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S20.E13: Power of Veto #4

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I have to like Sam's way of shutting off Kaitlyn. "I'm not going to go ten rounds with you," which she would have done if she hadn't shut Kaitlyn off.

Kaitlyn's tears - shades of Raven. They must use the same type of drippy mascara.

Brett offers words of consolation to Kaitlyn and Haleigh: "I'd pick you both up in a bar." A strike for female empowerment!

  • Love 16

So for one month Fessy has fooled me into thinking he's just a clueless dummy. His playa side came out today, shady MO, but nevertheless, he's playing.

This episode had significant producer-driven vibes, I mean more so than usual. 

How the heck does Tyler even influence who the replacement would be. His game continues to blow my mind.

Edited by dizzyd
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I'm liking Haleigh more and more. Well, Fessy is digging his own grave, making the same promise to Kaitlyn and Haleigh.

RockStar says, "Can the spank be harder?" And on your daughter's birthday!! Scotty cracking up is so funny. It looks like he's trying not to laugh in church.  Poor JC.

Woo hoo, Faysal won. Now for his dilemma - to choose or not to choose?

  • Love 6

This episode made my liking for Sam go down TREMENDOUSLY. She likes to cottle all the  men in the house and act like they can do no wrong but dont you women go and be mean to them! Respect yourselves! And she did more damage then good with her veto speech, trying to be all secretive about everything only to attempt to put up your "best friend".....come on girl!

Fessy was messy and I needed some popcorn for this love triangle. Don't go around giving out promises like they aint a thing!

Level 6 were such a non entity it was hilarious, I dont even know where whatshername is, was she on the couch? They arent bringing anything to this season so I need them to get picked off while the entertaining side of the house stays.

  • Love 16
6 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Fessy is so stupid. Kaitlyn's face . . . ha! 

Even if Kaitlyn didn't throw the competition, Fessy would have still won. Is he the dumbest person ever on BB? Or does someone else own that title?

Marcellas. And I think someone else did something galactically stupid, but at least Fessy kept himself safe, I guess.

Fessy blew it. He should have saved Kaitlyn, cause she's nuts and will hold a grudge forever. He could have charmed his way out of being in trouble with Haleigh.

Tyler is smooooooth.

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Lawon begged to be voted out to get a super special power that never existed and that he made up in his mind. Oh, Lawon.

That's the one. I think that may even beat Marcellas, because at least Marcellas was trying to protect Amy.

I hope Rockstar goes, and fails the chance to come back. Those glasses, I just can't.

Edited by Ananayel
  • Love 9
20 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Lawon begged to be voted out to get a super special power that never existed and that he made up in his mind. Oh, Lawon.

That was hilarious!!!

I need this power app explained. So the evicted person isn't automatically kept in the house? They just have a "chance"? Does that mean they have to do a competition? I'm so confused.

Yeah, Sam is no longer cool with me. There is no man in that house that needs to "stand up for himself". Every year, these men string the women along and the women play up their sexuality to stay in the house for as long as they can. For once, I'd like for the women to really stick with their guns and play WITH each other. Team Bailey (or however she spells it). Swaggy left so I hope she makes a run for it.

Edited by MitaJo
  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, MitaJo said:

I need this power app explained. So the evicted person isn't automatically kept in the house? They just have a "chance"? Does that mean they have to do a competition? I'm so confuse.

Yes. When whoever gets evicted tomorrow leaves the house, they'll play in a solo competition. If they win, they go back in the house. If they don't, they go home to be mocked on social media by all the Big Brother fans for not winning watch the rest of the season from the comfort of their own couch. 

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, MitaJo said:

I need this power app explained. So the evicted person isn't automatically kept in the house? They just have a "chance"? Does that mean they have to do a competition? I'm so confuse.


Yes.  They have to win some 'challenge' upon being evicted to stay in the house.  There was no further explanation on what it is on Sam's thing she read.  So no one knows what that is.

But since the first 3 evictees are already back at their homes and posting online then this 'challenge' will definitely not be the old style battleback but will only give a chance to tomorrow night's evictee to return.  Guess we all will find out together in about 24 hours.

Edited to add that the new definition of 'dumb' in the dictionary is 'Fessy'.  Also Fessy can be found under 'clueless' and 'inept.'

Edited by green
  • Love 2

I would say that Sam's "golden girl" edit ended with this episode.  I was really happy that they showed how hypocritical she is with completely different standards for dealing with men/women.  If she wasn't so ridiculous about everything, I could really appreciate her refusal to follow the unwritten rules about how a HOH works.  Unfortunately she's digging her own grave both in the game and in the public's opinion.  I guess she decided that it wouldn't be "respectful" to put up JC despite the fact that she had a logical game-related reason for doing so (giving him a chance to return and ensuring Kaitlyn's ouster) so she puts up Rockstar instead.  So sad.

I do have to say that I enjoyed her expression while talking with Kaitlyn.  Even if it was coming from the wrong place, it was so nice to see Kaitlyn shut down so quickly and completely.  I don't think that girl has been in many situations that she didn't think she could talk herself out of with rambling and circular logic.

Oh, Fessy.  That was just awful.  His need to win was at complete odds with the smart thing to do for his game.  Sam was NEVER going to put him up, Kaitlyn would (most likely) be voted out over Hailey.  All he had to do was LOSE that veto.

Edited by leocadia
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, leocadia said:

I would say that Sam's "golden girl" edit ended with this episode.  I was really happy that they showed how hypocritical she is with completely different standards for dealing with men/women.  If she wasn't so ridiculous about everything, I could really appreciate her refusal to follow the unwritten rules about how a HOH works.  Unfortunately she's digging her own grave both in the game and in the public's opinion.  I guess she decided that it wouldn't be "respectful" to put up JC despite the fact that she had a logical game-related reason for doing so (giving him a chance to return and ensuring Kaitlyn's ouster) so she puts up Rockstar instead.  So sad.

Ok so ... anyone think that it's telling that Sam put up maybe the four homeliest people in the house?

Kaitlyn - short, kinda awkward looking

JC - see Kaitlyn x 10

Haleigh - cute enough, but not a glamazon the way Bay, Rachel and Angela are

RS - self explanatory

Sam is really susceptible to lookism. I mean her whole reason for climbing on Fessy was her gushing about his looks. 

  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Lawon begged to be voted out to get a super special power that never existed and that he made up in his mind. Oh, Lawon.

LOL! I don't think anything can beat his stupidity. Poor Lawon lol. He was so convinced about that super power. 

Sam, Sam, Sam.... my opinion turned on her last week, and it got no better tonight. BB definitely didn't hold back with the edit either. She looked like a total hypocrite, and she came off terribly in that conversation with Kaitlin....."another female who what.... another female who is empowered" Ummmm, no!. 

Faysal....dude, what are you doing? I get why he wanted to win the veto. He's been blindsided a few weeks now, so I get why he couldn't be convinced that he wouldn't be the veto nom, but all the promises. Really? Glad he saved Hayleigh though. I just like her better. I wanted Kaitlin gone a few days ago, but now, I'm hoping for the Kaitlin eviction and return. Girl is crazy and will bring the drama!

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ok so ... anyone think that it's telling that Sam put up maybe the four homeliest people in the house?

Kaitlyn - short, kinda awkward looking

JC - see Kaitlyn x 10

Haleigh - cute enough, but not a glamazon the way Bay, Rachel and Angela are

RS - self explanatory

Sam is really susceptible to lookism. I mean her whole reason for climbing on Fessy was her gushing about his looks. 

I would put KC and Scottie on that list before Hayleigh, but Sam probably sees Scottie as one of the poor, young disrespected men, so no way could he go up on the block lol.  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Sam can get right bent.  She drags these girls through the mud and then tells them they are not allowed to discuss the heinous things she said to them?  That’s some bullshit right there.

I am SUPER over her.

That pissed me off. She can say all that shit about them, but they can't respond or defend themselves? Sam went from being a fave to someone I'd like to punch in her smug face.

This season is interesting, I'll say that about it.

  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

Sam threw away an easy $25,000.  Up until this week's episodes, she was a lock for America's Favorite.

Scary thing is I think Sam actually thought that the massive slut-shaming would get a great edit from CBS. I've met people like Sam and they always think that people will admire them for their prejudices because they "keep it real." They never think that sometimes "keeping it real" is also being an asshole. 

  • Love 21

Best episode of the season?

Let's not bury the lead as Rob Cesternino would say...The five-minute segment of Samantha's Epic Hypocrisy to me was one of the greatest highlights of the last few years. Excoriating the other women and the moment a stud opens his arms she's lying all over him like white on rice. Oh my god what phony!

It's sad too because Sam had to moments of near greatness. She was so steely-eyed cool when talking to  Kaitlyn I was starting to gain respect back for her but then she torpedoed it with getting down with Fessy on the couch. Then her strategy with JC was brilliant but she chickened out!!

Fessy! What the hell man. Talk about needlessly digging your own grave... you weren't in ANY danger especially after nearly macking on Sam. Why would you ever put yourself in that position voluntarily?! IT was like Archie/Betty/Veronica on steroids with Samantha thrown in as either Midge or Cheryl Blossom. (comics not the WB version). 

This was crazy! I'm not even going to rag about the childish Three Stooges Veto comp.

  • Love 4

Ok anyone want to throw out theories about why the CBS editors turned so hard against Sam? She got the power app, she was edited to be the show's sweetheart, she even got the cutesy family segment, and even in the HoH episode on Sunday there was some ambiguity. But today BAM they dragged her hard not just in the show's edit but on twitter.

Anyone think she was extremely rude and entitled in the DR to production? It wouldn't surprise me. Or they realized that Sam made a much better villain than sweetheart? 

  • Love 11

I've officially reached my limit with Rockstar. First of all, she breaks down and either cries or throws a tantrum any time the game doesn't go her way.  She's a ridiculously poor sport and, frankly, it's embarrassing to watch her. Secondly, what is with grown adults throwing around the word "bully"?! Just because someone doesn't like you or says something you don't like, it's not bullying. I haven't seen any bullying from anyone this season. In fact, the closest thing we've come to bullying was when she banged her pots and pans and climbed all over Brett. She acts like anybody who doesn't nominate him is an idiot but, hello, nobody has a problem with Brett except her. And the cherry on top was her DR about Sam nominating strong women....as she sobs and whines about the mean man who bullied her.  Ugh...cannot stand her!

4 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ok anyone want to throw out theories about why the CBS editors turned so hard against Sam?

I don't think they had a choice. No way you could edit around that. They're probably annoyed though that she keeps refusing to have conversations with people. Then they have to come up with random footage to use.

2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Brett offers words of consolation to Kaitlyn and Haleigh: "I'd pick you both up in a bar." A strike for female empowerment!

That kind of made me like Brett. It's not what most of us would have said to comfort them but, in his own bro way, that's probably, in his mind, the highest compliment he can give them.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

The five-minute segment of Samantha's Epic Hypocrisy to me was one of the greatest highlights of the last few years. Excoriating the other women and the moment a stud opens his arms she's lying all over him like white on rice. Oh my god what phony!

There really were some epic parts of tonight but I think this one is tied with Faysal exclaiming in wild frustration approx 'I don't know what I'm going to do, Haleigh! Err, Kaitlyn.'  Trying to cover his tracks he used the WRONG name!! It was classic!

I'll ditto the 'Sam is dead to me' sentiment. Not only playing the holier than thou card but then being a total hypocrite rolling about with Faysal who can 'stay here all day like this if you want.' because he makes her so happy. *eye roll* I do think she intentionally set her noms so she might have a shot with him! Tear him apart and then be there to pick up the pieces of how hard that must have been for him to choose. Damn, she's a piece of work.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 18

It’s interesting that Sam the Pious instantly caved on putting JC on the block when he spoke up. Did she cave because his argument made sense or because he’s a guy and guys ran the show in the 50s (where she still lives)?  

Really, Nonstar? You don’t have the tiniest clue as to what you could’ve done to end up on the block? And no, you’re not exempt because your daughter had a bday last Friday and Brett told a lie on Thursday.

I’m surprised JC didn’t raise some Hell due to the disparity of the whacks being abdominal for everyone else.

I love that the editors are showing key happenings from the house rather than creating alternative storylines this season. 

  • Love 10

They are never going to let Rockstar live down the "on my daughter's birthday" thing, are they? It's hilarious.

Sam is so full of herself. Glad to see that production seems to have turned against her. Meanwhile, Taylor stays golden.

There it is: jealousy. Sam mainly sees Kaitlyn and Haleigh as competition for Fessy. (As if.) But yikes, he is all kinds of messy, basically juggling two (maybe three) women right in front of all of them. Play on, player.

Buh, bye, Rockstar.


Is he the dumbest person ever on BB? Or does someone else own that title?

I think the show was hoping Faysal would be the second coming of Kaysar. He plays about as badly as Kaysar did and looks almost as gorgeous while doing it.


Fessy....when did Big Brother become a soap  opera...well more so than usual.

Right? It was just  like The Bold and the Beautiful. I kept waiting to see a B&B promo.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 6
38 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ok anyone want to throw out theories about why the CBS editors turned so hard against Sam? She got the power app, she was edited to be the show's sweetheart, she even got the cutesy family segment, and even in the HoH episode on Sunday there was some ambiguity. But today BAM they dragged her hard not just in the show's edit but on twitter.

Anyone think she was extremely rude and entitled in the DR to production? It wouldn't surprise me. Or they realized that Sam made a much better villain than sweetheart? 

She’s going to learn a difficult lesson about how BB giveth and then taketh away. The upside, for her, is it’s unlikely she has anything to worry about when it comes to being taken advantage of by scary agents; no agent could touch whatever stories BB coordinators fed her to make being on the show without researching it seem like a good idea.

I’d love to see all of her DRs from this week. I’ve a feeling Sam the Pious bought into everything production’s been saying for the last four weeks pertaining to that damn app she “won.” Add in the instatude after demanding she be given the win for HOH and it’s probable she got to be actin’ a little too big for her britches. 

Instead of pretending the feeds don’t exist, they’re showing everything that has people talking. And, if she’s being even half as haughty as I think she is, her production fan club did a 180 along with everyone else. 

  • Love 6
21 minutes ago, cork dork said:

She’s going to learn a difficult lesson about how BB giveth and then taketh away. The upside, for her, is it’s unlikely she has anything to worry about when it comes to being taken advantage of by scary agents; no agent could touch whatever stories BB coordinators fed her to make being on the show without researching it seem like a good idea.

I’d love to see all of her DRs from this week. I’ve a feeling Sam the Pious bought into everything production’s been saying for the last four weeks pertaining to that damn app she “won.” Add in the instatude after demanding she be given the win for HOH and it’s probable she got to be actin’ a little too big for her britches. 

Instead of pretending the feeds don’t exist, they’re showing everything that has people talking. And, if she’s being even half as haughty as I think she is, her production fan club did a 180 along with everyone else. 

I think Sam just really doesn't know her audience. When she's going on in the DR about how she's "old fashioned" and what hussies the girls are, she's forgetting that people working behind the scenes in a trashy summer reality tv series are likely to be young millennials hoping to break into show business. Who live in LA. They are NOT going to share her Gothard-lite "keep sweet" worldviews. 

It's also weird that even in her family segment her mom made her seem more like a hipsterish millennial who loved arts and crafts and other hobbies. They didn't even have much of an accent. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, jumper sage said:

My thoughts:

If Fessy didn't want to choose why didn't he throw off?

Why would Kait throw off and she is on the block?

Does no one watch the show before entering the house?

No one knows what Fessy thinks or if he even does.  A lot of recruits who have not watched much is my guess. 

7 minutes ago, zibnchy said:

I'm reasonably sure there was a woman sitting on the couch tonight that I have never seen before.

Probably Angela.  She surfaces from time to time.  Personally I think she may be a vampire,  no judgment intended, just my observation from reading Ann Rice books. 

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