicked on Eric’s profile. Yeah, right

Perhaps we should ask resident software engineer Coltman Bates how that’s even algorithmically possible? 👩🏻‍💻

Eric must have some mad SEO skillz... Or did he AdSense his online dating profile so anyone searching “inflatable sofa” would discover him? 🛋

Inquiring minds need to know. 🔍

  • LOL 2
  • Love 13
9 hours ago, iwasish said:

Why do I secretly hope that Tasha did leave the mess ( that was probably mostly Eric’s ) to “make her explode”. I did love her saying that “ i’m not gonna cry myself  to sleep over it,   but I do feel bad that you had that reaction” 

And that she knew her rights regarding the lease. And nice house dress Leida, you look like my 80 yr old granny. 

I think Tasha is just a messy teenager.  When Leida's parents toured the apt, they showed Tasha's bedroom, and it was a disgusting pigsty that made the rest of the apt look neat and clean.

8 hours ago, iwasish said:

I don’t see what Eric sees in her. There’s nothing remotely sexy or even sexual about her. She’s the last type of woman a drunk like him needs to be with, the yelling, nagging and constant stream of babble out of her mouth would make me drink and I rarely do. 

Or maybe he needs someone like that around or he’d never get off his any ass at all. 


  • Love 4

I don’t see what Eric sees in her. There’s nothing remotely sexy or even sexual about her. She’s the last type of woman a drunk like him needs to be with, the yelling, nagging and constant stream of babble out of her mouth would make me drink and I rarely do. 

Or maybe he needs someone like that around or he’d never get off his any ass at all. 

I guess that I am the heretic and see the pair as rather evenly matched. While Eric likely peaked when he graduated basic Training and earned the title of United States Marine he has probably fallen into incel territory when his first marriage failed. On the other hand Leida probably peaked when she made it to a beauty pageant that was televised to her local city but is now a single mother with some other man's name prominently tattooed on her.


While there is the prejudice that the American is the ultimate loser who gets someone from the third world whose option was living as a maid in a closet while her employer, owner   raped her when he wanted some extra marital sex even those who have the option of living with a maid and driver wants to pair off. For Eric in the end having two years with Leida, assuming that as she gets even older and has a teen aged son she will leave for the next guy, is better than two more years as an incel. And I will assume Leida gets something to since this enlistment in the National Guard as a cavalry scout as well as his past Marine service seems to turn her on like some women go after cops and firefighters  instead of rock stars and actors.

  • Love 3

Incel Eric was far too lazy to court a woman and maintain a relationship properly. He couldn’t even listen to Leida talking about her overwhelming feelings of disappointment over the hovel! He just waited for the noise to stop. He knew full well that he had betrayed her, that he had lied in order to trap her. The only thing he responded to was when Leida threatened to go back. Then he lollingly glared over at her as if to say, “How dare you interfere with my plans?” Leida, don’t you realize you’re nothing more than a possession to him? A piece of furniture? An object to be used by someone on the bottom rung of life’s ladder so where does that put you?

Eric’s wife needs to realize that you can be too nice, and your kids will pay the price for it. Tasha held her own admirably but it was apparent that she was deeply hurt! Do NOT continue to expose your kids to this mess! Grow a spine!

  • Love 7

Tasha will do well to distance herself from daddy. I can see him wanting her out to appease Leida but when that relationship tanks, He’ll need her again as a room mate. Or her credit at least. 

I have to say Tasha is one mature young lady, at that age I would not have been nearly as composed in a confrontation like. Especially with Daddy-O on the offensive. 

  • Love 15
21 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I’m sorry your mom did you that way. That’s just so wrong!

Yeah, thanks.  My mom passed a few years ago, it was all good,  Never great but hey...... :)  She also brought him to my wedding against my wishes because......it is all about HER!  LOL!!  (my first wedding in 1994, btw)  I was like, "why is he here?"  Oh well.......

Loved Tasha saying "Well if my name is on the lease YOU may be leaving."

Why do people agree to move across the globe and not request photos of the home, yard, CREDIT REPORTS?  Ask questions about the checking account:  "Listen, do you run on fumes or are you okay each month?"  I mean, really.......

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 9
15 hours ago, Raja said:

On the other hand Leida probably peaked when she made it to a beauty pageant that was televised to her local city but is now a single mother with some other man's name prominently tattooed on her.

I’ve always seen beauty pageants as being like Mensa.

Mensa is not a good representative of the most brilliant minds in the world. What it is, is it’s a group of the cockiest a-holes who are proud enough to join, flaunt being a Mensa member, and attend the pissing contests that are their gatherings.

There are way more intelligent people out there than Mensa members, but they’d be too embarrassed to join. Because how full of yourself would you have to Ben to actually register.

I snooped around a Mensa exam once, out of curiosity (just to see what the organisers/other examinees were like—I didn’t pass the exam, of course, because I only have the minimum cut-off IQ anyway). I didn’t even tell any of my friends because I was ashamed to be there and I had no intention of joining even if I did pass. But just as I guessed: They were pompous and insufferable (the person who watched the exam not so much, but the other examinees were).

Same with pageants. They’re not really the most beautiful people in the world, they’re just the most beautiful people to SIGN UP for the competition.

I’ve seen beautiful people who never “made it” to a pageant, because they never signed-up. I mean fair enough, Aishwarya Rai and Priankya are legit gorgeous... But notice how not all of those “beauty queens” are as stunning as they are.

And I think most pageant contestants realise this, because many of they have this coy standard story of how “a relative/friend encouraged me do it.” How many will admit they just want the exposure to launch an acting career?

Occasionally, some will claim they were after the prize money. But I only believe that excuse if the amount is considerable (because the investment you make for coaching, makeup, dresses is also considerable—I saw a documentary about how they do it in Columbia/Venezuela, and they mean business over there).

Anyway, I believe that Leida’s involvement with the pageants actually happened! Because Leida/Aya/whoever did list real competitions on the Facebook Page.

The actress/model/cosplayer thing, I’m not so sure about because I don’t see any listed crédits (and believe me I think if she had any SHE WOULD PUT IT UP ON A BILLBOARD IN HOLLYWOOD BY NOW). No evidence of “cosplayer” that I’ve seen, either. I saw photos of her and Eric posing around cardboard cutouts at various Comic-Con entrances, but I don’t see any costumes crafted.

Her pageant involvement is the only thing I believe so far, I’m not even sure she graduated med school at this point!

Edited by CSS.MD
  • Love 9

At this point, I’d find it easier to believe that Marilyn Monroe graduated from med school. 👩🏼‍⚕️

“Marilyn” was just a character Norma Jeane played (it’s said she knew how to turn it on/off). I heard she actually has a 150-something IQ and is really smart. And I believe it, because THEORETICALLY, you’d have to be a very intelligent actor to play dumb.

And I will never believe Mr. President would’ve found her attractive if she were really the blonde bimbo character she played (and if you believe in the conspiracy theories, there is no way they’d feel the need to off her unless she was deemed intelligent/perceptive enough to process all the information she absorbed during her time with JFK). She must’ve been a compelling conversationalist.

I’m obsessed in Marilyn! 🤷🏻‍♀️🕶🥤

Leida is just a dumbass who’s playing doctor, and she’s not even smart enough to play dumb about not knowing what “child support” is. NEXT!

Edited by CSS.MD
ETA! And I misspelled “Norma JeanE”.
  • Love 6
48 minutes ago, CSS.MD said:

I’ve always seen beauty pageants as being like Mensa.

Mensa is not a good representative of the most brilliant minds in the world. What it is, is it’s a group of the cockiest a-holes who are proud enough to join, flaunt being a Mensa member, and attend the pissing contests that are their gatherings.

There are way more intelligent people out there than Mensa members, but they’d be too embarrassed to join. Because how full of yourself would you have to Ben to actually register...

I’d say that’s an apt comparison.  I’ve always thought of Mensa as a club for supposed “smart people” who were too dumb to find dates. They just can’t bear to be among people of lower stature (people who can’t do a boring test). As far as I’m concerned, count me in among the rabble because I want nothing to do with Mensa other than making fun of it.

Leida hasn’t figured out that we don’t want to hear about her family’s modest income at every opportunity. We don’t care about her servants. It’s just not cool. And Eric is too stupid to shut her up.

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