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Jeopardy! Season 35 (2018-2019)


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All good players today, but middle lady was getting on my nerves when the champ would buzz in first and she would turn and look at him EVERY TIME. Then there was a TS and when no one was ringing in she STILL looked over at him, as if she was thinking, “Are you going to answer?!” It was weird. I thought FJ was pretty easy (based on the fact that I got it right - LOL).

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28 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

My memory is pretty much mush, but a response tonight was "knell". Wasn't that also a response recently?  Am I conflating a different game show?

See the bells category in this March episode.

So much for the supposed rule change that shoutouts on your FJ screen were no longer allowed. (James said they decided this during his run.)

Edited by dcalley
added the rule change quote
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FJ was not quite an instaget, but close.  The "lex" part of the original name led me to words which led me to Scrabble in plenty of time to write it down.  I'm glad I didn't try to focus on the year!

I also got the TS of knife, underwear, and Bridge of Spies.

So much for the "no shout-out" rule.  I wasn't (and still am not) a fan of James, but rules should be applied equally and fairly to everyone, not just to James.

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I only saw the first round last night, but I ran it, so maybe it was good I left while I was ahead.

Tonight, I was not nearly so much on fire in the first round, but I did get two TS, both of which surprised me – knife was a surprising TS given the category spotted the silent K, and underwear was just surprising on general principle; what else would you strip down to other than your skin, and the color wearing part of the clue made clear it had to be a garment?

DJ was another good but not great round for me.  Declined was really surprising as a TS, and snub and slight in the same category were a bit surprising, too;  I’m not sure why they had such trouble with that category.  Diesel was a bit surprising at first, but then I looked at the close scoreboard at that point and figured no one was sure (which isn’t surprising) and thus didn’t want to take a guess.

The Angela Merkel clue belonged in the first round.

I got a good chuckle out of the incorrect guesses of Atlantis and Shangri-La being the answers to the next two clues.

I wasn't immediately sure on FJ, but in short order "lexiko" brought to mind "lexicon" and then the answer was a total "duh!" moment - especially because I play Scrabble on my computer pretty much daily, and play it with my mom every Thanksgiving, so I'd have had to do the V8 head slap if I hadn't come up with it.

I don't care that there was no consequence for violating the "don't write anything superfluous in FJ, really, we mean it" emphasis of the existing rule James's numerous shout-outs led to, since I've never seen anything stating what that consequence would be, but I do object to Alex reading it AND asking him who the recipient of the shout-out was.  Don't reward it!  I'm not sure there should be a punishment for it (because I don't think it should be invalidating the answer, and I don't know what lesser punishment - deduction of a dollar amount? - there should be instead), but I certainly think it should be thoroughly ignored by Alex, and possibly digitally erased to boot, to make it pointless for people to break the rule, leading contestants to knock that shit off.

Edited by Bastet
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5 minutes ago, secnarf said:

With the guy's incorrect response of knoll instead of knell, I had to wonder if he has been misunderstanding the significance of the grassy knoll all his life.

I’ll be honest, I always have to wait a beat when using either of those words to make sure I use the right one. I know the difference but it’s just a mental block for me.

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13 hours ago, Katy M said:

I got FJ right.  

I also got knife, underwear, El Dorado, declined and snub.  I almost got Diesel but changed by answer to Daimler at the last minute.  I hate it when I do that.  I did much better tonight than I did last night.

I got El Dorado which surprised the heck out of me, since I generally miss it. I said Duesenberg. 🙂

10 hours ago, Bastet said:

Tonight, I was not nearly so much on fire in the first round, but I did get two TS, both of which surprised me – knife was a surprising TS given the category spotted the silent K, and underwear was just surprising on general principle; what else would you strip down to other than your skin, and the color wearing part of the clue made clear it had to be a garment?

I don't care that there was no consequence for violating the "don't write anything superfluous in FJ, really, we mean it" emphasis of the existing rule James's numerous shout-outs led to, since I've never seen anything stating what that consequence would be, but I do object to Alex reading it AND asking him who the recipient of the shout-out was.  Don't reward it!  I'm not sure there should be a punishment for it (because I don't think it should be invalidating the answer, and I don't know what lesser punishment - deduction of a dollar amount? - there should be instead), but I certainly think it should be thoroughly ignored by Alex, and possibly digitally erased to boot, to make it pointless for people to break the rule, leading contestants to knock that shit off.

See, now I did go to "strip down to the skin" and sat there puzzled, trying to work out what the answer would be. My mind just didn't go one layer higher. And no, I don't go commando.

I don't care about the rule at all. I don't mind people making a little shout-out when it's their moment in the sun.

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10 hours ago, Bastet said:

and underwear was just surprising on general principle; what else would you strip down to other than your skin, and the color wearing part of the clue made clear it had to be a garment?

I think that's one of those things that it seems so obvious that that can't be what they're looking for.  I said underwear, but I don't know if I would have rung in.  Especially if nobody else was doing so.

17 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I don't care about the rule at all. I don't mind people making a little shout-out when it's their moment in the sun.

I agree. It doesn't hurt anything.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I agree. It doesn't hurt anything.

But James overdid it until it was annoying.

I missed most of the first round due to storm knocking out satellite signal. My only ts was El Dorado. 

I thought the clue about credit card was a little confusing.  Of course your credit card gets declined but the way it was worded sounded like they were looking for a particular way it was declined.  At least that is the opinion of me and three contestants🙂

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On 7/22/2019 at 5:54 PM, PaulaO said:

I wanted to say Angel,Falls, but angel(s) was in the clue so I knew it was wrong.

Occasionally a word in the clue will be in the answer. I did confidently say Angel Falls. I'll never make that mistake again.

13 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I, too, was amused at Atlantis & Shangri-La but was sort of dumbfounded that they didn't know El Dorado.

I think I got El Dorado thanks to a Disney animated movie.

7 hours ago, Trey said:

I thought the clue about credit card was a little confusing.  Of course your credit card gets declined but the way it was worded sounded like they were looking for a particular way it was declined.  At least that is the opinion of me and three contestants🙂

I said insufficient funds, then immediately realized that that would be a reason (though actually not for a credit card). 

For Monday night's show I got the DD of 'first in the hearts of his countrymen.' Also, I blurted out Catch-22 instead of Slaughterhouse 5. Maybe I confuse them because there are numbers in the titles.

I got several TSs in last night's show: knives, underwear, Bridge of Spies, El Dorado, and snub. FJ was easy.

(I like dad jokes.)

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Congrats to Jason, but I was really rooting for Corin.  Good for Jason, though, getting FJ.  I had to think about it, and initially couldn't come up with anyone.  Finally settled on Seuss, just to have a guess, then changed it to Sendak at the last second.  Good for me!

@Katy M, I suspect they were going for Eric Carle, author of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar".  I could see his art being compared with Picasso's more abstract works, but Carle's first book wasn't published until 1967 (so his web page tells me -- I promise I didn't know that off the top of my head!).  Carle never occurred to me.

I also got the TS of quail, C, and pine.

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15 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I got FJ right.  I have no idea who that Carl or Carle person was they were talking about, though.

I also got quail, pine and "Parker and Barker."  

I can kind of see the Nicholas Cage thing.

Ditto on getting it right and having no idea who Carl/Carle is or was until I looked it up and saw it was The Very Hungry Caterpillar author. Why that would pop into two people’s heads is beyond me.

I thought the champ’s lookalike was going to be Ray Romano.

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Had a good game Tuesday; ran 5 categories & only missed 15 questions. TS I got were knife, underwear, NV, ElDorado, denial, snub. FJ was easy to work out due to 'lex'

Wed TS were McKinley, Dead Sea (Jason's DD), C (guess), Battle of Marathon (Michelle's DD), Barker & Parker. I guessed Garth Williams for FJ.

I like Jason but was rooting for Corin. Jason reminds me of Jake Gyllenhaal, but I can see Nicolas Cage too.  Now he has won more games & money than Emma, so another contestant who deserves to be in the ToC more than she does (unless he continues on to season 36 of course). 

On 7/23/2019 at 8:29 PM, Jesse said:

Well, pride goeth before a fall, because we had no clue tonight.

That was me Wednesday. I was smuggity smug that I was right, & told my husband that wouldn't it be great to have a perfect FJ week to end the season. 

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36 minutes ago, Toothbrush said:

I guessed Garth Williams for FJ.

You made me google Garth Williams. At first I was surprised that I didn't know he was the author of Charlotte's Web, but upon rereading I see that he was the illustration, not author. 

For FJ I said Dr Seuss. Sendak first came to mind, but I was thinking he came to fame later than 1964. Googling again, I see that Where the Wild Things Are came out in 1963.

I loved when Jason said he heard, "Dios mio! Nicholas Cage!" So funny when the audience laughed, which made me think that they, like me, suddenly realized, Hey, he DOES look like Nicholas Cage!

I got McKinley (and was surprised none of the contestants recognized him), the blood type C (which I got from figuring it was originally A, B, and C), and pine. I just couldn't pull Barker and Parker from my brain. I kept trying to rhyme with Clyde, then realized that wasn't Bonnie's last night, then dwelt on Barrow... Doh! Then I ran out of time.

Instead of Wellington, I said Trafalgar. Dum dum. I needed to google to remind myself that Trafalgar is not a person, but a battle. 

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2 hours ago, SHD said:

Ditto on getting it right and having no idea who Carl/Carle is or was until I looked it up and saw it was The Very Hungry Caterpillar author. Why that would pop into two people’s heads is beyond me.

Eric Carle is a hugely popular children’s author. Plus, his style is slightly similar to Picasso. I don’t think he’s ever won a Caldecott though.  My kids loved Eric Carle books growing up. 

  • Love 5
45 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

For FJ I said Dr Seuss. Sendak first came to mind, but I was thinking he came to fame later than 1964. Googling again, I see that Where the Wild Things Are came out in 1963.

Dr. Seuss was a good guess; hubby guessed the same. I didn't register the Picasso part of the clue, which may have led me to Dr. Seuss as well. Agree about Eric Carle being a good guess also. I'm familiar with some of his work but would have never come up with his name. I think we had a Very Hungry Caterpillar puzzle when the miniToothbrushes were small (in addition to a few books). 

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I said, for no really good reason, Mercer Mayer for Final Jeopardy (anybody remember him?).  He hasn't won a Caldecott either, and his first book also came out in 1967, so a bit too late to fit the clue.

I think what made Jason's story particularly charming was the way he told it.  Not just, "They thought I looked like Nicholas Cage," but actually saying "Ay! Dios mio! Nicholas Cage."  There was just something endearing about that.

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Katy M said:

I said N for the blood type.  I was going for negative or non.  Obviously wrong, but at least I tried to use logic to come up with an answer.  

Decent logic. I totally guessed "C" - because of the ABCs.

10 hours ago, irisheyes said:

Eric Carle is a hugely popular children’s author. Plus, his style is slightly similar to Picasso. I don’t think he’s ever won a Caldecott though.  My kids loved Eric Carle books growing up. 

Huh, I would never think of Carle's work as being even slightly similar to Picasso's (my kids loved them too), but then again, I didn't see it in Sendak's work either. I didn't even think of him, I went with Dr. Seuss, because his stuff seemed closer to me (though not at all similar).

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I always thought of the Caldecott award as being for illustration, but it's actually for picture book, which is more than just how pretty the pictures are. I see that Dr Seuss never won a Caldecott Medal, but did get three honors.

2 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

I said, for no really good reason, Mercer Mayer for Final Jeopardy (anybody remember him?).

Sure! The Little Monster books, among others. I love children's picture books.

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On ‎07‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 10:18 AM, MrAtoz said:

My first thought for FJ was Angel Falls, probably because of the word "angels" in the clue.  Then I remembered in time that Angel Falls are in South America, and Livingstone was in Africa.  After that, Victoria Falls was obvious.  I was a bit surprised that none of the contestants got it.

I got hung up on Lake Victoria, knew that Livingstone wasn't the first European to see that, and couldn't think of anything else.

(On a related note: The Mountains of the Moon, with Patrick Bergin and Iain Glen, is a terrific movie about finding the source of the Nile.)

On ‎07‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 1:15 PM, Abstract said:

Oh yeah, I was really surprised that the guy didn't get "in the hearts of his countrymen." 

All-Star reruns, can't wait. I accidentally let the recordings get erased the first time. This time I will guard them more carefully. 

Since I had no idea, I wasn't surprise he didn't either.

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On ‎07‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 8:06 PM, dcalley said:

See the bells category in this March episode.

So much for the supposed rule change that shoutouts on your FJ screen were no longer allowed. (James said they decided this during his run.)

When I was on, they highly discouraged them, but I guess they weren't absolutely banned.

On ‎07‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 10:37 PM, Bastet said:

Declined was really surprising as a TS,

Maybe they expected a more technical term - I know I did for some reason.

20 hours ago, Katy M said:

I got FJ right.  I have no idea who that Carl or Carle person was they were talking about, though.

I also got quail, pine and "Parker and Barker."  

I can kind of see the Nicholas Cage thing.

I knew they meant Eric Carle, who is a big name in Children's books, but I was absolutely certain it was Maurice Sendak.  Yay, me!

I got all of those as well.  But I didn't see the Nick Cage resemblance - I'll try looking again tonight.

17 hours ago, Brookside said:

When did we start pronouncing Ukraine as "Ookraine"?

I haven't, but then again, I still call it "The Ukraine", so . . .

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Just now, Browncoat said:

Instaget FJ for me tonight!  I LOVED that album, and played it constantly back in the day. I first wore out a friend's copy, then got it for my birthday in 1977. I was fortunate enough to see The Eagles a few years ago (before Glenn Frey's death), and they did an AMAZING version of Hotel California.

Hey, that's two asterisks for me so far this week!

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