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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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44 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I disagree with this- I think Tyler would 100% say- see look what Brett is trying to do- sew distrust in our group and instead of coming to speak to us about it directly he sent Hay up to do the "dirty work". Tyler already doesn't trust him and wants him out ASAP- so any sort of thing he sees as a "move" against the alliance or trying to sew distrust he's going to push even more for Brett to leave soon. 

But who the hell knows. Haha. 

Totally. Tyler seems to get flustered when he's unexpectedly confronted with something, so I don't know if he's going to handle JC and Brett well - I could see him not being able to get that trust back. But, Brett is giving Tyler a lot of ammunition to use against him and JC, since everyone knows they're tight. Apparently, Tyler tried to talk to Kaycee a bit about JC, but she wasn't getting it - this will prove that Brett/JC are scheming together and will be a dangerous duo when Haleigh's gone. 

Out of all of them, this is great for Sam's game. She could have been an easy target in DE, and now I could see her staying against anyone. It's not a guarantee, but this could sow enough distrust to force Tyler/Kaycee/Angela to take a shot at JC/Brett and vice versa. 

8 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Haleigh and Sam are both jealous of Angela which causes a lot of the resentment. Sam keeps it mostly to herself though. Haleigh has no business saying anything since she and Fessy where shown in bed numerous times. I do think Tyler and Angela are doing more than just cuddling (they locked themselves in the HOH room on more than one occasion and you can see lots of movement under the blankets), but I also think they are being as discreet as possible under the circumstances.

I know it has to be very hard on Haleigh right now, but if she could stop herself from personally attacking another woman she will feel better about things in the end. Brett also seems very sneaky to me-I have never warmed up to him and wouldn't trust him. And why do he and JC have to sleep together? Can't JC sleep alone? They even wait up for each other like a married couple..

Haleigh is for sure jealous of Angela- I think that's what a lot of this comes down to especially when it has to do with Tyler. She has said before that she thought once Kaitlyn was out of the picture she would "get" him back. She thought Kaitlyn controlled him- and in her mind here is a proven comp beast who could work with me and protect me and I can make do what I want to do. She admitted earlier in the season that she had a crush on him- and also had a few dreams about him. So I do think her animosity towards Angela is mostly because of Tyler- I think she tries to not let it bother her- but I think it comes out anyway. In her mind she stole him from her and is using her womanly ways to make her do whatever she wants him to do. LOL. 

Yes, Tyler & Angela locked the door when they were in the HOH room- but they locked the rest of the HG's out- not us. They for sure weren't doing anything more then just heavy petting and a couple of kisses- at least in the HOH room. They've gotten a bit more bold while they've been in the Blue Room- but I don't think anything more then more heavy petting and making out. LOL. I haven't watched any of it- because I just think it's weird and awkward to watch it. But from what I've read it isn't anything more then that. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 2
22 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Haleigh and Sam are both jealous of Angela which causes a lot of the resentment. Sam keeps it mostly to herself though. Haleigh has no business saying anything since she and Fessy where shown in bed numerous times. I do think Tyler and Angela are doing more than just cuddling (they locked themselves in the HOH room on more than one occasion and you can see lots of movement under the blankets), but I also think they are being as discreet as possible under the circumstances.

When women don't like each other, it is often said they are jealous.  I don't believe that is true, across the board.  Usually we experience jealousy when it hits very close to the bone.  Your husband paying too much attention to a pretty woman or a friend, for example.  

Angela has not been very pleasant so she gives a good reason to dislike her.  

Edited by Wings
  • Love 19
10 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Haleigh is for sure jealous of Angela- I think that's what a lot of this comes down to especially when it has to do with Tyler. She has said before that she thought once Kaitlyn was out of the picture she would "get" him back. She thought Kaitlyn controlled him- and in her mind here is a proven comp beast who could work with me and protect me and I can make do what I want to do. She admitted earlier in the season that she had a crush on him- and also had a few dreams about him.

Now this is jealousy!  LOL  See my post above.  :>

Edited by Wings
  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Haleigh and Sam are both jealous of Angela which causes a lot of the resentment. Sam keeps it mostly to herself though. Haleigh has no business saying anything since she and Fessy where shown in bed numerous times. I do think Tyler and Angela are doing more than just cuddling (they locked themselves in the HOH room on more than one occasion and you can see lots of movement under the blankets), but I also think they are being as discreet as possible under the circumstances.

I know it has to be very hard on Haleigh right now, but if she could stop herself from personally attacking another woman she will feel better about things in the end. Brett also seems very sneaky to me-I have never warmed up to him and wouldn't trust him. And why do he and JC have to sleep together? Can't JC sleep alone? They even wait up for each other like a married couple..

Seriously? Angela, KC, Bayleigh, Rockstar ... ALL of them have "personally attacked another woman" in the house. Sam did it in a Nom speech in front of everybody. Hayleigh is "literally" between a rock and a hard place and, frankly, she's down to her last days and she knows it. I do not blame her for trying ANYTHING to make people possibly think twice.

And this is such BS anyway. Almost all of the people in this house verbally "attack" each other at some point, either by virtue of the game or by virtue of being stuck in a house with people 24/7 for 90 days... Why are the guys never told they shouldn't "personally attack another guy"? Why is it worse for a women to talk shit but if a guy does it then it's just gameplay?

I don't blame Hayleigh for trying anything she can think of. And BTW, if she WASNT doing that, the same people would criticize and say she just "curled up and died" and didn't "fight for her game."

Edited by KootieTaw
  • Love 16

I think you can fight for your game without talking about someone's sex life, especially since you did the exact same thing with a guy you were interested in. I understand Hayleigh is fighting for her life, but she is also the one telling Angela Scottie was wrong in making comments about Angela when she is doing the same thing. I don't see any of the guys talking the same way because guys usually congratulate each other on 'getting some' rather than use it disparage their character. JC says shit to Tyler about it, but he is jealous plain and simple. 

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, KootieTaw said:

Why are the guys never told they shouldn't "personally attack another guy"? Why is it worse for a women to talk shit but if a guy does it then it's just gameplay?

Er - Fessy was raked for his personal “entitlement” comments directed at Angela, and Scottie was absolutely excoriated (rightly so IMHO) for his “Hilton Head” remarks aimed at both Angela and Tyler.  So I don’t think there’s a great deal of double-standardizing on this particular issue.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Wings said:

It is not a stretch for me to think JC is peeing incorrectly.  :> 

I think they all see each others GBM; they are on that one DVD they see.  Scottie would have mentioned if they were shown privately.  He was into spilling everything he knew about the JH.  I was surprised BB didn't scold him or switch to fish.  

Since we had the JBB do they hold off showing the GBM messages until after JBB meaning the evited houseguests only saw the edited tv version?

35 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Er - Fessy was raked for his personal “entitlement” comments directed at Angela, and Scottie was absolutely excoriated (rightly so IMHO) for his “Hilton Head” remarks aimed at both Angela and Tyler.  So I don’t think there’s a great deal of double-standardizing on this particular issue.

My comment is just that people make it sound like it's "extra bad" for Haleigh to attack another woman.

I agree with you -- they're all attacking each other.

Also, I don't even think Haleigh was "attacking" Angela. She was just trying to get people to think about Tangela and what it might mean.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

People's deal with really attractive women like Angela is fascinating and disgusting at the same time. Society sort of puts them on a pedestal, but then wants us to all tear them down as much as possible. It's super gross. 

Absolutely. I can never quite decide which is worse: 1) "She's hot but she's a bitch." or 2) "She's not that hot anyway." I kind of lean toward the latter - particularly when it's preposterously untrue - but I don't really know why I feel that way??

1 hour ago, Wings said:

On men painting on fingernail....


Penn (Penn & Teller) has pained one fingernail for decades.  For him it is a message to his mother.  

This is super cool, I had no idea! To be fair, have any of the hg's talked about this? If not, I give it 50/50 (at best) that they know and are doing it for that purpose vs it just looking cool and being a random group thing.

1 hour ago, Wings said:

When women don't like each other, if is often said they are jealous.  I don't believe that is true, across the board.  Usually we experience jealousy when it hits very close to the bone.  Your husband paying too much attention to a pretty woman or a friend, for example.  

Generally speaking, you're right. However, in this case, both Sam and Haleigh have said they're into Tyler [Haleigh's interest was pre-Fessy], so I think the jealousy thing is valid.

1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

I think you can fight for your game without talking about someone's sex life, especially since you did the exact same thing with a guy you were interested in. I understand Hayleigh is fighting for her life, but she is also the one telling Angela Scottie was wrong in making comments about Angela when she is doing the same thing. I don't see any of the guys talking the same way because guys usually congratulate each other on 'getting some' rather than use it disparage their character. JC says shit to Tyler about it, but he is jealous plain and simple. 

Eh, I'm kind of inclined to give her a pass on this, and I'm not even a Haleigh fan. (I reserve the right to change my mind if her gossiping leads to actual game-damage for either Tyler or Angela.) Scottie calling it out to the whole house and entire viewership during the live episode is very different imo, from Haleigh doing some low key ish gossiping / trash talking to another hg. 

  • Love 4

Haleigh and Angela are talking about secrets they all might have. Angela told Haleigh about her past. Haleigh says she doesn't have anything cool to share.  They talk about Bayleigh being Miss Missouri and how Angela had no idea, Haleigh was shocked that Angela did know earlier because she thought those two were really close.  Angela said Bayleigh told her she was her person day 2 and then never shared any personal info that everyone else already knew.  Fessy was almost in the NFL, Kaycee has her football career. They think Tyler and Brett are still hiding something. Think that maybe Brett's father is someone important because he wasn't shown in Brett's video and Brett is always talking about his family.  Haleigh thought for sure that Kaitlyn was/is related to Nicole Richtie. 

What they don't know is Tyler is hiding his super duper awesome ability to bowl ;) 


Sam is in the hammock talking to herself again.

  • Love 6

ANgela reassures Sam ( on the outdoor couches) that she is good this week. She has been so calm and holding it together this week. She knows that Sam can see Haliegh all over them but nothing has changed, she pinkie swears she has her vote. She is saying. She thinks Sam sees it too so wants to reassure her. 
Then Sam goes on a tangent about life and only two more weeks , and fessy's eviction and seeing families, etc

Angela went to Sam as she was alone. Sam isn't feeling very well again.  Has a headache again.  Angela tells her that everything is fine this week, it may look bad because they're hanging around Haleigh so much (i think) but nothing has changed.  Sam said she appreciated the talk, that at the beginning of the week she felt really good, not doesn't feel as good. Angela reassured her again.  Then Haleigh came out. 

1 minute ago, missyb said:

ANgela reassures Sam ( on the outdoor couches) that she is good this week. She has been so calm and holding it together this week. She knows that Sam can see Haliegh all over them but nothing has changed, she pinkie swears she has her vote. She is saying. She thinks Sam sees it too so wants to reassure her. 
Then Sam goes on a tangent about life and only two more weeks , and fessy's eviction and seeing families, etc

jinx! ;) 

Brett asking Sam to tell the story to Tyler about how she thought Fessy was gay

She says it's because he would cuddle her in the sweetest way, pick her up like she was a baby because he was so big and she was so small. Thought he was too sweet and too innocent to be a straight guy.  Tyler says that's messed up. 

So sounds like all those times we saw her cuddling up to Fessy was because she thought he was her new gay BFF. And that's why she felt so comfortable with him being so close and touching/cuddling her. 

Sam "I feel bad about it but I can't wait to meet his mom" 

They joke that JC might not be gay.  Sam says "well hopefully JC is really gay or Angela is going to be mad.  She's showered with JC multiple times" 

Sam "I called his Pro-fessy for awhile because I thought he was a super intelligent gay person"

Tyler "but turns out he wasn't?" 



JC comes out and Tyler says "did you know that Fessy was a highly intelligent gay man?" 

JC to Sam "your gayday is flat on the floor" 

  • Love 7

now the discussion moves to the kitchen and Kaycee thinks Fessy is bi-curious because of some of his mannerisms. 

Sam says he had a feminine energy.  Kaycee agrees and says that Fessy would fit in with the gay community for sure. 

Tyler says people always think he's gay. Kaycee says he definitely doesn't give off that vibe. 

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, gunderda said:

now the discussion moves to the kitchen and Kaycee thinks Fessy is bi-curious because of some of his mannerisms. 

Sam says he had a feminine energy.  Kaycee agrees and says that Fessy would fit in with the gay community for sure. 

Tyler says people always think he's gay. Kaycee says he definitely doesn't give off that vibe. 

Not gonna lie, I thought Fessy was gay at first, too. 

21 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Take your word for it.  Ain’t looking that shit up.

Solid decision, because you can't unsee it. Ask me how I know... 

11 minutes ago, gunderda said:

now the discussion moves to the kitchen and Kaycee thinks Fessy is bi-curious because of some of his mannerisms. 

Sam says he had a feminine energy.  Kaycee agrees and says that Fessy would fit in with the gay community for sure. 

Tyler says people always think he's gay. Kaycee says he definitely doesn't give off that vibe. 

I get zero ping from Fess, but if he were to ever choose to give it a whirl, he'd make a killing. 

  • Love 7

In a shocking turn of events- as he's been shit talking her all week- Brett told JC what Hay told him about what she's allegedly "heard" on the other side of the wall in regards to Angela & Tyler and how she told him it's what she used to hear Bay & Swaggy do. JC actually shot it down said it was bullshit- said that Hay is just stirring stuff up, and that Angela would NEVER do something like that because she's not that kind of girl, and she's smarter then that. 

I had to rewind to make sure I was hearing JC correctly. 

Now let's see how long it takes him to tell Tyler what Brett told him that Hay said. LOL. Ah the good old game of Telephone. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, gunderda said:

Brett asking Sam to tell the story to Tyler about how she thought Fessy was gay

She says it's because he would cuddle her in the sweetest way, pick her up like she was a baby because he was so big and she was so small. Thought he was too sweet and too innocent to be a straight guy.  Tyler says that's messed up. 

So sounds like all those times we saw her cuddling up to Fessy was because she thought he was her new gay BFF. And that's why she felt so comfortable with him being so close and touching/cuddling her. 

Sam "I feel bad about it but I can't wait to meet his mom" 

They joke that JC might not be gay.  Sam says "well hopefully JC is really gay or Angela is going to be mad.  She's showered with JC multiple times" 

Sam "I called his Pro-fessy for awhile because I thought he was a super intelligent gay person"

Tyler "but turns out he wasn't?" 



JC comes out and Tyler says "did you know that Fessy was a highly intelligent gay man?" 

JC to Sam "your gayday is flat on the floor" 

All of this is hilarious!   No way Angela showered with JC.   What the hell did Sam mean?!

8 hours ago, missyb said:

Also, do they see the entire POV's play out ( so if , as Brett says, they are yelling out things, are they heard.  Past players must know this.

I assume they see the edited portion of the POV that we get to see, although I imagine without the DRs.

5 hours ago, Irishsecra said:

I would laugh my ass off if [Tyler] was nominated in the double.

Oh, same. I mean he wouldn't go, but it'd still be fun. I assume he'd pout like a baby the way he did when he was the Hacker nom. So funny!

5 hours ago, Nashville said:

I don’t think anybody knows Tyler is a superfan, other than Sam - who I also think now holds the undisputed BB title for keeping another’s secrets.  ;)

I am shocked at Sam's ability to keep those secrets. To me it just adds to her level of crazy lol.

4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I feel like each evicted person should be able to see each goodbye message in its entirety after they are evicted, period.  It's part of the strategy of the game.

I agree. 

4 hours ago, Nashville said:

AFAIK all Angela’s comments have been related to either gameplay or sources of personal irritation, not personal character.

Nah, she went beyond with her talk about Rachel, who was supposedly her friend. Her and Brett were nasty. It's why I can not feel any real sympathy for Angela over Faysal or Scottie's comment.s

2 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

Absolutely. I can never quite decide which is worse: 1) "She's hot but she's a bitch." or 2) "She's not that hot anyway." I kind of lean toward the latter - particularly when it's preposterously untrue - but I don't really know why I feel that way??

I mean, are people not allowed to not see Angela as hot or it means they're jealous? I literally don't see it lol. Her face is plain as fuck to me and her eyelashes are distractingly horrible. It's subjective. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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37 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I mean, are people not allowed to not see Angela as hot or it means they're jealous? I literally don't see it lol. Her face is plain as fuck to me and her eyelashes are distractingly horrible. It's subjective. 

You, I believe. :) Fessy, not so much - that was just about trying to tear her down. (And I like him on balance - def more than the average here.) 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Maybe a dumb newbie question but what difference does it make if they know Tyler is a superfan?  My assumption would be that most of the people in the house are and if they say they are not but are yet seem to be pretty successful, I'd think they lied about it.

I feel like the recruits outnumber the actual fans - let alone superfans - so their assumption is probably the opposite since many of the HGs themselves aren't fans. 

It only matters at first because it puts a bigger target on you - other HGs assume you know the game and the strategy of it. Obviously, that's not always true - Scottie sucked despite being a fan. But, I don't think Tyler would be able to fool all these HGs if they knew how much the game meant to him. They think he's learning on the go, and JC literally thinks he's an idiot. He'd definitely be seen as sneaky if they knew he knew what he's doing. 

At the end of the game, the super fan reveal isn't enough for anyone to give you the money, but it does show how well he deceived them. 

On a separate not, Brett is bringing up HGs kissing in an super obvious way with the House without directly calling out Tyler/Angela, so I guess he really wants the target on him and not JC. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, mooses said:

I feel like the recruits outnumber the actual fans - let alone superfans - so their assumption is probably the opposite since many of the HGs themselves aren't fans. 

It only matters at first because it puts a bigger target on you - other HGs assume you know the game and the strategy of it. Obviously, that's not always true - Scottie sucked despite being a fan. But, I don't think Tyler would be able to fool all these HGs if they knew how much the game meant to him. They think he's learning on the go, and JC literally thinks he's an idiot. He'd definitely be seen as sneaky if they knew he knew what he's doing. 

At the end of the game, the super fan reveal isn't enough for anyone to give you the money, but it does show how well he deceived them. 

On a separate not, Brett is bringing up HGs kissing in an super obvious way with the House without directly calling out Tyler/Angela, so I guess he really wants the target on him and not JC. 

Personally, I think Tyler better be careful how he gets rid of Sam. If he nominates her, watch out. If she feels betrayed, she could reveal he is a Super Fan. The timing for his game could not be worse as it could put a huge target on his back. Some will feel that he made a fool of them unless he can convince them Sam made it up.

it probably won’t hurt him in the jury house but it could send him out the door.

2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I tried to listen on my iPad but they weren’t wearing their mics and the jacuzzi bubbles were drowning them out. It looked serious though.

I got some content from jokers. Brett did tell Tyler what Hay was speculating about hearing Tyler and Angela in bed together.


Brett told him that Haleigh thought she heard Ty/Ang activities - and Ty scoffed I can wait 15 more days NT

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, gunderda said:

Like most others this season... Haleigh may have had a chance if she was on a different season.  But this one, no way no how.  L6 has been freakishly locked up since the beginning. 

I don’t know... I think she would’ve been out of her depth no matter which season she appeared on. Only a few weeks ago, during one of FOUTTE’s powwows, she was giggling about how they were the only people in the house who talk game. Like, seriously? If you believe that, you’re too inept to play Big Brother.

Re: GBMs, considering how much producer intervention and manipulation takes place, I’m 100% certain that the evictees never see all of their messages. And the ones they do see are highly edited. Sometimes they’re even shown messages from prior weeks. (I remember that happening with Dustin and Kail in BB8.)

Edited by JediDVguy
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1 hour ago, HartofDixie said:

Interesting that BB kept up with Steve's lie that he is a mechanic.  Also, lol @ "Swaggy Sea... Justice and T-shirts for all"

Can't wait to see the rest.  Have the houseguests talked a lot about the comic book characters and I just missed it?

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I mean, are people not allowed to not see Angela as hot or it means they're jealous? I literally don't see it lol. Her face is plain as fuck to me and her eyelashes are distractingly horrible. It's subjective. 


You are absolutely right it is subjective.  That being said, I do find Angela attractive but look wise Haleigh is far more my type.

Once again I am taking this off topic but, a few years ago I was watching Luther and I commented on how hot I found Ruth Wilson to be (she is also on the Affair).  My sister turned to me and said, "You have terrible taste in women, that chick is ugly."  Now granted my sister is not gay so she was not commenting on Ruth from an attraction standpoint but she does say that all of the time to me, that I find unattractive women attractive.

Edited by BK1978
Just fixing typos, a probably missed more, and added a little.
  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

You are absolutely right it is subjective.  I do find Angela attractive but look wise Haleigh if far more my type.

Once again I am taking this off topic but, a few years ago I was watching Luther and I commented on how hot I found Ruth Wilson to be (she is also on the Affair).  My sister turned to me and said, "You have terrible taste in women, that chick is ugly."  Now granted my sister is not gay so she was not commenting on Ruth from an attraction standpoint but she does say that all of the time to me, that I find unattractive women attractive.

Only if one adopts the socially-foisted standards which define conventional considerations of physical beauty as the ruling guide for what constitutes “attractive“.  ;)  For my own personal tastes, conventionality rarely hit the mark much more than 10% of the time - nothing beautiful about a hot body wrapped around an ugly soul.  By my own standards, funny and cheerful win out over a hot rack and blow-dried hair every time - but hey, maybe that’s just me.  ;>

  • Love 19

Strategizing for DE , JC and Sam go up. If one wins veto, who goes up as replacement. They figure out it will be between Tyler and Angela because Brett and KC have already taken one for the team. 
Oh boy, Angela says all do it. Opps, then Brett and Sam will vote to evict her and she is gone. 
I hope Angela wins the HOH.

  • Love 1

Brett is playing both sides. If he or JC wins HOH they will go through with the new plan to target Angela. If Angela wins, Brett will be all about team L4. He has positioned himself very nicely. 
Might be a good idea for Angela to whisper to Brett, we need to be sitting next to each other at F2. They hate us both but have to vote for one of us. 

  • Love 4

Brett is definitely hoping JC can get Angela out without him having go make the move. He's just fanning the flames, keeping the target on her. 

I know his whole thing is, "The Jury will love whoever gets out Angela," and I like the idea, but I really think he should be trying to take Angela to F2. He knows they hate her. He should want to sit next to her. And it's hard to predict who will get credit for what in Big Brother - just look at Tyler's game. 

Speaking of, Tyler isn't doing himself any favors with the Jury - he just told Haleigh he thinks she'll be safe. Bitter Juror #5. 

I now wouldn't hate a Sam win, though, just to prove Derrick wrong. 

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Once again I am taking this off topic but, a few years ago I was watching Luther and I commented on how hot I found Ruth Wilson to be (she is also on the Affair).  My sister turned to me and said, "You have terrible taste in women, that chick is ugly."  Now granted my sister is not gay so she was not commenting on Ruth from an attraction standpoint but she does say that all of the time to me, that I find unattractive women attractive.

That reminds me of the French expression, jolie laide -- the "ugly beautiful" woman. 

Ruth Wilson, though, is simply splendid, by anyone's standard. (Except your sister, of course!)

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