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S02.E03 Part III

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Is that what we should expect to see if they add yoga to the Olympics?

If only there were a way to test if a mother and child were related, they might finally get the answers they seek. I hear a guy named Maury is making great inroads into this process. 

Once Jullian gets his 2 teardrop tattoos under his eye, the kids in juvie will stop picking on him.

Lots of people in town are secret members of the cult, I wonder how Carrie Coon was chosen as a leader. I wonder if she was a psychologist or if it had something to do with where she used to work.

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20 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

If only there were a way to test if a mother and child were related, they might finally get the answers they seek. I hear a guy named Maury is making great inroads into this process. 

Ha.  That said, "my ex-girlfriend circled the name 'Julian' over and over in a book" isn't exactly strong evidence to demand a DNA test.

I don't know why Julian indicated he was at a youth detention center when he was interviewed by the psychologist and yet he had already been arrested as an adult. 

Today's episode was more exposition heavy with things like the ex-high school friend of Harry's saying things like "I hear you got a divorced and you ran away because you didn't have siblings or parents at the age of 17."  Thank you backstory goddess.  That said, the hour still flew by and even though there are some weird aspects (Vera making love to a rock), I appreciate that it's not as trippy as last season. 

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We are in episode 3 and not much has happened. I love this show but it seems so dragged out. Nothing is really revealed. Why can't they put up all the episodes and let us binge watch it? I think many viewers fall away due to this weekly format. 


I think Marin is Vera. Marin has said the cult can make you forget who you really are. Plus they look alike. So what's the other big mystery? WHY did Julian murder his "parents?" He probably was programmed to do that if anybody ever tried to kidnap him or escape with him. I don't see the bug mystery in this show at all. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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It doesn’t come as a surprise that Vera is probably not Julian’s mother, I’ve had a feeling about that since the beginning. Why don’t they just run a DNA test to see for sure? If Vera isn’t Julian’s mother, they can compare Julian’s DNA to Marin’s mom’s to see if they are related. 

Nothing much happened in this episode I felt, it just dragged along with nothing new being uncovered. Very boring compared to the first 2. 

I am still getting an extremely strange vibe from Heather’s dad, his behavior is just very odd in a lot of scenes, something about him just seems off and has been from the start, something just doesn’t seem right about him, plus he hasn’t had any role in the plot other than as a tool to bring Ambrose in but he is in several scenes each episode, I think he’s going to wind up playing a bigger role in the case. 

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I don't know why Julian indicated he was at a youth detention center when he was interviewed by the psychologist and yet he had already been arrested as an adult. 

I could be wrong but I don't think (again, not certain) that that a juvenile, even if he or she is arrested "as an adult," is typically detained in an adult jail facility--at least not pre-trial? And if they are, oy--that sounds like a real recipe for disaster, regardless of the crime!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I don't like Marin.  She doesn't seem like she cared about Heather like Heather cared about her.  She just seems like this troubled person who wants to be seen as free spirited and uses whoever she is with.  All of this being said......if she is dead and Julian's mother, she certainly didn't deserve to have that happen.  I agree that there seems something off about Heather's father.  The actor who is portraying Julian is doing a fantastic job!  This episode wasn't as strong as the two previous ones but I am still enjoying it.              

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6 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

I am still getting an extremely strange vibe from Heather’s dad, his behavior is just very odd in a lot of scenes, something about him just seems off and has been from the start, something just doesn’t seem right about him, plus he hasn’t had any role in the plot other than as a tool to bring Ambrose in but he is in several scenes each episode, I think he’s going to wind up playing a bigger role in the case. 

Maybe he is Julian's father.

Couldn't that one cult guy who Heather bumped into at the motel be the one who made the poisoned tea? Although if that is the case, I'm not sure why he didn't bring Julian back to Mosswood with him.

We have a similarity with Season 1 now where a recent murder uncovers an older murder or at least death. Last season with the sister and this season with Marin, if she is actually dead and not just missing.

2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I could be wrong but I don't think (again, not certain) that that a juvenile, even if he or she is arrested "as an adult," is typically detained in an adult jail facility--at least not pre-trial? And if they are, oy--that sounds like a real recipe for disaster, regardless of the crime!

I certainly hope not. You can't put a woman or a child in with a bunch of grown adult male criminals. That's just asking for them to be assaulted.

I'm liking the season so far. I'm least interested in Detective Ambrose's past with his mother and the fire. I'm into finding out whatever happened to Marin though.

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3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I could be wrong but I don't think (again, not certain) that that a juvenile, even if he or she is arrested "as an adult," is typically detained in an adult jail facility--at least not pre-trial? And if they are, oy--that sounds like a real recipe for disaster, regardless of the crime!

When Julian gets to the prison, the guard is told to "put him in the 'juvie ward'."

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So the doctor is/was in the cult too? How many people are in town are secret cult members? This episode was slower than the last few, but I did still enjoy it. It still made me interested in the mystery, and the atmosphere is creepy without going over the top with the weird. 

You know Vera, I dont think thats how most people do yoga, but you do you I guess. I figured right away that Vera wasn't Julian's bio mom, but I dont know if its for sure if Marin is the mother, or where she is now. 

Marin seems like exactly the sort of person cults tend to attract. Lost, troubled, not much of a support system at home, a bit flighty. No wonder she gravitated towards them, while Heather just walked off looking confused. I wonder if they had some kind of falling out, and thats why Heather didnt look for her very much. We saw a flashback of Marin looking coldly at Heather and walking into the barn, so I guess something went down. 

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Re: Vera and the gigantic rock. My perception is she was worshipping it as if it were a god. Kind of like gnashing and wailing. I'm gonna watch it again (thank God for DVR) to see if my perception changes, having read the other theories here. All I can say is EWWWW if that was simulated sex. It would even have less of the "ewww" factor if it was some form of tantric yoga (although, as I am a self-avowed couch sloth, I really have no idea what tantric yoga is. I just know it exists thanks to an interview with Sting and Trudy Styler). LMAO! 

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18 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

So the doctor is/was in the cult too? How many people are in town are secret cult members? This episode was slower than the last few, but I did still enjoy it. It still made me interested in the mystery, and the atmosphere is creepy without going over the top with the weird. 

You know Vera, I dont think thats how most people do yoga, but you do you I guess. I figured right away that Vera wasn't Julian's bio mom, but I dont know if its for sure if Marin is the mother, or where she is now. 

Marin seems like exactly the sort of person cults tend to attract. Lost, troubled, not much of a support system at home, a bit flighty. No wonder she gravitated towards them, while Heather just walked off looking confused. I wonder if they had some kind of falling out, and thats why Heather didnt look for her very much. We saw a flashback of Marin looking coldly at Heather and walking into the barn, so I guess something went down. 

Yes, Heather said they didn't end on good terms. She also said that Marin told her not to look for her.

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I hope this is ok to post......it is just a speculation thought:  I wonder if Heather's father has anything to do with Mosswood and had something to do with the disappearance of Marin?  He certainly didn't seem fond of her and is seemingly ok with his daughter being gay.  He also seemed a little passive/aggressive with Ambrose staying longer than anticipated.         

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2 hours ago, Cajungirl64 said:

When Julian gets to the prison, the guard is told to "put him in the 'juvie ward'."

I was initially confused by that. It looked like he was surrounded by adults. But I think they were just older or at least taller and bulkier teens.

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I think those must be older teens, too. A) Because they're not in locked in cells like adult inmates; It looks like all the beds (the guard called them their "spots") are in one giant room with guards all around and B) Most 13-year olds would never be sent to an adult prison - juvie ward or not. 

Kinda OT, but did anyone think the commercial for The Purge during the first commercial break was an actual RNC ad (until the end reveal)? Yikes. 

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4 hours ago, Cajungirl64 said:

I think those must be older teens, too. A) Because they're not in locked in cells like adult inmates; It looks like all the beds (the guard called them their "spots") are in one giant room with guards all around and B) Most 13-year olds would never be sent to an adult prison - juvie ward or not. 

Kinda OT, but did anyone think the commercial for The Purge during the first commercial break was an actual RNC ad (until the end reveal)? Yikes. 

Exactly. That's why my first reaction was "Why the heck did they stick him in with adults!" He looks so small compared to the others. lol Good catch on there being no cells.

Edited by ferjy
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Even though each ep has its own thread, it looks like they're also where we are posting speculations? Just want to be sure before I start posting theories. I accidentally posted a theory in one of last season's Mr Robot episode threads and yikes! (To be honest, I'm so invested in that show, I probably would have reprimanded my own self... LOL)!

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2 hours ago, Cajungirl64 said:

OT, but did anyone think the commercial for The Purge during the first commercial break was an actual RNC ad (until the end reveal)?

That was exceptionally well done.

The big rock reminds me of (okay, gives me flashbacks to) that horrible summer show of 3-4 years ago with the kids? (It was on network TV.) I'm blanking on the title, it was so awful.

Called Marin being Julian's bio-mom once the book was found. Though he doesn't look anything like her or anyone we've seen from the cult so far. It was also obvious to me way before it was to the characters that the doc hadn't just gone to get his files. This is my first season watching this show, and I don't tend to like shows where I'm a step ahead. Keep me guessing, fine, which I am still doing re: Carrie Coons' character. So you're on probation, show.

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I thought he might make a run for it, but really, there wasn't much reason for it up front, he wasn't being accused or arrested so I can't fault the characters. I don't find I'm one step ahead when I guess something before the characters do. As viewers we're going to be more suspicious because it's a show and we know they throw twists and clues in for the drama. The characters, for all intents and purposes, are going through real life. In real life we wouldn't have thought "Oh, I bet he's going to off himself!" We would have taken it for what was apparent at the time, that he was going to get the files. The same when my guesses are right. They're wrong just as often. The thing is that we don't come in to admit it when we're wrong! :-D The characters' wrong deductions are there for all of us to see.

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7 hours ago, Cajungirl64 said:

Re: Vera and the gigantic rock. My perception is she was worshipping it as if it were a god. Kind of like gnashing and wailing. I'm gonna watch it again (thank God for DVR) to see if my perception changes, having read the other theories here. All I can say is EWWWW if that was simulated sex. It would even have less of the "ewww" factor if it was some form of tantric yoga (although, as I am a self-avowed couch sloth, I really have no idea what tantric yoga is. I just know it exists thanks to an interview with Sting and Trudy Styler). LMAO! 

My first thought when seeing the rock was lingam - "Lingam (Sanskrit for "shaft of light") is the term for the Hindu god Shiva as represented by a phallus (erect male organ)."

I know the word from spending time in India and seeing lots of the edifices, but was not aware of any practice of simulating sex with one!  Who knows though.

Edited by Brookside
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Thoughts on rewatch (ncluding some totally unspoiled speculation):

The cop's Dad isn't nearly as creepy as those Rotary Club people, especially big-moustache-man... HE was damn creepy staring Ambrose down! Also, I remember in either Ep 1 or 2, Dad was telling some story and Heather said it didn't happen. I was getting the impression that Dad is in early stages of dementia. He also seems to want Ambrose to leave. Maybe because Dad knows something that would upset Heather and he doesn't want her to find out? Ambrose might help her dig into stuff? So maybe secretive, but I'm not getting creepy from him. But maybe the reason he has no problem with her being gay is because it means she wouldn't get victimized by sexual antics of male cult members? Or maybe he just wants to hide his growing dementia loonger and thinks Ambrose might see it before Heather.

If Ambrose was there for quite awhile after the fire (clearly they've seen him since, because the fire was more than 15 years ago), how is it that the fire is some big mystery to all the townspeople, and it's what everyone focuses on when they see him? Cop's Dad brought it up at the Rotary Club like it was something neither he nor other people knew much about, even though I recall a whole burnt out house in Episode 1 that Ambrose drove past. Surely in a town like that everyone knows everything that ever happened to anyone? It's such a small place they have ONE OB/Gyn and this fire that no one seems to have ever cleaned up from is a big secret that only Ambrose has any knowledge of?

Do we know what happened to Ambrose' Dad? Have they ever mentioned him?

We're supposed to get ultra cult vibes from Mosswood, but when Julian describes death he says that you start over in another form. The psychologist latches onto that and asks who told him that. Oh NO! Stop the presses and call the courts! They're Buhddists!

Seriously, most of the world believes in some sort of afterlife and many believe that you come back to earth in another form. So that's not exactly earth shattering cultism. Splitting in 2 when you lie could also be a metaphor. (In Ep 1, Vera talked to Julian about Shadow Julian)

So at this point, I'm thinking the the "cult" people aren't the bad guys here so far. I'm also doubting that Julian is in any danger there. If anything, if he IS some sort of "chosen one", it would make far more sense from a usual cult standpoint for him to be chosen as the next LEADER, not a sacrifice. Cults usually revolve around a charismatic male leader. I could buy that Julian is the son of the guy that Marin went off with that first night and that guy was the leader at the time.

Have we actually seen ANY evidence of the cult being evil (beyond the kid being a killer.. of people who kidnapped him)? Or are we buying into stereotypes, and that's exactly how the writers want us to respond to the idea? In an earlier scene with Vera and Julian, she is trying to help him deal with negative feelings in a better way. Yet we react to the scene as though there's something wrong going on. I'm now questioning why? I need to go back and watch Ep 1.

Memories of season 1 of the show are also making me skeptical about the cult being evil because:


in Season 1 they teased us with all kinds of possible kinkiness, abduction, sexual slavery, etc, and it all turned out to be ....  None of those things.

In the end, it was all rather ho-hum compared to the teasers.

So far the story I'm most interested in is Heather's. I don't care about this mysterious fire because I'm not buying that it's such a well-kept secret. I'm fully expecting: (speculation, so not a true spoiler)


Ambrose started the fire either accidentally or deliberately, and that's why he relates to these people who kill because of psych trauma. The cult will turn out to be a valuable psychological resource for him to face his troubled past and heal (doing the "work") and the cult will turn out to be benign.. maybe even good. There will be some tie between the cult, Heather's Dad and Marin, but it will have been primarily to protect Heather, not harm Marin. 

Although that wouldn't explain the weird suicide of the OB/Gyn or the lack of other children.

Of course, they could be like the Shakers.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakers

Edited to add: Marin;s Mom is a real piece of work

Edited by slothgirl
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I don't think the cult is evil either.  Given the doctor and the dairy farmer, I think the opposite.

My theory at this point (although I pretty much suck at trying to solve these kinds of shows):


Someone needed a boatload of cash to buy the commune property back in the 1990's.  Thus far, that would be the dairy farmer or possibly the company Vera worked at years ago called Interlogix or both.  Heather's mother supposedly died of cancer 15 years ago.  Heather's father struggled with the loss per Marin.  So, we have big money companies and a dad grieving the loss of his wife from a horrible disease like cancer AND a doctor, i.e. a man of science, 

I'm leaning toward the idea that the commune was set up deliberately by whoever bought the property as a ruse.  The company needs human specimens and they get them from commune members.  The commune people are brainwashed and don't realize they are being used.  I'm also leaning toward the idea of Vera being somewhat innocent.  She clearly believes in the cult stuff and likely is among those who don't see that they are being used.

And the dairy cows are involved somehow....not sure how.  Maybe they are also test subjects for interlogix.  Julian told Vera when she visited him in juvie that he didn't eat the meat so they gave him an extra roll for one of his meals.

Edited by Jextella
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15 minutes ago, Jextella said:

I don't think the cult is evil either.  Given the doctor and the dairy farmer, I think the opposite.

My theory at this point (although I pretty much suck at trying to solve these kinds of shows):

  Reveal hidden contents

Someone needed a boatload of cash to buy the commune property back in the 1990's.  Thus far, that would be the dairy farmer or possibly the company Vera worked at years ago called Interlogix or both.  Heather's mother supposedly died of cancer 15 years ago.  Heather's father struggled with the loss per Marin.  So, we have big money companies and a dad grieving the loss of his wife from a horrible disease like cancer AND a doctor, i.e. a man of science, 

I'm leaning toward the idea that the commune was set up deliberately by whoever bought the property as a ruse.  The company needs human specimens and they get them from commune members.  The commune people are brainwashed and don't realize they are being used.  I'm also leaning toward the idea of Vera being somewhat innocent.  She clearly believes in the cult stuff and likely is among those who don't see that they are being used.

And the dairy cows are involved somehow....not sure how.  Maybe they are also test subjects for interlogix.  Julian told Vera when she visited him in juvie that he didn't eat the meat so they gave him an extra roll for one of his meals.


Oooh... Good catch on the "didn't eat the meat" thing. I didn't think about that... 

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37 minutes ago, Jextella said:

My theory at this point (although I pretty much suck at trying to solve these kinds of shows):

  Hide contents

Someone needed a boatload of cash to buy the commune property back in the 1990's.  Thus far, that would be the dairy farmer or possibly the company Vera worked at years ago called Interlogix or both.  Heather's mother supposedly died of cancer 15 years ago.  Heather's father struggled with the loss per Marin.  So, we have big money companies and a dad grieving the loss of his wife from a horrible disease like cancer AND a doctor, i.e. a man of science, 

I'm leaning toward the idea that the commune was set up deliberately by whoever bought the property as a ruse.  The company needs human specimens and they get them from commune members.  The commune people are brainwashed and don't realize they are being used.  I'm also leaning toward the idea of Vera being somewhat innocent.  She clearly believes in the cult stuff and likely is among those who don't see that they are being used.

And the dairy cows are involved somehow....not sure how.  Maybe they are also test subjects for interlogix.  Julian told Vera when she visited him in juvie that he didn't eat the meat so they gave him an extra roll for one of his meals.



Interesting ideas.

I read a synopsis of Ep 1 on Vulture that reminded me that Ambrose disappeared from the lives of people in Keller 15 years ago when Heather's Mom died. I wasn't clear on whether he LEFT at that time or whether he had already left and came back for the funeral, THEN cut off contact.

Either way, there was something significant for him either at that time, or on that trip. Given the tension between Heather's Dad and Ambrose, plus the overall themes of the show, I wonder if:


Ambrose is actually Heather's bio father. Heather's Dad knows it. Ambrose might know it. Neither want Heather to know it. Dad is worried that the longer Ambrose sticks around, the harder it will be to keep that secret either because Ambrose will figure it out, or already knows and might reveal it.. or Heather might guess.. (but why would she?)

Parentage is a main theme of the show. It seems unlikely that Ambrose will escape the theme relating to him somehow.

I'm also wondering where Keller, NY is supposed to be It's not a real place.. I google-mapped)..

 Wasn't season one supposed to be in the vicinity of Syracuse? Vulture says that Ambrose only moved 4 hours away, and their reviews keep referring to "Upstate NY" and "Hudson Valley". So either Nigara Falls is a hell of a lot bigger that I thought, or they need to look at a map. Even Syracuse isn't upstate (to anyone except maybe people from NYC who think the entire rest of the state is "upstate") and it DEFINITELY isn't the Hudson Valley. Four hours WEST of Syracuse (getting closer to Niagara Falls) isn't even CLOSE to upstate or Hudson Valley. RHODE ISLAND is closer to the Hudson Valley than the western part of NY state, for pete's sake! (but that's a quibble with Vulture, not the show.. I'm just wondering where the show says the town is located)

37 minutes ago, Jextella said:

I don't think the cult is evil either.  Given the doctor and the dairy farmer, I think the opposite.

Well, the doctor was part of the cult wasn't he? Isn't that why he had a miniature rock and off'ed himself? If he had powerful allies in the town like the diary farmer (and maybe that weird sheriff), why would he have felt the need to commit suicide?

Edited by slothgirl
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Is it just me, or did anyone else get the impression that Marin may have been molested by her mother's boyfriend? The comment she made when she got into the truck with Heather, something about her mom accusing her of flirting with the boyfriend, definitely rang an alarm for me. This raised speculation that he could possibly have impregnated Marin.

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8 hours ago, Cajungirl64 said:

Oooh... Good catch on the "didn't eat the meat" thing. I didn't think about that... 

That could possibly be a cult, "grow your own food" type of thing. Probably, if I was growing my own food, I don't think I would be raising animals to eat, maybe a few chickens, but just for the eggs. Cows seem like they would be more trouble than the milk is worth.

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I will pop in to say that I am always tickled when they sit down to eat at The Cobblestone, since I have eaten there many times myself. It is actually located outside White Plains, NY not too far from NYC, and they are using both the exterior and interior of the restaurant in the show.

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"Having sex with a rock" gives me the case of the giggles. I hate when a series takes forever to explain a subplot. They keep showing the same scenes over and over again. I'm referring to Ambrose's childhood flashbacks. Then when TPTB finally explain it, you never get all questions answered. Yes, who is his father? How long has Heather been an officer? You don't look for your lady friend after so many years because she said so? You don't even know if she's living or dead. It takes a boy murdering his faux parents for you to even think about it again? I had a feeling Vera wasn't his mother. A DNA test will clear this up once and for all. It still has my attention.

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If the cult isn't evil--and I agree that would be an effective misdirect--then we have to explain:

  1. Why the OB-GYN killed himself in response to law enforcement asking questions;
  2. The total absence of children among the cult (Julian excepted).

Also, while I guess doing a DNA test would establish whether Julian was Vera's biological child (and that might matter for solving a part of the mystery), Julian acts like Vera is his mother and Vera treats Julian as her child.  They are mother and son.

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On ‎8‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 4:22 PM, FoundTime said:


The big rock reminds me of (okay, gives me flashbacks to) that horrible summer show of 3-4 years ago with the kids? (It was on network TV.) I'm blanking on the title, it was so awful.


You mean The Whispers  ?

I still feel cheated because there were no whispers or whispering.   But that's my problem.

I didn't think she was having sex with the rock, I thought she was praying to it.

Jessica Biel is an executive producer of the show.

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13 hours ago, Simba122504 said:

"Having sex with a rock" gives me the case of the giggles.

This probably seemed to the unenlightened layman to be extremely sexual, but to those that have mastered the "Yogi" arts these series of motions (like the martial arts for Buddhist monks or doing Tai Chi) might have caused her to release some "aura", expand her "chakra" or open her "third eye", when reaching the "Astral Plane" resulting in "Karmic" bliss, which is a very similar experience to having an orgasm.

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52 minutes ago, Iguessnot said:

If Marin is the mother, when did she have the opportunity to underline the name Julian in her paperback and return it to her house? I'm assuming she's been missing before any alleged pregnancy.

I think they were pointing out that she liked the name Julian, so if she ever had a kid that would be what she would name him.

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3 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

If Marin is the mother, when did she have the opportunity to underline the name Julian in her paperback and return it to her house? I'm assuming she's been missing before any alleged pregnancy.

I don't understand why the psycho-bitch mom would have even bothered to save anything of hers.. and that the box would have been easy to dig out after all this time. The only reason for it is plot development

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On ‎8‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 1:33 PM, meep.meep said:

You mean The Whispers  ?

I still feel cheated because there were no whispers or whispering.   But that's my problem.

I didn't think she was having sex with the rock, I thought she was praying to it.

Jessica Biel is an executive producer of the show.

Yes, that godawful show, thank you! However-many hours of my life I will never get back.

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On 8/17/2018 at 12:18 AM, slothgirl said:

If Ambrose was there for quite awhile after the fire (clearly they've seen him since, because the fire was more than 15 years ago), how is it that the fire is some big mystery to all the townspeople, and it's what everyone focuses on when they see him? Cop's Dad brought it up at the Rotary Club like it was something neither he nor other people knew much about, even though I recall a whole burnt out house in Episode 1 that Ambrose drove past. Surely in a town like that everyone knows everything that ever happened to anyone?


On 8/17/2018 at 1:32 AM, slothgirl said:

I read a synopsis of Ep 1 on Vulture that reminded me that Ambrose disappeared from the lives of people in Keller 15 years ago when Heather's Mom died. I wasn't clear on whether he LEFT at that time or whether he had already left and came back for the funeral, THEN cut off contact.

My understanding was that the fire happened when Ambrose was around Julian's age. He stayed in town for a few more years, perhaps finishing high school. Then he left, but visited once in a great while; the last visit was 15 years ago. While the fire might not exactly be a mystery, assuming Ambrose's age is approximately that of Bill Pullman (64), it happened 50 years ago. So I can buy that it has become part of the town's murky history that captures people's imagination -- something they've heard of, but may not be clear on the details. 

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On ‎08‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 4:42 AM, Xeliou66 said:

It doesn’t come as a surprise that Vera is probably not Julian’s mother, I’ve had a feeling about that since the beginning. Why don’t they just run a DNA test to see for sure? If Vera isn’t Julian’s mother, they can compare Julian’s DNA to Marin’s mom’s to see if they are related. 

They have to have a court order to do so, and with the birth certificate in Vera's name, they're not going to get one without more evidence.

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On 8/17/2018 at 1:32 AM, slothgirl said:

Even Syracuse isn't upstate (to anyone except maybe people from NYC who think the entire rest of the state is "upstate")

Funny that you say that, because I lived in Syracuse for a few years in my 20s and have always referred to it as "upstate NY" when telling people about it. But I was originally from NJ and have lived most of my life in NJ and MD, so my sense of NY geography is not the best.

On 8/17/2018 at 12:18 AM, slothgirl said:

So at this point, I'm thinking the the "cult" people aren't the bad guys here so far. I'm also doubting that Julian is in any danger there. If anything, if he IS some sort of "chosen one", it would make far more sense from a usual cult standpoint for him to be chosen as the next LEADER, not a sacrifice. Cults usually revolve around a charismatic male leader. I could buy that Julian is the son of the guy that Marin went off with that first night and that guy was the leader at the time.

Have we actually seen ANY evidence of the cult being evil (beyond the kid being a killer.. of people who kidnapped him)? Or are we buying into stereotypes, and that's exactly how the writers want us to respond to the idea?

You may be right that we are buying into stereotypes, but I have been suspicious of the cult since it was introduced. Maybe we have not seen any actual evidence of evil yet, but we have seen creepy and even suspicious behavior. And why would the doctor kill himself when asked if he treated anyone at Mosswood, if there was nothing bad going on there?

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