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S08.E31: On the Mend


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16 minutes ago, monagatuna said:

It's the grandmother of her child who has repeatedly flouted court orders and Chelsea's instructions about how, when, and if Adam should have contact with Aubree, who allowed him to drive her around against court orders and after he almost killed an elderly couple with his car, who is in deep denial about the extent of his drug use, who has been given chance after chance to get it right, who handwaves her son's dangerous behavior at the expense of her granddaughter's well-being and safety. After eight years of this, I wouldn't have opened the door either, maybe because I'm scared, or maybe because I'm just fucking done. That woman has so little regard for Aubree's safety that she's just lucky she gets to see her at all. Chelsea has been far more patient than I would have been in this situation. The grandmother is not owed a confrontation and has been given multiple opportunities to play nice, and there's no guarantee Chelsea could have known that she would've gotten an apology rather than another angry confrontation. Any other grandmother, I'd be right there agreeing with you. But Chelsea has the right to not open her own door, regardless of her motivation.

I absolutely agree with you, but her husband was literally mid-poop. You should be able to handle your family drama long enough for your spouse to take a shit, not demand he hop off the toilet to be your bouncer. Just crack open the door and say you'd rather not talk. The way she handled that just smacked of immaturity imo. It would've taken 20 seconds.

Yeah, Jenelle, you were shaken up. Bitch for saying Jace was lying. My God.

Chelsea: Adam… visit…. no… parents… court order… misunderstanding… Cole pooping.... juvenile response to knock on the door....no storyline… goes to hotel to fill screen time… blah blah blah… happy ending with Adam’s parents.

Leah is a lying liar who lies. Ali does not use a power wheelchair. Leah seems to hold back at the doctor’s office and not communicate the/ degree of Ali’s difficulties. It’s as if she thinks that if she does not bring it up, it will go away.

Nova seems like a miserable kid to be around. She’s just so pouty and joyless. What kid doesn’t run to mom when she comes home from several days away?

Kail: Disgusting trash as usual.

What really, really upset me in this episode was when Barb was picking up Jace and Jenelle was showing her the Nerf gun and saying something about it, it was hard to hear, but Barb expressed unhappiness with it and said something like, “Great, he is gonna…” harm the dog with it or some words close to that. Jenelle said, “no he won’t.” or something. I had a hard time hearing it. But it made me sad to think that would go on.

Edited by configdotsys
Added Cole pooping!
  • Love 6
On 8/1/2018 at 9:52 AM, BitterApple said:

Regarding Devoin, I'm neutral at this stage. Similar to Chris, I'm finding it a little suspect he wants to play the caring dad when he's conveniently low on cash and has no place to stay. I thought the conversation he had with Brianna was mature on both their ends, but the real test will be whether he continues to be involved once he has his own place. I also thought it was a bit interesting how he talked more affectionately about Stella than he did Nova. 

I think he is full of shit, broke, needs a place to stay and knew what to say to Briana to make her fold like a cheap camera and weep into her daughter's underwear.

On 8/1/2018 at 2:50 PM, ghoulina said:

Ummmm.....that it was heaven on earth and I never wanted to go home? LOL! 

I'm 1st gen American. My parents and everyone before them were all from Ireland. So I agree with you. A beautiful place with such clean, wonderful air in the countryside. There is nothing like looking out the window of the plane as you get ready to land in Shannon. 40 shades of green, indeed.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, monagatuna said:

It's the grandmother of her child who has repeatedly flouted court orders and Chelsea's instructions about how, when, and if Adam should have contact with Aubree, who allowed him to drive her around against court orders and after he almost killed an elderly couple with his car, who is in deep denial about the extent of his drug use, who has been given chance after chance to get it right, who handwaves her son's dangerous behavior at the expense of her granddaughter's well-being and safety. After eight years of this, I wouldn't have opened the door either, maybe because I'm scared, or maybe because I'm just fucking done. That woman has so little regard for Aubree's safety that she's just lucky she gets to see her at all. Chelsea has been far more patient than I would have been in this situation. The grandmother is not owed a confrontation and has been given multiple opportunities to play nice, and there's no guarantee Chelsea could have known that she would've gotten an apology rather than another angry confrontation. Any other grandmother, I'd be right there agreeing with you. But Chelsea has the right to not open her own door, regardless of her motivation.

If I were in Chelsea's shoes, I would've probably ignored her too since she showed up to my house unannounced. I honestly would've been really unhappy she showed up at my doorstep given previous issues. 

She's really lucky that Chelsea lets her see Aubree.

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, smores said:

She did handle the family drama, though.  She simply didn't open the door.  Aubree was in the house, and she didn't need to potentially be put in the middle of a loud, screaming confrontation.  We know NOW that Donna was apologizing because she evidently misunderstood this latest court order (I side-eye this, because, really?), but, there really wasn't a way to know that then.  Chelsea has Aubree, who has been put in dangerous situations by Donna, has been told that she is lying about Adam by Donna, and has been put in a position where she is doing something she (Aubree) knows is not supposed to be happening (Adam visiting), again, by Donna.  The last thing Aubree needs is to witness a fight between her mom and Donna.  Chelsea is aware that Aubree loves Donna and also that Donna loves Aubree.  She knows this relationship is important, and she wants to protect it for Aubree, but, Donna has to do her part in that, and it involves following the rules.  Also, Chelsea is pregnant and has another child in the house to consider.  All of that leads me back to not knowing what Donna was there for, I wouldn't have opened the door.  She doesn't come to the door to get Aubree when she's picking her up for her weekend, so, now all of a sudden it's a happy social call?  

Fair points. Shades of Barb for sure. YMMV ;) Although I still don't get why Cole had to call.

10 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

@usernameG & @ghoulina PERSONALLY- I NEVER open my front door for unannounced or uninvited guests. It’s 2018, if you want to speak to me you can call/text first. The only people that don’t have to do that already have a spare key (like my Mom).


I think it’s the epitome of entitled for Donna to show up to Chelsea’s home unannounced and uninvited and expect to occupy her time. No just no. Given Adam’s addiction and the Linds denial about that I am not surprised that she finds it easy to overstep boundaries. 

Had I been in Chelsea’s shoes no I wouldn’t have gotten Cole but I wouldn’t have answered the door. 

Yeah. I mean Donna is probably not a real scary threat, like I don’t think she would have hurt Chelsea but just randomly showing up after she obviously got the letter Chelsea sent, who knows what Chelsea would have been opening her door to. I wouldn’t want to do it alone either. It’s obvious the Linds weren’t following the rules and Adam taking pictures and posting them all over social media just proves how stupid he is. If one of Chelsea’s friends hadn’t sent it to her, a media source would have picked it up more than likely.

At this point I think all involvements with the Linds should be with a lawyer or something. I mean yeah things are okay now but still. They don’t seem to want to follow the rules either.

As for Ali and her disability, it breaks my heart and as a disability individual it feels way too close. I’m lucky that my life isn’t shortened by my disability but I do have the same issues that Ali suffers from. As a child it wasn’t so bad, as an adult it has progressed badly. I’ve had ieps throughout my whole life in school and high school from the time I was five.

And like I said I didn’t have the problems as a child and teenager that Ali sadly has. I didn’t need an aide, I did need a few modifications and still do but there were certain things they wrote in my iep that had to be honored. If I had needed an aide, i feel like tht would have been something that has to be done.And if the aide got transferred they would have to send another one.

Also.. I hate that Ali doesn’t use her wheelchair and while I think Leah and Corey don’t do so much to encourage it, a part of me wonders if Ali herself is being stubborn about it. She wants to be like all the other kids, she wants to be like her sister. And yeah like I said I’m sure Leah and Corey don’t help encourage it and she needs to use it! But I have to say something, I’m stubborn. As an adult. I have a walker and I hate using it! I hate it. And I know I walk better with it but.. I still hate it and I’m not a fan of it. And I’m an adult. And I use it because I’m an adult and I know better but it’s hard to make a child see that end result.

  • Love 11
21 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Had I been in Chelsea’s shoes no I wouldn’t have gotten Cole but I wouldn’t have answered the door. 

YES! This is exactly my point. It's not about making nice or being respectful to Donna (she doesn't owe her either), but why make Cole the middleman and barge in on him in the bathroom? It's not a sweeping commentary on Chelsea's parenting or her dynamic with the Linds, but I found that individual moment childish and annoying personally. "Quick, stop shitting and deal with my obnoxious pseudo-mother-in-law!" But anyway, I'm clearly on the losing side of this opinion so I'll drop this thread now :) I think Chelsea's Cole dependency just irks me in general sometimes lol. 

I mean, I've woken my husband up to come and kill a bug.  I can't really fault Chelsea for wanting Cole's input/assistance with the Donna situation.  He's also kind of a third party in that he hasn't been in the situation since the beginning, so it may help break up a cycle of dealing with things.  It's easy for people to fall into patterns of relating to each other (think about family dynamics and falling into set ways of dealing with things that go back to when you were kids, even though all kids are in their 30s now).  So, it's entirely possible that Donna and Chelsea may easily fall back into whatever patterns there were when she was 16 and Adam's maybe girlfriend.  Or, Donna may still try to talk to Chelsea that way, etc.  Cole doesn't have that history or that dynamic, so he is able to just kind of come in and cut through things and be like, yeah, no, this is what has to happen.  It's hard to say because we don't see Donna, but, I could see from my own life how having someone who wasn't always part of the picture can kind of cut through the bullshit and change up the dynamic.  

  • Love 12
18 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

YES! This is exactly my point. It's not about making nice or being respectful to Donna (she doesn't owe her either), but why make Cole the middleman and barge in on him in the bathroom? It's not a sweeping commentary on Chelsea's parenting or her dynamic with the Linds, but I found that individual moment childish and annoying personally. "Quick, stop shitting and deal with my obnoxious pseudo-mother-in-law!" But anyway, I'm clearly on the losing side of this opinion so I'll drop this thread now :) I think Chelsea's Cole dependency just irks me in general sometimes lol. 

Come sit with me.

  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

YES! This is exactly my point. It's not about making nice or being respectful to Donna (she doesn't owe her either), but why make Cole the middleman and barge in on him in the bathroom? It's not a sweeping commentary on Chelsea's parenting or her dynamic with the Linds, but I found that individual moment childish and annoying personally. "Quick, stop shitting and deal with my obnoxious pseudo-mother-in-law!" But anyway, I'm clearly on the losing side of this opinion so I'll drop this thread now :) I think Chelsea's Cole dependency just irks me in general sometimes lol. 

Your input and take on the situation is definitely valued (I'm speaking for myself, of course). I don't agree thus far, but it could be a wobbler and one day I think Chelsea is being ridiculous (I mean, she often is about other things). WTF with the stripey hair a few years ago. And being irresponsible with her dog when she was on her way to take her GED or cosmetology certification or whatever that was. 

I would 100% barge in on my husband if some quasi-relative I'd just sent a lawyer letter to showed up at my door. Of course, he often is in there for much longer than is strictly necessary and it would be his relative, since my family is perfect.  Lol.

I'm projecting a lot here, so I'll stop.  But your thoughts are valued. 

Shit, should I have sent a PM?

I'll stop now. 

ETA: THIS HAIR!!!  Hahaha


  • Love 12
On 7/31/2018 at 10:17 PM, ghoulina said:

Her cocky "always protected" made me livid. I'm a pretty strong supporter of gun rights, but a gun is NOT a guarantee of protection. You need to really know how to use one. And you need to know WHEN to use one. A gun does not make you invincible. There's always someone bigger and better out there. She thinks she can just whip out a gun and  it will all be fine. That's not how it works. 

Exactly. She uses it as a get out of jail free card. Figuratively and literally.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Maybe based on what we've seen, but I'm not going to second-guess his approach based on the few snippets MTV chooses to edit together for us to see.  I don't think that's fair to him.

Well, we saw Dr. Tsao walk in, ask about wheelchair use, get his answer, and then move on to other questions and topics.  I very much doubt that he had another meeting with Leah and Ali and asked the same questions. 

  • Love 5

I think Dr Tsao may take the approach that my childhood dentist used to take with one of my siblings.  That particular sibling went through a stage where they were less than stellar with their oral hygiene routine and the dentist would come in and say "You're doing a great job! You just need to get back here a bit better!"  My sibling would leave feeling all vindicated that somehow brushing extra good for 3 days before the appt fooled the dentist into thinking that they had brushed and flossed twice a day every day.  In reality, the dentist was hoping that by not nagging them, they'd actually start doing what they should be doing.  So, I could see Dr Tsao just reiterating that Ali is having more issues with weakness and that using the wheelchair will help conserve her energy and if she uses it more, it will help her get through the day, etc.  Sadly, though, I don't think Corey or Leah are getting the message.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

YES! This is exactly my point. It's not about making nice or being respectful to Donna (she doesn't owe her either), but why make Cole the middleman and barge in on him in the bathroom? It's not a sweeping commentary on Chelsea's parenting or her dynamic with the Linds, but I found that individual moment childish and annoying personally. "Quick, stop shitting and deal with my obnoxious pseudo-mother-in-law!" But anyway, I'm clearly on the losing side of this opinion so I'll drop this thread now :) I think Chelsea's Cole dependency just irks me in general sometimes lol. 

I'm with ya! You're not alone! I Can't stand the immaturity with Chelsea and Cole either. Maybe grandma is tired and confused with all the communication going between lawyers and judges so she decided it best for them to speak peacefully face to face.  I don't know, I mean Adam is a piece of shit, and I'm all for the supervised visits, but I never got the warm fuzzies from Chelsea storyline. Her and Randy spent years trash talking Adam with Adam not really ever getting the "good edit" when he was shown to respond (doing anything nice with his kid like we've seen other dad's doing). I don't like one sided stories as we very rarely saw or heard anything contradictory from him although at the end he did complain they had that "nicer" footage and chose not to show it (which I can totally believe). And while again, he's trash, Chelsea has been allowing Aubrre to visit with him and his family for years. So I always wondered how much of his story was exaggerated for cameras. Not the obvious legal and drug issues, but the he doesn't care, he doesn't pay, he's late to her ballgame bla bla bla issues.

Edited by hottesthw
  • Love 10
3 hours ago, smores said:

I think Dr Tsao may take the approach that my childhood dentist used to take with one of my siblings.  That particular sibling went through a stage where they were less than stellar with their oral hygiene routine and the dentist would come in and say "You're doing a great job! You just need to get back here a bit better!"  My sibling would leave feeling all vindicated that somehow brushing extra good for 3 days before the appt fooled the dentist into thinking that they had brushed and flossed twice a day every day.  In reality, the dentist was hoping that by not nagging them, they'd actually start doing what they should be doing.  So, I could see Dr Tsao just reiterating that Ali is having more issues with weakness and that using the wheelchair will help conserve her energy and if she uses it more, it will help her get through the day, etc.  Sadly, though, I don't think Corey or Leah are getting the message.

I don’t think so.  He’s already explained to Leah and Cory that using the wheelchair conserves energy, he asked if she was using it at home (in a sort of quick “she’s using the wheelchair at home, right?” way), assuming the parents are following the treatment plan, and then when he got an answer in the affirmative, he moved on to other questions and medical tests to try to determine the cause of Ali’s onset of fatigue.  I don’t think Dr. Tsao was being at all passive-aggressive, nor do I think he should.  I think he was doing test after test, when maybe a longer sit-down with Leah and Cory and maybe even her aide from school would have been more informative or illuminating.  If Dr. Tsao doesn’t do this sort of thing, then maybe a resident, or a physician’s assistant?

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

Well, we saw Dr. Tsao walk in, ask about wheelchair use, get his answer, and then move on to other questions and topics.  I very much doubt that he had another meeting with Leah and Ali and asked the same questions. 

From my experience with specialists, a PA is usually the one who comes in first and goes over concerns and asks the more detailed questions and often goes over a questionnaire that the patient/parent of patient fills out that has questions about activity and stuff like that. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Lusterleaf said:

I can't understand how Jenelle thinks she can get away with saying Jace was lying when there are freaking cameras all over her car! I am totally over Jenelle. I really hope she doesn't return for next season. I'd rather see Babs. 

I agree, I'd rather see a majority of Barbara and a bit of Jenelle, if at all, and see their pay reflect that. 

  • Love 11
23 hours ago, Mkay said:

We have never found a nursing liscense for Mamma Dawn.  So I don’t think she ever was. I remember a few of us searched hard and found nothing. 

By nurse I think they actually meant "someone who wears scrubs to work," which could translate to answering phones at the office.  

31 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

As for Cole being the middle-man, maybe he wants to? Maybe they think it works best that way. Maybe Chelsea gets intimidated when speaking to the Linds and can't always articulate what she wants to say. My in-laws bring out the worst in my husband. He can't stand his parents. I do most of the texting and communicating with them, to give him a buffer. Relationships have a lot of grey area. I don't have an issue with a husband or wife supporting each other in a situation that makes them uncomfortable. As long as Chelsea is following the rules and Aubree still gets to see her grandparents, I don't see the big deal. 

That's what I think. Plus, maybe being pregnant was making her super-emotional and she didn't trust herself to talk to Mama Lind? I know when I was pregnant I had to hold back tears when the sub shop ran out of olives. An actual confrontation (which is what she was most likely expecting) would have sent me over the edge and really pissed off Mr. Birdee. 

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Does anyone think Chelsea REALLY expected Cole to stop pooping? I picture them as the type of couple who have that bathroom openness; that it's not a big deal to walk in on one another when they're in there. They probably talk in there all the time. So I think she ran in there to tell him what was happening and her "get off the pot!" attitude was more an overdramatic telling of the story. She may have even said it to him, but not really meant it.

As for Cole being the middle-man, maybe he wants to? Maybe they think it works best that way. Maybe Chelsea gets intimidated when speaking to the Linds and can't always articulate what she wants to say. My in-laws bring out the worst in my husband. He can't stand his parents. I do most of the texting and communicating with them, to give him a buffer. Relationships have a lot of grey area. I don't have an issue with a husband or wife supporting each other in a situation that makes them uncomfortable. As long as Chelsea is following the rules and Aubree still gets to see her grandparents, I don't see the big deal. 

Such extensive poop discourse! lol. My post was meant to be a one-off grumbling of Chelsea's over-dependence on Cole in my snap judgement. Please don't read this as passive aggressive or directed at you, I just definitely did not expect that of all my posts the 3 sentence snark about shitting would generate a combined 8+ paragraphs of detailed rebuttal from multiple posters. I appreciate everyone's input, but I don't want to talk about Cole sitting on the toilet anymore and I regret bringing it up haha

Chelsea's dynamic with Cole can be grating. Apparently everyone else thinks that moment was justified and that's fine! This will be my last post about this topic.

Edited by Guest
18 hours ago, hottesthw said:

I'm with ya! You're not alone! I Can't stand the immaturity with Chelsea and Cole either. Maybe grandma is tired and confused with all the communication going between lawyers and judges so she decided it best for them to speak peacefully face to face.  I don't know, I mean Adam is a piece of shit, and I'm all for the supervised visits, but I never got the warm fuzzies from Chelsea storyline. Her and Randy spent years trash talking Adam with Adam not really ever getting the "good edit" when he was shown to respond (doing anything nice with his kid like we've seen other dad's doing). I don't like one sided stories as we very rarely saw or heard anything contradictory from him although at the end he did complain they had that "nicer" footage and chose not to show it (which I can totally believe). And while again, he's trash, Chelsea has been allowing Aubrre to visit with him and his family for years. So I always wondered how much of his story was exaggerated for cameras. Not the obvious legal and drug issues, but the he doesn't care, he doesn't pay, he's late to her ballgame bla bla bla issues.

High five! I also think they have to dig up the Adam conflict every year because it's Chelsea's only dramatic (?) storyline, which is probably why it took her YEARS to move on from him. It wasn't good for her to dwell on him jerking her around and it still can't be good for Aubree because it's a lot of "are you sad your dad didn't do X/do you care if you don't do Y with your dad/don't worry about your dad because Cole is your replacement dad now!" I think as Watson and the other baby Coleeeyyys get older, Aubree will feel the rift more and more. As soon as she gets old enough to decide on visitation, she'll probably increasingly refuse the visits in an effort to keep Chelsea's attention. Things are going to be different when Aubree's 16 and Chelsea is fawning over her Cole clan of small children. I wouldn't be surprised if she's still raising toddlers or even pregnant again when Aubree's in high school. I know Chelsea adores Aubree, but she'll never quite fit into her dreamy Pinterest fantasy of a tight knit nuclear family with Cole, and though Cole is a wonderful stepdad, I won't be surprised if Chelsea unwittingly creates mother/daughter tension over the years by unintentionally appearing to favor Cole's bio kids because they're younger and will be together all the rime.  

I really have no issue with how Chelsea has handled the situation

with adam and Adams parents. I also don’t know how else she’s supposed to talk about Adam. She very rarely talks and about him to aubree but that’s what I see. I’ve also never seen her push Cole into the father role, he’s done that because he truly cares about her and Adam her actual father hasn’t done anything, even though be bad asked for certain things, like wanting lunch with her, etc. And yes when aubree gets older she may see more of this show and more of Adam and his behavior and it will more than likely hurt her but a part of me wants to know how Adam is going to explain certain things to Aubree. And it bugs me so much that we’re suppused to hand wave it because he was a teenager. These hurtfuL things  he said that I am talking about are things he said about aubree. And yes he said terrible things about Chelsea as well but that’s a different topic that I’m not getting into. I’m talking about things he said on camera about his daughter. And he will have to own up to this behavior. 

  • Love 11

@SnarkEnthusiast I know it's unpopular, but I agree with everything you've said! And the dependence really bothers me too. God forbid, what if Randy died and Cole left her? How would she get through the day? I have no issue with financially depending on your spouse, and even emotionally depending on him...but Chelsea's level of dependence is excessive. Where do these guys come from that are okay with this behavior? So many are terrified of commitment! Maybe the reason why is they know guys with wives like Chelsea and they think every marriage would be like that. ? everyone needs to be able to achieve a basic level of independence and identity apart from their spouse, and I really worry (seriously, not snark) for Chelsea if anything ever happened to Cole, or he left her. 

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

@SnarkEnthusiast I know it's unpopular, but I agree with everything you've said! And the dependence really bothers me too. God forbid, what if Randy died and Cole left her? How would she get through the day? I have no issue with financially depending on your spouse, and even emotionally depending on him...but Chelsea's level of dependence is excessive. Where do these guys come from that are okay with this behavior? So many are terrified of commitment! Maybe the reason why is they know guys with wives like Chelsea and they think every marriage would be like that. ? everyone needs to be able to achieve a basic level of independence and identity apart from their spouse, and I really worry (seriously, not snark) for Chelsea if anything ever happened to Cole, or he left her. 

I don't know, but I need to find one! ? Not to sound like a bitter baby boomer at 26, but I do think a lot of it is social media. You constantly have to show off how in loveeeeeee you are, so you have to spend every second together because how else can you prove you're in loveeeee? There's a difference between being partners and depending on your spouse so much they become a replacement parent for you. Like @DangerousMinds said, Cole is the new Randy. This assessment is not based solely on the bathroom incident btw!  ? Please, I yield.

32 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I don't know, but I need to find one! ? Not to sound like a bitter baby boomer at 26, but I do think a lot of it is social media. You constantly have to show off how in loveeeeeee you are, so you have to spend every second together because how else can you prove you're in loveeeee? There's a difference between being partners and depending on your spouse so much they become a replacement parent for you. Like @DangerousMinds said, Cole is the new Randy. This assessment is not based solely on the bathroom incident btw!  ? Please, I yield.

Hahahaha I agree! I can't even find a guy who wants to hang out more than twice a week! Sorry to sound bitter, but I kind of am. I'm very independent, and guys still feel too fenced in lol! There's a big gap between three plus hangouts a week and the amount of clinginess that Cole puts up with. ??? I bet it is a social media thing, at least partially. Until we find the right guys, I will build you up, @SnarkEnthusiast. "Snarkenthusiast is able to construct a well-written sentence. This makes her an amazing, perfect, wonderful, awesome, intelligent, supremely attractive member of Previously TV, and I love her perfect posts!" ???

but yeah, I don't get it. Where are the guys who put up with this, lol? Haha remember that time when Chelsea called Cole when he had like an hour of work left and asked about his day? Most guys would complain that their work buddies laughed at them if this happened. Well, maybe Cole is just a rare breed, because I bet most guys would get teased at work about speaking in a baby voice with his wife about impregnating her constantly. "Put a babyyyyy in meeeee, Coley! Quiz! What do we do right after the wedding? Family planning. Right answer!" ? Yep, rare breed!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Instead of Randy and Cole swooping in to "save" Chelsea from those challenging situations, I'd like to see them support and encourage her to learn to cope with them herself.

Girl, I hear ya! Not to get too off topic, but I used to hate when my mom quit writing notes to my teachers and made me solve the problem myself. I remember being in fifth grade and begging her to step in, and she said, "you're old enough now to handle problems yourself! If you don't get practice doing this right now, it will be way harder when you're older. It's your problem to handle, not mine!" Of course, she did step in a time or two when the problem was really serious, but the expectation in our household was that everyone resolve their own messes. I'm really grateful to have decades of practice being assertive and negotiating to solve problems in a polite way. It would be scary if you've never done it, but Chelsea would feel so much more confident if she tried!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 4

I think Chelsea would be just fine on her own. Even without the men in her life she has good friends to talk to when she needs advice. But I personally think she is far stronger and more able than people are giving her credit for. There is no reason for her not to turn to people in her life when she wants to and in doing so that doesn’t mean she can’t survive without them either. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I'm sorry to have derailed the convo down this rabbit hole! Switching gears, does anyone know if they're replacing Jenelle like they did Farrah?

I made a joke about which teen starlet from years ago they might replace her with a few pages back considering she’s got all those amazing offers from amazon and Netflix. Well, her and David do. Which.. “sure Jan “ eye roll from me.. but honestly.. a part of me thinks all were going to get is more footage of producers running after her all “Janelly!!! Don’t go! It’s going to be so sad that you aren’t a part of this” which ick. If anything Mtv should just let barb take up janelles space and segments.

  • Love 4

How does Devoin have half a job? Either you have it or you don’t. 

Lux may not be the cutest baby, but let’s not forget, Isaac was downright tragic. His nickname on TWOP was Ziggy for goodness sake. As in the cartoon, not the Marley heir.

Barb said that Jace was going to “shoot Max” with the Nerf gun. I don’t know who Max is, but I’m assuming her dog? I found out later in life that there were several toys/gifts that people gave me, that my mom never handed over to me. Things she felt were inappropriate like make-up or certain types of dolls. They’re somewhere on the island for misfit toys. That’s where that gun needs to be.

Jenelle doesn’t even have custody of her child and puts the other two in day care while she does nothing all day, yet she can’t bear to be in another part of the state of North Carolina for a few hours without her “security blanket.” She’s vile.

My mother had a CPAP machine that she was instructed to use every night. Since the machine was paid for by Medicare, the usage was monitored. My mom didn’t use it, so they called and told her either send them their equipment back or she would have to pay for it. I hope Leah operates Ali’s robot as instructed.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 11
3 hours ago, charmed1 said:

How does Devoin have half a job? Either you have it or you don’t. 

Lux may not be the cutest baby, but let’s not forget, Isaac was downright tragic. His nickname on TWOP was Ziggy for goodness sake. As in the cartoon, not the Marley heir.


If Devion is telling the truth his hours probably got cut drastically. More likely than not they didn’t fire him they just took him off the schedule. 

I don’t think Lux is a cute baby but I do think he’s adorable. He seems like he’s going to have a fun personality- just the faces he makes and how he looks at things. Issac was an unfortunate looking baby, and he’s a cute little boy. Kailyn for her all her foulness does interact and speak to her children with love and affection- that shows. 

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Where do these guys come from that are okay with this behavior?

South Dakota. 

It really is different here. We are stuck in the 1950's. Grandma Donna's drop in - not unusual. People do it all the time.  People who didn't grow up here complain to me all the time how folks are so nice and old-fashioned, it's weird. Traditional wives, Stay-at-home-Moms? There's lots of them. We do have a high percentage of working Moms - but you're expected to do all the heavy lifting, cleaning, child care, shuttling to activities, so the Dads can hunt, fish, make cribs, (lol) and come to a home-cooked meal every night, etc.

When I moved here, I was blown away. It's kinda Like "The Andy Griffith Show," with a "Fargo" accent.

But, it's kinda nice, but weird. Chelsea/Cole ( and her dependency) do not surprise me at all.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, pheebs said:

South Dakota. 

It really is different here. We are stuck in the 1950's. Grandma Donna's drop in - not unusual. People do it all the time.  People who didn't grow up here complain to me all the time how folks are so nice and old-fashioned, it's weird. Traditional wives, Stay-at-home-Moms? There's lots of them. We do have a high percentage of working Moms - but you're expected to do all the heavy lifting, cleaning, child care, shuttling to activities, so the Dads can hunt, fish, make cribs, (lol) and come to a home-cooked meal every night, etc.

When I moved here, I was blown away. It's kinda Like "The Andy Griffith Show," with a "Fargo" accent.

But, it's kinda nice, but weird. Chelsea/Cole ( and her dependency) do not surprise me at all.

That makes sense. I have a relative who moved there in the past few years and she's morphed from a working mom to a cowboy/farmer wife type. Partially out of necessity I expect as her job dissolved.

It's strange how cultural norms differ from region to region. When we first moved to our new area, I was struck by how the children present themselves at your door for playtime without notice or parental involvement. I had read about this in stories as a child, but we never (or rarely) did this in the part of the country I grew up in, even in the 70s/80s. It just wasn't done. You did not drop by other people's houses without notice unless you were being chased by a madman. 

  • Love 6
19 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Instead of Randy and Cole swooping in to "save" Chelsea from those challenging situations, I'd like to see them support and encourage her to learn to cope with them herself.

Especially when it comes to things regarding a child that isn't theirs. She made baby with an asshole (I mean seriously, Adam hasn't changed a bit since she dated him, but back then he was perfect in her eyes *smh*), so she should be the one dealing with that situation, now that she is a grown woman with more kids. She has a great family to support her (as they should) but she crosses a line from support to dependency quite frequently.

And what really makes me smh is how when Adam's family supports him repeatedly (to his detriment sometimes), they are crucified . But Randy supporting his pregnant 16 year old  and now 20-something yr old kid with multiple kids, is revered. I mean they're  both parents of kids who screwed up (and still are), I can't imagine how it feels to be expected to turn your back on your kid, no matter how much they suck. Again, no excuses for Adam's bad behavior, but I find Cheslea far from the angel persona she puts out there.

Edited by hottesthw
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, hottesthw said:

Again, no excuses for Adam's bad behavior, but I find Cheslea far from the angel persona she puts out there.

I agree. I thought it was funny how Chelsea was all big and bad in the car talking about how the Linds weren't going to take advantage of her, then when given the opportunity to lay it all out there to Donna's face, she hides . I mean, is this really how she wants to play it with her child's grandmother? Nobody's excusing the Linds from violating the court order, but communication is a two-way street. Chelsea's not a teenager anymore. She's pushing 30 with three kids. Sometimes you have to step outside the Barbie Dreamhouse and deal with real life, even when it's unpleasant. 

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, pheebs said:

South Dakota. 

It really is different here. We are stuck in the 1950's. Grandma Donna's drop in - not unusual. People do it all the time.  People who didn't grow up here complain to me all the time how folks are so nice and old-fashioned, it's weird. Traditional wives, Stay-at-home-Moms? There's lots of them. We do have a high percentage of working Moms - but you're expected to do all the heavy lifting, cleaning, child care, shuttling to activities, so the Dads can hunt, fish, make cribs, (lol) and come to a home-cooked meal every night, etc.

When I moved here, I was blown away. It's kinda Like "The Andy Griffith Show," with a "Fargo" accent.

But, it's kinda nice, but weird. Chelsea/Cole ( and her dependency) do not surprise me at all.

Working moms who do all the childcare and housework is a norm for NC, sadly. We have so many bible thumpers here who believe in rigid gender roles, but Pops doesn't make enough to support the family, so Mom is "allowed" to both work and take care of the home! I don't know why any woman would want this arrangement, but I know too many to count. They act like housewives, and you would never know by talking to them that they have a career. They're expected to be mommies / Biblical women as their identity, while quietly bringing in the cash on the side. I could see that being the norm in Leah's area too, though knowing her, she would brag about being a career woman! Nothing wrong with that either! The worst part is the men in these marriages pat themselves on the back for being "progressive" enough to "allow" their wives to work. Thanks, but I'll pass. Living the feminist dream is NOT working some low paying job with no room for advancement that you don't care about while assuming a second shift at home...while Pops enjoys a beer!

  • Love 14
On ‎7‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 5:39 AM, Lm2162 said:

100% agree, I mean, it's one thing to be disabled- that's pretty common and can be fine, but wow. We all knew about the shortened life expectancy, but that can mean a number of things. I hadn't thought of it so....literally, even though that sounds dumb. And to hear it spelled out like that is just devastating. It's basically like your child has cancer...but more slowly, and a kind that no one *really* understands and there's no specific treatment protocol for. I really felt for her there. :( :(


I always knew she'd be unlikely to see her twenties, I thought everyone did.  That's why I hate seeing people give her so much shit here.   Put yourself in the position of literally watching your child deteriorate until they're no longer on this earth, then nitpick them allowing that child to run around at their birthday party or trick or treating.   I also totally understood her pillses addiction  (I was more annoyed at her continual denial of any problem than her having one.)  I mean, I can't watch those scenes without bawling MY eyes out, I can't even imagine having that happening to my own child.   I'd likely be looking for any means of escape as well.   It's so horrible. 

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 15
2 hours ago, lezlers said:

I always knew she'd be unlikely to see her twenties, I thought everyone did.  That's why I hate seeing people give her so much shit here.   Put yourself in the position of literally watching your child deteriorate until they're no longer on this earth, then nitpick them allowing that child to run around at their birthday party or trick or treating.   I also totally understood her pillses addiction  (I was more annoyed at her continual denial of any problem than her having one.)  I mean, I can't watch those scenes without bawling MY eyes out, I can't even imagine having that happening to my own child.   I'd likely be looking for any means of escape as well.   It's so horrible. 

While I agree that the diagnosis is devastating and stressful, I don't think people are faulting Leah for allowing Ali to enjoy special occasions. I think it's more convincing your child to not use her wheelchair, not requiring her to use her wheelchair 24/7 when walking actively accelerates her decline, and pushing her to participate in physically demanding sports that ABSOLUTELY speed her deterioration so she can be "like her (normal) sister" and so you can block out the fact that her disability exists. No matter how much they love Ali, and they do, Leah and Corey are always going to be ashamed of Ali's disability because I don't think they like the social embarrassment of having a "special" child that will inevitably be rejected by her peers, so they ignore Ali's diagnosis at the expense of her health. Also it's the parental guilt knee-jerk of "If I don't acknowledge it, it doesn't exist" extended to the dangerous logic of "the less time we spend reacting to it and letting it control her life, the healthier she'll be" which is fucking IDIOTIC and teetering on neglect given that her vital organs are already going downhill. 

And I know addiction is a disease, but driving while high with your kids in the car and forcing your young child to care for her disabled and toddler sisters while literally foraging for any food in the house is.....beyond shitty, so I'm not exactly overflowing with sympathy on that front, nor do I think Ali's diagnosis justifies Leah being in a hazy stupor and willfully endangering/neglecting all three kids, not to mention all the pressure on poor Gracie to keep the household afloat.

I don't believe for one second that Adam's parents misunderstood the court order. The whole reason they even went BACK to court is because Chelsea no longer felt comfortable with Adam being around Aubrey outside of the visitation center. Even now, I think they will continue to let Adam see her when they are with her and simply tell Adam not to post any pictures of Aubrey on IG when they give him time w/her, but then again, if Adam can't post himself w/her on IG, he probably won't bother to come around when she's there, period, so I guess it works out either way. 

I'm not sure if I would have been as forgiving of Donna if I were Chelsea. I would have been like, "I'm confused, exactly what part did you misunderstand? Do you think I went to court for things to remain exactly the same?" 

I really hate it when people don't respect my boundaries, ESPECIALLY when I'm doing them a favor that I don't have to do. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
  • Love 17
5 hours ago, lezlers said:

I always knew she'd be unlikely to see her twenties, I thought everyone did.  That's why I hate seeing people give her so much shit here.   Put yourself in the position of literally watching your child deteriorate until they're no longer on this earth, then nitpick them allowing that child to run around at their birthday party or trick or treating.   I also totally understood her pillses addiction  (I was more annoyed at her continual denial of any problem than her having one.)  I mean, I can't watch those scenes without bawling MY eyes out, I can't even imagine having that happening to my own child.   I'd likely be looking for any means of escape as well.   It's so horrible. 

ditto with all you said. that's why i keep saying it's about ali's quality of life, too. she doesn't have nearly as much time as most of us, so it's important she gets to enjoy at least some of the time she's got. 

i heard it was her 30's, but with the way things are going w/her lungs, i don't know. her lung capacity wasn't just a few points below normal, it was WAYYY belong normal. and people keep nit-picking at leah with the wheelchair, but the Dr. himself said Ali's strength is still pretty good, so it's not her muscles that are rapidly deteriorating yet, the issue now is her LUNGS, which wasn't known about previously. 

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, lezlers said:

I always knew she'd be unlikely to see her twenties, I thought everyone did.  That's why I hate seeing people give her so much shit here.   Put yourself in the position of literally watching your child deteriorate until they're no longer on this earth, then nitpick them allowing that child to run around at their birthday party or trick or treating.   I also totally understood her pillses addiction  (I was more annoyed at her continual denial of any problem than her having one.)  I mean, I can't watch those scenes without bawling MY eyes out, I can't even imagine having that happening to my own child.   I'd likely be looking for any means of escape as well.   It's so horrible. 


I certainly *knew,* I’m saying that scene made it more immediate and visceral. 

I don’t think it’s nitpicking to say that both parents should obey medical orders after seeing a specialist, get a properly accessible home, not act like using a wheelchair is a shameful sign of failure when it’s her primary means of future mobility and freedom from atrophy, and not push her to play sports regularly (this isn’t one trick or treating episode or a single birthday party- both Corey and Leah have acted like they can somehow “prove the doctors wrong” if they just push enough T-ball and cheerleading, when those are far from the only available fun after-school activities). I also just don’t understand seeing the specialist at all if they don’t plan on listening to him. It seems contradictory to spend all that time and money to visit him if they truly think that following his advice would make for a lower quality of life for Ali anyway and aren’t going to do what he says. Leah straight up lied to Dr. Tsao's face. That's really doing a disservice to her daughter.

Maybe it’s because disability is an everyday part of my life so I have a different perspective, but I’ll never think those things are ok or excusable. I do see what you’re saying, though- I don’t judge her for her addiction (I think that must be common in high stress scenarios like this) or them for their suffering, but I do judge them both for medical neglect. I feel for them deeply, but at the end of the day it can’t all be about their pain. Ali is the one who has the disorder, not them, and it has to be about her. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 16

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