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On 2/25/2019 at 7:00 PM, SimoneS said:

A very emotional episode. Sanniya is such a talented young actress. Amy breaks my heart..

Preach.  If she doesn't win EVERY award for best actress, there is no justice!

On 2/26/2019 at 2:39 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I know it's hard to let go of someone you love, but I got so mad when Elizabeth told Jonas to turn off the machines and he had the fucking gall to say no. Will you please give this woman autonomy over her own life and body, for fuck's sake?!

I kind of get it.  He had lost Elizabeth for so long, and only got her back within the last few weeks.  It would be hard to let go so quickly.  It wasn't like he fought her or Sykes; he just tried to ask her to live.

On 2/27/2019 at 4:24 AM, Haleth said:

I thought the direction or acting choices for Lila were terrible this episode.  With all she's been through she didn't seem the least bit scared. 

On 2/27/2019 at 6:48 AM, CheezyXpressed said:

She is incredibly calm, but I wonder if that's part of her surgeon training and how she has to be calm in stressful situations. She's been part of this for awhile now and probably had to adapt to her environment or risk dying like the reporter.

Yeah, I liked it too.  She didn't freak out at the shoot-out at Lacey's so it made sense that she wouldn't freak out in the car.  And it played a LOT better than if she had been the typical Damsel in Distress.

I really don't know why people get on their knees when someone is threatening to shoot them.  My scenario would be "What if I don't?  What are you going to do, shoot me????"

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On 2/27/2019 at 4:24 AM, Haleth said:

I agree about Lear.  Seriously, dude?  Your wife is practically begging you to let her die and you say no?  How selfish can you get?

So Brad and Lila reconnect over shared guilt and bullets.  I thought the direction or acting choices for Lila were terrible this episode.  With all she's been through she didn't seem the least bit scared.  Kidnapping, tied up in the trunk of a car, kneeling while waiting to be shot in the head, not to mention vampires virals, she took it all in stride.  Shouldn't she have been a frantic, screaming mess?  I suppose doing that would have made it more difficult to have rational conversations with Brad and would be criticized as stereotypical, but she was way too calm.  

I can't wait for Fanning to eat mustache guy (speaking of stereotypes).

She's a surgeon!

She has been around a special OPS guy for years!

She lost her child!

Kind of dampens down the panic.

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I was more confused that Lila got upset with Brad after he shot one of their assassins.  I don't know what she expected him to do. They're presumably as well-trained as he is, so it was either kill or be killed.  And yet, she was cool as a cucumber about his "I lied to the police, then stalked and shot down our daughter's murderer" confession.  I mean, if anything might give one pause....

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31 minutes ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I was more confused that Lila got upset with Brad after he shot one of their assassins.  I don't know what she expected him to do. They're presumably as well-trained as he is, so it was either kill or be killed.  And yet, she was cool as a cucumber about his "I lied to the police, then stalked and shot down our daughter's murderer" confession.  I mean, if anything might give one pause....

There's a difference between hearing "I shot someone" and seeing him shoot someone.  The separation of time and distance makes a big difference. 

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1 hour ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I was more confused that Lila got upset with Brad after he shot one of their assassins.

Maybe she was just fighting her instincts as a doctor to help the person.

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3 hours ago, jhlipton said:

There's a difference between hearing "I shot someone" and seeing him shoot someone.  The separation of time and distance makes a big difference. 

Technically, she was in the mostly closed trunk, so she heard it.  Still, she just saw Richards shoot the woman turned "viral" at very close range at that cabin.  I'm pretty sure she witnessed Brad shoot down some men at Lacey's house.  She may have even witnessed him shooting Winston.  And again, it's not like Brad shot an unarmed man.  Maybe it was just the way the actress played it, but Lila didn't seem shaken up in general - she seemed explicitly upset with Brad in the immediate aftermath.   

2 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Maybe she was just fighting her instincts as a doctor to help the person.

That's not at all how I read her reaction.  To each their own, though. 

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On 2/27/2019 at 9:48 AM, CheezyXpressed said:

The Mustache guy is going to die much in the same way as the Asian Scientist. It's just unfortunate that Winston isn't around to do it. I miss the serial killer.

On 2/27/2019 at 7:24 AM, Haleth said:

I can't wait for Fanning to eat mustache guy (speaking of stereotypes).

There aren't a lot of "bad guys" where I actively root for them to die but I agree with both of you and I'm looking forward to it.  Hopefully it'll come with a good dose of cocky assurance on mustache guy's (Horace) part.  Some sort of I can handle this hey crazy monster guy you really want to negotiate and work with me don't you.  With luck that's followed by things like What are you doing, why are you running at me, ouch stop biting me and lots of screaming.

And he is quite a stereotype with that whiny nerdy fake voice to go along with the fake attitude and sympathy.  I love how everything Amy says is twisted into "Did you know that because you saw it in a vision".  The screw you was great but I really wish Amy would just whip around and say No asshole I know that because you're not fooling anyone, you don't need a psychic to see through your act and a two year old could tell you're a lying manipulative sack of crap.  

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On 2/25/2019 at 9:00 PM, scarynikki12 said:

“Screw you and your weird mustache.” Amy’s snark is on point. 

Guilder really does think he’s in charge in the grand tradition of humans in monster movies. Watching him realize he’s not will be a joy to watch.

He should have an autographed picture of Richard Strickland (from The Shape of Water) on his desk. 🙂

Personally, I suspect that assistant or whoever of his who is doing all the new security arrangements is already pwned by Fanning in some way, and that will be Guilder's undoing. He just seems kind of off.

On 2/28/2019 at 12:44 PM, jhlipton said:

I really don't know why people get on their knees when someone is threatening to shoot them.  My scenario would be "What if I don't?  What are you going to do, shoot me????"

I think the instinct to survive, even for a few more seconds, is pretty powerful. It's hard to anticipate how one will really respond in that situation. As for Brad, even as a hardened veteran, he might consider a shot to the back of the head preferable to a shot in the gut or chest. 

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On 3/1/2019 at 3:17 PM, AnimeMania said:

Maybe she was just fighting her instincts as a doctor to help the person.

Late last year, a woman who was part of the Dutch Resistance passed away. She was in her teens when she joined a cell that assassinated Nazi officers. Her instinct?


“I’ve shot a gun myself and I’ve seen them fall. And what is inside us at such a moment? You want to help them get up.”

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13 hours ago, Latverian Diplomat said:

I think the instinct to survive, even for a few more seconds, is pretty powerful. It's hard to anticipate how one will really respond in that situation.

I suppose it just (irrationally, perhaps) bugs me sometimes.

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S1.E8: You Are Not That Girl Anymore


As Amy experiences symptoms of the virus that indicate she is close to turning, Brad brings everyone together, and Lila and Sykes race to perfect an anti-viral medicine to save her from Fanning. Meanwhile, Richards tries to keep Project NOAH contained when Guilder makes a mysterious decision to let go of most of the staff while also trying to ward off Babcock's attempts to get in his head.

Original air date: 3/4/19

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As I hoped Amy and Zero were great together. This show does quietly sinister so well. It ran under every scene and was excellent. 

This show is at its best when they have the characters interact and let those scenes breathe. Amy and everyone, Zero vs Carter, Team Amy vs Guilder, Richards and Babcock, etc. Loved it all. 

Zero and the rest staring at Amy in the background of her scenes with Brad was appropriately creepy. 

Grey is one creepy ass Renfield. That’s literally all I think of when I see him. 

HA! I knew Martinez was fooling Guilder. And not just


because I remembered that Martinez is one of The Twelve in the books.

Should have paid more attention to what the vampires looked like rather than what you could use them for. I like that Martinez is a common enough last name that Richards didn’t make the connection until he had some context. Nicely played. 

I love Sykes and Lila’s excitement at cracking the antivirus. As I keep saying it’s too bad they’re on a vampire show. 

Brad telling Amy it’s ok to choose to leave him was lovely. A Wrinkle In Time explores different themes but Meg’s love for her father is at its core. A perfect choice to parallel Amy and Brad. Amy is a badass in every way. 

Welcome back Lacey my love. You’re just in time for the unleashing of hell. 

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All I can say right now is: zip ties. These geniuses manage to hog tie the guards but decide to use motherf**ing ZIP TIES on the guy who could literally give the keys to kingdom to the virals. I know it's written to drive the narrative but that really drove me nuts.

Amazing episode BTW, absolutely heart pounding. How it keeps getting better week after week I don't know.

Also, I don't know about the rest of you but I can't remember the last time I have been completely blown away by a character in a new series like Amy as well as the fantastic actress who plays her. Whenever she is in a scene where she is in danger or vulnerable I find myself reacting as though she was a real child and not a fictional character.

Edited by DC Gal in VA
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Well, things are quickly coming to a head. 

Oh Amy. She is the most courageous kid in the world. Brad and her mother reassuring her and then Brad telling her that it was okay to break their promise to each other. Love gave her the strength to fight off Fanning’s seduction. I was as freaked out as Amy was when she woke up strapped down to the bed in the glass cage.

Damn. I thought Fanning was controlling Martinez. Turns out he was actually a viral gas lighting Guilder.

Guilder is such an asshole. Less than Fanning who needs a stake through the heart.

Lacey! Bad ass is on the way to save them all.

Sykes was so happy that she found the cure, but she did so much unforgivable damage.

Richards is finally doing the right thing, but he really does deserve what is going to happen to him.

Poor Lawrence Gray. Fanning has taken control of him.

Where was Lear tonight?

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6 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Where was Lear tonight?

Probably off in cryosleep to wake up another planet, also known has filming for the 100. 

I figured Gilder was being played by Fanning, not that another one of the 12 was using him as their Renfield.  That's probably the reason they never really showed us all 11 of the virals.  I'm glad Sykes and Richards turned around but they are still responsible for this mess. Just following orders isn't going fly when you start the vampire Apocalypse.  

I teared up a bit when Brad told Amy it was okay for her to break their promise. But we already knew she's different than the rest of them. Even Fanning said that. I can't believe it's the finale already. This has been the best new show for me this year. 

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S1.E8 quotes

Fanning: The end is near, my dear.
Amy: I don't do riddles. Just tell me what you mean.

Guilder: I miss the old days when we hung people for treason.

Babcock: Breakfast for dinner? You're an enigma, Clark Richards.

Clark: I have a degree in creative writing. Fiction mostly.
Babcock: Haikus? Sonnets? Limericks?

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What was that gas and why didn't use it on all of the "Vamps".

They should have sunlighted most of the "vamps" and kept Babcock, Fanning and Carter.

Richards didn't pop out the janitor's eyes because there would have been no one there to clean up the mess.

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7 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

What was that gas and why didn't use it on all of the "Vamps".

They should have sunlighted most of the "vamps" and kept Babcock, Fanning and Carter.

Yes, that magic gas came out of nowhere/ first time it's been mentioned.

Didn't we learn that killing one kills all of them? I think that's why they haven't yet burned the whole bunch (that and, the show would be over).

3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

This is an awesome show.  The ratings should be better than they are. 

I think this is one of those shows where the book is tough to translate to an episodic TV series. I haven't read the book(s) and I really struggled through last night's show in particular. There were flashbacks galore, hallucinations, multiple locations and groups of people we haven't really seen before (all the military personnel, partying??), and I just couldn't keep up. Case in point- 'Martinez': I thought I was pretty smart last night- because the exposition was so hurried and clumsy- when I realized he was actually a viral, and had been messing with Guilder's mind.

In general, I have problems as a non-Passage devotee with the way the exposition is being scripted. Some of the 10 minutes they spent showing Richards and Babcock flirting - did I really need to know he was a Creative Writing major?- could have been spent explaining why we went from 'Amy is special/valuable/must be treated differently' to 'aw, let's just dump the kid in with the rest of the vamps'.

They didn't really sell Amy's near-capitulation to Fanning very well, either. She's been staunchly resisting him up until now; I didn't get how he came so close to capturing her this time. Was it because she was so close to turning?

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Amy was being treated differently because it had been weeks and she wasn't showing signs of turning. That's what they want, all then powers that come with the virus without becoming a veiney monster. Once Amy got the fever that meant she was turning. So the experiment failed. And Gilder was being manipulated by the virals and they need Amy with them. 

Amy's a kid. She's a smart capable kid, but she's still a 10/11 year old kid dealing with a grown manipulative man. Of course he's going to be able to get to her. But she powered through it by thinking of her mom and Brad. I like that they show that Amy's still vulnerable and naive. It makes her human and it makes her more real. 

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7 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

Yes, that magic gas came out of nowhere/ first time it's been mentioned.

Didn't we learn that killing one kills all of them? I think that's why they haven't yet burned the whole bunch (that and, the show would be over).

I think this is one of those shows where the book is tough to translate to an episodic TV series. I haven't read the book(s) and I really struggled through last night's show in particular. There were flashbacks galore, hallucinations, multiple locations and groups of people we haven't really seen before (all the military personnel, partying??), and I just couldn't keep up. Case in point- 'Martinez': I thought I was pretty smart last night- because the exposition was so hurried and clumsy- when I realized he was actually a viral, and had been messing with Guilder's mind.

In general, I have problems as a non-Passage devotee with the way the exposition is being scripted. Some of the 10 minutes they spent showing Richards and Babcock flirting - did I really need to know he was a Creative Writing major?- could have been spent explaining why we went from 'Amy is special/valuable/must be treated differently' to 'aw, let's just dump the kid in with the rest of the vamps'.

They didn't really sell Amy's near-capitulation to Fanning very well, either. She's been staunchly resisting him up until now; I didn't get how he came so close to capturing her this time. Was it because she was so close to turning?

They haven't burned the entire bunch because of Amy.  Apparently kidnapping a child and injecting her with God-only-knows-what is okay in the scientist's worldview, but they draw the line at killing a child.  In reality, we reject all three parts (kidnapping, injection, and killing), though historically even that isn't true.

The extra people didn't bother me.  I sort of assumed that a building that size, had way more people working than Hollywood was willing to pay to be in scenes.  I did miss the build up to the Martinez reveal, which made me happy.  I've figure out the twist far too often for my taste.  It was nice to not catch it for once.  The "let's dump the kid with the vamps" bit should have been a huge red flag...and I missed it.

As for Amy & Fanning, she's still a child, so her decisions and I think her near-capitulation reflects that.  Taking her to the woods and giving her the bicycle, got her away from the protective walls she'd built (Mom & the apartment, Carter, and the Agent). 

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THAT CLIFFHANGER! Every episode has be on the edge of my seat and every episode has me waiting for the next. What a great show.

I'm confused about Babcock. She should be just as angry with Richards as she is with Nicole. Sure, he wasn't a scientist but he helped bring her here and he betrayed her trust at the diner. But she still wants him all the while plotting Nicole's downfall.

I wonder if Nicole will inject herself with the cure? She might as well, since she's stuck there.

Fanning is such a great villain. The actor is doing an amazing job, because I can easily find myself being charmed by him. Charmed, but also rolling my eyes thinking "Really? Really Fanning? Come on." There's this comfortable swagger that he's got going on where he knows he's a massive douche and knows that you know this, but he still fully intends for you to follow him because why not? The actor sells this beautifully. Everyone here is selling their roles beautifully. Not a weak link found here.

When Lacey walked up, I some how thought "Ahh, could it be Winston?" Then remembered that he's dead and it's daytime. I was happy seeing Lacey though. We needed more from her in this episode, but I get why we only got that one scene.

Guilder's fall from grace is fun. Martinez being a viral is just icing on the cake and again plays with the idea that these humans are underestimating these vampires. Winston did it to the Asian scientist and Martinez played Guilder perfectly. But will Guilder die after Martinez kills him or Fanning? Will Amy kill him?

1 hour ago, kirkola said:

They haven't burned the entire bunch because of Amy.  Apparently kidnapping a child and injecting her with God-only-knows-what is okay in the scientist's worldview, but they draw the line at killing a child.  In reality, we reject all three parts (kidnapping, injection, and killing), though historically even that isn't true.

LOL, very true. They purposely found a kid who had no ties, who lost her only family and then kidnapped her, give her a 'drug' that could kill her and do this all without her consent or with a guardian involved. But intentionally killing her, well that's just crazy talk.

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44 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I'm confused about Babcock. She should be just as angry with Richards as she is with Nicole. Sure, he wasn't a scientist but he helped bring her here and he betrayed her trust at the diner. But she still wants him all the while plotting Nicole's downfall

I think Babcock wants Richards to become her Renfield like Grey is to Zero. She just wants to kill/eat Sykes. 

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This show gets more intense every week! I cant believe that the season is going to be wrapped up soon, it seems like its gone by so fast, in a good way!

Brad telling Amy that it was alright to break their promise was just so heartbreaking, their relationship really is the heart of the show, and I love it. It takes this supernatural adventure drama and grounds it in something very understandable and real. I so love their connection and how much they mean to each other, its so sweet and sad. 

Poor Amy is such a smart, strong kid, but she is still a kid, and is still a bit more susceptible to manipulation, especially from an adult who is promising to give her this wonderful new life and to keep Brad safe as well. I love that they are using A Wrinkle in Time so much in her story, as its also a story about a young girl desperately fighting various terrifying threats (IT the evil brain and Fanning do share some real similarities) to find her father, and about the close relationship they have. 

Lacey is on her way to kick some ass, and take some names! 

It was really a great moment when Sykes and Lila were so excited to find the cure. I know that Sykes, Richards, and Lear did terrible things, but I do think they thought they were going to save lives, and that they really are all horrified by what has happened and want to help. Of course, all of that will be for moot which just makes it even sadder. 

I assume Lear was off crying in a bathroom somewhere after his wife died. 

Fanning is so god dang creepy, but I love how he and vampire Martinez played Guilder for the fool that he is. I figured Martinez was a plant or already controlled, but I didnt see him being one of the 12 coming. Well played, show. 

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2 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I think I missed something in this episode. Why did that one guard lock Sykes in her lab? Is he being controlled by the virals?

Grey is a Renfield to Zero who told him to do everything he did in the episode. 

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I've been somewhat indifferently following this show; I'm not familiar with the books.  I have to say it's really growing on me.  There was some laughably bad character decision making along the way, but in spite of that they've set up a tense confrontation next episode. 

Fanning and Gray are a great combination of master and Renfield.

10 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Didn't we learn that killing one kills all of them? I think that's why they haven't yet burned the whole bunch (that and, the show would be over).

Killing someone farther back in the vampire lineage kills all their descendants.  If A created B, B created C, and C created D, killing C kills D, killing B kills C and D, and killing A destroys all of them.  If Fanning dies then everyone dies.

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This was a great episode. I was genuinely shocked by the security guy who turned out to be a viral. Dumb mustache dude! See, arrogance is as dangerous as a loaded gun.

Amy was killing me the whole show. I was so scared for her. When she was riding her bike down that tunnel all stressed and indecisive and stopped to go talk to and hug her mama while Brad was pouring out his heart to her? Lordt! I was a mess. I was thinking there were only two options, but my Amy found a third option! I can't wait to see where they go with this now that the virals are out and Lacey is on the way!

The setup for the finale has been stellar. Don't disappoint me show! Looking forward to next week!

Edited by LydiaMoon1
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Hopefully its renewed since the shenanigans at Project NOAH


were really just a small drop in the bucket of the actual story of "The Passage".   Speaking of, I'm glad they had Amy resist the virus herself instead of a magic anti-viral drug.   That was sort of the whole point to Amy.

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9 hours ago, MisterGlass said:

There was some laughably bad character decision making along the way, but in spite of that they've set up a tense confrontation next episode. 

The premise of the show is really interesting. But when I look at the plot details over the season, it's not always been executed that great. Starting with the idea that it was somehow  ethically OK to turn multiple people into vampires.

However, the cast and their chemistry has made this an enjoyable ride for me. Amy/Brad is great. Fanning in anyone's head is good. Babcock/Sykes, Babcock/Richards is good. They also did a good job casting lesser roles. Lacey is a badass (even if she got shot a minute into the only action we have seen her in). Grey is appropriately creepy and Winston was a hoot. 

That's more than enough to keep me on board.

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56 minutes ago, xaxat said:

Starting with the idea that it was somehow  ethically OK to turn multiple people into vampires.

But was this ever the idea? I thought it was established from the get go that they were crossing moral lines. 

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On 3/5/2019 at 10:55 AM, sempervivum said:

In general, I have problems as a non-Passage devotee with the way the exposition is being scripted. Some of the 10 minutes they spent showing Richards and Babcock flirting - did I really need to know he was a Creative Writing major?- could have been spent explaining why we went from 'Amy is special/valuable/must be treated differently' to 'aw, let's just dump the kid in with the rest of the vamps'.

It didn't seem like that needed any explanation though. She was special, she was valuable and different. And then she started turning. If she has nothing to offer to Project Noah that's unique then she's just another viral to Guilder and gets treated as such despite being a child. I don't think that has to verbally expressed.

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On 3/6/2019 at 9:30 AM, ursula said:

But was this ever the idea? I thought it was established from the get go that they were crossing moral lines. 

That's thing, the line is very fuzzy. In the first episode we are told a massive flu is going to kill everyone and they need to step up their illegal experiments that turn people into vampires. (Weak, but I can accept that.) But we later find out that Project Noah has been around for several years before the flu outbreak. We know Lear didn't care about ethics back then because he was focused on saving his wife and his wife predicted he wouldn't. As for Sykes, Gilder (correctly, I think) points out how hypocritical  her current objections are given she accepted the lead position knowing her work would result in turning human beings into virals.

Richards and Sykes seemed to generate genuine friendships with Babcock, even though they knew there was a good chance she was going to turn and did not tell her. Brad had no problem abducting people, including Amy, even though he had no idea what was going to happen to them.

So yeah, things are messy ethics wise. But I nitpick out of love, not hate. Seriously. The show is good as it is. But straightening out the origins and ethics of Project Noah would have made it a lot better. I assume a major limitation was the short season they are working with. I think this is a show that really would have been better off on a streaming service or HBO.

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1 minute ago, Reality police said:

Sorry to offend. I was looking at their facial features and did not account for skin tone.

I'm not offended so much as weary that we even have to talk about this.

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1 hour ago, jhlipton said:

I'm not offended so much as weary that we even have to talk about this.

Tangentially related.. Barrett Doss to me always favored Monica Raymund from Chicago Fire

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This show is such an odd duck for me.  I'm kind of interested but then my attention wanders.  Of course Richards takes the young, attractive blonde to the diner and opens up to her while waiting for his soldiers to arrive.  I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough.  I'm supposed to be "rah, Richards" after he tells her off in the elevator?  All he wants is to mack on the girl she was, which wouldn't have really helped her if she was still that person.

I keep getting distracted by Brad's resemblance to Chris Pratt and that Guilder looks like he is wearing a disguise.

The Brad/Amy connection is great, Fanning is appropriately threatening and creepy, Saniyya Sidney is terrific is Amy yet - all of these employees having the vamps in their heads yet not saying anything to each other (actually denying it) - I guess I that's due to the vamp influence maybe?  Also, the way that even before the vamps were vamps and were still just people, it was apparently A-OK for the scientists to fraternize with their subjects?  So many mind boggling dumb decisions.    Nobody is worried by the obvious Renfield behavior of the Renfield guy?  How does Brad's plaid shirt manage to still look so fresh?

It's OK I guess (I've not read the books).    The acting is decent; besides Amy, Caroline Chikezie as Sykes and Jamie McShane as Fanning stand out for me. 

I did love when Amy turned her bike around and rode the other way.  yay Amy!

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S1.E9: Stay in the Light/S1.E10: Last Lesson


When the only way to stop Fanning and the virals' escape from Project NOAH involves a dangerous explosion that could leave Brad, Sykes, and the cure for the virus caught in the crossfire, Amy must be the one to decide what's best for humanity. In the wake of this, surprising alliances form and a key figure returns to instill confidence, convincing everyone to fight for their lives.


Original air date: 3/11/19

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Well as we can all see Lacey is on the way (to save the day?) but........


IMDB shows her character having only 5 episodes--doesn't say just this season or not--so either she's getting renewed for next year OR it's syonara (sp?) Lacey tonight.

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