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Maci is the type of woman who becomes interested in what her boyfriend likes -- without any true enthusiasm. She reminds me of the the 'Cool Girl' monologue from the book/film GONE GIRL.

Cinci you nailed it! That is a great passage by Gillian Flynn and so perfectly fits Maci. Maybe that's why I just never warmed up to her, despite her being so great on paper early on. She really is just trying to be what her guy likes, even more so than the other Teen Moms! Wasn't she super into motocross with Ryan?

That explains to me why she was in denial about this pregnancy, Taylor obviously is into the Bud Light chugging mud run girl who wakes up hungover every day, so that's what Maci was.

  • Love 2

Taylor is waiting for the announcement for another season, before he starts planning a wedding. To him there is no point of a wedding without cameras around. They don't call him Tmoney for nothing.

The article linked above stated Maci announced an October wedding, despite the fact two other Teen Moms already planning weddings that month.

I think this pregnancy guaranteed another season.

  • Love 1

Not to derail the topic of Maci's "oopsy-surprise" pregnancy, but what did you all think of Ryan's late-to-the-party act on the trick-or-treating episode?  I have nothing against Ryan and don't mean to bash him, but I thought, well...  never mind.  I better think this one over before I  go ahead and make assumptions.


I kinda felt bad for him because he did look pretty hurt they didn't wait for him... however then I have to remember that the dumbass didn't answer their calls or texts and there is no way he vanished for hours putting the makeup on.  He was doing something and he was being dumb and then he wanted to throw a pity party.  Maybe he's just really really bad with time.  Who knows. 

I do remember him and Bentley discussing that they wanted to go out after dark so maybe there was a miscommunication on how soon after dark they would go.  Because they started when it was light out but then I think it got dark (right?)

The article linked above stated Maci announced an October wedding, despite the fact two other Teen Moms already planning weddings that month.

I think this pregnancy guaranteed another season.



I agree with you...Maci now has a story line.  I actually hoped this show would be canceled.  I just read an article on the bad effects of reality shows have on children and now I wish everyone would move on with their lives and invest their money wisely.

  • Love 2
I kinda felt bad for him because he did look pretty hurt they didn't wait for him... however then I have to remember that the dumbass didn't answer their calls or texts and there is no way he vanished for hours putting the makeup on.  He was doing something and he was being dumb and then he wanted to throw a pity party.  Maybe he's just really really bad with time.  Who knows.

I do remember him and Bentley discussing that they wanted to go out after dark so maybe there was a miscommunication on how soon after dark they would go.  Because they started when it was light out but then I think it got dark (right?)


See, this right here is why I DON'T feel bad for Ryan. For one, he shows up looking all shocked that they didn't wait. But what was he doing??? He had all day to prepare for this, he doesn't work. I would guess he was sleeping, doing drugs, banging some chick - then got her to do his makeup after all of his REAL priorities were done. THAT's why he was late. Didn't his mom say she was trying to call him? Yea. He sucks. 


Then he shows up looking all Eeyore that no one waited for him. He tries to make Bentley feel guilty, as if the onus is on a 7-year-old kid. How about Ryan feeling badly for his SON, instead of himself???


And I'm just sick of this dude needing someone to lead him around by the hand, in order to participate. He was confused about the time? Freaking call someone and verify. He's just a sloth and a pathetic excuse for a father. 


Yes, but my money is on only one of these actually happening.


From your lips to God's ears. 

  • Love 3

Has anyone seen this Salon article defending Maci's drinking? Smh. First of all, what happened to a little research? The author seems to think the only incident in question is at the Vols game and called it early in pregnancy (which..no). It's not hard to regularly see Maci on your TV drinking and pregnant, author.

She also discusses how Maci unknowingly drank. Ok, fine, let's say it was accidental. Frankly, that doesn't change the odds that damage was done. FAS doesn't reverse itself because "you didn't mean it." I sincerely hope the baby is fine. But that doesn't make drinking ok suddenly if Maci played the odds and won.

Comments section predictably has people whose mothers drank and they're fine...


Edited by FlirtMcGirt
  • Love 1

And is there really a market for t-shirts with leather pockets? lol  Bizarre.


Do these people do anything without an ulterior motive?  I was reading up some on Taylor (yes....I need a life) and he talks about the ring and has to mention the jeweler's name. @@   I mean they sell EVERYTHING they do. It's creepy to me. I'd rather just work for a living. 




Finally, I don't know a single woman who would refer to this guy as a "stud."

  • Love 6

Maci didn't realize she was pregnant bc she's a lush. When she found out she didn't tell the public be she was embarrassed so she waited until she was engaged to make it sound better. Like, "we were getting married anyway!"

This does sound like the most logical theory.

I really hoped they filmed Ryan's reaction.

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 3

Has anyone seen this Salon article defending Maci's drinking? Smh. First of all, what happened to a little research? The author seems to think the only incident in question is at the Vols game and called it early in pregnancy (which..no). It's not hard to regularly see Maci on your TV drinking and pregnant, author.

She also discusses how Maci unknowingly drank. Ok, fine, let's say it was accidental. Frankly, that doesn't change the odds that damage was done. FAS doesn't reverse itself because "you didn't mean it." I sincerely hope the baby is fine. But that doesn't make drinking ok suddenly if Maci played the odds and won.

Comments section predictably has people whose mothers drank and they're fine...



Well, consider the source................................

  • Love 1

More BS from Maci. She says she was at the doctor's office getting her birth control prescription when she was told she was pregnant:http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-moms/news/maci-bookout-jokes-about-having-irish-twins-w164737


WOW! pregnant with both PCOS AND use of birth control. Guess it was meant to be (said with sarcasm and heavy eye rolling)

  • Love 8

WOW! pregnant with both PCOS AND use of birth control. Guess it was meant to be (said with sarcasm and heavy eye rolling)

So I have lurked forever and this comment made me register and post (hence my user name).

This Maci PCOS story has been such BS from the beginning. As a very thin person with PCOS I can tell you it's tough to get diagnosed with it, since Maci (and I) don't display the usual outward signs, the diagnosis depends upon several

Blood tests and ultrasounds (plural) usually only recommended when one is trying to conceive unsuccessfully, like I was.

I have managed to have four children despite having both PCOS and endometriosis, though the first two requires much intervention for infertility. And the last one, ironically enough, was conceived while very faithfully using my birth control. So it does happen. But you know what is MOST suspicious about this story is that when you take birth control, as a person with PCOS, it is even more noticeable that you've missed your period because that's the only time in your life you're regular. That's how I noticed.

So yes, her story about having PCOS is most likely BS, and if the doctor told her she couldn't get pregnant that's also a lie. I had two forms of infertility and my dr never said never. She told me to quit stressing by trying so hard naturally, but she didn't say I couldn't get pregnant. And the story about not knowing is also total BS. I figured she was waiting for the engagement to announce and didn't want people to think he only proposed because of the baby. She is obviously pregnant in many pics before announcing and there is just no way to write that off.

Edited by PCOS Babies
  • Love 5

Maci is so full of shit. Before I had even left the hospital after I had my son, the doctor and a CNM had both talked to me about what kind of birth control I wanted to get on. It wasn't even presented as "do you want birth control?" but more like "so, let's talk about what kind of birth control you want. You can get pregnant while breastfeeding. And you need to give your body some time to heal" etc.

At my first OB checkup post-birth (I think it was five-six weeks after the birth), we had the same talk and I left with a year's Rx for birth control pills. I've only ever gotten birth control pills as a year or 11/12 refills Rx. Why was Maci refilling her Rx less than a year after Jayde was born? Unless she just never got back on birth control after she had Jayde and was literally going to the doctor to get back on birth control, her story makes zero sense to me based on my experiences and experiences of many women I know.

Taylor, if you're going to continue having unprotected sex with this chick, you better get a vasectomy or at the very least, pull out. You should have learned after one "Miracle Baby" (and Maci should have too).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 5

So again, more maci drinking while pregnant. Clearly after black Friday. So in December and teo months pregnant.

I swear in a few scenes she already looked like she had a bump. Maybe it was because I know now she was pregnant and I was just seeing things or maybe it was just the kind of shirts she was wearing but it looked obvious to me. And clearly drinking. I'm having such a hard time believing she really didn't know she was pregnant.

  • Love 2

I'm not sure if Maci was in denial of the pregnancy or was embaressed. I wonder if someone told her they drank during pregnancy and the baby was born fine or she read some article to justify drinking. One of the most shocking things I have seen in my life (and I live in a polygamist area currently and have travelled the world) was when I was living in an upscale community of doctors while my husband was in residency. I was attending a baby shower. Everyone there was either a doctor or a wife of a doctor and a few NP/PA's. Besides the mom the shower was thrown for, there were 3 other pregnant women, and several breastfeeding. Not only was alcohol served at the shower , the pregnant moms drank. The imagine of a pregnant doctor with a wine glass resting on her 8 month pregnant stomach is burned in my brain. The conversation surrounded it was , it is okay to drink, in moderation when pregnant. These were doctors and doctors wives at a respected hospital that were preaching this. These women were not getting drunk but it takes just one women like this for someone like Maci to have her excuse that drinking is okay.


This is why reality tv can be so dangerous. We know Dr. Drew will gloss over Maci's drinking and give her a softball interview. Maybe joke about Irish twins but no real message will be sent to the young impressionable viewers on the show. Obviously teen mom has turned in the soap opera of our time. I think we really need some network to bring scripted soap opera back because it is not fair to be watching the kids of these kids on tv.

  • Love 2

I think when you're out of the first trimester, a glass of wine here and there is okay as long as you're not doing it weekly.

I remember this because when Kate Hudson was very pregnant, she was spotted drinking wine and a doctor said the above.

Actually, IF ANYTHING, the only "okay" time to consume alcohol while pregnant is late in the third trimester, when all of the critical organs and systems are largely developed already. Consuming alcohol in any quantity while the fetus is still just a bunch of cells multiplying and splitting to form a human being is decidedly NOT ok and is a direct cause of FAS.

The idea that Maci might have researched this issue, and made an informed decision regarding the occasional tipple during her first trimester based on what is best for her unborn child, though, is laughable. 

  • Love 1

I watched Maci's 16 & Pregnant recently. (Big organizing project, television necessary...)  It was fascinating to see both Maci and Ryan, in a very the-child-is-the-father-of-the-man sort of way.  They are just so recognizable. Maci is a mix of responsible (preparing for the baby) and weirdly risk-taking (four-wheeling at nine months pregnant).  Ryan is sleepy and disengaged.  I mean, some of the dialogue could have come from any episode this season ... or last season ... or the season before. Baby Maci was full of the same sort of bravado she still has now: she is the busiest, most productive, most sensible, and most hardworking person around.  


And I don't dislike her! I just find myself exhausted not by her actual circumstances but by her constantly reminding me just how exhausting her life is.  

  • Love 2

I think she is now the worst on this show as far as having more babies. Even Messer, who also has 3, only had TWO pregnancies. 


Leah had three pregnancies.



Teen Mom 2'sChelsea Houska is suffering from an addiction to Adam Lind's chintee, and the only cure? More leopard print. This gal had a pretty rough relationship with her infamous baby daddy, but little did we know she was financially supporting him during their affair to remember. Yep, Chelsea gave Adam $2,000 so he could buy a truck, and has he paid her back? Not so much.


"She had given him, or he took, or whatever, most of the rest of her money to put into his truck and such," Chelsea's dad, Randy Houska (aka Papa Randilicious) told Dr. Drew during the Teen Mom 2Season 3 reunion special. "She had none left … and it went to a truck. It didn't got to Aubree, it didn't go to this, it didn't go to that. And in the past, it was I'm gonna leave you if you don't get me a four-wheeler."


Adam straight-up denies threatening to leave Chelsea, but judging from the pained expression on her face, it looks like he was definitely using her. So, why did Chel-Chel give her man such a giant stack of dolla dolla bills?

"If we're together, I feel like everything was each other's," she explained. "I guess. As stupid as that might



Re whoever mentioned Chelsea would probably be supporting Adam like Maci is supporting Taylor - all signs point to yes. We all know Janelle takes care of her men. Is Kail the only one who takes instead of giving? There just doesn't seem to be any balance with these girls. But whatever, it's her money and her man; if she likes it, I love it, hopefully he'll stay with her and Ja(y)de, Bentley and little John McCain spend lots of time at Jen and Larry's so they'll be out of the line of fire when their drunken parents start fighting and accusing one another of ruining the other's life. Right before they start fighting about those damned t-shirts, AGAIN.

Edited by SnarkKitty
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It was definitely a weird scene, but I think that it may have been one of those parental moments where you're caught in a trap and don't know how to get out. There was an early episode of Modern Family where Phil and Claire are trying to figure out who burned a hole in the couch, and Phil threatens to cancel Christmas if no one confesses. Then they realize that if they don't follow through, they look weak, but neither of them actually wants to cancel Christmas. So Bentley back talked a bit regarding Maci's shoes not being put away, kind of just being a sassy kid, but it wasn't an appropriate thing to say to your parents (Even though I think it's not as effective as parent to tell your kid not to do something that you do). Plus, there were cameras there. So now Maci has been backed into this corner and has to do something or else risk being called out for not doing enough, but there really was no "good" solution there because it was just a stupid thing from the beginning. But I understand it.

  • Love 2

I loved that before being sent to his room for his "punishment" Maci had to remind Bentley to take off his microphone. This Teen Mom franchise is such a money-maker, I'll bet MTV exes are planning ahead for a new spin-off entitled...."I Was Raised by a Teen Mom." Expect to hear Bentley & Leah blame their mothers for everything that's gone wrong in their lives.....Sophia explaining why she needs to be an emancipated minor & Nova claiming she was too young to understand what was going on. 

  • Love 7

The truly depressing thing is that of the four of them, if you asked me who I would rather see have another baby right now, I would say Maci (while cringing). Matt is disgusting and I want him OUT of Leah's life yesterday, and I don't want him having any more children with anyone ever. Also, Amber is a shifty mom. Farrah is an absolute disaster incapable of acting like a normal human and putting anyone else's needs before her own, so forget that. And I feel like Catelynn has already bitten off more than she can chew by marrying Tyler and having Nova.

  • Love 4

I didn't think the Maci/Bentley thing was that bad. If I had caught my mom in the wrong mood with a "you leave your shoes all over" I might have been sent to my room too. She spoke forcefully and was obviously irritated, but I wouldn't say she was yelling or raging. I get it, Maci's annoying, but that just seemed like a pretty normal maybe less than stellar mom moment. Was I the only one that wasn't allowed to get away with sassy back talk to my mom?

  • Love 7

I agree that Bentley was being sassy talking back, and Taylor was wrong to laugh and that he needed to be corrected. But Bentley had a point, and Maci's little "I'm an adult, I do what I want" speech sounded like someone that just turned 18 yesterday. The best way to teach kids is to lead by example. If she really wanted Bentley to clean up his shoes, she would have said "You're right, I should pick up my shoes too. After we eat, we can both go and pick up our things and put them away."

  • Love 6

No, I definitely don't put up with sass. But I also believe in trying to be understanding and compassionate. I don't think Bentley MEANT to sass her. I think he thought he was just genuinely pointing out that she didn't put her shoes away. Hypocrisy can be confusing to kids. I don't blame a kid for thinking, "Why does she keep yelling at me about my shoes when hers are all over the house". So, to me, it wasn't the same as straight up sass. 


Either way, I would have been fine if she pointed out to him that he was being disrespectful and left it at that. But the bigger problem was when Taylor laughed at Bentley. To a child, that validates that they did something good/right/funny. But here is Mom getting even MORE angry? Again, confusing. But I did see a boy who realized he was in trouble and was TRYING to calm down. He was pinching his mouth closed, in an effort to try and stop laughing and regain his composure. How many of us have ever gotten the giggles and had a hard time calming down? I feel like adults often expect better behavior out of kids than we ourselves exhibit, and it should be quite the opposite. They're still learning.


 I just didn't like sending him off to his room while he was still eating, when I didn't think what he said was that big of a deal and I also thought he was trying to fix his behavior. I just hope she let him come back down and eat. 


But yes, overall, not the most egregious sin we've seen from these mothers, by far. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 3

Sold out does not mean successful.  A lot of reality stars have products and businesses...and they always are sold out.  It often means that the distribution was not good and they can not keep up with demand.  It seems like a happy problem, but if someone wants to buy a shirt and there are no shirts to buy, the business does not make money.


In short, might mean distribution or manufacturing problems.

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