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If Maci’s not pregnant, either her face has naturally gotten fuller as her metabolism has started to slow down (and she gains weight in her face first now) and she gets beer bloat in her face. It could happen.

I guess maybe it could also be fillers? I know lots of reality stars do it (ie: Kail). Maci has had her boobs done but I don’t think she’s had any other cosmetic procedures. If it’s fillers, the doctor did a reasonably good job where we can’t immediately tell it’s fillers. 

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19 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

If Maci’s not pregnant, either her face has naturally gotten fuller as her metabolism has started to slow down (and she gains weight in her face first now) and she gets beer bloat in her face. It could happen.

I guess maybe it could also be fillers? I know lots of reality stars do it (ie: Kail). Maci has had her boobs done but I don’t think she’s had any other cosmetic procedures. If it’s fillers, the doctor did a reasonably good job where we can’t immediately tell it’s fillers. 

I'm going to go with beer bloat/slowing down metabolism. You know her diet is probably piss poor too, so it's all catching up with her. She hasn't done anything cosmetically to her face before (when she could have used it). Plus, being fair skinned and ginger, she wasn't doing herself any favors staying out in the sun and smoking either.

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When news of the McKinneys’ upcoming move came out, some were speculating that the two were expecting another baby or adopting and therefore in need of the additional room. Maci confirmed that isn’t the case… at least not yet.

“We definitely still want to adopt but it’s going to be down the road because we don’t want to adopt a baby, we want to adopt a child, so we want to make sure that our family is in, like… no one’s ever in a perfect position, but in like a really good position to do so because adopting a child is a very big commitment.”

On her feelings about Bristol Plain joining the cast of ‘Teen Mom OG’:

“I think me and Catelynn and Amber are pretty much on the same page… if they bring in new cast members, then we don’t want it to be called ‘Teen Mom OG’ because that’s not true if there’s new cast members.”

Maci confirmed that she was not informed that Bristol was joining the cast.

The Ashley previously told you that the girls found out when the news hit the press.

“Amber, Catelynn and Maci did not even know,” The Ashley’s production source told her last month. “It was kept under wraps because MTV was afraid that Sarah [Palin] would pull out, and MTV knew that the original girls would be upset. In fact, they even used a different name when discussing Bristol being on the show, to keep it a secret!”

Maci said that it would have been nice to get “some sort of courtesy call” before MTV made any official announcements, though she’s still grateful for who WON’T be returning to the show next season.

“Well, I really feel like I’m not going to be mad at anybody joining because anybody is better than Farrah.”

On the recent trouble her ex Ryan Edwards has been in:

Maci was asked about Ryan and his most-recent run-in with the law, which The Ashley reported on last month. Maci said she had “no idea” what kind of state Ryan is in at the moment because he is not allowed to contact her or Taylor by court order. (Earlier this year, a judge granted restraining ordersfor Maci, Taylor and their two children that prevent Ryan from going near them, their home or pets.)

At the time of the podcast interview, Ryan was in jail. (He has since been released.) Maci seemed to be comforted by the fact that Ryan was locked up.

“I mean, he did get arrested,” Maci said. “I mean, I do know why, but I just don’t want to say. But to be honest with you, I think I feel better that he’s in jail because I know he’s safe there … I know he’s not driving around, he’s not, ya know, he’s not doing something that could potentially really hurt him or an innocent person.”

On how she talks to her son Bentley about his father’s problems:

 Maci added that she still cares about Ryan’s well-being, due in large part to Bentley.

“It’s Bentley’s dad and although Bentley is about to be 10, I’m not sure how much time [Ryan] can make up now but still, no one ever wants to tell their child something terrible has happened to their parent.”

When asked about Bentley’s knowledge of the situation with Ryan, Maci said he understands what’s going on and doesn’t ask questions. She noted that anytime anything “that’s really bad” has happened, Bentley’s main concern is being able to continue spending time with Ryan’s parents, Jen and Larry. Maci said they always make sure to stay on the same page for Bentley’s sake.

“We’re not always going to get along or agree with each other, but the four of us do a really good job of making sure that everything is good for Bentley and that Bentley gets to spend time with them and in that aspect, everything is normal for Bentley.”

On the current state of her relationship with Ryan’s wife, Mackenzie:

When asked if she had a relationship with Ryan’s wife, Mackenzie, Maci replied with a hard “negative.”

“I mean, in my situation, if somebody shows you who they are, believe them the first time,” Maci said. “So I’m keeping a good distance from that one.”

(As ‘Teen Mom OG’ fans will remember, Maci and Mackenzie had quite the showdown on stage during a past Reunion, mainly in part to a letter that Mackenzie wrote Maci that essentially blamed her for not telling people about Ryan’s drug problem.)

Maci went on to say that she and Taylor have talked about the dynamic between the families once Ryan and Mackenzie’s baby is born, as both she and Taylor believe it’s important for Bentley to have a close relationship with his half- and step-siblings (and she also pointed out they don’t use the terms “half” or “step”).

“It will be, I think, a struggle to try to find a way to make sure that no matter what’s going on with Ryan that Bentley has a relationship with his brother. Both brothers, really—[Mackenzie’s son] Hudson and the new brother.”

On trying to co-parent with Ryan:

Lindsie commended Maci for her tendency to take the high road (instead of taking to the road high?) when dealing with Ryan, to which Maci credits to just being a “high road kind of person,” although she joked that in some cases she’d say she takes more of “the avoidance road.” On dealing with Ryan over the years, Maci said she finally realized their breakup was due to her coming to terms with the fact that you can’t fix people.

“I’m a fixer,” Maci said. “I couldn’t fix him, so I left and then I continued to try to fix him even though it wasn’t like I wanted to be in a relationship with him, but I wanted the best for Bentley and I wanted things to be easy on me and him, ya know? I didn’t want to rip his eyeballs out of his face every time I saw him and I know he felt the same about me.”

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Lindsie commended Maci for her tendency to take the high road (instead of taking to the road high?) when dealing with Ryan, to which Maci credits to just being a “high road kind of person,” although she joked that in some cases she’d say she takes more of “the avoidance road.” On dealing with Ryan over the years, Maci said she finally realized their breakup was due to her coming to terms with the fact that you can’t fix people.

“I’m a fixer,” Maci said. “I couldn’t fix him, so I left and then I continued to try to fix him even though it wasn’t like I wanted to be in a relationship with him, but I wanted the best for Bentley and I wanted things to be easy on me and him, ya know? I didn’t want to rip his eyeballs out of his face every time I saw him and I know he felt the same about me.”

Saint Maci of Bud Light, who spent years trying to fix Ryan. Such a martyr.  (Even though I'm pretty sure they broke up like 8-9 years ago and Maci has pretty much always had serious boyfriends/a husband during most of that time.  Not to mention that Jen & Larry were really her co-parenting team, not Ryan. Whatever, Maci. Ryan sucks but please don't act like you've been martyring yourself trying to fix him since you broke up...not that that would even be Maci's responsibility, obviously.)


Maci went on to say that she and Taylor have talked about the dynamic between the families once Ryan and Mackenzie’s baby is born, as both she and Taylor believe it’s important for Bentley to have a close relationship with his half- and step-siblings (and she also pointed out they don’t use the terms “half” or “step”).

“It will be, I think, a struggle to try to find a way to make sure that no matter what’s going on with Ryan that Bentley has a relationship with his brother. Both brothers, really—[Mackenzie’s son] Hudson and the new brother.”

I'm hardly Maci's biggest fan, but I do give her props for this.  This is one of the most mature things I've ever heard come out of the mouth of a member of this cast.  (And she isn't wrong with what she said about Mac.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

So now they're done being pissed that the new girls aren't OG?

They probably know snowbilly Bristol will fill the streets with uppercut if they talk smack to her face.....because the Palin brood is classy like that:


"The report, which also notes that most people at the scene were 'intoxicated,' goes on to state that Bristol continuously punched Klingenmeyer in the face until he grabbed her fist and pushed her to the ground again."


2 hours ago, druzy said:

Maci (HBIC) must have given Cate & Amber the green light to like the new girls and now all the animosity is gone. 


This is true, too. Maci is the Regina George of the TMOGs.

"We saw Maci being nice to the new girls, so we were nice to the new girls." - Cate & Amber

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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All the other girls are in jeans and what look like some form of hoodies or t-shirts. Amber, though, is in....whatever those pants are. They're...interesting. 

I mean, I get it if it's because she had a baby a few months ago and isn't back in her jeans yet. I didn't wear pants with a zipper (ie: real jeans) for several months after I had my babies. But there are yoga pants that look like "nice" black pants and jeggings that look like real jeans out there (as well as an array of other casual pants that aren't whatever those pants she has on are).  

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

All the other girls are in jeans and what look like some form of hoodies or t-shirts. Amber, though, is in....whatever those pants are. They're...interesting. 

I mean, I get it if it's because she had a baby a few months ago and isn't back in her jeans yet. I didn't wear pants with a zipper (ie: real jeans) for several months after I had my babies. But there are yoga pants that look like "nice" black pants and jeggings that look like real jeans out there (as well as an array of other casual pants that aren't whatever those pants she has on are).  


Her whole look is just wrong. I wish Cate and Amber would get a styling consult. 

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On 9/16/2018 at 1:00 PM, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I’m scared to admit this here, but I think Bristol is really pretty. She’s probably not very smart or likable but since she’s lost her baby weight she’s actually gorgeous. 


On 9/16/2018 at 1:27 PM, ghoulina said:

Bristol IS very pretty, IMO. That might be the only thing she has going for her, however. Lol

No lie, I think Bristol is very pretty.  I know we all rag on her plastic surgery, but I honestly think she had some really good plastic surgery that made her much prettier (in a traditionally pretty kind of way) than she looked pre-surgery.  She also seemed to know when to stop with the surgery & procedures, unlike some other reality TV "stars" (cough, Kail-Briana-Farrah, cough).  Her surgeon did a much better job than it seems like certain doctors who do procedures on SnapChat for free/reduced rates have done on some TM stars.  She also hasn't destroyed the good surgery with ridiculous fillers or injections.  (I hope she continues to not mess with her face now that she's a part of this franchise.)

Her body is really banging & I'm over here thinking I need to really lose this baby weight from the baby I had two years ago. LOL. Bristol wasn't ugly before, but I honestly think the plastic surgery really improved her looks.  Her hair is also very pretty, too. I feel kind of scummy for all the nice things I just said about her since she's pretty outside but not inside. 

Too bad the procedures, diet, & exercise couldn't also improve her personality, hateful views, & lack of class. 

On topic: Maci is her mom's twin.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 17
On 9/16/2018 at 1:00 PM, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I’m scared to admit this here, but I think Bristol is really pretty. She’s probably not very smart or likable but since she’s lost her baby weight she’s actually gorgeous. 

I honestly didn't mind her when she was on Dancing with the Stars.  Don't know what to expect with her on TM.  Though, had they given me the choice, I would have never brought on Brianna to Teen Mom 2, ditched Jenelle, and brought the other 3 girls (Chelsea, Kail, and Leah) to join Macy, Amber, and Cate rather than bringing on Brianna (ugh), Bristol, and this other girl I know absolutely nothing about.

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On 10/21/2018 at 4:46 PM, lgprimes said:

Do you know how difficult it is to get pregnant when you have  PCOS?? And here’s stick thin Maci (also atypical with PCOS) with her multiple surprise children.  I call BULLLLL -CRAP

The only "traditional" symptoms I've seen of PCOS over the years is Maci has at times had very bad acne.  Most women who has PCOS struggle with weight & fertility.  Those are two major things society is always pressuring women about.  Maci is stick then no matter how many beer bongs she regularly hits up & has had 4 pregnancies/3 children (surprise!).  She may very well have PCOS and have atypical symptoms.  But I might be pissed if I was one of the majority of PCOS sufferers who struggle with weight & fertility and I saw thin, fertile-myrtle Maci becoming the "face" or "spokesperson" for PCOS, simply because she doesn't represent to the public at large the main things people with PCOS suffer with.

So few people have heard of PCOS.  When they see Maci as the spokesperson for the condition, they'll think people they know in real life with PCOS who struggle with weight & fertility must be doing something wrong. I don't know. I'm probably out of line here, but I'm not sure I'd be happy she was getting all these awards & talking about PCOS all over like this if I had PCOS.  Then again, I guess it's good she's raising awareness about it...I just worry perhaps the public will think PCOS means being thin & susceptible to surprise pregnancies with some weird cycles rather than all the typical symptoms. 

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Have we ever heard a doctor tell Maci bout this PCOS diagnosis?  I have ALWAYS felt this was something Maci heard of in high school and used it to get guys think it was ok to get at her raw. What could be more enticing to any man than thinking he can splash in some chick without fear of pregnancy? By the time they realize her "hard to get pregnant" ruse is a lie, the damage is already done.

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8 hours ago, druzy said:

Wtf?? Why hasn’t this been shown when we first learned of him on Teen mom???? Everyone dug deep on Matt, David and NuMatt so why did Taylor get off the hook????

I wonder if Maci likes the “dont Get with a single lady with babies...” bit?

That was some disgusting racist, misogynist, bigotry, homophobic and belittling jokes crap I’ve ever had to read!!!! ?????

If David got fired for his homophobic tweets then Taylor should receive the same treatment. I don’t want these types of people getting paid the good and luxurious lifestyle for being so awful.

At least DAVID is open about it and didn’t create a new facade when the cameras came around. The Taylor we see on TV appears to be the type of guy that thinks a single mom struggling to play both mom and dad to be endearing and marries her to give her child a father to look up to.

I wonder what JC of big brother will think of one of his jokes.

I’ve never been so heated. I think I’m most heated because he tricked me into thinking he was this amazing man that saw past a woman with “baggage” and how he loves people of all walks of life. Man, I wonder what Maci and Taylor talk about when drunk with no cameras around???? She’s soooooo high and mighty and judge mental so I can see her adding some equal commentary with Taylor over a few shots of fireball.

I hope those old tweets go viral for all of TM viewers to see and we can shut this show down!!!!!!!! The ratings have already plummeted  - this should surely close the casket and lay out the dirt on this show!

Sorry for the rant - that was some hurtful stuff to read by a man that fooled us into thinking he was one of the few “coles” of the TM franchise.

Edited by Calm81
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Ehhh, I think it's a bit reaching. These tweets were from 2011-2012? Six to seven years ago, before he was on Teen Mom? Cheyenne had similar vile tweets, and were made public before she started airing on the show, yet she's still on. However, David made his tweets while he was actively filming. I think that's a big difference.

Yes, the tweets are in poor taste and offensive, but were not made this year. David's were, and when called out on it, doubled down on his opinions and refused to apologize for being offensive. 

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Wtf?? Why hasn’t this been shown when we first learned of him on Teen mom???? Everyone dug deep on Matt, David and NuMatt so why did Taylor get off the hook????

I wonder if Maci likes the “dont Get with a single lady with babies...” bit?

That was some disgusting racist, misogynist, bigotry, homophobic and belittling jokes crap I’ve ever had to read!!!! ?????

If David got fired for his homophobic tweets then Taylor should receive the same treatment. I don’t want these types of people getting paid the good and luxurious lifestyle for being so awful.

At least DAVID is open about it and didn’t create a new facade when the cameras came around. The Taylor we see on TV appears to be the type of guy that thinks a single mom struggling to play both mom and dad to be endearing and marries her to give her child a father to look up to.

I wonder what JC of big brother will think of one of his jokes.

I’ve never been so heated. I think I’m most heated because he tricked me into thinking he was this amazing man that saw past a woman with “baggage” and how he loves people of all walks of life. Man, I wonder what Maci and Taylor talk about when drunk with no cameras around???? She’s soooooo high and mighty and judge mental so I can see her adding some equal commentary with Taylor over a few shots of fireball.

I hope those old tweets go viral for all of TM viewers to see and we can shut this show down!!!!!!!! The ratings have already plummeted  - this should surely close the casket and lay out the dirt on this show!

Sorry for the rant - that was some hurtful stuff to read by a man that fooled us into thinking he was one of the few “coles” of the TM franchise.

I think it's bullshit, but really the joke is on him...he is the one who has been embarrassing himself by going on national television with pubes growing out of his face for the past five years. What was the time difference between those tweets & Taylor starting a t-shirt line called Things That Matter...yeah, that's really "manly man" shit right there Tay Tay?

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