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S10.E10: You Broke the Penal Code

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6 minutes ago, coops said:

Well none of Sonja's shitty business ventures EVER work out So I'm really struggling to figure out just how she manages to get any income at all other than the show. The pay from the show probably just about pays for the mountains of bills she was leafing through.

Right you never hear about her “lifestyle”brand anymore. I mean honestly she has driven her life so hard into the trash who would want her lifestyle anyway. Is this show her only form of income?

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 4

Bethenny/Carole became friends during Bethenny's first season back, Jules came the following season, so they hadn't known each other for "years", just 1 year. I imagine that Carole based her feelings about Bethenny on how Bethenny treated her, not how she treated others, like most people do.

I'm sorry, Wirewrap, you're right. Carole only knew Bethenny for a year when she was fully embracing Bethenny's bad behavior, enjoying it, and participating with Bethenny in Bethheny's cruel escapades.

Is a year really not enough time to know what a person is like?

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Right you never hear about her “lifestyle”brand anymore. I mean honestly she has driven her life so hard into the trash who would want her lifestyle anyway. Is this show her only form of income?

Perhaps this show is, directly and indirectly.  She does have that nutty website that was talked about on her thread, which is likely a commission or licensing deal of some sort, plus she like all the others, occassionally hawks one widget or another on her social media pages.  All told, it would likely be a decent income, for anywhere outside of the UES.  Like I suggested somewhere, she needs to sell the damn townhouse, move to Hoboken and buy a modest condo, take a job at some restaurant and hitch a ride on the reality train when it comes by.  The real reality train.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Perhaps this show is, directly and indirectly.  She does have that nutty website that was talked about on her thread, which is likely a commission or licensing deal of some sort, plus she like all the others, occassionally hawks one widget or another on her social media pages.  All told, it would likely be a decent income, for anywhere outside of the UES.  Like I suggested somewhere, she needs to sell the damn townhouse, move to Hoboken and buy a modest condo, take a job at some restaurant and hitch a ride on the reality train when it comes by.  The real reality train.

I think we are literally watching her last efforts to grasp onto a lifestyle she honestly can no longer afford and it’s driving her even more bananas. Maybe that’s what’s pissing her off so much about Tinsley other then giving her a storyline Tinsley is living her “old” life and it has to be eating Sonja alive with jealousy 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Is this show her only form of income?

I'm not sure but if she had something to promote she would be using the show to do it. And other than turning up at parties/events we never see her do anything on the show to earn money. Bethenny and Ramona are known for working hard, despite all their faults. I always kind of got the impression Sonja thought launching a "brand" simply entailed swanning into a meeting once or twice a month and having a bunch of people tell her how "amazing" her clothes/toaster oven/water proof sponges are going to be. I don't think she has done a decent day's work in her life. Some people don't, they are better at being homemakers than breadwinners. But as far as homemaking goes have you seen her house?

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Oh come now, Carole didn't form a tentative, hesitant acquaintanceship, she was full on besties and was merrily engaging in the tormenting of Jules with Bethenny. She's known for years what Bethenny is like. That behavior didn't bother her and in fact amused the shit out of her, until she was on the receiving end.

She's not Bethenny's victim.


Me thinks Carole is jealous and ticked off that Bethenny and PR is the bigger storyline. She wanted that marathon to be the big story this year. Carole's non interest in Bethenny's charity was very telling. Carole  thought it would be all about her this year. She couldn't compete with PR and she is pissed.  She bitched enough about the party Ramona threw for her, people not showing up to cheer her skinny ass on, complained that Bethenny ONLY donated and sent care packages, etc.  Sounds like a lot of jealousy to me. 

And now most of the group wants to take down Bethennny??????????  Ramona, Dorinda, Tinsley and Carole can try and twist the story but I for one am not buying it. 

Edited to add...Carole probably thought this would keep her and Adam together....more TV time....and she would be right because that is how he operates.

Edited by Martinigirl
  • Love 15
1 minute ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Like I suggested somewhere, she needs to sell the damn townhouse, move to Hoboken and buy a modest condo, take a job at some restaurant and hitch a ride on the reality train when it comes by.  The real reality train.

So true.  There are so many other places that she could live that would be so much cheaper than NYC.  She doesn't seem to have the instincts of being a business woman, so she really needs to face reality and make a different plan.  She seems like she is becoming more lost with every season, and it's sad to see.  So many housewives have tried to help her, but none of her ideas ever get off the ground.  She needs to cut her losses and move on.  

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

I think it’s interesting that both Bethany and Carole have such polarizing personalities. I feel like with both of them something tugs atyour heart that allows you to overlook  their faults or you hate every thing they do down to the pit of your soul. It’s funny to me because in essence, they’re sort of similar. They’re both haughty know-it-alls who can be incredibly selfish and cruel about their knowledge, they both hold people at a distance but expect nearly clairvoyant anticipation of their own emotions from others, they both suffer from extremely  self-serving memories but are quick to nitpick other’s recall of events, they are both invested in self-narrative that highlight their personal hardships while ignoring their personal privileges, and they both feel more comfortable in unequal relationships where they are being pursued by someone who looks up to them in either romance and friendship.

Now I happen to be a Bethany girl who can for some reason forgive a lot of her shit, while my default with Carole is that she’s a damn, dirty liar. But I also know that my assessment has AT LEAST as much to do with me as them. I’m just saying they aren’t that different and given all that I’m actually surprised it took them this long to have a fight. 

This. A thousand times. Brilliant post and perfectly sums up Bethenny and Carole’s odd friendship. Love this, Fozzybear!

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, coops said:

Nothing. She got asked in one of the reunions if she worked and if I remember correctly she said she doesn't work since she sold her late husband's business. Or that was the gist of it. I think if Dorinda worked she would be a lot more happier. 

Maybe that has a lot to do with her drinking. I mean she has nothing of substance to keep her time occupied and not thinking about Richard and boozing. 

  • Love 5

Luann gets a forearm to the neck, and then is all "I'mma just slip these cuffs off." Daaayum. The arrest might not be her proudest moment, but that Houdini act might be.

Gotta love the editors - Beth says in one scene that people who party past midnight are doing illicit drugs, and then she's shown hungover from partying until the wee hours. I bet the lines she hoovers ain't all that skinny.

Also, truly honest people don't feel the need to tell their friends that they're an honest person. Run, Carole. Far.


Kevin, the driver, has taken the place of Dr. Amador (or whatever his name was) who Bethenny saw for (reality show) therapy.

Except unlike the doctor, Kevin obviously doesn't get paid enough to take potshots at Beth's ex.


Man, Sonja was giving me life this episode. See, Sonja doesn't need to be drunk to be outrageous.

Sonja makes the show for me a lot of the time. Plus, she's purty.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 8

I’m sure Sonja could rent her apt. for $20,000 a month and find a 2 bdrm apt on the UES for $10,000 a month.  This way her rent would be taken care of and she would have several thousand a month to live on plus her housewives salary.  Not bad I would say but for a snob like her, prob not good enough.  Take a page from Lu’s book and live more modestly.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, esco1822 said:

Sooooo Carole isn't allowed to be hurt or upset by Bethenny basically changing the dynamics of their friendship? She shouldn't be upset to hear that her good friend, who has never done this to her before, is now talking about her behind her back instead of coming to her directly? I might agree that she maybe should have known better since this is a pattern in Bethenny's relationships but it certainly hasn't been a pattern in THEIR relationship and that's what's important to her.  

Bethenny did go to Carole with the operator comment, it was repeating the operator comment to Dorinda that caused the rift.  Bethenny claiming Carole didn't seem to be interested is not the same as saying she didn't contribute.  Bethenny thanked all the RH who contributed to her charity by name on social media.

It seemed to me that Carole is a reluctant RH, just like she is the occasional reluctant vegan.  Carole surrounds herself with others (outside the show) that actually work and produce while she tweets and stars on a reality show.  My guess is when Bethenny or a Heather can provide Carole with some gravitas in the RH friend department she is there, otherwise she is on to more fertile pastures.  

If I were Bethenny I would have been ticked Carole wanted to put a three week wait period on a discussion over our friendship.  Obviously, Bethenny was also a friend in need over the holidays-phones work to start a discussion. The only options aren't texting or in face toface. I think the cameras were just more important to Carole-the reluctant RH. 

The divide is too deep for these two to move forward to a new normal.  Last time it was easy Bethenny had an exit via her own show-this time Bravo would have to make an honest to goodness choice between Carole and Bethenny.  I don't see either Carole or Bethenny wanting to continue under this cloud. 

The good news is RHNY landed the top spot in ratings Wednesday night.     

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, jaync said:

Gotta love the editors - Beth says in one scene that people who party past midnight are doing illicit drugs, and then she's shown hungover from partying until the wee hours. I bet the lines she hoovers ain't all that skinny.

Well she got very vocal in front of John about him doing lines when they had their bust up the episode Dorinda kept "selling" John to them. Then, curiously enough, when asked about in the reunion Bethenny totally clammed up and refused to say anything. Pots and kettles, maybe?

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, Juniebaby said:

I’m sure Sonja could rent her apt. for $20,000 a month and find a 2 bdrm apt on the UES for $10,000 a month.  This way her rent would be taken care of and she would have several thousand a month to live on plus her housewives salary.  Not bad I would say but for a snob like her, prob not good enough.  Take a page from Lu’s book and live more modestly.

But she's got property taxes and water and electric and oil bills on that house.  That adds up. Also, for all we know, she took out a mortgage after her bankruptcy was settled.  Child support is probably still in effect, but daughter will be in college pretty soon and I guess that will end.  In fact I wonder if Morgan has to pay it now, given Quincy is in boarding school.  Wonder where Quincy will go to college.  At this point the top schools don't automatically accept a Morgan, unless a huge contribution goes along with it.  

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Bethenny did go to Carole with the operator comment, it was repeating the operator comment to Dorinda that caused the rift.  Bethenny claiming Carole didn't seem to be interested is not the same as saying she didn't contribute.  Bethenny thanked all the RH who contributed to her charity by name on social media.

It seemed to me that Carole is a reluctant RH, just like she is the occasional reluctant vegan.  Carole surrounds herself with others (outside the show) that actually work and produce while she tweets and stars on a reality show.  My guess is when Bethenny or a Heather can provide Carole with some gravitas in the RH friend department she is there, otherwise she is on to more fertile pastures.  

If I were Bethenny I would have been ticked Carole wanted to put a three week wait period on a discussion over our friendship.  Obviously, Bethenny was also a friend in need over the holidays-phones work to start a discussion. The only options aren't texting or in face toface. I think the cameras were just more important to Carole-the reluctant RH. 

The divide is too deep for these two to move forward to a new normal.  Last time it was easy Bethenny had an exit via her own show-this time Bravo would have to make an honest to goodness choice between Carole and Bethenny.  I don't see either Carole or Bethenny wanting to continue under this cloud. 

The good news is RHNY landed the top spot in ratings Wednesday night.     

I might agree with you if the text from the "friend in need", Bethenny, didn't state "you've been cold"...Not the way to start a conversation to mend bridges, imo.

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, weaver said:

But she's got property taxes and water and electric and oil bills on that house.  That adds up. Also, for all we know, she took out a mortgage after her bankruptcy was settled.  Child support is probably still in effect, but daughter will be in college pretty soon and I guess that will end.  In fact I wonder if Morgan has to pay it now, given Quincy is in boarding school.  Wonder where Quincy will go to college.  At this point the top schools don't automatically accept a Morgan, unless a huge contribution goes along with it.  

And I think she would have to have some kinda insurance if she is renting it out that can’t be inexpensive 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Tinsley is living her “old” life and it has to be eating Sonja alive with jealousy 

Maybe jealousy, definitely has to make her think about what was and what could have been.  Most people would have a hard time facing facts, but she's had 10 years.  That's more than enough.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

So true.  There are so many other places that she could live that would be so much cheaper than NYC.  She doesn't seem to have the instincts of being a business woman, so she really needs to face reality and make a different plan.  She seems like she is becoming more lost with every season, and it's sad to see.  So many housewives have tried to help her, but none of her ideas ever get off the ground.  She needs to cut her losses and move on.  

Yeah, it's no sin to not be an entrepreneur.  I can tell you that there is something to be said for showing up at 8am and leaving at 5pm, and not having the stressers of entrepreneurship.  Sonja worked at one time, as a hostess in a Manhattan eatery if nothing else, which is how she met Morgan (directly or indirectly iirc).  She needs to summon up the courage to wake up, go to work, and be a regular person.  Her current career path ain't workin'.

1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Other then drinking A Lot what does dorinda do? 

Dorinda appears to be a Lady Who Lunches.  I have no problem with that, as it would seem that Richard left her well fixed.  Seems she's in a far different position than Lady Morgan.

  • Love 12
On 6/7/2018 at 2:24 AM, film noire said:


I think Luann is a beautiful woman, but to me, that mugshot is the very definition of "Would cut a bitch". I know she was drunk, but her expression is so quietly menacing -- the speculative gaze, the weird set of her lips (some bastard chld of a grimace/smile). She looks like a female serial killer on an episode of Vanity Fair Confidential ("A beautiful woman with a thirst for sex and drink and pirates --  tonight, the fascinating and deadly tale of The Countess, aka Unlucky Lu, who married and murdered her victims. Part one of "Til Death do us Part, Countess" starts NOW!") 

And what cracks me up is that I'm pretty sure Lu was drunk enough to think she was acing the whole mugshot thing and would end up with a Cecil Beaton next level headshot ("No Tins or Danielle Staub bullshit for me! - I'll throw the camera a heavy-lidded seductive look - THAT'S what I'll do!") Inside her head, she's all soigne as fuck but outside? Nice bottle of Chianti and fava beans time.


luann snapped.jpg


I had to scroll up to see who wrote this—it’s brilliant! Then I thought, of course, @FilmNoir, I should have known. I don’t even like to swear, but now it’s my life’s ambition to become soigne as fuck! 

Edited by CaliCat
  • Love 14

From what I understand, Morgan has never given her a dime of the divorce settlement, which wasn't, relatively speaking that much, claiming he is cash poor. 

Sonja could still rent out the place,  use all the money on taxes and bills,  and live off her RH money.  They seem to make about 300k a year from my recollection.*

Looked it up in 2016 it was reported she makes 220k a season. She could still live in that,  and maybe 5k a month from her rental,  even in NY. It could be a great new storyline even. Sonja living in Brooklyn, on a budget. 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Oh come now, Carole didn't form a tentative, hesitant acquaintanceship, she was full on besties and was merrily engaging in the tormenting of Jules with Bethenny. She's known for years what Bethenny is like. That behavior didn't bother her and in fact amused the shit out of her, until she was on the receiving end.

She's not Bethenny's victim.

At what point did I say that they formed a tentative, hesitant acquaintanceship? Taking a chance to get to know someone doesn't mean being hesitant. It means taking the opportunity. As someone else above pointed out, they became friends Bethenny's first season back, so there wasn't any "years" for Carole to factor in. The two met that season, they jibed, and that is precisely what I mean by "taking a chance [aka taking the opportunity] to get to know" Bethenny.

And, lastly, I didn't call Carole Bethenny's victim, nor did I imply that. You said that Bethenny's personality isn't a mystery and that Carole doesn't get a gold star for supposedly being too dumb to notice. That's what I spoke to without making Carole out to be a victim OR a dummy.


58 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

I might agree with you if the text from the "friend in need", Bethenny, didn't state "you've been cold"...Not the way to start a conversation to mend bridges, imo.

So, Carole explained that Bethenny was basically machine gunning even in text lol and sent more than the three Bethenny claims, and that's why she said it was a lot. However, I'm also of the mind that had a friend of mine sent me even three texts (as Bethenny claims she did), and one of them was "You've been cold," my response would have still been "This is a lot" (as in "You're doing too much right now"). Because it is; you don't open a text message with "You've been cold." Where do you even go from there? Was Bethenny expecting that to be well-received? Like, what?

  • Love 10

I’m sure Sonja could rent her apt. for $20,000 a month and find a 2 bdrm apt on the UES for $10,000 a month.

FWIW, Ryan Serhant estimated she could get 30K. 

Sonja and Tinsley being extended neighbors might be fun. I'm sure production would love it.


Well she got very vocal in front of John about him doing lines when they had their bust up the episode Dorinda kept "selling" John to them. Then, curiously enough, when asked about in the reunion Bethenny totally clammed up and refused to say anything. Pots and kettles, maybe?

Beth also got clipped when John replied "You first" after she yelled at him to lay out some "rails". That was clearly a pot, kettle, black moment, imo (and not the only one).

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Rap541 said:

I'm sorry, Wirewrap, you're right. Carole only knew Bethenny for a year when she was fully embracing Bethenny's bad behavior, enjoying it, and participating with Bethenny in Bethheny's cruel escapades.

Is a year really not enough time to know what a person is like?

Bethenny's first season back was full of Bethenny crying about Bryn/custody, playing the victim of big bad Jason/the courts/Heather! Bethenny made herself out to be some fragile flower that needed protection/support and Carole bought it hook, line and sinker. Hell, they all bought it except Kristen, even Heather kept apologizing to Bethenny over nothing because Bethenny kept claiming Heather crossed some invisible line. So, short story even shorter, Bethenny didn't come back guns ablazing, she turned on the water works first, then took aim her second season back but by then Carole was already in "protect my bff" mode with Bethenny. 

32 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

From what I understand, Morgan has never given her a dime of the divorce settlement, which wasn't, relatively speaking that much, claiming he is cash poor. 

Sonja could still rent out the place,  use all the money on taxes and bills,  and live off her RH money.  They seem to make about 300k a year from my recollection.*

Looked it up in 2016 it was reported she makes 220k a season. She could still live in that,  and maybe 5k a month from her rental,  even in NY. It could be a great new storyline even. Sonja living in Brooklyn, on a budget. 

Sonja got property here in the US and in France (not including the NYC townhouse), enough to pay off part/most of the BK when she sold them (she had to split the US property proceeds with him though), she also received child support from her ex, at least she did until her daughter went to boarding school (It may have ended then).

  • Love 10

Carole willingly rode along shotgun while Bethenny fired her cannon mouth & comments at Luann, Tom, Jules, Sonja, etc and enjoyed acting as Bethenny's mouthpiece on the Jason drama.  It stopped being fun for her when Bethenny turned that cannon on Adam.  They both suck.  I'm enjoying watching them turn on each other. 

Watching Sonja is depressing, there are times I think she's truly delusional.  

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yeah, it's no sin to not be an entrepreneur.  I can tell you that there is something to be said for showing up at 8am and leaving at 5pm, and not having the stressers of entrepreneurship. 

Amen to this!  Sonja probably feels like she needs to do something spectacular in order to keep up with some of her friends.  As much as Bethenny grates on my nerves, kadooz to her on how she brought herself up through the ranks, and the same with Ramona.  Apparently she did pretty damn good with her line of work.  I wish we could've seen more of her being a business woman, rather than just our crazy Ramona!

1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Sonja worked at one time, as a hostess in a Manhattan eatery if nothing else, which is how she met Morgan (directly or indirectly iirc).  She needs to summon up the courage to wake up, go to work, and be a regular person.  Her current career path ain't workin'.

Sadly, Sonja probably feels like this is "beneath her station in life" to have to get a real job, but she's going to need to face the facts and realize that her days as a carefree socialite are limited (going by what we're seeing with her home needing so many repairs.)  She's throwing away so much money when she needs to be saving like a maniac, especially if she wants to continue to live in NYC.   I hope she can get her life together.  

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Maybe that has a lot to do with her drinking. I mean she has nothing of substance to keep her time occupied and not thinking about Richard and boozing. 

I'm 50 and always fantasize about retirement.  But work is vitality.  

Of course, since she has the dough, seemingly she could do a lot of charity work to keep herself busy.

  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Me recollection of the text messages I different.   I could be wrong but I thought Carole responded to Bethenny's text with "that's a lot" to which Bethenny said "that's cold"   NOT "you're cold" or "you've been cold" 

I believe Bethenny said, "I miss you and I feel like you've been cold," and included a photo of the two of them in better times.  What the texts said is most likely a different situation.  One thing that turned me off about RHOBH Season 8, is there was so much wasted time, IMO, of the women going back and forth saying how someone should apologize, what they should have said, what they should not have said,  it became exhausting.  State your piece and stop with the nitpicking.  Not everyone is going to answer things exactly how you want.  This is not the Real Stepford Wives.  It is becoming like the BS between LVP and Kylem with Bethenny butting in and calling it a "thunk you".  Problems don't get any better waiting for camera time.

The other thing I noticed is Dorinda and Carole are taking a beating on twitter over criticizing Bethenny's -"I am so grateful":  

  This was Carole's response to the tweet-which of course makes no sense.  Let's just say I didn't need to go see a performance of the nutcracker last Christmas. #sawitall #rhony @Bravotv 

Carole, Ramona and of course Dorinda, look foolish going overboard saying Bethenny didn't thank Dorinda.  Again my pet peeve on how one relates their feelings.  I am so grateful sounds a lot like an acknowledgement to me. 

  • Love 11
23 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Amen to this!  Sonja probably feels like she needs to do something spectacular in order to keep up with some of her friends.  As much as Bethenny grates on my nerves, kadooz to her on how she brought herself up through the ranks, and the same with Ramona.  Apparently she did pretty damn good with her line of work.  I wish we could've seen more of her being a business woman, rather than just our crazy Ramona!

Sadly, Sonja probably feels like this is "beneath her station in life" to have to get a real job, but she's going to need to face the facts and realize that her days as a carefree socialite are limited (going by what we're seeing with her home needing so many repairs.)  She's throwing away so much money when she needs to be saving like a maniac, especially if she wants to continue to live in NYC.   I hope she can get her life together.  

Out of curiosity what kind of real job is Sonja qualified for?  She is probably bringing in a quarter of a million a year-wanting more is not really something that gets one a job.  All she can do is get a renter that covers her mortgage, taxes, insurance and what not and find a suitable place.  There must be a fever in NYC-as now Ramona is wanting to sell (and a very inflated price) and rent.  Ramona days of being a "maven" are long past.  Her RHONY salary has been her main source of income since Season 5.  

  • Love 3
On 6/6/2018 at 11:30 PM, absolutelyido said:

On your first point about the women complaining about talking behind each others backs, it doesn't make sense to me that they are so shocked (shocked I tell you!) that when they gossip about person 1 to person 2, person 2 tells person 1 about it and probably person 3 and 4 as well. How is this surprising? They all do it ALL the time! Plus, it's being filmed so, yeah, person 1 is going to find out. 

Right.  Wouid we even have a show if no one talked behind their backs?

  • Love 3
On 6/7/2018 at 5:01 PM, ShawnaLanne said:


I think Carole's anger at Bethany is 90 percent Adam and it's referred anger at Adam dumping her. Carole is used to being the one pursued I think,  and this thing with Adam has to be killing her ego. 


Agreed.  Carole went into the relationship knowing that it had a shelf  life due to their age ranges.  I don't think she expected to fall in love.  I think her anger over "she seems sad" is because Carole wants us all to believe the breakup is mutual for the most part and she's casual about the relationship.  But she's not.  I think after becoming a widow, she did have casual low-key relationships because you just don't want to fall in love with someone and feel loss when it doesn't work out.  But she wasn't able to do the casual relationship with Adam even though she knew it had a shelf life.

  • Love 7
On 6/6/2018 at 11:07 PM, ryebread said:

At the lunch with Bethenny, she was doing something weird with her mouth. Like, sucking her teeth or something. Made her cheeks look even more sunken in than usual. It was weird and distracting. Especially when she rolled her eyes at the same time she was doing it. Odd.

I couldn't stop looking at the left side of her mouth. Something very strange going on there.


On 6/7/2018 at 3:07 PM, islandgal140 said:

Okay, did anyone notice how shifty Ramona looked when Dorinda said anyone would have to be total asshole to go to Tom's yacht party? So.... I'm thinking Ramona went. I will cackle if this is true. 


OMG, she must have gone. I was completely expecting a very quick edit to footage of a drunken happy Ramona dancing with Tom and rubbing his bald head. Don't you tell me you weren't there, Ramona Singer.

3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Other then drinking A Lot what does dorinda do? 

Come on now, be fair. Dorinda decorates for Christmas - oh wait, she has an actual Christmas decorator. But, don't give him any credit. Don't you DARE. 

Well, also, she now stars in Cabin Coupon commercials with her new BFFs. Fancy Dorinda and poor dear paycheck to paycheck Adam right there doing the same thing. Bless their hearts.

1 hour ago, snarts said:

Carole willingly rode along shotgun while Bethenny fired her cannon mouth & comments at Luann, Tom, Jules, Sonja, etc and enjoyed acting as Bethenny's mouthpiece on the Jason drama.  It stopped being fun for her when Bethenny turned that cannon on Adam.  They both suck.  I'm enjoying watching them turn on each other. 

Well of course, all was fine and dandy until Bethenny was dumb enough to think that Adam's new status as ex boyfriend meant she could be honest about him with Carole. Don't you say a damned thing about Adam to Carole or she'll come at you with the fury of 1000 blazing suns. Just ask Luanne who dared to murmur her own freaking opinion about the guy who slept on her couch, probably mooched pretty damned hard, and then dumped her niece while also likely still serving her coffee now and then. Lu you can get drunk off your ass and assault a police officer, but don't you dare say a word about poor defenseless always-wronged Adam. Carole will insinuate left right and center for it and then threaten you. See what you get?

2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yeah, it's no sin to not be an entrepreneur. 

Lord, no, and I wish more of these housewives would see that. It takes a certain kind of drive and craziness to be a successful entrepreneur. I think both Bethenny and Ramona have it. 

Speaking of Ramona -- she should be grateful that Bethenny said that about her doing an infomercial because it got her upcoming skincare line about 80% more attention than it ever would have gotten if we'd just gotten that scene with her and the lady with the strange hair. 

Edited by Otherkate
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22 hours ago, Giselle said:

She's counting how many plastic bags are in the suite to haul home "leftovers". 

Trash can bags, dirty laundry bags, shower cap in a pinch, plus she'll raid the cleaning cart when the house keeper's not looking. Lots of goodies there!


Hey, don’t forget those bags they give you for the ice bucket! You could get at least one room service freegan sammich in there!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Out of curiosity what kind of real job is Sonja qualified for?

I don't know what she's actually qualified for, but with all of the people she knows, I think she would be good in the party planning business.  Maybe she could hook up with somebody and work for them to learn the ropes.  She is really good at socializing.  She just needs to find a way to profit from that!

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24 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I don't know what she's actually qualified for, but with all of the people she knows, I think she would be good in the party planning business.  Maybe she could hook up with somebody and work for them to learn the ropes.  She is really good at socializing.  She just needs to find a way to profit from that!

Sonja already thinks she knows it all, she came on this show claiming she was a "party/social event planner", that people paid her to throw parties for them! Of course it was a lie, no one was paying her to do anything, let alone host/throw parties. She could never work for someone else either because they would expect her to actually "work" and IMO, Sonja is allergic, deathly allergic, to working! Also, Sonja only socializes for her own benefit, not anyone else's, she is scouting her next meal ticket with a large bank account and his final resting plot already purchased. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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41 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I don't know what she's actually qualified for, but with all of the people she knows, I think she would be good in the party planning business.  Maybe she could hook up with somebody and work for them to learn the ropes.  She is really good at socializing.  She just needs to find a way to profit from that!

I think Sonja tried event planning once. I think she oversaw the anniversary party of Aviva and Reid.

  • Love 5

I’m guessing, as a person who knows next to nothing about finance and finance law, that 2 things are happening simultaneously. 1. Her bankruptcy might have provisions in that make generating income less then attractive. As in she may still owe and if she does anything to make money such as rent out the townhouse it may be that it will be leaned on. In fact I wonder if renting out the townhouse would make it into a  commercial property up for grabs as settlement, while living in it keeps it off the table. As I said I am dumb about this stuff and don’t actually know. This brings us to 2: if she didn’t get that much in the divorce settlement maybe she’s been subsidizing her income with child support and if her daughter is getting close to 18 maybe she’s a little panicky about that going away.  

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On 6/7/2018 at 7:15 AM, ghoulina said:

I'm really over these chicks picking on every Damn thing Bethenny does. I get that she's not easy to like, and I certainly don't think she's perfect, but it's like someone told them to have a beef with her and they're just grasping at straws. 


Well, there is math to think about here.  Seems as if most of the women from the entire history of the NYC franchise have had issues with Bethenny.


What's the expression ....if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. 

Enough women have taken issue with Bethenny over the years that I think it's safe for this viewer to assume that Bethenny is, in fact, offensive....at least on the show.

This doesn't mean the others don't have their moments or haven't incorrectly slammed Bethenny from time to time, but in the larger totality of things, Bethenny has major issues.

Edited by Jextella
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