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S20.E04: Power of Veto #1


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Faysal, after winning the Veto: "America, am I trending now?"
America: "Uh... nope."

Big Brother, it was really funny the first time, those few seasons ago, when you did the whole "I'm gonna win this, I have the best plan!"/smash cut to the HG in question being eliminated from the comp. The first time. This was about the 67th time you've pulled that editing "trick". It's old and tired. Just put it to bed already. Please?

While we're at it: shock collars on their arms and legs? I may be the sadistic feeds viewer that loves to see them all go ass over tea kettle on the Slip'n'Slide/Teacups comp but this was a step too far even for me.

  • Love 19

Fuzzy is disgusting.  Waaah.  Vegan fake ham is even more disgusting. lol. 

Touchy, cuddly JC is worse. 

"Youre like the size of my dog" .  eww

Sam and power kinda sorta reveal.  hmm.  Tyler seems much smarter than his "surfer dude" persona.  hmm.

Cry me a river Bay, sucks when nobody cares about You, like you don't care about your passengers.  She can go any time and take Swiggy with her.

Young Tyler playing Steve, the experienced undercover cop, is most satisfying to watch.  This is the most mellow 1st HoH I can remember.  

Snakes!  Way cool!

Ice Water!  Way cool!

I feel so bad for young people who can't swim.

Paintball thing is stupid.

Survivor style balance challenge with...."Shock The Hamster"

Performance cruelty.  Becoming normalized everywhere.

Sloda?  Huh?

I love Fossy threatening Tyler.  Clueless idiot.  Tyler played him, and is laughing at how he played him. 

No Veto.  Bye Steve.

  • Love 3

Really....just really? I was livid tonight over the contempt that Allison Grodner has for the viewers of this show. Hey everybody, clearly she thinks we are a pack of morons not to realize Samantha's story about Grammy and the snakes wasn't in some pre-season questionnaire. When she emerged as someone they want to keep they obviously went back and scanned her file and tailor-made a comp to help her win. If that weren't enough how about the one requiring a welders mask which she wears every day, favors small feet and someone who has no nuts to be hit by a paintball. Its as if she and her production team come from a world where there was no quiz show scandals of the fifties. Stop rigging this game!! At least all that effort to manipulate things FAILED and I took great delight in that and I say this as someone who likes Sam.


Meanwhile can't anyone keep a secret? Sam spilling the beans to Tyler was dumb after she said she would play it "close to the chest"...sorry honey that was suppose to be "vest" and then Swaggy telling Bay she was a target and then compounding the error by trying to distance herself...what did he think her reaction was going to be?!


Caitlin pretty much had the night off...only appearing a feet away from Fasal in many shots that he was in. Last episode she was hanging all over Swag.

The robot twist seems to have been abandoned now that it was clear to production it was hurting a player they want to keep in the game.

Angela is like this non-speaking boogeyman for Swaggy.

And seriously when the doorbell rang I thought the ham twist was going to turn out to be visits from Paul because he is a big ham. Can anyone forget his indignant performance when (I forget her name) called him out as a snake or some such thing. 

Lastly at the shallow end of the houseguests hot tub....Bayleigh rocks that yellow bikini/cut off jeans look.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 1

I was watching Big Brother and somehow (maybe it's their supercomputer malfunctioning again??) I ended up watching Fear Factor in the backyard. WTF?? Shock collars?? Seriously?? Shock. Collars. What happened to half naked people at a foam party trying to find letters requiring more nakedness to win? Now we've got shock collars?? I know that >I< didn't sign up to watch this shit let alone how the houseguests must feel if this is the "level" we are playing on this season. Real fun comp there. Never thought I'd hear someone say in the DR "I really wanted to win but I couldn't make it past the shock collars."

This is a new low which, considering the source, is... yes... shocking.

1 hour ago, zorak said:

I did like JC's little host outfit.  

Why did they have to have the hardest to understand housemate host a Veto??

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 9

Kaitlin looked hilarious on the couch for the veto ceremony.  She was somehow sunken in so only her head showed, and it was a foot lower than those on either side of her.  Kind of made her look insignificant . . . 

It was interesting finally watching this comp.   From the feeds thread it seemed as if Swaggy was claiming he lost because of his fear of snakes.  Nah, it's the fact that he was the wimpiest in the ice water.  He would never have been as stoic with the paint balls and then shocks.  He would have been screaming and self-eliminating.

Edited by RedheadZombie
Verb conjugation
  • Love 5

JC looked fantastic emceeing the veto competition. I loved his old-school movie director outfit.

The first two parts of that veto competition were kind of brutal. If BB is coming out with stuff like that in the first week I'm almost scared for these houseguests. In a month the competitions will be something like Russian roulette with actual guns and bullets, or swimming in a shark tank with actual killer sharks.

Steve is so ill-suited for this game. A guy like Tyler probably looks at him and thinks, "Too big, too old, too not on my wavelength." Buh, bye, Steve.

  • Love 7
19 minutes ago, zorak said:

I could be remembering wrong but I feel like Big Brother doesn't pick who hosts it.  I think the Houseguests do or maybe it's the HOH who gets to decide.  I could be wrong though.

The HoH picks the host out of whoever isn't in the Veto comp. There have been many tales of butthurt over not being picked to host before.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

This Hamazon sequence is funny.  But gross. Vegan ham sounds nasty.

This POV is a little like a Survivor challenge, especially the one with the posts.

I thought the shock collars went too far. 

The Hamazon thing is BS, in my opinion.  They knew in advance if people had religious or ethical issues with certain food.  So yeah, they subbed with vegan ham.  But then they followed up with a comp which including drinking disgusting sludge labelled "Meat".  I'm a vegetarian, and I was flat out dry heaving during that.  BB is so out of touch with the culture in this country (as evidenced by the strict adherence to certain casting types). There are Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Seventh-Day Adventists, and even some extreme Evangelicals who have certain meat restrictions.  I'm vegetarian, as are many in this country.  Yet they make no allowances for these people, even when they have advance notice.  Survivor and TAR are no better.

1 hour ago, Eolivet said:

I ... kind of feel like Tyler has a thing for Sam? Even from the time he was speaking to her when she was a robot? Maybe it's just me.

I don't know.  Maybe it's a second grade crush where a little boy shows his interest by doing something mean.  He talked to her before the noms and told her she was safe, and then turned around and nominated her.  I think he feels bad about that and is trying to be kind after the fact.

  • Love 1

Come on, BB.  I totally support torturing the houseguests, but you have to wait until later in the season when they've become irritating enough to deserve it.  I don't hate anybody yet, so I couldn't really enjoy them getting shocked.  Once they reach Paul/Paulie/Frankie levels, then sure -- torture them as much as you want. 

As usual, BB messes up what should be a great idea.

  • Love 11

I think the Hamazon Swine punishment may be the worst I've ever seen. Forcing someone to eat until they puke? Ew. 

Then there was the snake challenge. I had to check my guide real quickly and make sure I didn't accidentally change the channel to Fear Factor. (also, quit with the sound effects. those weren't rattlers!)

I was so hoping Sam would win; now I'm worried she's going home. She tried so hard; I can't help but root for her. 

I don't have the time/money/inclination to watch the feeds, but I wish I could get something more well-rounded than the Swaggy show. Is he really all that's going on in the house? Or does BB think we're all going to find him super entertaining? Because, to me, he's playing too hard. No subtlety at all. Just because of how much he and Faysel think they can control Tyler, I'm hoping Tyler's group somehow blows up their little alliance. 

And, no, Bayleigh, Tyler is not LITERALLY throwing you under the bus. Biggest pet peeve ever.

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Angela is like this non-speaking boogeyman for Swaggy.


Right? All this talk about, "Angela....we gotta get Angela" and I'm over here like, "who the fuck even IS Angela???"


8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

t was interesting finally watching this comp.   From the feeds thread it seemed as if Swaggy was claiming he lost because of his fear of snakes.  Nah, it's the fact that he was the wimpiest in the ice water.  He would never have been as stoic with the paint balls and then shocks.  He would have been screaming and self-eliminating.

For sure. Swaggy can't hang. Plain and simple. 

  • Love 6

Fessie seemed a little more likable with the Hamazon storyline. He could have trended the most next week.  Although, once you win/lose an app you aren't eligible for another one, right? Also, Winston isn't getting the big edit I thought he would be getting. It looks like Winston and Brett are still the bros though. I'm curious to see goes first of the two.

  • Love 1

I actually love vegetarian ham in the dishes at my favorite all-veggie Chinese restaurant and from the Asian grocery.  And I am a salt fiend, so that's partly why I like it; BUT--as noted above, it is so full of sodium that I can't eat much at a time!  I'll cook up three pieces (much smaller than Fessy's) and not be able to eat more than two!  Also, it doesn't look like that ham.  

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Right? All this talk about, "Angela....we gotta get Angela" and I'm over here like, "who the fuck even IS Angela???"

Same.  I still don't know the names of the 3 or 4 bimbos in the house.  They're all interchangeable at this point in the show.

Oh, Bayleahf... your early bragging about how you were a force to be reckoned with was just blather.  You had a slim chance of being put up as a pawn and you cried and pouted like you were halfway out the door.  I can't wait for the week that you're actually on the block for reals.

That veto comp was certainly a tie in with the new TKO program.  Sorry, but I won't be watching it, CBS.  It looks mean-spirited, stupid and sadistic.
Also, the veto comp level with the paintballs... were TPTB TRYING to shoot the guys in the crotch?  Does that play off as funny these days?  I think even America's Funniest Videos abandoned shots to the scrotum as funny 20 years ago.

Edited by HighMaintenance
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

A snake can't help being a snake.   I don't care that Sam's granny doesn't like snakes.  I  don't like snakes either, but I certainly wouldn't want anyone chopping the heads off of snakes.  I am disappointed that Sam would do that.

Depends on what the snake was doing at the time.  Although they’re frequently handy in terms of keeping the rodent population down, snakes (even nonpoisonous ones) can be a real problem on a farm  - they eat chicken eggs, they can kill and eat baby chicks, and they can spook larger livestock (cattle and horses) into injuring themselves.  So sometimes getting rid of them may be a necessity.

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

If I am forced to be eating something that no one else is going to eat, the last thing I want is someone else pawing it over.  Talk about a gag reflex.  They can touch their own food, leave mine alone. 


When JC picked up that piece of ham, and then threw it back on the plate...?  Ugh.

I’m pissed Production didn’t step in and tell JC to eat it.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

JC looked fantastic emceeing the veto competition. I loved his old-school movie director outfit.

Movie director?  I thought he was auditioning for the chorus of Newsies.


14 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

It hasn't rained here in weeks. Tonight, it rains, and the damn satellite dish goes out.

Of course. 

Sometimes God does for us what we can't do for ourselves.

  • Love 7

That said, there isn’t anyone obnoxiously loud in the DR. No real screamers.

Swaggy could take it down a decibel or two. 


Why did they have to have the hardest to understand housemate host a Veto??

Seriously. They have to use subtitles every time that guy talks.


In a month the competitions will be something like Russian roulette with actual guns and bullets, or swimming in a shark tank with actual killer sharks.

I would watch the shit out of that.


A lot of vegetarian meat substitute is extremely high in sodium.  I think it is a really bad idea for BB to be delivering the fake meat as often as they are.

I know! That's what I was thinking. Heck, lunch meat in general is loaded with sodium. Real ham is cured with salt. That was a big platter of rolled up lunch meat. I bet the dummies who supply this stuff figured it was healthy because it was vegan.


It looks like Winston and Brett are still the bros though. I'm curious to see goes first of the two.

I think they'll be the final 2. Calling it now.

28 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

In all fairness to Sam, I've read many times that snakes can bite you up to an hour or so after they've been killed (I don't remember how that works...something to do with the nervous system or zombies or something) so you're supposed to cut off the head and bury it. I doubt she mutilated the dead snake just for the fun of it.

I remember a story on the news from some time this summer about a guy who had decapitated a snake and then got bit after he picked up the head to dispose of it.  His wife said the doctors were telling her that they weren't sure he was going to make it.  They had to give him something like 27 doses of antivenom.  Apparently, the bite from the decapitated snake was worse than had it been alive because living snakes are able to regulate how much venom is being dispersed but with a dead one there is no control so you get hit with a lot more venom than normal.

  • Love 4

Okay Sam said this episode her power it was a chance to stay, not a guarantee.  If she has to use it AND if it is just a mere chance to return to the game at a latter point then Sam will be doubly screwed over.  First for being isolated from the others via the stupid dumb robot thing she is stuck with 50% of the time for the last 2 weeks (BB houseguests enter a week before the show starts airing but the robot thing stated immediately it seems) then to be FURTHER ISOLATED if she has to wait outside the house for a chance to return.  Man that is so messed up.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I would watch the shit out of that.

Only if the sharks had frikkin’ laser beams.


2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

In all fairness to Sam, I've read many times that snakes can bite you up to an hour or so after they've been killed (I don't remember how that works...something to do with the nervous system or zombies or something) so you're supposed to cut off the head and bury it. I doubt she mutilated the dead snake just for the fun of it.


1 hour ago, zorak said:

I remember a story on the news from some time this summer about a guy who had decapitated a snake and then got bit after he picked up the head to dispose of it.  His wife said the doctors were telling her that they weren't sure he was going to make it.  They had to give him something like 27 doses of antivenom.  Apparently, the bite from the decapitated snake was worse than had it been alive because living snakes are able to regulate how much venom is being dispersed but with a dead one there is no control so you get hit with a lot more venom than normal.

S’truth.  A snake’s nervous system is primitive enough it can maintain instinctive responses right up until rigor mortis sets in - which includes biting down on (and injecting poison into) anything triggering a nervous touch sense on its teeth or mouth.  My grandfather lost one of his best hunting dogs that way - got bit in the nose when it went sniffing at a rattlesnake’s head several minutes after it had been decapitated.  That was a bad night.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, green said:

BB houseguests enter a week before the show starts airing but the robot thing stated immediately it seems

Actually we saw it come to life only after the comp so I assume it wasn't right from the very beginning but either way it did totally screw her game. The "chance" to come back is cold comfort not overriding her 'punishment'.

However I guess this whole season will continue to be 'the most intense ever'. All snakes, electro shocks and eating faux ham until you puke. Good times. *eyeroll*

  • Love 1
19 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Actually we saw it come to life only after the comp so I assume it wasn't right from the very beginning but either way it did totally screw her game. The "chance" to come back is cold comfort not overriding her 'punishment'.

However I guess this whole season will continue to be 'the most intense ever'. All snakes, electro shocks and eating faux ham until you puke. Good times. *eyeroll*

That competition wasn't HOH.  It was the one that Swaggy won.  So yeah she seems to have been a robot 50% or even longer for 2 weeks.

11 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

A snake can't help being a snake.   I don't care that Sam's granny doesn't like snakes.  I  don't like snakes either, but I certainly wouldn't want anyone chopping the heads off of snakes.  I am disappointed that Sam would do that.

I suspect this story isn't even true.  Production probably told her to say is.

I can't get into this season at all.  Only know a few of them by name and don't like anybody.  Maybe that will change, but I might have to bail.  Never thought I would self-evict from BB, but there's a first time for everything.

13 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

A snake can't help being a snake.   I don't care that Sam's granny doesn't like snakes.  I  don't like snakes either, but I certainly wouldn't want anyone chopping the heads off of snakes.  I am disappointed that Sam would do that.

A lot of vegetarian meat substitute is extremely high in sodium.  I think it is a really bad idea for BB to be delivering the fake meat as often as they are.

If anything, it was a make up call for  the robot twist that never should have been played by TPTB.  Sam won't be able to recover from it.   Alliances have already formed,, Sam is an outcast.

I didn't like hearing it, either, but Sam is also a hunter.  I don't think she enjoyed killing the snakes, but it didn't really bother her either.

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, ghoulina said:

And, no, Bayleigh, Tyler is not LITERALLY throwing you under the bus. Biggest pet peeve ever.

Yes, Bayleigh's a "literally!" offender.  (Is this the show where someone just said, "Her smile literally lights up the world"?)



16 hours ago, Nashville said:

Depends on what the snake was doing at the time.  Although they’re frequently handy in terms of keeping the rodent population down, snakes (even nonpoisonous ones) can be a real problem on a farm  - they eat chicken eggs, they can kill and eat baby chicks, and they can spook larger livestock (cattle and horses) into injuring themselves.  So sometimes getting rid of them may be a necessity.

Our first fight, Nashville.  I'm pretty sure I'd be knee-deep in mice if it weren't for the Black Snakes. 

They're a huge healthy part of the agro ecosystem and I have to threaten anyone who's ever worked for me because they all want to chop up any snake they see.  (Ditto:  "Every large bird's a chicken hawk that should be shot.")

Snakes are naturally shy and will get out of your way if they can.  Even if one gets in your house, don't freak.  Just put a big wastebasket on its side where the snake can access it and he'll crawl right in, trying to escape into what looks like a dark safe hole.   Put the lid on and take the whole project outside.


Disclaimer:  I don't have chickens and I don't live in rattlesnake country.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, candall said:

Even if one gets in your house, don't freak.  Just put a big wastebasket on its side where the snake can access it and he'll crawl right in, trying to escape into what looks like a dark safe hole.   Put the lid on and take the whole project outside.

What a great idea!  I love and protect my black snakes. But I live in Florida where houses are usually at ground level and every so often I find a new friend curled up somewhere in the house.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

What a great idea!  I love and protect my black snakes. But I live in Florida where houses are usually at ground level and every so often I find a new friend curled up somewhere in the house.

Oh, good!!!!  I've shared that with a hundred people--who all just rolled their eyes and shared back a hundred different ways to mutilate a snake.  : (

The woman who told me about it said you could simply use a brown paper bag, but, uh, I'm not quite chill-axe enough for walking around with a snake in a sack.  Big wastebasket.  Lid.  Catch & release.  I'm in.

  • Love 2
On 7/4/2018 at 8:47 PM, Wandering Snark said:

I was watching Big Brother and somehow (maybe it's their supercomputer malfunctioning again??) I ended up watching Fear Factor in the backyard. WTF?? Shock collars?? Seriously?? Shock. Collars. What happened to half naked people at a foam party trying to find letters requiring more nakedness to win? Now we've got shock collars?? I know that >I< didn't sign up to watch this shit let alone how the houseguests must feel if this is the "level" we are playing on this season. Real fun comp there. Never thought I'd hear someone say in the DR "I really wanted to win but I couldn't make it past the shock collars."

This is a new low which, considering the source, is... yes... shocking.

Why did they have to have the hardest to understand housemate host a Veto??

At least, they gave him subtitles.

For which I was grateful.

11 hours ago, candall said:

Our first fight, Nashville.  I'm pretty sure I'd be knee-deep in mice if it weren't for the Black Snakes. 

No prob, @candall; at least WE can disagree without calling each other “that poster”.  :D



They're a huge healthy part of the agro ecosystem and I have to threaten anyone who's ever worked for me because they all want to chop up any snake they see.  (Ditto:  "Every large bird's a chicken hawk that should be shot.")

Snakes are naturally shy and will get out of your way if they can.  Even if one gets in your house, don't freak.  Just put a big wastebasket on its side where the snake can access it and he'll crawl right in, trying to escape into what looks like a dark safe hole.   Put the lid on and take the whole project outside.

Also agree - I’m not advocating a “the only good snake is a dead snake” approach at all.



Disclaimer:  I don't have chickens and I don't live in rattlesnake country.

This was one of the specific sticking points; my grandparents kept chickens, and a snake in the chicken coop could be bad news indeed.  In our part of the country rat snakes are also called chicken snakes, and for good reason - eggs, chicks, and young chickens are all fair game prey.

Also: a black snake got into one of their horse stalls once, and the horse freaked out x and broke its leg in the process.  Had to be put down.  So while in the wild I have exactly zero problems with any snake not actively engaged in trying to bite me, in my mind there’s no good mingling between snakes and livestock.

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, candall said:

Oh, good!!!!  I've shared that with a hundred people--who all just rolled their eyes and shared back a hundred different ways to mutilate a snake.  : (

The woman who told me about it said you could simply use a brown paper bag, but, uh, I'm not quite chill-axe enough for walking around with a snake in a sack.  Big wastebasket.  Lid.  Catch & release.  I'm in.

 Way off topic, but............

Normally all I see of my black snakes is their tail-end  sliding through the grass to sanctuary.  On the day my father passed away I got home from the hospital and as I was getting out of the car a black snake lifted its front end up like a cobra and just stared at me for the longest time.  I took it as the oddest Blessing  I've ever experienced and just stood there with tears running down my cheeks.

On topic -  I haven't seen any snakes in the BB house yet. It's a welcome and refreshing change. I like most of these people. Even the ones I dislike it's a mild dislike.  Watching BBAD is so much more enjoyable this season.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 3

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