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S13.E19: Live Semi Finals 2 (Tuesday's Show)

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3 acts in and it’s obvious they’re bringing the cannon fodder in so the Chosen Ones will perform in the memorable slots.

That having been said, I love Christina Wells as a person and I think with a decent coach and the right “packaging” she could have some success -but she was never gonna win this show and I’ll be shocked if she (or the dance act - “Baby Got Back”??? Seriously???) will be in the finale 

  • Love 2
  • It's almost over! I mean, um, hey, semi-finals!
  • Wasn't totally paying attention to the first act; was busy doing a donation to a 9/11 memorial 5K my cousin's son is raising money for (for a veteran's organization).
  • I guess she was okay. Wish they had left Aretha out of it, to be honest.
  • I don't "gotta" follow you anywhere, Tyra.
  • Da Republik. Really not getting the theme...with the music...are they crash test dummies? Who like big butts? What?
  • What is Tyra wearing?
  • "My first song really didn't pay off; Simon stopped me in the middle of it" ....like that was a surprise to you?
  • The "dramatic" music behind Noah's story is really not doing it for me, especially considering how contrived the whole "stop sing something else" bit was.
  • If I never hear the phrase "trailer nasty" again it will be too soon.
  • Commercial! I need ice cream. BRB.
  • So Noah's doing a Whitney Houston song; will the Whitney Houston impersonator do something bluesy?
  • (Yes, I know it's really a Dolly Parton song.)
  • I kinda liked it on the first few notes but by the end...eh.
  • "Ahead of everyone else right now" when you're only the third one out isn't saying a whole lot...
  • "That was not the plan for the day" - bullshit. That was totally Simon's plan.
  • Can we stop with the dramatic sads, please?
  • Popera boy (thanks @Frankenstein123 for that one) is better in Italian.
  • I'm with Simon. Calm down, Tyra.
  • Mel is confused. I am shocked.
  • I'm even more shocked that I agree with her again. I was bored.
  • Here's a giraffe emoji, just for the hell of it. ?
  • Choir: Am I supposed to know this song?
  • Aaron Crow wants revenge.
  • Watching these scary weather reports for Florence. Stay safe if you're in that area!
  • Did he kill Howie?
  • This better end good cuz I'm getting bored.
  • Okay, then.
  • I've heard some funny trailer park humor. This wasn't it.
  • What on earth are they talking about?
  • We Three: The music itself was kinda fun but I didn't understand a word of that.
  • I swear every one of these singers is trying to put me to sleep.
  • I will not miss Tyra's kindergarten teacher voice.
  • Yes?
  • No.
  • "Where's that coming from?" "From my soul." Ugh.
  • Is this Gangsta's Paradise? (My first thought was Amish Paradise - I went to college in Lancaster County, PA and our a capella group did that song my senior year. It was great. And typing that made me realize how old that song is. Oy.) I actually enjoyed it.
  • Stop saying "yes"!
  • She "might be shy" but I doubt it.
  • Oh boy, reactions from random people on the internet. Yay.
  • Okay, the little blond boy running in circles was cute.
  • I thought Heidi said "Rotten Roll" for a second.
  • I feel like I'm more cranky than snarky tonight. Sorry. Tired, today makes me sad, my parents are on vacation a little too close to Florence for my comfort, and I'm kitty-sitting a kitty who has spent almost no time sitting with me. ?
  • Love 11

Christina Wells - I have never liked this song - ever. No matter who sang it.  With that out of the way, Christina was singing the song off key.

Both Tyra's hair and Christina's hair looks like they came out of molds.

Da Republik - No freaking idea what the intro for them was all about. Later, they decided they needed to get to the beach to clear their names, but they had to have a dance-off with every other street dance gang on the way.  Good news, Boppers: The big alert has been called off.  When I heard the buzzer, I knew it was Simon.  These guys were never good enough to get to the final. The dancing part of it didn't look that strong.

Noah Guthrie - Is he trying to throw this?

Daniel Emmet - People just don't like him. He barely made it to this round. I like his voice. He's kind of nice looking. Not into the song.  He won't make it here, but I'm sure he'll find his place... Somewhere.

Angel City Chorale -  I think their first audition was their strongest performance. Once again though, the sound was terrible. The piano was too loud and I could barely hear the vocals. There was nothing interesting or special about this performance. They did not "up their game" as they say.

So far, all of the acts seem to be off tonight. 

Aaron Crow - I know it's supposed to be just for fun and a joke, but I was put off by his throwing knives at pictures of the judges.  He looked nervous before the commercial break. The way this night has been going, I wouldn't want to be the judge included in his act this evening. I don't like these acts. They drag on too long. It was exactly the same trick he did in the last round - only without the hidden knife - instead of where's the knife it was where's Howie?

Vicki Barbolak - She's tiresome. The "Trailer Nasty" thing isn't working for me. She seems likable. I really wanted to like her act, but she's just not funny.  The old guy in the trailer park delivered a better line than she did. - "It's in the dictionary - under L".

We Three - The band is pretty talented. I didn't like this song. They also sounded off.  Plus the sound, once again, wasn't good. I think they were struggling to hear each other.

Glennis Grace - the woman chained to her house and left to take care of her son all the time, but still managed to put out 11 albums. How did she do it?  It's nice that her son lets her out once in a while.  Did she leave her kid back in the Netherlands so she could get her big break on AGT?  Her outfit is just wrong.  Did AGT pick out her clothes?  Good voice. I didn't care for the song choice, but by the way things are going tonight, she's a shoe-in tomorrow night.  There won't even be a doubt. 

Brian King Joseph - None of it sounded good to me. 

Courtney Hadwin - The pimp spot. She could totally blow this performance and still move on. Just because she's been pumped up so much.  Her pre-package was reaction videos and how much people love her on Youtube. They combed her hair out of her face. Wasn't that her thing? Hiding behind her hair?  She's really terrible. It's almost like watching a parody. She was just screeching.  

The only two going through, for sure, tomorrow night - Glennis and Courtney. Every other spot is up for grabs. What a horribly off night for everybody. 

  • Love 10

Ugh... I'm on taped west/central time. Already I've spit up some earlier wine because of The Oprah Cow Bellow from Tyra. Please Lord God Christ... make her stop that. Also-- does she know she forgot to change out of the Kimono that NBC gives out?

Why do they all have hideous product on their hairs?

Whoever produces the back-stories should be placed in a special hell.

Simon just woke up from a hella night on Sunset. What a mess.

Noah, I know three chords, too.

Wait... that wasn't wine consumed earlier being spit up within me, just stomach acid.

Daniel, if you really want to cry, just re-watch your sad performance. I just pooped my pants at your last note!

"Please, please, please... dial carefully!" ... Just shaddup, Tyra.

Oh wait, #2... glad the chorale mentioned "9/11", that'll now get them to the finals, 'cuz people love "never forgetting". Oh, puleez.

Was Aaron Crow at 10050 Cielo Drive?

Oh wait, #3... I fell asleep for an hour, and Crow is still on..

And he's STILL on, after I went to pee.

Vicki, you'd advance if you stop dressing like a whore? (I'm a gay man, so I would know).

I've walked through ams1001, and have become Super Bitch. You're welcome.

We Three? I thought pretty decent. However, like most of the singing performances, the sound is off... or too tight... or not enough... or too much? Plus the broadcast sound has been dimmed all season, necessitating turning up the frigging volume every show!!! Is it the sound engineers? Is it NBC? Is it Comcast?

Glennis has the longest ass in the world.

Yep, and I've had severe peripheral neuropathy for almost a decade (kidding, not), and can't play a digital violin (nor an analog one), at all. He's amazing.

Edited by Stompster
  • Love 6

I agree with the consensus so far. This was a pretty awful night especially for a semifinal. 

Christina Wells - At first I felt somewhat bad that she got the worst spot of the night, but her performance wasn't that great anyway. Also I think it was a poor song choice unless she could pull it off, but she couldn't. 

Da Republik - Da faq?!?

Noah Guthrie - Chris Cornell did a really awesome cover of this, imo, and I think that's what Guthrie was trying to go for. Unfortunately he didn't even come close to doing what Cornell. Before the show, I thought he had a good shot of going through, but I don't see it now.

Daniel Emmet - So-so boring.

Angel City Chorale - I could barely hear him. Also while I know that song was written in response to 9/11, I'm not sure that it's had staying power since that era though. 

Aaron Crow - Boring, but I guess I'd rather have him than another singer go through.

Vicki Barbolak - I want to root for a non-singer, but I also hope that this is the end of the line for her.

We Three - I liked their other performances, but I think they should have went with a cover or a better original song. 

Glennis Grace - Technically she sounded fine to me, but it was so dull.

Brian King Joseph - The only performance that I actually liked tonight.

Courtney Hadwin - I agree with Commando Cody that Hadwin could totally blow this performance and still move on. While I don't know if she totally blew it, it was close. What a waste of the pimp spot. 

  • Love 8

I think I figured it out.  Courtney was the comedy act and Vicki was the whacko rebel.

Aaron Crow was his standard showman par excellence.  Dumb trick, but the man is genius in presentation.  Tonight, that was enough.

The Kitty Kats would have garnered about 90% of the votes in this hot mess of an ep.

The best moments for me were the real-time reactions of Heidi and Mel as Vicki's "humor" fell flatter than medallion pancakes at IHOP.  They had smiles plastered on their faces which stuck no matter what.  There were a couple of look aways where they had to be saying to themselves, "Am I paid enough for this crap?"  Ever smiling, though.  

  • Love 5

That was weirdly terrible. I think the first five performers are toast, except maybe Christina Wells. I've liked Noah Guthrie in the past but he was super forgettable tonight. The voters seem to like We Three better than the judges do, so I think they have a chance. IMO they're super talented, although they're never going to live up to the emotional impact of their first audition.

Brian King Joseph was great. Although...I played violin for 15+ years and I'd guess that his disease has impacted his playing quite a bit. I see that he's performed/toured with some big names but he's not playing anything really technically difficult at this point. It's more about the showmanship and musicality, which is fine. 

I'd guess BKJ, Aaron Crow, and Courtney go through, with We Three, Glennis, and Christina on the bubble? 

  • Love 1

Let me preface this post by saying that Tyra was five alarm hot tonight - Jesus! Her weird shifting in vocal tone when speaking has grown on me too; unless Nick Cannon returns in very convincing drag, I hope Tyra sticks around next year.


Christina Wells - Me and my college friends often talk about the 50 year old overweight female musicians over chai, so we were really pumped for this one. That whole sentence was a joke. Anyways, she noticeably missed a note, which is about the only thing that snapped me out of staring at the wall. After the performance, she did the spiel of "I accept myself no matter my size", to which Tyra "sex on legs" Banks followed up with "look at this beautiful woman!" to try and excite the audience. I doubt anyone seriously believes this "fat is beautiful" nonsense, which is why they shill it so hard. I'm underweight and have no self delusion that it's fabulous - then again, I'm a man, so I'd get far less social praise anyways, not to mention I am not 150 pounds underweight (in which case I'd be a ghost).

Da Republik - This act sucked. There seemed to be no personality in it at all, it looked like a commercial for the Just Dance series of video games. Like I've said before, it seems you can tell which performances will get an X, because it's almost like there's empty silence around the music that makes room for the buzzer. I'm sure that sounds like that old woman feeling they get in their knees before it rains, but maybe someone agrees. I thought it was quite humiliating that the girls were all shaking their asses so vigorously, only for the judges to pan the performance - not sure how they could feel prideful again after that, but then again, I over think stuff like that all the time.

Noah Guthrie - When they flashed his name on screen, I said "I don't know a Guthrie" because I was foreshadowing the low quality of Vicki's performance. Anyways, Whitney Houston songs on singing shows are so painful to sit through, since it seems to be obligatory at least once during their run on said show. His version made it more tolerable, but his howling type of voice is best meant to convey a pained feeling/emotion, so this largely fell flat. I guess he's my favorite singer, but that doesn't say much.

Daniel Emmet - I actually liked this performance, since for once he wasn't trying to serenade Mario and Luigi. I'm sure the song choice could've been better, but when thinking about it more, you'd have to wonder if they are allowed to pick whatever song they want, since so many people seem to make bad song choices and they are the ones with $660,000 (after the "freedom" tax lol) on the line.

Angel City Chorale - The conductor's gyrations reminded me of Turboman showing off in the movie Jingle All The Way. I was moved by the performance when the hot women in the choir were shown (I'm a self confessed dog), but was sleepy other than that. The conductor trying to gain sympathy votes by bringing up 9/11 was so forced and stupid - I'm glad the audience didn't seem to respond very well.

Aaron Crow - The women in the audience looked quite happy, probably because they love when a man's "performance" lasts 10+ minutes. Jokes aside, why does this guy get so damn long to perform and other people get enough time to tell 5 jokes? All these type of part magic/part danger acts are so formulaic, it's so hard to care. None of these acts have ever gone wrong, so why would anyone have any suspense? Just like myself, he lacks in communication skills - although unlike me, everyone applauds when he just points at things; I'm guessing because he's tall and has good cheekbones. I don't know if the producers or Aaron himself are trying to make him like a speechless druid, along the same vein as Riana (whom I hated very much), but he just looks like "some guy" in an outfit. He could speak in a really deep voice and that would likely give him more stage presence than just pointing fingers, especially if he has to do a long show.

Vicki Barbolak - Like I've pointed out before, how is anyone supposed to get behind a trailer trash gimmick when she lives in a nice trailer park in Oceanside, California? It'd be like doing a gimmick based on living in a 100 square foot apartment in Hong Kong, it doesn't mean anything. The material was shit just like before, since it's based on total nonsense with no wordplay or anything clever about it. She had one joke that had potential, it was something like "the diet pills made me stay up long enough to see all the ice cream run out", but she could've done something better with it. Howie must have the producers tickling him out of camera view, since he laughs at every comedian who isn't obviously there just to fail on purpose. It seems like he finds everything funny, which I would think is the opposite of a comedian, since having quick wit and the general ability to observe quirks in conversations or situations is a skill that not everybody has. Even Simon Cowell isn't a comedian, yet has delivered just as many or more funny quips out of nowhere as every comedian who has been on the show.

We Three - I guess they have somewhat moved away from being defined by "muh Mom" and the song was alright. I always think the member dynamic of bands such as this one are awkward, since the brothers must know that the majority of the audience thinks their sister is hot, which usually becomes a lot of the appeal of the band, whether they like it or not. For the younger people on this forum - Paramore has a great bassist, eh? Not like anyone's noticed. Maybe the older people on here can tell me if Stevie Nicks was ogled at in Fleetwood Mac decades ago.

Glennis Grace - I don't remember what song she was performing, since I was completely zoned out. It's probably for the best, too. I really doubt she will make it through, since I don't know what appeal she has or to who.

Brian King Joseph - This performance was pretty good, especially when he was playing the violin like a guitar. It'd be nice if he would go onto the finale, just to see what he'd perform, plus the extra benefit of taking a spot away from a singer.

Courtney Hadwin - Her voice sounds like a snaggle tooth mid 40s British housewife barking at you to vacuum. The judges didn't seem to like it that much, which was nice - they probably had to turn on her tonight as to allow full attention on the 30 minute long knighting of Michael Ketterer. I had to edit my comment because I forgot about that annoying montage of talentless YouTube ""reactions"" - this is one of the most popular genres on YouTube for seemingly no discernible reason. It usually consists of some twit making "oh my god" faces and fake "you go girl" type blithering for 12 minutes, even if the original song they're reacting to is 4 minutes long. I used to make fake "reviews" which were essentially the same thing as reactions, albeit clickbait to get money - everyone hated me lol.

Show was pretty damn boring, but what can you expect? Despite me thinking every episode has been a 0.5/10, I will be quite depressed when the season ends.

Edited by InternetToughGuy
  • Love 7

Wow what a terrible semi final. So many mistakes and just unmemorable songs. Courtney and Brian King Joseph I think are locks not sure who else will make it. I think Courtney was just kind of going through the motions on this one because I think everyone behind her knows she's going to make the final. Her following should back her up enough to make that happen. She's gotta cap this off with a Janis Joplin song I think.

Edited by anthonyd46
  • Love 2

That dance performance was a mess.

Since I actually prefer Dolly Parton’s “I will Always Love You” (now I need to re-watch The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas), I was okay with Noah singing it. My.................problem.............with..................his..........................performance..........................was..................the..........................tempo. It...............dragged.................so......................much. 

Stop trying to make “trailer nasty” happen. <shudder>

Aaron  bored me for the second week in a row. His pacing made me wish for Noah to come back.

I could not understand a word of We Three’s performance. I checked out pretty quickly.

Singers, singers, singers. Yawn. I miss the cats and the contortionist.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, CrashTextDummie said:

I enjoyed the brief moment of panic during Aaron Crow's performance when Simon wanted to change his mind and Crow had already committed to whether Simon's "choice" was getting the hatchet or the glasses. It was actually the only thing I enjoyed all night.


I caught that too.


He clearly always knew which tiles were which, or at least where Howie's tile was. Had the women picked Howie's tile, he would have showed the two they didn't pick and have Simon pick from the last two. Then it was just a matter of forcing Simon's choice. If Simon picked Howie's tile, then Aaron smashes the other one. If Simon picks the empty one, he smashes that tile. 

But as we saw, after Simon did the pick, Aaron was already indicating that was Howie's box before Simon said he changed his mind. I'm sure Aaron had a moment of legit panic at that moment, but he hid it well. IIRC, the camera was focused low, so I wonder if Aaron gave a headshake or some other indicator to make sure Simon didn't actually change his mind after the force was committed.


As for the rest, I skipped past all the singers and all the banter and chatter and basically watched the entire episode in about 30 minutes. Only really focused on Aaron's act and the comedienne and that was about it. Did see the stumble with Da Republik and knew there's be a buzz (but didn't watch the chatter after)


I also watched Brian King's act. At times the background music seemed to carry the song more than he did, but overall I enjoyed his performance and hope he does make it through. 


Otherwise, I don't really have anything to say about the rest because I didn't watch (or vote for that matter :P )


Edited by Taeolas
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, CrashTextDummie said:

I enjoyed the brief moment of panic during Aaron Crow's performance when Simon wanted to change his mind and Crow had already committed to whether Simon's "choice" was getting the hatchet or the glasses. It was actually the only thing I enjoyed all night.

ITA, best moment of the whole stinky episode.  You could see a brief flash of panic on that guy's face when Simon tried to change the tile, and I thought he even sort of grabbed Simon's wrist to indicate, "WTF?!  You can't do that now!"

Also, I refuse to believe that any of the judges or anyone in that entire audience chuckled even once during that "comedian's" set.  She was horrible.

  • Love 5

God awful...

I am not blaming God for this one (not that you were), only the judges for giving us a choice between "meh" and cannon fodder.

The thing about Aaron Crow's trick that was most impressive is that there are variations of this trick that people have gotten wrong.  The danger isn't as much as viewers might want, but it's more than some magicians realize.  Aaron Crow's whole package is danger magic, so I like his odds, and the mark of a great magician is recovering from something going wrong.  (Or if you're Shin Lim, not having the audience realize anything DID go wrong*.)

Courtney might go through not just for being The Chosen One, but because she didn't screw up, and that's all she had to do this week.


ETA:  If you're a talking magician, one way to recover is "let's see what would have happened if you didn't change your choice."

Edited by marketdoctor
  • Love 2

Okay, going off of what I remembered. I got distracted as I was between watching this show and debating politics with my family. Also, this episode was a tad boring.

Christina Wells - Like I said, I was distracted during my family debate. She did okay from what I could see. I see her package was similar to her previous ones. Unless a miracle occurs, she might be going home tonight, because from what I saw it was not her best performance. And she was placed in the "Death Spot." (First Spot)

DaRepubliK - I'll admit, I got into it at first (the beginning rather), but then got bored afterwards. I lot of the moves they've done, I've seen before with other dancers. I find myself wishing the dance group from Colombia had gotten through instead of Future Kingz, because they brought something different. Unlike Republik and Kingz.

Noah Guthrie - So. Much. Drama. And that all was over....Noah's song choice. Whether he was going to do a cover or an original. Really?! In my opinion, he started off okay, but the ending kind of threw me off. Simon didn't completely like it? Maybe he should have asked Garth Brooks to write a song for him. Oh, nevermind! 

I personally thought that he should have done an original. I've watched a lot of his videos on YouTube years ago, and they're all covers. I know he can do a cover (most of the time). I would have preferred to see something new from Noah. Whatever happens, I'm sure he'll be fine. He's going on a European Tour after this. 


Okay, is it me or are some of the judges (mainly Simon and sometimes Howie) mildly snarky tonight. Or are they openly acknowledging what a lot of us have been. that this season was a tad lackluster. I think Tyra decided she liked the "just got out of the shower look" because she's wearing it again tonight.


Daniel Emmet - He has a lovely voice, but I did not remember much of his performance. Most of what I remember about him is the drama surrounding him from the beginning.

Angel City Choir - A part of me is thinking that this might be their final performance on AGT. I know they were in the Dunkin' Save during the live's, but what made me think that was their package. Their choir leader reading letters from fans about how they changed their lives. Isn't that something you save for the finale???

Even though I knew that the song was Bruce Springsteen's "The Rising" and I figured it out during the chorus, I could barely hear them. I agree that their first performance (auditions) was their best.

Aaron Crow - His act dragged. Again. And like another poster said it was similar to his act from the live's. Last time it was "Find the Hidden Knife." This week, it was "Find the Hidden Howie." I think he was on another "...Got Talent." I'll see if there's any videos on YouTube to see how he pulled off his act.

Vicki Barbolak - I don't remember anything from her act. I remembered that I did not laugh. Not once. She seems likable, but I'm not buying her routine. The audience members laughing the way they were, I wonder how much they got paid to laugh like that. 

We Three - Kudos to them for trying something different. I could barely hear the lyrics. The rhythm sounded fun though, but that and the lyrics together just didn't seem well executed if that makes sense.

Glennis Grace - I'm curious if she was recruited to come to AGT (instead of her choosing to audition) with the way she talks about how hard it is not being without her son. But was he with her when she was working on those ten/eleven albums? Or when she was out performing? Man, that sounds insensitive. I'm sure he's enjoying his time with her partner, or his father (her ex). He is a cutie pie though. And Glennis does have a great voice. She did well tonight. 

Brian King Joseph - I've always liked him, and he is a breath of fresh air among the sea of singers we have this episode. I liked his entire performance, going from bow to playing the violin with his fingers and then back to bow. I love the passion and energy he brings to every performance. The set up wasn't bad either. Sometimes the background music was overpowering, but Brian held his own. Hopefully if he makes it to the finals, that will be fixed. But then again...

I gave him all of my votes. I hope he makes it through to the finals. I know he will not win, because that title seemed to be bestowed upon Courtney from the beginning. Although, Simon is pushing for "Saint Ketterer."

Courtney Hadwin - Well, whaddayah know? She has the Pimp Spot again. The reaction video. Again, is this the semi-finals or the finals? Videos such as those are usually saved for the finals. Just as it was for Darcy Lynne and Grace Vanderwaal. The woman spitting out her drink in reaction seemed contrived. Looking at these reactions, you'd think that they had a significant religious experience. After watching Courtney's first performance, I just said, "Okay."

For f**k sake, Howie! Sit down! We get it!

Simon with his: "None of your performances should be perfect because that's what you're all about. You're this bundle of excitement, and it's raw and it's messy, but that's what makes you great." Okay....what happen to "You NEED to be perfect" during Judge Cuts? Didn't you just say that some of the previous singers were "messy" but for Courtney, that's okay? Ay querido! On the other hand, I'm okay with performers being quirky.

I am surprised that all of the judges weren't standing up (namely Heidi and Mel). With their responses as to the earlier acts, a part of me assumed that they were saving their energy to jump on top of the judge's table and howl, hoot and orgasm over the wonder that is Courtney. Surprised it didn't happen this time. Unless they're trying not be obvious that she is the chosen winner. Well, AGT is a tad inconsistent with that. 

I do believe that Courtney has potential. She has an old soul about her (and wither voice) and she's definitely not another pop singer or another Arianna Grande as another poster said. She just needs to work on control with her voice. When she tries to channel Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison with the high notes (or screaming and screeching in her case) I just flinch and cringe. She'll go through. That's a guarantee. 

Edited by giaNtsandYankees
Spell and grammar. Must proofread before posting.
  • Love 6

So, NBC "caught" us again (which Simon The Drunk Mess / Producer loves!)... Fat And Ugly Tyra needs to go away, taking her Oprah Pregnant-Cow Bellow with her. I'll tell you right now... after THIS season, the show won't survive the ratings... although NBC will keep it fairly intact because of the many "controversies". In the long term, NBC will realize that most people hate this show and its contrived nature, as well as Simon (who produces it).

1 hour ago, marketdoctor said:

(Or if you're Shin Lim, not having the audience realize anything DID go wrong*.)

I didn't really skim through the other threads with his performances in depth; where did one of his tricks go wrong? I'm just curious about it more than anything. :) 


1 hour ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

Aaron Crow - His act dragged. Again. And like another poster said it was similar to his act from the live's. Last time it was "Find the Hidden Knife." This week, it was "Find the Hidden Howie." I think he was on another Got Talent. I'll see if there's any videos on YouTube to see how he pulled off his act.

It's not difficult to figure out how his trick was done as I described above. 


All he has to do is have some way to tell which block is #2 (Howie's box). The other three tiles are safe to pick and destroy at any time. 


Then he just changes what he does depending on the picks. 

Mel and Heidi pick Howie's block? He takes the other two and reveals them to be empty.

They don't pick Howie's block? He does what he did, take their picks and reveal them to be empty.

Simon picks Howie's block from the last two? He takes the other one and shows it is empty.

Simon picks the empty block? he picks Simon's block and shows it is empty.


That's why there was a brief panic when Simon started to change his mind. Aaron was obviously about to put the "Howie's block" indicator on the one Simon picked. If Simon had really changed his mind then, than Aaron's act would be derailed because he would have to change his action (go to a 'stab block with the axe' motion) in mid action which would have basically revealed the trick. 


He COULD still have let Simon change his mind and done what he did last time with the knives; do a fake out and still smash the empty crate; but it would have been an obvious derail and not match the story he was presenting ("Howie's glasses are on the tile Simon picked representing Howie's box").

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

Simon with his: "None of your performances should be perfect because that's what you're all about," Cowell shared. "You're this bundle of excitement, and it's raw and it's messy, but that's what makes you great." Okay....what happen to "You NEED to be perfect" during Judge Cuts? Didn't you just say that some of the previous singers were "messy" but for Courtney, that's okay? Ay querido! On the other hand, I'm okay with performers being quirky.

I'm so annoyed with constant waffling between the "perfect" topic by the judges. MAKE UP YOUR MIND.

  • Love 4

I only watched bits and pieces(great Dave Clark 5 song!) last night, fast-forwarding through most of it...I did watch the trailer trash woman to see if she had anything funny to say....she didn't! and Aaron Crow to see what he was up to...made me yawn and almost fall asleep! The singers were all boring, I listened to the beginnings of each(I actually stayed around for the popera guy because I love West Side Story. My question is, Why all the love for Courtney? She looks like a young Mick Jagger(heck, she looks like an old Mick Jagger) but without his swagger. She does not sing, she screams and not very well. It took me a while to even recognize the song she was singing and it is one of my faves from way back when. Just do not understand her at all!

My choice for the win is the kitty cat act...they were better than all the acts tonight and then some. Can we do a write-in vote? Not sure I am even going to bother watching next year.

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, Superclam said:




America’s Got Talent: The Champions, which will launch this winter and air on Mondays between seasons of The Voice. The series will bring together favorites from past seasons of AGT as well as acts from other global Got Talent franchises, spanning 194 territories.

I hope Terry Fator and Mat Franco perform, but I am not sure if they will have the time to make that kind of commitment. I feel its going to be Grace and Darcy for sure if Courtney wins she probably is there, Taylor Williamson will probably be there, I guess it really depends on availability.

Edited by anthonyd46
  • Love 3

We love Brian Joseph King.  He never fails to entertain us, and I hope he makes it through.  Christina Wells was off.  Glennis was good, we thought.  Hated Noah.  I liked Daniel; hubby not so much.  We liked We Three--enjoyed the song but the sound was off.  Hubby thinks the girl should be the lead singer rather than the guy.  Also liked Angel City Choir, but it was hard to hear the singers.  How have they not figured out how to properly mic singers and groups after 15 seasons?  We are both so over Courtney.  We liked her the first week.  I didn't care for her song choice the second time, although hubby still thought it was good.  We both think Steppenwolf should sue her for what she did to their song last night.  It was just awful.  The problem with her is she's a one hit wonder.  Every single one of her performances sounds exactly the same.  Screech, dance very badly, everything done full bore.  To borrow from Len Goodman of DWTS, there is no light and shade in her singing, so it becomes very boring very quickly.  She'll probably go through.  She may even win this whole thing.  But we are over her.  Completely and totally over her.

Vickie was mildly amusing the first time, and that was also the last time she made either of us laugh.  Trailer nasty needs to go away.  A big nope.  Aaron Crow is a great entertainer, but for the second time in a row, he has kind of bored us.  And what is it with people who refuse to speak?  It really doesn't add anything to their act unless they're Tape Face.  Annoying.  We're not sure how we feel about Da Republik.  Hubby voted for them; I didn't.  But we both agreed that we much prefer Zurcaroh.

So at the end of the day the only one we're really invested in seeing go through from this group is Brian Joseph King.  We thought he was the best of the night last night, and it would be nice to see a musician who is not also a singer get some more play.  

  • Love 5

HELLO! Yes. HI! *holds up his right arm* Long time viewer here. I have a few questions:

First question: Was Riana in the room by any chance when the contestants were coming up with their acts? 
Second question: Is there anyone left working in the sound department or do they just leave that for the janitor to figure out?
Third question: Did they threaten the judges with a wild card round if they didn't start doing their job?
Fourth question: How do I stop making my beef stew taste like rotten fish?

This might be the least exciting semi-final in the history of this show, which did mean that the judges ACTUALLY judged things for once, well apart from Heidi, but we practically didn't even get any standing ovations. Or maybe they were all just too tired to stand up, it's been a LONG season. 

11: Da RepubliK. Isn't it great to have acts with personality like this in the semis, Simon? There was SO much personality on screen that I felt like I was watching a reaction channel on YouTube. Okay, I can't be TOO harsh on Simon, he was back to his good old grumpy cat self and said everything that needed to be said about these guys, but MAN was this a wasted spot.

10: Noah Guthrie. Well I didn't expect that. In the same sort of a way that I don't expect to see a juggler walk up on stage and start showing us their stamp collection. I'm afraid Noah walked down the wrong road yet again as the last thing we needed in this episode was another rendition of an overdone ballad. 

9: Christina Wells. ISN'T SHOUTING FUN? I SURE THINK SO! I mean the song choice worked for me, What didn't work was the screaming at my face part, I knew I was going to get more of it from Courtney later so I REALLY wasn't ready for it the first time. She has PIPES, but they were about to burst a bit too often this time.

8: Daniel Emmet. This man's sob story has just become "AGT doesn't like me". Now I'm expecting Tyra to accidentally read her card wrong and annouce Daniel as a finalist, only for him to be sent off moments later when they realise the mistake. Then lingering shots of him looking sad while sitting in the audience throughout the final just to dig the knife in even deeper. This is what would happen if Charlie Brown was born sounding like Josh Groban. Nothing he does seems to impress the judges, despite being their dancing monkey week after week. And while I'm not ready to sign up for his fan club yet, it's hard to deny he's a much better singer than Michael Ketterer or just about any other mediocre karaoke act we've had throughout the years. Cheer up, Daniel, you may at least get your Miss Universe moment. 

7: We Three. I actually liked the song they were playing this time so that's why I have them up this high. I mean the Trumpet sounded like a broken vuvuzela when one of them was playing it, BUT THEY TRIED, I'm into their style of music, but each time we see them, they seem to be getting slightly worse so I'm not sure that they COULD give us something interesting again in the final. At least not until the sound-mixers stop running around backstage with their hands up in the air yelling "HEEEELP" and actually figure out how to mike up more than one person.

6: Angel City Chorale. Tell you what, this show has brought me MUCH closer to my grandmother. I've never felt more in need of a hearing aid than during this whole performance. Much improved over last time, but still not close to what they did in their first two rounds. They just keep moving closer and closer to every other Choir we have seen on this show, while I think they are capable of much more and shining flashlights at our face doesn't really do it.

5: Vicki Barbolak. Each season Howie brings up the "comic vs comedian" thing and each season I find myself agreeing with him. We are now at exactly the same point where I say that I find her to be amusing, fun and likable on stage, but none of the jokes are REALLY all that clever or funny. I mean Simon was laughing his head off, but he was probably just daydreaming about how much better his life is the entire time. 

4: Aaron Crow. FANTASTIC! We have gotten the act down from 7 minutes, to JUST 6 minutes and 15 seconds. 8 more weeks of this and he might actually be done on time. I mean I still love seeing him do his silent duckface routine on stage, but instead of REALLY wowing us this time, we got the gritty reboot of Deal or No Deal. It was essentially the same trick as last week, but with worse music. Like damn near everyone else this time, he just hasn't quite lived up to his potential.

3: Glennis Grace. A professional singer sounding professional while singing. Shocking. BUT this was just so well done and so...graceful (i hate myself too) it just worked after the messes we saw earlier. 

2: Courtney Hadwin.  Giving Courtney the Grace/Darci opening package treatment could not make it any more obvious who they want to win. And while I enjoy Courtney on stage, I think she's at her best when she straddles the line between "Unique genre singer" and "Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man falling down a flight of stairs while having a seizure" and last night we were WAY too much in seizureland. Still, she is FUN and interesting. I'm pretty sick of all the same old same old singers on this show, but Courtney really is genuinely fascinating and fun to watch each time. The cracks are starting to show now, with Mel B and Heidi forgetting to stand up, so MAYBE she isn't as clear of a winner as Grace and Darcy? Grace did win over the Clairvoyants by less than 1% so maybe...maybe...

1: Brian King Joseph. Brian received ALL the production this week and it was well worth it, I mean sure, you would have needed to hang from the ceiling like Spider-Man to read the words flashing behind him, but I don't expect miracles from this production team, spelling things correctly was enough of a victory. Easily my favourite performance of his and I really really hope to see him in with a shot at the final. 

I will offer up my kidney on E-bay if Brian, Glennis and Courtney are NOT the top 3 (don't worry, it's so damaged nobody will want it anyways). The other 2 acts? Hell if I know...it could be ANYONE besides Da RepubliK. I was pretty sure it was going to be We Three and Noah Guthrie when I did my predictions last week, but considering the underwhelming response for both, I no longer have a clue. Angel City Chorale probably pushed the right buttons to make it in. I've consistently been underestimating Vicky, but she was one of the only acts to receive praise last night and all she needs to do is get to the dunkin save and the judges will likely put her through....But really, it's a complete toss up as to who will end up in the middle 3 so I'll just go with my gut and predict this:

11. Da RepubliK
10. Noah Guthrie
9. Aaron Crow
8. Daniel Emmett
7. Christina Wells
6. We Three (lose judge's choice)
5. Vicky Barbolak (wins judge's choice)
4. Angel City Chorale (wins dunkin save)
3. Glennis Grace
2. Brian King Joseph
1. Courtney Hadwin

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, suebee12 said:

My question is, Why all the love for Courtney? She looks like a young Mick Jagger(heck, she looks like an old Mick Jagger) but without his swagger. She does not sing, she screams and not very well. It took me a while to even recognize the song she was singing and it is one of my faves from way back when. Just do not understand her at all!

The way they've packaged Courtney all season, it doesn't matter that she can't sing. Or dance. It's just supposed to be thrilling that this supposedly shy, introverted girl goes whacko when the music starts. That is the act. That is what we're supposed to find amazing. Actually, I have been at friend's houses when their teenaged daughter does a similar thing to "entertain" guests. She gets sent off to bed.

Her James Brown rip-off at least had decent energy. This Steppenwolf rip-off (a song that'd done to death)was really bad. But it doesn't matter. I hate t hat Howie predicted she will win. A way to queer the results. And which judge said they loved her for being "authentic?" That's the last word I would use to describe her.

Christina Wells - A lot of unnecessary runs. That's what singers on these shows do to make a song we've heard a thousand time their "own." It was pretty much high level karaoke.

Da Republik - I would've buzzed much sooner than Simon. Really boring. More flips and booty shaking. Ho hum. Simon called it "generic." That description could be applied to almost every act tonight.

Noah Guthrie - A style of singing I don't like. Every other male contestant on The Voice has that growly voice. It's become such a cliché.

Daniel Emmet - I like that he didn't sing in Italian this week. But that's a song that should be sung with sensitivity and feeling, and I didn't get that from him. He gave it the big show-stopper treatment and even on those terms it was really mediocre.

Angel City Choir - Fast forwarded through the entire number.  Their previous appearances bored me so much I had zero interest. 

Aaron Crow - It was the exact same trick he did last time, just with different packaging. I'm desperate for non-singers to advance, but it was a snooze.

Vicki Barbolak - Since according to Howie she's one of these comedians who doesn't tell jokes, does that also mean she doesn't have to be funny? Someone posted last week that she was probably going to go on stage and say "trailer nasty" for 2 minutes. They weren't far wrong. The "trace the curves" bit was embarrassing. She's already become a caricature of herself. (Heidi - please stop trying to be funny).

We Three - The epitome of "generic." Hard to believe they may be in the finals with an act I can hear at any local coffee house.

Glennis Grace - I'm so pissed off by the show continuing to lie to make us think she's a stay-at-home Mom instead of a highly accomplished recording artist and a huge star in her native country, that I can't even judge her objectively. (Have they yet actually mentioned she's from Holland? I fast forward though a lot of the introductions)

Brian King Joseph - Horrible production. The light show was hugely distracting, and the swelling symphonic accompaniment almost completely drowned out his playing. It's like when they give a singer a 100 voice backing choir and you can't hear them at all. This was after the last appearance with the distracting dancers/contortionists behind him. Cleary the AGT producers don't think that America will listen to (or vote for) a guy just playing the violin. (Even an electric violin). I guess all the production effort and expense does indicate they want to push him through to the finals.

Edited by bluepiano
  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, Frankenstein123 said:

5: Vicki Barbolak. Each season Howie brings up the "comic vs comedian" thing and each season I find myself agreeing with him. We are now at exactly the same point where I say that I find her to be amusing, fun and likable on stage, but none of the jokes are REALLY all that clever or funny. I mean Simon was laughing his head off, but he was probably just daydreaming about how much better his life is the entire time. 

That last sentence just qualified you as the funniest comedian on AGT this season. Well, PTV AGT anyway. So thanks for a real laugh, something I'd not found on this entire season until now.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Stompster said:

So, NBC "caught" us again (which Simon The Drunk Mess / Producer loves!)... Fat And Ugly Tyra needs to go away, taking her Oprah Pregnant-Cow Bellow with her. I'll tell you right now... after THIS season, the show won't survive the ratings... although NBC will keep it fairly intact because of the many "controversies". In the long term, NBC will realize that most people hate this show and its contrived nature, as well as Simon (who produces it).

If only Tyra thought she was fat and ugly, then maybe I'd have a chance. Anyways, the show still gets 10+ million viewers, so I doubt it's going anywhere, plus the fact that it's only on the air for 3/4 months a year gives everyone enough of a break to start longing for it again.

4 hours ago, anthonyd46 said:

Taylor Williamson will probably be there, I guess it really depends on availability.


My above comment was made before reading about the Winter season. I'm a glutton for punishment, so I'm looking forward to it. I pray Taylor Williamson stays far away, since he was yet another act whose "comedy" was lame and was at least 50% dependent on "Hi Heidi!" - the incorporation of the judges into acts is so annoying, since they play it off like everyone loves the whole panel and wants to see them trying to upstage the contestant with unfunny jokes, when I'm imagining the majority of the people love Simon, tolerate Howie, and despise Mel and Heidi.

Edited by InternetToughGuy
  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, InternetToughGuy said:

If only Tyra thought she was fat and ugly, then maybe I'd have a chance. Anyways, the show still gets 10+ million views, so I doubt it's going anywhere, plus the fact that it's only on the air for 3/4 months a year gives everyone enough of a break to start longing for it again.


13 minutes ago, InternetToughGuy said:

If only Tyra thought she was fat and ugly, then maybe I'd have a chance. Anyways, the show still gets 10+ million views, so I doubt it's going anywhere, plus the fact that it's only on the air for 3/4 months a year gives everyone enough of a break to start longing for it again.

If only Tyra thought she was fat and ugly, then maybe I'd have a chance. Anyways, the show still gets 10+ million views, so I doubt it's going anywhere, plus the fact that it's only on the air for 3/4 months a year gives everyone enough of a break to start longing for it again.

Tyra ia a fat and ugly bitch from long ago.

15 minutes ago, anthonyd46 said:

Courtney is up to #4 trending on YouTube her last video only got to #5. I think she might be unstoppable.

Yes, but are they watching because they like her or because they need a good laugh?

I admit I burst out laughing when I looked up at the screen last night.  Then I felt bad because she is a child. Then I laughed again.  The "dancing" is really not good.

Edited by lb60
  • Love 3

I don't mind singers being on AGT. A voice is a beautiful instrument. A powerful one. And if you have the talent to sing, by all means you should show the world and join one these shows.

On to yesterday's show:

Vicki Barbolak - She was not funny at all. Then again, she never should've passed through the auditions.

Da Republik - They are a dance group. Enough said! Really, same 'ol, same 'ol.

Noah Gutherie - I didn't like this rendition. Too me, this song showed his flaws in his voice. Maybe he found a gig so he's trying to get eliminated!

Angel City Choir - They are a choir. Enough said! The conductor really rubbed me the wrong way with her 911 comment and her overall feel good story.

We Three - I like them and I agree the female bass player should be the main singer, at least for this competition. Their time on this show will come to an end.

Christina Wells - I bet you all didn't know that she is a fat lady. That is the message I get from her. I don't like her personality and believe me, many people will look at her the same way I do and will not vote for her. She has a great voice but her "oh look at poor fat me" has gone sour.


5. Daniel Emmet - I actually liked his song choice. I thought it was a great move and at this point in the competition. People will be moved by this.

4. Aaron Crow - Despite people being disappointed with him here in this forum, I think overall America will be happy to pass him through. His act might've taken a wee bit long but it was a good performance nonetheless.

3. Brian King Joseph - I do enjoy his playing, but I admit I ended up browsing the internet on my Kindle. I enjoyed his other performances more. But I think America put own their IPads and Kindles and listened to him play.

2. Glennis Grace - Great voice. 11 cds out there. How can you not vote her through? Too me, there is something about her that just doesn't seem right. Maybe it's her back story about her son. She'll be in the finals.

1. Courtney - Yet another singer that turns me off. I don't like her Janis Joplin, MIck Jagger persona. I don't like this pretending to be a shy girl off stage then on stage she turns into someone else. We get it! It's her "shtick". It's also been played too much and I think people are tired of it. However, America won't show how tired they are of her until the finals when she loses to Ketterer or Lin.

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, lb60 said:

Yes, but are they watching because they like her or because they need a good laugh?

I admit I burst out laughing when I looked up at the screen last night.  Then I felt bad because she is a child. Then I laughed again.  The "dancing" is really not good.

No other act this season has gotten that kind of coverage. I do agree she turned some people off but i think her fan base really is that big.

I can't believe BKJ is not getting more support online I thought that was one of the better acts.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, anthonyd46 said:

No other act this season has gotten that kind of coverage.

Michael Ketterer will be walking on water in a holy white garment next week. I think he is way more praised on the show than Courtney is - Courtney is only going to go through because her competition is so completely forgettable.

31 minutes ago, rr2911 said:

Christina Wells - I bet you all didn't know that she is a fat lady. That is the message I get from her. I don't like her personality and believe me, many people will look at her the same way I do and will not vote for her. She has a great voice but her "oh look at poor fat me" has gone sour.

Ironically, Americans love to "eat" those sob stories up, which only worsens the obesity. She looks like when you accidentally squash a picture's dimensions in Photoshop.

20 hours ago, Stompster said:

I've walked through ams1001, and have become Super Bitch. You're welcome.

I just laughed so hard I scared the cat. (Which isn't hard, since she puts the 'fraid' in fraidy-cat, but still.)


20 hours ago, Stompster said:

Is it Comcast?

Well, I don't have Comcast and I have the same problem, so...


20 hours ago, mortonsalt said:

Also while I know that song was written in response to 9/11, I'm not sure that it's had staying power since that era though.

I still didn't know what song it was until I just looked it up a few minutes ago.

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