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S03.E12: Homecoming

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Did we just witness J's first murder?   

Smurf sure does have her boys spun doesn't she.  I mean they are playing checkers while she is playing chess.  Pope sets out to murder her and she counters with adopting Lena so he can't.  He tries to do the right thing by letting her stay with her foster family and she counters by making him live with her so she can control him again which is probably what she wanted from the start.

Frankie and Craig make an interesting pairing.    

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 2

Guess J did away with the lawyer, but I hope not.  I really did not want him to be a killer!  And what is with Adrian?  Did not quite get it...help, someone!  Is he smuggling something in the surf board?  if so, why does he need all that cash?  Or maybe he is being paid in advance for whatever is making the board too heavy.

Edited by lazylou

Well, now we know J is a fan of Dexter Morgan. WTF was that? 

Smurf threatening to pull Lena out of school was ice cold.

I don't understand why Frankie would hook up with a dirtbag like Billy, she is way out of his league. Then again Billy is an older, uglier version of Craig so I guess the girl has a type.

Speaking of Craig, he cleans up real nice.

Edited by lanter
  • Love 2

I’m confused about what J did or didn’t do or what Morgan did or didn’t do in regard to a property being sold. Are the writers trying to keep us guessing or did I just not get it?

Deran’s “what should we do, kill her?” Was such clunky and obvious writing. Something like, “She’s never going to leave us alone or let us have our own lives.”  *Pope stares meaningfully at Deran* This would have been at least somewhat more subtle. 

  • Love 1
  On 8/15/2018 at 5:37 AM, solea said:

I’m confused about what J did or didn’t do or what Morgan did or didn’t do in regard to a property being sold. Are the writers trying to keep us guessing or did I just not get it?

Deran’s “what should we do, kill her?” Was such clunky and obvious writing. Something like, “She’s never going to leave us alone or let us have our own lives.”  *Pope stares meaningfully at Deran* This would have been at least somewhat more subtle. 


I think there are two possibilities here, regarding J and Morgan.  Or a combination of the two.  1) J found a private buyer for the Carlsbad property himself and sold it, thinking Smurf was not going to get out of jail and actually needing money to finance the expenses involved with the family properties...the boys are not going to be willing to endlessly work for virtually no reward just to keep financing the family buildings, and J may have depleted his own funds, or fear that he is about to deplete them, knowing that Smurf will never reimburse him.  Or, depending on when this happened, he may have wanted to buy that bowling alley and the laundromat so they do not have to use Smurf to launder their money.   2) Morgan actually did buy the Carlsbad property herself and then possibly resold it, leaving J to take the blame.  3) Morgan bought the Carlsbad property but left J to take the blame.  From the final remark Morgan made about the trust, sounds as though she did not help J to set up those cut out corporations he wanted, so I think maybe J did it himself with the help of another lawyer or banker and then fixed the books to make it appear Morgan was defrauding Smurf.  All this happened because neither Morgan nor J thought Smurf was getting out of jail.  Let us hope that J did a good job on the books making it look as though Morgan is the guilty party...If I remember correctly, the real books are the old fashioned pen and paper ledger and the fake ones are on the computer as far as the rents are concerned.  It would have been much easier for him to fix the computerized records once Smurf is back on the scene.

  • Love 1

Poor J! Thinking Mia is the only one he can trust. He should have made plans to leave town and never return.

Morgan should have added Jiu Jitsu to workout routine.

Wouldn't there be people or a life guard type watching Morgan swim and see a boat pick her up?

That's a cruel way for Morgan's end. I hope she is rescued by the Coast Guard or someone finds her before Meg.

Edited by mxc90
  • Love 2

Dammit I liked the actress who played the lawyer.  But I guess she had to go knowing J was playing both sides.  Still having him kill someone.   Even though he did it in some cruel ass way it was somewhat passive.  It will be interesting when he actually sticks a knife in someone.  


Frankie is starting to grow on me.  I like the idea of her and Craig working together.  Of course eventually Smurf is going to put a stop to it.  Until then they are fun and pretty together.  

  • Love 1
  On 8/15/2018 at 2:18 AM, Chaos Theory said:

I mean they are playing checkers while she is playing chess.  



I love that analogy; and it's so true!

  On 8/15/2018 at 4:57 AM, Raja said:

Was that the first confirmation that J is Baz's son?. Chumming the waters and feeding some one to the sharks, that's some Bond villain shit. Just kill someone outright if it is a job.


Well, technically J wouldn't be killing her.  A shark would :)

I *think* that that is the first time anyone came out and said J was Baz's son, although I know it's been alluded to before.  Can anyone else weigh in?


Also, it gave me the chills when Pope agreed to live at home in exchange for Smurf allowing Lena to be adopted and Smurf said something like "It'll be like she never existed."  Poor little thing; I hope she can be happy now. LOL, can you imagine the look on Lena's foster parents faces when they opened the door and came face to face with Pope and his dead eyes?  Yikes!

Edited by Pink-n-Green
  • Love 2
  On 8/15/2018 at 1:05 PM, Pink-n-Green said:

I love that analogy; and it's so true!

Well, technically J wouldn't be killing her.  A shark would :)

I *think* that that is the first time anyone came out and said J was Baz's son, although I know it's been alluded to before.  Can anyone else weigh in?


Also, it gave me the chills when Pope agreed to live at home in exchange for Smurf allowing Lena to be adopted and Smurf said something like "It'll be like she never existed."  Poor little thing; I hope she can be happy now. LOL, can you imagine the look on Lena's foster parents faces when they opened the door and came face to face with Pope and his dead eyes?  Yikes!


In another episode earlier this season when J visited Smurf in prison she said "well, of course he was" when J mentioned the possibility of Baz being his father.  But, Smurf lies to control them, so who knows if what she says is true.

Pope is insane, but damn if I don't feel bad for him.  Smurf plays him at every turn.

  • Love 3

It seems you can't trust anyone on this show. Out of nowhere, we see Adrian doing something that was not ethical merely by the expression on his face. What could that be all about? First Billy takes Deran's money, now Adrian up to something that may hurt Deran? Speaking of Billy, did anyone miss his character in this last show? Did the writers get rid of him? As  for J pulling what looks like a real Pope character by throwing Morgan to the sharks? Nice, clean cut boy personna, gone. It wouldn't surprise me that Morgan swims to shore. and appears in a confrontational mode in next years installments. Hate these serial shows...now we have to wait almost a full year for next installments, after next weeks Finale.

The overall plot depends on two things, so far as I can see. Is it plausible that Lucy, a hard cartelista, wouldn't kill Smurf for fear of eventual revenge from the sons? If so, her being satisfied with a confession to split the family and neutralize their long-term threat makes a little bit of sense. True, it nevertheless seems unlikely she wouldn't just have random unknown hit men take out the Cody boys, one by one. But maybe she's not that high up in the gang and no one will approve that much work for her personal revenge? For the sake of the story, give it a rest.

The other thing of course, would Smurf have Baz killed if she knew where the money was, rather than simply stealing it back? Sorry but that seems unlikely. And waiting hours and hours after Baz' death to send her minions really seems incredibly imprudent. Smurf surely worried about someone else getting the stash, which is why Lucy's survival in the first place is so suspect. If Smurf didn't know right away that Baz was dead, it would explain the delay. Also, whoever first broke into the stash passed on the hard to fence jewelry and precious metals. Lucy had the resources to fence the stuff. 

As for Mia, the apparent trigger, she works for J. Really the logical conclusion is that this was more a crime of passion than a heist. J killed Baz for leaving him with Julia the junky. It's not even clear that Baz needed to be killed for the hoard to be stolen. J "trusts" Mia because they have something on each other/in common. At this point, having Smurf actually be the murderer seems more like bad writing that being true to the story, even if you correctly accept that Smurf is entirely capable of murdering Baz. The question is, why? To get even? Risking a murder charge for the pleasure of getting even, is that really Smurf?

PS Mia moving in is using leverage on this theory. And J investing in a living for Mia and a really nice house isn't blind love either. But no, don't think Mia would be satisfied with a closet with bathroom fittings.

Edited by sjohnson
  On 8/15/2018 at 12:19 PM, Chaos Theory said:

Dammit I liked the actress who played the lawyer.  But I guess she had to go knowing J was playing both sides.  Still having him kill someone.   Even though he did it in some cruel ass way it was somewhat passive.  It will be interesting when he actually sticks a knife in someone.  


Frankie is starting to grow on me.  I like the idea of her and Craig working together.  Of course eventually Smurf is going to put a stop to it.  Until then they are fun and pretty together.  


Didn't J stab her in the leg just before he dumped her overboard?

  • Love 4

Whoa. I think this show may have just jumped the shark, almost literally. Turning J into a stone-cold murderer might be a bad choice, he was the only sympathetic protagonist on the show. I sat there flabbergasted at what I was watching. Can't believe they did that. 

I agree with the above post that Shawn Hatosy deserves an Emmy. The look on his face as Smurf began gaslighting him into thinking he was "confused" again was heart-wrenching. You could see the confusion on his face as he considered it. This is such a broken man and Smurf still has the ability to play him like a fiddle. 


I’m confused about what J did or didn’t do or what Morgan did or didn’t do in regard to a property being sold. Are the writers trying to keep us guessing or did I just not get it?


It appears that J did sell that property because how else could he have afforded that apartment he showed Mia? I also didn't understand when he told the bowling alley guy he could pay $900K in cash for it. Now we know where he got the money from. (If you add up his take from the various heists over the last two seasons, it would not add up to enough for either.)

What I don't understand is why he went to Morgan last week (?) and asked her to help him set up dummy corporations if he was planning to frame her for this. Maybe he was hoping it would take longer for Smurf to discover the sale and by then he'd have his corporations set up.

In any event, J is now the coldest of the cold. He's even more evil than Pope - at least Pope has the excuse that he's mentally unwell and that Smurf gets into his head. J did this all on his own.


I *think* that that is the first time anyone came out and said J was Baz's son, although I know it's been alluded to before.  Can anyone else weigh in?


Smurf is the one who put that into his head back in Season 1, and then reinforced the idea earlier this season. But in all honesty, probably nobody knows who J's biological father is - including J's mother. 


As for Mia, the apparent trigger, she works for J. Really the logical conclusion is that this was more a crime of passion than a heist. J killed Baz for leaving him with Julia the junky. 


I like that theory, especially now that we know J has no compunction for murder. The problem is that it was pretty clear J was meeting Mia for the first time back in the season premier when she came to collect money from him, and he asked her what her name was. I suppose they could have been putting on an act for the other guy but he was out of earshot at the time.

  • Love 3

All these conspiracy theories are a waste of time and honesty I think people are reading too much into simple interactions.   I never saw any reason to think Pope was Lena’s father and never understood why anyone did.  When her mother had sex with Pope she was already a baby and Baz was an asshole.  There is also no reason to believe Pope is J’s father.  Again Baz is an asshole with zero attachment to his progeny.  Pope has some feeling for him for the simple fact that he is his twins kid.  There is zero evidence of twinsest there weren’t even vague illusions of it like there is with Smurf and the boys.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 1

I thought the kill kit Pope bought was for Smurf at first, then when he was in his house and staring at the vial of sedative, I then wondered if he was contemplating using it on himself. His scene with Lena on the swings was so sad - he spills his guts but she loves him and it hurts her to see him so sad all the time. I'm happy that he gave her back to the family and I want to believe he did it for her and not to get back at Smurf.

J being a hardcore killer freaked me out - he really stepped into the dark side to cover his ass. Adrian and Deran are too cute together and I hope that Adrian isn't written out of the show with that drug smuggling stuff. The only downside to this episode is that Mia, who has permanent bitch face. She doesn't deserve a spiffy place like that.

  • Love 1

They did essentially what I expected WRT Lena and Smurf using her to regain control over Pope, but with a different outcome. But I'm not sure how Pope can just "return her" to the foster family after Smurf has signed on as primary guardian. 

Even if Morgan manages to survive somehow it won't lessen how horrible what J did. He still attempted to murder her in cold blood, even if some passing boat manages to pick her up. Unless he arranges for the boat and the whole plan was just to scare the crap out of her. Still . . .

  • Love 1
  On 8/15/2018 at 6:40 PM, iMonrey said:

Even if Morgan manages to survive somehow it won't lessen how horrible what J did. He still attempted to murder her in cold blood, even if some passing boat manages to pick her up. Unless he arranges for the boat and the whole plan was just to scare the crap out of her. Still . . .


When Pope said that if it was Smurf, then J was in on it too, he was almost correct. The only reliable communications for Smurf were J...and Morgan, with her privilege. If the writers insist on Smurf killing Baz without getting the money first, just because, then either J arranged it or Morgan arranged it. If your remark above about J and Mia not knowing each other is correct, then Mia was planted on J by Smurf. Is he aware? Seems not, because Smurf will wonder about his money. Could he have tried to frame Morgan so he could kill her and get revenge for Daddy Baz, as well as the money? At this point ratting out the family has to be an option if J hasn't gone full Cody. That would get revenge for Baz, Julia and himself, so no, it doesn't seem to me to fit. But maybe that fits the writers' goals. He also seemed real eager to plant the idea Morgan skipped (too eager to convince, I think.) 

Separate thought: The Cody weak point at this time is Deran, who really does not have his heart in the life of crime. He has even sunk to picking out window treatments with Deran! Smurf has been very tight-lipped about Deran's confession. Toxic masculinity has really paid off for her, so it seems unlikely she doesn't strenuously disapprove. She may be setting Adrian up, to rat him out. As to why Adrian would want money? Trying to contribute as an equal, as a gesture at independence. It's not clear but Deran's return to the business I think had to do with the typical capital needs for a new business and bankrolling Adrian. Adrian doesn't seem to be stupid, he may want to keep pressure for cash off of Deran.


When Pope said that if it was Smurf, then J was in on it too, he was almost correct. 


When did Pope accuse J of being in on it? I don't remember hearing him say that.


 If the writers insist on Smurf killing Baz without getting the money first, just because, then either J arranged it or Morgan arranged it. 


Not so. Smurf was allowed phone calls. She could have called Pete directly. We also saw Pete visit her after the fact so there was already a connection there.

I don't know if there is any direct link between Smurf and Mia. At this point, it seems like Smurf hired Pete for the hit, and then Pete assigned Mia to do the actual shooting. He also sent Mia on collection runs. We don't even know whether Smurf is aware of either of these things - she has dealt directly with Pete, and Mia was nowhere to be seen during the Marco kidnapping, so it seems like Mia is nothing more than a low-level errand girl for Pete. 

  • Love 3
  On 8/15/2018 at 3:21 PM, walnutqueen said:

Didn't J stab her in the leg just before he dumped her overboard?


I think he slashed the artery. The boys do have hoodlums combat medical training. Hopefully Morgan bleeds out before the sharks are attracted.

  On 8/15/2018 at 3:08 PM, sjohnson said:


As for Mia, the apparent trigger, she works for J. Really the logical conclusion is that this was more a crime of passion than a heist. J killed Baz for leaving him with Julia the junky. It's not even clear that Baz needed to be killed for the hoard to be stolen. J "trusts" Mia because they have something on each other/in common. At this point, having Smurf actually be the murderer seems more like bad writing that being true to the story, even if you correctly accept that Smurf is entirely capable of murdering Baz. The question is, why? To get even? Risking a murder charge for the pleasure of getting even, is that really Smurf?

PS Mia moving in is using leverage on this theory. And J investing in a living for Mia and a really nice house isn't blind love either. But no, don't think Mia would be satisfied with a closet with bathroom fittings.


Remember when Smurf went undercover with the art dealer just to hunt down and murder the guy who gave her the nickname. His crime was cutting out when a job went wrong.

  • Love 1
  On 8/15/2018 at 4:26 PM, iMonrey said:

In any event, J is now the coldest of the cold. He's even more evil than Pope - at least Pope has the excuse that he's mentally unwell and that Smurf gets into his head. J did this all on his o


I don’t think Pope is pure evil though. Deep down he feels remorse. Several posts state they feel sorry for him.  So do I. I can’t imagine anyone who would feel sorry for someone evil.  

  On 8/15/2018 at 4:26 PM, iMonrey said:

t appears that J did sell that property because how else could he have afforded that apartment he showed Mia? 


Wasn’t that Morgan’s house?

Edited by Laurie4H

Why would a guy want to eat something that would blow their dick off? ?

Smurf was actually wearing a hostess caftan. I didn't realize those were back in style.

Well, at least Pope finally did the right thing by Lena. Now she can have a sane life with people who'll love her and won't treat her like an afterthought. Plus she's now less guaranteed to end up with a felony rap sheet.

Smurf is pure evil. She's messed up all those boys beyond repair.


That's a cruel way for Morgan's end. I hope she is rescued by the Coast Guard or someone finds her before Meg.


Forget the Coast Guard. How about getting rescued by Jason Statham?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • LOL 1

I believe that J would have sold properties when he thought Smurf was not getting out of jail.  I guess he feels he had to kill Morgan to hide what he had done by attempting to blame her.  But Smurf clearly suspects him anyway, so I think his step into the dark side is the end to that sympathetic kid we all liked.  I am not sure I care very much about what happens next...

  • Love 1

If that is Morgan's house, and Smurf drops by trying to find her and instead finds Mia, she is going to presume that Morgan is dead at J's hand.  Unless she actually had J do it, he is going to have a tough time of it, even though he's her favorite.  And she better hope that Morgan didn't have a complete set of duplicate papers of all her financial shenanigans stored with someone else "in case of my death or disappearance."  I agree with those who think that J had Morgan set up some dummy companies so that he could sell the Carlsbad property and make it look like Morgan did it. 

  On 8/15/2018 at 7:42 PM, iMonrey said:

When did Pope accuse J of being in on it? I don't remember hearing him say that.

Not so. Smurf was allowed phone calls. She could have called Pete directly. We also saw Pete visit her after the fact so there was already a connection there.

I don't know if there is any direct link between Smurf and Mia. At this point, it seems like Smurf hired Pete for the hit, and then Pete assigned Mia to do the actual shooting. He also sent Mia on collection runs. We don't even know whether Smurf is aware of either of these things - she has dealt directly with Pete, and Mia was nowhere to be seen during the Marco kidnapping, so it seems like Mia is nothing more than a low-level errand girl for Pete. 


Forgot the episode but it was one of the times when Pope was swearing he was going to find out who killed Baz. 

Phone calls from jail are not secure. Personal visit from Pete? Perhaps, but personal visits can be recorded and visitors can be monitored, so I can't really see Pete feeling secure in deducing such an assignment. If Smurf obliquely refers to Baz, J knows where to find him. How does Smurf give Pete the routine. 

These objections are plausible.  But, I'm afraid I think trusting a low level flunky to do hits for peanuts is giving a resentful underling blackmail material. Sorry, don't think so. If Mia is doing hits for Pete, she's a major player in his group, or freelancing.

  On 8/15/2018 at 7:53 PM, Raja said:

I think he slashed the artery. The boys do have hoodlums combat medical training. Hopefully Morgan bleeds out before the sharks are attracted.

Remember when Smurf went undercover with the art dealer just to hunt down and murder the guy who gave her the nickname. His crime was cutting out when a job went wrong.


The girl Smurf thought of him as her new daddy. His crime was abandoning her, personally. She was just a minor in the car, as I recall. But I bet she went into foster care. So, his crime was more like ruining her life, the same crime J can blame Baz, or Smurf, or Julia for. Does make me rethink his story about shooting up Julia's OD.



Speaking of Craig, he cleans up real nice

  On 8/16/2018 at 3:50 AM, saoirse said:

Oh, yaaaaaahhhh....!


I've always thought Craig was smoking hot, but since most of the time he's as dumb as a door knob, it wasn't distracting.  These last 2 episodes, I have to rewind his scenes since I wasn't listening to a word he said and just openly gawking according to my husband!  I was soooooooooooooooo busted!

I wonder if his on again off again girlfriend being preggo will resurface in the finale?  Otherwise I don't get why that parking lot scene a few episodes ago even happened.

  • Love 3

I am barely able to watch this show because I find Ellen Barkin's tics so irritating.  Her poochy lower lip when she's talking to the boys.  Her ridiculously slow, deep, vocal fry way of speaking.  Her weird walk.  When she speaks, it sounds like she's wearing poorly fitting dentures, especially when she pronounces words with an "s" in them.  I used to LOVE her in other roles.  But any scene with her is just nearly unwatchable for me.

But, I could eat Craig with a spoon so I can't quit this show.

  • Love 6

Forgot the episode but it was one of the times when Pope was swearing he was going to find out who killed Baz. 


That was before he suspected Smurf. We even speculated that J was the shooter at the end of last season and at the beginning of this one. But since Pope found out Smurf killed Baz, he hasn't said anything to indicate that he thinks J was in on it.

For the record, I think J was originally going to be the shooter but the writers changed their minds between seasons. Which makes it all the more baffling that he'd now straight up murder a relative stranger like Morgan.


But, I'm afraid I think trusting a low level flunky to do hits for peanuts is giving a resentful underling blackmail material. Sorry, don't think so. If Mia is doing hits for Pete, she's a major player in his group, or freelancing.


Another poster has verified that Pete was driving the getaway car after Mia shot Baz. I don't think there's meant to be any confusion about who was behind the hit. It was Smurf, who hired Pete, who assigned Mia to pull the trigger. I think some of the writing may have been a little confusing.

I'm also not sure why some people think the apartment J just bought was Morgan's house. It couldn't have been. He just murdered the woman, he'd be an idiot to stash his girlfriend there. 

  • Love 2
  On 8/16/2018 at 4:26 PM, shirazplease said:

I am barely able to watch this show because I find Ellen Barkin's tics so irritating.  Her poochy lower lip when she's talking to the boys.  Her ridiculously slow, deep, vocal fry way of speaking.  Her weird walk.  When she speaks, it sounds like she's wearing poorly fitting dentures, especially when she pronounces words with an "s" in them.  I used to LOVE her in other roles.  But any scene with her is just nearly unwatchable for me.


I feel the same way about her.  I guess she's supposed to be menacing and sometimes even sexy (ugh), but she just comes off as slimy and creepy to me.  I used to love her, too, but this is not a good look.  Plus, I don't know if she's had work done but her face looks like it's been sanded.     

  • Love 6
  On 8/16/2018 at 4:02 AM, SuzieQ said:

I've always thought Craig was smoking hot, but since most of the time he's as dumb as a door knob, it wasn't distracting.  These last 2 episodes, I have to rewind his scenes since I wasn't listening to a word he said and just openly gawking according to my husband!  I was soooooooooooooooo busted!

I wonder if his on again off again girlfriend being preggo will resurface in the finale?  Otherwise I don't get why that parking lot scene a few episodes ago even happened.


I was definitely fanning myself when he showed up in that suit

  • Love 5
  On 8/15/2018 at 3:21 PM, walnutqueen said:

Didn't J stab her in the leg just before he dumped her overboard?


He sure did!


  On 8/15/2018 at 10:38 AM, mxc90 said:

Poor J! Thinking Mia is the only one he can trust. He should have made plans to leave town and never return.

Morgan should have added Jiu Jitsu to workout routine.

Wouldn't there be people or a life guard type watching Morgan swim and see a boat pick her up?

That's a cruel way for Morgan's end. I hope she is rescued by the Coast Guard or someone finds her before Meg.



I was a bit confused by the beginning of scene. Before they fought, J was just going to throw her overboard. He told her it was a 10 mile swim back and to get up so he could cut the tape on her hands. I'm not sure why he would take her out there and then give her a chance to swim back.... and why chum the water to draw sharks if he was just trying to scare her into keeping quiet?  But 10 miles is way too far for a life guard to see. I suppose the coast guard or another boat could just happen by and rescue her, but it doesn't look good.  I live in the area and there are great whites out there!

  • Love 4
  On 8/15/2018 at 2:35 PM, arachne said:

ITA with Lena re Smurf's fashion sense. That pink-on-pink wardrobe (and bedroom) was kinda creepy. 


Smurf is a smart woman and she has known Lena her entire life. She would know that Lena doesn't like pink and it was just another way to show Pope how she was willing to screw with Lena's life to get Pope to heel. This after Smurf has Lena's maternal parents and parents murdered.

Pope told Lena that Baz and Lena's mom were the only people besides Julia who cared about him and looked out for him. No matter how much, he loved Lena, he promised that we would take care of their daughter, and by getting Lena back in loving home with a sister and normal people is the best way to escape Smurf's evil.

Smurf was going to use that orphaned child to manipulate Pope. Before Pope was kidnapped, Smurf took Pope to where Lena's foster family live so that he would know that Lena was safe. So that he could stop worrying about Lena and also focus on her scheme to getting her stuff back.

  • Love 2

Plus having J murder someone adds danger to his character and puts him closer to being in the same league as Smurf is.  It’s always going to come down to a battle between the two of them.  


You have a good point. In the movie,

  Reveal spoiler

I guess she's supposed to be menacing and sometimes even sexy (ugh), but she just comes off as slimy and creepy to me. 


I think she's supposed to come off as slimy and creepy. Like the way she kisses her "boys" right on the lips. And the way she keeps walking in on J when he's in the shower, eyeing him up and down and telling him he's all grown up. Just so inappropriate and weird and unsettling. 

Edited by saoirse
Spoiler tag added to movie talk
  • Love 1

I think J was ambivilent about killing Morgan that's why 'a' chance to swim back. J in charge of the money made him realize how much work being in charge is but he also realized how much power came with it although he didn't fully exercise it in Smurf's absence.  He took his own bonus for handling Smurf's affairs. it is Animal Kingdom after all so survival of the fitness and most aggressive frequently wins. Pope is the only patient predator among them.

To get all conspiratorial is Frankie an undercover strategically placed with Smurf's ex? The arrival of the ex & Frankie just by coincidence happened and seemingly during/after Smurf's jail time. Frankie was in the house by the time Smurf got home. She was literally and figuratively 'in'. The detective went after Smurf and the boys hard early in the season. either trying to rattle them or get just one to flip on Smurf.

Run Lena! Please let this be her happy ending, she desperately needs to catch a break! This is probably the best thing that could have happened for her, especially with Smurf around again. We all know how Smurf feels about having a woman around who isnt her, and when Lena gets older, she would probably see her as competition.

Is it me, or is Craig getting hotter? I mean, boy aint the brightest bulb in the shed, but he looks great in anything (or nothing).  

  • Love 2

I think J was ambivilent about killing Morgan that's why 'a' chance to swim back. 


I think the fact that he sliced open her leg is anything but ambivalent. If he wanted to give her a fair chance of swimming back he wouldn't have chummed the water and sliced open her leg. He definitely wanted her dead. It was horrific. You could kind of see it on his face as he drove (?) back to shore - like he couldn't believe it himself. 

Remember back in Season 1 when Daren had Pope take his romantic rival out to sea and dump him off his tour boat? That was only one mile and the guy barely made it. Imagine having to swim ten miles with your leg sliced open. Not very likely. Her only hope is some other boat coming by.

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