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"The View": Week Of 6/11/2018

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Really. She stomps onto the stage with a real attitude - like I'm surely going to educate "these people" today. LOL

Like when she says rediculous things like "in my lifetime" - she is 33.

Or "as a Republican" and has been one since 2008. Yep, 10 whole years.

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51 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

Really. She stomps onto the stage with a real attitude - like I'm surely going to educate "these people" today. LOL

Oh, I know. I'm always waiting for her to fall off her shoes. With the skin tight spandex, I wonder how she can walk.

She is lathered up and ready for a fight before she sits down!

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My theory on Meh-gun's stomping, bitch face, and studying her cards today, and most days,  is that she is trying mightily to remember to say what is on the cards that hubby wore for her--even though she ends up reading them 99% of the time.   The homework must be exhausting.  I am so glad the other ladies are refuting her gobbledy gook or ignoring her immature tantrums.

She is  totally ill-suited for this show (or any other non-reality show) because she just doesn't know/understand anything substantive about politics,  current or historical.

MM must have been humored or listened to politely or never disagreed with, i.e. spoiled ---- when growing up so she is dismayed when others don't do the same now.  People were polite to her because of her family, and now the snowflake can't handle real discussion of varying views. Plus she has NOTHING to offer in the way of informed opinion.

And her spanx, shoes, and  clothes are too tight which makes her even more grouchy.

Go away MM. 

Edited by Tosia
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2 hours ago, maggiemae said:

Really. She stomps onto the stage with a real attitude - like I'm surely going to educate "these people" today. LOL

That what really gets me.  She acts like everyone else is completely uneducated, unread and uninformed.  She is upset that Trump saluted the NK general, most of the country is too by the way, and yet still can explain away Trump's actions.  It is truly maddening.

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51 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

She acts like everyone else is completely uneducated, unread and uninformed. 

And you mean "everyone," right?   Everyone on the panel, in the crew, in the audience, and US ! ! ! !   What a dwat.   That's a dolt-twat.

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4 hours ago, WhitneyWhit said:

And most importantly, Jed appeared happy to be there and the other women appeared to like having her there. I've noticed that MM stomps out, way ahead of the other women, with her bitch face turned up to 10 while everyone else comes out in a group, smiling, waving to the audience, sometimes they're even chatting amongst each other and laughing.

I totally agree with this!!   She always comes out with an unpleasant expression to downright angry when she comes out.  She also doesn't attempt to even connect with the audience.  

It really bothered me that she could not seem to understand the points that the others were trying to say - ie. that 45 said he would keep our criminals, the people that the border officers are detaining seem to be seeking asylum from abuses that they have been suffering in their country of origin.  The other ladies were saying why this bullying of people without power was going on, why were children being taken away?  MM did not seem to understand the difference between criminal activity and asylum.  OR chose to not see them.

2 hours ago, OnTime said:

Oh, I know. I'm always waiting for her to fall off her shoes. With the skin tight spandex, I wonder how she can walk.

She is lathered up and ready for a fight before she sits down!

Wearing uncomfortable clothes can affect your mood - I read it on a blue card!

Just now, pinguina said:

that 45 said he would keep our criminals,

OOOPS!! I meant to say "..he would keep out criminals."

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1 hour ago, Tosia said:

She is  totally ill-suited for this show (or any other non-reality show) because she just doesn't know/understand anything substantive about politics,  current or historical.

This girl is crying out for a pop culture show. When reality stars are on, she really participates, she doesn't need blue cards, she relaxes, she has fun. I'm sorry she feels she has to be a "political animal" - not only is she bad at it because she can't articulate her views, but she's obviously miserable. Put her on something like ET or Inside Edition or Fashion Police.

Her being a self-proclaimed political analyst is like putting me on CNBC to talk about the vagaries of the stock market. I would be reading those blue cards and praying for mercy!

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3 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:


Her being a self-proclaimed political analyst is like putting me on CNBC to talk about the vagaries of the stock market. I would be reading those blue cards and praying for mercy!


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9 hours ago, Tosia said:

She is  totally ill-suited for this show (or any other non-reality show) because she just doesn't know/understand anything substantive about politics,  current or historical.


7 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

This girl is crying out for a pop culture show. When reality stars are on, she really participates, she doesn't need blue cards, she relaxes, she has fun. I'm sorry she feels she has to be a "political animal" - not only is she bad at it because she can't articulate her views, but she's obviously miserable. Put her on something like ET or Inside Edition or Fashion Police.

Her being a self-proclaimed political analyst is like putting me on CNBC to talk about the vagaries of the stock market. I would be reading those blue cards and praying for mercy!

She really is out of her element regardless of the fact she "has been in politics her whole life".    She did't even go to college for anything remotely related to politics.  I don't know if she wants to be a political animal because she thinks it is her birthright or she wants to please her dad or if she just thought her last name would open doors for her.  Whatever the reason she is not doing herself any favors by continuing to be a shrill antagonistic spokesperson for the Republican party.  Which by the way no one asked her to be.  


9 hours ago, Tosia said:

And her spanx, shoes, and  clothes are too tight which makes her even more grouchy.

Is there not someone in her life (her mother, a freind ) that will tell her she needs a new look?  Or for fuck sake can she not herself say I don't want to wear this?

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15 hours ago, Kenz said:

I can't believe that I miss Jedidiah, even though I didn't agree with her politics. At least she was intelligent, genuine, and didn't scowl and twitch continuously. McCain is making it difficult for me to keep watching The View, and I resent her for that.

I disagreed with Jed on pretty much everything and often found myself frustrated with her arguments BUT she had great chemistry with the other ladies and to this day, speaks fondly of her time on The View. Meghan has brought the whole light-hearted vibe of the show down.

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51 minutes ago, Jaded said:


Today is another "Recorded Earlier" episode and RBM is on too.

Well, you can't win them all, but the Hot Topics were tepid & Meggie was "controlled".  She watches the wrestler's show!!!???

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10 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

This girl is crying out for a pop culture show. When reality stars are on, she really participates, she doesn't need blue cards, she relaxes, she has fun. I'm sorry she feels she has to be a "political animal" - not only is she bad at it because she can't articulate her views, but she's obviously miserable. Put her on something like ET or Inside Edition or Fashion Police.

Her being a self-proclaimed political analyst is like putting me on CNBC to talk about the vagaries of the stock market. I would be reading those blue cards and praying for mercy!

I agree.  She made an offhand comment to Andy Cohen about creating The Real Housewives of Phoenix.   She played it as a joke but she wanted that as much as she wants to fuck Thomas Jefferson.  

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I'm going to call bs on Meghan.  She has said she doesn't want to bring her dad up all the time, Bullshit ! 

Ed Helms mentioned  that the interview with John McCain and Steve Carrell was his favorite interview on the daily show. He said this earlier this week or last week, im pretty sure on Stephen Colbert's show.  I'm sure she  knew that before the interview.  So she brought it up, don't stop reminding us who your dad is meggie. 

He who must not be named was mentioned so...

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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9 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

'm going to call bs on Meghan.  She has said she doesn't want to bring her dad up all the time, Bullshit ! 

Meghan happily takes advantage of the doors opened because of what family she was born into but doesn't want to be reminded of it.  In her mind I'm sure she thinks she has earned everything she has.


And I agree with Joy.  Best sex of my life has been in my 40s.

Edited by blondiec0332
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Hehehe am i imagining things or did Joy just say (before going to commercial) 'Hamm will be in theaters Friday' talking to Ed Helms about Tag.  I know her hall pass hah!  ?

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12 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

Really? REALLY?! MM tells us how she was originally trained to debate politics? WTF? When, where, who?


Edited by Wings
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27 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

Really? REALLY?! MM tells us how she was originally trained to debate politics? WTF? When, where, who?

Maybe she was on her high school debate team for a semester or so.  

And take it from a former high school debater -   she wasn't very good.  She never learned that you have to listen in order to dispute what your opponent says.

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3 minutes ago, OnTime said:

I hate taped Friday shows. Last Friday was taped also.

Are they no longer live on Fridays?

I don't mind as long as they are Whoopi free.  I guarantee she would not have participated in the "hall pass" discussion.    

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15 minutes ago, OnTime said:

I hate taped Friday shows. Last Friday was taped also.

Are they no longer live on Fridays?

Probably just for the summer.

Edited by Wings
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I do have to say, to give fair and balanced snark, i did think MMs hair was very nice yesterday. Straight down and soft.  I thought it was pretty.  Ok back to snark. Am i again hallucinating, or wasnt Holly and James T on just yesterday?

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On 6/13/2018 at 12:22 PM, GiveMeSpace said:

I have trouble imagining a world where I would be running away from John Hamm! Just fucking tag me already Hamm.


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3 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

Meghan happily takes advantage of the doors opened because of what family she was born into but doesn't want to be reminded of it.  In her mind I'm sure she thinks she has earned everything she has.


And I agree with Joy.  Best sex of my life has been in my 40s.

Not bragging, but 40s, 50s AND 60s!!!  (Disclaimer:  Different men ... LOL)

2 hours ago, Wings said:

Probably just for the summer.

Now I know I don't have to get up to see the show at 9:00 M.T., I can sleep in & catch it at 11:00.  (Good to know!!)

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On ‎2018‎-‎06‎-‎14 at 2:04 PM, blondiec0332 said:

This is the same woman who said "no man speaks for me".  Sure Meghan.

Instead of speaking, hubby probably just writes things down on blue cards.

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Meghan was so cute trying to do a gotcha moment with Joy during the hall pass segment when Joy jokingly said Abraham Lincoln and MM tried to say 'a Republican Joy?!?'.. and Joy pointed out that if Abe Lincoln were alive now, he'd be a democrat.  I guess MM doesn't know her history since the Republican party of the 1860s is not the same party in values, beliefs, etc that it is today.  A lot of times I think the women don't try to argue or correct MM that much because it's too much work, etc.  Remember when Whoopi tried to help Sherri S in the early days of their co-host careers and after awhile, Whoopi just gave up LOL

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During the discussion the guy who won the replican primary for Senate even though he posed in front of a confederate flag and spoke  at a white nationalist event, MM said something along the lines of the man doesn’t represent HER Republican Party.   

I don’t know how he doesn’t,  he won the primary in a State with a lot of republicans.  That indicates mainstream republicans don’t have a problem with him.  He is HER Republican Party.  

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6 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

Joy is going to be on The $100,000 Pyramid on Sunday night on ABC.

Thanks for posting. I watched the Match Game/Pyramid lineup regularly for a while there, but fell out of habit. It's hard for me to watch game shows or sitcoms weekly. I do better with them in reruns.

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17 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

I guess MM doesn't know her history since the Republican party of the 1860s is not the same party in values, beliefs, etc that it is today.

Thank you!  What is happening in education today?  Oh wait......a certain news channel is hijacking it.

18 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Not bragging, but 40s, 50s AND 60s!!!  (Disclaimer:  Different men ... LOL)

Well OK then!

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14 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

Joy is going to be on The $100,000 Pyramid on Sunday night on ABC.

I put this show on my DVR.  I had forgotten it had started up again.  Thanks for the heads up.  I bet she will be good at it.  

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21 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Joy jokingly said Abraham Lincoln and MM tried to say 'a Republican Joy?!?'..

And apparently Meghan doesn't realize that in "Joy's day," and many others', party affiliation was one of the last criteria we considered when dating.  DATING, simply dating!  Who here didn't date someone of another party?  Who even KNEW what party they belonged to???

Edited by Former Nun
a question mark.
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3 hours ago, Former Nun said:

And apparently Meghan doesn't realize that in "Joy's day," and many others', party affiliation was one of the last criteria we considered when dating.  DATING, simply dating!  Who here didn't date someone of another party?  Who even KNEW what party they belonged to???


I have dated people of a different party.  I would never date, or be friends, with anyone who is a racist, homophobe or possess any other hate filled quality.

I wonder if MM realizes that her rants will be around forever.  

Edited by jumper sage
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On ‎6‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 3:43 PM, blondiec0332 said:

I think no matter what the topic Meghan will disagree with the table.  

Hot Topics:  The sky is blue, and the sun rises in the East.

Meghan:  Well ladies, can I just say something?  As a Republican, the base is very tribal, and I'm just trying to explain how middle America feels on this topic.  My blue card says that the sky is actually a liberal bias, and the East, as in Asia, is a Godless country.  *Turns blazing red in the areas not covered with foundation*  These are my people, and I've been in politics all my life.  Did you just hear what I said??  *violent eye rolling and scoffing*

On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 8:45 AM, blondiec0332 said:


She really is out of her element regardless of the fact she "has been in politics her whole life".    She did't even go to college for anything remotely related to politics.  I don't know if she wants to be a political animal because she thinks it is her birthright or she wants to please her dad or if she just thought her last name would open doors for her.  Whatever the reason she is not doing herself any favors by continuing to be a shrill antagonistic spokesperson for the Republican party.  Which by the way no one asked her to be.  


Is there not someone in her life (her mother, a freind ) that will tell her she needs a new look?  Or for fuck sake can she not herself say I don't want to wear this?

All of the above?

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1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

Hot Topics:  The sky is blue, and the sun rises in the East.

Meghan:  Well ladies, can I just say something?  As a Republican, the base is very tribal, and I'm just trying to explain how middle America feels on this topic.  My blue card says that the sky is actually a liberal bias, and the East, as in Asia, is a Godless country.  *Turns blazing red in the areas not covered with foundation*  These are my people, and I've been in politics all my life.  Did you just hear what I said??  *violent eye rolling and scoffing*

All of the above?

Meghan is they type of person who will make her being a Republican as relevant to every conversation. What did you have for dessert Meghan?  As a Republican I had apple pie of course.   

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watching the Friday show - Ed Helms was in the middle of his story about Speedos.  "when they repealed the law..." and he and Joy were laughing about Chris Christie, then he starts again, "when they repealed the law..."  and Meghan says ,"can I just jump in real quick?  I grew up in my formative years watching the Daily show...…"   SHUT UP!  you have these guests on, for a few minutes, and if they come in with a funny story, shut up and let them tell it.  

Still trying to wrap my brain around Meghan, "as a republican"  was such a fan of Jon Stewart's show.   Or did she watch it just to fume and pout? 

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Sigh - MM is still in her "formative years." Still.

She has learned nothing about politics from her father. 

Her goal is being mentioned on Mediaite, Buzzfeed, and the Federalist.

Just a very spoiled brat with a last name, imo.

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5 hours ago, maggiemae said:

Sigh - MM is still in her "formative years." Still.

She has learned nothing about politics from her father. 

Her goal is being mentioned on Mediaite, Buzzfeed, and the Federalist.

Just a very spoiled brat with a last name, imo.

You are right.   Her behavior on the View is the human equivalent of click bait. 

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6 hours ago, backformore said:

Still trying to wrap my brain around Meghan, "as a republican"  was such a fan of Jon Stewart's show.   Or did she watch it just to fume and pout? 

Jon Stewart was, at one point, a fan of her father's. I also think that this was during  Meghan's "but I'm a COOL Republican" phase.

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11 hours ago, backformore said:

watching the Friday show - Ed Helms was in the middle of his story about Speedos.  "when they repealed the law..." and he and Joy were laughing about Chris Christie, then he starts again, "when they repealed the law..."  and Meghan says ,"can I just jump in real quick?  I grew up in my formative years watching the Daily show...…"   SHUT UP!  you have these guests on, for a few minutes, and if they come in with a funny story, shut up and let them tell it.  

Still trying to wrap my brain around Meghan, "as a republican"  was such a fan of Jon Stewart's show.   Or did she watch it just to fume and pout? 

That ticked me off too!!!

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