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S32.E14: Lavender Is the New Black

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Cigarettes and Sadness is the name of my new indie band.

I’m very disappointed that Sucky Sylvia was physically violent with someone and didn’t get her ass bounced out of the house.

Sylvia suuuuuuucks.

Ashley suuuuuuuucks.

Shane has turned Nelson so he sucks too.

And they all suck SO HARD for making me root for John.

Hey did you know Cory has a kid?  I’m surprised it hasn’t come up.

Oh also Cara is still fucking Paul IRL so she sucks extra super hard.

  • Love 18
51 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Cigarettes and Sadness is the name of my new indie band.

I’m very disappointed that Sucky Sylvia was physically violent with someone and didn’t get her ass bounced out of the house.

Sylvia suuuuuuucks.

Ashley suuuuuuuucks.

Shane has turned Nelson so he sucks too.

And they all suck SO HARD for making me root for John.

Hey did you know Cory has a kid?  I’m surprised it hasn’t come up.

Oh also Cara is still fucking Paul IRL so she sucks extra super hard.


Every word of this is perfection

  • Love 3

All the people left do suck except for Cara Maria, Marie, Tony, and I hate to say it, Johnny. I’m just rooting for them.

I loved the moment that Cara Maria and Marie had. Cara Maria already knew she would go into elimination and accepted it, but it was harder for Marie because her “friends” were putting her in.

Sylvia should’ve been DQ’ed for that head butt. Ashley and Shane aren’t friends at all, they just care about the money and are manipulative.

I hope Cara Maria and Marie beat Shane and Nelson. It was a very ballsy move, but I would love nothing more than to see Cara Maria and Marie win this elimination.

Edited by Steph619
  • Love 13

The Lavender Ladies are forced to look into going after each other, and we get Sylvia vs. Marie, with Smashley being bitchy in general. Also, Johnny slips out of the crosshairs for the umpteenth time. Yaaaaaaaaay.

At least the vote was straightforward, in the sense that Cara Maria & Marie could pick anyone. And they went with Lavender Lad AND a Young Buck. Poor stupid Shane. He's like Charlie Brown rushing to kick the football. He and Nelson get beat next week, then they go home on the Double Cross. And as nice a guy as Nelson can be, I'm great with that. Screw Shane.

Anybody else thinking that Hunter was wishing his cord would snap rather than deal with Smashley?

I'm rooting for a meteor to break into two pieces . . . one hits the main house, the other Redemption House.

  • Love 4

Congratulations MTV. You've finally figured out how to make me root for Johnny. Team Young Buck and the Lavender Ladies are somehow even more obnoxious and irritating combined than Johnny. Who knew? I could maybe handle one group but not both and definitely not with Ashley. She is the worst. Or maybe Shane is. Or both. Nah, it's Ashley.

Interesting how last week Amanda was all hung up on her loyalty and friendships which is why she couldn't sacrifice any of her teams (and why none of them could have stepped up for her) and yet, this week Shane is ready to toss aside a real off-screen relationship with Marie for some money. Yeah, Marie was really annoying crying all over the house about getting voted in but Shane was a dick to her. And how is Sylvia still allowed on the show after headbutting Marie?

Cara and Marie bonding in the voting room and crying was actually kind of sweet.

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

And how is Sylvia still allowed on the show after headbutting Marie?

I think she also got physical (along with her that other brunette bitch in Real World Skeletons) with Tony's baby mama #1, Madison, and didn't get booted out then either. I think. Maybe she didn't get physical. Just overly aggressive for no good reason. But this episode reminded me how much I hated her and other brunette chick (Veronica maybe?). Come to think of it, she reminded me how much I hated everyone on that suck ass season, except Madison, because she was just too pathetic to hate. Sylvia, other brunette chick, Nicole with her obnoxious ass accent, fucking Bruno, Tony. Wait, there was some other dude I can't remember, so I guess I don't hate him. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Steph619 said:

All the people left do suck except for Cara Maria, Marie, Tony, and I hate to say it, Johnny. I’m just rooting for them.

I loved the moment that Cara Maria and Marie had. Cara Maria already knew she would go into elimination and accepted it, but it was harder for Marie because her “friends” were putting her in.

Sylvia should’ve been DQ’ed for that head butt. Ashley and Shane aren’t friends at all, they just care about the money and are manipulative.

I hope Cara Maria and Marie beat Shane and Nelson. It was a very ballsy move, but I would love nothing more than to see Cara Maria and Marie win this elimination.

They ALL suck.

Just because the rest of them are gloating a little after enduring Banana's gloating for years doesn't make Bananas some hero.

What exactly does Marie expect, for them to vote for some team other than herself and Cara Maria?  How would that be a smart move since Bananas and Cara Maria are allied?

I don't understand playing the friendship card.  They knew at some point, they'd have to compete against each other if they were fortunate to get down to one of the last few teams.  What happened to "may the best man win?"

Cara Maria choosing Nelson and Shane would only help Bananas.  The smart move would have been Ashley and Hunter, the team they're most likely to beat.  Or maybe Sylvia and Joss.

But they want to take out the best team which could challenge Tony and Bananas but also the team which is more likely to beat you in the Armageddon unless it's some big puzzle or something.

So that is the reason why all the rest of them should have chosen Cara Maria and Maria.  They're going to try to suicide bomb the "head of the snake" as Cara Maria called it.

  • Love 3

Every time I see Joss, I get irrationally angry that he's with Amanda. Like, he could do wayyyyyy better, just based on looks alone. Add in the fact that she's pretty much a monster, and he should have nothing to do with her.  The little scene where they showed a picture of her looking all witchy and being "exorcised" from him was hilarious. 

The moment with Marie and Cara Maria was really nice.

I realize that John is an underdog in this, which makes people want to root for him, but I just can't. I vividly recall the way he treated Ev on the Island, along with so many other competitors who didn't kiss his ass when he had a majority alliance, and any sympathy I may have mustered up for him in the moment is gone.

Cory, nobody cares about your kids. Shut up. 

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, Steph619 said:

Sylvia should’ve been DQ’ed for that head butt. Ashley and Shane aren’t friends at all, they just care about the money and are manipulative.

I was just coming here to ask why the f she wasn't DQ'd. Marie did well holding her temper cuz I would have punched her square in the face if she did that to me. I could never understand everyone's dislike of Sylvia, but I get it now. Fingers crossed for a CM and Marie win for many reasons - mainly to get Shane to STFU.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, mccartygirl said:

I could never understand everyone's dislike of Sylvia, but I get it now.

Same. I don't understand why she didn't even get a reprimand for that. ESPECIALLY since they kept putting it in previews like it was a big deal.

That was some seriously oblivious hypocrisy from Ashley when she was talking about how Marie should just accept that she was going into elimination and not get upset. Because Ashley never, ever loses her mind over being put into elimination. At least Marie didn't threaten to quit, Ashley.

There is nothing that will make me root for Bananas (or Tony, really). I would still be rooting for Nelson and Shane (I know), except that I also want Marie and Cara to win the elimination. What I actually want is a twist that mixes up the partners so that there might be a chance of at least one team not containing someone I hate. Ugh.

  • Love 7

Team Young Bucks is the stupidest name and totally sounds like something Nelson picked out. So funny how quickly he forgot about Corey betraying him in a prior challenge and now they're "boys" again. Nelson seems somewhat harmless but dumb and definitely obnoxious with that Young Bucks crap. I'm roooting for Shane and Nelson...to totally sh*t the bed and for Cara and Marie--this year's love story, to beat them. What I really want is a Cara/Marie win and for the next challenge to be the final one for the redemption house and the 2 teams to come back are on team Johnny/Tony. I'd like the lavender Ladies to all go suck it. I'm also hoping Ashley's annual "i'm going home" meltdown happens soon. Those are always a good time. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Kaliah(sp?) gets kicked off because she pushed someone.  Silvia headbutts Marie and nothing?

Right?! I was waiting for Teege to say something to her. 

Shane says Marie is petty? Ok Shane.  Sure.  And you're not? 

Edited by Cherry Cola
Oops. Wrong your you're
  • Love 12

Condolences to Devin for the loss of his dad. He and John would have made an interesting team. Instead we get CoryIvegotadaughter, who is apparently trying to appear on as many MTV shows as he can.

I can’t bring myself to actually root for John, nor for the LLs or TYB. I’m going to just cheer for Cara/Marie and possibly whoever comes back out of the redemption house. Marie looked pretty at the club. She and Cara were adorable in the voting room. They probably should have picked Ashley/Hunter to go against for two reasons: 1) See Ashley lose her shit 2) those two don’t work too well together. Lol at Nelson quoting his elimination record. Wins against Cory probably shouldn’t count, dude.

I don’t see the difference between that headbutt and a punch. Sylvia should’ve been sent packing. 

Redemption house is getting a bit crowded.

  • Love 6

I'm not rooting for Johnny to win, but I do want to see him outlast Shane. I can't remember the last time I rooted for Johnny, I don't mind the others using their numbers against him, but what rubs me the wrong way is that the entire alliance is giddy with self-righteousness over having the numbers over the Challenge legend but they're behaviour is no different from anything they've accused Johnny of doing. Johnny has done some shitty things on this show, but his reputation precedes him because he's been a balanced competitor in terms of strategy, politicking, and athleticism. That lavender alliance is acting like they're a smart, powerhouse alliance but they're really just a group of people with numbers. That's it. There's nothing particularly intimidating or smart about them. They act like they are representatives that stand up to bullies when in fact they've displayed the most bullish behaviour of anyone this season.

I've really liked the development of Cara and Marie's relationship. They seemed to be the only two who have genuinely learned and found something to respect and appreciate in the other person....who knows if that continues outside of the house. I do hope they send Shane and Nelson home next week. Would love to see the looks on the Lavender Bitches faces if that happens.

Shane has this scary ability to rationalize everything he does. He pretends to own it but in the same breathe, he puts the onus on the person he's screwing over as being deserving of his disloyalty when the only truth is that he's more greedy than loyal. If he had said as much and disregarded comments about how much he's done for Marie or putting up with her crazy and being able to buy a friendship with someone who is less to deal with (as if he appears to be some lovable character to put up with), then at least I can say he's savage but at least honest. No wonder him and Amanda got along so well. They both reach to justify their behaviour and make themselves look like the victims rather than the bullies.

  • Love 10

Unfortunately, Marie touched Sylvia first. She put her forehead on Sylvia and moved her head back and forth. That's when Sylvia headbutted her. Both should have been disqualified. Looks like the show just decided to ignore it. I cannot wait for some of these people to go. The Lavender Ladies are annoying as hell. Yes, I was rooting for Johnny/Tony, that annoying!

  • Love 4

Sylvia has some luck because that is the second time she has had physical contact with another cast member and nothing happened.  I still do not understand how she got away with choking Madison the fuck out to the point of unconsciousness and stayed in the Real World house.

Meanwhile Tony and Camila who never even really touched each other in their fight both got the boot a few years ago.  

What Sylvia did to Madison was a bad or worse than anything CT has done.  

I think the only reason she got away with the headbutt was technically Marie placed her forehead against hers first but ALSO it was so late in the game PLUS she was partnered with Joss who they seem to want to be the next CT or Zach.  If she was partnered with another female I think it may have been more of an issue.

  • Love 4

Aw, Marie and Cara becoming a real team is a great storyline on a pretty disappointing season. 

I enjoy Brad, but maybe it’s time for him to hang it up. He looks properly horrified at everything these people do. Britni leaving seemed to really bring out Dad Brad. He just walks around looking stressed and breaking up fights. You can practically hear his inner monologue complaining about these damn kids. 

17 hours ago, Zima said:

Every time I see Joss, I get irrationally angry that he's with Amanda. Like, he could do wayyyyyy better, just based on looks alone. Add in the fact that she's pretty much a monster, and he should have nothing to do with her.  The little scene where they showed a picture of her looking all witchy and being "exorcised" from him was hilarious. 

Dayvonne does recaps of all the episodes, and in last week’s she mentioned that during her rant when she was called into elimination (which was apparently much longer than what we saw and involved cursing out most of the cast), she called Joss out on some unflattering things he had said about Amanda on this bus ride over (Dayvonne was on Joss’ bus; Amanda was not). She said she realized right away she had hurt Amanda and that wasn’t her intention. I wouldn’t be surprised if Amanda thought they had a real relationship (she did call him her boyfriend) and Joss was just looking for a future battle of the exes or ex on the beach partner. Which is almost enough to make me feel bad for Amanda, except that she’s Amanda, so I don’t. 

5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Shane has this scary ability to rationalize everything he does. He pretends to own it but in the same breathe, he puts the onus on the person he's screwing over as being deserving of his disloyalty when the only truth is that he's more greedy than loyal. If he had said as much and disregarded comments about how much he's done for Marie or putting up with her crazy and being able to buy a friendship with someone who is less to deal with (as if he appears to be some lovable character to put up with), then at least I can say he's savage but at least honest. No wonder him and Amanda got along so well. They both reach to justify their behaviour and make themselves look like the victims rather than the bullies.

It’s scary for sure. The hypocrisy is unreal, and he’s constantly claiming the moral high ground. People who disagree with him are stupid, homophobic, sexist, etc. And he has himself fully convinced. Shane thrives on conflict and making people angry, but he also never for a second legitimately considers if he might be in the wrong. 

I thought the way Ashley and Sylvia treated Marie speaks volumes about who they are as people. She wasn’t a cool girl on this challenge, and therefore they had no use for her and felt they owed her nothing, not even an upfront conversation about voting her in. They had the power in the house. They made a decision not to be gracious or sensitive in voting in someone they claimed was important to them. And Sylvia HEADBUTTED her! How do these people even function in life? I know Marie has a strong personality and can take care of herself, but I have to say it: run, Marie. These girls (and Shane) are not your friends. I’m sure they’re nice to you now that the season is over. When things were actually at stake, they shoved (or headbutted) you right under that bus and blamed you for having the gall to be upset about it. Real friends don’t act like that. They just don’t. 

  • Love 8
20 hours ago, scrb said:

They ALL suck.

Just because the rest of them are gloating a little after enduring Banana's gloating for years doesn't make Bananas some hero.

Thank you!! I can't believe all these people wanting to see do Johnny do well. I realize it's to spite the vile squad but HE'S NO BETTER! He's been awful for years and he and Tony are still the strongest team there. I just find him beyond infuriating. 

  • Love 9

I never thought I would root for a Big Brother team but at this point, Josea and Dayvonne are the only team I could actually stomach winning this thing. Maybe Cara and Marie but Cara was so awful with her pursuit of Paulie way back in the beginning of this season that I'm not sure I forgive her. Maybe Brad and Kyle wouldn't make me puke entirely. Everyone else just sucks. So, so bad!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

Dayvonne does recaps of all the episodes, and in last week’s she mentioned that during her rant when she was called into elimination (which was apparently much longer than what we saw and involved cursing out most of the cast), she called Joss out on some unflattering things he had said about Amanda on this bus ride over (Dayvonne was on Joss’ bus; Amanda was not). She said she realized right away she had hurt Amanda and that wasn’t her intention. I wouldn’t be surprised if Amanda thought they had a real relationship (she did call him her boyfriend) and Joss was just looking for a future battle of the exes or ex on the beach partner. Which is almost enough to make me feel bad for Amanda, except that she’s Amanda, so I don’t. 

I just finished listening to this earlier today! It didn't sound like he denied anything that Da'vonne said she heard him say on the bus. I'm not sure what would be the point of hooking up with Amanda (to the point that she would consider and call him her boyfriend) and then talk shit about her. Anybody would be hurt if they heard somebody was saying those things behind their back. I'm finding it really hard to drum up any kind of sympathy for Amanda, though. Joss sounds like an all around asshole so maybe it's not surprising that they found each other. I'm surprised MTV didn't air Da'Vonne's entire speech. That would have made for good TV especially that quip about Ashley and her pig. Maybe they didn't want to paint Joss in a bad light? I thought I read somewhere that MTV wants to push Joss as their next "star." 

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 5
On ‎10‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 11:35 PM, TiffanyNichelle said:

Congratulations MTV. You've finally figured out how to make me root for Johnny. Team Young Buck and the Lavender Ladies are somehow even more obnoxious and irritating combined than Johnny. Who knew? I could maybe handle one group but not both and definitely not with Ashley. She is the worst. Or maybe Shane is. Or both. Nah, it's Ashley.

Right!  I feel so dirty cheering on Johnny but now I am.  Granted I always liked Tony (even if he is scummy in his personal life), Marie, and Cara Maria (though the last couple of seasons have made me dislike her more and more).  That other alliance just sucks, I cannot stand Shane (I can't believe I was happy when he came back a couple of seasons ago) and I loathe Ashley.  I was never a fan of Sylvia going back to her season on the Real World and it was so long ago I can't remember why that is the case but yeah I have permanent dislike for her as well.

Sucks that Nelson and Corey are caught up in this nonsense because I like the both of them but to quote the late great Macho Man Randy Savage, "It is what it is."

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:

Condolences to Devin for the loss of his dad. He and John would have made an interesting team. Instead we get CoryIvegotadaughter, who is apparently trying to appear on as many MTV shows as he can.

I bet in some future Challenge down the road, it'll be like two teams: people who are doing it for themselves and/or used birth control ("Team Child-free!"), and the other team will be the Cory's and the Tony's and whoever else has a baby daddy/mama or two or three. 

If I ever went on a competitive reality show, I'd probably say, "I'm doing it for my cat. She eats pricey grain-free high quality wet food, and I'm taking time off from my actual job to waste time and money on trying to win money."

  • Love 9

To be fair, if Marie had followed me around all night buzzing in my ear like a gnat and putting her head against mine to back me into a corner, I would have head butted her as well and I’m not a violent person at all.  She got all up in Sylvia’s bubble to antagonize her.  I assumed she was trying to get Sylvia to hit her so that Sylvia would go home, thus forcing a no elimination night. 

None of these teams are good.  I actually feel bad for Marie on a personal level because she obviously just wants unconditional love/approval and these people are not the ones to give it.  Cara talks a good game but I bet she will toss Marie aside if it benefits her game on the next challenge.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, SophiaPehawkins said:

Maybe they didn't want to paint Joss in a bad light? I thought I read somewhere that MTV wants to push Joss as their next "star." 

Someone said that in a previous episode where the Lavender Ladies were ganging up on Cara Maria, Joss dumped a bucket of water on Cara's head, which also wasn't shown. I don't get all the Joss love, tbh. Even after this episode, he's still my least favourite half of the Sylvia/Joss team. He doesn't sound like a nice person, what they show of him is boring, and I personally don't find him very attractive. Kyle is a dick, but at least he's funny.

Edited by strippedhalo
Too many commas.
  • Love 8
12 hours ago, Jillibean said:

It’s scary for sure. The hypocrisy is unreal, and he’s constantly claiming the moral high ground. People who disagree with him are stupid, homophobic, sexist, etc. And he has himself fully convinced. Shane thrives on conflict and making people angry, but he also never for a second legitimately considers if he might be in the wrong. 

I thought the way Ashley and Sylvia treated Marie speaks volumes about who they are as people. She wasn’t a cool girl on this challenge, and therefore they had no use for her and felt they owed her nothing, not even an upfront conversation about voting her in. They had the power in the house. They made a decision not to be gracious or sensitive in voting in someone they claimed was important to them. And Sylvia HEADBUTTED her! How do these people even function in life? I know Marie has a strong personality and can take care of herself, but I have to say it: run, Marie. These girls (and Shane) are not your friends. I’m sure they’re nice to you now that the season is over. When things were actually at stake, they shoved (or headbutted) you right under that bus and blamed you for having the gall to be upset about it. Real friends don’t act like that. They just don’t. 

He never considers whether he might be wrong because he never wants to feel bad about anything he does, hence the gymnastics he performs to rationalize everything he does as being moral and more right than anyone else.

Sylvia is more bitchy than I thought. She usually doesn't last long enough in these challenges for me to remember her much but to see her but seeing her behaviour and her headbutt Marie was just gross. Sylvia didn't want to talk game with Marie because she knew that she was voting her in and she didn't want to have a conversation about it...you would think if the person is your friend then you would at least give them an explanation and show some real remorse about having to vote them in. Instead, Sylvia got upset because she was being a coward and Marie wasn't allowing her to get away with it so she kept confronting her. But similar to the rest of her pack, Sylvia put the blame on Marie. The reason Marie was the cast out because unlike Amanda who had a partner that refused to play along with them, Amanda butted heads with her partner, risking her own game for the sake of her alliance while Ashley didn't allow her 'friends' to bully her partner when they had no reason to. They were talking shit about Cara Marie for no reason. She hadn't done anything to instigate their vitriol. Marie was often the anchor that kept her team from winning and her performances completed negated whatever threat Cara Marie could pose to winning and putting anyone in their alliance up.

  • Love 3

Ugh, I can't stand any of them.  I certainly am NOT rooting for Johnny, but everyone is being so damn obnoxious, I can see why others might be compelled to do so.

Oh man, I can see the return of the team competitions after this season, featuring the Lavender Ladies, Team Young Buck, Old School Folks who love/tolerate Johnny, Old School Folks who can't stand Johnny (captained by Wes), etc.  Although I've wanted to see some level of the team competitions come back, given these assholes, it would be horrendous.  

If I were Marie, I would have selected Sylvia's ass for the Armageddon.  She was grating my nerves the entire episode.  Yes, Marie was fucking annoying, as usual, but would it have hurt Sylvia to have a 5 minute conversation with her instead of continuously blowing her off?  That's supposed to be your friend.  Ashley acts like I expect her to, like trash, especially considering that she always throws fits when she gets voted in.  But I guess only she's allowed to do that.  

  • Love 4

My condolences to Devin for the loss of his father.


The lavender shrubs can suck it - I hate smashley and I hate skeevia but I’m so happy that CM & Marie put Shane into the Armageddon. I really hope it’s a gender neutral competition because I want Shane out of that house and for the lavender shrubs to lose focus.

I know Marie put her head to Skeevia first but skeevia seems to repeatedly get away with being aggressive and that’s NOT COOL. 

I really enjoyed watching CM & Marie realize that they’ve become friends throughout all of this and just when Marie needed a friend the most. 

Cory will you SHUT UP about your beautiful daughter, Ryder. Between you and brad we get it - you both have children that you only see a few months out of the year while you attend challenge after challenge and every season of “ex on the beach” while the moms raise them. The dad card doesn’t work. Everyone needs the money. 

  • Love 10

I don't get why Bananas/Tony and Cara Marie weren't trying to recruit Joss/Sylvia... they are clearly on the bottom of an alliance that will dissolve from Lavender Ladies into TYB. At this point, a three-team alliance has a good shot of running the game without having to turn on one another... 

Edited by chavi00
  • Love 2
19 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

What Sylvia did to Madison was a bad or worse than anything CT has done.  

I think the only reason she got away with the headbutt was technically Marie placed her forehead against hers first but ALSO it was so late in the game PLUS she was partnered with Joss who they seem to want to be the next CT or Zach.  If she was partnered with another female I think it may have been more of an issue.

So I had to go watch the Madison-Sylvia thing. Holy crap. I'm not understanding why the dudes (Tony wtf) didn't get off their asses sooner. Did Tony even bunch from the couch??? 

And there is and always will be only 1 CT. Joss' behavior and bedmate really lowered what low opinion of him I already had. Wasn't he the one that dumped water on Cara Maria too? 

Not a huge Devin fan, I find him incredibly annoying. BUT a Johnny/Devin partnership would have been fun to watch. 

  • Love 5

Joss is also a huge fame whore even trying to work with the thirstiest woman ever Dani Victor in faking a relationship to try and get cast on one of those Exes shows.  I think he is known for doing that based on social media posts.


And yes he dumped water on Cara Maria which escalated the fight she was in with the LLs.

Edited by Unclejosh
  • Love 3

Only thing I’m happy about is there should be a first time winner. They are all mostly sociopaths, but I still oddly enjoy the show, other than the stupid purges/double cross/redemption house. I am generally against teams losing an elimination and still winning the game. So even though I’d prefer for Brad and Kyle to win, on principle I have to root against any of the Redemption House teams.  So I guess I hope Nelson/Shane win. Shane’s a bitch, but he has been a good competitor through the years who just chokes in eliminations. Nelson is the only Young Buck I like, if only because he is so earnestly and entertainingly stupid. 


I’ll never root for Johnny. Fuck him. He has too much power with the producers. He basically got to hand pick the cast of the next season, if rumors are true. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

I’ll never root for Johnny. Fuck him. He has too much power with the producers. He basically got to hand pick the cast of the next season, if rumors are true. 

That would suck.

Gradually the cast should turn over, as older cast members move on with their lives or just aren't asked back.

Since they no longer have RW, the feeder shows are AYTO and BB so there should be fewer and fewer vets in their 30s playing.  That means fewer "friends" or allies for vets like Johnny and Cara Maria to help them in future seasons.

That should be the normal course of events.

But if they reach out to vets like Leroy, for the sake of Bananas having allies, that would be manipulative on the part of the producers.  Leroy may be interested in coming back but after coming up empty so many times, maybe he's looked into getting a real job.

Yet you have someone like Brad and Derrick coming back after a long time away because they're financially desperate.  They always go for the "I have to win money to support my kids" backstory for several of the competitors.

Tony has been using that story for what now, 3-4 seasons or more?  He's never won but presumably he's been able to help somewhat to support his kids these years.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

 I’ll never root for Johnny. Fuck him. He has too much power with the producers. He basically got to hand pick the cast of the next season, if rumors are true. 

I think Johnny gets to do every season he wants (which is every season) and gets a higher appearance fee than anyone else. But I have to roll my eyes at the rumors that he handpicked the cast, because I don’t believe it for a second. Without getting into casting spoilers, it would seem to me that those rumors are coming from a place of bitterness on behalf of certain people who don’t like Johnny. Additionally, as the cast list has evolved it looks less and less likely even at face value that everyone is “Johnny approved.” I have no general problem with the idea that Johnny Bananas is the root of all evil, but in this case I think some of the people perpetuating this idea of Johnny as running the challenge casting department in a way that is biased against them are just as deplorable and possibly not as bright as he is. 

I absolutely think Joss is benefiting from a good edit. It can’t be coincidence that they left both the water incident and Dayvonne calling him out over Amanda on the cutting room floor. He’s good looking and generally bland, and they’re probably hoping that’s a successful format for pushing him to the forefront of popular contestants. I personally find him about as exciting as watching paint dry, but that’s just me. I don’t like Kyle, but I will admit he has made me laugh with some of his interviews.

Speaking of editing, does anyone remember when the challenge used to have a website with “dailies”, i.e. unedited clips from the show? I really liked those. I wish they would bring them back, maybe in a social media type format, like a dailies twitter. The challenge obviously has a pretty winning formula, but we hardly get more than a few seconds of any scene uncut since they constantly switch to interview footage. I always find myself frustrated when we see someone open his mouth to respond to something that was just said and then we cut to an interview or a voiceover and miss what is actually happening in the scene itself.

Edited by Jillibean
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

If I were Marie, I would have selected Sylvia's ass for the Armageddon.  She was grating my nerves the entire episode.  Yes, Marie was fucking annoying, as usual, but would it have hurt Sylvia to have a 5 minute conversation with her instead of continuously blowing her off?  That's supposed to be your friend.  Ashley acts like I expect her to, like trash, especially considering that she always throws fits when she gets voted in.  But I guess only she's allowed to do that.  

I think Cara made that choice and Marie went along with it, didn't really question it.

That choice proves she's doing Bananas' bidding, trying to go suicide bomber and hope to take out the best of the remaining teams, which would help Johnny and Tony's chances of winning the challenges and staying out of Armageddon.

Sylvia or Ashley would be easier to beat than Nelson and Shane but they're going to pick a tougher team rather than try to win Armageddon and avoid the Redemption House?

That just proves they were right to vote in Marie and Cara Maria.

Edited by scrb
On 10/9/2018 at 10:34 PM, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Wait, there was some other dude I can't remember, so I guess I don't hate him. 

It was Jay......who's girlfriend was none other than JENNA!!


There is so much talk about Joss on this thread but I don't even remember hearing him talk once during this season.  He seems boring and quiet.


I will never root for Johnny and I don't need to.  I think his curse follows him and I don't mind if one of the other teams win.  What I refuse to do is type out the stupid names they have given their pacts.

16 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Nelson is the only Young Buck I like, if only because he is so earnestly and entertainingly stupid. 

That's a great description of Nelson.  His dumbness is the only reason I like him, cause I know he doesn't know any better.

I always want to like Corey.  He's so hot....until he opens his damn month.  And then I got suckered into him again cause I saw the show with him and Cheyenne, and that gorgeous baby.  And then he comes back on the show with the damn, "I deserve to win because I don't know how to use a condom" reasoning.  Ugh.  He needs to get on the same cliff as Tony and Brad.  

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

That's a great description of Nelson.  His dumbness is the only reason I like him, cause I know he doesn't know any better.

I always want to like Corey.  He's so hot....until he opens his damn month.  And then I got suckered into him again cause I saw the show with him and Cheyenne, and that gorgeous baby.  And then he comes back on the show with the damn, "I deserve to win because I don't know how to use a condom" reasoning.  Ugh.  He needs to get on the same cliff as Tony and Brad.  

That’s his baby momma, Cheyenne?

she must be early 20s at most?

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, scrb said:

That’s his baby momma, Cheyenne?

she must be early 20s at most?

Yeah. Cheyenne is his baby momma. They slept together during the season she was on The Challenge.  He kept trying to convince her and she kept saying she had a boyfriend. But it looks like she gave in towards the end of the season, or just shortly after.  And she never told him until they discovered the baby had a medical issue.

On 10/11/2018 at 6:43 PM, scrb said:

That choice proves she's doing Bananas' bidding, trying to go suicide bomber and hope to take out the best of the remaining teams, which would help Johnny and Tony's chances of winning the challenges and staying out of Armageddon.

Sylvia or Ashley would be easier to beat than Nelson and Shane but they're going to pick a tougher team rather than try to win Armageddon and avoid the Redemption House?

I don’t think that’s doing Banana’s bidding.  They are employing the same strategy that Nelson used in picking Kyle and Brad.  Going for the stronger team in hopes that they will knock them off so they will have an easier time making it to the final.  A move I respected both times.

In other matters, I’ve never truly hated Bananas (granted I didn’t watch a couple Challenges, that includes the on where he screwed over Sarah) because the people I do like seem to like him, Darrell and Leroy being two that come to mind.

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