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In my eyes, Farrah has no credibility. To me, she is the Yolanda Foster (Real Housewives of Beverly HIlls) of Teen Mom. What I mean about that is, Farrah has contradicted herself many, many times. She has made statements that don't add up. Her comments and accusations are questionable. She has blatantly lied and there is proof of those lies.

- She went on Dr. Phil and claimed her sex tape was sort of like a memory book. She wanted to look back on it and remember how damn sexy and beautiful she was. Certainly not something a rape victim would ever say.

- Farrah lied about her DUi. Whatever time of the day it was when she talked about it, she changed the story up a bit each time. It was never the same story. She was caught and that is all. No ownership of what she did.

- Farrah has changed the story of her relationship with Derek. In the early season, she claimed he was "mean" to her. There were comments made which alluded to domestic violence on some sort of level. What I mean by that is, it was never clear if she meant physical, emotional, verbal abuse, or if she claimed all that abuse.

- Farrah has made claims that her parents were cruel and abusive to her. She said things to "Dr. Jen" from Vh-1 Couples Therapy that led her to believe that Farrah "suffered abuse so shocking" it was the worst thing she had ever heard in her years as a therapist. Yet, these same people are the ones she wants her daughter to be around and to even live with on a constant basis. When she needs Sophia to be tossed somewhere so she can go to some event or make money, it is those two "abusive" people that she chooses to leave her child with. When Farrah considered moving to Florida to go to culinary school, she opted to leave Sophia in the care of her mother for a year. The same person she has alleged is abusive, psycho, stupid, fucked up, manipulative, crazy, mean, didn't support her and wasn't there for her. Yes, those are all the things Farrah has put out there at one time or another when describing Deb. There is more, but I think you get the idea. Farrah had her dad move in with her at her home in Texas so he can care for Sophia. The same man she accused of being abusive to her all her life.

- When Farrah's special aired last year, she was asked when did things go bad between her and her mother. She never mentioned any abuse. She laid the claim that when her mother interfered with her relationship with Derek, that was the moment that things went downhill and strained her relationship with her. Not abuse, not any alleged cruelty, no mental abuse or verbal abuse. She said it was Deb interfering in her dating life.

- I took a look at that Farrah special again just to be sure of something. When they brought up the scene where the 911 call was made after the assault by Debra, Farrah made an interesting comment about that moment. Heather, the producer asked Farrah a question about what led to that situation. Farrah said "WE BOTH HIT EACH OTHER." It now makes sense why that investigator handling the case told Farrah it wouldn't be fair to see Debra face such charges and be put in jail for what really went down that day. Farrah agreed.

There is so much more, but the allegations of abuse is what really pisses me off the most because not onlly are people naive to really believe this liar and deceitful person, but Farrah is using the rape and abuse card so easily without any care of what harm she brings to the people she is accusing, and making it harder for those who are truly victims of rape and abuse to come forward. Farrah Abraham rape victim? *face palm* Farrah Abraham a victim of child abuse? Gimme a break. How convenient for Farrah to be able to accuse people so easily for various crimes. The same bitch who lied about the incidents I noted above.

This is why you're my girl. Every word of this is true.

Every time Farrah opens her stupid mouth I hate her a little more.

  • Love 8

I think Farrah has ambition but not necessarily hustle. She wants to be famous and wealth but most of her ventures don't seem to go anywhere. She talks a good game but doesn't have follow-through. I think she was more willing to do what she had to money when she was younger, like work more hours at the restaurant, but now that she's a big "star" she's too good to work like a "regular" person.

  • Love 5
wonder how profitable her endeavors really are. Someone on this site stated she only netted ten thousand dollars on the video tape. So is most of her money coming from deals that have sprung out of the video? I know she has been on some other reality shows too but I don't get these millions of dollars that she is supposedly making.



Another one of Farrah's lies was that she was paid "millions" of dollars for the sex tape. She went on and on about how rich she was and how she would never have to work again.  Then it slowly came out that the standard fee Vivid pays celebrities is 10k and they do not get a cut of the profits.  She then changed her tune (it could be one of the reunion shows with Dr. Drew) where she said she was "tricked" into making a very bad deal.


People were wondering about the horrible butt implants.  I think when the tape first came out (never saw it, not my thing) Vivid was trying to market her as the next Kim Kardashian and claimed that they looked similar.  I found this offensive because just because Farrah's looks could be termed "exotic" does not  mean she looks like Kim Kardahsian.  Anyway, I think she really thought she was on track to live Kim K's life, making tons of money on reality t.v. and dating rich/famous athletes and rappers.  Instead, we have her pretending that a nobody like Simon is sending her flowers.


She does have a thirst for fame and who knows where that will lead her?  I do believe she is the one Teen Mom who will do anything to make sure the gravy train does not end.

  • Love 8

I'd rather see one of these girls capitalize on their fame from this show than sit around not doing a damn thing. Someone needs to make money and hopefully put that money in the bank and make investments to ensure their financial future. 


I have no issue with Farrah doing a porn tape. I have no issue with Farrah putting her name on various products. The public will choose what to spend their money on and if they choose to buy what Farrah sells, that is their choice. It's not my money, what do I care? The only issue I have is, Farrah won't cop to having made a porn tape. She denies it is a porn tape.  To me, there is more shame in her lying about it than owning up to making a porn. She is hyper-sensitive to any references of that porn tape or being called a porn star. She is far from being a porn star. Porn stars are not ashamed of the work they do. Farrah will likely have many business ventures. Whether they are successful or not, that remains to be seen. Are these ventures that Farrah would have invested in if Teen Mom didn't exist? Does doing the kind of business ventures Farrah is involved in only because she is likely afraid she won't succeed in businesses such as opening the restaurant that she talked about so much in the early seasons? 


I do have to give it to her, she is going to milk this Teen Mom thing to death. 


Excellent points.  Her denial of the porn is definitely disturbing.  Porn is a legal business.  She clearly intended to do a porn tape so just OWN IT already.  The girl certainly has a knack for alienating herself, doesn't she?  I think she's desperate to be "successful" whatever that means, and will go the easiest route she thinks she can take to get there.  She's clearly delusional and compares herself to the likes of Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, thinking that she'd have the same success as them (delusions of grandeur anyone?)  She also did those dumb romance novels and the pasta sauce with her mom, too. And the skincare line.  She's basically throwing a bunch of ideas to the wall hoping one of them sticks.  The girl has ambition and drive, she'd be a lot more successful if she put her efforts into something she actually has a passion for, such as the restaurant you mentioned above.

  • Love 7

Or they don't think aspiring to be a porn star is "ambition."  Or one's idea of ambition is someone else's idea that she thinks she's too good to do what most people do to make a living. It's like she's playing make-believe that she's a businesswoman.


As the mother to a daughter, I'd rather she waitress at BWW than make porn videos with James Deen.


That would be true if all she did was the porn tape, but that's not all she's done.  She's authored those romance novels, tried to do the sauce business with her mom, the skincare line, a host of other reality shows.  They're not all smart ventures, obviously, but it's not like she did a porn and then is just sitting on her couch like Amber, refusing to do anything else to make money.  Just because you don't agree with the route someone chooses to try and make money doesn't negate their ambition or hustle in doing so.  Someone's ambition and hustle isn't dependent on how tasteful the general public finds their individual choices.

  • Love 2

Haha, I forgot about the novels. Wasn't there a trilogy? I thought they had a Christian angle. Were these separate books, or is she writing a Christian romance trilogy? My how I can't wait to read that!

I'm pretty sure they had more of a 50 shades of grey angle than Christian, but I am not going to even allow her books into my google's memory, the last thing I need is for someone to use my phone and see that I googled Farrah's novels...lol.

  • Love 3

I'd rather see one of these girls capitalize on their fame from this show than sit around not doing a damn thing. Someone needs to make money and hopefully put that money in the bank and make investments to ensure their financial future.

I have no issue with Farrah doing a porn tape. I have no issue with Farrah putting her name on various products. The public will choose what to spend their money on and if they choose to buy what Farrah sells, that is their choice. It's not my money, what do I care? The only issue I have is, Farrah won't cop to having made a porn tape. She denies it is a porn tape. To me, there is more shame in her lying about it than owning up to making a porn. She is hyper-sensitive to any references of that porn tape or being called a porn star. She is far from being a porn star. Porn stars are not ashamed of the work they do. Farrah will likely have many business ventures. Whether they are successful or not, that remains to be seen. Are these ventures that Farrah would have invested in if Teen Mom didn't exist? Does doing the kind of business ventures Farrah is involved in only because she is likely afraid she won't succeed in businesses such as opening the restaurant that she talked about so much in the early seasons?

I do have to give it to her, she is going to milk this Teen Mom thing to death.

As usual with greatkazu I agree a thousand percent. I really couldn't care less if she chooses to be a porn star, or what body parts she wants to make molds of... I poke fun, but really I don't care. My annoyance is that she still claims it was a private tape gone wrong. I honestly feel like if she just owned that she did a porn, made the cash and moved on nobody would care at this point it would be old news. This isn't a great example, but Jenna Jameson... I know she has done porn, but when I hear something about her I don't give the fact that she is in porn much thought (obviously to some degree depending on what I'm hearing about her). Farrah is nowhere near Jenna Jameson's level, but my point is that if she just owned it people who are against porn will always be against porn, but for the most part nobody would care anymore that she did a porno a couple years ago. I think I answered my own question though, she wants this to stay in the forefront of our minds to keep her relevant... So I guess it kinda makes sense that she continues to deny because if she hadn't we wouldn't be talking about her right now... And any attention is good in her eyes I guess.

I'm drugged up on pain killers, so I don't know if any of that makes sense... But the moral is that I couldn't care less if she works in the porn industry, but for the love, just own it.

  • Love 3

Farrah has a long and somewhat revealing interview on the Dr. Drew Podcast today. He tries to get info on her intergenerational family trauma. As per usual, he butters her up so she doesn't dislike him/"spin out of control"/walk off. The interview is more open than anything he's been able to get from her on the Teen Mom reunions, but of course it's difficult to get clear info out of Farrah or any thoughts that aren't about her.

Drew infers that Derek and Derek's father (who Farrah is on good terms with & claims she visits?) have addict personalities - "he was a wild guy", "I notice his father uses recovery talk, is he in recovery?" Answer: yes. She had an intuitive connection with Derek. He was intense and a transparent communicator. He had mom issues & she broke up with him & encouraged him to move in with his dad in Missouri. They went to culinary arts classes together. She envisioned herself marrying him & opening a restaurant. He proposed to her. She took a break from him & blocked him before his death, he was getting too wild.

Drew brings up James Deen...she gives no specific story on what happened with him, just name checks Nicki Minaj's brother & goes on a rape in America speech. When Drew mentions former adult actress/sex rehab star Jenny Ketchum is now a social worker helping abused women, Farrah mentions she'd like to do that too someday.

A British caller calls out Farrah's defensive victim behavior/abuse of the other housemates on Celeb Big Brother. Farrah blames editing, calls them traumatic negative people. High school behavior upsets her so much & is so beneath her that she flips out. "Im sorry that's just how I am. I've got some Sicilian & Syrian, watch out." She's been angry since childhood. Many of her high school best friends "tried to obliterate" her. They got into physical fights with her, were so jealous of her they'd try to frame her, get her in trouble & kicked out of school. She tried to get teachers fired: "I couldn't make my gingerbread cookie house but someone else got to?!"

She's reading a mindful parenting book and mentions different therapists she loves, a real one + Dr Jenn. She truthfully believes in using reality television as a tool. She's so over nightclub appearances. She wants to move to LA for all the opportunities in talk shows & feature films coming her way. She will be on the second season of Family Therapy w Dr Jenn. Something happened that prevented them from doing the first season.

Jenelle has reached out to Farrah. Farrah hooked her up with her person for damage control/publicity?

MTV UK is doing their own Teen Mom show with different producers. Farrah has been frustrated with the Teen Mom producers for not using all of her brilliant production ideas: "I'm more of a thinker. I'm more of a pusher." "I'm a detailed person and I get deep with people." Farrah is getting her own podcast on Podcast One (recorded in their Bev Hills office) called "Farrah & (paid) Friends". This could be the most enlightening podcast since Brandi Glanville Unfiltered & Stassi whatsherface vocal fry from Vanderpump Rules.

  • Love 6

1. Derek was "wild", possibly an addict, broken up with - YET she planned to marry him and open a restaurant with him???


2. Farrah trying to help abused women is one of the scariest thoughts that has ever entered my mind. 


3. High school behavior is beneath her, yet she crashes a party that she knows she is not welcome at?


4. Where in the mindful parenting books does it say to get your 6-year-old their own Twitter and involved them in feuds with adult celebrities?


5. She's a pusher? That is soooo going in my Burn Book. 

  • Love 17

Farrah has a long and somewhat revealing interview on the Dr. Drew Podcast today. He tries to get info on her intergenerational family trauma. As per usual, he butters her up so she doesn't dislike him/"spin out of control"/walk off. The interview is more open than anything he's been able to get from her on the Teen Mom reunions, but of course it's difficult to get clear info out of Farrah or any thoughts that aren't about her.

Drew infers that Derek and Derek's father (who Farrah is on good terms with & claims she visits?) have addict personalities - "he was a wild guy", "I notice his father uses recovery talk, is he in recovery?" Answer: yes. She had an intuitive connection with Derek. He was intense and a transparent communicator. He had mom issues & she broke up with him & encouraged him to move in with his dad in Missouri. They went to culinary arts classes together. She envisioned herself marrying him & opening a restaurant. He proposed to her. She took a break from him & blocked him before his death, he was getting too wild.

Drew brings up James Deen...she gives no specific story on what happened with him, just name checks Nicki Minaj's brother & goes on a rape in America speech. When Drew mentions former adult actress/sex rehab star Jenny Ketchum is now a social worker helping abused women, Farrah mentions she'd like to do that too someday.

A British caller calls out Farrah's defensive victim behavior/abuse of the other housemates on Celeb Big Brother. Farrah blames editing, calls them traumatic negative people. High school behavior upsets her so much & is so beneath her that she flips out. "Im sorry that's just how I am. I've got some Sicilian & Syrian, watch out." She's been angry since childhood. Many of her high school best friends "tried to obliterate" her. They got into physical fights with her, were so jealous of her they'd try to frame her, get her in trouble & kicked out of school. She tried to get teachers fired: "I couldn't make my gingerbread cookie house but someone else got to?!"

She's reading a mindful parenting book and mentions different therapists she loves, a real one + Dr Jenn. She truthfully believes in using reality television as a tool. She's so over nightclub appearances. She wants to move to LA for all the opportunities in talk shows & feature films coming her way. She will be on the second season of Family Therapy w Dr Jenn. Something happened that prevented them from doing the first season.

Jenelle has reached out to Farrah. Farrah hooked her up with her person for damage control/publicity?

MTV UK is doing their own Teen Mom show with different producers. Farrah has been frustrated with the Teen Mom producers for not using all of her brilliant production ideas: "I'm more of a thinker. I'm more of a pusher." "I'm a detailed person and I get deep with people." Farrah is getting her own podcast on Podcast One (recorded in their Bev Hills office) called "Farrah & (paid) Friends". This could be the most enlightening podcast since Brandi Glanville Unfiltered & Stassi whatsherface vocal fry from Vanderpump Rules.


  • Love 8

Wow, I still don't buy the majority of what she is saying, but I can appreciate her being a little more open.

As far as her relationship with Derek's parent, I think she actually does have a relationship with Derek's dad/stepmom they took her to his grave the first time and it's been mentioned a few times they have seen each other. I don't think they see each other often, especially more recently. Derek's mom is the one who Farrah feuds with and won't allow to see Sophia.

Speaking of Sophia, I actually looked at her Twitter the other day... The good news is I'm fairly confident it's just an extension of Farrah, it reads like Farrah is the one doing all the posting trying to sound like a six year old, so I actually think that's good, Sophia doesn't need her own Twitter. Don't get me wrong I don't think she needs one at all, and I don't know how much access she has to it so I don't think it's a good idea regardless, but if it's just Farrah using it to have another voice (like conveniently in the Nikki Minaj feud) I find it sad because that's just weird, but it's not as big of a deal.

  • Love 1

So does Farrah say anything about the intergenerational family trauma Dr Drew wanted her to talk about? Cause I'd really like to hear what the story is with that whole family, although I'd much rather hear it from a more reliable source than Farrah (maybe her sister Ashley?).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 5

Excellent points.  Her denial of the porn is definitely disturbing.  Porn is a legal business.  She clearly intended to do a porn tape so just OWN IT already.  The girl certainly has a knack for alienating herself, doesn't she?  I think she's desperate to be "successful" whatever that means, and will go the easiest route she thinks she can take to get there.  

Exactly. Farrah wants to famous for being Farrah, whatever that entails.


During her special that came out a few months ago before the season started, whenever anyone such as Heather or her parents referenced the special, they referred to it as "Farrah's show"?  That is what Farrah is hoping somewhere down the line. To have her own show. 


Referencing that podcast interview above, WTF does this comment by Farrah mean? "Traumatic negative people".  Are people negative because they have been through a traumatic event? Or, did the dummy mean to say "dramatic, negative people"?  Beyond fucking stupid. I think we need a special thread or something to save all these gems, such as "dramastically" that have been mentioned over the seasons by these people. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

Obviously mileage varies but I just don't personally believe transforming oneself, literally with all of the plastic surgery, into a human version of a blow up doll shows any gumption. I think it shows desperation. All of her other projects strike me as vanity projects. I guess you could say I think she's a "hustler" but more in terms of being a scammer than as a legitimate hard worker.

  • Love 8

So does Farrah say anything about the inter generational family trauma Dr Drew wanted her to talk about? Cause I'd really like to hear what the story is with that whole family, although I'd much rather hear it from a more reliable source than Farrah (maybe her sister Ashley?).

She never gives any specific stories that would make sense of her family's dysfunction. When Dr Drew brings up the intergenerational trauma (Debra's mom, Debra & Farrah) Farrah says that's something being addressed in her therapy. Hey, it's a start! When Drew tries to get something more substantial from her, she speaks broadly. She's aware people *think* she treats her mom like **** but claims the way things are edited you can't see their whole argument and she feels her side of things isn't shown.

Edited by Vivacious J
  • Love 2

Referencing that podcast interview above, WTF does this comment by Farrah mean? "Traumatic negative people". Are people negative because they have been through a traumatic event? Or, did the dummy mean to say "dramatic, negative people"? Beyond fucking stupid. I think we need a special thread or something to save all these gems, such as "dramastically" that have been mentioned over the seasons by these people.

A dictionary would be helpful! Maybe she meant she experienced their company as traumatic? Farrah was really proud & bubbly when someone called asking about her "international" show. She was bragging to the caller that she brought the drama that they needed. The caller was not impressed & irritated at her constantly telling the cast mates they were ungodly.

  • Love 2

Wow, I still don't buy the majority of what she is saying, but I can appreciate her being a little more open.

As far as her relationship with Derek's parent, I think she actually does have a relationship with Derek's dad/stepmom they took her to his grave the first time and it's been mentioned a few times they have seen each other. I don't think they see each other often, especially more recently. Derek's mom is the one who Farrah feuds with and won't allow to see Sophia.

Ahh, now I remember Derek's dad was shown...Farrah mentions seeing or talking to Grandpa Derek this Christmas. I too appreciate some opening up from her, maybe Family Therapy will break open the skeletons in the Abraham closet. Michael should be on there too...those three have enough material for their own 10-season show.

  • Love 1

She's so over nightclub appearances. She wants to move to LA for all the opportunities in talk shows & feature films coming her way. She will be on the second season of Family Therapy w Dr Jenn. Something happened that prevented them from doing the first season.


Well, that explains why her house in TX has been for sale forever.  Good luck finding a house in L.A. for $600K.  I guess Michael and/or Debbie will follow.  She has "feature film" opportunities coming her way?  I'd love to see her throw a hissy fit in the middle of a motion picture production that's costing many thousands of dollars an hour to film.  She'll be out on her ass in 1.2 seconds, and nobody will ever consider her for another role, no matter how tiny.  Cable TV Reality producers will tolerate her bullshit.  Motion picture producers, not so much.

  • Love 5

Well, that explains why her house in TX has been for sale forever.  Good luck finding a house in L.A. for $600K.  I guess Michael and/or Debbie will follow.  She has "feature film" opportunities coming her way?  I'd love to see her throw a hissy fit in the middle of a motion picture production that's costing many thousands of dollars an hour to film.  She'll be out on her ass in 1.2 seconds, and nobody will ever consider her for another role, no matter how tiny.  Cable TV Reality producers will tolerate her bullshit.  Motion picture producers, not so much.


Oh dear god, please let Farrah land a minor mainstream movie role, throw a "too big for her britches" tantrum, and get tossed on her ass. I would take the smugness of being offered the role if the payoff was that someone who was not paid to deal with her could properly curse her out.

  • Love 2

Sure Hollywood is looking for a new leading lady such as Farrah cause the first thing they want is a plasticized face that can't emote. Please. This woman is delusional.


Oh I dunno. She's pretty good at emoting when it comes to giving off the horrible bitchy faces. I actually find that kind of fascinating, she can look like a completely nasty human being one minute, but she can't manage to pull off a friendly smile. (except recently with Derek's family, apparently - she seemed shockingly normal there) It's like she can fake plastic surgery/Botox face.

  • Love 1

I'm currently watching Farrah's Sixteen & Pregnant episode and she's actually pretty normal and doesn't act like a huge asshole all the time.


Favorite moment:  while in labor and pushing out Sophia the Troll, she apologizes to the nurses and doctor for having to stare at her vagina.  Apologizes, people ... the chick who will be hawking her molded sex toy private parts APOLOGIZES to the medical team for having to stare at her vagina. 


Daddy Derrick.  Only mentioned in passing at the beginning - they were not dating, he found out she was pregnant through the grapevine and his death isn't even addressed.  She even dates other people while pregnant.  So in no way am I buying the "star crossed lovers/soulmate" schick she's selling now. 


Farrah's not a miserable person w/ zero social skills because of her parents.  She actually carries on normal, every day conversations with live human beings ... truth be told, it's weird to see Farrah so normal.   I think being on tv totally messed her up and MTV created a stunted woman with a huge superiority complex w/ a big ol' dash of entitlement mixed in. 

  • Love 6

I've tried to figure out when she lost her mind.  Maybe when she and Debra had that huge fight that resulted in Farrah getting punched, Debra getting arrested and all of that?  It's hard to pinpoint.

I just want to say, I LOVE your name.  Found my old Sweet Valley books last weekend and had a blast reminiscing.

Sure Hollywood is looking for a new leading lady such as Farrah cause the first thing they want is a plasticized face that can't emote. Please. This woman is delusional.

I wouldn't call "Axeman 2: Overkill" an upcoming Hollywood hit, but it looks like someone will hire her!



  • Love 2

I've tried to figure out when she lost her mind.  Maybe when she and Debra had that huge fight that resulted in Farrah getting punched, Debra getting arrested and all of that?  It's hard to pinpoint.

Farrah herself said it was when her mom interfered in her relationship with Derek. She said this on her Farrah special that aired before the season started.  Now, we all know that is bullshit. Also, Farrah admitted on that same special that she and Debra "hit each other." Farrah hit her own mother, but her mother was the only one arrested, charged, and eventually pled guilty to a lesser charge. 

  • Love 4

I find Farrah so fascinating.  I'm kind of sheltered in that I have almost no experience with people so untethered to reality.  I understand this "people hate on me because they're jealous" thing, but she takes it to such an extreme level that it's simultaneously thrilling and frightening to me.  Her level of delusion is just breathtaking.


And the way she treats people?  Completely unheard of in my world.  I just can't look away.


I do feel sorry for that poor damn Sophia.  As others have noted, she's an unfortunate looking child, and Farrah's focus on beauty is not going to play out well with that little troll.  Having what appears to be a developing heinous personality is not going to help. 


Although in quiet moments, maybe Farrah thinks, "Well, I'm kind of gross looking, especially with this plastic surgery, and my personality is the worst in recorded history, yet I'm successful so maybe it'll work for Sophia, too."

  • Love 6

I really do feel bad harping on Sophia's appearance, it's not gonna stop me, but I feel bad. My issue with Sophia is its not even just her appearance, as unfortunate as that may be, it's her attitude too, she just bugs. I don't blame her, she is a product of an environment where her caretakers are Farrah, and the people responsible for producing Farrah, let's face it she didn't have a chance. The only thing working in that poor girls favor is that there are lots of cases ugly ducklings to turn out beautiful. It's not even all appearance, here's to hoping Sophia gains some positive influences to help her become a productive member of society, and overcome what she is presently subjected to. I guess, the other plus is we know Farrah isn't opposed to plastic surgery, so if there is anything Sophia wants to change, her mom will support her (please read that with your snark/sarcasm levels as high as they can go.., I actually do not think young people should just turn to plastic surgery to make them what they think is perfect).

I also think that while Sophia has some unfortunate features, Farrah doesn't do her any favors in trying to manage them, like waxing her eyebrows, yes she has very thick eyebrows, but I have to wonder if on some level that is in relation to them being waxed when she was younger (I'm pretty sure the whole hair growing back thicker is a myth, but idk), or her teeth, based on pictures, at least on Derek's side she was predispositioned to not have straight teeth, but she was not done any favors by being allowed to have a pacifier for so long.

I can't say this with certainty, but I feel like a lot of Sophia's personality that people find difficult stems from being an only child, who is still talked to like a baby, and not exposed to many other children, I know she goes to school, but it doesn't seem like she gets much other interaction.

I hate to admit this but I think I may have had an extremely toned down version of Sophia's personality as a child, it was mostly masked by the fact that I was extremely shy, so most people wouldn't know unless they knew me. I'm a stereotypical middle child, my older sister is perfect, and my little brother is autistic, so he had a whole other set of needs that required attention. Once I was comfortable with people I think I was pretty obnoxious, I would do the baby talk thing because I thought it was cute, I would tell crazy stories for attention, I would be mean because I thought it was funny... Thankfully I have grown out of that (I think), and by no means was I a terror, I still knew how to behave (I was voted the most polite girl in 4th grade) ... But all of that to say it's understandable, but unfortunate how Sophia is turning out.

  • Love 3

As normal and sane as Farrah seemed when she was with Derek's parents, it was such a one-sided exchange.  It was her talking about how heart broken she is that her one true love was taken away from her - all evidence of that relationship to the contrary - and having to be comforted by the people who LOST THEIR TEENAGED SON!  She uses his death to get attention and sympathy, which is bad enough in general, but to do it around his parents is truly sick. 


(Also, hi, I'm new)

  • Love 20

As normal and sane as Farrah seemed when she was with Derek's parents, it was such a one-sided exchange. It was her talking about how heart broken she is that her one true love was taken away from her - all evidence of that relationship to the contrary - and having to be comforted by the people who LOST THEIR TEENAGED SON! She uses his death to get attention and sympathy, which is bad enough in general, but to do it around his parents is truly sick.

(Also, hi, I'm new)

Welcome! I think you'll fit in well around here. And yes I'm sure his parents love having to comfort their deceased son's girlfriend of a few months who talked a ton of shit about him while being filmed on a popular reality show.

  • Love 6

Welcome, Lexxy! And I agree, it was gross watching her put on a show for the actual parents of the kid who died. She was his on and off girlfriend of a few months, who didn't seem very happy with him at all around the time he died. These are his parents who raised him for 18 years and clearly loved him very much. But SHE'S the one who's one step away from prostrating herself on his grave in grief? Give me a break!

  • Love 6

FFS! Farrah! She really is off her nut. Debs is a lil too BUT I have no doubt she loves Sophia LaurenT and will take good care off her. Deb cries because her bitch of a daughter berates her and generally emotionally abuses her for daring to play! I know her mother isn't a saint but shit, Farrah treats her like a servant and Deb blows most off it off to keep from rocking the boat. If my daughter dared or even thought of disrespecting me like tonight I'd rock her head off her shoulders. I can't even!!!! 

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Welcome, Lexxy! And I agree, it was gross watching her put on a show for the actual parents of the kid who died. She was his on and off girlfriend of a few months, who didn't seem very happy with him at all around the time he died. These are his parents who raised him for 18 years and clearly loved him very much. But SHE'S the one who's one step away from prostrating herself on his grave in grief? Give me a break!


Those were my exact (posted) sentiments following that episode. I was incensed as a BP myself.

  • Love 3

I'm getting to the point where I think I just need to FF through Farrah's scenes.... she's so disgusting to people, especially Debra, that my blood just boils just seeing her on my TV. She's a horrible human being and she's going to raise another horrible human being in Sophia. No amount of plastic surgery can cover up the ugly on the inside, Farrah.

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