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On 1/14/2020 at 7:19 AM, ginger90 said:

Apologies in advance.......



That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing. The Abraham’s never fail to entertain in all their delusion. No Deb - if you walked into Walmart tomorrow nobody would know who in the world you were. But if that’s your litmus test for “success” - hey maybe one person would. Like I give a fuck what kind of shoes you wear. I’m a self-admitted bag whore myself, but unless you looked closely (my co-workers at the non-profit I now work for do - much to their entertainment) you’d never know. Not a single one has a logo splashed all over it. And some of my favorites aren’t the $3K ones. Except for my new Ferragamo. It’s like butter and was $1K off on sale. Mr. DC was out of town when I got it - so got rid of all the incriminating evidence and convinced Mr. DC I already owned it.😀

Farrah - please for the love of Sweet Baby Jesus use spellcheck before you post nonsense. I’m actually a good speller and check myself all the time just in case. Or maybe not - cause I love myself some Farrah word salad.😈


Edited by Jennifersdc
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I know a lot of people will disagree, but honestly....

Being left home alone for Friday evening and Saturday morning would hardly be the worst thing that's happened to Sophia. She'll be 11 in a few weeks. I stayed home alone occasionally for a few hours at 11 as did plenty of my friends.  Some stayed home alone all day in the summer at age 11 when their parents went to work (this was in the mid-90s). Google tells me it's not illegal for an 11 year old to stay home alone in California (but maybe staying home alone overnight might be seen as different from staying home alone while your parent is at work during the day or after school).  

I am NOT saying it's safe or right for an eleven year old to be left alone overnight (especially when they have followers who might be able to tell where they live via social media posts)....but....I feel like of all the sh!t Sophia has witnessed in her life, this is relatively innocuous.  Compared to being brought along on her mom's escorting excursions, all the psychotic emotional/verbal abuse/weirdness (and physical abuse at least one time years ago between Deb & Farrah), and the fact that she's probably getting no actual education from her Farrah-directed "home schooling," I'm thinking a night alone wasn't as scary or half as damaging in the long run as what she's seen in her 11 years in the Abraham Vortex.


Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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10 hours ago, Marisagf said:

Yeah, but this is Sophia we're talking about. She not exactly the most mature almost 11 year old.  Goodness knows what kind of shenanigans she could get into if left unsupervised.  After all, she is Farrah's spawn.

I’d also be worried about her ability to handle anything were something adverse happen while she was unattended.  She has zero social skills or experience.  

And it’s not like Farrah as just out around town.  She left the fucking country to go to a place that has many travel warnings to do a somewhat unsafe “job.” With all the sex trafficking happening these days, going off to Mexico with some man who you don’t know is really not the best choice.   But like y’all have said, it’s Farrah.  

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Derek's mom filed for visitation, lost, and was completely cut out of Sophie's life. I actually think his mom would be a worse parent than Farrah; she had some serious issues herself. Derek's dad and stepmom get a visit or two a year and are probably fearful of losing that little bit of contact. The little I know about them makes me think they would be a better home than Farrah, even though that isn't a huge hurdle.

I'm torn on non-fans calling CPS because the mere fact she isn't the parent people think she should be isn't worthy of CPS's criminally overworked and criminally underfunded time. In addition, multiple investigations being cleared will always drop Sophia way down the list of action needed and I think her life is going to be much worse as soon as she manages to get access to drugs, alcohol and boys.

On the other hand, Sophia being left home alone or in a hotel wandering around at all hours while her mom turns tricks shouldn't be ignored, either. With Farrah advertising her whereabouts all the time, the reasonable belief that Sophia is home alone, likes to wander and any creep could grab her easily, add the fact that Farrah has actively groomed her to want male attention in exchange for gifts and money, and she's in an unsafe position. 

After David killed the dog, so many people called authorities, daily, that they all had to keep requesting the calls stop; they didn't have the ability to do anything, some of the agencies weren't even in Jenelle's location, and they had to spend hours reviewing the call and call logs causing delays in cases in immediate need of help.

Once someone posted Sophia was home alone, I have no doubt CPS received calls from numerous individuals. It's taking a lot of energy to not call CPS myself and have them make sure Sophia is not being subjected to Deb's tortuous singing. 

So, on one-hand, CPS's time shouldn't be wasted simply because Farrah is a trashy person, and I don't mean because she's a sex worker but because she's trash, while on the other hand Sophia is at-risk simply because her mother is trash and calling CPS is the only correct decision in any case of "To Call or Not to Call." She is one of the kids I really worry about and I hope she turns into a Drew Barrymore, realizes all of the adults in her life are trash and decides to turn her life around so she doesn't turn out like them.

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On 1/19/2020 at 2:47 PM, DangerousMinds said:

What’s truly sad is that she was once a natural beauty before all of the plastic surgery.

Rigjt?!  I thought she was easily the most naturally pretty in the first season.  Now she looks like the younger sister of those twin brothers with all the bizarre facial implants.


Edited by blubld43
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42 minutes ago, druzy said:


Sophia concurs and Farrah is elevating in this decade. 

I’m absolutely listening to this. If it ever happens that is. I only listen to podcasts at work though and not sure how I’ll explain to my fellow cubicle dweller friends why I’m laughing hysterically. Guess the only downside to new job is no longer having a private office. I happily gave up the 50% pay cut.

I’m still patiently waiting for Farrah’s next music album and watching her My Teenage Dream Ended major studio movie. 

My HB to Hell sinks even more into the fiery depths.

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On 2/17/2020 at 11:51 AM, kaydub said:

Wait what? Is that English?!

I agree with @TexasGal who said that reads like when something is translated from another language to English or vice versa. Google Translate is hilarious with that.

Maybe it makes more sense in it's original language of Romanian. I hear she's huge there!:


Podcastul Docu-Reality în urma Farrah Abraham-fată-mamă, acest duo mamă și fiică o urmărește pe Sophia Abraham în timp ce concurează scena scenografiată LA, printre antics publicului, mama ei singură trece prin creșterea în următoarea decadă pentru amândoi.


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On 2/18/2020 at 1:58 PM, druzy said:


We cannot say it enough that child is doomed. 

What’s going to happen when she hits her 20’s with no education or discernible skills and a way over-inflated sense of self worth? 

Farrah currently spends every penny she gets on plastic surgery/fillers gone wrong, tacky LV shoes/bags and leases on luxury cars. I doubt she has any savings since she believes she’s the “greatest entrepreneur woman in the world” (despite all being fails - pay the rent you owe on those retail leases for a start) and never coming movie deals. I’m pretty sure she’s about run out of reality shows to be on.

High priced hooking ain’t lasting forever. I do love how she denies it. You do you girl - but Farrah baby, you willingly got fucked up the ass on a porn video and masturbated on a live web cam (apparently poorly), and we’re supposed to believe actual prostitution is beneath you?

How much can she possibly get from all the bikini photo shoots she does (and has to pay photographer for) that end up on Internet-only tabloid sites once every couple of weeks (for now - that’s likely going to dry up in the not so far future). She can only crash red carpets and flash her vag so many times.

Sorry long. It does drive me a little crazy cause she did make a lot of money and probably blew (no pun intended) it all. I’d have been saving that shit like Rumpelstiltskin.


Edited by Jennifersdc
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On 2/15/2020 at 1:44 PM, Giant Misfit said:

I give up. 

You and me both. 

When I was 10 my best friend and I were already babysitting as a team.  Granted we were on a Navy base, with our parents 5 minutes away, but we did it.  We however had relatively normal parents.

That said, no way Sophia should be involved in this nonsense at her age, what does she bring to the table that's so special?  Sadly this little girl has one of the worst possible examples of a "mother", and frigging Debz OG is no better.  Nor is Michael, supporting Farrah 's trashy lifestyle.

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16 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

We cannot say it enough that child is doomed. 

What’s going to happen when she hits her 20’s with no education or discernible skills and a way over-inflated sense of self worth? 

Farrah currently spends every penny she gets on plastic surgery/fillers gone wrong, tacky LV shoes/bags and leases on luxury cars. I doubt she has any savings since she believes she’s the “greatest entrepreneur woman in the world” (despite all being fails - pay the rent you owe on those retail leases for a start) and never coming movie deals. I’m pretty sure she’s about run out of reality shows to be on.

High priced hooking ain’t lasting forever. I do love how she denies it. You do you girl - but Farrah baby, you willingly got fucked up the ass on a porn video and masturbated on a live web cam (apparently poorly), and we’re supposed to believe actual prostitution is beneath you?

How much can she possibly get from all the bikini photo shoots she does (and has to pay photographer for) that end up on Internet-only tabloid sites once every couple of weeks (for now - that’s likely going to dry up in the not so far future). She can only crash red carpets and flash her vag so many times.

Sorry long. It does drive me a little crazy cause she did make a lot of money and probably blew (no pun intended) it all. I’d have been saving that shit like Rumpelstiltskin.


So true. Farrah’s main source of income and fame was the show and she was stupid to blow that gig by being insufferable.

I used to think Amber was going to be the first Teen Mom to go broke but now I think it will be Farrah. There is no way hooking will support all these expensive vanity projects.

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14 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

What does Jenelle send? BTW - I eagerly await for that Thundercunt to end up living in a single-wide trailer.

Teen mom 2 edition 

Jenelle sends leave me alone dude and her hungry kids

Kail sends her bruised labia and whatever is left of her dignity 

Leah sends her girlsies and some pillsies 

Chelsea sends nothing. Without Cole she can’t even find the bathroom.

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