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S20.E08: Live Eviction #2; Head of Household #3


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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Hehe, now that I watch it again, maybe it's Kaitlyn? Whoops.  In any event, it's in the beginning of every recap. 

oh, yes...it is Kaitlyn. I've noticed she does a little hip action, showing her "alliance" pride.

I thought maybe I was somehow missing Haileigh in that shot. 


  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Lamima said:

Who's Tyler in love with (girl with a BF back home)???? Sam? 

Tyler is NOT in love with anyone in the house. He is playing a game and had to babysit a nut job (Kait) all week to make sure she went ahead with the plan.  That is all.  He seems to be friends with Sam but he isn't into shomances like the more immature people there are.  He is there to win the game.

5 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I guess I’m in a minority here, I wish Swaggy was staying, he was actually playing the game (just not well), unlike a lot of them. Without him, I’m worried the plastics will just roll on through, by numbers. I mean, I’m watching the HoH and I’m like, there’s a guy named Brett in this game? So many boring people. 

Winston reminds me of Alex Moffat’s  “Guy with a Yacht” character on SNL.

Pretty much everyone seems to be playing the game.  That's all they talk about 24/7 it seems EXCEPT Swaggy who just wanted to hole up in his little old love nest.

5 hours ago, asabovesobelow said:

I didn’t like Swaggy, at all really, but I do wish he had stayed. I have no interest in watching Tyler and Level Six steamroll the season.

This show inevitably makes me root for people I actively dislike. I regularly question my own choices. I was rooting for freaking Rockstar to win HOH!


Level6 won't steamroll anything.  There is a core four of Winston, Brett, Angela and Rachel and Rachel isn't too solid in that she talks to everyone all the time so she can have an escape plan if needed. 

Kaycee and Tyler were brought in as outliers with  Tyler only selected because he was HOH that week.  Kaycee may think she is in solid but Tyler doesn't think for an instant he is safe in that alliance.  It is a marriage of convenience at most.  Did you not hear him tonight saying one Bro down (Swaggy) as in there are three more to go in Fessy, Brett and Winston.  He knows he has to get out all 3 eventually.  But you work with who you need and bide your time.  It's called good game play.

Bad look for Swaggy saying he pushed Hay-lee aside and wouldn't hug her because he thought she was a traitor.  And he gets all pissed and bad sport about being outplayed when Tyler is upfront with him.  Instead of respecting the guy didn't try and bullshit him like Krazy Kait he is all don't call me and if Tyler heard that he probably would think "why would I want to."  Add that to him bragging about how it was all an act he put on for Sam in the backyard and that is the end of Swaggy C's 15 minutes of fame.

Scottie probably just cast his vote for Swaggy because he felt he owed Tyler one for pulling him off and his vote didn't matter because, unlike Rachel, he can do math and was well aware of how the vote would go.  So why piss off the other side and put a target on your back.  He sure as hell never imagined he would win HOH though.  That was pretty funny.

Edited by green
  • Love 6
1 minute ago, UncleChuck said:

The math answer to the the seconds in that comp was LESS than 500?  So all that running and ball stuffing and balancing and the whole competition lasted just over 8 minutes. Probably seemed like an eternity to Rachel--you cannot compute seconds if you don't remember how many minutes it lasted.

Blew MY mind - I’d guessed 600 seconds (10 minutes), and I figured that to be lowballing.

  • Love 5

I'm really liking Rachel now. She was so invested in the HOH competition and I really wanted her to pull out a win. She was whispering and shaking and counting on her fingers, it was endearing, I thought. Meanwhile, Scottie was all "awww, shucks, I guess I'll take a guess."

Whomever it was upthread that likened Rachel's math skills to advanced calculus and rocket science, that was genius and hysterical.

Still, if Rachel had thought logically, she would see that her answer was waaaaaaaay off.....about 4 hours, when the correct answer was about 7 minutes.

  • Love 10

Ah Fess...you really needed to pull that out for your team!

Nothing to get excited about here...just means Tyler is HOH for the third week in a row as Scottie will be his little bitch. It's said Swaggy gave Haleigh the cold shoulder when it was actually the Scottie was was the snake in the grass. It was telling seeing him all by himself as the credits rolled. Nobody really cares about him.

I guess there is no battle back what with all the information Julie heaped on Swaggy. Man, she was desperately fishing for fireworks asking about Tyler when he didn't react during the video but I believe he did tell Kailyn to shut up when she was spouting her far east mumbo jumbo about why he had to go.

I feel confident even the powers that be didn't want Swaggy to go over Winston who instead of being the new Cody is actually a stiff-necked dud.

Angela speaks! For one line if you don't count her vote as well. Even Julie was throwing shade on her lack of participation and maybe I'm crazy bu Julie seemed very curt with her after her vote. Production must be so disappointed. He bikini body is the only thing going for her and they don't even show it on the episodes.

It's weird given how beautiful Haleigh is...it seems like she should have plain looking Kaycee's place in Level 6. It's like a mirror universe or something.

I'm sure Fessy will be out next week as Tyler is putting the same straight jacket on this season that ruined Derrick's season when Derrick called every single shot and got everything he wanted week after week. There is simply no entertainment value when one person steamrolls over everything else. People say  "oh, its great gameplay" no its boring television.

  • Love 1

I’m sort of gonna miss Swaggy. He was a good reality tv villain, in that he was fun to root against. It will be sad not seeing him get increasingly pissed off each week when he didn’t trend the highest. But he doesn’t seem like a bad guy in general or anything. He’s just a young guy with a bit of attitude and a silly self-appointed nickname. I thought it was cute when Julie told him about Haileigh’s vote, he immediately felt bad he didn’t hug her on the way out.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

Sweet Haysoos! Raychel was doing some integral Calculus/ imaginary, variable polynomial bullshit on that tiebreaker question.  She turned that chalkboard around and I was like "Damn!  She sent a rocket to Mars, bitches!"


I legitimately thought the competition must've lasted hours with all her finger ticking and chalkboard tapping.  What the hell was she doing every time she tapped the chalkboard anyway?  That being said, I truly wanted her to win.  I love her.

They have never dragged out an audition tape to school someone before and watching it was GLORIOUS.

I'm holding out hope that Kaitlyn is really a set of triplets with vastly different personalities because otherwise...yeesh.  That bitch cray.

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, Aw my lahgs said:

Yesssss! So glad I don’t have to hear “Swaggy” all summer long.

Sadly, tho, we'll probably see his shirts, what he didn't toss out to the audience like he was a rock star, he surely left with Baleigh so she won't forget his smell.

I can't believe he pulled the 'love of my life' card hoping it would save him, this is Big Brother, not 'The Bachelor'. 

I was so tired of hearing him claim that he 'won 2 competitions!'. He won the first 2, the ones no one else wanted to win,, you know, Saggy 'C'eats, so they won't stand out, kind of just stay middle ground.

You know when he hooked up with Baleigh, he was hoping to become the next 'JoDy', 'Brenchel' or Jeff & Jordan.  He probably has images of TAR, winning a million or 2.

Told Mr Tostandon that they must not be doing the re-enter competition this year, Julie would tell them as they were voted off last season. I'm glad,,I didn't like that. 

It would have been hilarious when Scotty said he was voting off 'Christopher' & Julie said 'do you mean Swaggy?' & he answered 'no. I mean Winston.'.

  • Love 3

I actually liked Swaggy, and I think his exit interview was really good. And I liked Steve. Why does the oldest guy always get voted out first? (like Glen).

I am almost to the point where after 19 years, I am done with this show. They don't need weeks of a slow crawl to the end. They could wrap this up in three weeks, with noms, vetoes, and evicts all in succession on a daily basis. 

Tonight's episode made me feel like I was watching reruns of past seasons' episodes with understudies playing the roles. I think I will stop watching and tune back in at the end of August and enjoy being surprised at who remains. I don't get the point of watching all this filler any more. 

I used to feel that it was interesting "how" the game was played, but it is all such random mercurial bullsh*t. And it is infuriating at the same time.

  • Love 3

Well, what do you know, Kaitlyn makes her nominations, then takes to her bed like she has the vapors. Everyone's crowding around her to console her. She's a real piece of work. No one is going to respect this "big move" going forward, because she handled it all wrong. 

Meanwhile, I have more respect for Swaggy. He didn't go scorched earth like I thought he would. Even though it didn't save him, he did a good job campaigning and reaching out to people. His personal stories really made people see him as more human, but in the end it wasn't enough to save him. He tried, though, and you gotta give him that. He didn't lay around, pouting or start screaming at everyone. 

He did make me roll my eyes, however, when he said - "Kaitlyn putting me on the block was the dumbest move this season." Well, there's really only been two moves this season. So.....

Brett was really channeling Tom Cruise in the Outsiders during the live eviction. Wow. 

So the votes surprised me, mostly Scottie's. I thought he was super down for Foutte. And what was that comment he made, about not being anybody's "goon"? Did I miss something? Or did something happen during the feeds that made him turn, and they just decided not to show us? (Someone can spoiler tag if need be, but I'm super confused here.)

At any rate, his HOH should be interesting, because I'm not really sure where he stands any more. 

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Kaitlyn really is the worst, though. So glad she’s no longer HOH. Hopefully I’ll see a lot less of her. Did she seriously say in her goodbye message to Swaggy that it was meant to be and for the best for everyone? What a bitch.

She's said something like that several times now. Maybe to Fessy as well? About it being "for the higher good". I guess it's more of zen-shtick she keeps trying to peddle. Nobody's buying. 

  • Love 9

Damn, so close for Rachel (who may be becoming My Girl for the season, although it might still be Sam) and then so far…all that effort and she was literally (!) two decimal places off.  Sigh.

"Angela is unlikely to make waves with her vote", or whatever Julie said.  Guess we know whom Chen-Bot's prediction software anticipates getting the Crap App, huh?

Too many damn shout-outs and hallway pas de deux; let's keep the voting simple.  And if Big Brother can make Brett shave that "mustache", I won't complain, either.

Scottie's in an interesting situation; he can try to fight against the prevailing winds (Level 6) or he can take the bridges built this week (Tyler using the veto on him; Scottie voting with the group) to claim the 10th spot of the 11 that would make it to Jury by letting Tyler guide him.  (6 in the alliance, plus Sam/JC/Kaitlyn; two spots still available.)  Is he an emotional player, seeking to avenge Steve one week down the road? 

Hard to imagine his reaching Kait's level of Krazy in any event. So the week might be something of a letdown.  But we need a breather, every now and then, I suppose.

  • Love 2

Noticed that the applause for Saggy on his house exit wasn't very enthusiastic (and camera hog JC once again parked himself right in the doorway for maximum attention). Would have been great if BB had poured on a little pseudo-porn music when we saw the three guys crawling into bed with Kaitlyn/Jerri Blank. Speaking of the aura queen, am I imagining things or was one of her previously blurred bedside photos now un-blurred?

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, green said:

Level6 won't steamroll anything.  There is a core four of Winston, Brett, Angela and Rachel and Rachel isn't too solid in that she talks to everyone all the time so she can have an escape plan if needed. 

Kaycee and Tyler were brought in as outliers with  Tyler only selected because he was HOH that week.  Kaycee may think she is in solid but Tyler doesn't think for an instant he is safe in that alliance.  It is a marriage of convenience at most.  Did you not hear him tonight saying one Bro down (Swaggy) as in there are three more to go in Fessy, Brett and Winston.  He knows he has to get out all 3 eventually.  But you work with who you need and bide your time.  It's called good game play.

I remember the formation of L6 the same way. And Tyler seems to get along really well with a lot of the outliers in the game - like Sam and JC. So we'll see. I think it's still to early to say that L6 is going to stay a tight 6 and just steamroll everyone. I think this game as been interesting so far; there have already been a few side-swaps. So hopefully we see more change-ups coming. But Tyler is my #1. I just really think he has a brain for this game, with a good personality to boot. 

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, mojoween said:

Scott wins HOH and I have absolutely no idea what this means.

All I know is that I have mysteriously turned into a Scottie fangirl so I am looking forward to seeing what he does, and I actually hope that he and Tyler team up and use their powers to destroy everyone in their path.  I like Tyler's calm, smart way of playing this game and I feel like Scottie would be a good partner in crime.  

Also, I had a feeling that Scottie would do good in that challenge, being a gamer and all.  I was hoping that he'd catch all the details needed to win.


10 hours ago, Nashville said:

What was said in Scottie’s vote, verbatim:

Julie: Hi, Scottie.

Scottie: Hey!

Julie: Please cast your vote to evict.

Scottie: I appreciate the flattery, but I’m nobody’s goon.  I vote to evict Chris.

<collective audience gasp>

Julie: Chris meaning Swaggy.

Scottie: Yes.

Julie: Okay.  Thank you.

Scottie: Thank you.


i just wonder who got in Scottie’s ear pre-vote, because that did NOT sound like in-a-happy-place Scottie.

I have never been so enraged at Julie Chen in the entire 20 seasons of this show...."Chris meaning Swaggy."  Are you kidding??!!  Chris is his name.  Everyone knows it.  Why is she jumping on the "Swaggy C" hype train?  I LOVE that Scottie called him by his REAL FREAKING NAME, Julie.


35 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Well, what do you know, Kaitlyn makes her nominations, then takes to her bed like she has the vapors. Everyone's crowding around her to console her. She's a real piece of work. No one is going to respect this "big move" going forward, because she handled it all wrong. 

Meanwhile, I have more respect for Swaggy. He didn't go scorched earth like I thought he would. Even though it didn't save him, he did a good job campaigning and reaching out to people. His personal stories really made people see him as more human, but in the end it wasn't enough to save him. He tried, though, and you gotta give him that. He didn't lay around, pouting or start screaming at everyone. 

He did make me roll my eyes, however, when he said - "Kaitlyn putting me on the block was the dumbest move this season." Well, there's really only been two moves this season. So.....

Brett was really channeling Tom Cruise in the Outsiders during the live eviction. Wow. 

So much to love about this post...."vapors" for sure.  That was so gross.  Watching Kaitlyn, she was trying to cry but ended up smiling most of the time, and we all know she absolutely loved all those fellas in her bed, cooing and hugging.  BLECH.  She's awful.  And she's not going to win the Daytime Emmy either.

Swaggy's personal stories would've been moving except for the fact that, after telling said stories, he immediately found the nearest camera to let us know that he was playing everyone.

Tom Cruise/Outsiders!  Thank you, that's exactly who he was!

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I bet Julie said "Christopher . . . meaning Swaggy" not so much as a reprimand to Scottie, but for the live and TV audience so they would know for sure who Scottie was voting for.

Good point, this is probably true, but it took away from the fact that Scottie was clearly not on board with Swaggy anymore, so refusing to call him by his ridiculous self-appointed nickname was his way of letting us know.  I would, however, like to know what went down that caused Scottie to say that he wasn't anyone's goon...I may have to wander around the live feeds thread to figure that out.

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Swaggy's personal stories would've been moving except for the fact that, after telling said stories, he immediately found the nearest camera to let us know that he was playing everyone.

Right. I mean, it didn't really work on me. But I thought it was the best strategy as far as trying to persuade people in the house. 

  • Love 4

What was with Brett and his "look" tonight?  Was this a shout out to all his leather daddies watching down at the Eagle Manhole Driveshaft Bar & Grill?

Sorry I missed Scottie's vote, I think I was busy playing my drinking game - (sip of wine for every time Nasty Namaste tried to eek out a phony tear) so maybe he's finally figured out he was bottom of the list in Spazzy Z's group?

What's with the dogpile in the HOH bed to "comfort" the "big game move" bitch?  I halfway expected to see a BRAZZERS logo in the corner of the screen.

Where DOES Ms. Chen get her FABALUSS gowns?  Although, Julie, I'm pretty sure you shouldn't wear a regular black bra with an off the shoulder piece. I could see your strap, gurl.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

I have never been so enraged at Julie Chen in the entire 20 seasons of this show...."Chris meaning Swaggy."  Are you kidding??!!  Chris is his name.  Everyone knows it.  Why is she jumping on the "Swaggy C" hype train?  I LOVE that Scottie called him by his REAL FREAKING NAME, Julie.

How much you wanna bet, Chris (Yes, I mean Chris) will be back for a future season and Julie was instructed to hype the Swaggy C persona one last time so we'll remember him.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I would have been so happy if it was "outside forces" a.k.a. "TPTB" that tried to influence Scottie's vote and that he in affect told them to pound sand.  I hope that is exactly what happened.

That thought had occurred to me as well, but I dunno; the tension in Scottie’s voice when he said his “goon” line seemed a good bit more... personal, at least to me.  My take was during the pre-episode blackout, either:

  • Chris stepped on the gas too much in hardball-pressuring Scottie to vote for Chris to stay, or;
  • In Chris’ campaigning attempts to the other HGs, Scottie overheard Chris say something personally disparaging about Scottie - something like, “oh, don’t worry about Scottie - I have that goon in my back pocket and can direct his vote any way I want.”


1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

I have never been so enraged at Julie Chen in the entire 20 seasons of this show...."Chris meaning Swaggy."  Are you kidding??!!  Chris is his name.  Everyone knows it.  Why is she jumping on the "Swaggy C" hype train?  I LOVE that Scottie called him by his REAL FREAKING NAME, Julie.

While (like others) I’m sure Julie did so solely for audience clarification, that irritated the shit out of me as well.  You don’t correct a proper name designation with a nickname, dammit.  :(

  • Love 10
Just now, Nashville said:

That thought had occurred to me as well, but I dunno; the tension in Scottie’s voice when he said his “goon” line seemed a good bit more... personal, at least to me.  My take was during the pre-episode blackout, either:

  • Chris stepped on the gas too much in hardball-pressuring Scottie to vote for Chris to stay, or;
  • In Chris’ campaigning attempts to the other HGs, Scottie overheard Chris say something personally disparaging about Scottie - something like, “oh, don’t worry about Scottie - I have that goon in my back pocket and can direct his vote any way I want.”

The latter sounds very plausible. I'm hoping the do a re-cap on Sunday's episode. I really hate being left in the dark. 

  • Love 5

Did she seriously say in her goodbye message to Swaggy that it was meant to be and for the best for everyone? What a bitch.

Yep and when she gets evicted I hope Julie reminds her of that.


HoH Kaitlyn had Scottie be a pawn on the block for her nominations.  Hope Scottie has Kaitlyn do the same for his nominations.

Well, only if it's meant to be and the best for everyone. But ugh, all the fake crying and histrionics we'd have to suffer through. I hope he backdoors her since that's one of her favorite things.

  • Love 8
31 minutes ago, Nashville said:

FYI - present and accounted for.  :>

So relieved. :D

29 minutes ago, HighMaintenance said:

What's with the dogpile in the HOH bed to "comfort" the "big game move" bitch?  I halfway expected to see a BRAZZERS logo in the corner of the screen.


8 minutes ago, Nashville said:

That thought had occurred to me as well, but I dunno; the tension in Scottie’s voice when he said his “goon” line seemed a good bit more... personal, at least to me.  My take was during the pre-episode blackout, either:

  • Chris stepped on the gas too much in hardball-pressuring Scottie to vote for Chris to stay, or;
  • In Chris’ campaigning attempts to the other HGs, Scottie overheard Chris say something personally disparaging about Scottie - something like, “oh, don’t worry about Scottie - I have that goon in my back pocket and can direct his vote any way I want.”

This is my guess as well. I've been stalking the live feed threads (not only here, but Jokers, HamsterTime, and occasionally Reddit when I have the patience), and haven't read anything that would have led to that glorious shade. So something during the blackout is the most likely timing, and he was SALTY, so overhearing some condescending bs makes sense.

  • Love 6

Swaggy was so rude and aggressive in his interview with Julie. He wouldn’t even look at her, just kept bobbing his head and interjecting “right. Yep.” while she was still talking. Does he think he’s fooling anyone into thinking he’s hard or that he wasn’t just shattered completely by this? He was like a surly child in a principals office. 


For all his pretending to be Swaggy, it exposes the shit that is his true person all the more clearly. Swaggy probably is an improvement from the perpetually humiliated and outmatched Chris. But he sort of learned to swim for this so now when’s he’s fleeing the deadly ghettos of Connecticut to babysit white kids in a pool he can be super fun! Right?

I did love Winston shading that he didn’t have his (fake) name on a t-shirt but was still worthwhile as a person. He’s a dud, like sure to be least trending Angela, but that was something. 

And looking at Bayleigh, I understand why some of these women wear make-up 24/7, because once you set that expectation, it is rough to see without. She looks like hell.

Agree with whoever said Haleigh needs to cut the shit and just vote and get out. These people wrongly think the trending is rewarding the people who are the most fake, when it’s actually the opposite. I’m not sure this twist is having a great effect on things.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, NickPappagiorgio said:

I did love Winston shading that he didn’t have his (fake) name on a t-shirt but was still worthwhile as a person. He’s a dud, like sure to be least trending Angela, but that was something. 

I enjoyed that nice, subtle bit of shade as well. Sometimes there's something to be said for the quiet ones. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

That thought had occurred to me as well, but I dunno; the tension in Scottie’s voice when he said his “goon” line seemed a good bit more... personal, at least to me.  My take was during the pre-episode blackout, either:

  • Chris stepped on the gas too much in hardball-pressuring Scottie to vote for Chris to stay, or;
  • In Chris’ campaigning attempts to the other HGs, Scottie overheard Chris say something personally disparaging about Scottie - something like, “oh, don’t worry about Scottie - I have that goon in my back pocket and can direct his vote any way I want.”

This sounds about right to me too.  My take is that we saw chris/swaggy try to work Kaitlyn and Sam by what he judged each would fall for, so maybe he also went to Scottie and tried the same thing.  Scottie said that he appreciated the flattery but he's nobody's goon. So I think chris buttered him up, flattered him thinking that's what he wants and needs to hear, and thought he owned the vote.  But Scottie saw through that, which would make his voting comment make sense.  Or something like that 

  • Love 9

Who is Victim Noises By Proxy (AKA Angie RS) going to be offended on behalf of now??

If they set up these challenges by The Price is Right rules, and you suck at math, why don't you just write 1? I really could not figure out where Rachel was going on the chalk board. Where did the beginning 3400 even come from?

If I was to think of a word to describe Scottie, goon would be way down towards the bottom of the list. I hope it gets explained, it should be interesting.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, greyflannel said:

If they set up these challenges by The Price is Right rules, and you suck at math, why don't you just write 1? I really could not figure out where Rachel was going on the chalk board. Where did the beginning 3400 even come from?

Nice catch! I thought she f'ed up by starting with 60 minutes in an hour x 60 seconds in a minute right off the bat, instead of just 60 seconds. So that's even funnier that she wrote down 3400 instead of 3600. 

Edited by IndyMischa
"House" and "hour" are not interchangeable.

I sometimes almost feel sorry for the people who go into that house because I feel like the producers screw with their heads so much they walk out of there convinced they are going to be America's Sweetheart. That was clearly the case with Swaggy as he threw t-shirts into what he seemed convinced would be an enthusiastic audience of fans. You can tell by the things they say in the DR that producers are egging them on and telling them how much "America" is going to love them, encouraging them to be the worst versions of themselves. 

To that end it's obvious they cast people who will easily buy into their own hype and are prone to delusion. Rachel saying "Level 6 to the end" or whatever shows someone has convinced her "America" is rooting for her alliance. Everything they do and say indicates they're being coached to believe America loves them.

Julie practically hit Swaggy over the head with Tyler being the mastermind behind the backdoor plot and Swaggy just wasn't picking it up. What a dum dum. In hindsight they probably should have kept him around because he was never going to win.

You know how sometimes you can just look at someone and tell they're an asshole? That's Winston. He's got such a humorless, antagonistic stare going on I know immediately I'd hate him if I ever met him.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, hjmugillecuty said:

On Rob Has A Podcast, they mentioned that in Swaggy's plea before the votes (on the episode) he said something about his goons wearing his shirts, and he specifically told Scottie how good he looked.

Ah, that makes a bit of sense then. Why don't these people get that people want to be in an equal alliance, not thought of as someone else's worker bee? 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Production must be so disappointed [in Angela]. Her bikini body is the only thing going for her and they don't even show it on the episodes.

Well, it's not as if they don't have the choice.  Girl practically lives in her bikinis.  They've got plenty of footage, if they want to use it.

13 hours ago, North of Eden said:

It's weird… how beautiful Haleigh is

Well, she looks a lot better with her hair covering up that damn mole on her forehead.  That thing deserves its own zipcode.  Considering that Haleigh's done some modeling  work, you would think she could have had it removed.  Maybe they'll set her up with an appointment with Dr. Will after the finale.

4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Kaitlyn really is the worst, though. So glad she’s no longer HOH. Hopefully I’ll see a lot less of her. Did she seriously say in her goodbye message to Swaggy that it was meant to be and for the best for everyone? What a bitch.

(ghoulina is actually quoting katesus7 there, but the OP is on the last page and I'm not sure that I can go back for it without losing my multi-quote.  Anyway…)

I think it would be hilarious if Kaitlyn was actually doing this "it's for the highest good" shtick in all of her goodbye messages and we just didn't see her message to Steve.  Like a zen version of Rachel Reilly's "Nobody comes between me and my MAAAAAAAAN" from S12.

"Tyler, I'm so sorry I had to vote you out but it's for the highest good and what's best for everyone, and besides I can't beat you in the end.  Namaste"

2 hours ago, NickPappagiorgio said:

[Swaggy]’s fleeing the deadly ghettos of Connecticut

I know that's meant as a joke, but Connecticut has plenty of ghettos.  Chris is from Bridgeport, which is one of the most violent cities in America, only in the 18th percentile as far as safety goes.  So he's probably damn happy he got those suburban babysitting gigs, and pissed that he threw away a summer's worth of paid vacation.

Hope "Swaleigh" ends up being worth it.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

So the votes surprised me, mostly Scottie's. I thought he was super down for Foutte.

Does Scottie even know that Foutté exists, per se?  AFAIK, he doesn't know that there's an alliance, much less its name, much less that he isn't in it.  I think he just think there are vaguely-defined "sides".

You'd think that might make him more malleable, but perhaps not.  If he doesn't know he's being excluded, there's no cause for resentment, I suppose.

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