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1 minute ago, kicksave said:

Her dig at Carole being single and having no children was particularly nasty...from what I've observed about Carole is that she has chosen to be single and childless. She seems quite happy the way she is and fulfilled emotionally. 

It wasn't a dig, she was merely stating facts. When did stating a fact become a dig or insult? Saying someone doesn't have kids is not a put down. Carole does not have kids, she is childless, fact, not insult. 

Now the dig at her career (while kind of true) is shots fired.

  • Love 17
1 minute ago, Ki-in said:

It wasn't a dig, she was merely stating facts. When did stating a fact become a dig or insult? Saying someone doesn't have kids is not a put down. Carole does not have kids, she is childless, fact, not insult. 

Now the dig at her career (while kind of true) is shots fired.

Really? I guess we have different interpretations of Queen Bethenny's comments...we'll have to agree to disagree.

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Puerto Rico is part of the US, you can carry as much cash as you want across state lines, though transactions of more than $10k need ro be reported.

Since this is a charity/relief venture it has has to be accounted for.

I was wondering if it had to do with the fact that they are handing these cash cards out directly to the people in need but not marking down their personal info. I was just wondering why Omar couldn't carry $125K too in addition to Bethenny's $125K. Maybe it is a 125K cap per neighborhood?

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Right I was responding specifically to the idea that she was limited on how much she could bring. 

Oh sorry. I just wondered if it was some sort of max cap she is allowed to bring per trip regulated by the US or if they decide beforehand how many areas they are going to visit and she could bring more

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

It wasn't a dig, she was merely stating facts.

that whole thing was a dig at her ...that has been Bethany's M.O since day one of this show throwing underhanded jabs with the cover of just stating "facts" yet when someone does it to her she looses her shit about how dare they ..... I honestly dont dislike Bethany and think she is very savvy on how to play the "reality" game but she is the least "real" cause if this is how she treats people in real life then she's just a horrible person to be around I mean if you dont do has she says when she wants you to then you are shit to her and she drags you there is no middle ground with her. thats not a good friend thats a tyrant

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 16

So Adam is an "operator". So the fuck what?  Can't Bethenny be described exactly the same?  Ah Bethenny, so your venom-spewing starts up yet again, eh?  Guess she was at rest & merely waiting for just the right moment to pounce.

Look, Carole is very bad at dealing with shit being thrown at her.  We saw that with how she was with Aviva.  She was OK to fight off Lu's stupid insults -- but fighting off true evil?  She's not up to it.  And Bethenny is more horrible & evil & nasty & cruel & mean than Veevs could ever be.  Brrrrr, I shiver at the thought of Bethenny's ability to be cruel.

Hey Carole, you wanted to be friends with the Frankelstein monster.  This is the price you pay, hun.  The Frankelstein monster eventually points her rage & anger & bitterness & cruelty & meanness toward ANYONE near her.  Oh blech, she is horrible.

  • Love 23
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I thought the man at the restaurant was dressed in what could be mistaken for waiter attire; I never thought it was about the color of his skin. 

My point wasn't that Dorinda is innocent of ever making a faux pas. But these were not situations where she was supposed to be helping people. They were cringe-worthy moments, for sure. But Lu was working directly with people in a charity and seemed so haughty and out of touch with those she was supposed to be helping. Dorinda did not come off that way at all in PR. She was very down to earth and empathetic. 

Agree to disagree. I just didn't see it that way. She was ticking off the things they have in common. They're both not working, not tied down with kids, can go off on vacation together, etc. It makes sense that they've become closer friends and Carole has drifted from Bethenny who is constantly working and has been very invested in her charity work all summer. 

He was dressed in a white business shirt, tie and dress pants, the only thing missing was his suit coat. Also, he was walking past her table when she tried to give him her coat to hang up. Luann had already been in Fla. helping, hands on help, by the time that trip was filmed, she was much more connected and much more aware of the devastation HM caused than Dorinda was and, as Bethenny said, Luann was actually the only HW to ask to go with her to help out, even Dorinda didn't ask to go, Dorinda only asked how things were. 

2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I was confused by Bethenny’s remark that she hadn’t seen Carole all summer because of her work with PR. Hurricane Harvey hit on August 17th which is when she first started #Thisisacrisis referring to Houston and Maria didn’t hit until Sept. 16th.

Bethenny has had difficulty with real timelines in the past as well. 

1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Wait I am confused by "haven’t blogged in several years and now I know why…", I thought Carole was one of the few housewives who always blogged?

Carole didn't blog, much if any, for the last 2 seasons. 2 years ago it was that she couldn't blog because she wasn't allowed to by her book publisher but she never said why she didn't blog last season.

  • Love 7

So Adam being labeled an "operator" is supposed to be an insult or put-down?  It ain't necessarily to me.  I thought of Adam as a lazy, dazed, useless stoner.  At least that's how he ALWAYS seems when he's on the show.  If he's an "operator", that means he's motivated to get ahead, so wouldn't it off-set him being all-out lazy?  

Now, Bethenny seemed to imply he's shifty & that would be concerning if Carole wasn't aware of it.  But she seems to be aware of his motivations & fine with it.  So what's the prob?  Why is Bethenny butting in?  Clearly for her own benefit -- she's doing it for the cams, to tell us & to continue her shtick as "observer/truth-teller".  I don't like it.

Look, didn't most of us suspect Adam was using Carole to be on TV?  Bethenny said Carole told her she knew about this & was fine with it.  So she's not being used.  So what's the prob?  Bethenny did her a favor by letting us know she's not being used by Adam, right?  Nah, not so fast.

Bethenny was being her usual mean & cruel self.  She was clearly putting down Carole & mocking her for wanting to have anything to do with Adam.  And then Bethenny reiterated how little she thinks of Carole in that TH where she snickered mockingly at how she might not have labeled Carole a puppet, but described her actions (at LONG length) as that of a puppet.  God, that was astoundingy cruel -- even for an exceptionally cruel woman like Bethenny.

And you want this woman as your friend, Carole?  Uh, why?

  • Love 20
2 hours ago, missyb said:

WOW! She is really ticked off at Bethenny and for once, Bethenny needs to be worried, Carole will let things fly out of her mouth that Bethenny told her.

31 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

So Adam is an "operator". So the fuck what?  Can't Bethenny be described exactly the same?  Ah Bethenny, so your venom-spewing starts up yet again, eh?  Guess she was at rest & merely waiting for just the right moment to pounce.

Look, Carole is very bad at dealing with shit being thrown at her.  We saw that with how she was with Aviva.  She was OK to fight off Lu's stupid insults -- but fighting off true evil?  She's not up to it.  And Bethenny is more horrible & evil & nasty & cruel & mean than Veevs could ever be.  Brrrrr, I shiver at the thought of Bethenny's ability to be cruel.

Hey Carole, you wanted to be friends with the Frankelstein monster.  This is the price you pay, hun.  The Frankelstein monster eventually points her rage & anger & bitterness & cruelty & meanness toward ANYONE near her.  Oh blech, she is horrible.

Adam only became an "operator" when he said no to Bethenny. No one, and I do mean NO ONE, says NO to Bethenny without getting attacked. I think it is Bethenny that needs to worry this time, Carole is starting to pull back the curtain hiding the REAL Bethenny! LOL

22 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

I think the childless comment was clearly a dig because it was with other comments about Carole's career or lack thereof, and her status as a single woman. 

Here's the thing. I'm definitely not  sure about the childless crack, but the career and lack of a man remarks? Pissed Carole off in a huge way and these were *well landed* blows. Carole's very public bitchout of Bethenny is the giant clue. 

These comments stung Carole because deep down, they're probably true. Carole *was* a journalist years and years ago. Carole was something of a socialite years and years ago. She wrote a book years ago that was well received.... and she's been coasting on that for years. Heck, I can remember when she was added to the show that people were all impressed that a *real* NYC socialite was joining the cast, someone who had dined with the Vanderbilts etc... But the reality of Carole is that she's not terribly interesting, and not terribly impressive when exposed to the light.

All her blog does is make me thing she was hurt because Bethenny rather bluntly exposed her flaws. And now she's displaying her insecurity because really the best thing to do here if you DONT want people like me thinking these things are true is to not flip out publically and retaliate by posting all of your gripes about the person who nailed you.

I think Carole is doing to Bethenny what Bethenny has done to everyone, calling her out, but Carole is using the truth to do it, which is not what Bethenny wants us to hear/know.

  • Love 20
2 hours ago, janie2002 said:

Carole's blog is a gift lol

OMFG that blog was EVERYTHING. 

15 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:


Bethenny was being her usual mean & cruel self.  She was clearly putting down Carole & mocking her for wanting to have anything to do with Adam.  And then Bethenny reiterated how little she thinks of Carole in that TH where she snickered mockingly at how she might not have labeled Carole a puppet, but described her actions (at LONG length) as that of a puppet.  God, that was astoundingy cruel -- even for an exceptionally cruel woman like Bethenny.


I cannot stomach how she was laughing after describing the puppet actions without using the word puppet then shamed Ramona and gaslighted Ramona into saying she heard it wrong. Bethenny is sick. 

2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

WOW! She is really ticked off at Bethenny and for once, Bethenny needs to be worried, Carole will let things fly out of her mouth that Bethenny told her.

I think Carole is doing to Bethenny what Bethenny has done to everyone, calling her out, but Carole is using the truth to do it, which is not what Bethenny wants us to hear/know.

I can't wait for Carole to call Jason Hoppy. DO IT. Carole is using the truth, truth I have known for years since she began on this show, AND Kelly Bensimon knew too. Carole's blog is "I'm up here, you're down there part Deux."  The writer girl version of what KKB was trying to tell Bethenny at the Brass Monkey. I see you KKB you were right!!!! 

  • Love 18
57 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Since this is a charity/relief venture it has has to be accounted for.

I was wondering if it had to do with the fact that they are handing these cash cards out directly to the people in need but not marking down their personal info. I was just wondering why Omar couldn't carry $125K too in addition to Bethenny's $125K. Maybe it is a 125K cap per neighborhood?

She explained it last episode (in the warehouse with Dorinda), but I don't remember the exact reasoning. I think it had something to do with bringing in any more than that would draw gov't attention, and they were trying to fly under the radar so to speak, and avoid all the "official" channels so they could control the distribution and ensure it actually got to people that needed it. 

  • Love 11

Random thoughts about the back and forth with these women.

When Tinsley joined the cast she was fresh off an arrest for stalking and trespassing.  When Bethenny remarked she was an IT girl who had fallen from grace, I believe Carole remarked something to the effect,"is there even still such a thing as a socialite?" Tinsley didn;t seem to have any friends when she and Sonja were looking for a place to stay in the Hamptons.  Didn't seem to have any this season either in the Hamptons or with a house in the Hamptons.  Tinsley has never liked Luann because apparently Luann didn't see fit to invite her to her wedding.   I guess Tinsley who needed to be in Palm Beach for a criminal court appearance didn't understand the wedding was not about the show.  Now it is Luann is a hypocrite because she asked Tinsley to lower her voice.  The screamers are Tinsley, Bethenny, Dorinda and Ramona, Sonja is just a babbling fool.   Carole and Luann for the most part are not screamers  I think that is about to change with Carole.  Luann of course probably fears damaging her singing voice.  Ooops too late.  Autotune is her friend.

Much of what Carole says about Bethenny and Houston were observed on PTV.  Many of those very comments were deleted.  Adam and Carole were broken up during the Houston #thisisacrisis time period.  I am remembering Carole was upset with Luann for not reaching out to her.  I am uncertain why anyone has to run any contact with Adam through Carole.  Bethenny said Adam was in and then he backed out when there was no compensation.  Carole believe Dorinda was waterboarded into agreeing with Bethenny about Adam.  Dorinda was the one raising the issue if Adam was the reason for the divide between Carole and Bethenny.  Luann adding in a recent interview Adam went from sleeping on her niece's couch to Carole's couch is pretty funny.  Carole with emphasis claiming Adam's charity was licensed.  SO much shade so little time.

I usually bash Bethenny but I will say defining Carole and Tinsley as single, childless and without a career is fairly accurate.  Carole writing a eight paragraph piece on the need for self esteem for Cosmopolitan doesn't seem like that big a deal.   Didn't Luann do some magazine columns?  

Dorinda, Tinsley and Ramona better step back-when this thing erupts Bethenny will remember with whom they stood and Carole will not have gained any support by continuing to bash Luanne and Sonja.  Carole knew who Bethenny was before she became her best bud.  

  • Love 8

What strikes me as most insincere when it comes to Carole is that when she was the one harassing and picking on others WITH Bethany is now trying to act so offended she’s getting the same medicine. It’s like when someone has an affair with a married man, gets the man and then is soooo surprised and offended when he cheats on her too. If they’ll do it with you, they’ll do it to you. I guess Carole in all her wordliness missed that memo.

I’m not defending Bethany but I think it reaks of self importance that Carole had no problems with B when they were the instigators but how dare someone now come after her. I think Carole is a pretentious snob and Bethany is mean as a snake, oddly I still think I’d enjoy B’s company more than Carole’s despite that.

  • Love 19

Now, here's the thing -- can Bethenny be exceptionally cruel, and yet still be capable of acts of great kindness?  She's showing us the answer is YES!  What she did (& is continuing to do) for PR is absolutely wonderful!

But sheesh, Bethenny was really a bundle of vast contradictions in this ep.  She showed such incredible cruelty toward Carole (& Adam) & even some mean thoughtlessness to Tinz -- and then went on to show such honest & selfless & truly touching kindness in PR.  Er, huh?

I am not on board with Bethenny guilting or insulting people to donate or volunteer.  Keep in mind, this is a technique when it comes to those working for charities.  And it does often work, but I'm not with it.  I get the motivation behind it, but it's mean & shifty.  Clearly, Bethenny doesn't care.

I'm OK with Adam asking about comps.  It's not shifty & maybe he can't afford to offer up his time.  Bethenny was mean & judgemental here.  Donating money & volunteering one's time should never be judged -- especially not publicly.  Everyone should be able make decisions on giving to charities for themselves.  Again, I get Bethenny's motivation here -- but it's really nasty.  I don't care for it.

  • Love 24
6 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

She explained it last episode (in the warehouse with Dorinda), but I don't remember the exact reasoning. I think it had something to do with bringing in any more than that would draw gov't attention, and they were trying to fly under the radar so to speak, and avoid all the "official" channels so they could control the distribution and ensure it actually got to people that needed it. 

Gosh that sounds like something a rum runner, moonshiner or dope dealer would say-under the radar and control distribution and get to the people that need it.  ;-D

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, BloggerAloud said:

I wrote about on Twitter about how Carole's haircut and general look in her Cosmopolitan scene made me think of Carrie Bradshaw showing up to Vogue after her break-up with Aiden.


YES that was what I thought of too!  I was waiting for her friend at Vogue, oops Cosmo to say, "I am chained to the hem of Anna Wintooooouuuurrrrr."

Also waiting for her to write an article called "men are like purses."

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I am not on board with Bethenny guilting or insulting people to donate or volunteer.  Keep in mind, this is a technique when it comes to those working for charities.  And it does often work, but I'm not with it.  I get the motivation behind it, but it's mean & shifty.  Clearly, Bethenny doesn't care.

I'm OK with Adam asking about comps.  It's not shifty & maybe he can't afford to offer up his time.  Bethenny was mean & judgemental here.  Donating money & volunteering one's time should never be judged -- especially not publicly.  Everyone should be able make decisions on giving to charities for themselves.  Again, I get Bethenny's motivation here -- but it's really nasty.  I don't care for it.


  • Love 7
18 minutes ago, sadie said:

What strikes me as most insincere when it comes to Carole is that when she was the one harassing and picking on others WITH Bethany is now trying to act so offended she’s getting the same medicine. It’s like when someone has an affair with a married man, gets the man and then is soooo surprised and offended when he cheats on her too. If they’ll do it with you, they’ll do it to you. I guess Carole in all her wordliness missed that memo.

I’m not defending Bethany but I think it reaks of self importance that Carole had no problems with B when they were the instigators but how dare someone now come after her. I think Carole is a pretentious snob and Bethany is mean as a snake, oddly I still think I’d enjoy B’s company more than Carole’s despite that.

Yeah, you got Carole's number but good.  I spoke to Bethenny (with some others around) at a business function last year.  She was really funny & charming.  More than Carole could ever be.  But gotta say -- having anything more to do with Bethenny than a lite business convo with others nearby would skeer the absolute shit outta me.

And Carole yukking it up when that magazine lady asked her about meeting deadlines?  Shit, man, reality show or not, she'd get her ass fired in 2 seconds at her first missed deadline.  The mags mean business about deadlines & the magazine lady was clearly serious about this.  Carole's dizzy bullshit attitude would NEVER be tolerated.  She'd get a rude awakening she needs.

Btw, uh, WTF happened to Carole's writing career anyway?  Remember when Veevs derisively called her Writer Girl?  Nobody is doing that these days -- certainly not Bethenny.  She's coming up with more pertinent insults.

  • Love 10
16 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Bethenny really is coming across has jealous that Carole wasn’t up her ass all summer and that everyone didn’t drop their lives to do what Bethenny wanted when she wanted it. Now she’s beneath Bethenny all the sudden? Let the character  assassination begin with the tearing down of everything Carole has ever done will ever do that she had zero problems with just a few months before. Bethenny really is a mean girl watching her react 


Spot on...people who have low self esteem tear people apart in order to feel better about themselves.  Sometimes these kinds of people are referred to as bullies...I guess Carole was supposed to ask Queen Bethenny for permission to befriend Tinsley. Suck it Bethenny.

Edited by kicksave
  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, itsadryheat said:

Last night's WWHL with Keith Hernandez. Embarrassing is kind and a compliment.

I meant to comment on this earlier. Sonja made me incredibly comfortable, through my TV set ! I know she  is doing this for TV but why would you want that persona. The feel of desperation is palatable.

Edited by missyb
  • Love 4
15 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

I’m still Team B.   I don’t think it’s a jealousy issue b/t her and Carole, but rather B made the unforgivable mistake of criticizing Adam.  She knew right then and there things would be different.  


Ouch though as to B’s comment about Carole not having a career.  It’s completely true, but ouch.

Agree - I think this all has to do with Adam not jealousy.

I suspected it and commented about it from the start of the season - the way they interacted was already off - something already happened before filming began.

I believe Bethenny noticed something she didn't like about Adam - even before she was involved with Hurricane Relief. It may have been noticing a difference in the way Adam treats Carole, or how he freeloads on others. Didn't Bethenny and Dennis pay for certain trips Adam got to go on? Bethenny doesn't have the best delivery, but even if Bethenny said it nicely Carole would have taken offense.

She's RIDE OR DIE - meaning Carole is loyal to her Uncoupled partner (Adam) at all costs.

Carole is turning into Sonya - trying to hold on to a dude that is sexually attracted to another woman.

I wonder if Adam told Carole he went on a date with another woman and wants to see her again to make Carole jump at offering him things to go back to her.

I do also wonder if the vegan cookbook was never an actual work in process, but a way to keep Adam in her life.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

He was dressed in a white business shirt, tie and dress pants, the only thing missing was his suit coat. Also, he was walking past her table when she tried to give him her coat to hang up.

It was season 7 episode 3, but I'm not free to look for the video right now. For some reason, I think he was wearing a purple striped tie. That really stood out to me because I watched it multiple times wondering what would give Dorinda cause to think he worked there. It didn't read as a staff uniform. I don't think he was all that close to her either because she had to wave him to come over. I like Dorinda, but this incident and the wheelchair story really bother me.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, missyb said:

I meant to comment on this earlier. Sonja made me incredibly comfortable, through my TV set ! I know she  is doing this for TV but why would you want that persona. The feel of desperation is palatable.

Her over-the-top flirtatiousness is what has gotten her everything she sees as an asset; a wealthy husband >> Manhattan townhouse, role with a generous paycheck on a reality TV show, any number of paid appearances/endorsements of one sort or another, and most importantly, attention.  That girl is starved for attention like none other.  So starved that she will stage a wardrobe malfunction and bare her ass for it.

Quincy must be a very generous, forgiving soul.  

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Sonja most likely spent as much money on that paint and supplies as a new patio set from Home Depot or Walmart could have cost her.  Really?  Painting over bird poop?  You didn’t even hose them down and sand them a bit?  It didn’t appear to be some high end patio set.  Good grief.

I thought the same thing - yuck!

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Agree - I think this all has to do with Adam not jealousy.

I suspected it and commented about it from the start of the season - the way they interacted was already off - something already happened before filming began.

I believe Bethenny noticed something she didn't like about Adam - even before she was involved with Hurricane Relief. It may have been noticing a difference in the way Adam treats Carole, or how he freeloads on others. Didn't Bethenny and Dennis pay for certain trips Adam got to go on? Bethenny doesn't have the best delivery, but even if Bethenny said it nicely Carole would have taken offense.

She's RIDE OR DIE - meaning Carole is loyal to her Uncoupled partner (Adam) at all costs.

Carole is turning into Sonya - trying to hold on to a dude that is sexually attracted to another woman.

I wonder if Adam told Carole he went on a date with another woman and wants to see her again to make Carole jump at offering him things to go back to her.

I do also wonder if the vegan cookbook was never an actual work in process, but a way to keep Adam in her life.

Carole has stated in interviews that it was what Bethenny said about Adam: “That was one of the reasons that Bethenny and I had disagreements, because it was something that she said about Adam,” she revealed. Of course it was, Carole has been positively psychotic over Adam from day 1 and IMO treats him more like her prize that she won (from a younger woman!) and possession more than a true love interest.


I think the book was definitely a way to keep them together and if it had been completed it would always be this work of art they created together. So were the pets...named Baby, and she was calling him Papa, c'mon.

He just came back from the trip to Dubai, so he does have his bills and rent covered even if the trip was comped. So much for him being Adam "Unworthy" and out of her life forever. 

Edited by Ki-in
  • Love 6

just rewatching the war and p.o.s episode and it pisses me off even more the Bethany defending Sonja this episode. Sonja bitched that Tinsley never paid for staying with her so Tinsley writes a check and who burns it? Beathney!!! then this episode she has the nerve to say oh she never thanked you, you brought her into this group id be pissed ...witch you are the one that burned the $10,000 check she wrote to shut Sonja up and she even showed up to the party that tinsley threw to say thank you and what did she do? She shit on it saying it was a fuck you party ...so its not the fact that she didn't do these things and didn’t try to say and show a thank you. its the fact that Beth isn't happy with it so it doesn't count not that sonja isn't happy with it.. I know I’m repeating my self with this post but Jesus Bethenny just needs to stop

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 9
16 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

I'm on Bethenny's side....Sonja did introduce Tinsley to the group.

I am on her side as well.  How Tinsely came to Sonja's, be it production manipulation or whatever, isn't really that important.  They were bad roommates.  What was really bugging me was the loudish shit talking and laughing about Sonja while she was at the table.  B does still say Sonja is a bit nuts but harmless and I think she was getting pissed at how open Carole and Tinsley were in their shit talking.  Ramona and Lu made me laugh.  Tinsley is a screamer/tantrum thrower isn't she?  

B did a great thing with that entire team in PR.  I am glad that it was shown. 

Ramona's pony tail was sad and someone needed to tell her it looked terrible and sloppy. 

It pained me to see chinchilla coats/vests.  It takes a lot of those precious critters to make a coat.  I have a problem with that.  The fur looks much better on a little creature than those aging creatures on this show.  I used to have a chinchilla so this especially bugs.  Wonder if they would wear a real poodle coat or one made of lhasa apso?  

  • Love 19
1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

Bethenny had no problem shit talking someone at the same table with Carole be it Jules, Luanne,  or Ramona, the only reason she cares now is because she is no longer close to Carole.

I think she sees Sonja as someone that has lost some marbles so it isn't a fair fight.  I am seeing her being somewhat protective.  I kinda liken it to Scary Island when they all realized that Kelly was really suffering some sort of breakdown so it wasn't fair to poke the crazy.  I am not sure B is that broken up about she and Carole.  I think she saw something in Carole and Adam that she didn't like.

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I think she sees Sonja as someone that has lost some marbles so it isn't a fair fight.  I am seeing her being somewhat protective.  I kinda liken it to Scary Island when they all realized that Kelly was really suffering some sort of breakdown so it wasn't fair to poke the crazy.  I am not sure B is that broken up about she and Carole.  I think she saw something in Carole and Adam that she didn't like.

But she was far more vicious about Sonja than anything Tinsley has done when she was pissed about Tipsy Girl when Sonja was the same way she is now so it makes Bethenny a complete hypocrite at least Tinsley still films with Sonja unlike B who refused to do so when she was mad at her.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 11

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