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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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Cate isn't an ugly girl (in fact I always thought she was cute) but that wedding dress was a bad choice. Not flattering in the least. Nor was the hairstyle, all bunched up on one side of her face. Her makeup looked good, but unfortunately the dress and its bad fit stole the attention. I'm amazed she didn't have a boob malfunction, cos they seemed ready to break free at any moment.

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Just because something is in style, or looks good on someone else, doesn't mean it will look good on you. This is the problem I see when I see overweight females, or females with a gut, wearing top crops or half shirts. Cat has a pretty face, but she would have looked better with a different hairstyle. Her dress? Not sure what would have worked on her, but I do feel what she wore, wasn't flattering. I think she could have lightened up on the lipstick. I think it ages her. I wish she would go with some bangs or a hairstyle that would help to cover her massive forehead. The hair on the side just makes that forehead look even bigger.

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Long time lurker, but first time joining in on the snarking fun.

Quick question, I'm not sure if this has already been discussed but I'm seeing a lot of comments about Catelynns big boobs being too big for her dress.

Question: has anyone noticed that she had a boob job? She was small during 16 & pregnant (even while she still had breast milk before it dried out) and in the first season of teen mom she was small "up there" but these last couple of seasons they have been GIGANTIC and not because she got heavier or pregnancy hormones.

Or am I wrong? I don't think she would look so big if her Boobs were more proportioned to her body.

Edited by Calm81

I do  not think she has had a boob job, there are a few pictures of her earlier on when she is in more fitted clothing and she has a decent set of boobs I think overall she has put on a lot of weight and then to cover her weight gain she dresses like a grandma.


OT but I get it my boobs have been a a pain since puberty, when skinny I am so out of proportion that I look like I should topple over, then when fat they are huge and need scaffolding to contain them and I could not tell you how hard it is to dress them to make them seem more in proportion with the rest of me. Finally I am doing something about them and when I maintain my goal weight for 6 months those puppies are coming off and I can not wait.

  • Love 2

From the article above I see somebody posted a pic of Carly, hope they didn't overstep the mark with B&T



My understanding was that the adoptive parents want to keep her face private from the public, so that seems a bit intrusive of starcasm to post it. Maybe it will come down later. Also I think she looks like her daddy.

  • Love 3

I'm still trying to stomach the fact that Maci dressed in such a short dress for a wedding. Kailyn dressed for a summer cookout and Amber looked quite pleasant. I don't care for the glasses she's been sporting lately. I don't recall her needing glasses in prior seasons--she still looks lovely, lately--but ditch the old fanboy, Matt.

Catelynns mom looked great --eat your heart out Butch!!

I really don't think the castle theme fit well with these two. I think someone else said it perfectly, a backyard wedding or a simple venue would have made more sense for two people in their early twenties with out "careers" or rich parents. The guest and family members all looked out of

place there. Lol. I hope that didn't sound snobbish.

Edited because my iPhone is dumber than most of the teen mom cast members.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 8

So wait, Tyler is in TAILS and Kailyn wore a romper and flat sandals and Maci wore a Forever 21 skirt and tank top? I've seen these girls more dressed up to go get their nails done.

That's why this venue makes no damn sense.  Know your audience.  If you know your clan is made up of teeny boppers and backwoods hicks, there's no point in trying to class em up by sticking them in a castle.


They could have had this in the backyard of their own home and spread some Cheetos on the ground Leah style.  Maybe some Mountain Dew kegs spread about for a touch of class.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 5

That's why this venue makes no damn sense.  Know your audience.  If you know your clan is made up of teeny boppers and backwoods hicks, there's no point in trying to class em up by sticking them in a castle.

Agreed! That wedding cake is INSANE! With the 6 tiers and the crystals! And then there is a little girl in a ribbed tank top, cut off shorts and no shoes running around. I actually blame the guests. Look at the invite, look at the location, see the dress Caitlyn planned on wearing that she showed off on MTV and know that this is not a backyard BBQ (btw, I would have LOVED Kail's romper and sandals if this had been a backyard wedding)

  • Love 3

I thought Cate looks nice.  I liked her dress. 


Devil's advocate on Tyler continuously saying he has two daughters..... he does. He may not be raising one but since they have a relationship and even if they didn't, I'm sure Carly would be looking for them when she got older.  If she goes online when she's older and searched around to find posts with Tyler saying he thanked Cate for giving them ONE daughter I can guarantee she would feel unwanted and like she didn't matter. 

And I don't think they had to scale down the wedding venue based on what their guests would wear. They likely didn't care. They wanted a nice fancy wedding and if that's what they wanted then they should be able to have it. 

  • Love 2

So wait, Tyler is in TAILS and Kailyn wore a romper and flat sandals and Maci wore a Forever 21 skirt and tank top? I've seen these girls more dressed up to go get their nails done.

I didn't realize Kailyn was wearing a romper! I thought it was just a really short dress! Disregard any and all posts where I said she looked appropriate, that's not acceptable at all! Javi, even though I hate to say it, actually was one of the more appropriately dressed TM crew members.

Maci looks incredibly under dressed, and of course is wearing white. I bet she spent all evening either badgering Taylor to marry her, or reminiscing to everyone who would listen about her failed engagement to Rhiiiine.

Ambie wins. She looked very well put together, and appropriate for the venue. Matt of course, looked like a supreme douchelord as always. I'm not a fan of the v-neck tshirt and blazer look. Sorry, this is a Saturday night upscale wedding. You're a grown man, get a shirt with a collar. For fucks sake, Butch is wearing a tux and you're wearing a hanes t-shirt that came out of a 3 pack.

  • Love 8

I think Catelynn and Tyler shouldn't have to scale down the wedding based on their guest's wardrobe choices. They could afford this, they wanted it and so they should have it. I do, however, think the guests should have scaled up their attire to fit the venue. To me, dressing appropriately, whether it's for a wedding, funeral, work, or a court date, is a matter of respect. I'm not asking for name brands. There are many places like Kohls or Sears that offer clothing suitable for a wedding guest at a more modest price.

I also think Catelynn looked beautiful on her wedding day. If we can be real for a minute, Catelynn is a plump girl. That's not fat shaming, or bullying it's a fact. Naturally, her dress isn't going to look the same on her as it does in a bridal magazine, it's fabric not lipo. But her dress was gorgeous, and I do think it flattered her. I also thought her hair and makeup was on point. Most of all, she was positively glowing. I have no doubt in my mind that was her dream come true, and the best day of her life. As much as I can't stand Tyler, I hope they're happy together.

  • Love 12

I do not think she has had a boob job, there are a few pictures of her earlier on when she is in more fitted clothing and she has a decent set of boobs I think overall she has put on a lot of weight and then to cover her weight gain she dresses like a grandma.

OT but I get it my boobs have been a a pain since puberty, when skinny I am so out of proportion that I look like I should topple over, then when fat they are huge and need scaffolding to contain them and I could not tell you how hard it is to dress them to make them seem more in proportion with the rest of me. Finally I am doing something about them and when I maintain my goal weight for 6 months those puppies are coming off and I can not wait.

I've always had a very small chest, even when I gained weight 20 years ago after quitting drinking, I could barely fill a b cup. When I was young I hated being so small. Now I love it. All of my friends are dropping and sagging and I'm not. I rarely wear a bra, my theory is that if I didn't have feet I wouldn't wear shoes so why wear a bra?

Of course some things I need to wear a bra with and there is more padding then boob in it.

I don't think Cate has had a boob job at all. My daughter was small chested like me and stayed that way after her first pregnancy. After her second, she got huge and has stayed that way. She's lost the baby weight and is thin again but her chest is still huge. She hates it.

I'm really surprised that Theresa and Brandon took Carly to the wedding. Especially knowing that the families still consider Carly as theirs. I can picture Butch going up to her and telling her that he is her grandpa and confusing the hell out of the poor kid. Hopefully they set some ground rules about that kind of thing.

I wonder what the tension between April and Butch was like. Isn't she remarried?

My understanding was that the adoptive parents want to keep her face private from the public, so that seems a bit intrusive of starcasm to post it. Maybe it will come down later. Also I think she looks like her daddy.

I hope by daddy you don't mean Tyler.

  • Love 9

OK guys here's the situation:

1) Catelynn's story arc on THIS show has to do with her weight/weightloss. Speaking about her success or failure at her goals is allowed because it's a plotpoint on THIS show. Other shows REGARDLESS of being in the same franchise don't have the same plots. Talking about weightloss "She hasn't met her goal weight and that dress is not doing her any favors" is not the same as "what a fat slob". We are paying attention to the difference. 


2)If you don't like what someone posts here there is an easy fix. It's called the ignore feature and here's how it works:

1.Go to the top of your screen and click on the little head icon.
2.Click on "Manage Ignore Prefs".
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If someone else quotes the annoying person, you'll still see that. Also, you can't ignore the mods. And we can't ignore you. But otherwise, you should be good to go.

If you have any questions please PM the mods (me & Mya Stone) and we'll attempt to explain anything you are having trouble with. 

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I wish with like 45% of my heart that I could have been there. Imagine Big Papi tearing it up on the dance floor with Tyler while Taylor sits on the side having no personality and Creepy Matt tries to sit by Cate as much as possible to improve his chances of being on camera. Meanwhile, Amber will probably find a couch or at least a comfortable chair to sit on the whole time, Maci will badger Taylor about marrying her, Cate will just try to enjoy her one day before the hell of being Tyler's wife begins and Kail will find a reason to fight with Javi.

Can we be BFF? This made me laugh so hard.

I am shocked B&T brought Carly, too. It was nice of them and I'm sure it meant a lot to Catelynn and Tyler, but I hope that wasn't traumatic for Carly. I'm sure all of the guests as well as Cate & Tyler's families were staring at her, trying to talk to her, wanting to "meet" her, etc. I hope she just felt special and not scared by the whole experience. I can see where Kim, Tyler's sister, April, Butch, etc would all be really emotional when meeting her. I hope somehow B&T prepared her for this and it wasn't too weird or scary....cause I'd think if I was an adoptee that meeting basically my entire bio family (on both sides) plus their friends at my birth parents' wedding (which was being filmed for reality TV, no less) would be overwhelming at age 30, let alone at age 6.

And of course Maci wore white. SMH.

Catelynn looked nice. Tyler looked young and scared. Butch looked well....bizarre in a tux, to be honest. I'm hoping the wedding will be much more trashtastically entertaining on TV than in still shots. Judging by some of the guests' attire, it will be.

I do think Catelynn is a good person who has been through a lot with her mom, Tyler, the adoption, etc. Far from perfect, but a good person. I hope Tyler recognizes that and is good to her. I wish them the best.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 8

I'm a little late to the party here, but I don't think this has been posted.  Us Weekly has the official wedding photos.  Tyler must be thrilled.




I've been skeptical of this couple since the will they/won't they wedding planning, but they do look happy.  I wish them the best.

  • Love 3

I think the only reason why they're still together is because of Carly.

Or rather, because of MTV. Their 16 and preggers episode, and how it was edited, was powerful. Everytime I see it, I find myself rooting for then all over again.

For their fans, they are like the couple in The Notebook. They are constantly telling them how amazing they are together and C&T have DVDs of seasons of their relationship. It would be hard to walk away from that narrative, or even to step back occasionally and get a realistic view of their relationship. Maybe once the cameras are long gone?

  • Love 7

Or rather, because of MTV. Their 16 and preggers episode, and how it was edited, was powerful. Everytime I see it, I find myself rooting for then all over again.

For their fans, they are like the couple in The Notebook. They are constantly telling them how amazing they are together and C&T have DVDs of seasons of their relationship. It would be hard to walk away from that narrative, or even to step back occasionally and get a realistic view of their relationship. Maybe once the cameras are long gone?

I agree. Mtv gives them a good edit. They're Attention whores with fans kissing their ass. Tyler and Caitlin always pointing out how they been together for 10 years. I don't consider a 12yo having a relationship. It's puppy love. When Tyler divorces Caitlin that poor girl is going to be heartbroken. Can't say I feel sorry for her. These kids don't know what real life is.

I still can't believe these two married.

I guess Mtv is having a special wedding episode.

  • Love 3

Why does everybody thinks that they are going to break up one day ? I don't see that at all... yes maybe Tyler stays for the money and because of their '' Tittle '' on MTV but i can see he loves her with all these IG pictures and tweets about her. She seem important to him, maybe he's lying , who knows ?

Edited by Plumelady
  • Love 1

Oh, I think Tyler's IG is total bluster. 


I mean, it's not like I think he hates Cate or anything. But I don't think he is in love with her. I think Tyler loves her very much. She will always be important to him - first love, mother of his children, etc. But I just don't see that connection there coming from his side. He can post 10 paragraphs about her on social media, but that does little to dispel how disinterested he seems when you actually see them together. He has tried to call it off several times, and I think he really only goes back out of a guilt and a desire not to look like an asshole who dumped America's Sweetheart. 


So yea, I actually think it's likely they'll stay together forever. But they're super dysfunctional and I don't think he's happy. I do think Cate is happy for the most part, because she derives her happiness from his opinion of her. Which is a whole other issue in itself.

  • Love 8

Why does everybody thinks that they are going to break up one day ? I don't see that at all... yes maybe Tyler stays for the money and because of their '' Tittle '' on MTV but i can see he loves her with all these IG pictures and tweets about her. She seem important to him, maybe he's lying , who knows ?

First Tyler is an attention whore. Second I don't see the connection. They can post all they want that they've been together for 10 years but I don't consider being together at 12 or 14 "real love" Tyler plays these mind games with Caitlin and probably feels guilty that they placed Carly for adoption. That may be one of the reasons why he's still with her. Caitlin has low self esteem and lives in fantasy land. It takes more than posting on social media, having a ring on your finger, and having a big wedding to actually be in love with someone. I don't think Tyler is in love with Caitlin. But his ego is so huge he's willing to stay with her because he's a role model on teen mom. I can't see their marriage lasting after mtv is gone.

  • Love 7

First Tyler is an attention whore. Second I don't see the connection. They can post all they want that they've been together for 10 years but I don't consider being together at 12 or 14 "real love" Tyler plays these mind games with Caitlin and probably feels guilty that they placed Carly for adoption. That may be one of the reasons why he's still with her. Caitlin has low self esteem and lives in fantasy land. It takes more than posting on social media, having a ring on your finger, and having a big wedding to actually be in love with someone. I don't think Tyler is in love with Caitlin. But his ego is so huge he's willing to stay with her because he's a role model on teen mom. I can't see their marriage lasting after mtv is gone.

I think they'll stay together even after MTV is gone as long as speaking engagements and shilling adoption is still profitable for them. 


I think a big part of the narrative they sell (and sell for Bethany Christian Services) is that they stayed together while most 16&P/TM couples who didn't place their child for adoption have not stayed together. {IE: Pregnant teen girls, put your baby up for adoption and you & your baby daddy will stay together like Tyler & Catelynn! Keep the child & end up like Ryan/Maci, Gary/Amber, Corey/Leah, Jo/Kail, Andrew/Jenelle, etc.}


If they broke up, Catelynn might still be able to make some money doing talks and work promoting adoption. But I think Tyler's image would be badly hurt by a break-up/divorce and his days of making money as a speaker/adoption advocate would be over. Young fans would just be too mad at him to want to hear what he has to say.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 7

I think they'll stay together even after MTV is gone as long as speaking engagements and shilling adoption is still profitable for them. 


I think a big part of the narrative they sell (and sell for Bethany Christian Services) is that they stayed together while most 16&P/TM couples who didn't place their child for adoption have not stayed together. {IE: Pregnant teen girls, put your baby up for adoption and you & your baby daddy will stay together like Tyler & Catelynn! Keep the child & end up like Ryan/Maci, Gary/Amber, Corey/Leah, Jo/Kail, Andrew/Jenelle, etc.}


If they broke up, Catelynn might still be able to make some money doing talks and work promoting adoption. But I think Tyler's image would be badly hurt by a break-up/divorce and his days of making money as a speaker/adoption advocate would be over. Young fans would just be too mad at him to want to hear what he has to say.

Agree.  There's no win in Tyler breaking up w Catelynn.  If that happened his star would fall and he would have to GASP get a real job.  There won't be too many Instagram likes for the guy who made Catelynn give up her baby for adoption, played hide and go seek w a wedding ring and then breaks her heart. 


Catelynn on the other hand will be surprised at how well she does without him. She'll kick herself for not making space in her life for a guy who really loves her as she is and  sticking with the guy who always moved the goal post for his affection. 

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