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S03.E09: Panic at the Deck-O

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1 minute ago, SweetPotato said:

Maybe he and Jamie can get together (when she is better of course).

I get this is a show where they amp things up for drama but do they have to pair off? Can’t they just be friendly co-workers. I loved the pranking of Colin while he was sleeping. I’d rather that than seeing hookups and lovers fights. 

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7 hours ago, nr65000 said:

I know I'm in the minority here but try as I might, I just can't with Hannah honnnneyyyyyy and her very entitled attitude.  From continuously calling out her designer clothes, to blatantly talking about someone within earshot and laughing when they ask her to stop, to trashing whichever crew member she happens to be angry with at the time to all the other crew members (remember her talking about Kasey's resume lies to every....single.....person non-stop), now it's Joao (who I loathe) and idiot Brooke she's on about.  Conrad did absolutely nothing wrong with advising her to just stop.  She reads to me like a very, very, verrrryyyyy insecure person (I may or may not have some personal experience with this before I finally grew the hell up).  I think she is a terrible manager who wields her tiny bit of authority poorly.  I have no doubt that this has been a stressful charter season but I think she brings a lot of it on herself.  If she is genuinely so crippled by anxiety that she is retching in her bunk and literally incapacitated over the smallest of disagreements with her crush, then I wonder if this is a healthy environment for her to be in.  Miles out to sea on a small charter boat is not the place for this level of anxiety IMHO.  I know many on this board think Captain Sandy is being too hard on Hannah and while I believe she may going overboard (ha ha) I understand her impatience with Hannah.  I don't think she has any kind of crush on Hannah, I think she is just fed up with an overly emotional, under performing chief stew.  My perspective may be because I am closer to Sandy's age than Hannah's but I think she is just over it.  I think she tried very hard to show some understanding and support Hannah during her breakdown and rallied the troops to cover for her, but if (as it shows in previews), Hannah takes advantage of this and spends the day partying with the guests instead of trying to make it up to her crew members then I do not blame Sandy one bit for wanting to fire her.  


It's annoying to me that Sandy can't just be mad about Hannah's shitty work ethic, shitty management, and even shittier attitude -- it has to be payback for some unrequited crush.  I'm guessing Sandy's crush disappeared once she got to know Hannah.


6 minutes ago, SweetPotato said:

From what I heard, Joao and his family were the victims of multiple acts of violence / crime.  One time, when Joao was 16, his mom was attacked in front of him.  She was 2 months pregnant at the time and bleeding everywhere.  The attackers also held a gun to Joao’s head. It sounds like Joao has had a lot of trauma in his past that he’s being trying to suppress.  I really hope that after filming he was able to find a good therapist to help him work through it all.

That being said, his past is no excuse for the hateful things he’s said to Hannah. However, I do now have sympathy for Joao and Hannah should just get over it.  

Also, I think Joao was most interested in Brooke from the start. Once she asked him to back down, he upped his flirting with Kasey as a backup. Then when Brooke returned his feelings, after seeing him with Kasey, he then went back to Brooke, his first choice.  I think Brooke will be a good influence on Joao, she seems very kind and nurturing.  Poor Colin.  Maybe he and Jamie can get together (when she is better of course).

I don't think Colin could handle Jamie.  I know guys like him.  I'm betting the story from college was a case of him sitting back and not making a move, just like with Brooke, and it's possible that no one else involved even knew he liked the girl.

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God, Hannah is exhausting.  She bitches nonstop about Joao and Brooke; Conrad rightfully tells her to let it go, maybe they should chat about something else; she gets her undies in a twist and then has a panic attack?  I know anxiety can be a horrible thing but I would be mortified for my BOSS to hear me say that I was having an anxiety or panic attack because I had feelings over a co-worker I had known for less than 3 weeks.  

I think Sandy was overly kind, given the circumstances and the fact that Jamie was down with bronchitis.  Hannah being Hannah, though, it appears next week that she gets up from her sick bed and immediately gets on a smaller boat with the charter guests.  Gee, Hannah, if you were feeling better, maybe you should have let Brooke or Kasey, who had been picking up your slack, go?

Brooke is so, so very needy.  Does she really need a man's attention that badly?  Her boyfriend just broke up with her, she's seen Joao flirting up a storm with Kasey and as soon as Kasey's back is turned, Brooke is sucking face with Joao and then rolling around with him on the deck of the yacht.  Of course her supervisor (Hannah) has had Conrad in her bed (the bunk over Brooke's) since the first week so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.   I get these are all adults but it is their place of work - - does Sandy not notice them hooking up or doing whatever they're doing on the upper deck?

Joao has been a jerk but I do feel sorry for him regarding the violence he and his family have endured.  What a terrible thing to experience.

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1 minute ago, psychoticstate said:

Hannah being Hannah, though, it appears next week that she gets up from her sick bed and immediately gets on a smaller boat with the charter guests. 

It looked like different guests to me. The preview they showed last night was not just for next week but the rest of the season.

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I'm curious that if there was the "extra bunk by the crew mess" that looked like a pretty large cabin for the quarantine, why is the staff packed in the tiny rooms like sardines?  2 people could have had a single room.  Less Dra-Muh, I presume.

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1 hour ago, SweetPotato said:

From what I heard, Joao and his family were the victims of multiple acts of violence / crime.  One time, when Joao was 16, his mom was attacked in front of him.  She was 2 months pregnant at the time and bleeding everywhere.  The attackers also held a gun to Joao’s head. It sounds like Joao has had a lot of trauma in his past that he’s being trying to suppress.  I really hope that after filming he was able to find a good therapist to help him work through it all.

That being said, his past is no excuse for the hateful things he’s said to Hannah. However, I do now have sympathy for Joao and Hannah should just get over it.  

Also, I think Joao was most interested in Brooke from the start. Once she asked him to back down, he upped his flirting with Kasey as a backup. Then when Brooke returned his feelings, after seeing him with Kasey, he then went back to Brooke, his first choice.  I think Brooke will be a good influence on Joao, she seems very kind and nurturing.  Poor Colin.  Maybe he and Jamie can get together (when she is better of course).

100% agree with your post. And I hate to acknowledge that -mostly regarding Joao- but, yes, I agree.

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I get this is a show where they amp things up for drama but do they have to pair off? Can’t they just be friendly co-workers. 

Certainly, of course they can just be friendly co-workers.  It’s just that the romantic in me would enjoy seeing a nice, fun, Pringles loving guy, like Colin, and a nice, fun, chocolate milk loving girl, like Jamie, be interested in each other, and perhaps find love and happiness together.


59 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I don't think Colin could handle Jamie.  I know guys like him.  I'm betting the story from college was a case of him sitting back and not making a move, just like with Brooke, and it's possible that no one else involved even knew he liked the girl.

Yes, I can see that.  I think Colin would do better if he was a bit more confident and able to better express his interest in someone.  Sometimes it just takes time, hopefully he’ll learn from the whole missed opportunity with Brooke situation.

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5 minutes ago, SweetPotato said:

Certainly, of course they can just be friendly co-workers.  It’s just that the romantic in me would enjoy seeing a nice, fun, Pringles loving guy, like Colin, and a nice, fun, chocolate milk loving girl, like Jamie, be interested in each other, and perhaps find love and happiness together.

If it’s a real romance then I could go for it. Every season Hannah has a new beau and he gets dropped with the last anchoring. I’d love to see something that stands the test of time but sadly I don’t think that many showmances last. I think Colin is a very underrated good guy and would love to see him happy. I’m sure he’s cute as all get out when he’s smitten and feels comfortable enough to show it. 

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34 minutes ago, NaughtyKitty said:

I'm curious that if there was the "extra bunk by the crew mess" that looked like a pretty large cabin for the quarantine, why is the staff packed in the tiny rooms like sardines?  2 people could have had a single room.  Less Dra-Muh, I presume.

isn't it the designated shag room, thereby sparing the poor castmates who have the misfortune of trying to sleep under/over an active coitus session?


Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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4 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

isn't it the designated shag room, thereby sparing the poor castmates who have the misfortune of trying to sleep under/over an active coitus session?

Given that Conrad and Hannah don’t seem to use it probably not. I would guess it’s normally used for production.

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Just now, biakbiak said:

Given that Conrad and Hannah don’t seem to use it probably not. I would guess it’s normally used for production.

What I was saying by using the strikethrough on naughtykitty's post, is why isn't it the shag room.  I realize that it is not.

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Brooke's first mistake is that she believes she can change Joao. She can't. He can only change himself. Her low self-esteem makes her needy, and desperate. She is sweet, but her mate picker is off.

I've met men like Joao.  Sade would croon that Joao is a "Smooth Operator." Maybe he'd be fine for a fun time, but nothing serious. Brooke is going to be hurt. Hopefully, Collin will sweep in with his Pringles, and his white sweatband, and win her heart. 

I didn't care for Kasey's comment about the one-piece. It was catty. However, I will say that she is very aware of how to toy, and tease Joao. Telling him about her 8-year celibacy is like forbidden fruit, and it will be a challenge for him no matter what. He won't give up on Kasey despite what he tells Brooke. It's all pretty gross , but players gotta play. 

Hannah gets wound up if her friend isn't in  alliance with her when she dislikes someone else. In this case, she turned nasty when Brooke said she liked Joao. Hannah interprets this as an act of betrayal. She only sees relationships as black/white. She doesn't see that she can dislike someone's behaviour but still accept them as a person, and see the good in them as well. 

Edited by Barbara Please
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1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

I know anxiety can be a horrible thing but I would be mortified for my BOSS to hear me say that I was having an anxiety or panic attack because I had feelings over a co-worker I had known for less than 3 weeks.  

I think Sandy was overly kind, given the circumstances and the fact that Jamie was down with bronchitis.  Hannah being Hannah, though, it appears next week that she gets up from her sick bed and immediately gets on a smaller boat with the charter guests.  Gee, Hannah, if you were feeling better, maybe you should have let Brooke or Kasey, who had been picking up your slack, go?

LOL, I was just thinking about how absolutely mortified I would be to have that conversation with my boss, the Captain of the ship, particularly if I was in a position of some authority....I can only imagine what was going through Sandy's mind as she tried to find out what was  wrong...."are you sick, is it food poisioning????.."I......sob hiccup sob....am......(what...WHAT..Hannah,...SICK?   DYING?  someone you love DIED?????WHAT IS WRONG).......sob sob sob ..choke...retch...pretend vomit....sob sob....falling..in...love...hiccup sob....with CONRAD.............BOOOOO HOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA so I can't possibly do my job but instead need to writhe around on my bunk sob sob sob sob  Yes, I agree 100% that Sandy was indeed overly and unduly kind.  I would also posit (again) that I would be absolutely shocked if it was Hannah  listening to Brooke wail about Joao  had she one tiny bit of anything other than utter and total disdain and snark to offer up.    

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Maybe someone has double checked Joao's story and he's telling the truth, but for some reason I don't believe anything he says about his past. He comes across as a very priveledged ass who's used to getting what he wants, and manipulates people, and it feels like he came on a reality show to gain sympathy. Maybe he's had some stuff happen, but my gut says he's exaggerating if not down right lying about his past. Maybe these things happened to someone he knows, or they happened in his home town, but his pictures just look like a frat guy on safari having a good time. His image doesn't really scream, "downtrodden, self made, wayfair child." But I may be wrong. I just don't trust reality tv personalities. 

Brooke is pathetic. There are plenty of guys out there (Colin), you don't need to go after the guy who is also flirting with your co-worker. At least Kasey got upset about the love triangle (albeit, she just wanted more attention). Brooke just comes across as a doormat that will let anyone walk all over her. 

Kasey's comments about the bathing suits showed how shallow and ugly she really is. 

Adam sucks. 

I thought Sandy redeemed herself this week, but I agree it's a little too late to protect the crew from Jamie. 

As for Colin, I think he dodged a bullet with Brooke. She's too needy and not very bright. I think her accent fools people. Colin can do better. 

I had been sticking up for Hannah but this episode was pretty bad. She made her comments about Brooke and Jaoa and then just needs to let them go. It's not her place. And it doesn't look like the panic attack sticks, which means we're going to get some lame drama between Sandy and Hannah, again. 

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25 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

Brooke's first mistake is that she believes she can change Joao. She can't. He can only change himself. Her low self-esteem makes her needy, and desperate. She is sweet, but her mate picker is off.

I've met men like Joao.  Sade would croon that Joao is a "Smooth Operator." Maybe he'd be fine for a fun time, but nothing serious. Brooke is going to be hurt. Hopefully, Collin will sweep in with his Pringles, and his white sweatband, and win her heart. 

I didn't care for Kasey's comment about the one-piece. It was catty. However, I will say that she is very aware of how to toy, and tease Joao. Telling him about her 8-year celibacy is like forbidden fruit, and it will be a challenge for him no matter what. He won't give up on Kasey despite what he tells Brooke. It's all pretty gross , but players gotta play. 

Hannah gets wound up if her friend isn't in  alliance with her when she dislikes someone else. In this case, she turned nasty when Brooke said she liked Joao. Hannah interprets this as an act of betrayal. She only sees relationships as black/white. She doesn't see that she can dislike someone's behaviour but still accept them as a person, and see the good in them as well. 

First, love, love, love Sade and that song!!  But, I just don't see Joao as a smooth operator.  To me, a smooth operator is someone who makes you swoon without seeming like that's what he's doing, and also, someone who gives off the vibe of not being overly impressed with himself (even though he probably is).  With Joao, I get the impression that his "moves" are very calculated and we can all see he is super-impressed with himself.  I find him so disingenuous, to the point of being creepy/sleazy.  It's like he makes bets with himself (or others) about how many women he can bed - and notches on his bedpost are important - not relationships.  

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6 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

First, love, love, love Sade and that song!!  But, I just don't see Joao as a smooth operator.  To me, a smooth operator is someone who makes you swoon without seeming like that's what he's doing, and also, someone who gives off the vibe of not being overly impressed with himself (even though he probably is).  With Joao, I get the impression that his "moves" are very calculated and we can all see he is super-impressed with himself.  I find him so disingenuous, to the point of being creepy/sleazy.  It's like he makes bets with himself (or others) about how many women he can bed - and notches on his bedpost are important - not relationships.  


Just for fun I looked up the definition and this is what it said:  "A skillful, manipulative person, con artist, or clever scoundrel."

He definitely manipulative, and a scoundrel. However, he's not a clever one. 

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1 hour ago, Barbara Please said:

In this case, she turned nasty when Brooke said she liked Joao. Hannah interprets this as an act of betrayal. She

Though Brooke is equally ridiculous by expecting Hannah to get along with Joao given all the shit he has said to her. Note she expects Hannah to get over it and be nice to him for her sake but she hasnt called out Joao’s horrible attitude toward her friend. 

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12 hours ago, nr65000 said:

I know I'm in the minority here but try as I might, I just can't with Hannah honnnneyyyyyy and her very entitled attitude.  From continuously calling out her designer clothes, to blatantly talking about someone within earshot and laughing when they ask her to stop, to trashing whichever crew member she happens to be angry with at the time to all the other crew members (remember her talking about Kasey's resume lies to every....single.....person non-stop), now it's Joao (who I loathe) and idiot Brooke she's on about.  Conrad did absolutely nothing wrong with advising her to just stop.  She reads to me like a very, very, verrrryyyyy insecure person (I may or may not have some personal experience with this before I finally grew the hell up).  I think she is a terrible manager who wields her tiny bit of authority poorly.  I have no doubt that this has been a stressful charter season but I think she brings a lot of it on herself.  If she is genuinely so crippled by anxiety that she is retching in her bunk and literally incapacitated over the smallest of disagreements with her crush, then I wonder if this is a healthy environment for her to be in.  Miles out to sea on a small charter boat is not the place for this level of anxiety IMHO.  I know many on this board think Captain Sandy is being too hard on Hannah and while I believe she may going overboard (ha ha) I understand her impatience with Hannah.  I don't think she has any kind of crush on Hannah, I think she is just fed up with an overly emotional, under performing chief stew.  My perspective may be because I am closer to Sandy's age than Hannah's but I think she is just over it.  I think she tried very hard to show some understanding and support Hannah during her breakdown and rallied the troops to cover for her, but if (as it shows in previews), Hannah takes advantage of this and spends the day partying with the guests instead of trying to make it up to her crew members then I do not blame Sandy one bit for wanting to fire her.  

Sing it sister!  

12 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm not buying it. We see a preview of next episode of Sandy completely losing her shit because she sees anxiety ridden Hannah who can't do her job enjoying herself on a boat ride with the charter guests when she should be back to work if she is feeling so much better! Hannah has been worthless the entire season and if she's so upset over having a stew that lied on her resume and can't even make coffee then why is she sitting at the dinner table with her gossiping about Brooke within ear shot so Brooke can hear her? Hannah is a POS. 

I was meh about Hannah in her debut season until the end.  When Ben chose Tiffany for a drunken hookup instead of her.  Hannah said nasty things about Tiff and it just didn't sit well with me.  She uses her crew until they tick her off and then she talks crap with her new favorite. 

6 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Someone should tell Kasey that one-piece swimsuits are not just for grandmas. 

I was going to praise Kasey.  She is no longer getting the lazy, worthless idiot edit and seems to be.....doing the job.

And then?  That stupid crack.

No gold star.  Nope.

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Hannah and Conrad aren't actually getting it on though, are they? I assume this has been discussed here, but I get the distinct impression that Conrad may be one of those people who is waiting for marriage, or off the boat or something. This would be enough to send needy Hannah, at this stage of their relationship, into a complete spin. Hence the 'panic attack' that was absolutely not related to a hangover. Everytime I see them in the cabin, it's so ... platonic. He's always got jeans on. I think I may have seen him once in shorts or boxers. Hannah, on the other hand, is always scantily clad. And she made that comment this episode when they got into the bunk about him being the man, so HE had to be the 'big spoon'. I really think spooning, or not much more than, is all that's happening and Hannah's brain is imploding. Adam may be right: she'd definitely be 'breaking his dick off' if he ever consents. 

Brooke is possibly almost as needy as Hannah, which may be why they are not getting along. Because Brooke does everything else right as far as Hannah is concerned: deferential, hard working, friendly, no attitude. Joao has zero backbone. I wonder how humiliated Brooke is feeling now, after seeing his THs and visiting Zim?

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19 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Someone should tell Kasey that one-piece swimsuits are not just for grandmas. 

As an old lady myself, I actually laughed when Kasey made that comment because it was my first thought when I saw Brooke in that god-awful bathing suit! There are many sexy looking one pieces out there on the market but what Brooke was wearing was not one of them. It had "old lady" written all over it. The cut, the print, all of it. Kasey was truly dumbfounded as to why JWoww was giving all his attention to Brooke while she was laying there all alone sunning herself with her banging body in that bikini!

Edited by bichonblitz
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On 7/17/2018 at 9:54 PM, chenoa333 said:

Well there's an excuse I've never tried for not showing up for work: " when I fall in love I get anxiety and it makes me ill". Lol


OMG, I felt for Capt Sandy on that one.     

I think on their day off instead of the owners splurging for a day at a resort for the staff, they should arrange for a group of therapists to spend the day talking with the staff people.  Joao needs to go because he's a major disruption.   I feel for him about his family, but have a bad feeling that this is part of some manipulation by him.

In the past, Hannah was been a mess when they went out drinking but did a good job dealing with the guests.  This season, she's not even doing that.   Her problems didn't start when she realized she was in love with Conrad.  They started the first day when her staff wasn't performing and it showed to the guests.  It was compounded by her spending her time off commiserating with Conrad and when she started torquing her gossiping and meddling up to 11.   She's failing this year at something she's usually good at and proud of.   Loving Conrad isn't the direct cause.

I'm glad Adam's attitude is better this year, especially with regard to Mr Onion.

Jamie's diagnosis, she kind of mangled the diagnosis, was basically bronchitis, wasn't it?  Depending on what kicked it off, that could spread from person to person among the crew.  Luckily, she hasn't been one of the big snoggers.

17 hours ago, NaughtyKitty said:

I'm curious that if there was the "extra bunk by the crew mess" that looked like a pretty large cabin for the quarantine, why is the staff packed in the tiny rooms like sardines?  2 people could have had a single room.  Less Dra-Muh, I presume.

I think it's a small guest room, twin beds for when the guests bring kids or something.

Edited by terrymct
Edited to fix a name
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On 7/18/2018 at 8:41 AM, pasdetrois said:

I think Hannah's symptoms were fake. A carefully crafted move to 1) get out of work 2) manipulate Conrad and 3) garner sympathy from everyone. I think Sandy has her number.

I hope Brooke's desperation is for the cameras. Otherwise she's coming off as desperate + slightly demented.

Hannah's symptoms are a way to control a group of people who don't want behave along the lines you've laid out for them.   In a previous generation, this would be called "taking to her bed".  You all have made me ill, change what you're doing and give me lots of attention.

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I found Sandy’s understanding behavior and little bit of advice about giving love a chance confusing and completely against character or against the onscreen character she’s been trying to portray this season. 

It definitely reminded me of first-season Sandy. 

Edited by Jsage
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23 hours ago, NaughtyKitty said:

I'm curious that if there was the "extra bunk by the crew mess" that looked like a pretty large cabin for the quarantine, why is the staff packed in the tiny rooms like sardines?  2 people could have had a single room.  Less Dra-Muh, I presume.

23 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

isn't it the designated shag room, thereby sparing the poor castmates who have the misfortune of trying to sleep under/over an active coitus session?


23 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Given that Conrad and Hannah don’t seem to use it probably not. I would guess it’s normally used for production.


6 hours ago, terrymct said:

I think it's a small guest room, twin beds for when the guests bring kids or something.


Talisman Maiton has 6 cabins. They lose one for production. We've only seen the master and 2 double cabins. There are 2 others we haven't seen until now. This was one of the other cabins.


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Honestly, if Hannah was truly having an anxiety attack (which is a real medical condition) she didn't even have to tell Captain Sandy WHY.  A simple "I suffer with anxiety disorder, there's nothing specific that caused the onset of this panic attack but I need a few hours off to regroup," should have sufficed.  Tying it to her relationship with Conrad is NOT going to help her with the Captain, in the long run.  

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On 7/18/2018 at 7:41 AM, pasdetrois said:

I think Hannah's symptoms were fake. A carefully crafted move to 1) get out of work 2) manipulate Conrad and 3) garner sympathy from everyone. I think Sandy has her number.

I hope Brooke's desperation is for the cameras. Otherwise she's coming off as desperate + slightly demented.

I agree. I do think #1 reason was to guilt up Conrad. She’s the ultimate manipulative mean girl.

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Jaime disgusted me in this episode. My 6 year old grandson knows to cough into the inside of his elbow and NOT into his hands.  She was so gross the way she'd hack into her hands and then touch everything.  She even did it and then grabbed Kasey's hand.    It was making me ill. 

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On 7/18/2018 at 5:00 PM, Barbara Please said:

Brooke's first mistake is that she believes she can change Joao. She can't. He can only change himself. Her low self-esteem makes her needy, and desperate. She is sweet, but her mate picker is off.

I've met men like Joao.  Sade would croon that Joao is a "Smooth Operator." Maybe he'd be fine for a fun time, but nothing serious. Brooke is going to be hurt. Hopefully, Collin will sweep in with his Pringles, and his white sweatband, and win her heart. 


Brooke: "It's not that I think of it as a challenge, I just want to be the person to make this whole other person a better person!"

Oh, Brooke. IT IS A CHALLENGE no matter how you pretty it up. You want to bring the beauty out of the beast. I know this because I was once the poor fool who tried the same thing, and it took a friend to help me figure out that that's what I was doing. I had it in my head that I could see the good in this person and so why couldn't he be like that all the time? The trouble is, it's hard for those types not to choose the asshole route, because asshole is easy. You see instant results with asshole mode. Having true consideration and care for another person takes work and delayed returns. And the asshole/troubling/scary behavior Joao typically expresses has, for the most part, worked well for him. 

Part of me wonders if Hannah just expects her relationship with Colin to blow up at some point, so she wants to blow it up now, herself, while she's still in control of it. Or it's just a giant test to see if Colin will put up with anything she throws at him, demons and all. (Maybe it's both.)

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On 7/17/2018 at 8:54 PM, chenoa333 said:

Well there's an excuse I've never tried for not showing up for work: " when I fall in love I get anxiety and it makes me ill". Lol

I can’t believe she actually said that to Capt Sandy. So, if I’m understanding it right, the problem with her and Conrad was he didn’t want to listen to Hannah bitch about the other crew mates nonstop anymore.

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Thoughts on Hannah:

First anxiety is real. It needs to be treated. Panic attacks are a medical emergency. Sandy should have sent her to a doctor instead of telling her to “give love a chance.” There’s so much work to do with education about mental illness. 

Hannah and the boys:

She talks about 3 significant father figures leaving in her early childhood for one reason or another. (I think one even died.)

This type of life event can easily trigger the cycle of codependency. She’s been abandoned over and over. She feels unlovable, not worthy, the fear that HE’S just going to leave her throughout relationships in her life. She starts to be attracted to men who are unavailable because replaying these situations in her adult life is “comfortable.” Later she tries to change these unavailable men- “if I can get him to love me, then I will feel safe, worthy of love.” 

On the show we see her try with Ben- a guy who tells just about anyone who will listen that he’s not looking for a wife. We see her try with Bobby who is openly and desperately trying to prove to Malia that he’s lovable. We see her try with Adam- this guy lives in a van, so he’s not in the “putting down roots,” ready to commit to even a lease on an apartment.  Finally she meets Conrad. Surprise. He treats her with respect. He (according to Hannah) is much more mature than his years. He is available. She doesn’t know what to do with this; she can’t step away for air because they live together...BAM! Panic attack. 


Her management skills leave a lot to be desired, and others report (on WWHL-Brooke and Sandy) that her work ethic isn’t as strong as others on the boat. So, although I like her, I don’t think she walks on water, but I feel for her because I identify with her self-worth issues. I want to see her continue therapy and treatment, and want her to stop self-medicating with alcohol before that gets out of control as well. 


I posted this in the Hannah thread, but meant to post it here, so this is a double post as I don’t know how to “move” a post from one thread to another. Sorry if this annoys anyone. 

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Thoughts on Hannah:

First anxiety is real. It needs to be treated. Panic attacks are a medical emergency. Sandy should have sent her to a doctor instead of telling her to “give love a chance.” There’s so much work to do with education about mental illness. 

Thank you for this. As someone who suffers from severe panic attacks, I've wanted to post something but wasn't sure how to express it. There are several techniques that others can use to aid someone with panic attacks. Having them focus on their breath, squeezing and loosening each part of the body, and telling them a distracting story can all help. Any one of the crew could have gone on the internet and googled panic attacks to find out what to do. And yes, if it's bad enough, a trip to the emergency room may be necessary. What never helps is to discuss what caused the panic attack (the panic will only increase) or to be told to "sleep it off". I agree that Hannah is no angel (especially this season) and that some of you think she is faking and I really don't know for sure. But I think the crew should have treated it as a true medical issue just in case. 

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11 hours ago, Annlynn said:

Hannah, please. Maybe if you didn't feel the need to try and hook up with a man (or woman, we have seen that in the drunken past attempts), every charter season....you wouldn't be dry heaving all over the place from the stress. She is a mean, jealous and controlling little drama queen. 

Stress does not equal anxiety and panic attacks. Please, please look it up.., there is such a stigma about mental illness, but SO MANY people have it. It’s not just stress over trying to hook up. 

I don't love Hannah- I think she’s a poor manager and pretty immature. But, I don’t hate her either. So, I respect your opinion about her personality, but can we leave her illness out of the conversation? I’m thinking of other posters that may suffer from panic/ anxiety disorders as well. 

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I've had panic attacks before.  I used to have a prescription for Klonopin during a period where I was having them frequently.  So I understand them, have experience with them, and believe they are real.  I also believe that even if Hannah wasn't faking she was exaggerating.  

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 I am late to the party and in the minority here-- but I thought Hannah was just hungover, and thought she would get disciplined for being unable to perform her duties for that reason.  So she instead blamed her chills, nausea, vomiting etc on a panic attack.

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On 7/19/2018 at 9:40 AM, bichonblitz said:

As an old lady myself, I actually laughed when Kasey made that comment because it was my first thought when I saw Brooke in that god-awful bathing suit! There are many sexy looking one pieces out there on the market but what Brooke was wearing was not one of them. It had "old lady" written all over it. The cut, the print, all of it. Kasey was truly dumbfounded as to why JWoww was giving all his attention to Brooke while she was laying there all alone sunning herself with her banging body in that bikini!

Kasey annoys the fuck out of me but I agree -- Brooke's suite was Golden Girls ugly!  That said, I think while Kasey has a great body, Brooke is actually prettier.

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On 7/25/2018 at 12:41 AM, yourmomiseasy said:

I've had panic attacks before.  I used to have a prescription for Klonopin during a period where I was having them frequently.  So I understand them, have experience with them, and believe they are real.  I also believe that even if Hannah wasn't faking she was exaggerating.  

For what it’s worth, I have PTSD and fully believe she was exaggerating. Sandy was way, way too kind about it; Hannah would’ve been talking shit to ANYONE who would listen had it been Brook or someone else who had the same issue. If Hannah has such severe anxiety she should have medication (I have three types prescribed for anxiety alone). I’m not sure what people think the ER could do for her other than give her a benzo, which she should already have had in her possession. It only feels like you’re dying, you’re not actually dying. 

Edited by Rebecca
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2 hours ago, Rebecca said:

For what it’s worth, I have PTSD and fully believe she was exaggerating. Sandy was way, way too kind about it; Hannah would’ve been talking shit to ANYONE who would listen had it been Brook or someone else who had the same issue. If Hannah has such severe anxiety she should have medication (I have three types prescribed for anxiety alone). I’m not sure what people think the ER could do for her other than give her a benzo, which she should already have had in her possession. It only feels like you’re dying, you’re not actually dying. 

Thank you for sharing your story. Stay well.

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