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Sweet Home Sextuplets - General Discussion

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

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I’m in...for the first episode, at least. I’m a sucker for multiples. 

I just saw the ad for this a few days ago. I’m always curious how they were conceived. Supposedly the Busby’s were only clomid babies ( although I side eye that a bit). The crazy Kate’s were ivf with 7 (?) embryos transferred. Does any have the deets on these?

And the names...I’m almost afraid to ask lol. Are they from Utah? I feel like that would explain it. No offense to Utahians, Uthans?

  • Love 3

    Eric and Courtney Waldrop, are from Boaz, Alabama.
They had their first son, Saylor Briggs, 8 years ago.

    She then suffered several heartbreaking miscarriages.

"It was devastating, because I can get pregnant so easily, I just can’t hold on to them,” Courtney said then.

   They had their 5 year old twins Wales Tucker and Bridge Ryder with

   the help of fertility treatments. 

  She also suffered a miscarriage before then becoming pregnant with the sextuplets.

*info and pic gathered from various online articles*


  • Love 4

Good Lord, I've never seen a more appalling collection of terrible names in my life. It's like a legion of poorly spelled Gen Z names and then to get the middle names, they threw darts at a board filled with the names of Confederate soldiers and inanimate objects.

Blu Wellington??? Yes, because I want my infant to evoke thoughts of uncooked meat.

On 9/6/2018 at 10:24 PM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Good Lord, I've never seen a more appalling collection of terrible names in my life. It's like a legion of poorly spelled Gen Z names and then to get the middle names, they threw darts at a board filled with the names of Confederate soldiers and inanimate objects.

I have never wanted to rename someone's children so much. I usually like unusual/weird/made-up names, but the only one I like is Saylor. I know two guys named Bridger and Taggart, which could conceivably use the nicknames Bridge and Tag. I could even give Rawlings and Rivers a pass if they were standalone names, but taken as a group, they're just trying too hard to be offbeat/hip/something.

  • Love 12
On 9/7/2018 at 3:22 PM, Lesia said:

I'm REALLY sick of the commercial, with the toppling babies at the photo shoot.

"nah nah nah-nah, nah-nah nah nah nah...  WOOOOOOOO!"

This! It aired constantly when I was watching 90 Day Fiancé and it got old fast, as did the older son repeatedly declaring he won’t change diapers.

Due to their infatuation with little people and multiples, I am waiting for the day where TLC premieres a show about a little married couple with sextuplets. Improbable, sure, but if they ever exist, TLC will find them.

  • Love 9

Really??? Another show about multiples??  I used to watch the Gossling clan (before the divorce, and Kate's full transformation into a psychotic Greek mythological creature).  I just can't with these shows.  Fertility treatments can be incredibly helpful for folks who want a family, but I have an issue when couples (or single moms) who already have a brood of children opt to implant a baker's dozen worth of embryos just so they can "try for a girl/boy".  I guess it's none of my business how many kids anyone decides to have, but I just think some of these folks are motivated by potential fame/freebies brought on by having litters of 5-6-7-8+ babies.  Guess what?  For many of these "famous" multiples families, the excitement, the money, free supplies, offers of extra hands, prepared meals, laundry service, babysitting all dry up after the 1st year.  And I also think that no matter how much love & God's blessings you think are abounding in your home, some of the kids are not getting enough attention.  I'm referring to parental attention; not the parenting by proxy that the Duggars apparently do by assigning one of their new pups to one of the older spawn.

As for the names...oh FFS.  A whole generation of made up & misspelled names is out there. I guess tagging your baby with an emoji is next up for this "look at me!  I'm sooo original & wacky & thirsty for attention!" crowd.

  • Love 21
On 9/14/2018 at 7:52 AM, BusyOctober said:

 I just think some of these folks are motivated by potential fame/freebies brought on by having litters of 5-6-7-8+ babies.  Guess what?  For many of these "famous" multiples families, the excitement, the money, free supplies, offers of extra hands, prepared meals, laundry service, babysitting all dry up after the 1st year.  

Every time I see the commercial for this show, I 100% think they were shooting for a mass amount of kids to get themselves a TV show. I've yet to see them beyond the commercial, but there's just something that makes me think a show was huge motivation for so many kids. 

  • Love 3
39 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

Every time I see the commercial for this show, I 100% think they were shooting for a mass amount of kids to get themselves a TV show. I've yet to see them beyond the commercial, but there's just something that makes me think a show was huge motivation for so many kids. 

I think the mom wanted a girl and just got caught with 6 kids...

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, tobeannounced said:

I'm a very spiritual person, but does it ever occur to these people that maybe God's will was for them to have no biological kids?

I don't know.  If God didn't want them to have any biological kids, they wouldn't have them, fertility treatments or not.

The names are...well not names I would name children, but hey, in a few years all children will have names like these and people who have names like David and Catherine will be the oddballs.  LOL

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 10

How is it God's divine anything, when it they already had three boys?    I'm not going to watch.      The fact the they already had the oldest boy, twins with fertility drugs, and then wanted more is so risky and foolish.   I'm guessing the health insurance wouldn't do another procedure to give higher odds of a girl ( I think you have to start with the low level drugs first, and then they go more expensive methods, depending on the health insurance).    How are they going to finance nine kids?   I'm sure they're getting a lot of help from friends, and church, and endorsements, but this is over the top.     They're lucky that they have all of these kids who are healthy, and I wonder about the wisdom of any doctor not checking for the number of eggs available.    The mother is lucky she was able to get through this too.     

From what I've read, she got pregnant easily, but also miscarried easily, and somehow the low dose fertility drugs were supposed to prevent that.    I still don't understand that, but either way, nine kids is bizarre.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
corrected a lot of wrong ideas I had. Apologies.
  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

How is it God's divine anything, when it was a guy with a test tube, and fertility drugs to get six babies, could have been seven, and already have three older boys?      This is absurd, and I'm not going to watch.      The fact the they already had the oldest boy, twins with fertility drugs, and then had seven babies implanted is so risky and foolish.   How are they going to finance nine kids?   I'm sure they're getting a lot of help from friends, and church, and endorsements, but this is over the top.     They're lucky that they have all of these kids who are healthy, and I wonder about the wisdom of any doctor implanting that many embryos at one time.    

The parents (Eric and Courtney, I think) are adamant that the sextuplets were conceived using only a very low dose of an oral fertility drug, not IVF.  According to the parents, the mother was diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder which causes a likelihood of miscarriage, and the fertility drug somehow addressed that (they did not explain the connection between the disorder and the drug, so have no info on how they relate to each other).

They are also pretty clear on  the show that they were rather devastated when they found out they were expecting 6 babies, to the point they seriously considered selective reduction.  The mother's parents are on the first episode as well and confirm how upset Eric and Courtney were when they had the ultrasound showing the number of babies.  After hearing them talk about what they went through when they got the news, I have a difficult time believing they thought having high order multiples was a real possibility at all and therefore, they didn't consider taking the drug to be a risky or reckless choice.  It's an even further stretch to say high order multiples was something they were trying to achieve/hoping would happen.  They seem to be trying to make the best of it, but it certainly doesn't seem like it was something they chose/would have chosen.

Edited by SabineElisabeth
  • Love 19

Goodness ! I am late to the party... very late.. I thought tonight 9/18 was the first show - premire..

Welcome those from Outdaughtered !

4 weeks in the hospital.. 6 babies at 30 weeks.... I hope Courtney picked the HMO insurance (or anything with a reasonable out of pocket max) at her job before she went on medical leave...

I suspect they are selling the sheep b/c they don't need the extra daily farm duties, but I was surprised they were considering giving them away... don't they need $$ ? Not sure what the profit margin is on sheep-farming..

Edited by sATL
  • Love 2

Well this was interesting to me and I'm going to watch because I live here.  Huntsville,  not Albertville/Boaz.  

Dr. Rushing is probably the most experienced and highly regarded OB/GYN in North Alabama.   I'd venture to guess that if he was the one guiding them through the fertility process,  it happened exactly like are saying it did.  Just my 2 cents. 

  • Love 11

We are from Alabama, and have friends on the outskirts of Albertville. Courtney stated that she is a first grade teacher, and she may have BCBS of AL.  This is amazing ins, and pays most at 100%.  Our nephew and his wife both teach, and has never seen a bill with their two children.   

On a very very shallow note:  I have been looking their house over to see what football team they support.  We were told that jokingly by our realtor it is a requirement.  Being Auburn graduates, they may pull towards the Tigers.

They are going to discuss the loss of insurance in an upcoming epi.  I do not believe in downing couples, and their decisions, but I do agree that one, double, and wanting a fourth may not have been in their best interest..  I do believe they knew more than what is being discussed concerning a greater chance of higher multiples than what we are being lead.   I have not looked at their social media yet.  I was trying to go into this show with blinders to give the parents of the benefit of being parents, but that did not last.  

  • Love 5

I don't know, this couple seems pretty genuine if the story is true. It's not a reckless embryo implantation story, just a freak accident caused by low-dose fertility medication which was apparently taken to prveent blood clots (?). They talked extensively about being horrified at the number of babies (sincerely, not in the slapstick "imagine the DIAPERS!" way) and were miserable wrecks for weeks. I think the constant invoking of religion is not holier-than-thou or pretentious a la Duggars, but the only emotional coping mechanism they know to deal with the shock and stress. Unlike other multiple parents who seem to think the sheer power of their kids' cuteness and publicity will magically produce a 24/7 army of nannies until they go to kindergarten, Eric and Courtney seem to already be bracing for exhaustion and financial woes. They're excited, but also appear borderline morose about the whole situation. They're likely only doing this show to pay medical bills, not for celebrity (Gosselins) or social media fame/endorsements (Busbys).

56 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I don't know, this couple seems pretty genuine if the story is true. It's not a reckless embryo implantation story, just a freak accident caused by low-dose fertility medication which was apparently taken to prveent blood clots (?). They talked extensively about being horrified at the number of babies (sincerely, not in the slapstick "imagine the DIAPERS!" way) and were miserable wrecks for weeks. I think the constant invoking of religion is not holier-than-thou or pretentious a la Duggars, but the only emotional coping mechanism they know to deal with the shock and stress. Unlike other multiple parents who seem to think the sheer power of their kids' cuteness and publicity will magically produce a 24/7 army of nannies until they go to kindergarten, Eric and Courtney seem to already be bracing for exhaustion and financial woes. They're excited, but also appear borderline morose about the whole situation. They're likely only doing this show to pay medical bills, not for celebrity (Gosselins) or social media fame/endorsements (Busbys).

I completely agree with all this.  I came into this preparing to dislike them based solely on the names they gave their kids, but I walked away thinking they were pretty genuine and upfront about a lot of topics that other large number multiple families are not.  They must have been the most honest couple I've ever seen about the option and decision regarding selective reduction and didn't just do the standard "I would never/leave it up to God" reply.  There was an actual discussion about the older kids and how they would be impacted.  I found them to be very refreshing in their openness and candor regarding their situation.  They seem to be 100 times more sincere and real in their interactions and conversations than the Busbys whose entire existence is as if it were planned for TV from the moment of the quints' conception.  The older boys also seemed well-behaved and very close with and adored by their parents.

  • Love 9
On 9/7/2018 at 1:24 AM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Good Lord, I've never seen a more appalling collection of terrible names in my life.

Being an educator,  she knows first hand the teasing, albeit wrong, other kids will do. Then later in life a resume will be in front of someone. One can only hope some of these name are family  surnames.

Yes, parents have the full right to name their offspring but no need to add fuel to the fire.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Bessiesue said:

We are from Alabama, and have friends on the outskirts of Albertville. Courtney stated that she is a first grade teacher, and she may have BCBS of AL.  This is amazing ins, and pays most at 100%.  Our nephew and his wife both teach, and has never seen a bill with their two children.   


I know this it will be an impossible feat but with 9 kids and 2 adults but it would make some sense if she could find a lower stress/pay position on the school system just to carry ins. Maybe just until the  babies get out the early constant-going to pedicrican stage. Hubby and nanny can watch the crew. With that many babies it will take more than one person. Hubby might need to take more of a managerial role in his other businesses, after he closes sheep production.

44 minutes ago, sATL said:

Being an educator,  she knows first hand the teasing, albeit wrong, other kids will do. Then later in life a resume will be in front of someone. One can only hope some of these name are family  surnames.

When 3/4 of the kids in school were named from the same the top 30-50 names of that year kids with unusual names were teased and those with unusual spellings had a hard time getting their names spelled right. These days unusual names and spellings are the norm and it's only the adults who find them strange. While I think the names these people picked out are pretentious and lame, the children's peer group is going to consist of more kids with unique names than kids named James or Sarah.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Nysha said:

When 3/4 of the kids in school were named from the same the top 30-50 names of that year kids with unusual names were teased and those with unusual spellings had a hard time getting their names spelled right. These days unusual names and spellings are the norm and it's only the adults who find them strange. While I think the names these people picked out are pretentious and lame, the children's peer group is going to consist of more kids with unique names than kids named James or Sarah.

Wales (whales,wails), Rayne,(reign,rain,rein), Blu,( blue,blew) and Layke with a y for a boy? 

My friend’s golden retriever is Blu.

If they wanted unique first names, fine, but give the child a more traditional middle name that they could use if they so wished.

And did I hear correctly that they had the gender reveal at 14 wks with 600 attendees so that they could get money for the babies . I thought that’s what was said,but I may have been mistaken. 

  • Love 8

Ok, I’m about halfway through the first episode and I am surprisingly surprised—horrible names aside lol. As pp’s wrote, compared to the reality tv/YouTube/social media famewhores of most of their predecessors, they are surprisingly “real”. Honest about their feelings when confronted with having 6 possible babies, without the flippant har har a la the Gardners. And, as much as I am primed to eye roll any “god spoke to us” comments, they came across as logical, sincere and genuine about their emotional and mental processes. I feel tlc did a disservice to them in their horrible promos and made them more akin to patently fake hapless parents of multiples  


Shallow aside, I liked her with blond hair. Especially since her voice and brown hair is invoking terrible comparisons to Ding Dong Michelle Duggar lol.

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, mjstrick said:

Well this was interesting to me and I'm going to watch because I live here.  Huntsville,  not Albertville/Boaz.  

Dr. Rushing is probably the most experienced and highly regarded OB/GYN in North Alabama.   I'd venture to guess that if he was the one guiding them through the fertility process,  it happened exactly like are saying it did.  Just my 2 cents. 

My cousin is a clinical pharmacist at Huntsville Women and Children's, and when we were chatting yesterday evening this show came up, and she concurs about Dr. Rushing.  According to her, he is top notch and rather on the conservative side re the risks of having high order multiples.

  • Love 9
Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

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