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I was going to say the same thing. I can't remember how long it took for mine to grow in. At least her hair is combed. Hate that she's wearing make up.

Farrah's chin implant makes her look like a ventriloquist's dummy.


I'm surprised no mention has been made here of that humongous ass Farrah has been toting around as of late (no, not Simon!)

  • Love 11

I grew up in the south and it was not uncommon for kids to get paddled or "whupped", even with belts.  Oprah Winfrey talks about how her Grandma would make her cut her own "switch" for a whipping, when she was a child.  It was not considered abuse then.


Agree with you on the belt thing, and for the record, some people do not consider it abuse even today.  (Witness: Jo Frost: Nanny on Tour this week, where the guy whipped his kid with a belt WHEN HE KNEW JO HAD SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS IN THE HOUSE, and when Jo called him on it, he said they'll just have to agree to disagree.)


So I can see that Farrah can say she was whipped with a belt, and Michael at the same time would say, "There was no abuse."


I'm not going to listen to Brandi Glanville's podcast, but I have read the US Magazine article linked to above.


From that article:


The “choices” Abraham referred to revolve around her claims that her parents used to beat her with a belt for acting out, leaving bruises and welts all over her body.


Well, yes, if you hit someone with a belt, it's going to leave welts.  Maybe bruises, I don't know.  So I can see that.  But again, some people don't think punishing kids with a belt is abuse.



Now, Farrah is several generations younger then Oprah, but for her parents to go to jail...they must have done some awful stuff.


Also from the US article:


“At that time we really didn’t [have a relationship] because of some of the abusive things that had happened,” Abraham said of her painful childhood. “My parents got put into jail, both my mom and my dad.”


Maybe it's the lawyer in me parsing things carefully (dangerous territory when you're dealing with either Farrah or US Magazine), but I don't think this necessarily means they served jail sentences for abusing her.  Maybe they were arrested, but even then, are the arrests even related to what happened when Farrah was a child?  We know Debra got arrested for pulling a knife on Farrah when Farrah was an adult, and maybe Michael got arrested when he was feuding with Dead Daddy Derek. 


Or maybe Farrah's lying about everything.  Regardless, I'm not going to believe that her parents served jail sentences for abusing her as a child until I see some proof.

  • Love 10

First, I'd love to see Farrah and Omarosa on a show together.  That would be awesome.

Next, the belt whipping thing.  I'm not a fan of corporal punishment, but I also think that every child is different. And if elementary school Farrah was anywhere near as hostile and combative and verbally inappropriate as young adult Farrah, I'd probably give up and spank her too.


However, I think now we can diagnose things better. Perhaps Farrah has schizoaffective disorder or something and can (or could have been) treated with therapy and medication.

  • Love 2

I feel so bad for saying this but Sophia's hair is HORRIBLE!! Why can't Farrah see how nasty and unkempt it looks? I want to drive to Austin just to run a brush through it and put it in a cute ponytail with a bow. Sophia's gonna look back on this show and cringe, well for more reasons than one...

I think Sophia likely has the same kind of hair I do- coarse, thick, and wavy (but doesn't all wave nicely in one direction). My hair dresser calls mine "white girl kinky" and really, only lots of time with heat tools and products or a Brazilian Blowout or regular keratin treatments make it look like "normal white girl hair." If I let it air dry, I can brush it and in a few minutes it goes right back to being unruly and unbrushed looking. I'd hate to see a kid as young as Sophia regularly be put through daily heat styling and regular smoothing treatments, so I'm glad Farrah at least isn't doing that (if her hair is like mine). Unfortunately, as a kid with that hair, the only way to look less unkempt aside from heat styling, etc is to cut it to a manageable length and then keep it contained in ponytails and braids until Sophia is old enough to style it herself. My mom used to subject me to sitting under a blow dryer with a round brush for nearly an hour after I washed my hair when I was Sophia's age. It was awful and made me not want to wash my hair because I knew what was coming next. So in a way, if she does have my kind of hair as I suspect, I'm glad that's not happening to Sophia. But Farrah- put her hair up in a ponytail, braid, or bun when you're filming so people don't judge.....

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 4

I did notice she was starting to use a brush on her own hair in the last episode. I thought that was good progress.

The thing is I have seen her hair look good but usually only when it benefits Farrah somehow, like photo shoots. I always kind of assumed it meant they finally brushed it, but mypeopleareNordic you might be on to something and maybe those good photos have required a bunch of heat styling first.

  • Love 3

I too have coarse kinky hair (now wear it sort of naturally "curly") and I know as a kid, my hair was usually in a pony tail or with a headband. I think Sophia would look really cute in a pony tail or headband and certainly would look neater.

I too am relieved that Farrah is not subjecting her to chemical treatments or styling..

As I tell anyone who will listen or who thinks this curly look is nice, I have my order in for my next life- I am absolutely getting straight hair.

  • Love 3

I sure hope so. I have this fear she'll be as delusional as her mom and be proud of her performance.

I think having the added attention of being in front of a camera from such a young age would make Sophia refuse anything that can give her even more attention. She's probably gonna be the one kid to stay under the radar out of all of them. That's what I feel but I might be wrong.

  • Love 2

I feel so bad for saying this but Sophia's hair is HORRIBLE!! Why can't Farrah see how nasty and unkempt it looks? I want to drive to Austin just to run a brush through it and put it in a cute ponytail with a bow. Sophia's gonna look back on this show and cringe, well for more reasons than one...


Farrah should spend the time she uses polishing Sophia's nails and putting makeup on her to do a cute French braid.

  • Love 6

If either of her parents had been arrested or served jail time, wouldn't there be public record of it?

I can't see how there wouldn't be in this day and age. In most states, everyone's criminal records are searchable.

The only way they wouldn't is if they got into some sort of program where the records would be expunged. Or they were both granted clemency, which is exceptionally rare. I doubt they would have such successful careers if they had records for beating their kids.

  • Love 2

I read an interview with the producer that Farrah was arguing with.  I think they will never get rid of Farrah.  He spun the thing in a pretty positive way for her.  The show thinks Farrah's antics gets them press.


The truth is not only is she a nasty human being, she is also boring.  Farrah has nothing interesting going on in her life and she is not fun to watch.  We know when she is faking it for the cameras, because she is a horrible actress.  We also know what is is not faking (that she is a friendless and hopeless plastic mess) and it is pathetic, not entertaining.


I also think the butt implants were because she thinks she is going to be the next Kim Kardashian and that is why she still spins the "sex tap" nonsense.  I think the goal of the whole family is to start some sort of reality t.v. empire, again like the Kardashians.


There is a show on Lifetime or Oxygen about dysfunctional mother daughter relationships and I would not be surprised if Farrah and Debra sign up.

  • Love 6

I am admittedly not a fan of Gwyneth Paltrow, so of course I found this funny....  Gwyneth is on the cover of the new Glamour magazine, and it is really not a great cover photo, and it reminded me of someone.  I realized in that pic she looks like Farrah's mom to me.  If you go to the Glamour website, you can see the cover somewhere on their homepage.  

  • Love 2

No, it was for Sophia Lauren and Farrah made it Laurent, "because it sounds more French".


I wish I was making that up.

LOL I remember that too but what's even crazier than thinking a famous Italian actress was French  is Farrah never even knew how to spell the name: Sophia LOREN.   Ha!  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 4

They probably had to hire child actors to play the parts of Sophia's friends just like actors are used to play Farrah's friends and boyfriends.

That was my first thought, "Where did they find the kids to come to this party?"  Farrah's tweets thank "the sponsors" so clearly money and/or goods and services exchanged hands.  It takes a special kind of trashy famewhore to pimp her daughter's seventh birthday. 

  • Love 3

So they had the birthday bash in Dallas, which means she did NOT move to L.A., did NOT buy a two million dollar house with an elevator, and did NOT make any headway in her quest to marry or become engaged to Mr. Chubby Cheeks.


Apparently, she and Debra also did NOT film "Couples Therapy, Family Edition" with Dr. Jenn.  So her temper tantrum and "call my lawyer" bullshit was all for naught.   MTV was right to enforce the terms of the contract. 





The YouTube video may not appear on this post.  In that case, the title is "HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY Sophia."

Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 5

Yikes, the way Farrah and Deb talk to Sophia is so shitty and impersonal.

That whole video was so bizarre. Who was filming? Why did they make Sophia drive to the party alone and spend all that time filming her walking from the car and going up the elevator? Why didn't any of the guests hug and greet her with happy birthday wishes when she arrived? Why did Farrah just shove her at the cake as soon as they got there and make her start taking pictures with it?

I think even Janelle seems more engaged with Jace than Farrah ever has with Sophia.

It was all so awful, it was just some event full of unknown people that had to be endured and photos instagrammed for sponsers rather than a gathering of loved ones celebrating a birthday.

I don't think we have ever seen Farrah interact with Sophia without some sort of agenda.

  • Love 8

I'm thinking Farrah would be happier with a "pageant" type of kid.  I fear that next season the role of Sophia will be re-cast.  Mowglita will end up with those diaper-dogs that she used to have, wherever they ended up...


So wrong, but yes, perhaps Sophia will shipped off to live with Michael full time and Farrah will be holding auditions for a cuter kid to play Sophia. Since a lot of kids go through awkward stages around 7-10, maybe new Sophia just won't age until all the sudden Farrah has a cute preteen daughter, just like on soap operas.


I keep hoping this show pulls the plug, but we may legit get to see Bentley & Co. as preteens.


The only upside about that is that the older kids may be able to negotiate their own compensation (not with production, but with their parents. Amber will have to drop $500 a week in Leah's college fund and then Leah won't tell the cameras about the time Amber got really drunk and kicked Matt's replacement in the head for talking back to her).

  • Love 5

Yikes, the way Farrah and Deb talk to Sophia is so shitty and impersonal.

That whole video was so bizarre. Who was filming? Why did they make Sophia drive to the party alone and spend all that time filming her walking from the car and going up the elevator? Why didn't any of the guests hug and greet her with happy birthday wishes when she arrived? Why did Farrah just shove her at the cake as soon as they got there and make her start taking pictures with it?

I think even Janelle seems more engaged with Jace than Farrah ever has with Sophia.

It was all so awful, it was just some event full of unknown people that had to be endured and photos instagrammed for sponsers rather than a gathering of loved ones celebrating a birthday.

I don't think we have ever seen Farrah interact with Sophia without some sort of agenda.

They probably drove together to the venue, then got out and had the driver circle the parking lot with Sophia in back so they could film her "arrival" as if she was attending the Oscars.  I don't think any of the kids there were her friends or schoolmates.  Just random kids who were at the bowling alley and went over to see what the cameras and stuff were all about.  Otherwise, they and their parents would have greeted Sophia when she arrived.

  • Love 4

I'm thinking Farrah would be happier with a "pageant" type of kid.  I fear that next season the role of Sophia will be re-cast.  Mowglita will end up with those diaper-dogs that she used to have, wherever they ended up...

I'd rather hang out with those puppy dogs (minus the diapers) if the alternative was to be paraded around by Farrah and Debra.  At least there would be genuine affection from the canines.

  • Love 4

For someone who supposedly owns lots of expensive jewelry, she was absolutely clueless when the woman asked her to specify what type of diamond she wanted.  Trying to cover her stupidity, she made it worse by asking to see "the most expensive rings," as if that's going to impress someone who already knows she has no knowledge of fine jewelry.  Then she said something like "3 Carats sounds small."  Again, totally clueless.  Simon was no better when he earlier said he preferred shiny diamonds or whatever.  What a couple of Rubes.  I doubt that Tiffany or Cartier would have allowed MTV cameras past the front door.

Forget the cameras, I don't think Tiffany or Cartier would let Farrah through the front door - especially in her house shopping shorts.    And while the whole thing was obviously just for show, I did wonder if Farrah knows that usually there is a proposal before the ring shopping. 


Who went into the house and put a microphone on Farrah before the perfect storm went down?

Great question!  I did notice she was in full spackle makeup and wearing an evening dress at what looked like morning so she clearly was expecting them, but I didn't even think about the mic.  Was there a boom maybe?   Or maybe she did the mic herself  before coming out of the house???  I don't know, its a good question.  

  • Love 5

The editing on that scene was erratic. I'm not going back to rewatch it, but noticed at the time that Larry was talking to the other producer, then sits down, and that producer walks up to talk to Farrah. An obvious cut of conversation happens with Farrah saying something like, "Then I'll talk to Larry." and Heather (?) walking back to get him. They had already shown he was there. I think they miked her while waiting for Larry to show up, and edited it stupidly, like always.


She was probably dressed to the nines because she was expecting the showdown. Obviously, in her warped mind, Farrah wasn't in the wrong, and she was going to humiliate MTV in an award winning performance. She is absolutely delusional.

  • Love 5

I was just checking out Debra's Twitter account and noticed that aside from being a self-described "Entrepreneur, Author, Actress" and "Reality TV Celebrity", she also claims she is a "Motivational Speaker".


Debra? A motivational speaker?  WTH? The only possible way she can twist herself into that title is that every time she speaks on Teen Mom, she motivates people to hate her/want to kill her.


  • Love 8

Debra's LinkedIn page is equally entertaining.


AMTC (Actors, Models, & Talent for Christ)
SHINE 2013 Graduate
Starting May 2012
Graduated from SHINE January 6, 2013. Showcases include: acting, commercial modeling, lifestyle modeling, stand up comedy, jingles, group improv, product endorsements, photography, and cold read.




For the curious, here is the SHINE scam, er, program:



Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 7

"If you're a performer wondering how to take your talent to the world and maintain your focus on God, SHINE makes it possible."

Apologies to those that are honestly religious, buts what's up with all of this weird segregation. "Acting for Jesus"? Is that really necessary? Just act...if you can't figure out how to be Christian and act that seems like a problem a conference is not going to be able to solve. Why not find a job that works with your faith rather than go to this thing to learn ways to pretend you aren't "sinful"?

Deborah is one of those annoying people that think being a Christian means you can do anything you want as long as you loudly proclaim how Christian you are while doing it. My MIL loves to yell really loud about how she isn't Really celebrating a birthday/holiday at Every birthday/holiday party because she is a Jehovas Witness. They seem to think their God only reads the transcripts.

Farrah's prayer was laughable too. It sounded more like a book report on what she did that day until she stumbled over her words trying to tack on the "keep Sophia safe" part at the end like the absolute afterthought it was.

Is there a "Porn for Jesus" conference for Farrah to attend? Is it just a matter of adding a few extra "Oh God!"s ?

  • Love 12

Deborah is one of those annoying people that think being a Christian means you can do anything you want as long as you loudly proclaim how Christian you are while doing it. My MIL loves to yell really loud about how she isn't Really celebrating a birthday/holiday at Every birthday/holiday party because she is a Jehovas Witness. They seem to think their God only reads the transcripts.

I remember Deborah lecturing some poor date of Farrah's about how they do not believe in premarital sex while holding evidence (baby Sophia)  that it exists on her lap LOL.    


Farrah starred in a straight up porn video, with a well known male porn actor,   professionally produced and then distributed by Vivid Entertainment (the same outfit that made Kim K a thing)   and yet I think Deborah and Michael still seriously have convinced themselves Farrah was a victim, even as she cashed the check.  


Maybe Deborah was demonstrating her standup comedy skills when she wore that belly shirt with pleather pants outfit on camera?


These people have tremendous powers of denial and delusion.  

  • Love 9

There actually is "Hookers for Jesus" but it's designed to rescue people from the world of porn, and Farrah's tape was a personal sex tape that was released...not a porn


I hate myself for saying this, but I watched said tape (I work from home and some days I will do anything to procrastinate) and it is most definitely a porn and not a personal tape. She even "acted" in it and created a little "storyline." Not that I am an avid porn watcher or anything but I like to know things and keep abreast (no pun intended) of what's going on. Kim K's tape looked like a personal one. When you're bringing in lighting, a director, an editor, wardrobe, and a professional porn actor (arguably the most famous at the moment) then it's no longer a personal tape...it's professional. 


By the way, I will never be able to unsee what I saw when I watched it. The horror, the horror. 


Farrah HAS to be "acting" in her Teen Mom scenes, right? No human being can possibly be that vile. I talked my husband into watching the finale with me. It was comedy gold pausing it on Simon's face while they were in the car. Dude looked like a deer in headlights. We were dying to know what he looked like behind the sunglasses. 

  • Love 5

I hate myself for saying this, but I watched said tape (I work from home and some days I will do anything to procrastinate) and it is most definitely a porn and not a personal tape. She even "acted" in it and created a little "storyline." Not that I am an avid porn watcher or anything but I like to know things and keep abreast (no pun intended) of what's going on. Kim K's tape looked like a personal one. When you're bringing in lighting, a director, an editor, wardrobe, and a professional porn actor (arguably the most famous at the moment) then it's no longer a personal tape...it's professional.

By the way, I will never be able to unsee what I saw when I watched it. The horror, the horror.

Farrah HAS to be "acting" in her Teen Mom scenes, right? No human being can possibly be that vile. I talked my husband into watching the finale with me. It was comedy gold pausing it on Simon's face while they were in the car. Dude looked like a deer in headlights. We were dying to know what he looked like behind the sunglasses.

. It was sarcasm lol
  • Love 2

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