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S13.E05: Orange County Hold ‘Em

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1 minute ago, Chicosan said:

I’m by no means an English major, but isn’t an adjective usually followed by a noun?  Asshole, misogynist, age shamer, man-boobed Shane saying Gina “was drunken” explains why he is hesitant to take the bar exam. 

I don't know, watching this show makes me drunken......

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29 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

The Orange County girls are losing me.  It's hard to stay interested and I kept changing channels.  

I watch the New York version which is fun. I think I'm done with Orange County - are there any other HWs in the franchise that I should watch?  

Agreed. OC just really pales in comparison to the NY gals for me. 

I really like Beverly Hills - they are my 2nd fave after NY.  I have watched ATL since the beginning, so I'm still sticking it out with them, but I'm losing more and more interest each season. 

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2 hours ago, Kiki777 said:


I wonder if Shane as a Mormon was offended at all the drinking and ga


His mother and sister were pounding the fireball and he drank a Diet Coke last week, caffeine is also a no go.

I think I am done with Gina. She wants to be loud and have opinions but she doesn’t want anyone to judge her on her opinions. I mean I 100% agree with her about Vicki being shady in the Michael/Kelly situation but it’s still me judging her opinion and they have had two dinner where they were all together and she brought up both times her age and she doesn’t have to wear spanx/only has her fresh face. That is being a judgemental asshole.

Also, for the millionth time on these shows you have never seen your friend in Long Islands weird vagina. It’s her labia, by the description most likely her labia major, why do women on so many shows not know their own bodies!

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2 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:


I feel bad for Eddie his health issues are serious and he's in a car with a camera and those two. Yeah he made those choices but I still felt bad for him.

Yes, I feel terrible for Eddie, too.....I like him, he is a straight-shooter, I don't know if his meds make him appear to be shutting down or maybe it's his way of coping with his health issues, but I think he needed to be dealing with it all without the cameras in his face....I hope he is doing better...

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2 hours ago, nr65000 said:

So remember how Emily said they had been platonic coworkers for years and then one day out of the blue he called (or maybe texted?) her and asked her to marry him.  I mean, none of their story reads like anything other than a marriage of convenience.  What that convenience might be, I am unclear.  Not exactly a love story for the ages, but hey if it works then what do I care...although it does seem like Emily tries to pry the romance from him.  It seems like she's more invested emotionally or romantically.  If I had to speculate I would posit that he is repressing his sexuality due to his religion and was getting pressure to get married and have a family.  He just seems miserable to me.

That’s right - thanks! I knew she’d said something about their relationship, but couldn’t remember what it was. Maybe both Gina and Emily are on their way out of marriages, and needing that Bravo salary.

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11 hours ago, SCS said:


Plus why hold this over Vix, only? It doesn't appear that Tamra or Shannon reached out with T'giving invites either (or did i miss it?)

I don't think it was so much that she expected to be invited to ANY of their homes for Thanksgiving, but the fact that her ex received an invite. This is her first Thanksgiving alone. She spends it at a club. I think she's on the outs with her family. And then she finds out that Michael was invited to Vicki's! This isn't the same as a big, backyard BBQ. Holiday dinners are generally smaller, more intimate. I think I'd find that even more egregious than the set-up. 

I really think Vicki has tossed Kelly aside since repairing things with Shannon and Tamra. I think Vicki was expecting them to turn on Kelly with her, but they're actually defending Kelly. So now she's kind of stuck and doesn't know what to do. 

11 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Yeah I am not liking family scenes with screaming little kids.  If I want that shit I'll turn on the UP channel where all they run are those godawful shows of families with like 13 kids.  No thank you.

I'm probably alone in this, but I sort of loved the scene where Gina told her son, "So maybe math's not your thing."


1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

I actually thought that's where he was going  when he left before everyone got there. HA!

So did I! Or across the street to sleep at his sister's house? They said "goodbye" and left. That's why I was shocked that she was supposedly still up at 10 and disturbed by Gina. 

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Even though Emily is pretty quiet and seems a bit boring I’m giving her a pass because her family is EXTRA. Sister in law is rowdy and likes to party, mother in law is chomping at the bit to be on camera, and even though Shane seems like a douche, I think his comments were about Vicki. Can’t hate the man for hating on Vicki. 

Kelly has a new spirit animal and her name is Pary !! 

Gotta love Shannon’s enthusiasm and zest for life. Screw David. 

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14 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I'm probably alone in this, but I sort of loved the scene where Gina told her son, "So maybe math's not your thing."

You’re not alone - that scene cracked me up!

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A man just randomly glances around a room and just happens to see Kelly and that turns into homeboy checking her out, lol. I guess it’s great that she’s confident post-divorce and I’m all for it so long as you keep your face sucking sessions off my TV screen. Thanks a bunch.

If I had a friend who owned a gym and would give me free access to the gym and its amenities, I would be all over that! I get that Shannon’s more self-conscious because she’s out of shape and doesn’t want to be the person jogging on the treadmill ready to keel over and die while everyone else is running at a level 10 without breaking a sweat, but she needs to shake the mentality that only fit people go to the gym. People who are trying to get fit also go to the gym! But if she’s able to find workout success with home equipment, then good for it. That would never work for me. Makes it way too easy to procrastinate until there are no more hours left in the day for me to reasonably workout.

I don’t blame Tamra for being upset by Shannon’s lack of interest in what’s going on in her life. If Tamra is picking up the phone at midnight to listen to you vent and cry, then don’t take pride in being a good friend if you can’t reciprocate, especially in a time of need. 

Kelly’s always talking about dating but Emily’s mother in law gave her the right answer – a bunch means nobody! Also, where the hell do you eat a dinner for 2 for $700? I know I’m not of the upper class lifestyle, but really, how does that happen? Unless you ordered a really expensive bottle of champagne or something. Okay, so we’re going to bring up the Michael thing again…but man, how does Vicki sit at an entire table of people who ALL agree with Kelly that what she did was not the behavior of a friend and Vicki continues to sit there and defend it. Just because you don’t intend to hurt someone doesn’t mean that your actions can’t have that affect and if you truly weren’t being malicious, why is it so hard to come from a genuine place of regret? Maybe Kelly would finally let this thing die if Vickie showed even the slightest bit of remorse or compassion for how she made Kelly feel…instead she thinks Kelly is crazy for being hurt by Vicki’s actions. I really like how Gina handled the situation at the table in the way she addressed both Vicki and Kelly.

I actually loved how annoyed all of them were with Gina. Vicki constantly screams but wants Gina to use her library voice, lol. Gina is drunk and playing off a botox joke that was made by someone else, which they all laughed at, but a general comment at the table is taken as a direct hit to Shannon. I wouldn’t mind if Emily’s mom in law became a regular, lol. Shane’s a bit of an asshole with how he handled the Gina situation and then his follow-up comments about women. Not impressed. 

I feel really bad for Eddie. He looked so defeated. I haven’t followed anything about his journey outside of the show but I hope that he’s doing better.

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i wasn't going to watch this season because, well, Vicky. Can not stand. But I guess I'm back in because I love Shannon. Glad to see her and Kelly bonding. Hated Kelly previously but am starting to like her.

Really Vicky? You invited Michael for Thanksgiving , not Kelly. What a POS. Words cannot begin to tell how I feel about her. She is my most hated housewife ever. Whoever posted earlier that Satan Andy has forced the others to make up with her, is prob right on. Who (except Tamara) would really want to be around her loud nasty cancer lying no girl code friend betraying ass.

Feeling really bad and worried for Eddie. I have afib too and it's very scary. I've had 2 ablations, which made my episodes less frequent and not as bad, but didn't stop them. And the heart jolt - so scary. I'm on the meds now that they're talking about giving him and am doing better. It's frightening that they can't get him back in sinus rhythm even with the jolts.

As a former NY girl, I get Gina and am giving her a chance. I'm used to over the top screeching women (I did however move to Maine decades ago, so there's that!)  The other one, Emily? is boring and her husband is a douche in the vein of so many housewife husbands. Most of whom are now divorced. He's over her and she should be over him. I give them 6 months.

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14 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

I did. In My FAMILY VAN!! Stopped and fill my love tank along the way. but I swear, i have never had a 3 way in all my life.

But did you hook up with a toothless Greek man in Mexico???


I do not like Parry.  I want her to go away.  She is scary to look at.  She was in every camera shot, somehow at every angle!  


13 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I’m assuming Pary is too wealthy to wear that wig.


13 hours ago, SCS said:

But wait -- there's more! What if the twerp was on your computer screen too!?




Who are the two most backstabbing people his mother has ever known??  That casts a big net!



12 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

I don't buy this at all. For as much eye-rolling as Brianna did at Vicki, she never had a problem accepting things from her. I mean, she IS Vicki. I suspect her husband, Ryan the abusive Douche, is the reason that she left Orange County. She was in way too big a hurry to get back there for Vicki to really be that big of a problem for her. But, Ryan's behavior was getting a lot of unwanted attention and now she is away from any of her family and her only support system is Ryan and his family. I'm actually a little worried about her being cut off from everyone considering his temper. 


I did not like Ryan at first, but all of the social media crap he has been throwing at Vicki recently has been awesome and I now love him.  I think he was given a bad edit because he didn't want to play the reality show game.

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13 hours ago, oceanview said:

When I see Gina with her hair long, or her hand covering the lower part of her face , she looks just like Brianna.   It really shocks me every time

I kept confusedly thinking she was Brianna for a second too.  So weird!!

Emily did score points with me though for describing her day job as "I write fancy emails.  I use big words."  I'm a corporate attorney.  That sums up my day pretty well, except I also write long documents.

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

His mother and sister were pounding the fireball and he drank a Diet Coke last week, caffeine is also a no go.


A former co-worker was Mormon, seemed to keep pretty strictly to the rules but she would drink Diet Dr. Pepper on the regular.  It was like there was a loophole somewhere because whenever the no caffeine rule was created soda didn't exist.  It cracked me up.  She's a rebel Mormon.

Edited by TexasGal
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20 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

But did you hook up with a toothless Greek man in Mexico???

I do not like Parry.  I want her to go away.  She is scary to look at.  She was in every camera shot, somehow at every angle!  


Who are the two most backstabbing people his mother has ever known??  That casts a big net!


I did not like Ryan at first, but all of the social media crap he has been throwing at Vicki recently has been awesome and I now love him.  I think he was given a bad edit because he didn't want to play the reality show game.

How does vilifying Vicki make Ryan look good? He's a loser of the highest order! He's been leeching off MOM since I can started surfin' by this ridiculous show a few years ago! I just happened to flip by when all were trying to deal with a court case! Not sure what Ryan did; probably malingering with public drunkenness! "Anywho," the prosecutor had offered Ryan a plea and he'd only have to do some community service! Like a junkie who asks, "how much time without treatment," he said, "I'd rather do the 5 days in jail!" Tamra barely blinked and I guess accepted it! IDK anyone's who's that much of a useless human being! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
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1 hour ago, Fiero425 said:

How does vilifying Vicki make Ryan look good? He's a loser of the highest order! He's been leeching off MOM since I can started surfin' by this ridiculous show a few years ago! I just happened to flip by when all were trying to deal with a court case! Not sure what Ryan did; probably malingering with public drunkenness! "Anywho," the prosecutor had offered Ryan a plea and he'd only have to do some community service! Like a junkie who asks, "how much time without treatment," he said, "I'd rather do the 5 days in jail!" Tamra barely blinked and I guess accepted it! IDK anyone's who's that much of a useless human being! ;-)

I was talking about Briana's husband Ryan.  He came across as unhinged when he was yelling at Lydia's mom, a few seasons ago, but now I have seen him take aim at Vicki, calling her out on soc media, and I love him.  Also, now that I know more about Lydia and her mother and their "Paris Hilton money" (gag, who brags like that???), I am not mad at him for yelling at her anymore.  


Tamra's disguating rat-faced son Ryan is awful.  Yeah he did decide to do jail time instead of community service, I want to say it was in Season 2.  

I am curious who he is calling out in his instagram post - whomever his wife (ex-wife?) went out with, two backstabbers.  Did he ever name names?

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10 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I was talking about Briana's husband Ryan.  He came across as unhinged when he was yelling at Lydia's mom, a few seasons ago, but now I have seen him take aim at Vicki, calling her out on soc media, and I love him.  Also, now that I know more about Lydia and her mother and their "Paris Hilton money" (gag, who brags like that???), I am not mad at him for yelling at her anymore.  


Tamra's disguating rat-faced son Ryan is awful.  Yeah he did decide to do jail time instead of community service, I want to say it was in Season 2.  

I am curious who he is calling out in his instagram post - whomever his wife (ex-wife?) went out with, two backstabbers.  Did he ever name names?

OITA about Ryan looking unhinged by yelling at Lydia's mom! I wouldn't have been happy about her making herself TOO comfortable the way she did; blitzed and passing out on the couch, but it was an over the top reaction! It must have been a flashback on Tamra's son because I know I wasn't watching back then! I've never been a big fan of reality TV, but actually got caught up with "Top Chef" and "Project Runway" when I moved back to Chicago and they were playing these marathons on Bravo! It was a new thing for me and I even started blogging about the shows! I still don't do just any; never seen those "Big Brother" or matchmaker type of programs where we just see how cutthroat people can be to one another! Give me a little competition and entertainment like Gordon Ramsey losing his $#!t and throwing food around "Hell's Kitchen" while berating some poor chef who fk'd up! Now I'm a little obsessed with "RHNY" & "ATL!" The others can go away, but I'll flip by periodically and maybe check the reunion! You can learn about the entire season by waiting for it; esp. if they go 3 or 4 parts like they did last year for "RHWA" with the Phaedra and Porsha BIG LIE! ;-)

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:


I'm probably alone in this, but I sort of loved the scene where Gina told her son, "So maybe math's not your thing."



I actually hated that scene. It was such a crappy thing to say to your kid, and she only did it for the benefit of the cameras...trying to be funny. 

The more I see Gina, the less I like her.

Edited by pinky33
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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:





I did not like Ryan at first, but all of the social media crap he has been throwing at Vicki recently has been awesome and I now love him.  I think he was given a bad edit because he didn't want to play the reality show game.

What's he saying?  I don't know why he would bash Vicki.  She's been very helpful to them.

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32 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

I was talking about Briana's husband Ryan.  He came across as unhinged when he was yelling at Lydia's mom, a few seasons ago, but now I have seen him take aim at Vicki, calling her out on soc media, and I love him. 

This just makes me dislike him even more. Considering how much he was willing to take from Vicki in terms of a really nice place to stay, help with their mortgage and free childcare when he was down with his back problems (not to mention that both Ryan and Brianna had absolutely no qualms about Vicki paying for a full-on wedding for them after they eloped). But then again, his unhinged yelling at Lydia's mom showed him to be exactly the type of asshole that would make himself at home in someone else's house and even be prepared to claim that it was his house when the old lady in question had the audacity to ask him who he was, only to turn on the actual homeowner for defending her friend. 

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15 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

  Kelly and Shannon hated each other until recently.

Probably right around the time the contracts for this season were signed? ;-D

Or maybe not -- maybe they genuinely made their peace. In any event, I like the 2 of them together.

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15 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Kelly's going to have to learn to rely on herself. She had Jolie for Thanksgiving. The two of them might have had fun cooking a traditional meal themselves

Oh, Kelly. Shut. It. She has a mother, father and brother and a lot of friends. I don't know where they all were but it's not like she was some homeless orphan at Thanksgiving and Vicki is her only friend in the world. She hated Michael's guts, treated him horribly in front of the camera, she wanted a divorce so stop already. 

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15 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

This just makes me dislike him even more. Considering how much he was willing to take from Vicki in terms of a really nice place to stay, help with their mortgage and free childcare when he was down with his back problems (not to mention that both Ryan and Brianna had absolutely no qualms about Vicki paying for a full-on wedding for them after they eloped). But then again, his unhinged yelling at Lydia's mom showed him to be exactly the type of asshole that would make himself at home in someone else's house and even be prepared to claim that it was his house when the old lady in question had the audacity to ask him who he was, only to turn on the actual homeowner for defending her friend. 

I'm one of those people who really dislikes Briana a lot! Vicki's done so much for her and her husband, but she has absolutely no qualms about "dropping a dime" on her own mother; even in the show! Why would a person go on TV in a TH and tell the world her mother's a drama queen and probably is never as hurt as she says? Vicki could have been killed in that RV accident a couple years ago in the DUNES, but Bri was non plus about it and didn't give her mom any credit for being hurt! Vicki's a lot more forgiving because that b!tch would be out in the cold if she pulled that $#!t with me even if she is my daughter! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
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4 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

While I agree that Vicki is awful, there are plenty of people calling her out for her behavior (online and on television). Ryan is just showing what an ungrateful asshole he is, and I refuse to cheer him on for that. Vicki couldn't facetime with the grandkids one day and that wipes out all of the multiple trips she makes out there to take care of them and give him and Brianna some time away from the kids? Or, the fact that she gave them a free place to live, help with their down payment, and even an opportunity for a job? Ryan can suck it!

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1 minute ago, MatildaMoody said:

While I agree that Vicki is awful, there are plenty of people calling her out for her behavior (online and on television). Ryan is just showing what an ungrateful asshole he is, and I refuse to cheer him on for that. Vicki couldn't facetime with the grandkids one day and that wipes out all of the multiple trips she makes out there to take care of them and give him and Brianna some time away from the kids? Or, the fact that she gave them a free place to live, help with their down payment, and even an opportunity for a job? Ryan can suck it!

Well that's 2 of us that have contempt for these OC lowlifes! Both are ungrateful wretches! ;-)

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2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I don’t blame Tamra for being upset by Shannon’s lack of interest in what’s going on in her life. If Tamra is picking up the phone at midnight to listen to you vent and cry, then don’t take pride in being a good friend if you can’t reciprocate, especially in a time of need. 

I'm not surprised about Shannon because I always felt she was a completely self centered, spoiled woman. I did, however, love love love Tamra being so butt hurt over Shannon and Kelly bonding. Her face in that scene at the gym was so tight and hard it was damn scary. I guess lighting really is everything. 

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1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm not surprised about Shannon because I always felt she was a completely self centered, spoiled woman. I did, however, love love love Tamra being so butt hurt over Shannon and Kelly bonding. Her face in that scene at the gym was so tight and hard it was damn scary. I guess lighting really is everything. 

I completely agree about Shannon and Tamra! Shannon is very self-centered (even though I do think she can be a real hoot). But Tams? She has been trying really hard for the past couple of years to put on a good front of being a nice person. But man, she really can't hide what's in her nature. She'll be looking for a way to break up any developing friendship between Shannon and Kelly. She is one of those people who can't have more than a certain number of friends without turning on someone. 

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5 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

While I agree that Vicki is awful, there are plenty of people calling her out for her behavior (online and on television). Ryan is just showing what an ungrateful asshole he is, and I refuse to cheer him on for that. Vicki couldn't facetime with the grandkids one day and that wipes out all of the multiple trips she makes out there to take care of them and give him and Brianna some time away from the kids? Or, the fact that she gave them a free place to live, help with their down payment, and even an opportunity for a job? Ryan can suck it!

Agree! Ryan is an unappreciative, ungrateful ass. Maybe Vicki was working or in meetings. The woman does have to work. I doubt the grandkids tried 20 times to face time. 20 times? C'mon Ryan. 

By the way, that is one beautiful house he and Brianna are living in. You can bet didn't buy that on a military salary. Money goes a lot farther in NC but still I'm sure Vicki pitched in on that pruchase. 

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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

But did you hook up with a toothless Greek man in Mexico???


I do not like Parry.  I want her to go away.  She is scary to look at.  She was in every camera shot, somehow at every angle!  




Who are the two most backstabbing people his mother has ever known??  That casts a big net!




I did not like Ryan at first, but all of the social media crap he has been throwing at Vicki recently has been awesome and I now love him.  I think he was given a bad edit because he didn't want to play the reality show game.


Responding to bolded part - I'm guessing Simon and the daughter who is estranged from Tamra??? Doesn't really make sense since Ryan's baby momma came into the family post-Simon, but that's the only twosome I can think of that he would refer to as "backstabbing"... Ryan's such a douche... STILL appearing on the show with his mom... does he work??? Good grief...

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I don’t even like Vicki but I would never question her loyalty and devotion to her kids and grandkids. For the amount of help she’s offered and given to Briana and her family, where Ryan has been a benefactor of, he should really shut his mouth. Vicki did all she could to keep Briana and her grandchildren close to her but they chose to leave. She works, she’s got a boyfriend and friends (surprisingly enough) and another child close to him. The idea that you and your family members can call or FaceTime here whenever you want and then call her out via social media because she didn’t pick up. He fully intended to make her look like a shitty grandma and I’m not buying that from him.

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Yeah, Vicki helps her family out, but the price they pay is higher than current interest rates.  And why shouldn’t they expect her help?  Bitch needs a storyline.  She uses them, they expect payment.  

Quid pro quo.  Also, cancer scam.  Never forget.

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17 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Michael is acting like he’d like to be anywhere except on camera in that room with Vicki. 

I agree...he seems like a nice enough guy but with little backbone. The best thing he could have done for himself would have been to get a job with another company and move to another state. Vicki has some hold over him and treats him like a little kid. Her badgering of him get married and asking if she could go on vacation with him and his girlfriend was cringe worthy. Cut the apron strings and let this kid go already...

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16 hours ago, bagger said:

Why does Vicki have to tell everyone that she helped her kids buy their homes. Maybe that’s why Brianna packed up and left got sick and tired of hearing about how much help her mother is to her.

So true! she's the type of parent that "helps" her children financially and "gifts" them with cars and houses but has to always remind them of how generous she's been to them. Sort of like blackmail. They should refuse her "gifts"...always strings attached to anything Vicki does for someone.

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3 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Yeah, Vicki helps her family out, but the price they pay is higher than current interest rates. 


If they feel this way, all they have to do is say no. They don't. They take and then complain that it isn't on their terms. 

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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

His mother and sister were pounding the fireball and he drank a Diet Coke last week, caffeine is also a no go.



Not for years, approx from the early 90s when the Church was rumored to have purchased shares in Coca Cola. I checked (want to be thorough here) and the Church is currently not listed as a major shareholder in Coca Cola (which, of course, doesn't mean it's not a minor shareholder or was a major shareholder in the past.) From what I recall from those long-ago days when a colleague (who was a proud ex-Mormon) explained:

After the Church bought the Coke stock, its Elders (or whatever they're called) mutually experienced divine revelation that caffeine in hot drinks was still bad but caffeine in cold beverages was OK. I am unclear if this means iced coffee and tea are acceptable, which would suggest the revelation was about temperature rather than stimulation but, alas, I am no theologian.

This article -- 



-- from The Salt Lake Trib discusses how caffeinated cold drinks are now allowed on the campus of BYU and mentions the reinterpretation(?) of LDS scripture.


That health code, which appears in the faith’s scriptures (Doctrine and Covenants Section 89), prohibits “hot drinks” — defined by top LDS leaders as tea and coffee — as well as alcohol and tobacco, but does not specifically bar caffeine, church leaders reaffirmed in 2012.


Curiously, it also says:


Those soda products will, under a longstanding contract, continue to be provided by the Coca-Cola Co.

On a lighter note: there are quite a few comments to slog through if you're so inclined. This one amused me:


They still ban girls from sitting on the washing machine during the spin cycle.

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3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

But did you hook up with a toothless Greek man in Mexico???


I do not like Parry.  I want her to go away.  She is scary to look at.  She was in every camera shot, somehow at every angle!  




Who are the two most backstabbing people his mother has ever known??  That casts a big net!




I did not like Ryan at first, but all of the social media crap he has been throwing at Vicki recently has been awesome and I now love him.  I think he was given a bad edit because he didn't want to play the reality show game.

Ryan had a domestic violence charge on his first wife.  He is an abusive douche and gun toting one at that. He has a bad temper and in very controlling. Brianna may be drawn to someone like that since she was abused earlier in life. I am worried for her safety also.

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2 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Ryan had a domestic violence charge on his first wife.  He is an abusive douche and gun toting one at that. He has a bad temper and in very controlling. Brianna may be drawn to someone like that since she was abused earlier in life. I am worried for her safety also.

There was also an ex-girlfriend who had him arrested for choking her. I am worried for Brianna as well, because she is completely cut off from her family on the other side of the country. 

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12 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Yeah, Vicki helps her family out, but the price they pay is higher than current interest rates.  And why shouldn’t they expect her help?  Bitch needs a storyline.  She uses them, they expect payment.  

Quid pro quo.  Also, cancer scam.  Never forget.

Yea, Vicki likes to present the IMAGE of herself as this gregarious mother and grandmother. But she's not really giving anyone anything. They gotta pay for it. And I totally think she has some version of Munchausen where she gets off on using her daughter's illness as a storyline. I'd run for the west coast too, if I were them. 

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8 minutes ago, SCS said:

Not for years, approx from the early 90s when the Church was rumored to have purchased shares in Coca Cola

Guess I know a lot of uninformed Mormons because they still refuse. That said his wife, mother, and sister were drinking fireball so clearly he is around people who drink. 

Edited by biakbiak
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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


Tamra's disguating rat-faced son Ryan is awful.  Yeah he did decide to do jail time instead of community service, I want to say it was in Season 2.  

I am curious who he is calling out in his instagram post - whomever his wife (ex-wife?) went out with, two backstabbers.  Did he ever name names?

It's an older IG but the quickest one I could find to show Ryan in all his studly (!) glory. 

Edited by SCS
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4 hours ago, sandyskyblue said:

Yes, I feel terrible for Eddie, too.....I like him, he is a straight-shooter, I don't know if his meds make him appear to be shutting down or maybe it's his way of coping with his health issues, but I think he needed to be dealing with it all without the cameras in his face....I hope he is doing better...

Eddie is not the same guy he was when Tamra introduced him to the show...I see a guy that seems depressed, belligerent and unhappy. I understand he's ill...I have AFib too...I know how frustrating it can be to be sick and be upbeat when the procedures aren't working...it's awful. But even before all of this he seemed miserable and angry. Tamra should really think about quitting this show and concentrate on her husband's health and well being and maybe fixing things with her daughter.

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Just now, kicksave said:

Eddie is not the same guy he was when Tamra introduced him to the show...I see a guy that seems depressed, belligerent and unhappy. I understand he's ill...I have AFib too...I know how frustrating it can be to be sick and be upbeat when the procedures aren't working...it's awful. But even before all of this he seemed miserable and angry. Tamra should really think about quitting this show and concentrate on her husband's health and well being and maybe fixing things with her daughter.

Tamra was willing to lose Sidney; you think she cares more about Eddie than her fame Ho-dom? NOT! IDK why anyone should be shocked? Even the best of marriages have been tested with these shows! ;-)

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8 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Tamra should really think about quitting this show and concentrate on her husband's health and well being and maybe fixing things with her daughter.

Never going to happen. Just 2 episodes ago she's running around drunk and naked on national TV while her husband is seriously sick and her daughter is still estranged from her and has made it clear she is embarrassed by her behavior. Cut Fitness must be nothing but a hobby, not a big income producer for them so where else besides the show is the money going to come from for Tamra and Eddie? Nowhere else. Tamra did not marry a wealthy man so shes gotta keep collecting those checks, she's the breadwinner in the family!!

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16 hours ago, bagger said:

Me thinks Andy put his foot down and told Tamra and Shannon to make up with Vicki. Now Shannon is bonding with Kelly and leaving Tamra behind WITH VICKI and Tamra is not liking that. Kelly was ride or die for Vicki her first two seasons even after Vicki made her look like a douche on the trip to Ireland. I’m glad she’s off that bandwagon, i like her and Shannon together. 

I think so as well.  When Shannon agreed at the party that Vicki didn't treat Kelly well by keeping Michael's secret the look on her face to ME showed she is not over their issues but playing along. 

This season isn't working for me.  I loathe Vicki, Tamra I am not thrilled with (and man she looks hard this season), Shannon cracks me up but I think T and V bring out the worst in her, the only thing I like about Gina is her telling V she was a loser but the kid stuff bores the snot out of me, Emily bugs me and she can take her husband and mother in law with her but her sister in law can stay, Kelly I generally don't like because she is crass and crazy but her finding the real Vicki is somewhat entertaining.  This just isn't a good mix of people.  I do not know what Emily's husband wants out of this.  He has zero interest in his wife, doesn't enjoy loud older women, it's a mystery.  I am guessing they need the $ because they also don't seem to have anything to promote.  I see Emily's event planning as a hobby for a bored person.  I saw nothing at her party that would make me want to hire her.  Unless something changes I am out.  This is a HUGE dud season.

16 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Yes, she does look like her.  I like her, even if she wears beauty supply store wigs.   Can she be a housewife?  

This is hilarious!  

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3 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

i wasn't going to watch this season because, well, Vicky. Can not stand. But I guess I'm back in because I love Shannon. Glad to see her and Kelly bonding. Hated Kelly previously but am starting to like her.

Really Vicky? You invited Michael for Thanksgiving , not Kelly. What a POS. Words cannot begin to tell how I feel about her. She is my most hated housewife ever. Whoever posted earlier that Satan Andy has forced the others to make up with her, is prob right on. Who (except Tamara) would really want to be around her loud nasty cancer lying no girl code friend betraying ass.

Feeling really bad and worried for Eddie. I have afib too and it's very scary. I've had 2 ablations, which made my episodes less frequent and not as bad, but didn't stop them. And the heart jolt - so scary. I'm on the meds now that they're talking about giving him and am doing better. It's frightening that they can't get him back in sinus rhythm even with the jolts.

As a former NY girl, I get Gina and am giving her a chance. I'm used to over the top screeching women (I did however move to Maine decades ago, so there's that!)  The other one, Emily? is boring and her husband is a douche in the vein of so many housewife husbands. Most of whom are now divorced. He's over her and she should be over him. I give them 6 months.

you had me at "really".  I abhor VG - yuck, and she looks like she smells like an old lady.  Emeraude cologne.  

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