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On 5/31/2018 at 4:51 PM, nodorothyparker said:

I saw those earlier.  I couldn't care less about Enid and I'm actually disappointed Gregory is getting the ax as his craven self-interest has been one of the few consistently entertaining things about the past couple of seasons.  Plus at least the actor can, you know, act.

The worst part is that after my beloved Gregory is made, Maggie will have an awful monologue, something like “Ahma gunna have yew hung by yer nayack until yer daid”.  And Enid will get to do some boring shit too.  I love Gregory.  Fuck this show. 

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Good for Norman on getting a big raise - with a new baby on the way a stable acting gig with a big salary is great! I always got the feeling that Andrew Lincoln didn’t really love being on the show as much as some of the other actors. 

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7 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Good for Norman on getting a big raise - with a new baby on the way a stable acting gig with a big salary is great! I always got the feeling that Andrew Lincoln didn’t really love being on the show as much as some of the other actors. 

I don't know, he's very private and low-key, basically the anti-Norman. Spending so much time away from his wife and kids in the UK must take a toll. But I always thought he seemed really happy and excited to be a part of the show-- when it was great. And when they weren't killing off established characters, and his co-workers, for cheap shock value. Shane, Laurie, Hershel, Merle, hell even Andrea's deaths made narrative sense. There was a planned buildup and in depth fall out. Some missteps of course, but overall the show was riveting and its skyrocketing popularity and ratings proved it. After season five and definitely after season six the magic was gone. Do anything for a long time and it gets tiring and naturally the shine wears off but I think AL had been planning to wind down and exit for a while based on recent statements, but he was willing to wait and hoping for a complete arc. That definitely did not include killing Carl and screwing Chandler over. That, and offering a piss poor plan for his character's future maybe sped up the exit process. I don't blame him. The situation with Chandler seemed to crumble an already shaky foundation. Lincoln's an amazing actor and in the prime of his career. His talents were being wasted on what TWD has become. 

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On 5/31/2018 at 3:53 AM, Nashville said:

Of course unstabilized gasoline doesn’t last long - in reality.  What’s that got to do with TWD, though?  :D 

In case you haven’t noticed over the course of the past eight years, reality rules don’t apply in TWD’s corner of the omniverse when they get in the way of the writers; Kirkman’s rules do.  And in TWDLand gasoline never goes bad, car batteries never lose their charge, tires don’t go flat or dry rot, and ammunition reproduces like bunnies when you aren’t looking.

And, oh yeah, zombies are real.  ; )

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19 hours ago, The Mighty Peanut said:

Has AL confirmed anywhere that his departure is due to killing Carl and low ratings, or is that just what everyone is (accurately) assuming? If there's an article where he criticizes Gimple please for the love of God link me.

There has been no official confirmation that Andy is even leaving from AMC or anyone connected to the show including Andy. So the reasons for his departure swirling around on the Internet are just fan speculation. 

Edited by SimoneS
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Matt's Inside Line: Scoop on Blindspot, Walking Dead, 12 Monkeys, Blue Bloods, Legends, Black Lightning and More
By Matt Webb Mitovich / June 7 2018, 1:54 PM PDT


Anything new on Walking Dead Season 9? —Nick
You betcha. Besides Yumiko and Magna, the future Alexandrians TVLine previously told you were being cast, the show is adding to the mix another character that, from what I’ve gleaned, doesn’t sound like anyone from the comics. For one thing, he or she is hearing-impaired. For another, he or she… can be either a he or a she — the show is open to hiring someone of either gender for the role.

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7 hours ago, SimoneS said:

There has been no official confirmation that Andy is even leaving from AMC or anyone connected to the show including Andy. So the reasons for his departure swirling around on the Internet are just fan speculation. 

True, but I think Norman putting that photo on Instagram of him hugging Andy is a silent confirmation that he is really leaving.

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2 minutes ago, peach said:

True, but I think Norman putting that photo on Instagram of him hugging Andy is a silent confirmation that he is really leaving.

Yes, Andy is leaving. I was pointing out that there has been no official confirmation. Thus, no one in fandom knows why or at least Andy hasn't said why.

Edited by SimoneS
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I would fall right over if I read any kind of disparaging comment from AL concerning his departure or pretty much anything to do with the show. The guy is a consummate professional besides seeming like a genuinely good human being.

The picture Norman posted of him and Andy made me misty eyed. Oh, please please please let them and their bromance get a good final season together!

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I don't know if this means anything, since this reddit poll only surveyed 900 fans while TWD still has millions of viewers - I guess it depends on how repesentative these online fans are of the general audience...

‘The Walking Dead’ Fans Threaten To Boycott The Show After Huge Plot Twist Is Revealed
15 June 2018    Sam Prance


According to sources, Rick will be phased out of the show and Maggie will only appear in six more episodes. Unsurprisingly, fans aren't at all pleased with the news. Andrew has helmed the series since it first aired in 2010 and Lauren is part of the fabric of the show. It's hard to imagine what the franchise will be like without both adored stars in it.

An extensive survey was held on The Walking Dead sub-Reddit about the series and one of the questions asked users if they will continue to watch it after Andrew's final appearance. The results were not good. Out of 900 fans, 44% said that they will abandon the show after, 37% were undecided and just 18% said they will still watch.

To make matters even worse, a whopping 72% of fans asked revealed that they think that The Walking Dead should end after Season 9. With Rick out of the picture, Daryl (Norman Reedus) is tipped to replace him as the lead character of the show.
*  *  *
However, it looks like viewers aren't happy about that either. The Reddit survey revealed that 40% of fans want Negan to become the show's protagonist, with Judith second favourite and Daryl only in third place.

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3 minutes ago, Anela said:

No, not Negan!!! Bloody hell.

I won't be at all surprised if they try to redeem Negan to anti-hero or even keep him a villain and the lead character.   I've said it for a long time that putting Negan as the person Judith ran towards in Carl's vision was a bad sign.

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1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

I won't be at all surprised if they try to redeem Negan to anti-hero or even keep him a villain and the lead character.   I've said it for a long time that putting Negan as the person Judith ran towards in Carl's vision was a bad sign.

I didn't see her run to him. :/ Ugh.

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1 hour ago, Anela said:

I didn't see her run to him. :/ Ugh.

Sorry she didn't run to him.  She walked to him. The point is that Carl's vision, assuming it was actually Carl's vision, not just a crappy troll tag from the showrunners, has Negan happily greeting Judith after she walks to him.

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IF Bernthal is actually filming them I'm going to guess vision/ghost, with Rick dying. I don't see flashback to pre-apocalypse. If we start heaeig about Lori and Carl showing up I'd say definitely.

That being said, I don't rule out Bernthal going to a goodbye party for Lincoln or a finals Bros weekend before Andrew goes back to the UK.

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For one thing, he or she is hearing-impaired.

You're telling me a person who has an impaired sense of hearing has survived 'this' long in a ZA?  Unless they always had a protector - at all times - I call BS.

Having never lived in a ZA, I'm only guessing, but I'd imagine there's a rare case now and again when zombies would be detected with audio clues before visual ones, especially in the rural woodsy areas that this show surrounds itself with.

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7 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

You're telling me a person who has an impaired sense of hearing has survived 'this' long in a ZA?  Unless they always had a protector - at all times - I call BS.

Having never lived in a ZA, I'm only guessing, but I'd imagine there's a rare case now and again when zombies would be detected with audio clues before visual ones, especially in the rural woodsy areas that this show surrounds itself with.

I think they're just stealing from A Quiet Place since it was a big hit. 

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On 6/15/2018 at 4:44 PM, Nashville said:

I do - “Bye!”  :P

You and me both.  I have a love/hate thing for Rick Grimes, but I won’t watch the show without him.  They can go ahead and put that creaky hipped dumbass as the lead.  I just won’t watch it. 

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11 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

You and me both.  I have a love/hate thing for Rick Grimes, but I won’t watch the show without him.  They can go ahead and put that creaky hipped dumbass as the lead.  I just won’t watch it. 

Hey, there’s always Z Nation.  :>

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I am happy for AL that he can leave the show when he wants to.  And I am happy for NR that he gets a big pay day for sticking with this show for a while longer.  AMC wants to pay him that much - good for him. NR has always been a hard worker promoting the show and a stand up guy to his fans.

Personally I haven't watched the show since the producers hard-on for Negan began and I am not watching  to the bitter end. I believe this show should have ended when it was actually a great TV series. That was quite a few seasons ago.

I can understand why AMC is so desperate for the show to limp on.  They don't have a Breaking Bad or a Mad Men now and what are they left with without The Walking Dead even as a shadow of its former self? Fear the Walking Dead? Yeah, right.

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46 minutes ago, magdalene said:

I can understand why AMC is so desperate for the show to limp on.  They don't have a Breaking Bad or a Mad Men now and what are they left with without The Walking Dead even as a shadow of its former self? Fear the Walking Dead? Yeah, right.

I, personally, thought The Terror was better than anything I've seen in years, and it is coming back for a Season 2 but with new showrunners, story... and, yeah, I see your point.

I've been debating what is the worst thing to ever happen to TWD - Negan or Scott Gimple?  Maybe Negan is what brought SG down and, thus, the show.

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1 hour ago, Fellaway said:

I, personally, thought The Terror was better than anything I've seen in years, and it is coming back for a Season 2 but with new showrunners, story... and, yeah, I see your point.

I've been debating what is the worst thing to ever happen to TWD - Negan or Scott Gimple?  Maybe Negan is what brought SG down and, thus, the show.

I want to say Negan.  Scott Gimple did make some amazing episodes.  The grove was one of the best episodes in walking dead in my opinion.  I thought season 4 and 5 were actually one of the stronger seasons.  I thought the Alexandria Arc is really boring in the comics, and it actually did okay translating to TV.  Negan is such an over top charicature in the comic.  So he's just sounds really stupid translated to the television.

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1 hour ago, seltzer3 said:

I want to say Negan.  Scott Gimple did make some amazing episodes.  The grove was one of the best episodes in walking dead in my opinion.  I thought season 4 and 5 were actually one of the stronger seasons.  I thought the Alexandria Arc is really boring in the comics, and it actually did okay translating to TV.  Negan is such an over top charicature in the comic.  So he's just sounds really stupid translated to the television.

Yeah, I agree.  I had no problems with the show up to Negan's arrival - It was my favorite show. - but it's been a steady decline since.  I have no issues with JDM, but I do not understand the showrunners' fascination with Negan.  I find him rather one-note, as villains go, but I'd almost be willing to bet money he'll eventually be the lead on the show, in spite of how ridiculous that is with this group of characters and even if NR is the one pulling down the 20 mil.

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The Walking Dead's New Showrunner Talks Taking Over For Season 9


... Previous showrunner Scott M. Gimple is stepping down, and longtime Walking Dead writer and executive producer Angela Kang is stepping into the top job. We're still months away from the Season 9 premiere, so details are still relatively scarce about what to expect. Still, Kang has spoken out about some of what to expect when The Walking Dead returns to the airwaves in the fall:

"What's really fun for me is we're working on a season that has a really fresh look and feel... We're playing with time in the story, we're jumping forward in time."

A time jump between Seasons 8 and 9 of The Walking Dead has been rumored and hinted at for a while, and now new showrunner Angela Kang has confirmed that the story will be moving forward in time for the ninth season. The time jump was teased in a big way back in April thanks to a tweet from The Walking Dead set that showed the Hilltop with some big additions that would really only work if a chunk of time had passed to allow for construction.
*  *  *
Angela Kang also commented on how The Walking Dead writes its female characters during the Kick-Ass Women of AMC panel at the first-ever AMC Summit, saying this:

"Our characters they're women - they go toe to toe with the men. We don't write damsels in distress. Or sometimes if they are the men are males in distress. The women save the men just as much as the men save the women. It's really a story about survivors who help each other through the apocalypse."

Kick-Ass Women of AMC - AMC Summit 2018
Published on Jun 20, 2018, by GeekMom


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2 hours ago, tricknasty said:

After S9 I'm out. So will they pair Michonne with Negan or Daryl? Cause you know that's what they're thinking. *Vomit*

Daryl and Michonne undoubtedly have the highest individual survival skill set, so if they want to head out into the bush and leave all the rest to rot I’d be pretty much okay with that.  

Heck, Carol could come along as well - but if TPTB feel compelled to fire up any freaky threeway action, I can guarantee you significant portions of my soul will die.

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Heck, Carol could come along as well - but if TPTB feel compelled to fire up any freaky threeway action, I can guarantee you significant portions of my soul will die.

Dude, you just pointed the way to guaranteed ratings blast off! Or something blast off anyway.......hell, now all I can think of is Michonne and Carol (ooopsie, Daryl fall down go bye bye).........what were we talking about?

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1 hour ago, diebartdie said:

.........what were we talking about?

I think you were about to tell us about another story idea - an alternate timeline where Sasha and Rosita ditched Abraham for each other and Negan never showed up ... or was that the little voices in my head?

Edited by rab01
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I think it is 20/80 that Danai re-signs, but if she does, I think it would be a good move to romantically pair Michonne with Daryl eventually. I expect that they would have most of their scenes with each other any way.

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On 6/23/2018 at 11:20 PM, SimoneS said:

I think it is 20/80 that Danai re-signs, but if she does, I think it would be a good move to romantically pair Michonne with Daryl eventually. I expect that they would have most of their scenes with each other any way.

Though I no longer watch this show, I will say that if Danai,and thus Michonne, decides to stick around I’d rather she go it alone, getting her own story arc, rather than being regulated to the lead male’s love interest again.

As much as I enjoyed the build up to Richonne and the initial episodes of their pairing, like I feared, Michonne was further minimized in her pairing with Rick and when she was on screen often acted OOC to fit the narrative surrounding Rick and their love. SMH.

Michonne hasn’t had a strong story arc since S3, maybe S4? If the character will remain on the show, I think it’d be way more interesting to explore how Carl and what I’m assuming will be Rick’s death changes her, rather than hooking her up with Darryl. JMHO of course. 

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Looking at it from all sides, I'm not sure that AL's leaving is all about his time & distance away from family and contract disputes.... I think a fair bit has to be the ruination of his character he's had to endure over the last couple/three seasons.

He's been turned from the no-prisoners-taken Superman of that universe into the castrated everybody-deserves-a-chance despite their horrible crimes & methodology.   While enduring his TV son being neutered and killed off, despite having should been the ultimate cornerstone of the show.

I can't find any bit of me that blames AL for getting out.  Good on him.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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TSDF Army just posted:



We can now confirm that Rick Grimes' story comes to an end in episode 5. He DOES die in that episode.

Looking at all the recent photo evidence of the large herd and the leaked script page that was partially deciphered on the forum, we think it is safe to say that the herd plays a part in Rick's death.

Once more detailed information becomes available, we will update.


They've been pretty damn accurate on the when and how of these things all along.  Make of it what you will.

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Maybe it's timed to air at a crucial sweeps period

Then try to give the new leads a chance to keep the audience.  If they kill Rick at the end of the season, a lot of viewers might say "I'm out now" and not return for the following season.

They won't even give the Rick character a second chance through a takeout like they did with Glen?

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5 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

TSDF Army just posted:

They've been pretty damn accurate on the when and how of these things all along.  Make of it what you will.

So - most likely - he's going to somehow get blind-sided by the herd and eaten, or someone will cause an accident (possibly intentionally) that will result in his becoming walker indigestion.

So glad I'm not watching anymore so I won't have to be pissed at the extremely lame way the guy will go out.  The same guy who's taken on a really big pack of walkers - in a semi-enclosed space, no less - by himself, more than once, and came out of those instances completely unscathed.

The events leading to his demise will be utterly laughable.  I just know it.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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