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S20.E25: Power of Veto #8

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That's right, we're continuing Big Brother Othello. Cast:

JC = Iago

Fessy = Othello

Haleigh = Desdemona

Scottie = Cassio

I'm reading a plot summary and this is more like Othello than I thought. Cassio gets in a fight and Othello basically fires him. Desdemona pleads with Othello to have Cassio restored to his former position (just like Haleigh pleads with Fessy not to put Scottie on the block and to save him!!)

If JC wasn't already Iago, he could be the Clown. But I think we can double cast Brett as Roderigo (a dissolute suitor of Desdemona) and as Clown.

The Big Brother Voice can be Brabantio, Desdemona's father.

So Fessythello is jealous of both Cascottio and Bretterigo.

Edited by Lamb18
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Hay and dooFes spat, in bed.  She says I'm not doing this and starts to get out of bed. He reaches out and pulls her back in. Just ugly.  In my mind all I hear is, "You my woman. Obey me! You will NOT leave my bed!"

Edited by Skycatcher
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Ha! Fessythello thinks JCago is loyal to him!

Ooh, Cascottio picks Haleighmona to play Veto.

Wow, Fessy had a good zing.  Every child left behind when Fessy teaches! I'll have to recast Zingbot as the Clown.

So where is JC's zing? Maybe I missed it. Or was it the back hair?

Edited by Lamb18
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Zingbot wasn’t as annoying as usual, I think they sped up his voice. Fessy’s Zing was hilarious! But, wow, based on everybody’s reaction to Sam’s zing, she must be way more batshit than we’ve been shown. They all looked simultaneously amused and terrified.

Hide and Go Veto is my favourite! I LOVE when they destroy the house and someone always freaks out after. God bless Scottie for pouring the chocolate milk! Brett’s strategy was brilliant! He didn’t even attempt to find one, just focused on keeping his hidden, in every round. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do that before. He really does bring the funny in his DRs. I don’t care if they’re scripted or not, his delivery is perfect!

With the exception of Sam, I really don’t think there are any floaters this season. Everyone has been active in their own alliance, whether by strategizing or winning comps. Even Rockstar who didn’t win squat was at least active in planning (badly) with her alliance. And JC might not be in any official alliance but he’s been flying under the radar while quietly manipulating things. I’m quite impressed with the amount of people who came to play this season. I’d love to see a final 2 of Tyler and Haleigh. (With Brett in 3rd just because he amuses me.)

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JC Iago working on Fessythello some more.  Who is the decoy target?

Oh oh, there goes Sam. Fessy's looks at the camera! Now Scottie takes a turn. 

Fessythello ends with a soliloquy.

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Operation Phony Vote Claim and JC's weaseling push Fessy right where they want him.

Yes Scotty,  Fessy sucks at this game .  In the dark since forever.

Level 6 is incredibly lucky.

Hay gets a tiny clue (except about JC), then crumples like a napkin.

Not that it matters, the damage is done.  Depending on a veto win is not a strategery.

"Fessy is a little late to the party." Nice understatement.  Tyler totally playing him.  You want to keep the "weak floaters" around, dummy.


Fessy (and his rampant jealousy.)  MORON!

Called Sam "bleeping" CRAZY!  Wow!

Mostly good ones.

Hay's hiding place sounds good, but no.

Fessy's meh

Bretts looks bad.

Tyler gets into Sams pants lol

Angela's shows promise.  First one found.

Scotty sets up JC to find his.  Oops, he's not playing, then H finds it.  Haha!

Fessy had his hand on Bretts, then pulls Hay.  He would have been pissed if she won and saved hapless Scotty.

Scotty is a pig.  Yuck.  Then he pulls Tylers

Tyler finally notices that increasing pile of mattresses, now it's too big to move.  This might work.

And it does.  Wow!

El Cock-A-Roach!  His douchebro routine is hilarious.

I kinda feel bad for Scotty.  Sam is NOT happy with the mess.

Sam's pitch to Fessy was a riot!  WTF!!!  Then hapless Scotty screws up his 1% chance of Hayleigh going up.  He should have pitched Sam to go up.

The Gang That Can't Shoot Straight is going to take out one of their own.  Again.

Empty Head.jpg

Edited by PaperTree
Forgot Fessy's head
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That was a fun episode!!

Zingbot didn't hit a grand slam, but there were a couple of winners. Fessy's and Sam's were really on point. I was surprised that Sam seemed to mostly take that in stride because yeah, she's the one that's TOTALLY NUTS.  They could have come up with something much better for JC-- he is so damn loud and he's slippery like a snake with his votes. There was material there,Unlike with say Kaycee. They were probably scraping the bottom of the barrel with her.

And that's just a fun veto comp. We get to see how creative they are with their hiding spots. I was disappointed with Tyler's, but I think Brett has now shown all future players how to win this one. That was genius.

And I have to say I'm really enjoying Brett. He may be a deuce, but he's a funny and charming deuce. I could have watched a whole show of his DRs during the competition. I think he's now my favorite in the house. He's just having fun.

Sam's pitch to Fessy? No words.  But Scottie wasn't much better.

Edited by vb68
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Sam may be one of the most deluded people to have played this game. A few weeks ago she tried, with a straight face, to encourage the rest of them to let her win hacker.  Tonight she agrees to approach Fessy about putting up his closest ally, and house gf, with complete confidence that she would pull it off.  And, there was something so mean and cruel in her pitch to Fessy. What has Hayleigh ever done to her?

I hate this veto comp because it’s all luck.

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10 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Unlike withsay Kaycee. They were probably scraping the bottom of the barrel with her.

But that's kind of why hers was perfect, not the Let's Go part, but the changing channels.  I thought the Zingster had pretty good aim:

Fessy - Moron

Kaycee - Boring

Angela - Bitchy

Brett - Douche

Sam - Crazy

The other 3 (JC/Haleigh/Tyler) weren't as spot on, but 62% isn't bad!  It also occurred to me during the zinging that I hate this whole cast a lot less than previous seasons.  Besides their "hallmark" traits, they almost all have redeeming qualities that make them enjoyable to watch -- Except for Fessy, #FUF

Although apparently Zingbot has not learned that you never call the crazy person crazy.  I kind of loved how they all took a step back from Sam.  I feel kind of bad for her, the shows editors were really trolling her with the music.  I mean, she absolutely comes across as crazy, even without the soundtrack, but that's going to be hard for her to watch.

Edited by leocadia
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49 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Brett is so funny with that fake tough voice.

Was that supposed to be a tough voice? I thought he was doing a Chris Farley character!

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1 minute ago, GalvDuck said:

First, the hacker voice was Russian.  Now, we get Zing Force at Zing-a-Lago with hidden dossiers about scandals.  

LOL @ BB throwing all kinds of shade.

Hey, I liked those Zing Force costumes.  Nice and loose and roomy - lotta Space to move around in them.

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BTW did anyone catch that they basically recycled BB16's Zach's zing ("What wears pink, (something else), and likes to cuddle with men?" while looking at Frankie before zinging Zach with it) for the Scottie/Brett one?

Also Fuck you, Fessy for that unneeded bit of male chauvinism in the DR with you thinking you needed to set Brett straight about Haleigh. Just Fuck you. 

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9 minutes ago, Nashville said:

So, in the Hide-and-Seek comp:

  • Scottie finds Fessy’s tile.
  • Fessy finds Hay’s tile.
  • Hay finds Scottie’s tile.

Come hell or high water, Hive’s gonna Hive.  :)

To be fair, Tyler found Angela's tile first.  ;-)  I think she forgot that coffee has a rather distinctive odor that is out of place in the oven, lol.  Good thinking though.

Brett did own the comp, although Tyler had the right idea in looking through the pile, by that point there was too much stuff, lol

Edited by leocadia
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9 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

BTW did anyone catch that they basically recycled BB16's Zach's zing ("What wears pink, (something else), and likes to cuddle with men?" while looking at Frankie before zinging Zach with it) for the Scottie/Brett one?

I thought the point of Fessy's zing was that Fessy thinks Scottie in into Hailey but Zingbot says Scottie is actually into Fessy.  I liked it.

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1 minute ago, jumper sage said:

I thought the point of Fessy's zing was that Fessy thinks Scottie in into Hailey but Zingbot says Scottie is actually into Fessy.  I liked it.

Zingbot: "Haaaaleigh! Who has blond hair, blue eyes, and a crush on Brett?" *pauses* "Scoooottie! Zing zing zing!"

Yeah, honestly, it didn't make that much sense other than to give Fuck you, Fessy something to get temporarily heated about, though let's be real. They probably had to explain that zing to him in the DR - maybe with small words and pictures! - before he understood it.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Zingbot: "Haaaaleigh! Who has blond hair, blue eyes, and a crush on Brett?" *pauses* "Scoooottie! Zing zing zing!"

Yeah, honestly, it didn't make that much sense other than to give Fuck you, Fessy something to get temporarily heated about, though let's be real. They probably had to explain that zing to him in the DR - maybe with small words and pictures! - before he understood it.

I don't even think Fessy got it because wasn't his DR something about taking Scottie outside to fight him or something? I'll have to rewatch, but if someone has the actual transcript of Fessy's DR, I'd love to know exactly what he said. Maybe I misunderstood, but I was confused because I thought Fessy was talking about fighting Scottie over Brett. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I don't even think Fessy got it because wasn't his DR something about taking Scottie outside to fight him or something? I'll have to rewatch, but if someone has the actual transcript of Fessy's DR, I'd love to know exactly what he said. Maybe I misunderstood, but I was confused because I thought Fessy was talking about fighting Scottie over Brett. 

From how I understood it (I don't speak moron very well), Fessy thought the zing was going to be Haleigh having a crush on Brett. So Fessy was going to take Brett out to the backyard to set him straight. Because of a crush that Haleigh could possibly have. He wouldn't talk to Haleigh about it, nope. But the guy she's "crushing" on.

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To me, Hayleigh's was the best. At least it was game-related and had a modicum of wit to it rather than "you're ugly, you're crazy, you're stupid" (points for Every child left behind, though).

And it fits with @Lamb18's brilliant Othello retelling.

Wow, they are ... not holding back with the political allusions this summer. Zing-a-Lago? Incriminating photos? Wow.

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1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

Hay and dooFes spat, in bed.  She says I'm not doing this and starts to get out of bed. He reaches out and pulls her back in. Just ugly.  In my mind all I hear is, "You my woman. Obey me! You will NOT leave my bed!"


1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

I was yelling at the TV for her to, "Get the fuck up and leave".  What is wrong with her?

They cut to commercial right as he was reaching out and clawing her back into bed with him. I could hardly believe my eyes. I just can't stand jealousy and possessiveness. And I don't blame her not leaving, I blame him for being someone to be gotten away from.

Sorry that Scottie didn't win veto. I was rooting for him.

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Ok, this isn’t fun for me anymore. Fessy was a horrible, horrible choice for this show. He’s ruining other people’s games because he is so incredibly stupid. An alliance with Tyler and Angela?!? He hopes the pawn doesn’t go home over Scottie?? I can’t. He has no pulse on the house whatsoever. 

I don’t find Brett funny in his DRs, it seems like he adopted this annoying character and is just running it into the ground.

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The Zings were pretty damn excellent (wonderfully cruel), except for JC's (weaksauce) and Tyler's (I know he picks, but it doesn't look like he pimply skin - that was just weird). HGs hiding behind the kitchen island while waiting for Sam to explode was everything.

Oh, Kaycee, sweetie, your zing wasn't about you saying "let's go"; it was about you being boring as fuck.

JC trying (and failing) to keep a straight face when claiming Fessy isn't a moron was the first time I legitimately laughed at him.

"Looks like a twister ripped through a thrift store"- phew, try saying that three times fast! Scottie may have a real chance with the ladies with a tongue like that.

I don't think Sam understands the term "body double."

When did Brett turn into Tuck Buckford?

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It’s obvious that Sam is a recruit since she didn't know what the comp was, but her plaintive “you say there is going to be food on the floor?” did make me feel a slight twinge of empathy.  I also hate messiness and would have been right behind her with the garbage bag.

Tyler made me laugh with his concern she was going to slaughter every one of them.

I can’t help it.  I also laughed when Tyler and Scottie wiped out on the way out the door.

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There are no words for how big an idiot Fessy is. Oh wait, there is: MORON! Zing!

Heartless, emotionless, soulless. That's our Angela. She could barely laugh because she knew it was true.

Every child left behind. Including Fessy.

"I don't think anyone has the guts to go in Sam's pants." Cold, Tyler.

I think production started giving people hints because it looked like no one would find a folder.

Wonder what the atmosphere is like on the planet Sam lives on?

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1 hour ago, GalvDuck said:

First, the hacker voice was Russian.  Now, we get Zing Force at Zing-a-Lago with hidden dossiers about scandals.  

LOL @ BB throwing all kinds of shade.

Was Space Force in the news even when the season began? It's funny that they wouldn't even get the reference, right?

Tyler's zing was bad because it didn't make sense to the TV audience, and that's really where they should be directed.

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I really want to see Faysal break the tiebreakers for reality tv's dumbest move(s) and player and put up Hay. I realllly want to see it happen. Sam obviously was just bored and wearing her bossy pants (that nobody would want to get into tmTaylor) apparently and wanted to see if she could get Faysal to do something completely irrational.

I liked Zingbot asking crazy Sam if she was going to stomp a mudhole in him.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Zingbot wasn’t as annoying as usual, I think they sped up his voice. Fessy’s Zing was hilarious! But, wow, based on everybody’s reaction to Sam’s zing, she must be way more batshit than we’ve been shown. They all looked simultaneously amused and terrified.

I'd say you got a pretty good read on the situation.

2 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I hate this veto comp because it’s all luck.

Not this time around because DEFENSE WINS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!  Strategy was actually involved this time and it worked brilliantly.  Props to Brett, who, like Tyler, is enjoying the hell out of his summer.

So I loved the veto competition because Brett came up with a unique and FUN and most excellent strategy that actually worked.  And because I love seeing the house completely trashed.

Edited by green
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39 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Was Space Force in the news even when the season began? It's funny that they wouldn't even get the reference, right?

Tyler's zing was bad because it didn't make sense to the TV audience, and that's really where they should be directed.

Trump's first Space Force reference was on March 13 of this year - so yeah, it's a fairly good bet it's something the HGs would pick up on.

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I refuse to give Brett credit for his defense, because if Faysal wasn’t the worst player ever, as he was feeling all of the pillows, he would have felt the HARD SQUARE PIECE. Brett should have been first out, but Fessie gonna Fess and continue to be the worst player ever. 

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3 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Pouring liquid on the floor was just dumb.  Several people almost sprained their ankles slipping and sliding.

Yeah, maybe it's just me being an old crank, but pouring liquid on a floor where people are running is just plain reckless.  Serious injuries can happen from slipping and falling.  

And yes, Brett's strategy was good.  He wasn't even looking for another card, each time he went back he just piled more stuff on top of his.  Because you don't win by being good at  FINDING, you win by being good at HIDING.

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1 hour ago, Gemma Violet said:

I didn't understand it.  Does he not shower regularly?

He picks at his skin constantly. The other night he and JC joked about how he should get a Proactiv commercial when they get out of there.

Everyone's reaction after Sam's zing was the best part.

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