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S10.E10: Social Media Kings Into Queens

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36 minutes ago, Dani331 said:

Just coming in here to say I miss the days when I knew who the hell these guest judges were. Every week now, I'm like WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!  

Miles Heizer stars on what has been described as Netflix’s most watched show (Netflix is squirrely about releasing actual ratings but they have confirmed it’s done well). According to Fizziology, 13 Reasons Why generated over 3.5 million social media posts within the first week of its premiere, making it the most popular original show on Netflix. In comparison, Stranger Things, which seemed to be inescapable, had just over 500K posts. For that reason alone, Ru was smart to have someone from the show make an appearance! S2 just dropped last Friday so it was perfect timing to have Miles on the show this week. 

  • Love 2

Well, I know who Frankie Grande is. 

(I also remember Lizzo from her soul-restoring performance of Good as Hell! on Sam Bee's show post-election.)

I loved that Aquaria was not phased at all by her partner. Eureka thinks this will be hard and Aquaria's like I got this. 

Good as hell!


I will miss Monet X Change. Kameron is a lip sync assassin!

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 4

I think Monet's lip sync was better than Kameron's.  Monet embodied the song, Kameron didn't seem connected to the song and did a generic performance, but Monet's been on the bottom three times, so it was her time.

Miz Cracker was right, Miz Cookie helped her go over the top.  Miz Cookie was the handsomest male and the prettiest female, hate her & him.

Finally, I had to mute whenever Frankie Grande spoke.  He couldn't stop being "ON!"

Edited by beartrash
  • Love 15

Good episode, once agains the queens of this season are making it hard so it comes down to little details... Based on the final results alone, I would have Aquaria and either Monet or Kameron in the bottom (Monet for execution, Kameron for play too safe).. I dont know if Ru wanted to spare Aquaria from a possible elimination going against fierce lip syncers like Monet and Kameron or if she was spared because of how well she did so far/the fact that her youtuber just wasnt open to enjoy the experience as the others (he was too shy all the way).

On the top, I agree, good for Cracker to finally have the win she wanted so much (I think she should have won week 1 actually). She did a great job with her partner and a nice job with herself (despiste the fact that we saw that runway look done a little better from Violet). Asia did great aswell. Eureka.... I think they avoided the potential of them explode together, but I´m not that fan of the style (as the other queens). But its her style, thats what she was going for and I dont see the same problems on execution as Cracker saw..

Lip Sync was very close... Monet gave more atittude, while Kameron was playing more professional/sexy.. I see a pattern on Kameron´s lip sync tho but shes very good. Monet had the disavantage from be there 3 times and the minute she turned back to the judges, walked away from the stage and return to do that slip and it didnt landed very well, that it would be enough to send her home.

Edited by CaioF
  • Love 13
49 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Miles Heizer stars on what has been described as Netflix’s most watched show (Netflix is squirrely about releasing actual ratings but they have confirmed it’s done well). According to Fizziology, 13 Reasons Why generated over 3.5 million social media posts within the first week of its premiere, making it the most popular original show on Netflix. In comparison, Stranger Things, which seemed to be inescapable, had just over 500K posts. For that reason alone, Ru was smart to have someone from the show make an appearance! S2 just dropped last Friday so it was perfect timing to have Miles on the show this week. 

Never heard if him and don't have Netflix, but he's certainly a doll! All of the guys used in the makeover looked pretty good IMO! Tyler my type with the reddish hair and glasses! ;-)

  • Love 1

That was a messy lip sync but I mean, Monet just took a risk. She knew she needed a stunt to win. At least she didn't take off her wig or anything like that. Anyway, I hardly care. Monet was my main love on this show since Monique left and now my heart is broken.

I mean, I like and respect Asia, and her putting down her soda to say "wait, I'm not done yet" in that early-episode confessional tonight gave me LIOFE, but I can't back a queen who fails that hard at snatch game. If/when she wins, I'll be ok with it, because she's great, I just... won't... care.

I can't help but like Aquaria -- bitch turns looks and she killed at Snatch, who'da thunk? -- but I can't connect with her for whatever reason. It's Violet Chotchkey-itis. If/when she wins, I'll be ok with it, but again, will feel no emotional connection.

I thought I'd love Cracker, but somehow, again, I'm not connecting. (I don't think she'll win.)

Kameron is obviously fierce, but I more worry for her well being than LOVE her.  (I don't think she'll win.)

And I just have this deep abiding annoyance for Eureka that may be irrational, but I can't shake. If/when she wins, I'm going to scream. Sorry to any Eureka fans out there. Maybe she's great but I just can't with her.

So there is no one left on the show I care about. And when I say "care," I mean, feel the way I felt about Nina Flowers, Ongina, Jujubee, Manila Luzon, Yara Sofia, Sharon Needles (at the time), Latrice, Willam, Jinx, Alaska, Bianca, Adore, Joslyn Fox, KATYA, Jadyn Diore Fierce, Chi Chi, Kim Chi, Naomi, Shea, Trinity, Peppermint, Monique, and Monet. These are queens that I connected with and wanted to know more about as both people and artists. (I'm sure there's more, and many others have made me love them after their seasons, notably Ganja.) I feel like I have a lot of love in my heart! But just... I don't know. I'm so sad. I don't really care who wins.

I just did something I've never done before -- turned off Untucked halfway with no intention of watching it later. Someone please tell me if anything interesting happens other than Eureka trying to low-key get into Kam's pants, which is what she's being doing the last few untucks.

Sorry if this is too negative, ya'll. I am wondering if anyone else is feeling as sad as me that Monet and Monique are gone.

  • Love 12
25 minutes ago, rustyspigot said:

What was that? Monet forgot her purse and then slid in to home base. Choices.

I think I heard a bulb break on the stage when she slid into "home plate!" lol! ;-)

22 minutes ago, Pj3422 said:

Well, that stunk. I don’t see what RuPaul sees in Aquaria.

It's the confidence! I say obnoxious, but so am I! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
  • Love 7

I enjoyed Cracker's critique of the makeover Eureka gave her partner. 

Aquaria's partner is a gay man from a red state and didn't have the confidence of some of the others. I wish Eureka hadn't shared her strategy. SMH.

I will really miss Monet. I didn't like the sponge dress, but her commentary and humor was on-point and her snatch game perfomance was wonderful. 

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I enjoyed Cracker's critique of the makeover Eureka gave her own partner. 

Aquaria's partner is a gay man from a red state and didn't have the confidence of some of the others. I wish Eureka hadn't shared her strategy. SMH.

I will really miss Monet. I didn't like the sponge dress, but her commentary and humor was on-point and her snatch game perfomance was wonderful. 


Yeah, Eureka should have kept that little bit of shade to herself! It wasn't beneficial for anyone to hear! ;-)

5 minutes ago, Dani331 said:

Aquaria's makeover person (can't remember her name)  was not feeling Eureka in Untucked honey, and I'm living for her side eye! 

It's rough in Missouri; I spent a year there which felt like a lifetime not sure if a burning cross wouldn't be on the front lawn as I woke! Never had a problem, but being black and gay you stand out in that state; esp. if not in KC, STL, or Columbia which is a college town right in the middle of the state between KC and STL! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, Nerdlove said:

Sorry if this is too negative, ya'll. I am wondering if anyone else is feeling as sad as me that Monet and Monique are gone.

I am DEVASTATED, Nerdlove. 

In both cases, I feel like them landing in the bottom two was the wrong fucking call. Asia and Vixen were both far and away the proper bottom two of Snatch Game, and they let Aquaria fucking skate through this week and I am straight-up enraged. The "I don't see any family resemblance!!" critique didn't make any sense to me -- they looked as related as Monet and Tyler Oakley could have, imo. Outfits cohesive, hair and beat very similar. They could have brought more glamour, but that wasn't what was being harped on. But what pisses me off more? We've seen Monet in big wigs a lot more than we've seen Aquaria in even a chest contour let alone titties. Aquaria is Pearl: The Squeakuel and I am not here for it. The show loves her aesthetic and her Instagram follower count a lot more than they do creating a compelling narrative/reason to root for her. The judges need to push her the way they have basically every other queen remaining.

That said, the sadder thing for me was both of those queens, when unjustly put in the bottom, didn't give it to us with remotely all they had. This was Monet's worst LYSFL by a mile, and she should have focused more on her little touches of natural humor than stunt shenanigans. Maybe she was trying to emulate Eureka from last week.

The YouTubers thing was...weird to me? Like, make it all big fabulous gay YouTube or make it all straight guys. And they didn't even really sell the catch that two were straight all that much -- I feel like in earlier seasons they would have teased that more obviously as the potential whammy from the jump (like Raven's S2 elderly gentleman with all the beard and safety pin navel piercings). Also, it's sort of depressing that I know enough YouTube shit to know that they were really downplaying things with Chester. He's done Rock of Ages (with Frankie, so they definitely know each other....in fact pretty much all of them there had to, and that would have been interesting to see a bit of?), so while he is a little tamer than the others he's an absolute performer. The whole thing was just odd.

Edited by annewithaneee
  • Love 17
7 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

The "I don't see any family resemblance!!" critique didn't make any sense to me -- they looked as related as Monet and Tyler Oakley could have, imo. Outfits cohesive, hair and beat very similar. They could have brought more glamour, but that wasn't what was being harped on. 


All of this!  I didn't get that critique either. I accidentally said, "What the fuck, Michelle?!" in front of my six year old daughter, and she had to get on me for cursing.  (I try hard not to do that in front of her. Lol) 

Edited by Dani331
  • Love 13
Just now, Dani331 said:

All of this!  I didn't get that critique either. I accidentally says,  "What the fuck, Michelle?!" in front of my six year old daughter, and she had to get on me for cursing.  (I try hard not to do that in front of her. Lol) 

Monet was in trouble and being there in the bottom for the 3rd time, her fate was sealed; esp. going against Kameron who puts thought and imagination into her lip syncs that is very entertaining! ;-)

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

The YouTubers thing was...weird to me? Like, make it all big fabulous gay YouTube or make it all straight guys. And they didn't even really sell the catch that two were straight all that much -- I feel like in earlier seasons they would have teased that more obviously as the potential whammy from the jump (like Raven's S2 elderly gentleman with all the beard and safety pin navel piercings). Also, it's sort of depressing that I know enough YouTube shit to know that they were really downplaying things with Chester. He's done Rock of Ages (with Frankie, so they definitely know each other....in fact pretty much all of them there had to, and that would have been interesting to see a bit of?), so while he is a little tamer than the others he's an absolute performer. The whole thing was just odd.

I disagree ... The show is about the drag queens. The youtubers here are just guests and the focus its on their interaction with their drag partner. So yeah, they cut down parts that would make the episode be about the youtubers/let the queens in second plane. If their fans want more of their interaction with each other and more from their participation, they might check out on their personal youtube channels.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Pj3422 said:

Well, that stunk. I don’t see what RuPaul sees in Aquaria.

Me either. I thought Aquaria absolutely should have been in the bottom. While her influencer was tentative, narratively I could not figure out what was going on with her look. It did not read princess to me. Aquaria skated through...again.

48 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Aquaria's partner is a gay man from a red state and didn't have the confidence of some of the others. I wish Eureka hadn't shared her strategy. SMH.


Her partner has 3 million YouTube subscribers, almost 900K Twitter followers, and over 400K Instagram followers. He's not exactly the shy and retiring type.

I'm starting to wonder if Aquaria's answer to "How's your head?" is "I think we both know it's amazing." Not that I think Aquaria is fucking Ru, but it sure seems like Aquaria is fucking someone. This week Aquaria was mediocre.

I was really apprehensive about Frankie Grande. I think somebody must have slipped him a half dozen Klonopin, which was why he was only turned to 13 on the dial that goes to 10.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 8

I am so tired of The Eureka Show.... I mean Untucked this season.  And who knew that Cynthia Lee Fontaine's name is really Frankie Grande??

Trying to keep my likes and dislikes out of it and look at it impartially, Monet or Kameron should have been in the bottom with Aquaria.  When Ru called Aquaria safe, I might have (ok, definitely did) curse my tv because one of my favorites was going.  I think they were way too hard on Kam and Kelly during the critique.  To me, it was obvious that they were doing the Samantha/Serena Jeannie/Jeannie thing.  The white and black earrings just reinforced the theme. MICHELLE!  That said, I was shocked when Ru gave Kameron the chantay.

It was hilarious that the winner of the Macho Trade challenge was the nelliest guy in the room.  I guess Kam was too obvious a choice, so Ru went for humor over realness.

  • Love 13

I've never posted here before, which is weird because I've watched Ru Paul since the first episode of the first season.  Huh.

First, and I guess this is a wildly unpopular opinion, I ADORE Kameron.  I thought she totally out lip-synched Monet (and don't get me wrong - I cried when Monet was eliminated.)

But I absolutely agree that Monet should not have been in the bottom to begin with.  Aquaria should have - and Kameron deserved to be, how much I love Kameron not withstanding.  I 

And Monet did look stunningly beautiful.  But let's face it - you can't make a partner taller. So whatever M. Visage was talking about - !

I'm happy for Kameron though.  I can't help it.  I LOVE her. 

Edited by tpplay
  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, tpplay said:

And Monet did look stunningly beautiful.  But let's face it - you can't make a partner taller. So whatever M. Visage was talking about - !

I'm happy for Kameron though.  I can't help it.  I LOVE her. 

I think It had more to do with the make up... Monet herself dont use alot/has a signature make up and  they didnt liked what she did with Tyler´s eyebrows.

  • Love 1
35 minutes ago, Sile said:

I am so tired of The Eureka Show.... I mean Untucked this season.  And who knew that Cynthia Lee Fontaine's name is really Frankie Grande??

Trying to keep my likes and dislikes out of it and look at it impartially, Monet or Kameron should have been in the bottom with Aquaria.  When Ru called Aquaria safe, I might have (ok, definitely did) curse my tv because one of my favorites was going.  I think they were way too hard on Kam and Kelly during the critique.  To me, it was obvious that they were doing the Samantha/Serena Jeannie/Jeannie thing.  The white and black earrings just reinforced the theme. MICHELLE!  That said, I was shocked when Ru gave Kameron the chantay.

It was hilarious that the winner of the Macho Trade challenge was the nelliest guy in the room.  I guess Kam was too obvious a choice, so Ru went for humor over realness.

Kam thought she had that Trade challenge in the bag; esp. rippling with the muscles sans shirt! I'm sure if she weren't so deadpan in the face, it probably would have "broke" for once! ;-)

Oof. This episode was hard to watch, with all the famewhores trying to expand a paper thin personality to fill the room. I found not a thing interesting about a one of them. Frankie and Tyler were easily and unsurprisingly the worst, but the one patting himself on the back for encouraging people to “get involved” — whatever the hell that means — in the most vapid terms possible was certainly a different shade of terrible. 

I actually find this season kind of offensive. I’ve never in previous seasons gotten that feeling, but they’re leaning way harder into these dated, negative gay stereotypes without much counterpoint. I’m not a fan of that “Aren’t I a stupid whore?” type of humor, and it plays especially badly when every other talking head from them is about having no confidence from this isolated incident ten years ago that they still wrestle with. I don’t like it. 

Monet always presented as lazy to me. The blonde guy guest judge had the personality of a wet dishcloth. 

  • Love 3

Monet is the only queen from this season I would pay to see live, although I wouldn't pay more than ten dollars.

These youtube people--I don't know them except for the ones Willam made fun of on the best of Beatdown. My friend and I just finished watching season four and that was a season with tons of LOL moments, legitimate drama, and talent.

This season is so bad that Pearl could come back and I would root for her to win the final. Miz Cracker may be amusing in real life but she is about as funny as Ray Romano on the show and that's still better than anything Kameron has done.

Bitch, I am not from Chicago but I'm officially over this shit and I'm going to go watch Tammie Brown youtube videos to calm my damn nerves.

Edited by Aerobicidal
  • Love 7

Gah, I can’t stand Eureka (I know, I know, I have stated this before). She is just a phony, messy bitch. So tired of the same damn something outta John Waters look she does with the bread loaf on her head and the streaks on her face. She makes it into the top three, I’m turning this season off. She wins, I’m quitting the show. The only thing worse would be Aquaria winning, but Ru seems to have some kind of thing for her. How she stayed out of the bottom two this time, not meeting the challenge at all, is absolutely mind blowing. Fucking Michelle rips Monet a new one for “no family resemblance” with her partner and stays mum for the mess Aquaria brought? Bitch please. 

This season is making me sour. 

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, Juneau Gal said:

Gah, I can’t stand Eureka (I know, I know, I have stated this before). She is just a phony, messy bitch. So tired of the same damn something outta John Waters look she does with the bread loaf on her head and the streaks on her face. She makes it into the top three, I’m turning this season off. She wins, I’m quitting the show. The only thing worse would be Aquaria winning, but Ru seems to have some kind of thing for her. How she stayed out of the bottom two this time, not meeting the challenge at all, is absolutely mind blowing. Fucking Michelle rips Monet a new one for “no family resemblance” with her partner and stays mum for the mess Aquaria brought? Bitch please. 

This season is making me sour. 

From the preview, it looks like Eureka will go full "John Waters" with a "Devine" look to represent her evil self I guess! ;-)

  • Love 1

I also need to vent again- there's too much Eureka. She'd have been great reality TV like five years ago, now it's just desperate and annoying. Other people should get a moment, she's hijacked nearly every damn one, without being clever or interesting. Also, why she assigned Aquaria's person was gross, imho. 

I'm rooting for Aquaria at this point. Don't know why exactly, I just appreciate her whole shtick.

I also really like Asia. She seems like a genuinely good person, and I like the way she interacts with people. 

It's weird, everyone seems talented and also uninteresting, but I guess that's what happens when one person eats the show. 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, tpplay said:

I've never posted here before, which is weird because I've watched Ru Paul since the first episode of the first season.  Huh.

First, and I guess this is a wildly unpopular opinion, I ADORE Kameron.  I thought she totally out lip-synched Monet (and don't get me wrong - I cried when Monet was eliminated.)

But I absolutely agree that Monet should not have been in the bottom to begin with.  Aquaria should have - and Kameron deserved to be, how much I love Kameron not withstanding.  I 

And Monet did look stunningly beautiful.  But let's face it - you can't make a partner taller. So whatever M. Visage was talking about - !

I'm happy for Kameron though.  I can't help it.  I LOVE her. 

I love Kameron too even tho she seems to make bad choices at inopportune moments. Boy or queen Kameron is smoking hot! The face the body the voice the personality, she’s got something r special about her. I’ll always be grateful to Ross for sticking up for her in the judging, his support and her lip synch saved her. That said Kameron can’t afford any more mistakes. I think Asia and Aquaria are pretty safe in general, especially Aquaria who Ru seems to love. He called her the future of drag on his podcast. She’s fine but she’s not all that imo.

  • Love 3

So sad to see Monet go. Should have been Aquaria in the bottom two with Kameron. What a bummer. 

And yes - girl Frankie was also giving me some Bianca del Rio - something about her gestures and stance.

FWIW, I HATE the "loaf" hairstyles. I understand using one once in a while, but Eureka pulls them out too frequently and they are just not my thing. 

  • Love 4

I feel Ru decided to let Monet go due to the fact that this was her 3rd time in the bottom. I feel Ru wanted to see more glam and Monet wouldn't bring much glam to the stage. Otherwise, Kameron would have gone home. Though Kameron is good with the "Lipsync For Your Life". 

Mz Cracker and Aquaria's guys looked great. They did a good job! I feel Aquaria could've stepped it up...the whole Queen and Princess theme was kind of all over the place & seemed rushed. Mz Cookie was awesome and came alive on stage even with the whole Marilyn Monroe, "Happy Birthday, Mr. President'.  Eureka made Frankie Grande look a mess....those eyes looked scary LOL!

Edited by latincoffee
  • Love 3

I have to stan for Aquaria. Bitch turns out a fierce look and I adore her whole aesthetic. I honestly didn't think she was noticeably worse in this challenge than Monet or Kameron. Her partner's make-up looked gorgeous and it was bad luck (read that bitch Eureka) that she got one of the most uncomfortable ones. And in the event of a tie, like Ru I would make Aquaria safe based on her doing the best of the three in the overall competition. I try my best to respect everyone's opinions but since I didn't see any yet really defending Aquaria, I figured I should write my take. ?

Monet's drag is incredibly unpolished but her personality is stellar. I think she would have done better in an early season. 

I honestly under-estimated Kameron before that lip sync, but she killed it! I was very impressed he was able to perform and interpret that song as well as he did! Huge props to him and a most deserving LSFYL victor! I do think like Molly, he is in danger next week though. I don't mind his reserved personality and I have adored some of his looks. But of the five remaining queens, he hasn't really had any notable highs to me.

Cracker did AMAZING work this week and I'm curious exactly how responsible he was for Cookie's gag-worthy transformation (not physically but just in how Cookie acted and carried himself in drag). I love analyzing edgic on these shows and while I don't really think Cracker has been portrayed as a contender for the crown, part of that could be his personality and him keeping things close to his chest.

Eureka is too much and I would say this shit is rigged for her way more than it is for Aquaria. I guess we shall see.

And Asia is just the total package, really. I'd say it might be hers to lose at this point.

Edited by Victim Noises
  • Love 9

It is strange that Eureka is really polished and does the most with being a big queen of all the ones that I have seen so far, and yet she is impossible for me to root for.

I think Aquaria has acquitted herself more than honorably.  She has been good in Snatch Game and the skits. It was fair to find her safe.  She is not simply fabulous like Violet, she is funny and wonderfully exciting on the runway, imo.  

This is a really good season.   

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, Sile said:

Trying to keep my likes and dislikes out of it and look at it impartially, Monet or Kameron should have been in the bottom with Aquaria.  When Ru called Aquaria safe, I might have (ok, definitely did) curse my tv because one of my favorites was going.  I think they were way too hard on Kam and Kelly during the critique.  To me, it was obvious that they were doing the Samantha/Serena Jeannie/Jeannie thing.  The white and black earrings just reinforced the theme. MICHELLE!  That said, I was shocked when Ru gave Kameron the chantay.

I thought they should have been wearing each other's earrings but otherwise I got what Kameron was going for. I watched repeats of Bewitched I Dream of Jeannie enough to get it.

3 hours ago, goodbyeglittergirl said:

FWIW, I HATE the "loaf" hairstyles. I understand using one once in a while, but Eureka pulls them out too frequently and they are just not my thing. 

I hate it too. Plus, it means you can see all that boy hairline and it ruins any illusion she creates with the body and makeup. It looks awful to me.

I knew Monet was a goner the second she broke that lightbulb. Ru doesn't have time for Queens who cost her money, not even a couple of bucks.

Eureka's reasoning behind pairing up Aquaria and Kingsley was gross. She called it a hardship in untucked to be paired up with a black person. Fuck off with that. Like, I get that it's a competition and you don't want to make things easy on your competitors but the youtubers are guests and if Aquaria hadn't been up to the task it would have been Kingsley who looked bad in front of a very big audience. Props to Aquaria for having learned to do makeup on black people. I didn't think Kingsley's outfit was good but the makeup looked beautiful.

  • Love 11
13 hours ago, CaioF said:

I disagree ... The show is about the drag queens. The youtubers here are just guests and the focus its on their interaction with their drag partner. So yeah, they cut down parts that would make the episode be about the youtubers/let the queens in second plane. If their fans want more of their interaction with each other and more from their participation, they might check out on their personal youtube channels.

I'm not saying they had to make it the YouTubers show - god knows the tighter the lid they keep on Frankie, the better - but other seasons have done more to integrate the makeover-ees into a storyline, and they did it with a half hour less airtime. The gay vets, the straight men being put in bridal drag, etc. Asia's partner got into it a little bit, but there was probably more to say about how these social media influencers are interacting with young kids and the LGBT community similar to Drag Race girls but not entirely. 

My main issue with it was they really didn't explain at all why the two straight guys were there and why they wanted to participate - it should have been all gay men, I think...Miles Jai has to be kinda annoyed he wasn't included, no? Surely Joey Graceffa wasn't busy? - and they also portrayed a couple of them outright untruthfully to build suspense. Chester See has done Broadway in a fairly dragged-out fashion and I wasn't falling for that fake-out for a second. Kingsley is an out-there character with the potential to be every bit as extroverted as the others -- he was raised in a red state, but he's been living in LA for years. And there was definitely room for the partners to riff on each other - as a bit of personality exposition, what their queens might be struggling with to make them over, etc - as they're in every bit a sister/brotherhood situation as Drag Race alums are. There was a lot of opportunity to turn the makeovers into more of a compelling story as they have in years past, and they let a lot of opportunities pass by, and I think the episode suffered because of it -- I wasn't very invested in any of the stories.

  • Love 5

You guys are talking about Aquaria getting a free pass this week (with I kinda agree) but the same happened last week with Cracker IMO. I still need to see both of these queens lip sync to really tell how good would they be (the only ones so far to not lip sync) but I´m wondering, that not only producers/Ru want them to move on, but also, after last season lip sync fiasco (till the finale), they didnt wanted to waste the chance to create some bottom 2 with fierce lip syncers this season. It happened last week, it happened again this week.  Again, I mght be wrong since I still need to see Cracker and Aquaria skills as lip syncers (Kameron already surprised us), but I wonder how would these two lip syncs go if Cracker had landed in the bottom 2 last week and Aquaria on this weeks, as they should.

PS: I love Monet (who doesnt?) but moving forward, I dont think she would pass next week anyway. Its gonna be pretty much a runway challenge with two distinct looks and Monet has being the one with the least potential to wow us on the runway. The 5 meaining tho, all had their wow moments there.

  • Love 3

I thought Cracker completely deserved the win, what she did with Chester was fabulous, and they both really embraced the challenge. 

I'm fine with Aquaria skating this week - I'm with @Victim Noises and @phoenix780 on the Aquaria love train, and I can't pinpoint why either, lol.

I love Asia, I do, but I feel like she's coasting and she needs to step it up.

I have no sour feelings for Eureka, but she definitely bugged this week. Lots of talkity-talk but not really saying much.

I will miss Monet - she didn't always bring it, but when she did, she was fabulous.

I think Kameron will be next to go - I don't I have any really negative feelings about her, but I think the other four Queens are stronger overall.

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, CaioF said:

PS: I love Monet (who doesnt?) but moving forward, I dont think she would pass next week anyway. Its gonna be pretty much a runway challenge with two distinct looks and Monet has being the one with the least potential to wow us on the runway. The 5 meaining tho, all had their wow moments there.

I completely agree with this. I think Monet is going to do great with the publicity from the show and absolutely has the potential to be a long-time favorite, but the final runway is for glamour and perfectly executed looks. 

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