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Season 6 Discussion

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5 hours ago, eatsleep said:

Ugh I'm growing tired of Olga, the Martyr storyline. What is wrong with her? Why doesn't she assert herself...ever? Or is that all editing? Are we to believe Steven showed zero signs of being a fuck boi during the summer when they dated? He was a perfect angel?

I get the feeling she's just exhausted physically/emotionally and right now his outlandish thoughts are easier to deal with if she tries to diffuse it.  And yes, her picker sucks.  But I'm sure that like most abusers, the honeymoon phase they turn on the charm.  I just don't see how slacker with no fixed address is appealing.

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On 12/18/2018 at 3:52 PM, bravofan27 said:

If I spend significant time with Aswelo and found out I was pregnant I'd cry too. That guy just seems super sleazy to me, and I don't buy his dumb act. I think he's dumb, but he's really playing it up. I think if he just acted like himself, he would still come off as dumb. 


I don't necessarily find him sleazy, but his falsetto voice is a huge turnoff and it makes him appear thicker (intellectually).

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4 hours ago, funky-rat said:
5 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

Eric needs a drill sergeant and he doesn't care where he gets one.

Interesting thought.  Eons ago, when I worked at Wal-Mart in the office, one of my co-workers was married to a career Army guy.  He got out when the military started getting cutbacks, and she said he just couldn't function without someone telling him what to do, and she was getting tired of it.  They ultimately divorced.  He started working for W-M when she did, and he didn't last long because if someone wasn't telling him every move, he'd be lost.

And that, Funky-Rat, will probably be The Story of Eric.

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

I get the feeling she's just exhausted physically/emotionally and right now his outlandish thoughts are easier to deal with if she tries to diffuse it.

She's pretty smart...laying low and playing subservient.  I think he's the type to beat a female he thinks is a step or two ahead of him.


On 12/20/2018 at 1:32 PM, iwasish said:

Cant she go to the library? Read magazines, books etc. sit in the park and people watch? Go to Starbucks and kill time, there are always people there to speak to. 

Yes!  She can do all these things if he'll just get her a freakin' UBER ACCOUNT!   Not everyone lives withing walking distance of places like this.  Should she try to take a bus (if there even is one nearby) somewhere/anywhere if she doesn't know the area?   She's upset because she knows that for now, she's stuck.

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6 hours ago, RealReality10 said:

Okay, so I did the quickest of Google searches on this...because I had heard that in order to sell real estate in NYC you had to be an attorney.

It sounds like, from my understanding that there has to be an attorney to prepare and represent you for the contractual portion of the transaction.


I bet you Eric has been swindled into thinking he will have access to a fat inheritance once leida's parents die.  O have my doubts.  

Also, I'm sure he'd like it if she became a well paid doctor and kept him in the manner to which he will like to become accustomed.

Maybe Eric’s plan after her folks die,is to get his kids and ex so angry at Leida, they knock het off and he inherits everything? Or just my wishful thinking?

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5 hours ago, RealReality10 said:

I think a lot of people Olga's age have high expectations and a relatively small skill set. 

She seems like a smart enough girl.  She's a pretty girl.  She speaks Russian (and probably reads and writes it fluently).  Surely there's a job for her in Washington, D.C.

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On 12/20/2018 at 3:32 PM, iwasish said:

Cant she go to the library? Read magazines, books etc. sit in the park and people watch?

Fernanda would likely make some connections with moms or childcare providers at the park and maybe land a little job nannying to pay Bills and get herself through some schooling later on. Not all positions would require her to have a valid driver's license and drive kids around. Something simple like "greet kids off school bus and prep a quick meal until parents get home." Maybe shes not into that but it's a simple way many new immigrant females make a life at first. Sometimes these families hook you up with a great job at a good company once you're established and the kids have grown a couple years ...If they like you and are generous people. I've known some ladies like this. 

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10 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I understand that they *know* what they are getting into.  But they really don't.  It is temporary yes.  But maybe I personalize it b/c I work from home and know the isolation and yet I can leave the house when I want for the most part.  Going to the bar one night isn't a big deal in general but it wouldn't surprise me if he kinda does what he wants b/c he feels like she's bought and paid for.  I get the feeling that Jon probably pulls stunts like this on her more than just that one night.  If I liked him more, maybe I would think she's being totally unreasonable.  


He doesn’ t have her locked away. He’s taken her away for the weekend, he’s taken her to Chicago. It’s clear he’s always worked long hours. That’s not going to change when they marry. 

She never said that he leaves her alone all the time, so I’m taking it as a one time thing. He said he hadn’t seen his friend for a while and it wasn’t clear from the discussion if he told her in advance that he was going to have a drink and how long he would be. If he overstayed for less  than 15 min or half hour, I don’t see a problem. Unless it was interfering with some pre existing plan he had with Fernanda, she needs to chill. The repeated phone calls and texts “ Where are you? I need you home”  are excessive and annoying as hell.  It screams immaturity and neediness. 

points of view are skewed based on how sympathetic we are to each party.  I’m not a big fan of either Jon or Fernanda,  I do think Jon is trying, but Fernanda has  some unreasonable expectations. 

Edited by iwasish
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I’m just now watching a repeat because I was nowhere near a TV last Sunday night.

Kalani ...... it’s not all about you. It’s not all Asuelo’s fault. YOU participated willingly in sex without birth control. Ever hear of the rhythm method? The first week after your period, the last week before, ever try that? No, you spread your legs with no thought whatsoever as to the possible consequences. If you didn’t want to get pregnant so soon, say NO. Watch how fast a guy will put on a condom.

Steven, you are a scary asshole. He’s a psychopath. I am afraid for Olga. Every time I watch this couple interact, the more I realize she is in real danger if she sticks with this boy.

Eric.... send her the hell back to wherever she came from. Your daughter being kicked out, when you should be able to find a woman in your own neighborhood. Maybe, maybe not, judging from his demeanor. And that labotomy line on his forehead.

Natalie on her little “dewey” as we call them. When you get one too many DUIs, that’s all you can ride around on since you don’t need a license. She’s a bitch on wheels! HA!  Ashley is delusional, but it was still uncalled for. Production set-up is my guess. 

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I am rewatching some of this episode and I think Fernanda should go back home to her Mum and her friends, I don't think she's ready to get married and maybe never will be able to live this far away from them.  I feel like Jon has done a lot for her and that she's also compromising his happiness by staying.  I hope they don't make up and go through with the marriage.  They both feel like they are giving everything to the relationship and making sacrifices for each other but it's still not enough, they, especially her are very unhappy.


Oh sure, In the new mini episode they've already made up and looks like they will carry on.  Suggestion for Jon, buy her a puppy!

Edited by endure
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Rewatching last night (jesus.  I went to college and everything), I am more convinced than ever that Steven was dumbstruck when the embassy staff burst his bubble about taking His Son back to the US without Olga.  Olga's friend's questioning whether Steven had actually even applied for her visa makes me think, in fact, that he didn't apply for Olga's visa and that his plan from day one was to go to Russia, witness the Birth of His Son, and take His Son back home with him.  Because he didn't have a father and opportunities.  When Steven (sort of) tells Olga what happened at the embassy, he does not say "I can't take My Son to the US without you"--because that's clearly what he was told--he says, "Richie can stay in Russia."  WTF?  Everyone knew all along that Richie *could* stay in Russia.  That's not what Steven was told.  He was told Richie *must* stay in Russia until his mother had a visa to travel elsewhere.

Why didn't he tell Olga the truth?  I think it's because he needs to hold over her head the threat that he *could* take Richie home with him, without her.  It's about the only control over her he has left, now that she's feeling better and stronger and can't be pushed around so easily.  If she thinks Richie could be taken away from her, she's going to watch how she treats Steven; she's going to have to take his shit without objection.

I hope to god that she consults someone who knows how she can learn the status of her visa application and who can make clear to her that Steven can *not* take her baby away from her.  And then I hope she kicks Steven out of her apartment, just like Grandma does.

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15 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

She seems like a smart enough girl.  She's a pretty girl.  She speaks Russian (and probably reads and writes it fluently).  Surely there's a job for her in Washington, D.C.

Probably reads and writes it fluently?  Good thing she's pretty, then.


21 hours ago, RealReality10 said:

Okay, so I did the quickest of Google searches on this...because I had heard that in order to sell real estate in NYC you had to be an attorney.

It sounds like, from my understanding that there has to be an attorney to prepare and represent you for the contractual portion of the transaction.

Oh, okay, because when you said people representing sellers of real estate in New York City had to be attorneys, I literally couldn't believe it.  I know New York City has some unique laws (limit on portion sizes of soda--since overturned), but, and no offense to real estate agents, to require a law license for a job that lots of people do as a side hustle seemed out of bounds even for New York City.

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I'm behind and just got around to watching this episode last night.

Kelani makes my blood boil. She blames Asuelo for getting her pregnant. Woman, come on! Kelani is a thirty year old adult. She's not a teenager getting snookered by a guy into having sex with him. She knows if you don't use protection you may get pregnant. What an act. Her crying and blaming is just annoying coming from her. She knows exactly what's going on but likes to pull the innocent act for her Mormon mother and her family. She needs to own her actions and get on with it. Get a job, marry Asuelo or not, and set up a stable life for your children. Cut the crap and the drama and grow up!

It was sad watching sweet Olga crying. Steven will not be able to take little Richie back to the US. I just wanted to give her a big hug and tell her that.

I think Fernanda misses her life with her Mom and all her friends in Mexico. She feels isolated in that hick town. Jon is at work all day and is out of the house with people all day. Jon needs to understand that buying a person a car, boobs and paying for school does not make a relationship. It's trying to buy a person's love and affection instead of being concerned with their emotional needs. Jon chose a nineteen year old to be his wife and he will have to deal with her issues.

Mama Debbie, Cousin John, Hippie dippy wife and Coltee can all ride off into the sunset together. Without Larissa in the picture, Coltee will live happily ever after with his Mom and the cousin he met a year ago. They're all pretty useless.

Jay and Ashley. Hmmm. Not going to last. That's all I got.

Eric and Leida - These two are a creepy match made in heaven. He's a terrible Dad to his girls. Can't forgive him for that. 

Edited by Matty
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20 hours ago, Chalby said:

I don't necessarily find him sleazy, but his falsetto voice is a huge turnoff and it makes him appear thicker (intellectually).

Yes, his voice to me is the ultimate turnoff.  And he kinda of has a "duh" face to me.

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4 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Yes, his voice to me is the ultimate turnoff.  And he kinda of has a "duh" face to me.

That and the way his thighs rub together and pull his shorts into his ass. The little things like that are turnoffs.

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12 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:
On 12/21/2018 at 6:11 PM, HaaCHOO said:

She seems like a smart enough girl.  She's a pretty girl.  She speaks Russian (and probably reads and writes it fluently).  Surely there's a job for her in Washington, D.C.

Probably reads and writes it fluently?  Good thing she's pretty, then.

I didn't mean "fluently," as writing a letter to friends and relatives that's enjoyed and understood.  I meant that she probably can read/write a business letter or report in Russian that's accurate and of value to an employer.

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On 12/16/2018 at 9:58 PM, Kangatush said:

Ashley, if you want a man, don't pick a 20 year old.  And OMG, TLC did grant one of my dreams.  All during the fight with Natalie I kept seeing the scooter and super hoping it was hers.  AND IT WAS!

I was watching this show with my boyfriend and he said "Did she (Natalie) ride that scooter there..?" I was like no way. As if. That's so ridiculous. Shows what I know. 

Imagine my complete surprise when she walked to the scooter. Sat on it. Started it up. And rode off down the street. And the camera panned it. THE CAMERA PANNED IT from start to finish. We both sat there, laughing a good five minutes after.


I'm actually laughing while typing this. 😂

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21 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Oh, okay, because when you said people representing sellers of real estate in New York City had to be attorneys, I literally couldn't believe it.  I know New York City has some unique laws (limit on portion sizes of soda--since overturned), but, and no offense to real estate agents, to require a law license for a job that lots of people do as a side hustle seemed out of bounds even for New York City.

That’s insane. I thought I misread.

How many law graduates are willing to ditch a possible career in law to be a real estate agent?!

The work is annoying as HELL.

I used to help my parents meet potential tenants interested in their appartements/condos downtown (in addition to their regular proper agents who would demand a commission—I did it commission-free to repay my parents for my tuition).

IDK if it’s because I’m a misanthropic introvert but to me it was a CHORE.

I’d rather help a litigation lawyer do research/draft paperwork and deeds or whatnot. It’s a more steady/sure income too.

Edited by CSS.MD
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On 12/19/2018 at 12:10 PM, magemaud said:

I think he said something about paying her "Amazon bill" so she might be filling her days with online shopping, possibly even having things sent to her family in Mexico. And he scolded her for spending six hours on the phone with friends from home. If he's not there, and she knows no one else to communicate with, what's the problem with that? I don't blame her one bit! 

I thought he meant she spent six hours on the phone while he was home.  If that is the case she is just as selfish as he is.

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3 hours ago, Stacee said:

I was watching this show with my boyfriend and he said "Did she (Natalie) ride that scooter there..?" I was like no way. As if. That's so ridiculous. Shows what I know. 

Imagine my complete surprise when she walked to the scooter. Sat on it. Started it up. And rode off down the street. And the camera panned it. THE CAMERA PANNED IT from start to finish. We both sat there, laughing a good five minutes after.


I'm actually laughing while typing this. 😂

Someone should make a gif of her riding away.

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2 hours ago, CSS.MD said:

That’s insane. I thought I misread.

How many law graduates are willing to ditch a possible career in law to be a real estate agent?!

The work is annoying as HELL.

I used to help my parents meet potential tenants interested in their appartements/condos downtown (in addition to their regular proper agents who would demand a commission—I did it commission-free to repay my parents for my tuition).

IDK if it’s because I’m a misanthropic introvert but to me it was a CHORE.

I’d rather help a litigation lawyer do research/draft paperwork and deeds or whatnot. It’s a more steady/sure income too.

 A friend of mine is a practicing attorney and she's considering it. I think she's bonkers, but I don't have the salesmanship attitude and maybe she does. The housing market in the bay area is insane, so maybe it's worth it to her. I finally clawed my way into a sweet in-house position and I'm staying for the duration. You couldn't convince me to sell houses under any circumstances...but when I'm ready to buy, it'll be nice to have someone on the inside! (Plus, I think having the legal background would come in pretty handy when dealing with the ins and outs of transferring that much value between parties.)

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1 hour ago, Spike said:

Someone should make a gif of her riding away.

There is a very creative short clip of her riding thru all sort so of scenes on another site, like pee in your pants funny...I can PM you the info if you like.   That is what makes this show, not so much the couples but the throw away lines so to speak, the friends can be scene stealers.

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5 hours ago, Stacee said:

I was watching this show with my boyfriend and he said "Did she (Natalie) ride that scooter there..?" I was like no way. As if. That's so ridiculous. Shows what I know. 

Imagine my complete surprise when she walked to the scooter. Sat on it. Started it up. And rode off down the street. And the camera panned it. THE CAMERA PANNED IT from start to finish. We both sat there, laughing a good five minutes after.


I'm actually laughing while typing this. 😂

The whole thing was a masterpiece of cinematography.  Especially the part where they teased us with the scooter by showing it in the background.....

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On 12/17/2018 at 2:36 AM, jacksgirl said:

I thought Der Kommissar was by After the Fire, and Rock Me Amadeus by Falco. I love my some 80s music. 

See, I want Jesse to lip sync Rock the Casbah so I can laaaaaugh and lauuuuuugh and lauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh...

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3 hours ago, Spike said:

I thought he meant she spent six hours on the phone while he was home.

Maybe...or maybe monitors her phone use when he's not around.  As soon as she gets a driver's license and starts to go around town, he'll probably put a tracker on the car.

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2 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

Maybe...or maybe monitors her phone use when he's not around.  As soon as she gets a driver's license and starts to go around town, he'll probably put a tracker on the car.

It wouldn’t make sense for him to complain if she did it when he wasn’t there.   But if she complains that he doesn’t spend enough time with her, and then does that when he’s home, it’s a valid beef.

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1 hour ago, Spike said:

It wouldn’t make sense for him to complain if she did it when he wasn’t there.

There wouldn't be a show if these people made sense.    It's possible he tried to call her during the day and she didn't answer...for six hours!  When he commented on it (accused her of something?) when he got home, she said she had been talking to her family/friends in Mexico.

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6 hours ago, monagatuna said:

 A friend of mine is a practicing attorney and she's considering it. I think she's bonkers, but I don't have the salesmanship attitude and maybe she does. The housing market in the bay area is insane, so maybe it's worth it to her. I finally clawed my way into a sweet in-house position and I'm staying for the duration. You couldn't convince me to sell houses under any circumstances...but when I'm ready to buy, it'll be nice to have someone on the inside! (Plus, I think having the legal background would come in pretty handy when dealing with the ins and outs of transferring that much value between parties.)

I can understand wanting to make a change.  I'm an attorney and there's times I want to quit and be a farmer, and I have a relatively good practice.  I think for some people who aren't cut out to be lawyers, the urge to leave for real estate is strong.  

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Eric faces his distraught daughters; Steven surprises Olga; Kalani's big news upsets her sister; Fernanda writes Jonathan a shocking letter; Ashley and Jay run away to Vegas; Larissa reconnects with Colt's mom.

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Fernanda screams at Jonathan that "she needs him here." What's it going to be if he is at a late settlement, (here in Maryland we have about a zillion papers to sign and it takes a while) will she be blowing up his phone and trashing his house because he cannot talk to her?  Shades of Anfisa.

Her neediness is predictable, she is 19!  Jonathan will be raising his wife for a few years.

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On 12/21/2018 at 1:52 PM, RealReality10 said:

Okay, so I did the quickest of Google searches on this...because I had heard that in order to sell real estate in NYC you had to be an attorney.

It sounds like, from my understanding that there has to be an attorney to prepare and represent you for the contractual portion of the transaction.


I bet you Eric has been swindled into thinking he will have access to a fat inheritance once leida's parents die.  O have my doubts.  

Also, I'm sure he'd like it if she became a well paid doctor and kept him in the manner to which he will like to become accustomed.

Yes. You definitely do not need to be an attorney to sell real estate in NYC. No degree is required other than passing the exam to get a real estate license. However, at the closing of the house, when signing legal paperwork, a real estate attorney is present in addition to the title broker and you pay each of them for their service at your house closing. I have a friend who used to be a title broker and I never understood how she made a good living just showing up at closings for an hour and getting paid. Still don’t! It’s a good job when the market is good and you have good networking. She is a real estate agent now. I have a friend who is a real estate attorney and she only goes to the closing and gets paid a fee. 

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2 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Fernanda screams at Jonathan that "she needs him here." What's it going to be if he is at a late settlement, (here in Maryland we have about a zillion papers to sign and it takes a while) will she be blowing up his phone and trashing his house because he cannot talk to her?  Shades of Anfisa.

Her neediness is predictable, she is 19!  Jonathan will be raising his wife for a few years.

That was my exact thought!  I just settled on my house in August and it was a 4 hour process (a lot of sitting around waiting for my (out of state) bank to finish the wire transfer).  I was so happy someone brought donuts.   

That scene honestly made me think of how my slightly-ADD realtor would have been climbing the walls with his phone going off like that...

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9 hours ago, monagatuna said:

 A friend of mine is a practicing attorney and she's considering it. I think she's bonkers, but I don't have the salesmanship attitude and maybe she does. The housing market in the bay area is insane, so maybe it's worth it to her. I finally clawed my way into a sweet in-house position and I'm staying for the duration. You couldn't convince me to sell houses under any circumstances...but when I'm ready to buy, it'll be nice to have someone on the inside! (Plus, I think having the legal background would come in pretty handy when dealing with the ins and outs of transferring that much value between parties.)

@CSS.MD when I was straight out of law school the legal market was CRAP, I got my real estate license and worked with a broker to make money (inbetween that and doc review). The real estate exam felt like “real property for dummies” and it was good money but it’s a HUSTLE. You definitely have to have a certain skill set to make a living as a real estate agent- extroversion, sales, hustle etc, and it’s 100% commission so you must handle your finances well (feast and famine). I’m still friends with the guy I worked for (he’s great, helped me by my current home). 

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