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On 6/18/2018 at 5:00 AM, Mswldflwr said:

And just what kind of friend does Nicole have?  Clearly not much of one since she can look Nicole straight in the eye and tell her her dress is really pretty.  

Yeah, I am a little bit wondering if Nicole's friend is actually a "frenemy". Like she goes back to her other friends and makes fun of Nicole behind her back. I dunno. She is hot though. Maybe she just wants to be on TV.

Edited by BabyDaddy
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It's funny to me to read comments about Family Chantel needing to butt out of her marriage (I agree) followed by Family Nicole needs to step in and put the brakes on her "engagement" and relationship, sometimes in the same paragraph. And I don't mean that in any bitchy way, I really found it funny.

They are both grown women and I agree that their financials (well, the butchered word anyway) are not anyone else's business, and their families can cut them off financially, but otherwise, they need to mind their own business. Chantel should point out to her parents that they were the ones who demanded the prenuptial agreement, separating their funds. Pedro thinks his money is his because they made it clear to him before the marriage. 

Also, somewhere a question was posed about Kensley being special needs, and the quote disappeared on me. Last season, someone posted on Facebook that Kensley was bratty and was doing some weird action, like she was not sitting still when she should have been or something. Molly responded to those posts using her business FB and said that Kensley was special needs as a result of a chromosomal abnormality, but if she said which one it wasn't screencapped and posted, and also said that the "wild behavior" (don't remember the exact term) was part of her self-soothing behavior and not misbehaving. Someone responded to Molly that if Kensley needed self-soothing behavior to be around Luis, she probably shouldn't be forced to be around him. Molly didn't respond to that but started deleting her posts, and the person who was smart enough to copy them posted them on one of the FB pages about the show.

My nephew has a hyperactivity disorder and when he was young, he took medicine while at school and when it wore off, he became whiny for a bit before becoming the Tasmanian Devil and trying to eat everything he could get his hands on, because the medicine made him unable to eat. In some scenes, Kensley reminds me of him when his medicine was wearing off. I don't think that is caused by a chromosomal abnormality, though.

On 6/20/2018 at 6:34 PM, Quof said:

No, it's pretty much the opposite of what you said - that people were slagging Nicole for being poor. No, they're not.

I don't get your point and I won't beat it to death but I never criticized her for being poor.  I criticized her for being a lazy slug that doesn't do right by her daughter and sends all her spare money to Azan and dreaming about some fantasy life with him when she should be concentrating on making a better life for herself and and May.  We can agree that she's a piece of crap, though. :)

Edited by bichonblitz
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I suppose I give a little more leeway to the characters on this show who are desperate for an option from their prior lives, but, still...that only goes so far.  If you are really not a good person, I think it shows and translates on this show.  Regardless, where you place these people they would be insufferable human beings.  That's my take on it.  So, I even wonder why I watch the show.  Who among the bunch really have any redeemable qualities?  I could only muster a few. 

I think Annie is okay, though, she is very much in denial.  I sense that is a put on though for obvious reasons. And, Russ, who is still frustrating while he allows his wife to mistreat him.  As well as Chantel, who seems fine otherwise, with the exception of being obsessed with Pedro, which boggles the mind.  It's to a degree that I don't even feel sorry for her, anymore.  She'll get her fill of him as time goes by.  Sad to waste all the time and energy, but, some people love drama. 

The rest of the cast are so unappealing....it's like crud on crud. 

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On 6/17/2018 at 10:21 PM, jacksgirl said:

Who would think that Anfisa would turn into the reasonable one on the show? It's like she lost a lot of the makeup ans attitude with it, won the good edit.  Do you think the show's producers sit around and plot and plan who's the bad guy in who's the good guy on these shows? Juan, entire Family Chantel and Luis all are bad guys this season......


So I signed up just to post about this because I love the arc/editing Anfisa is getting this season, it's honestly remarkable. I've always really disliked Jorge and thought his whining and his family's pearl-clutching about Anfisa was absurd. He was a grown man who decided to bring his very own Russian Barbie to the US to marry him and then freaked out when she was an actual person with expectations and, frankly, exactly what she had always said she was. They seemed shocked that she wasn't just falling over herself in gratitude that she has "someone like Jorge" and is in the United States now. I do wonder though, do you think after the last reunion that Anfisa would only come back if she got a better edit and/or more sympathetic treatment? Because the change in the way the show treats her is really noticeable. 

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I'm only on page three of comments, but I have to say this:  I am certain that the Pao/Russ/Juan drama is scripted.  There are awkward gaps in the arguing, esp. when Russ is speaking.  Juan has the easiest part, just playing a total bitch, and Pao seems to have no trouble making herself cry.  I am 100% sure that this is not real.

OTOH, I think the Chantel/Pedro conflict is genuine.  I don't think her family is smart enough to pretend to be as awful as they are.  And I don't blame Pedro for holding a grudge for Chantel Family in DR--their behavior was inexcusable, and to my knowledge they've never even admitted they might have over-reacted a little about the dangers of visiting his grandmother.  They need to apologize profoundly and then butt out.

I thought Nicole was going on a pointless mission, but Azan seems genuinely fond of May, and I think that must indicate some kind of feeling for Nicole.  I just don't know.  I'm totally ready to believe that he is trying to harvest the American dollar and doesn't understand that Nicole is at the bottom of the food chain, even that he has other girlfriends from the US who send him money.  But then I see him with May, and I falter.

Annie has finally awakened to the facts of her situation, I think.  She was in denial about how dire things were with the Penguin, but as time passes and he doesn't get a job she's being forced to face facts.  Ashley is a pain in the ass but really irrelevant to their marriage.  I don't think Annie wants to go back to Thailand, but she's isolated and helpless.

George has a screw loose.  On top of all the lying--can he speak a sentence without lying?--he doesn't seem to understand how marriage works.  His total confusion when Anfisa said she wanted to get to know his friends, it was as if she'd said she wanted him to grow wings.  I guess he thought she would just sit around alone all day and wait for him to bring his Mighty Sword of Vengeance home.   I wonder if he was a pampered only son in a family of daughters?

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3 minutes ago, Mothra said:


George has a screw loose.  On top of all the lying--can he speak a sentence without lying?--he doesn't seem to understand how marriage works.  His total confusion when Anfisa said she wanted to get to know his friends, it was as if she'd said she wanted him to grow wings.  I guess he thought she would just sit around alone all day and wait for him to bring his Mighty Sword of Vengeance home.   I wonder if he was a pampered only son in a family of daughters?

For what I understand he's not only the only boy, but also the last born of the family. Correct me anyone if I am speaking out of my arse.

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On 6/18/2018 at 5:20 AM, CafeAuLait said:

"she’s never going to have kids with him"  Her review of his bedroom techniques remain one of the all time greats of reality TV.  "you have a big ass and it makes a lot of noise" or words to that effect.  I laugh just thinking about it and cringe at the thought of him smothering the poor woman.  She much have a snorkel under her pillow.

I believe she said something about his  "big ass making a slapping sound" ... "boom...boom...boom!"

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10 hours ago, Mothra said:

Oh my god.  I hope Anfisa is getting paid for this.

Probably not, but people on RedBubble make, like 40 cents for every sale, so Anfisa could perhaps buy a pack of gum with what she's missing out on. I see it as mostly just promoting her fandom.

8 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

I believe she said something about his  "big ass making a slapping sound" ... "boom...boom...boom!"

It shows how she has zero desire attached to sex. For her it's just a job, like taking out the trash or scraping gunk off of dishes. This type of stuff is what makes me believe she really was a professional before she met him.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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10 hours ago, Landlord said:

For what I understand he's not only the only boy, but also the last born of the family. Correct me anyone if I am speaking out of my arse.

It's ironic because with all those sisters, he should be an expert on the needs of women. As I've said before, he treats Anfisa like a blowup doll, and he's always mouth agape (oh, yes, Jorge, you're a literal mouth breather!) and put out when she has needs and a mind of her own. He doesn't just have latent sexism, but rather, attitudes he cherishes and prides himself on, polishing them rather obsessively lest they lose their archaic sheen.

I agree that Jorge has a screw loose. He has one screw in his head and it's loose. What's the deal Jorge? Did those sisters force you to play dress up with them? Did they throw parties around little tables with invisible tea and Little Debbie cakes? Tell the shrink!

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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On 6/18/2018 at 6:54 PM, DangerousMinds said:

That might be considered kidnapping.

For everyone saying that Nicole's mother should just take Mae away, remember that in most states, grandparents cannot even get visitation orders very easily if the child's parent doesn't want them to. And the process of finding a parent incompetent is very complicated and strict (for good reason - it *shouldn't* be easy to take a child from a parent b/c as you can imagine, or see on our southern borders right now, the damage of family separation is very real). Without clear evidence of child abuse or severe neglect, if I were Nicole's parent's attorney, I would tell them it was absolutely in their best interest to stay in Nicole's life as much as possible. If I remember correctly, that is even the reasoning her father gave for giving her money and sponsoring Azan's application; that he'd rather have her, and Mae, here in the states and not in Morrocco. But, without more, a court is unlikely to find moving abroad alone sufficient reason to take a child away, unless there was a second parent objecting.

I don't know the details of custody rules in Nicole's state (I also don't at the present moment remember what state that is - Florida?) but it is absolutely not a slam dunk that Grandma and Grandpa there could get custody even if they wanted to. Their best bet would be, frankly, bribing her to get her to leave Mae home and/or send Mae home after the wedding. Perhaps that's why Mom bought the dress and it sounds like all of the parents are heading over for the "wedding" that I'm sure they're paying for. 

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On 6/18/2018 at 6:12 AM, ALittleShelfish said:

And Molly saying to Lou-Weeeez, "No one made you be a turd!"

I'm sure she said it because Luis probably doesn't know what a turd is! 

Luis (in dominican accent - merengue blasting in the hallway): "What juuu say about me? what mean turd Molly? Do juuu think I am estupid?!?"

Edited by BabyDaddy
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Chantel getting up and walking out of that meeting with her entire family and a private investigator is the first time I've like her any. Family Chantel is ridiculous. They completely ignored her telling them she is sure Pedro is his real name and he doesn't have another family because they are horrible people. Let her parents bankrupt themselves trying to find something negative about him, become a nurse, have children with him that they cannot see because they can't keep from asserting Pedro is up to something.

It has gone beyond them acting for screen time. They are thoroughly crappy people who think they are better than everyone, especially the immigrant who loves and is loved by their daughter.  

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2 minutes ago, Christina said:

Chantel getting up and walking out of that meeting with her entire family and a private investigator is the first time I've like her any. Family Chantel is ridiculous. They completely ignored her telling them she is sure Pedro is his real name and he doesn't have another family because they are horrible people. Let her parents bankrupt themselves trying to find something negative about him, become a nurse, have children with him that they cannot see because they can't keep from asserting Pedro is up to something.

It has gone beyond them acting for screen time. They are thoroughly crappy people who think they are better than everyone, especially the immigrant who loves and is loved by their daughter.  

It’s been 2 years, I’m not sure Pedro would have been able to keep up a false identity or second wife hidden for that long.

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5 minutes ago, KBrownie said:

Just a tad too late to be taking some big stand Chantel.  You've already betrayed Pedro just by showing up hun.  Your mere presence and willingness to go with your stupid family, without telling Pedro I'm sure, crossed a major line.  Yet she's pissed that Pedro didn't tell her about the plane ticket for Nicole?  Please.  

And her beef is just so damn petty.  "They live in a 2-bedroom/bath and I live in a one-bedroom."  Does she not understand that the cost of living in the DR might just be a little less than Atlanta?  And why can't Pedro be secretive with his money?  Ya'll wanted that pre-nup so bad because he might take princess's money, so he's just going along with the "what's mine is mine" dichotomy they established.  

And for the love of God, please STFU Winter and River.  None of this is ANY of your business.  Why don't the two of you have anything else going on in your lives that you have the time to be all up in Chantel's marriage?

I can’t wait till they marry and the shoe is on the other foot and their spouses are put under a microscope. 

3 minutes ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

I’m pretty sure Geo has slept with Paola.  

And will again.

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Just now, TattooFan said:

Can anyone explain to me why Anfisa frequently sits with her knees up even with her boobs?  Is she so short her feet don’t reach the floor, or is showing lots of bare leg supposed to increase viewership?

I think it’s a holdover pose from her days as a camera girl. She probably didn’t wear any undies then and it was easier to flash a bit of snatch to keep her customers watching and paying. 

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4 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

Did Chantel and Pedro not measure their living room before they ordered the sofas?

Clearly neither one is a rocket scientist. 

The fact that Chantel didn’t question that the airline ticket just happened to cost as much as the sofa was equally strange. Interesting too that Pedro agreed to go furniture shopping after inviting his sister to stay for 2 weeks, a sudden interest in having a nice comfortable couch, coincidence?

Edited by iwasish
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