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S36.E13: Always Be Moving


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4 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I’m unspoiled but I’m beginning to wonder if the quantity of talk of only certain people possibly winning is a function of how many people here do read spoilers and already know who makes FTC.   

I'm unspoiled too, but I just think it's blatantly obvious in the edit that Dom and Wendell are the only possible winners. 

4 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

I love a season where there is clearly dominant play. I loved Kim Spradlin (sp) ...

I loved Kim too and I enjoyed the hell outta One World. I like Dom and I don't hate Wendell. I don't know, I think I'm personally just over dominant game play by one (or two) player while every other player sits back and lets them win. It's boring to me, even when I like the dominant player, which rarely happens lol.

2 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Odds are high they will start playing their own games pretty soon here. 

It's too late. Not to mention the fact that Dom and Wendell both have an idol. And it's F6. At this point basically the only way the F4 doesn't consist of Dom and Wendell is if one or both of them decide to target the other before then. 

ETA: Oh, I meant to ask, are idols still good through F5? I assume they are, but I got to wondering if maybe with the new F4 format they are only good through F6. I don't know why though lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

At this point basically the only way the F4 doesn't consist of Dom and Wendell is if one or both of them decide to target the other before then. 

You're probably right but I expect them to target each other, because that is the smart thing to do.  I don't recall Wendell talking about it but I know Dom did.  And F4 is not a win.  I figure whoever is in F4 has a 25% chance of not making F3, due to fire making.  

I wonder if the show has limited their flint so they don't all sit around all day starting fire, and hacking their hands to bit in the process.  Not to mention they must be importing kindling and wood to this island by now already.  And possibly coconuts.  And instituting some sort of poop sanitation organization, since I think each season now the tribes are using the same beaches over and over, aren't they?  

This episode was so confusing to me. Why did they let Dom and Wendell play as a team in the reward challenge? The first person (was it Angela?) should have picked one of them instead of Sebastian. And why didn't Wendell and Dom let Donathan go to Ghost Island? I agree that he was very awkward about his reaction, but I see why he reacted that way. He wasn't enough of their teammate to take on reward, and they didn't send him to Ghost Island to pick up an advantage for their team. 

The jury might believe that Laurel's been loyal, but I for one and sick to death of hearing her talk up her game and then collapse at the last minute.  She can go anytime. 

  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, Mystery said:

This episode was so confusing to me. Why did they let Dom and Wendell play as a team in the reward challenge? The first person (was it Angela?) should have picked one of them instead of Sebastian. And why didn't Wendell and Dom let Donathan go to Ghost Island? I agree that he was very awkward about his reaction, but I see why he reacted that way. He wasn't enough of their teammate to take on reward, and they didn't send him to Ghost Island to pick up an advantage for their team. 

The jury might believe that Laurel's been loyal, but I for one and sick to death of hearing her talk up her game and then collapse at the last minute.  She can go anytime. 

They picked three captains for the reward challenge and each of them got to pick their teammate.  Angela was not a captain.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Mystery said:

This episode was so confusing to me. Why did they let Dom and Wendell play as a team in the reward challenge? The first person (was it Angela?) should have picked one of them instead of Sebastian. And why didn't Wendell and Dom let Donathan go to Ghost Island? I agree that he was very awkward about his reaction, but I see why he reacted that way.

Dom & Wendell were not being strategic at all in that challenge (IMHO).  First if it's two winners don't team up.  Granted it was likely they'd get to pick one, maybe two more to go with them but leaving your rivals to plan and even stew about how they didn't get anything? While neither of them are there to eavesdrop or diffuse any plans for blindsides?  Bad idea. And then to chose Sebastian for Ghost Island?  guess it's better than picking the girls but to basically give away an advantage to anyone on even the fringe of their alliance was another bad move when you combine it with pissing off someone actually in said alliance.

Donathan had me fooled, for a good five minutes I thought he actually planned his verbal rampage to put the focus and votes on him.  Then he plays his idol and uses his vote to boot Dom or Wendell.  Could have been a plan but turns out he just lost his mind that day.  No idea what he was doing, being bitchy for the sake of it, foggy hunger brain, long term plan?    No idea at all.  Was it fun to watch?  Sure.  Was it confusing?  Absolutely.  He and Laurel seem so ineffective at this point and the Dom/Wendell bromance so firmly in place I'm starting to wonder if one of these guys will really do the logical thing and blindside the other or will they go all they way to final together even knowing they're evenly matched?

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Mystery said:

This episode was so confusing to me. Why did they let Dom and Wendell play as a team in the reward challenge? The first person (was it Angela?) should have picked one of them instead of Sebastian. And why didn't Wendell and Dom let Donathan go to Ghost Island? I agree that he was very awkward about his reaction, but I see why he reacted that way. He wasn't enough of their teammate to take on reward, and they didn't send him to Ghost Island to pick up an advantage for their team. 

The jury might believe that Laurel's been loyal, but I for one and sick to death of hearing her talk up her game and then collapse at the last minute.  She can go anytime. 

Angela didn’t get picked thus her sitting on the bench. The 3 others were captains and basically picked their alliance mate. Unfortunately, Survivor refuses to show the schoolyard pick so we have know idea who picked first and in what order. Obviously, Dom and Wendell are so confident in their alliance that they don’t care what the others think and that they want to win reward, individual immunity and the whole game in general. It’s so crazy how everyone is letting them do this. 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Dom & Wendell were not being strategic at all in that challenge (IMHO).  First if it's two winners don't team up.  Granted it was likely they'd get to pick one, maybe two more to go with them but leaving your rivals to plan and even stew about how they didn't get anything? While neither of them are there to eavesdrop or diffuse any plans for blindsides?  Bad idea.


Donathan had me fooled, for a good five minutes I thought he actually planned his verbal rampage to put the focus and votes on him.  Then he plays his idol and uses his vote to boot Dom or Wendell.

Point 1: Agreed.  Bad move by Wendell in picking Dom as his challenge partner.  Unless he picked last and the only other option was Angela.  Since the un-selected would have no chance at either the reward or GI (such as it is), that would be the only reason for Wendell to pick Dom in that circumstance.


Point 2: What idol?  Donathan doesn't have an idol.  He had one, but played it at the split-TC to null Jenna's vote for him.  There's only two idols currently in play: one each for Dom and Wendell.  And they apparently each have fakes they made...plus Dom has the fake David made at the end of MvGX.  Other than SeaBass's recent re-gift from GI, those two hold all the advantages.

On 5/16/2018 at 8:00 PM, LadyChatts said:

And since when is Seabass a pirate?

Because pirates sail on the high seas.  It's a stealth weed joke.  You know it's a meme when the other contestants are in on it...

  • Love 6
On 5/17/2018 at 2:08 PM, LadyChatts said:

I can see what he was trying to do in telling Wendell that he would vote for Dom as well.  It was just poorly executed.  I'm still rooting for the kid.  At least someone is trying to make a move!

I am still rooting like mad for Donathan! It's the only thing keeping me going.

On 5/17/2018 at 11:20 AM, Haleth said:

Ok, is Donathan crazy or crazy like a fox?  Is he trying to goat his way into the finals?

He had rat cunning, fox crazy look in his eye a lot last episode! I am hoping he's crazy like a fox and somehow it works. At least he's not corpsing it pleasantly into the finals!

On 5/17/2018 at 3:34 PM, 30 Helens said:

Classy move by Wendell to concede the slider puzzle challenge without a fight. A lesser man would have pouted and protested, even while knowing he was in the wrong.

Oh, man, all I saw was pouting and sulking eyes. Put me right off him, all that sulking, this ep.

22 hours ago, Haleth said:

It seems like everyone is playing for third right now, like they've conceded that Dom or Wendell is going to win. 

Except for Donathan!

19 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm obsessed with Donathan. He made the first interesting ep since the merge and for that I thank him. And just in general I love him for deciding to play to fucking win instead of just sitting on his ass and letting Dom/Wendell make all his decisions for him. Sure, everything he did was stupid and too much, but at least he fucking did something. Plus it was super fun watching him make Wendell so sad that someone dared to question him.

Wendell turned into a real bitch in this ep. Wow. Stunning really. What a baby. 

Laurel continues to disappoint. Also, she was causing me so much second-hand embarrassment again. First when she got in between Wendell and Dom and held their hands at the reward and then when she apologized to Wendell after she won Immunity. And then her "Well, Wendell is sad he didn't win the IC so I can't vote him out today!" It's sad watching her tbh.

All of this!

I'm hoping against hope Donathan crazy-moves his way to some finals money, or even wins the whole damn thing. Other than that, Dom.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Point 2: What idol?  Donathan doesn't have an idol.  He had one, but played it at the split-TC to null Jenna's vote for him.  There's only two idols currently in play: one each for Dom and Wendell.  And they apparently each have fakes they made...plus Dom has the fake David made at the end of MvGX.  Other than SeaBass's recent re-gift from GI, those two hold all the advantages.

Wait Donathan already played his idol?  Crap I'm sure I saw it and I guess I forgot because I did not remember that at all.  I truly thought he still had it on him.  Well that changes everything, really makes his whole freak out a mystery if planned and a mistake if not planned.  But honestly, at the time I was watching I really, really thought Donathan still had that idol in his bag.

Oh and forgot to add in my first post - if I were on Survivor I'd never ever tell the other players this but I completely suck at slide puzzles.  I love puzzles, I do all sorts but slides just stump me and they're the only type of puzzle I truly hate.  I'd fake it and stand there moving stuff around and I'd probably at least try to figure it out but I know I'd have no chance of solving that sucker.  Still good for Wendell for realizing you do always have to call out that you're done and for not getting too angry when he lost.  

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Angela didn’t get picked thus her sitting on the bench. The 3 others were captains and basically picked their alliance mate. Unfortunately, Survivor refuses to show the schoolyard pick so we have know idea who picked first and in what order. Obviously, Dom and Wendell are so confident in their alliance that they don’t care what the others think and that they want to win reward, individual immunity and the whole game in general. It’s so crazy how everyone is letting them do this. 

Dom and Wendell are where they are because they set things up perfectly. They pretended to be with the Naviti and supported the Naviti Strong movement. They used this to pick off the Malolo one by one. Naviti Strong worked so well that Angela ratted out Michael's plan to take out Dom or Wendell after the Chris vote. She ran right to the Naviti and told them what Michael was doing. Dom and Wendell had to be giggling at the water well. 

But Dom and Wendell protected Laurel and Donathon because they were part of their real final four alliance. We never saw it, but I can only imagine that Dom and Wendell planted the idea that Donathon and Laurel would be the easiest to beat in challenges so they could be taken out last. By protecting Laurel and Donathon, Dom and Wendell earned Laurel's loyalty, and, for a time, Donathon's. Donathon outed the obvious Dom vote at the merge. More importantly, Donathon clued Dom into the fact that two of the ladies were not loyal to Dom. 

All along, Dom and Wendell had idols.

So both groups thought that they would have time to take out Dom and Wendell once they had the numbers but were unaware of how tightly intertwined Dom and Wendell were with the otherside. By the time that either side were able to start thinking of targeting Dom and Wendell, it was too late. The Naviti Strong movement did not leave Laurel with any sense that they would really work with her. When Laurel should have worked with them, she had no reason to believe that they wouldn't boot her right after they booted Wendell and Dom. Donathon showed he was willing to make the move but could not convince Jenna to work with him at the split tribe boot. His erratic behavior the last few tribals make it clear that no one really thought that they could trust Donathon. Donathon couldn't be trusted with information. as the Naviti Strong gorup learned. As his behavior became more erratic, it was harder for Dom and Wendell to work with Donathon. 

I am sure that Kellyn, Chelsea, Angela, and Sea Bass all assumed that they would be voting out Donathon and Laurel while flushing the idols. Then they would take out Dom and Wendell. There is no way that those four realized the Mixed Alliance existed and that their Naviti Strong plan was going to fail.

  • Love 19
15 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

If Laurel didn't know about the idols you might think she still had some gameplan, but as she knows about both of them she's just looked stupid not making moves.

The idols make a plan to get rid of Dom and Wendell later a bit more difficult, but still not impossible, so the fact that she knows about them doesn't necessarily make waiting to try to get them out crazy.   

I don't think she is playing any sort of brilliant game.  But given the option of going after Dom and Wendell first and then possibly being stuck at the bottom of the new group and voted out next, and sticking with Dom and Wendell a bit longer, I think sticking with them is a reasonable alternative.   Also, Dom and Wendell will probably start targeting each other very soon.  I don't think either wants to compete with the other at FTC.  

Also, while everyone wants to be Sole Survivor, hedging your bets, by guaranteeing at least 3rd place (and $85,000) is not a terrible strategy, especially when neither path gives you a high probability of being Sole Survivor.  

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 7
12 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

Dom & Wendell were not being strategic at all in that challenge (IMHO).  First if it's two winners don't team up.  Granted it was likely they'd get to pick one, maybe two more to go with them but leaving your rivals to plan and even stew about how they didn't get anything? While neither of them are there to eavesdrop or diffuse any plans for blindsides?  Bad idea. And then to chose Sebastian for Ghost Island?  guess it's better than picking the girls but to basically give away an advantage to anyone on even the fringe of their alliance was another bad move when you combine it with pissing off someone actually in said alliance.

Ugh, this exactly. This is why it's so boring and annoying to watch them run the game. They made bad decisions there, but everyone is so far up their asses that it didn't cost them at all. That's no fun! This is why I'm glad Donathan went crazy this ep just so they had a modicum of a challenge in their path to victory.

5 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Because pirates sail on the high seas.  It's a stealth weed joke.  You know it's a meme when the other contestants are in on it...

Oh, this is why? I thought it was just because he looks like a pirate with that hair. And those eyebrows. And because he works on boats. 

4 hours ago, violet and green said:

I'm hoping against hope Donathan crazy-moves his way to some finals money, or even wins the whole damn thing. Other than that, Dom.

Same. I would love to see Donathan somehow pull it off. I think that's impossible though. IMO the winner is undoubtedly Dom or Wendell, so I really hope it's Dom. I hope he succeeds in his previously stated plan of getting out Wendell before the finals. Although then the FTC will be deeply boring since it'll be painfully obvious who will win. At least if Dom and Wendell are both there then there will be some doubt about who wins.

  • Love 1

I'm rooting for Wendell. Why? I guess it comes down to admiring his chill, that he seems like a cool guy, that he seems to mostly read people well, and his reaction to Chris's rapping. His vote out speech for Chris alone made me love him. I know the jury couldn't watch it but if was voting, I'd vote for him based on the speech alone.

  • LOL 1
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34 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh, this is why? I thought it was just because he looks like a pirate with that hair. And those eyebrows. And because he works on boats. 

I don't know if that poster was serious but I think you're more likely to be right.  Or it's just related to some conversation we didn't see or some aspect of Seb we don't know.   

1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I'm rooting for Wendell. Why? I guess it comes down to admiring his chill, that he seems like a cool guy, that he seems to mostly read people well, and his reaction to Chris's rapping. His vote out speech for Chris alone made me love him. I know the jury couldn't watch it but if was voting, I'd vote for him based on the speech alone.

Keeping your cool/not overreacting is one of the most valuable traits on Survivor.  The amazing thing about Wendell is that if he didn't lose it for that one moment, complaining about Chris's rap, we might just think he's an introverted, restrained guy who doesn't get worked up about anytyhing.  But clearly he has strong opinions and impulses. He also almost let his emotions get away when he failed to call Jeff to check his puzzle this week.  He was bummed, but then knew to pull it together -- and it paid off, Laurel was grateful and said she didn't feel right voting for him.

So the fact that he's keeping together is even more impressive to me, and he's the kind of player I love to watch.  Especially when they're so good at everything yet humble.  YMMV, of course.

I love the Wendell/Dom partnership.  It's one of my favorites on Survivor in a long time.  I also loved the Secret Mixed Alliance until Donathan lost his damn mind.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I'm rooting for Wendell. Why? I guess it comes down to admiring his chill, that he seems like a cool guy, that he seems to mostly read people well, and his reaction to Chris's rapping. His vote out speech for Chris alone made me love him. I know the jury couldn't watch it but if was voting, I'd vote for him based on the speech alone.

I'm down with all this.

I also want everyone else to see Wendell with his check and to think about all the times they had a shot at getting him out and they never once took it.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

Dom and Wendell are where they are because they set things up perfectly. They pretended to be with the Naviti and supported the Naviti Strong movement. They used this to pick off the Malolo one by one. Naviti Strong worked so well that Angela ratted out Michael's plan to take out Dom or Wendell after the Chris vote. She ran right to the Naviti and told them what Michael was doing. Dom and Wendell had to be giggling at the water well. 

But Dom and Wendell protected Laurel and Donathon because they were part of their real final four alliance. We never saw it, but I can only imagine that Dom and Wendell planted the idea that Donathon and Laurel would be the easiest to beat in challenges so they could be taken out last. By protecting Laurel and Donathon, Dom and Wendell earned Laurel's loyalty, and, for a time, Donathon's. Donathon outed the obvious Dom vote at the merge. More importantly, Donathon clued Dom into the fact that two of the ladies were not loyal to Dom. 

All along, Dom and Wendell had idols.

So both groups thought that they would have time to take out Dom and Wendell once they had the numbers but were unaware of how tightly intertwined Dom and Wendell were with the otherside. By the time that either side were able to start thinking of targeting Dom and Wendell, it was too late. The Naviti Strong movement did not leave Laurel with any sense that they would really work with her. When Laurel should have worked with them, she had no reason to believe that they wouldn't boot her right after they booted Wendell and Dom. Donathon showed he was willing to make the move but could not convince Jenna to work with him at the split tribe boot. His erratic behavior the last few tribals make it clear that no one really thought that they could trust Donathon. Donathon couldn't be trusted with information. as the Naviti Strong gorup learned. As his behavior became more erratic, it was harder for Dom and Wendell to work with Donathon. 

I am sure that Kellyn, Chelsea, Angela, and Sea Bass all assumed that they would be voting out Donathon and Laurel while flushing the idols. Then they would take out Dom and Wendell. There is no way that those four realized the Mixed Alliance existed and that their Naviti Strong plan was going to fail.

Hear, hear.

This season reminds me of Palau, but the difference is that instead of Tom+Ian we are now looking at 2xTom. Surfing on the Naviti Strong wave (that they didn't even originate) was brilliant play, as was the core alliance with Laurel and Donathan. But was it ever the end game?

As in one of the final RC in Palau, this one was telling. Not only do Dom/Wendell choose each other as teammate, but they bring Laurel to reward, and send Seb, who based on last week RC thinks he's with them, to Ghost island. It took less than that in Palau to start a (short lived) mutiny. And after all these mistakes, Dominic and Wendell still do the whole mysterious transfer from bag to bag in front of Donathan, who is really feeling insecure at this stage, instead of trying to work on his loyalty? Very, very bad play, maybe for the first time. (Same as in Palau, the car RC maybe?)

Donathan is so frustrated from having got along all this time, and is bursting at the seams to do something, anything, even if well-advised. Which he does. But not without telling the jury that he was a source of information to the decisions taken by D&W. And he did indeed provide good intel. It seems now that he's imploded, but he may be seen as a good goat by D&W, although they have their pick in that respect with

- Angela. Isn't she the perfect goat, at least based on editing?

- Laurel. Very much looking like she's playing to help one of D/W to win as this point, we'll see if that changes, but D/W have to see her as a goat.

- Sebastian. You know, I'm king of rooting for this guy. And I know, he has a one in 100 shot, and D or W has a 99 in 100 shot. But once in a while, there's an underdog that talks to me, and this season he is it. I love that he knows exactly how he's perceived and why he was sent to Ghost Island, and also is planning to become a different fish (even though I realize his timeframe for being a shark is running low). I'm happy that he has more emotional intelligence than what his edit has shown us thus far. I'm still waiting for the day when a hapless doofus will explain at FTC that it was their plan all along to be edited as such, while they are x, y or z crazy intelligent. This season, my odd root is on this guy (after all, even without any FTC shenanigans, he wins to a combo of Laurel, Donathan and Angela).

What I have a hard time with is how, knowing there are still idols in the hands of the most powerful players, they are not targeted, if only to burn the idols. I'm sure even Laurel could live after telling D/W, the vote is going your way, play your idol. Which makes me even more puzzled at her game play. It's not only that she doesn't want to vote out the biggest threats, it's also that she doesn't want to do anything to reduce their power. I just don't get it. It's like she sees the choice as between burning an idol vs. keeping the alliance intact, but I think with this crew, and with a little whispering from her in the right ear, she could have done both.

One other think I didn't understand: Seb lost a vote to get the advantage, which was an extra vote. Does that mean that minus one and plus one cancel each other? He seemed to have voted this time, will his vote get lost when he uses his extra vote, and so what's the point? What am I missing?   

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

I'm rooting for Wendell. Why? I guess it comes down to admiring his chill, that he seems like a cool guy, that he seems to mostly read people well, and his reaction to Chris's rapping. His vote out speech for Chris alone made me love him. I know the jury couldn't watch it but if was voting, I'd vote for him based on the speech alone.

I purely loved Wendell’s sick burn of Chris’ (c)rap skills, but to me it is matched head-to-head with Dom’s deadpan “So how ya doing?” to Laurel after Hurricane Des blew through.  :D

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

The idols make a plan to get rid of Dom and Wendell later a bit more difficult, but still not impossible, so the fact that she knows about them doesn't necessarily make waiting to try to get them out crazy.   

I don't think she is playing any sort of brilliant game.  But given the option of going after Dom and Wendell first and then possibly being stuck at the bottom of the new group and voted out next, and sticking with Dom and Wendell a bit longer, I think sticking with them is a reasonable alternative.   Also, Dom and Wendell will probably start targeting each other very soon.  I don't think either wants to compete with the other at FTC.  

Also, while everyone wants to be Sole Survivor, hedging your bets, by guaranteeing at least 3rd place (and $85,000) is not a terrible strategy, especially when neither path gives you a high probability of being Sole Survivor.  

She had a chance to blindside Wendell, he's always confident and was a definite candidate to get blindsided.  Leaving both in the game may help her get third or second though that's no guarantee, and the audience really prefer to see people playing to win as that's better TV.

  • Love 2
On 5/17/2018 at 10:12 AM, UGAmp said:

I think Laurel wants Dom or Wendell to take out the other so she doesn’t have blood on her hands. I know they’ve had a good partnership but I think Dom is more likely to cut Wendell loose, knowing he’s a threat at the end. Wendell seems more loyal to a fault. I also don’t understand Laurel’s thought of “y’all will split the votes and I’ll get the rest” at the final tribal. If there is going to be a ten-person jury, and 4 vote for  Dominick and 4 for Wendell, you don’t win in that scenario, Laurel. Maybe she was just trying to say something to ease their fears but I feel like she said it in a talking head too. I guess it could go 3-3-4 but I don’t think anyone is THAT impressed by her gameplay and THAT bitter with both boys. We shall soon see! 

I could see why Laurel stuck with D&W through the middle of the game, that secret alliance served her well, but she's kidding herself if she thinks she can continue to huddle under their wings and then pull off a win by sneaking into F3. These guys are some of the least hated alphas the game has seen in awhile. They're running the show, but not being obnoxious about it, I don't see the jury being bitter enough to hold their dominance against them, so if she's hoping for an "I didn't end your game, they did" defense, I don't think it will work. 

I've been wanting Kellyn to go for weeks, but now that she finally went, I was starting to root for her just to shake things up. Which is ironic, given that Ms. Naviti Strong was one of the reasons things didn't get shaken up much earlier. 

My underdog pick to win is Donathan, mainly because it seems like his life could really benefit from the money. Not that the others couldn't use it too, but he seems to be in a place of limited opportunities with being a caretaker of ailing parents/grandparents. Plus, it would just be a great story that the guy who was earmarked to go first would make it to the end, kind of a Cirie Fields type of story. 

I'm okay with Dom or Wendell too, they have played hard. And Dom made me laugh with his "cause we're not talking anymore, remember" to Donathan after Donathan shut him down at tribal. I didn't like him at first (primarily because he reminds me of someone I know in real life that I don't care for), but I've come around on him. Wendell's played a great game, he seems to be competent at all angles, physical, strategic, and social. Also, on a purely shallow note, I'm really envious of people who can live on an island for 30-something days and still look perfectly fresh. I would be a hot mess by day 2. 

I would be very disappointed with Sebastian or Angela making the final. Laurel too, but she's done a bit more than those 2. Sebastian especially seems to be in the "just there" category, I've never really seen him strategizing or contributing, he just wound up on the dominant tribe and has coasted from there. 

  • Love 7

I don’t know why Donathan flipped out so badly over not going on reward.  There was a perfect explanation.  Dom and Wendell took Laurel because they felt badly that she didn’t get to go on the Loved Ones reward (and Donathan did). Sebastian was picked to go to Ghost Island as a thank you for picking them for the Loved Ones reward.  

Also Donathan, threatening someone that you won’t vote for them in the final Tribal won’t win you jury votes.  Just ask Spencer from Second Chances

Edited by Coco88
  • Love 9

I'm so so late to the party - just finished reading all the posts in this thread, and it seems as though, since next episode is the last, it's OK to mix some speculation with the episode talk here. If not, please advise and I'll edit appropriately. Note: I am completely unspoiled.

But I'm gonna start with this: I think Donathan is going to F3, and I think he's going to immunity his way there.

Sometimes I feel like I'm watching a different show from those of you who think Donathan has no chance to win. IIRC, early on an argument was made that he couldn't win because no one would let him near the F3 because adorable country boy with sick mama and meemaw and Aunt Patty. (I don't read bootee interviews or watch Ponderosa videos. I read about them here, and based on that, I know Donathan isn't very popular among the jury, but I'm basing my spec just on watching the show as edited.)

I've been arguing that Donathan is an important character since week one, because of the edit with the diving challenge. IMO, that's even stronger in retrospect; James was pretty much irrelevant to the end game so there was no need to show it for his story, and if they didn't want to show something specific about how Donathan was perceived by everyone (including himself), they could've edited it as blah as it needed to be. 

Donathan hasn't been hapless in the challenges. He finished second in the ball-balance that Dom(?) won (the one that killed Malcolm even though he had the advantage*). He hung in there just fine on the spool team challenge with Laurel; they beat Sebastian and Kellyn. I'm not sure that he's ever been the first out of any individual challenge, and I could list at least a half dozen F6/5/4 challenges in which he would be competitive.

So, to bring it to this episode: I believe Donathan's meltdown was to show that he was the only one insisting on trying to split up Dom/Wendell at this point (word is that Kellyn was too, but we weren't shown that), and that might win crucial brownie points with the jury at the end.

For Wendell, this episode emphasized that he is King Jury Management. Remember the shell he brought back to Sea Bass, especially in the context of his giving Sebastian hints on the puzzle this time? Wendell is getting an amazing edit, and I believe that if he gets to F3 he wins. For that reason, I believe there will be some sort of consensus to target him before then. In other words, I think that his apparent coronation this episode just explains the "why" of his ultimate ouster.

I think Wendell is the only one who can beat Donathan in F3.

I think this episode may have set up a Donathan/Domenic showdown in F3; one that is as good-natured as it seems the rest of this competition has been. All the ousted, up to and including Kellyn, have behaved very sportsmanly toward their rivals.

So, working backward, I think Donathan wins F4 IC and takes Laurel, leaving Domenic vs whoever (it could be Wendell and that would certainly be a good climax to the Wendell/Domenic story, but it really doesn't matter who it is) for fire-making, and Domenic wins. Speaking of fire making:

On 5/17/2018 at 2:05 PM, laurakaye said:

I didn't mind it being a surprise twist last season, but I also don't want this to be the way the Final 3 is determined for the rest of the show's days.  I have no idea how this is an improvement.  Getting to the final 3 is a huge deal and should be decided by how you played the entire game, not on how quickly you can build a fire under extreme pressure.

One might argue that your fire-making skills are at the core of your fitness to play this game. 

So whomever Dominic beats in that F4 fire-making challenge can get there in a variety of ways, with or without idols, but as we wrap up the season, these are the stories I'm seeing.

  • Love 12

I love your spec, @303420. I don't think it'll happen, but I would love that ending.

2 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Sebastian especially seems to be in the "just there" category, I've never really seen him strategizing or contributing, he just wound up on the dominant tribe and has coasted from there. 

This is certainly how he's been edited, but I think Sebastian is possibly a bit smarter (or more like more observant) than we've been shown. I actually think he's probably playing a similar game to Laurel. What I mean is, I think he probably believes he's Wendell/Dom's core alliance and that he has been thinking about how he'll eventually target them to win but he never actually does it, just like Laurel.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, 303420 said:

I'm so so late to the party - just finished reading all the posts in this thread, and it seems as though, since next episode is the last, it's OK to mix some speculation with the episode talk here. If not, please advise and I'll edit appropriately. Note: I am completely unspoiled.

But I'm gonna start with this: I think Donathan is going to F3, and I think he's going to immunity his way there.

Sometimes I feel like I'm watching a different show from those of you who think Donathan has no chance to win. IIRC, early on an argument was made that he couldn't win because no one would let him near the F3 because adorable country boy with sick mama and meemaw and Aunt Patty. (I don't read bootee interviews or watch Ponderosa videos. I read about them here, and based on that, I know Donathan isn't very popular among the jury, but I'm basing my spec just on watching the show as edited.)

I've been arguing that Donathan is an important character since week one, because of the edit with the diving challenge. IMO, that's even stronger in retrospect; James was pretty much irrelevant to the end game so there was no need to show it for his story, and if they didn't want to show something specific about how Donathan was perceived by everyone (including himself), they could've edited it as blah as it needed to be. 

Donathan hasn't been hapless in the challenges. He finished second in the ball-balance that Dom(?) won (the one that killed Malcolm even though he had the advantage*). He hung in there just fine on the spool team challenge with Laurel; they beat Sebastian and Kellyn. I'm not sure that he's ever been the first out of any individual challenge, and I could list at least a half dozen F6/5/4 challenges in which he would be competitive.

So, to bring it to this episode: I believe Donathan's meltdown was to show that he was the only one insisting on trying to split up Dom/Wendell at this point (word is that Kellyn was too, but we weren't shown that), and that might win crucial brownie points with the jury at the end.

For Wendell, this episode emphasized that he is King Jury Management. Remember the shell he brought back to Sea Bass, especially in the context of his giving Sebastian hints on the puzzle this time? Wendell is getting an amazing edit, and I believe that if he gets to F3 he wins. For that reason, I believe there will be some sort of consensus to target him before then. In other words, I think that his apparent coronation this episode just explains the "why" of his ultimate ouster.

I think Wendell is the only one who can beat Donathan in F3.

I think this episode may have set up a Donathan/Domenic showdown in F3; one that is as good-natured as it seems the rest of this competition has been. All the ousted, up to and including Kellyn, have behaved very sportsmanly toward their rivals.

So, working backward, I think Donathan wins F4 IC and takes Laurel, leaving Domenic vs whoever (it could be Wendell and that would certainly be a good climax to the Wendell/Domenic story, but it really doesn't matter who it is) for fire-making, and Domenic wins. Speaking of fire making:

One might argue that your fire-making skills are at the core of your fitness to play this game. 

So whomever Dominic beats in that F4 fire-making challenge can get there in a variety of ways, with or without idols, but as we wrap up the season, these are the stories I'm seeing.

Fun stuff to read, part of me hopes you're right, because wouldn't we be surprised!? Part of me thinks you're wrong, because Dominic and Wendell really have dominated this season since the merge without being jerks, and Donathan's game play has been erratic: excellent stealth when he brings intel and counsels on who to inform or not, but very bad (this last episode) when he goes on the offensive. But another part of me hopes that something, anything, will hinder D&W's advance, and I hope that it won't be the other one of D or W. So, hopefully, Donathan is playing for the golden goat spot, and hoping his play earned him some points with the jury. It's not impossible. The editors have been very "good" this season at leaving us in the dark as to the strategies of most players.  

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

Also he has a VERY Jack Sparrow-ness about him!

My god.  I think I've only subconsciously realized this until now.

The key to slide puzzles is to remember there'll be one square that is empty, that never gets filled.  In one of the corners.  I have no idea if this even helps actually.  Perhaps they look easier than they are.

I'll NEVER forget Tony from Cagayan just frantically moving the pieces around to and fro with absolutely zero plan for like 10 minutes until somebody else won the challenge.  I still think it's so funny.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 3

I definitely think it's too late for Laurel or Sebastian to make their move, but I'm also wondering if it's getting to be too late for Domenick and Wendell to?  If they bring each other to the end, well, that is a huge mistake on both their parts.  Neither one should want to sit next to the other.  They both have idols.  And there is the stupid fucking fire challenge at 4, so the last time they can vote each other out is 5...which means whichever of them wins immunity kind of gets the other out by default?  (Or do the idols work at 5 still???? in which case, jeez.)  I wouldn't want to be in that position against the other strongest challenge competitor in the game, so if I were them I would sure be thinking about moving ASAP.  They have to blindside very carefully because they both have idols, and it seems to me like if you're both trying to blindside the other at the same time it's likely to not work out for you, so you want to try to move before the other, which means moving a little early...  Tony, for all I don't like his game, knew he needed to move "too early" to keep the momentum in his favor.  Do these two?  (Of course Tony had the Tyler Perry idol so it didn't really matter what he did, if his early moves backfired, he was always safe...)

It's amazing how Survivor has ruined what used to be the most exciting challenge of all, the final immunity challenge.  When it was F2 it was a fascinating drama, first who would win and then would they pick the right person?  Then it was F3 and no more did things hang on one person winning and one person making the decision, now it was just another vote.  And now winning final immunity is a disaster, you get nothing except the hate of the two people you choose to make fire.

It's hard for me to find the energy to work out votes and stuff this season, because it seems pointless.  In like Cambodia I was like "OK KELLEY COULD WIN IF THE VOTE GOES A, B, C, AND STEPHEN COULD WIN IF IT GOES X, Y, Z" and I would sit and think it out for like everybody but Keith.  (My working out why Monica's floating the women's alliance was a good idea, based on projecting the vote out four tribals down the line, was really really fun.)  But this one, I get tired of it before I even begin, it just seems pointless and I don't care.  I've been thinking a lot about why I liked One World but find this season a bit boring.  I might think about it in the past seasons thread if I have time.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Special K said:

Keeping your cool/not overreacting is one of the most valuable traits on Survivor.  The amazing thing about Wendell is that if he didn't lose it for that one moment, complaining about Chris's rap, we might just think he's an introverted, restrained guy who doesn't get worked up about anytyhing.  But clearly he has strong opinions and impulses. He also almost let his emotions get away when he failed to call Jeff to check his puzzle this week.  He was bummed, but then knew to pull it together -- and it paid off, Laurel was grateful and said she didn't feel right voting for him.

So the fact that he's keeping together is even more impressive to me, and he's the kind of player I love to watch.  Especially when they're so good at everything yet humble.  YMMV, of course.

I love the Wendell/Dom partnership.  It's one of my favorites on Survivor in a long time.  I also loved the Secret Mixed Alliance until Donathan lost his damn mind.

Right now it's my favorite after Natalie/Jeremy.  Now if they turn on each other in a nasty way I may change my mind.  I kinda sorta hope they pull a Colby and choose the sentimental person to go against versus the person they know they can beat.  I know that's considered stupid, but I'd love them to go head to head.

  • Love 6
19 hours ago, Coco88 said:

I don’t know why Donathan flipped out so badly over not going on reward.  There was a perfect explanation.  Dom and Wendell took Laurel because they felt badly that she didn’t get to go on the Loved Ones reward (and Donathan did). Sebastian was picked to go to Ghost Island as a thank you for picking them for the Loved Ones reward.  

Also Donathan, threatening someone that you won’t vote for them in the final Tribal won’t win you jury votes.  Just ask Spencer from Second Chances


Well I think their choices were more strategic than touchy feeley myself.  Dom and especially Wendall, who flat out stated it, said they had to take Laurel to "reassure" her and keep her in their alliance.  That she had been sending mixed signals to them.

As for Sebastian I think he originally chose Dom and Wendell in the last reward before this one because they are in a final three alternate alliance Dom-Wendell have set up as well as their final four alliance.  At the reward they officially formed the Bro Alliance to include Donathan to pacify him. 

Why we haven't seen what is cooking between Sea Bass and Dom-Wendell all along is a bit of a mystery.  Maybe Sebastian makes it to final three and the editors want to have some kind of surprise to trot out in the finale so that will be it.  Or maybe nothing comes of it and that is why we haven't see the three together too much.

BUT they did show us at the merge that Wendell had rescued and held on to a shell that Sebastian had found and wanted to keep but in a tribal swap was separated from same.  We saw how emotional he was that Wendell gave it back to him and their whole interaction seemed to indicate they had been close since the beginning.

Weirdly I think Sea Bass is now the pivot point of the game.  Depending on how long he can use his extra vote, he may well determine who the final four or even final three will be.  Of course his edit throughout the game as the stoned doofus seems to set-up him misplaying the advantage too.  But still his "play" may well figure into the finals one way of the other.

Edited by green
  • Love 7
14 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

I've been thinking a lot about why I liked One World but find this season a bit boring.  I might think about it in the past seasons thread if I have time.

Please do, because I too can't figure out why exactly this season bores me when I loved One World.

8 hours ago, green said:

Why we haven't seen what is cooking between Sea Bass and Dom-Wendell all along is a bit of a mystery.  Maybe Sebastian makes it to final three and the editors want to have some kind of surprise to trot out in the finale so that will be it.  Or maybe nothing comes of it and that is why we haven't see the three together too much.

I've been thinking it's the latter, but you might be right about the former. Maybe the winner will be blatantly obvious like half way through (i.e. Dom or Wendell gets booted before F3.), so they needed a little surprise for the finale.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1
22 hours ago, KimberStormer said:


It's amazing how Survivor has ruined what used to be the most exciting challenge of all, the final immunity challenge.  When it was F2 it was a fascinating drama, first who would win and then would they pick the right person?  Then it was F3 and no more did things hang on one person winning and one person making the decision, now it was just another vote.  And now winning final immunity is a disaster, you get nothing except the hate of the two people you choose to make fire.

It's hard for me to find the energy to work out votes and stuff this season, because it seems pointless.  In like Cambodia I was like "OK KELLEY COULD WIN IF THE VOTE GOES A, B, C, AND STEPHEN COULD WIN IF IT GOES X, Y, Z" and I would sit and think it out for like everybody but Keith.  (My working out why Monica's floating the women's alliance was a good idea, based on projecting the vote out four tribals down the line, was really really fun.)  But this one, I get tired of it before I even begin, it just seems pointless and I don't care.  I've been thinking a lot about why I liked One World but find this season a bit boring.  I might think about it in the past seasons thread if I ha

I'm ride or die Survivor but man oh man I cannot fucking WAIT for this season to be over.  I don't care who wins or loses and I keep falling asleep during the episodes.  

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

I'm ride or die Survivor but man oh man I cannot fucking WAIT for this season to be over.  I don't care who wins or loses and I keep falling asleep during the episodes.  

Word. I’ve been watching since Day 1 Episode 1 and this season has been so borrrrrring. There has been nothing going on since about episode 3. Ghost Island (the island) has been a bust. The maturing idols have been laughable. The invisible edits are awful. The continuity of the storylines have been beyond confusing. I’m not even sure if a final of Dom, Wendell & whomever can save it. Bring on Season 37!

  • Love 4

I was flabbergasted at times when people on the internet call this season boring.  Reading people's explanations why helped me to understand how others like to watch this game and view the players differently from me.  I really liked watching how Dom and Wendell played together.  It's a teammate bond that's not easily broken like so many on this show.  They were not easily swayed like how Kellyn was with Michael's good looks.  Their facial expressions towards Kellyn's comments about Michael's good looks at that tribal made me laugh.  I also laughed how in this episode Donathan tried to play Wendell against Dom and couldn't.  I liked Wendell's response to Donathan and that he straight up told Dom in front of Donathan.  I have to say I really don't want anyone to blindside them including Laurel.  Her coming in third is fine with me, sorry Laurel. :)  I feel to many people are hard on Laurel; I kind of feel bad for her sometimes.  I think Laurel did not feel safe to blindside them and align herself with the others that's left in the game.  I rather work with Dom and Wendell any day before Donathan.  He's not loyal or straight up as those two by any means.  

Edited by DaisyFields500
  • Love 7
On ‎5‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 1:53 PM, enoughcats said:

The last exhausting Reward Challenge could have the winners predicted as soon as the choices were made.  Who was best fed and hydrated?  Who had won RCs or been taken to RCs?  

Who would lose? The players who were hungry, protein starved, and thirsty.  

Will we ever hear the % weight losses of the dynamic duo?  

While I definitely see weight loss in Kellyn, Laurel, and Dom, they don't seem to be blurring male butts which usually happens at this point.  Jenna was wearing skin tight jeans and tank top at tribal, so she either lost nothing, or has been binging like crazy.  I actually had to rewind and see how awful she looked.  If I didn't know better, I would have assumed that she'd recently put on weight and was about to burst out of her "thinner" clothes.

2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

she'd recently put on weigh

Or she stumbled into a fire ant colony, had a horrible reaction, and the anti histamines, etc. shots left her puffy.

(First time I ended up in the emergency room with fire ant bites, the next morning at work, one of my co-workers who was a volunteer EMT asked me "Fire ant bites?"  and explained how he noticed how much heavier I looked on Monday than I had on Friday afternoon.)

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I notice a lot of people saying they fast-forward the show because it's boring because they don't know who the people are, who the tribes are, etc.  I want to say, "If you watched it, you'd probably know."  

Yes and no. There have been a good number of invisible edits. Chelsea, Jenna, and Libby were pretty invisible.  I have no clue why Libby was a threat. The only slightly devious thing that she did was help blindside Meghan. And no one really knew who Meghan was because she was pretty invisible until her boot episode. Angela remains invisible. Sea Bass is pretty much invisible. I think it is easier to pick him out because he has been a bit more visible the last few epsiodes, winning the reward challenge and then going to Ghost Island, but his relationship with Dom and Wendell is confusing because we have not seen Sea Bass do anything game wise. 

The multiple tribe swipes did not help, there wasn't time to figure out who was alligned with whom on the original tribes. I tmade it difficult to fgure out why Navii Strong was such a thing and Malolo never came close to that type of blind unity. 

Even among the Naviti it was hard to figure out the pecking order. Naviti seemed fine with voting out Chris and Angela over Dom but I don't really know why. I can see Chris, he was a challenge threat, but why were they all on board with blindsiding Angela at the first swap? Yes, she was working with Chris but how did Chris and Angela end up on the bottom outside of the Dom feud. 

I have assumed that Donathon and Laurel were on the bottom of Malolo. I can see Donathon on the bottom, he was not a huge help with challenges, but why would have Laurel ended up on the bottom? She was good at challenges and seemed to be getting along fine with people. Yet, she was ready to join Wendell pretty fast. 

The editing this season has sucked. We have seen a good amoutn of Dom and Wendell and the folks associated with them but outside of that, the others have only popped up only when they tie into Dom and Wendell. Kellyn was front and center when she was on Malolo but then disappeared at the merge. Why did Des target Kellyn and not Dom and Wendell? I have no clue as to why she was the target because nothing in the edit showed me that Kellyn was a real threat. I have not fast forwarded through anything and I struggle to understand some of the random messages that have popped up.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ProfCrash said:

The only slightly devious thing that she did was help blindside Meghan. And no one really knew who Meghan was because she was pretty invisible until her boot episode.


1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

There wasn't even a Meghan this season, which I guess proves your point lol.

ProfCrash is likely suffering from the same Royal Wedding Oversaturation Weekend Recovery Syndrome I've got, where every woman is Meghan Markle and they are all evaluated according to their similarities with Princess Diana. 

The condition fades. I hope :)

  • Love 2

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