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S20.E38: Live Eviction #14

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Stupid live feeds. They blacked out on me, but luckily a refresh restored them just before nominations.

JC, what a dope. Everybody else has been on the block but he was so offended when it was his turn.

That one guy on the Survivor who says "I gotta find my slingshot" reminds me of the Kentucky man from last season. I cannot remember his name but I think it starts with a D - oh yeah, Donathon.

Dream on Scottie! Like you were a big danger ever. And Bayleigh is her usual pleasant self. Rockstar looks pretty good, still using her fake accent.

Edited by Lamb18
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I think there will be two evictions in the final episode so the jury will choose between two people for the winner.

Now in this scene where they're on the sofa watching Brett's elimination episode. Rockstar's roots are showing - she's growing out the purple. Yet in the talking head just before this scene her hair is totally purple.

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I like Tyler but I'm not getting why everyone including production, most viewers and now even the jury are discussing this like its Tyler's game. They're narrating JH like bitter jury vs good game play for Tyler and he could be going tonight. Now I actually want KC to win.

Edited by dizzyd
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Fun to see the jury house. Brett is being his usual fake bro self.

This looks like a Survivor competition. 

Stop the diary rooms, just start the Veto competition!! I wonder if they can hear each other's bells dinging or if it's dubbed in for the show. 

Everyone is relieved JC is not fast enough with his balls.

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JC falls upon the sword of life, he weeps. He was eliminated first in the POV comp.

And Kaycee wins POV and her fifth one in a row!

Angela's mustache puts in an appearance. Tyler looks like he was crying in his talk. 

Kaylee says she has to do what's best for her game. Now I wonder if she will vote to evict Tyler. Keeping Angela would be better for her game.

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Kaycee for the win!  If for no other reason than her loyalty, adeptness at comps and great social game - she’s got this. Tyler can take his showmance and second prize and Angela and he can ride off into the sunset. However, if they stay together they’ll probably be the next Jeff & Jordan. 

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Whew! I was worried for Tyler there for a second. It sounds like the jury is leaning towards Kaycee. Combine that with the fact that she’s extremely well-spoken and will probably ace the jury questions, I’m thinking this is her game to lose. I hope we get to see her and Tyler battle it out in the end. 

I was really wishing Tyler or Angela would give a shout out to Les Moonves during their Oscar acceptance speeches. That would have been hilariously awkward! 

Not looking forward to Jeffophobe’s visit next episode. Can’t he just go away?

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Ugh, how can Angela say JC is a best friend?

Oh Tyler, how can he say JC is an example?

This is suspenseful! KC, just vote!

Nope, Kaycee voted for Angela. She is honoring her final 2 deal. 

Angela looks beautiful walking out the door.

I don't understand how keeping Tyler is better for Kaycee's game.

That was such a sweet good-bye message from Tyler.

Well, I guess Big Brother will be back next summer.

Oh goodie! We get to see Jeff on Sunday! I can hardly wait!!! (sarcasm)

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Kaycee winning Veto was probably the worst thing that could happen for all of their games. She has a lot of comp wins and I think she has the least blood on her hands. If the jury is bitter, they'll pick her. And even not being bitter, her gameplay is valid and may just be preferred. 


At first I thought she made a huge mistake in picking Tyler over Angela. Angela is so disliked. But then I thought, but Tyler actually "betrayed" more people. Of course that's not why Kaycee took him, but whatever. 


All I know is JC won't win. But if he wins AFP, I'll vomit in my shoes. 


Glad to see the house is using SeventhGeneration cleaning products!

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I really enjoy watching the jury footage. I wish they gave us more of that. Did Brett out Level 6? I assume he must have, but it's a pity we didn't get to see it.

The rest of the episode? Meh. Rather boring. I could care less about the great Tyler- Angela showmance.

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At this point, I think I'm ok with either Tyler or Kaycee winning the game. JC winning would be the worst outcome EVER ! I think, if he won, his head would actually be about 3 times the size of his body. Hopefully, we will never see that.


It's kind of amazing that a Final 2 deal, made on Day 1 ( or 2 depending on whose memory is better) actually made it to the end. Maybe on an All Stars season or something, but with newbies, it's impressive. And Kaycee keeping the pact is also something, from our prospective, she'd be better of with Angela-- but maybe she doesn't realize that Angela would most likely lose to her. Thought she did say something about "the people that said things about you" or something to that effect, so it would seem she knows the bad feelings. I think she's just very loyal to Tyler and wants to keep their deal. Pretty classy.

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Bayleigh is still a raging bitch. Glad that Fessy gave it right back to her, stupid as he is.   

Too much Blandgela/Tyler showmance bullshit.

The veto competition was a bit of a letdown. Way too simple for F4. 

Meh episode on the whole. 

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Yes Kaycee continues to come up smellin' like a rose. She's been super dominant in the end-game series 5 vetos in a row?? Wow.

I just don't know if she made the right choice though. I get respecting the final 2 deal on day 1 or 2. However at this point she doesn't know what Brett and Sam realize now, that Tyler is the Oprah of Final Two Deals: 'You're in my final two, you're in my final two, you get to be my final two...' Or, maybe she knows she can play that up to the jury to pull out the win... either way I know they are trying to make it look like it's Tyler's to lose but I think should it get to that she'd stomp Tyler.

Or, we could have one of the biggest flops evar and see Tyler go out #3. Could happen. We can see now though that JC is on Kaycee's side NOT Tylers, which I found surprising. He's good at keeping grudges I guess.

25 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Well, I guess Big Brother will be back next summer.

I found it odd that they had Mister Roboto host that comp when Julie is in the studio. To me that and her 'witching to' Chen-Moonves makes me think she's def. being replaced and this is her way to 'go out' strong so to speak. It's odd though.

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6 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Yes Kaycee continues to come up smellin' like a rose. She's been super dominant in the end-game series 5 vetos in a row?? Wow.

I just don't know if she made the right choice though. I get respecting the final 2 deal on day 1 or 2. However at this point she doesn't know what Brett and Sam realize now, that Tyler is the Oprah of Final Two Deals: 'You're in my final two, you're in my final two, you get to be my final two...' Or, maybe she knows she can play that up to the jury to pull out the win... either way I know they are trying to make it look like it's Tyler's to lose but I think should it get to that she'd stomp Tyler.

Or, we could have one of the biggest flops evar and see Tyler go out #3. Could happen. We can see now though that JC is on Kaycee's side NOT Tylers, which I found surprising. He's good at keeping grudges I guess.

I found it odd that they had Mister Roboto host that comp when Julie is in the studio. To me that and her 'witching to' Chen-Moonves makes me think she's def. being replaced and this is her way to 'go out' strong so to speak. It's odd though.

It was odd & it sounded odd, too. I hope they don't replace Julie, I like her as host. I can see her leaving the job, as a way to show loyalty to her husband, but if she doesn't want to leave, I can't see how they would have any cause to let her go. I mean, she didn't do anything. I'm sure they can make up a reason, but I hope they don't.

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Ha! Kaycee is going to be the next Cody!  She might be a competition beast but she has ZERO understanding of how to win Big Brother. You don't bring along the mastermind of the entire season...you roll the dice that you wind up next to Angela or JC on Finale night. You'd be a slam dunk to win against Angela and probably JC as well. I don't even like Tyler but now I want him to win just so Kaycee can spend the rest of her life wondering how she could be so stupid to give up a  half million dollars...it was all in her hands and now she's all but certainly let it slip through.

Oh, and Julie way oversold the "tension in the jury house" a mild disagreement between Bay and Fessy at best. And Fessy reaction just sitting at th table unsmiling when Hay walked up...not sure how to read that....was he sad she didn't go further in the game or does he just not care anymore.

Oh well...I wanted a JC and Angela final two just so EVERYONE"s head would EXPLODE at such a woeful choice.

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What this emphasized to me about this season that I'm not sure I can think of a season in recent memory where it was all about competitions. There was less social game than I've seen in a while -- the athletes of Level 6 (especially Kaycee) absolutely made the Veto null and void. I mean, there may as well not have been a Veto competition. The other side of the house might have been bad on a strategic level, but they absolutely could not win competitions down the stretch and this year, that controlled the direction of the season. Every so often, you'll get a dominant alliance, but then there's that fluke-y HoH or Veto win that will upset their plans for at least a week, and force them to regroup. Between the hacker and Level 6's comp dominance, that never happened this season.

We've seen social game seasons, where comps become less important because it's all about relationships and people who can be manipulated into doing things. This was a comp season more than any other, and I think that's why for me (for you) it was less exciting than others. If I wanted to see people win competitions, I'd turn on a sporting event. I watch this game for the social experiment factor, and when the social experiment becomes "If you cannot win comps, you cannot even talk yourself into staying in this house" ... I have less of a rooting interest in that type of game.

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15 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

......you roll the dice that you wind up next to Angela or JC on Finale night. You'd be a slam dunk to win against Angela and probably JC as well. 

If Angela or JC  were in the final two that would mean Tyler had been in the jury house for a week pushing for Angela and minimizing JC's part in the game.

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2 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

If Angela or JC  were in the final two that would mean Tyler had been in the jury house for a week pushing for Angela and minimizing JC's part in the game.

Not many people would listen to or trust Tyler after all his final 2 deals and manipulations and his misting Mojo is likely evaporated at this point + most of them think or have called her a bitch. 

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Aw, I still ALWAYS want more jury footage. Gotta say RS looked good (relatively speaking) - tanned and slimmed down. Scottie's still a spaz. Brett's still a primo douche (I don't know why I thought he MIGHT tone it down one notch for jury). Hayleigh is damn well-spoken and seems like she could convince others - even beyond numskull Fessy - if she really believes in one finalist over the other.

For a second I hoped Kaycee might evict Tyler with her "I'm doing what's best for my game", but apparently "game" means "word" since I don't see how she can acknowledge that Angela's disliked by many jurors and not think she'd therefore be a better bet. Nothing against Tyler - he totally deserves to be there - but it would have been a terrific gasp-worthy moment.

Was Tyler wearing a matching rainbow wristband like JC's? I'm guessing JC thinks it means they're going steady. I know ya gotta hustle for those jury votes, Tyler, but it's cruel to lead on that demented little troll!

I know just about every season brings the inevitable "this is so boring" and "it's so predictable", but I have to say that the cast of this season was such light-years better than the typical cast, not just against last season's. I think about all the true horrors that have emerged in past years and how in comparison, this year they almost all seem like relatively decent human beings. Flawed, sometimes insane, occasionally arrogant, maybe a bit molester-y, but still not completely lost causes.

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So I stayed off spoiler threads today in case veto winner was spoiled. But no big surprise who won it. No surprise who got evicted either but I think that was a loyal move and not a smart move. Tonight's show flipped my #1 and #2 for who played best...and, by the way, JC is not either. He needs to go (don't want him anywhere near F2) but if either of the other 2 win HoH it would be smartest to take JC to F2. Anyway, Tyler now is back to being my #1 player. First Kaycee blew it by not evicting Tyler so that takes her down a notch. And then Tyler, man he lies flawlessly and is sooooo good at manipulating people. I think he threw veto (saw him smiling big when Kaycee won, then they show him in DR crying fake tears about about one of them, the couple, being evicted). If I were dating him I would be very very leery to trust anything he says. But, man, he was good at this game and should win it. Kaycee shoulda evicted him. He might cut her. He also has a F2 with JC and had one with 3 other people, no? WOW! But if he cuts Kaycee after that GB message to Ang...what will she think??? I did see a flash of anger on her face when Kaycee revealed the F2 deal with Tyler. Then all his sweet boyish charm melted it away. Wolf in sheep's clothes.

My prediction is Tyler or Kaycee win and evict JC. And it will be a close vote but Kaycee will win (Scotty, Sam Angela, Hayleigh vote Tyler...JC, Bret, Fess, Bay, Rockstar vote Kaycee). Hmmm...wonder if Hay can sway Fess to vote Tyler.

Edited by Lamima
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39 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Oh well...I wanted a JC and Angela final two just so EVERYONE"s head would EXPLODE at such a woeful choice.


14 minutes ago, Lamima said:

So I stayed of spoiler threads today in case veto winner was spoiled. But no big surprise who won it. No surprise who got evicted either but I think that was a loyal move and not a smart move. Tonight's show flipped my #1 and #2 for who played best...and, by the way, JC is not either. He should go but if either of the other 2 win it would be smartest to take JC to F2. Anyway, Tyler now is back to being my #1 player. Man he lies flawlessly and is sooooo good at manipulating people. I think he threw veto (saw him smiling big when Kaycee won, then they show him in DR crying fake tears about about one of them, the couple, being evicted). If I were dating him I would be very very leery to trust anything he says. But, man, he was good at this game and should win it. Kaycee shoulda evicted him. He might cut her. He also has a F2 with JC and had one with 3 other people, no? WOW! But if he cuts Kaycee after that GB message to Ang...what will she think??? I did see a flash of anger on her face when Kaycee revealed the F2 deal with Tyler. Then all his sweet boyish charm melted it away. Wolf in sheep's clothes.

Bold 1 - I agree that she made a loyal move and not a smart move.

Bold 2 - I don't think dating and the game should have anything to do with each other.  I actually like him more IF he would play for the money and not love.

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Something I just thought about. Angela will get to JH and find out about a few of Tyler's other F2s. It will have to eat at her...why didn't he have one with me? And how could he have so many knowing he couldn't honor them all...and he backdoored Bret himself, one of his F2s???? It would make my head spin.

Edited by Lamima
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9 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Something I just thought about. Angela will get to JH and find out about a few of Tyler's other F2s. It will have to eat at her...why didn't he have one with me? And how could he have so many knowing he couldn't honor them all...and he backdoored Bret himself, one of his F2s???? It would make my head spin.

The Brett and JC ones he didn't go looking for.  They were forced on him.  What is he going to do?  Say no I don't want to be F2 with you so just evict me instead?  I mean Bay wanted to work with him too and he didn't make an official deal with her and she is still pissed from his rejection.  I think it speaks to how he played the game that people were approaching him all the time. 

I think it is amazing that a F2 made before Level 6 was even created lasted the whole damn game.  This dynamic duo of Tyler/Kaycee will go down in the record books alongside Danielle/Jason and Chill Town and a few others as one of the greatest of all times.

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"Sam was curb-stomped straight to jury." Cold, Big Brother. Ice cold.

Was it just me or did Julie seem have an extra kick in her step tonight? "I'm Julie Moonves... and you're not."

Well, it's clear Bayleigh's not pregnant. So much for those silly rumors.

Rockstar seemed to be leaning extra hard into her affected blaccent and production was all over it. Meh.

Looks to me like Haleigh is no longer into Fessy if her body language was any indicator.

For once I was glad Kaycee won. Sigh, Tyler, Angela's probably already got you in her rear view mirror. That is unless you win the $500k.

I really don't want any of these clowns for AFP but I wouldn't mind seeing Sam win it. She'd likely appreciate the validation more than any of them, both socially and financially.

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6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Well, it's clear Bayleigh's not pregnant. So much for those silly rumors.

It was?  The few comments I've read already are about 50/50 whether she was or wasn't.  I didn't really look because I don't care at all one way or the other.  Plus some women get big fast and some don't ever so I'll check back around Christmas time and find out then.

Edited by green
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21 minutes ago, green said:

It was?  The few comments I've read already are about 50/50 whether she was or wasn't.  I didn't really look because I don't care at all one way or the other.  Plus some woman get big fast and some don't ever so I'll check back around Christmas time and find out then.

With a first pregnancy, many women don't show until 4-5 months along. 

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I have to say, that of all the things that have been said that made be shudder in 2nd hand embarrassment on this show Tyler's declaration of love was wayyyyy up near the top. Keep that shit to yourself bro, I'd guess she's already switched over to "out of house out of mind" status with you as of now so you're just making an ass of yourself.

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3 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

How do you vote for Favorite? I click on the button and it wants me to sign up for CBS streaming.

You need to sign up for a CBS account them decline to sign up for the live feeds.

Still cannot stand Bayleaf or Crock Star. Who the hell does Bayleaf thinks she is saying '...and I bet they think they're playing a good game.' in reference to Tyler & Angela. Excuse me, who is the one sitting in the JH.  And then making a comment that Tyler had a F2 with everyone on that couch. He didn't have one with her, Falafel, Hayley, I think the only legit 2 he had on the couch were Brett and Sam.

Thought it was funny no one in JH mentioned JC. 

Edited by alegtostandon
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1 hour ago, Lamima said:

Something I just thought about. Angela will get to JH and find out about a few of Tyler's other F2s. It will have to eat at her...why didn't he have one with me? And how could he have so many knowing he couldn't honor them all...and he backdoored Bret himself, one of his F2s???? It would make my head spin.

Ummm... you mean, Angela will find out Tyler lied to other people about F2s - but not her...?  ;)

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4 hours ago, backformore said:

With a first pregnancy, many women don't show until 4-5 months along. 

What?  Says who?

I don't care.  I would hate for this to happen at some game show.

4 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I have to say, that of all the things that have been said that made be shudder in 2nd hand embarrassment on this show Tyler's declaration of love was wayyyyy up near the top. Keep that shit to yourself bro, I'd guess she's already switched over to "out of house out of mind" status with you as of now so you're just making an ass of yourself.

Yes, pretty funny though.  It's like it was his last bid for her vote and it fell flat.

Edited by jumper sage
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7 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Yes Kaycee continues to come up smellin' like a rose. She's been super dominant in the end-game series 5 vetos in a row?? Wow.

I just don't know if she made the right choice though. I get respecting the final 2 deal on day 1 or 2. However at this point she doesn't know what Brett and Sam realize now, that Tyler is the Oprah of Final Two Deals: 'You're in my final two, you're in my final two, you get to be my final two...' Or, maybe she knows she can play that up to the jury to pull out the win... either way I know they are trying to make it look like it's Tyler's to lose but I think should it get to that she'd stomp Tyler.

Or, we could have one of the biggest flops evar and see Tyler go out #3. Could happen. We can see now though that JC is on Kaycee's side NOT Tylers, which I found surprising. He's good at keeping grudges I guess.

I found it odd that they had Mister Roboto host that comp when Julie is in the studio. To me that and her 'witching to' Chen-Moonves makes me think she's def. being replaced and this is her way to 'go out' strong so to speak. It's odd though.

Nope. Julie Chen-Moonves is with Big Brother through the end of 2019. That's the Celebrity Big Brother Edition and one regular Big Brother Edition.

I'm sitting here, gobsmacked. 

How does that troll, JC, who hasn't won one thing, not an HOH, a veto--nothing! make it into the Final 3 when he's done nothing but talk smack all summer long. That, and sexually harass the other house guests. He won all of one competition and there he sits. He deserves to be kicked out and here he is with a Final 3.

Kills me, it does.

Edited by Rosebud1970
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There was something nice about a final four that wasn't a bunch of bros and someone's girlfriend. The final veto was a competition between two elite female athletes and the final choice last night came down to a friendship and a promise. We ended up with a fairly diverse final three. Whether intentional or not, the casting this year gave us a really interesting season.

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1 hour ago, Rosebud1970 said:

How does that troll, JC, who hasn't won one thing, not an HOH, a veto--nothing! make it into the Final 3 when he's done nothing but talk smack all summer long. That, and sexually harass the other house guests. He won all of one competition and there he sits. He deserves to be kicked out and here he is with a Final 3.

I sincerely doubt you’re that much more amazed than everybody else on the planet - including, if he’s honest, JC.  ;)

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5 hours ago, Nashville said:

Ummm... you mean, Angela will find out Tyler lied to other people about F2s - but not her...?  ;)

I don't know. I know I don't want to be in a relationship with a grade A liar and mister(as in he mists you) who doesn't even seem to really fret about doing it. Guy should be a used car salesman. Most of us here were saying, by week 2, that they needed to get him out or he'd win it all. But he was THAT good at his deceptions. He has been a fave of mine on the show though. Initially I wanted him to win and then switched to Kaycee but after last night, I now want him to win again. Won't mind Kaycee winning but do NOT want JC to win. 

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I actually think Tyler might have quite a battle against Kaycee if they're the final two. In my opinion, Bay, RS and Fessy will likely vote together and for Kaycee because they consider her a friend and RS would see her as a demographically worthier winner.  Assuming he has Brett, Angela and JC (in this scenario being the last jury member), he's still going to need two of Scottie, Sam and Haleigh. That could go either way and come down to which version of Sam shows up that day. I really don't think it's a slam dunk. And I don't even think it comes down a bitter jury. I think it comes down to most of the jury still not fully understanding Tyler's game in terms of both strategy and dominance and truly believing Kaycee has been similarly effective but nicer. 

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Kaycee won five Vetos, and used none of them. Did Level 6 ever use a Veto more than once? (Angela at the end of the Mr. Pectacular comp? And didn't Brett win one?) They just invalidated the concept of Veto, thus almost invalidating the concept of a backdoor. It was "we have the numbers and the athletes to win comps and you cannot save yourselves, no matter what."

But to me, peak Big Brother is Dan's Funeral. A Veto comp he lost, where he was the number one target to go home and he talked himself off the block. That's the type of Big Brother I want to see. Not Big Brother: Champions vs Coulda Been a Contenders.

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3 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

How does that troll, JC, who hasn't won one thing, not an HOH, a veto--nothing! make it into the Final 3 when he's done nothing but talk smack all summer long. That, and sexually harass the other house guests. He won all of one competition and there he sits. He deserves to be kicked out and here he is with a Final 3.

THIS. A thousand times THIS! So undeserving to be where he is...dumb luck is all it was.

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2 hours ago, Lamima said:

I don't know. I know I don't want to be in a relationship with a grade A liar and mister(as in he mists you) who doesn't even seem to really fret about doing it. Guy should be a used car salesman. Most of us here were saying, by week 2, that they needed to get him out or he'd win it all. But he was THAT good at his deceptions. He has been a fave of mine on the show though. Initially I wanted him to win and then switched to Kaycee but after last night, I now want him to win again. Won't mind Kaycee winning but do NOT want JC to win. 

If misting is the name of the game then what is wrong with it.  Again, it is a game.  This is how you play the game.  Just like bluffing and deceiving is part of poker and stealing bases is part of baseball.  Does anyone think Ricky Henderson is busy stealing stuff from Walmart these days?


58 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Kaycee won five Vetos, and used none of them. Did Level 6 ever use a Veto more than once? (Angela at the end of the Mr. Pectacular comp? And didn't Brett win one?) They just invalidated the concept of Veto, thus almost invalidating the concept of a backdoor. It was "we have the numbers and the athletes to win comps and you cannot save yourselves, no matter what."


But The Hive were winning all the early and early mid-game competitions.  Level 6 survived that stretch by old fashioned wits.  So I disagree that it was all about competitions this season.  It was all about outwitting the competition until it was decimated enough through your crafty game play so that your side could then win the comps.

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25 minutes ago, green said:

But The Hive were winning all the early and early mid-game competitions.  Level 6 survived that stretch by old fashioned wits.  So I disagree that it was all about competitions this season.  It was all about outwitting the competition until it was decimated enough through your crafty game play so that your side could then win the comps.

To me, that's the equivalent of "but that one tribe won all the challenges before the merge." This was a straight post-merge Pangong-ing, the likes of which Big Brother hasn't seen in a while. Heck, even a few hapless people from Paul's Zombies won a Veto once in a blue moon (Mark, even Jason when he was a target, I think) and forced Paul to regroup. Level 6 didn't have to regroup since week 4 when they started winning Vetos (except for the Brett thing, and that went their way, too).

The invalidation of the Veto was huge this season. The Veto is the fly in the ointment, the wildcard. It forces people to switch up their plans, it makes the game exciting. That was completely missing this season. I've been watching since season 6 and I can't name a single season where the Veto had so little meaning. Even one person would just luck into a Veto, and there would be some semblance of scrambling (which is when backdoors usually happen). Instead, Level 6 just coasted, week after week, because of comp dominance.

Paul, Derrick and maybe Dan and Maggie coasted to a certain extent, but it wasn't always "beast the comp, got the numbers, no Veto, bye." It was because someone was talked into a vote or manipulated into using the Veto or was backdoored out of the game. There was strategy behind it. The invalidation of the Veto meant no strategy was necessary. And "expect the expected, because you can read a scoreboard" doesn't make good Big Brother for me.

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