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On 2/5/2019 at 10:24 PM, xaxat said:

Does anyone remember the Michael Crichton movie/book Andromeda Strain? In the movie, scientist attempt to find the cure for a apocalyptic alien virus. Their base is buried underground, with only one exit and the fail safe is a nuclear bomb that will automatically explode (killing the virus and everyone else) if containment is breached.

Project Noah probably should have adopted that setup.

Andromeda was an airborne contagion. A lot of that would be overkill here.

What they really need are back up generators and batteries, better security, more frequent personnel rotations and UV floodlights everywhere.

And maybe tinfoil hats? (Does that block vampire telepathy?🙂)

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22 hours ago, Latverian Diplomat said:

Andromeda was an airborne contagion.

An airborne contagion that mutated to have a taste for plastic.  Ooops!!

Saniyya Sidney plays Kevin Hart's daughter on his Netflix "Guide to Black History".  It was supposedly made this year but she looks MUCH younger.

Edited by jhlipton
Extraneous Verbiage
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S1.E6: How You Gonna Outrun The End of The World?


With the sudden arrival of a high ranking official, Horace Guilder (guest star James Le Gros), to Project NOAH, Brad and Amy begin to strategize a possible escape plan with the help of an unlikely accomplice. Meanwhile, Sykes and Richards begin to question each other's motives, and a shaky past between Lear, Elizabeth (guest star Jennifer Ferrin), and Fanning is revealed.

Original air date: 2/11/19

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Amy barely suppressing a smile as she teases Brad reminds me of Bestie 1 who does the exact same thing. I love them. 

Director Guilder. Trying to weaponize vampires won’t work. I do think


it’s smart to bring him in now rather than waiting till season 2. Better we have the foundation for the monster still to come. 

More backstory for Zero when he was Fanning. And none of it makes him less creepy. Again I think


it’s smart to bring this in now than to wait until later in the story. The placement flows with the story more naturally.

Lacey taking Lila to her old convent. I’m serious on wanting a buddy cop movie for these two. I hope we get lots of Lacey/Lila time as


it’s one of my favorite changes from the books. 

Sykes joining Team Amy! Yes! 

If memory serves (major book spoiler under the tag alert!)


the vampire who turns Brad is part of Carter’s hive so them beginning that alliance was great to see. 

“What’s the worst that could happen in thirty seconds?” Are tv scientists not allowed to watch horror movies? Vampire Winston looks like a rougher Jason Sudeikis. 

No surprise that Lear isn’t infected. Better story if he stays human. Liked seeing him turn Zero’s ‘gotcha!’ back around on him. Elizabeth getting the virus was a twist. Grey is fully a Renfield now. 

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Damn, things are moving along quickly. Amy has some symptoms and can fight them off! She left the book behind. I hope she gets it back somehow. Brad and Amy's bond will never stop being poignant. I love Brad telling Amy that he is her family, confiding losing his daughter, getting her to tell him the truth, helping her ward off the vampires by telling her own stories, and then holding her as she passed out.

Carter! He is not lost to us! He still cares about Amy. So now that it is too late, Sykes decides to do the right thing. Richards is an ass, but at least he wasn't deluded about what the government would use Amy for.

Well done, show. I thought that Winston was going to break free and kill them all instead he set up the doctor and is now free.

Wow, Fanning with Lear's Elizabeth. I liked Lear telling Fanning that Elizabeth never loved him and that they repaired their marriage. Fanning didn't see that one coming. Now that is truly a soap opera starring Jennifer from ATWT.  Fanning going into to Elizabeth's confused mind was disturbing as hell. Now poor Elizabeth has been infected. Lear should have listened to her at the start.

I am enjoying Lila and Lacey's team up. You just know that Lacey will be taking out Lila's kidnapper.

The next episode looks really good based on the preview.

Edited by SimoneS
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There was a lot packed into this episode, but my favorite parts are still Brad and Amy. Brad is the one person in the facility who doesn't underestimate Amy's intelligence. And the scenes where they talk strategy are great. 

Lacey, Carter (I knew he did it for Amy!) and Brad as her protectors heading into the Apocalypse. Hard to imagine Amy doing better.

I wrote earlier that I couldn't wait for the asshole doctor to get eaten, but that was pretty brutal. 

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On 2/10/2019 at 9:27 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

Rationalization? Like they could rationalize (to themselves) they weren't killing/experimenting on innocent people?  Ultimately, these Doctors/Military people view themselves good guys/heroes. So they're doing good for humanity and, these killers are being given an opportunity to serve humanity and make amends.

It seems like kind of a bad plan to take a bunch of terrible criminals and turn them into vampires. In general, people who've committed crimes worthy of the death penalty don't have a problem killing others.

Maybe they should have turned some do gooders into vampires and see if they are just as willing to kill people.  Maybe nice vampires could learn to control their symptoms? Of course, it is still not fair to turn any of them into vampires.

Edited by KaveDweller
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39 minutes ago, xaxat said:

I wrote earlier that I couldn't wait for the asshole doctor to get eaten, but that was pretty brutal. 

It was, but I didn't have much sympathy for him. I feel for Amy, Brad, the caretaker, and the rest of humans are going to be destroyed by their hubris.

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What can I say, I've fallen madly in love with this show! ITA with everyone about the relationship between Brad and Amy. Just a few things about this episode:

I loved how the show demonstrates what the person experiences when the vampires use their psychic powers to invade their consciousness. Really good job at demonstrating how terrifying and disorienting that would be, especially never knowing when one of them is going to pop into your head or what messed up shit they're going to tell you.

Anyone else think that it was really sketchy that Sykes seemed to be taking her sweet time getting back to Amy and Brad? I mean, you left them in the equivalent of a meat locker FOREVER! Too funny when Amy said that, among the other crazy stuff she can do, she can sit in a refrigerator without getting cold!

Even though I absolutely could not stand that arrogant, pompous asshole Dr. Pet and gleefully looked forward to him being dispatched, I was surprised to actually feel a bit sorry for him. For a so-called self anointed genius, how did he not figure out that he had just been totally played by Winston!? Then, to return to the lab alone saying "It's just you and me" was beyond stupid. That whole scene with Winston toying with him gave me the creeps especially when Winston said something to the effect of "Betcha sorry you came in here alone" and I loved every second of it.

That's just a few things I adored about tonight's episode. Overall, I am praying that FOX will hang in there with this series and not break my heart like the suits at NBC who canceled Midnight Texas. Hate them.

BTW, could someone here please fill me in on Lacey? I unfortunately I missed the episode that had Unicorn in the title and I'm afraid I missed a lot of background about her character, how exactly she fits in and, her relationship with Lila. Thanks.

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4 minutes ago, DC Gal in VA said:

BTW, could someone here please fill me in on Lacey? I unfortunately I missed the episode that had Unicorn in the title and I'm afraid I missed a lot of background about her character, how exactly she fits in and, her relationship with Lila. Thanks.

Lacey knows Lila through Brad.  She knows Brad from when they were both in the military.  Before that she was a nun and that's why she and Lila went to her old convent to stay and regroup.

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7 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Lacey knows Lila through Brad.  She knows Brad from when they were both in the military.  Before that she was a nun and that's why she and Lila went to her old convent to stay and regroup.

Thanks so much scarynikki12. I haven't read any of the books and often find myself getting a little lost trying to keep up with all of the characters and how they fit in the storyline.

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On 1/31/2019 at 3:52 PM, scarynikki12 said:

@CrazyDog my theory is that the show will

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move into split storytelling. That will allow them to bring in Peter, Alicia, Sara, etc. without having to give up Amy and Brad. My guess is we’ll see more of Year of Zero and when it’s time to start aging Amy we’ll be invested in Peter and co. and the changes won’t be so jarring. 



there is no Lish or Peter or Sara in the tv series. Which sucks.

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What I really love about this show is that I feel like it could be easy for the characters to be basically walking plot devices with little character or warmth to them, or the only character trait that anyone gets is angst and manufactured drama. But this show has already spent a lot of time giving the characters real personalities and hopes and dreams and allows for moments of levity and sweetness in between all of the drama and the horror movie stuff. 

As usual, I cant get enough of the bond between Brad and Amy, its just so precious and lovable. The bit where she tells him his heart is going too fast "which isnt healthy at your age." And his response with "How old do you think I am...dont answer that" was all so cute and natural, their relationship and the obvious warmth between them adds so much humanity to this story filled with horror and bloodshed. I love how seriously he takes her and her intelligence, and how much she cares about and understands him, even after only a few weeks. 

Carter is still with us! He might have given into the blood, but he still cares about Amy, and is still trying to help them escape, and still has happy memories of his family and home. If he can stave off the evil of his increasing vampirism, he could be a great person to have on Amy and Brads side as things keep getting worse. 

I figured that Doctor Nicole would turn on this project eventually, and the asshole military guy showing up pushed her over the edge to finally tell them to fuck off. She was able to justify all of this, even experimenting on a child, by saying that it was for a greater good and save lives from a horrible illness, but knowing that she was now just creating a weapon and endangering a child for the purpose of using her for destruction, that was too much. 

Poor Lear and his poor Elizabeth. Fanning in Elizabeth's mind trying to manipulate her, especially knowing that he had a thing for her when he was still a normal guy, was super creepy. Oh, Fanning was pissed when he found out that Lear and Elizabeth had talked about what happened between them, and had moved on. It might be the first time we saw him really lose his cool so far. He does NOT like knowing he wasnt first choice. 

I knew asshole Doctor Guy was doomed (I mean, has this guy never seen a horror movie, ever?) but that was seriously nasty. Ouch. 

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Brad: When we were up in that treehouse, I saw that there's a door outside the mess hall.
Amy: The cooks prop it open to smoke. Smoking's gross.
Brad: It is. Never do it. So they probably disabled the alarm on that door which means-
Amy: We use it to sneak out. Then what? We're just standing outside.
Brad: Use that brain.
Amy: That slimy old pipe on the edge of the lawn.
Brad: It's not slimy and it's not a pipe. It's a drainage tunnel, probably been out of service for years. It'll take us out of here.
Amy: What about spiders?
Brad: There are no spiders.
Amy: Brown widows. You're thinking about them right now - the webs getting in your mouth and your face while you're crawling through that slimy tunnel.

Horace: Scientific discoveries are made all the time by accident. Viagra was developed as a heart medication.
Nichole: What a breathtakingly inappropriate analogy.

Brad: The kitchen's going to be empty soon. To get to the open door-
Amy: Down the hall, door's on the right. You've said it a hundred times.
Brad: I literally haven't said it once. Amy, are you reading my mind? What am I thinking right now?
Amy: Baseball, 26, blue.

Lacey: We need a place to stay. We're in trouble.
Sister: This is a convent, not a hotel, Lacey.

Fanning: I'm not just a scientist. Technically I'm a genius.

Winston: Precuneus. What kind of dirty word is that?

Amy: It's just one of the weird things I can do. I can run fast, read minds, and I can stay in a refrigerator without a coat.

Horace: Well, up close [Winston] looks as harmless as a serial killer.

Brad: You good?
Amy: It's you I'm worried about. Your heart's pounding. That's not good at your age.
Brad: How old do you think I am? Don't answer that.

Daniel: You weren't like this before.
Winston: Well, you can tell a lot about a person when you let them think they're more powerful than you are.

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Am I a total sap because I hope that Nichole finds Amy's copy of A Wrinkle in Time and eventually gives it back to her?

RIP Dr. Pat, you arrogant moron.

While I am glad that Carter is Team Amy and told Brad that his job is to help her, it would have been nice if he could have been a little more specific, especially since he seems to know what's coming.

As usual, my favorite part of this episode was Brad and Amy. I love how their relationship is developing. The big brotherly way he tapped her forehead and told her to "use that brain" to figure out what the next step was and the way he told her that he is her family now made me go awwwww.

So Fanning has spent all these years thinking that Elizabeth was secretly in love with him? I had to laugh when Jonas said she'd already told him what happened with Fanning and they worked through it, but it also made me think that Jonas should stop poking the mind controlling vampire.

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This show is still so good. The relationship between Brad and Amy is definitely the heart of it. See writers a show can good without love interests as long as you write interesting characters. 

So Amy has super speed, telepathy, temperature control and a sonic scream. What other powers will she get and is she stronger than the others?

Dr. Pet was really too arrogant to live. I could tell from the beginning Winston was playing him. The wave should've tipped him off. He kind of deserved what happened to him by wanting to help the Government use an unstable and failed experiment as a weapon. 

I'm glad Nicole finally realized that she needed to help Amy. Although how long was she going to leave them in the freezer. Also glad that Carter is still in there and wants to help Amy. 

I know Babcock's a bad vampire but I kind of like her for messing with Clark. Her and Fanning are probably the most dangerous of then the other virals since they were manipulative before turning. I also get protecting your marriage Leer but don't poke the bear (vampire). 

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I appreciate that when Amy asked why Brad cared so much.. He was honest and it wasn't a sticking point.. Other shows may have used that moment for him to be less than honest only for her to read him and feel some kind a way as a replacement for his dead kid... Not saying that might not pop up later.. And it might but I have a feeling if it does it'll feel more organic to where the story is at the time... Now it would been a cheap and easy point of contention and drama 

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I really love how the characters on this show (surprisingly) have some layers. The show is moving right along, but as others have said, they've given a lot of the characters some real depth. I'd like to know more about Sykes and how she came to Project Noah, so hopefully she makes it out at some point and we get some more backstory on her.

Poor Lear...for him to be reunited briefly with Elizabeth before she goes all ARRRR is seriously an evil twist. I love to hate Fanning, and the actor is really compelling on screen.

Amy and Brad...I still just love them. Of course he's proving Babcock wrong, when she told Amy he would have a hard time with everything, He will be loyal to Amy no matter what.

So someone kidnapped Lila? I kind of love that if they have to go that cliched route with the ex-wife/love interest, that it will probably be Lacey riding into save her, lol. 

Aww, Carter's mom and his memories. That was truly sad, and I am glad that they aren't just dropping Brad's role in everything, He has to be carrying some major guilt. Same with Dr. Sykes and Lear. They aren't innocent in all of this. I kind of had to roll my eyes when she was saying goodbye to Amy...yes, Amy is special all in her own right, because she's smart, and tough, and funny, but she's now EXTRA special and in danger because of the virus Sykes gave her, lol. Maybe a wee apology to Amy would have been nice. 

What's up with Richards? Is Babcock still actually controlling him a little, or is he just too stubborn and proud to admit to Sykes that Babcock got to him? I wonder if he'll swing to the dark side, but still end up getting redemption. I don't think he's all bad.

The head bad guy was really cartoonish, but still creepy. 

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This show is still very good. Amy and Brad's dynamic is so good. I'm glad Dr Sykes is helping them now, I had a feeling she would come around. Fanning is still creepy and a great villain, Lacey is still awesome. I have no idea what tptb have in store for Brad's ex, she's so disconnected from the show. 

I have a feeling Amy is going to be able to control the rest of the vampires. I think Babcock will turn Clark.

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Just wanted to add that I am quite happy that I haven't read any of the books. I like the weekly revelations about each character, their backgrounds and relationships with each other and the storyline overall, unencumbered by where the show gets it "wrong" when it deviates from the books as regards to the plot or any changes to how the characters are portrayed.

@ElectricBoogaloo -- now there's a phrase that I haven't heard for a long time -- loved your choices of the show's dialogue, giving credit to the excellent writing on this show. In particular, I really liked this selection:

Daniel: You weren't like this before.
Winston: Well, you can tell a lot about a person when you let them think they're more powerful than you are.

That exchange was so chilling, not just for the show, but also for the profound truth of it in real life.

Edited by DC Gal in VA
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Richards is an ass. I hope Nicole doesn't forgive him or go back to that loser. Is his ego so much that he doesn't want to admit that Babcock has been messing with him? Even though what Nicole was doing was unethical and getting Amy on board was horrible, I'm glad that she's still human underneath that lab coat. I wonder why the other vampires didn't mess with her. I'm curious to see what she'll do when she meets Babcock. Hopefully she breaks out and goes to Brad and Amy.

If that happens, I hope the show doesn't put Nicole and Brad together and then Richards getting angry over that when he's with Babcock later. We might get another Fanning if that happens.

Daniel dying is okay with me, because he was stupid too. Plus, it allowed us to finally meet Winston who, while a horrible human being, is also quite delightful. A great manipulator too. It was obvious that he was in control the entire time, but like he said, he likes making himself look powerless in front of people to see what they would do.

Putting him with the overachieving scientist was a recipe for disaster and you could tell that Winston loved every moment. I did too...Is it wrong that I hope we see more from him?

I was missing Carter and then he showed up. He looked menacing when talking to Brad, especially when he got up, but then his lips started to quiver and my heart broke for him all over again. I need him to be okay. I really need him to be okay and at peace.

So far we've seen the vampires control at least three (four if you count Richards) people at the facility and instead of doing something about it, they want to weaponize them. Is it sad that this isn't hard to believe?

I'm still loving the show, can't wait to see what happens next.

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I look forward to Lacey's reunion with Amy and Brad, though I still don't have much confidence in her survival.  Amy and Lacey's interaction (however brief) are just as good as Brad and Amy's. Brad and Lacey were pretty entertaining together as well.  Also interested in Carter's angle.  

I'm sure Lila will be rescued (likely by Lacey), but I'd be okay if she's not seen again. I just don't care about the character, but if she's in the mix with the aforementioned three, it's fine. I'm not sure why I'm so annoyed on behalf of the guy she was supposed to marry, someone we've never even seen on screen nor heard about after the pilot.  But I am.    

I assumed that Fanning's memories of Elizabeth were of the unreliable narrator type, so I was surprised with Lear's confirmation.  

Elizabeth certainly recovered quickly, but whatever.  I didn't think she was anywhere near that campus, and it didn't register even when Fanning approached her telepathically.  I thought it was an example of how powerful he'd become (he can reach out to someone miles away!), and it was, only not in a way I expected. 

I like Sykes, so hope she comes out of this alive. But I don't know how much we'll see of her moving forward. She doesn't organically fit into the main relationship dynamics, but the actress really sold the "I really thought I was doing this for a greater good" perspective so I'm still rooting for her. 

The Richards actor has that perpetual "smell a fart" performance style, so he can expire at any time. 

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2 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I'm sure Lila will be rescued (likely by Lacey), but I'd be okay if she's not seen again. I just don't care about the character, but if she's in the mix with the aforementioned three, it's fine. I'm not sure why I'm so annoyed on behalf of the guy she was supposed to marry, someone we've never even seen on screen nor heard about after the pilot.  But I am.

Yeah, it's a weird plot that has been dropped. She's a recurring but minor character so far, but I assume if she gets a bigger role, or is reunited with Brad, that they'll address it then. But even a throwaway line to Lacey about leaving her fiance (who she apparently loved enough to marry and want kids with) and her important job at the hospital would have gone a long way. I wonder if some lines or a scene got cut somewhere. 

Edited by CrazyDog
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On 2/12/2019 at 4:36 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

So Fanning has spent all these years thinking that Elizabeth was secretly in love with him? I had to laugh when Jonas said she'd already told him what happened with Fanning and they worked through it, but it also made me think that Jonas should stop poking the mind controlling vampire. 

I.Loved.This^^^^. Oh, Fanning just KNEW he was dropping a bombshell on Lear, only to have Lear basically tell him, 'Oh, that? Yeah, I know. Liz told me. No biggie'. It was delicious.

11 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I look forward to Lacey's reunion with Amy and Brad, though I still don't have much confidence in her survival.  Amy and Lacey's interaction (however brief) are just as good as Brad and Amy's. Brad and Lacey were pretty entertaining together as well. 

Me too! I want this so bad. I also want Lacey to survive a long time. She's such an interesting character.

12 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I like Sykes, so hope she comes out of this alive. But I don't know how much we'll see of her moving forward. She doesn't organically fit into the main relationship dynamics, but the actress really sold the "I really thought I was doing this for a greater good" perspective so I'm still rooting for her. 

Yep. Agree with this as well.

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On 2/12/2019 at 1:27 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Amy: That slimy old pipe on the edge of the lawn.
Brad: It's not slimy and it's not a pipe. It's a drainage tunnel, probably been out of service for years. It'll take us out of here.
Amy: What about spiders?
Brad: There are no spiders.
Amy: Brown widows. You're thinking about them right now - the webs getting in your mouth and your face while you're crawling through that slimy tunnel.

That was hilarious, especially with Amy's deadpan face as she talked bout the "brown widow" spiders (a terrifying cross between black widows and brown recluses!).

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They're solid and steady so I'm happy.  What I'm curious about is what the delayed numbers are.  Not all networks care about them but, if they're significant, then I would expect them to factor in. 

As far as the renewal question, I'm not going to worry about it until the decision has been made.  Fox is notorious for cancelling beloved shows early but Disney just bought them so anything can happen.

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Babcock’s look of disgust at Sykes only horror movie experience being I Still Know What You Did Last Summer was quite loud. Seeing them bond was a nice layer to the story. 

Sykes and Richards do have nice chemistry. Too bad they’re in a vampire show rather than a romantic drama. And he’s now on Team Amy as well!

Brad was having a rough night. Amy’s rebellion and desire to help revealed her abilities to Guilder and the team, Lila is now in danger, and no one will call the virals vampires. 

Elizabeth telling Lear those truths was excellent. It’s too late but he still needed to be confronted with that. 

I like how Guilder and Zero are two sides of the same creepy coin. 

Huh, Brad killed Winston and his progeny died too. 

Hope Lacey makes it to the compound soon. 

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This was an exciting episode. Could Brad and Amy break my heart any more? The perfect actors with amazing father/daughter chemistry. Brad is the perfect dad for Amy. Thank goodness they have each other. 

Amy was badass running from Winston and then fighting him off. I loved Amy yelling at Brad, you said stay glued to you side when he said stay back.  She isn't listening to me. That isn't the virus, it is puberty. That is also catastrophic. Bwah.

I want to punch Guilder in the face. He is such an asshole. Richards isn't much better kidnapping Lila. I hope Lacey is following and will show up to save the day. I couldn't believe that Lila left the car instead of shutting the door and driving off. At least, she realized immediately that the woman was dangerous.

I was so down with Lear and Sykes killing all the virals. I knew it wouldn't happen, but it was a bad ass redemptive moment for both of them. How can Fanning be destroyed without killing Amy and Elizabeth? I cheered at Elizabeth yelling at Lear when she found out what he had done. Elizabeth rejecting Fanning won't end well. 

So Sykes and Babcock bonded over suicide attempts. Sykes must have been very lonely.

Edited by SimoneS
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I do feel bad for Babcock, even if she has gone way over to the dark side. She just wanted to do horror movie makeup, and instead she got screwed over by pretty much everyone, was abused and betrayed by her family, betrayed again by her friend, and then become a vampire. Or maybe I just share her horror that the only horror movie Nicole had ever seen was I Still Know What You Did last Summer. I mean, come on Nicole!

Another exciting episode! Oh Brad and Amy, they warm and break my heart in equal measure! Brad is trying so hard to protect Amy, but Amy both wants some control of her own life and to help people, and Brad doesent really know how to help a young girl even in the best of circumstances, let alone this weirdness. The bond they have seems so real and earned, even after a relatively short time with them together. 

Fanning might be a badass vampire mastermind, but even his carefully executed plan can do off the rails briefly by one dumb redneck dicking around and going off script! Yeah, I guess you get what you pay for when the first members of your vampire army are a bunch of death row inmates.

It always cracks me up how this show is made up of two kinds of people: People who continue to refuse to call the infected vampires, even though thats what they so obviously are, and people who are like "if it looks like a vampire, and smells like a vampire..."

Lear and Sykes almost killing the vampires was awesome, and certainly goes a long way to me feeling more sympathy towards them. I know it wont happen, as no way can the vampires die this early, but at least they both realized how bad things have gone, and tried to stop it.

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They could still kill everybody else but Fanning... I mean, that won't stop his mind control powers, but might weaken it if there is just Amy and Elizabeth left.... 

But i'm sure they won't do that, since it would be the smart thing to do.

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I wonder if Babcock has been mind controlling Sykes from the very beginning. Getting her to bring a movie, get the right movie, then to stay, eat pizza and watch the movie, then go to a horror movie with Richards.

Amy was stupid to leave the sunshine and go into a dark building. I thought she could feel how Winston was feeling. Run around in the sunlight, you said you were faster than him.

I am guessing it was Richards' group that kidnapped Lila.

They start at night but don't reach the cabin until the sun is bright in the sky.

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Nichole: The only horror movie I've ever seen is I Still Know What You Did Last Summer.
Babcock: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.

Brad: These are the rules. You stay glued to my side at all times. If you have any more of those flashes, you tell me first, not Gilder. The guy's bad news. And this is important - even when things get scary, you stay calm, got it?
Amy: That's a lot of rules.
Random agent: Sir, there's a body over here.
Brad: Stay back. Stay back.
Amy: You just said, "Stay glued to my side."

Amy: You're not my dad. You're just some guy that tried to kidnap me.
Gilder: I hate to interrupt this daddy/daughter agent/foster kid teaching moment.

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10 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Another exciting episode! Oh Brad and Amy, they warm and break my heart in equal measure! Brad is trying so hard to protect Amy, but Amy both wants some control of her own life and to help people, and Brad doesent really know how to help a young girl even in the best of circumstances, let alone this weirdness. The bond they have seems so real and earned, even after a relatively short time with them together. 

I loved Brad acknowledging that he had not been listening to Amy. Too many parents don't listen to their kids and then wonder why they don't talk to them. Brad realized that she was grieving and missing her mother when she told him that she had to get the book back because her mother gave it to her. Amy is right to be angry at Brad. He is responsible for his role in bringing her into this disaster. It was poignant when he told her about losing his daughter and knowing that he wasn't her father, but insisted that Amy could depend on him, tell him anything. She needed that reassurance.  I can't imagine how scared Amy must be with her body reacting to the infection and Fanning and the others in her head. I really hope that Carter steps up because she is going to need him back at the facility without Brad there to protect her.

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13 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

Huh, Brad killed Winston and his progeny died too. 

Is this true? I wasn't paying close attention, apparently.

I don't want to be spoiled, but is there some specific method to kill the monsters similar to Walking Dead, where the zombies' brains have to be destroyed? Also, I don't understand how they seem to be able to completely kill some of the vamps, but others just pop up repeatedly. And why weren't the soldiers in full body armor and helmets-they know exactly how ferocious the vamps are. Or can they bite through Kevlar? Also, what was Lear using to fry the vamps? It can't be actual sunlight, so what is it? 

6 hours ago, mertensia said:

Okay, I would have continued to let them fry. Call me heartless but then it's done.

Yep. Amy's cute and completely innocent, but entire population of Earth>Amy.

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4 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

Is this true? I wasn't paying close attention, apparently.

I don't want to be spoiled, but is there some specific method to kill the monsters similar to Walking Dead, where the zombies' brains have to be destroyed? Also, I don't understand how they seem to be able to completely kill some of the vamps, but others just pop up repeatedly. And why weren't the soldiers in full body armor and helmets-they know exactly how ferocious the vamps are. Or can they bite through Kevlar? Also, what was Lear using to fry the vamps? It can't be actual sunlight, so what is it? 

Yep. Amy's cute and completely innocent, but entire population of Earth>Amy.

I think just plain light will kill them. Bullets only knock them down for a moment. 

As for the body armor, I have been asking myself why they don't have neck guards. That's what I would want before I walked in that place. Kevlar neck guards. 


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2 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Is this true? I wasn't paying close attention, apparently

When Brad killed Winston the vamps he’d turned who were battling Richards dropped dead. We also saw sunlight kill the woman in the cabin. Zero and the rest of The Twelve were subjected to artificial sunlight which would have worked if they hadn’t stopped. 

So far that’s all they’ve shown as ways to kill them. 

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It feels like everybody got their hypocrisy throw right back at their face this episode. Guilder and Sykes, Amy and Brad, Elizabeth and Lear, Babcock and Sykes.  And all of them deserved it.

I know they don't watch many movies, but it's a real shame Lear and Sykes haven't seen Wrath of Khan. 

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Every episode has been fantastic for me and the latest one is no different. Amy and Brad are still the stars of the show and I love their chemistry. Babcock, while I feel for her, is clearly into her new powers. It makes sense too, considering how powerless she's felt all of her life. Going after Nicole like that though....Babcock is going to be in for a rude awakening when she bites Nicole only for Nicole to come back and be a vampire too. I wonder if they'll have a better bonding time then? It's at least nice to know that Babcock was purely interested in Nicole and not Richards. For some reason that makes me feel better, because you know that he's all like "She's after me, because she loves me or is obsessed with me." Only to find that she's actually obsessed with Nicole. I don't think his ego could take that.

This is the problem with going after death row inmates. Not all of them are going to be like Carter. Those like Winston just want to kill and those like Babcock want to rejoice in her newfound strength and be free. Outside of Carter, Amy and potentially Elizabeth, all of the other vampires seem like the worst people to be vampires. These scientists at Project Noah have horrible tastes in lab rats.

Oh, I just realized something. Since everyone Winston bit turned, doesn't this mean that the Asian doctor turned as well only for him to flat line again? What about the female doctor that Carter bit when he accepted his vampirism?

8 hours ago, mertensia said:

Okay, I would have continued to let them fry. Call me heartless but then it's done. No more vampires.

I want the best for Amy and Carter, but I'm with you there. Let them all fry. I was surprised by the Lear and Nicole here. Especially Nicole. She was willing to do these experiments if it meant saving the lives of millions. A million lives over one. But now that Amy is in the picture and Elizabeth, it's back to one over a million.

Since both Amy and Elizabeth haven't gone off the deep end, would they actually die if Fanning dies or just feel horrible pain?

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5 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I want the best for Amy and Carter, but I'm with you there. Let them all fry. I was surprised by the Lear and Nicole here. Especially Nicole. She was willing to do these experiments if it meant saving the lives of millions. A million lives over one. But now that Amy is in the picture and Elizabeth, it's back to one over a million.

I get the feeling Nicole is still thinking that Amy is the way to save millions of lives (since she was in this only for the "end all" medical cure); she couldn't let Amy die before that happened. So she may be thinking the millions > the few, but the result is the one > the millions, since that one is key.

10 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

Since both Amy and Elizabeth haven't gone off the deep end, would they actually die if Fanning dies or just feel horrible pain?

Interesting question. I kind of wish someone had thought of that before Lear shut down the lights. (Man, if you thought they wanted to kill you all before...)

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1 hour ago, CheezyXpressed said:

Oh, I just realized something. Since everyone Winston bit turned, doesn't this mean that the Asian doctor turned as well only for him to flat line again? What about the female doctor that Carter bit when he accepted his vampirism?

It doesn’t look like they’re automatically turning everyone they bite. The two doctors seem to just be dead. 

I hope they explain it next episode because (book talk)


Zero, The Twelve, and their hives only turn about 10% of the humans they bite and then eat/kill the rest. If they imply that every bite creates a vampire  then they’ll have a hard time selling that most of humanity gets wiped out.

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5 hours ago, SimoneS said:

I loved Brad acknowledging that he had not been listening to Amy. Too many parents don't listen to their kids and then wonder why they don't talk to them. Brad realized that she was grieving and missing her mother when she told him that she had to get the book back because her mother gave it to her. Amy is right to be angry at Brad. He is responsible for his role in bringing her into this disaster. It was poignant when he told her about losing his daughter and knowing that he wasn't her father, but insisted that Amy could depend on him, tell him anything. She needed that reassurance.  I can't imagine how scared Amy must be with her body reacting to the infection and Fanning and the others in her head. I really hope that Carter steps up because she is going to need him back at the facility without Brad there to protect her.

Amy should already know how Brad feels about her and what happened to his daughter (she knew about Brad's fear of spiders).  Amy knows right where the book is in the compound and that is exactly where they are going after this trip is over. There was no need for the theatrics. Amy should be psychically able to search around her to determine who has her "back". It was like she was purposely trying to do everything that Brad told her not to do, she abandoned all of her spy training.

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29 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

Amy should already know how Brad feels about her and what happened to his daughter (she knew about Brad's fear of spiders).  Amy knows right where the book is in the compound and that is exactly where they are going after this trip is over. There was no need for the theatrics. Amy should be psychically able to search around her to determine who has her "back". It was like she was purposely trying to do everything that Brad told her not to do, she abandoned all of her spy training.

She was missing her book, which is the last thing that she has that belongs to her mom. Plus she's going through puberty too and the whole vampire thing so her rebellious nature seemed fine here. Kids do that sometimes and even though it's annoying it's human.

2 hours ago, kickingnames said:

I get the feeling Nicole is still thinking that Amy is the way to save millions of lives (since she was in this only for the "end all" medical cure); she couldn't let Amy die before that happened. So she may be thinking the millions > the few, but the result is the one > the millions, since that one is key.

Interesting question. I kind of wish someone had thought of that before Lear shut down the lights. (Man, if you thought they wanted to kill you all before...)

I don't know if Nicole believes that anymore, because she wanted Amy and Brad to break out in the last episode. It really seems like she's checked out of the project and just wants all of this to end.

36 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

It doesn’t look like they’re automatically turning everyone they bite. The two doctors seem to just be dead. 

I hope they explain it next episode because (book talk)

  Reveal spoiler

Zero, The Twelve, and their hives only turn about 10% of the humans they bite and then eat/kill the rest. If they imply that every bite creates a vampire  then they’ll have a hard time selling that most of humanity gets wiped out.

I wonder what criteria the vampires need in order to create more vampires. Do they just have to suck a bit of their blood for them to turn compared to the scientists who look like they were killed completely? Hopefully they expand on this on the show.

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Well going by the usual vampire lore, it seems like if you survive being bitten by a vampire i.e. if they don't snap off your neck or drain you to death, then whatever stuff is in their saliva or blood infects you and turns you into another vampire. And the vampires have "sire"-lines. So Fanning is at the top of the sireline, and every vampire that he "turned" with his blood is bound to him, etc. 

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47 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

Amy should already know how Brad feels about her and what happened to his daughter (she knew about Brad's fear of spiders).  Amy knows right where the book is in the compound and that is exactly where they are going after this trip is over. There was no need for the theatrics. Amy should be psychically able to search around her to determine who has her "back". It was like she was purposely trying to do everything that Brad told her not to do, she abandoned all of her spy training.

Seriously? Amy is a scared 12 or 13 year child. Jeez. 

Edited by SimoneS
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