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S06.E23: Life Sentence

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No, trust me. Arrow is still 40% watchable, at least to me. It helps that I FF NTA scenes.

You want to know what's completely unwatchable? The Flash. How about the fact that in S4, 98% of the episodes this season were filler BULLSHIT. I honestly only enjoyed Cisco scenes, WestAllen/Olicity wedding, and the yearly crossover. That said, STFU Iris, about your party. No one cares.

Edited by Laina
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Gaslighting seems to be how they make us see their vision.  Because they certainly aren't writing it.

And redeeming Rene with that phone call to his daughter and then saving the FBI agent.  Making NTA look good >>>>>>>>>>>> OTA real emotion.

Plus, it failed. At least in my eyes. Because after the call my reaction was, cool, so now he can die.

  • Love 6
36 minutes ago, Laina said:

You want to know what's completely unwatchable? The Flash. How about the fact that in S4, 98% of the episodes this season were filler BULLSHIT. I honestly only enjoyed Cisco scenes, WestAllen/Olicity wedding, and the yearly crossover. That said, STFU Iris, about your party. No one cares.

Dropped. After the crossover, I tried to keep watching but realised I wanted to throw the remote at the TV for 80% of it.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, tv echo said:

Spreading the blame credit ...

Has anyone answered Jessie Murray with "Oh thank god! I mean . . . you go, girl!" Though I doubt that she wasn't just obeying the dictates of whoever failed to direct this episode.


12 hours ago, doesntworkonwood said:

Speaking of the directing, one of the reasons why the last Olicity scene annoyed me (besides Oliver being dumb) is that they were standing pretty far apart and that makes no sense to me. This is the last time they're going to see each other before Oliver gets put in Supermax, they're one of the most touchy feely couples on TV and I'm supposed to believe that they're okay holding hands across a table like she's visiting him in prison? That makes no sense! I doubt it's an acting issue, or else it would have come up before (plus the acting in the scene was great), so why would a director stage them like that? It doesn't fit the moment and it doesn't fit the characters either. 


11 hours ago, tv echo said:

Bamford probably wanted the minutes for his long, unnecessarily drawn-out rooftop fight in the dark between Oliver & Diaz.  

Btw, one reviewer said that, if Oliver didn't want to kill Diaz, he should've used his boxing glove arrow to knock Diaz out. Boom, and done.



9 hours ago, Angel12d said:

So there were some cuts made in the episode:

Imagine needing to cut 7 minutes and you decide to cut into the major emotional scene between the leads. If anything, that should've been the most important scene/moment. I mean, did we need to see that FBI lady freak out that she was gonna die? There was easily other things that could've been cut.


All of this. All of it. We've seen that ending fight at least twice, if not three times. 

"Oh, but this time it was totally different! It was raining, you guys!" James Bamford, village idiot.

See, at some point someone (either MG or Bamford himself) watched John Wick and said "If Chad Stahelski (and David Leitch) can do it, so can Bamford!" How about no, asshole. How about the fact that these guys have thirty years of experience being in movies, and did some second unit directing etc before Arrow was even a twinkle in MG's eye. How about the fact that in the first John Wick, at least, we managed to experience actual emotions which are so heart-rending, there are scenes I still can't rewatch, and I've seen the movie 5 times (not counting the number of times I've watched the nightclub scene on youtube). 

So they cut 7 minutes of actual emotion between people who we care about, and then they give us Glorified Extra whining about the fact that she "doesn't wanna die, waahh!" I thought she was going to lose it, run for it and kill them all - because otherwise her interjection was POINTLESS. What the actual fuck. Oh wait, the reason was to give Annoying Puppy a reason to call his daughter. And then I really thought he was going to die. 


3 hours ago, bijoux said:

Plus, it failed. At least in my eyes. Because after the call my reaction was, cool, so now he can die.

Exactly. It made so much sense, and mirrored the ENDLESS HANDSHAKES OF GOODBYE Oliver was giving. WE GET IT, WRITERS. WE GET IT. There wasn't much to get, but we got it. It got so bad that at some point, when Oliver was talking to Felicity, I wondered if he was going to shake her hand too. And then I had to hold back a laugh. 

Edited by arjumand
added link
  • Love 14

I can’t help but think that the scene may have felt more emotional if we’d been able to see some of the hand clasping, rather than it being out of shot and told about it after the fact.  

I realiy wish they’d stop giving Bamford so many of the big episodes to direct because he often misses the mark with anything that requires more focus on character than action. 

  • Love 24
1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

I forgot, one of my favorite lines was when Anatoly was hanging with Team Arrow and was like “We also have costume parties in Russia. They’re fun.” I love how, even after so many years, Anatoly still finds the whole costume hero thing so utterly ridiculous. 

Anatoly made me laugh at that. Honestly, in such a shitty episode, he had the best line and it's not even an important one.

  • Love 5

This season was worse than most.   Biggest crybaby award goes to John Diggle.   I have disliked holier-than-thou Diggle from Day One, but this season really cemented my disdain for the character.   Waaaah!  I wanna be the Green Arrow!   You SAID I could be Green Arrow!   Waaaaah!

Guess being a whiny ass works -- Diggle got his wish, lighted suitcase and all.

It seemed a terrible waste to me that Oliver was made to doubt his mission, his leadership and his own personal character by a group of navel-gazing, self-absorbed cosplayers.   I thought at first Dinah had promise, but Ramirez and Curtis should have long ago followed the Ragman into insignificance (ironically, Ragman was a more interesting character than the other two).   By the end, even Dinah was unwelcome on my screen.

Diaz was a colossal bore.  His final fight with Oliver was ridiculous.  Who would ever believe that stiff, short-armed mushmouth could last a minute against the Green Arrow?

Unpopular opinion: I'm glad Quentin Lance died.  He's been a fly in the ointment from the start, repeatedly doing stupid things that endanger the people around him.   He had zero charm.  No redeeming qualities whatsoever.   Good riddance.

It seemed absurd to me that in a previous episode Oliver could call the Flash for an uber Uber out to the city limits, but when the same city is literally being run by criminals, the lives of his family are imperiled, and the Flash could probably have found Diaz in a minute or two, Oliver doesn't make the call to Barry.   No.  Instead Oliver goes to prison.   That makes a lot of sense.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

Oh, Lord. It's not over yet? We get more of Diaz next season? Shoot me now.

Hey, maybe he'll get shot in the head in the first episode. Or maybe an off-screen archer would bury three arrows in him, and he'd be dead before falling off the roof and onto trash cans. So cheer up!!!

Also weird to look at my content feed and get a little upset at people roasting Bamford. Then I realize you guys probably don't mean Maria Bamford, and then I calm down.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 7

It seemed absurd to me that in a previous episode Oliver could call the Flash for an uber Uber out to the city limits, but when the same city is literally being run by criminals, the lives of his family are imperiled, and the Flash could probably have found Diaz in a minute or two, Oliver doesn't make the call to Barry.   No.  Instead Oliver goes to prison.   That makes a lot of sense.

This universe has admittedly always had issues with when and when not to have other characters crossover to other shows, when their skills could be effective.  Frankly, considering how this season turned out, I'd have probably enjoyed it more seeing all the lame excuses they came up with in show.

(Oliver finishes recapping season 7)

Oliver: And that's why I need help.  Could you do me a solid Barry and help me take out Diaz?

Barry: No can do!  I've got my own issues to deal with over at Central City with DeVoe.  He's so smart, Oliver!!

Oliver: Seriously?!  You're the fastest man alive!  You can't just zip around the world, sucker punch him and toss him in a cell, and then come back and help me?  You really don't seem to know how to use your skills very well, Flash.

Barry: True, I'm nowhere near as badass as I should be.  To be fair though, is Diaz that much of an issue for you?  You've taken on ruthless mercenaries hopped up on drugs, a dude who literally has magic, and Archer Captain Jack Harkness.  I'm just saying that the Arrow from season one and two would have probably killed Diaz by now.  He would have only been alive three episodes top.

Oliver: Fair point.  I do see to be slipping for some reason.

(Barry zips off, while Oliver turns to Kara)

Oliver: How about you, Kara?  Can you help?

Kara: Depends!  Will this help Mon-El in any way?

Oliver: Er.... no?

Kara: Then I'm not interested.  Besides, I now remember you used a Kryptonite arrow last time and I've come to the conclusion that those who use Kryptonite; even against evil people; ARE.  THE.  WORST!!!!

(Kara flies off in huff)

Oliver: The hell?

Sara: Hey, Ollie!  The Legends have time.  And you're talking to a team that literally beat a demon from hell voiced by John Noble by combing our auras or some shit to take on the form of a gigantic blue Tickle Me Elmo ripoff!  A punk like Diaz will be cakewalk!

Oliver: True.  But is Ray still with you guys?

Ray: Sure am, buddy!

Oliver: Then, no.

Ray: Man, he sure holds a grudge, huh?

Sara: Apparently so.

Mick (chugging a beer): Whatever, loser!  Back to Aruba for us!

(The Waverider takes off)

Oliver: Well, I guess I'm doomed.

Jefferson Pierce:  Hey, man.  We haven't met yet, but the name's Black Lightning, and I'd be down to kick some punks with you!

Oliver: Hmm, I see the potential.  What can you bring to the table?

Jefferson: Well, I have electric powers that are pretty awesome and I can even help me fly/float.  I have two badass daughters with their own powers, and a ex-wife who is also pretty badass, and the chemistry between the two of us rivals CW couples half our ages.  I've also got James Remar with a sweet stache, surprisingly realistic and compelling family drama, the ability to tackle social issues without feeling like I'm smacking you with a sledgehammer half of the time, and the best damn music soundtrack on all of television!

Oliver: Yeah... you would not fit it in at all!  Sorry.

Jefferson: Understood.  Can I at least extend an invitation for William to join my school, because judging from what I've seen, Star City's school system is totally failing your son. 

Oliver: GET.  OUT!!!

Jefferson: Fine!  I'm leaving!

Jefferson (muttering quietly): I'm just saying!  If he attend my school, he'd at least would know what impeachment means...

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, thuganomics85 said:

Sara: Hey, Ollie!  The Legends have time.  And you're talking to a team that literally beat a demon from hell voiced by John Noble by combing our auras or some shit to take on the form of a gigantic blue Tickle Me Elmo ripoff!  A punk like Diaz will be cakewalk!

Oliver: True.  But is Ray still with you guys?

Ray: Sure am, buddy!

Oliver: Then, no


Why the hell did Oliver even need Watson??? Like... She did nothing to help find Diaz... that was ALL Oliver, Lance and Felicity...

The opening fight? TA could have easily handled that without FBI helping them… This is SO badly written it's not even funy… The FBI did NOTHING to warrant Oliver going there for help. I don't get it... They just barged in through the front door with every scene they rolled out... Perhaps if the writers remember that Oliver used to enter more tactically they would be more that capable to handle this themselves... So freaking terrible...

What was the point of Rene's Phone call to Zoe? It looked like Watson might have a change of heart based on her reaction but it didn't lead to anything at all… I was also expecting her to untie Oliver and say "you got half an hour" when Quentin died but nope… 

And yea… Couple of episodes ago he didn't want a target on everyone's back... and now he put on a target on them. I love this show but i also hate it.

Also there was no action between the opening and the ending! The action has been trash for literally 5+ episodes. This is not the show i used to love anymore.

  • Love 9

I still have yet to watch, but I did watch The Flash and we know what DeVoe set in motion, so I'm guessing the Enlightenment/Dumbing down of humanity found its way to Oliver FIRST. It's the ONLY way any of what I'm reading makes any fooking bloody sense. I mean, Oliver has had his times of being dumb as a box of hair, like in Season Five, but this really caps it. As much as those scenes @Soulfire posted of Felicity and Oliver got to me, I still haven't managed to watch this. And that we're stuck with Marble Mushmouth next season? What happened to what Guggenheim said about what we'd see? Something about mushmouth's archers?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 7
14 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

This universe has admittedly always had issues with when and when not to have other characters crossover to other shows, when their skills could be effective.  Frankly, considering how this season turned out, I'd have probably enjoyed it more seeing all the lame excuses they came up with in show.

(Oliver finishes recapping season 7)

Oliver: And that's why I need help.  Could you do me a solid Barry and help me take out Diaz?

Barry: No can do!  I've got my own issues to deal with over at Central City with DeVoe.  He's so smart, Oliver!!

Oliver: Seriously?!  You're the fastest man alive!  You can't just zip around the world, sucker punch him and toss him in a cell, and then come back and help me?  You really don't seem to know how to use your skills very well, Flash.

Barry: True, I'm nowhere near as badass as I should be.  To be fair though, is Diaz that much of an issue for you?  You've taken on ruthless mercenaries hopped up on drugs, a dude who literally has magic, and Archer Captain Jack Harkness.  I'm just saying that the Arrow from season one and two would have probably killed Diaz by now.  He would have only been alive three episodes top.

Oliver: Fair point.  I do see to be slipping for some reason.

(Barry zips off, while Oliver turns to Kara)

Oliver: How about you, Kara?  Can you help?

Kara: Depends!  Will this help Mon-El in any way?

Oliver: Er.... no?

Kara: Then I'm not interested.  Besides, I now remember you used a Kryptonite arrow last time and I've come to the conclusion that those who use Kryptonite; even against evil people; ARE.  THE.  WORST!!!!

(Kara flies off in huff)

Oliver: The hell?

Sara: Hey, Ollie!  The Legends have time.  And you're talking to a team that literally beat a demon from hell voiced by John Noble by combing our auras or some shit to take on the form of a gigantic blue Tickle Me Elmo ripoff!  A punk like Diaz will be cakewalk!

Oliver: True.  But is Ray still with you guys?

Ray: Sure am, buddy!

Oliver: Then, no.

Ray: Man, he sure holds a grudge, huh?

Sara: Apparently so.

Mick (chugging a beer): Whatever, loser!  Back to Aruba for us!

(The Waverider takes off)

Oliver: Well, I guess I'm doomed.

Jefferson Pierce:  Hey, man.  We haven't met yet, but the name's Black Lightning, and I'd be down to kick some punks with you!

Oliver: Hmm, I see the potential.  What can you bring to the table?

Jefferson: Well, I have electric powers that are pretty awesome and I can even help me fly/float.  I have two badass daughters with their own powers, and a ex-wife who is also pretty badass, and the chemistry between the two of us rivals CW couples half our ages.  I've also got James Remar with a sweet stache, surprisingly realistic and compelling family drama, the ability to tackle social issues without feeling like I'm smacking you with a sledgehammer half of the time, and the best damn music soundtrack on all of television!

Oliver: Yeah... you would not fit it in at all!  Sorry.

Jefferson: Understood.  Can I at least extend an invitation for William to join my school, because judging from what I've seen, Star City's school system is totally failing your son. 

Oliver: GET.  OUT!!!

Jefferson: Fine!  I'm leaving!

Jefferson (muttering quietly): I'm just saying!  If he attend my school, he'd at least would know what impeachment means...

Thank you for taking the time.   That was fun. 

  • Love 1

The more I think on it, the more I wish Rene had stayed in Star City for his surgery. The SC surgeons have a lousy track record for keeping otherwise stable patients alive when they're under the knife. At least if their last name is Lance.

Or maybe that will be next season's Big Bad:

The Sawbones of Star City!

"This one is for Quentin, you bastard!!!"

  • Love 10

This seems like a fairly obvious thing to say, but I don't normally comment on Arrow and didn't check previous episode threads for related comments -

I'm super bummed it seems like Diaz/Dragon is going to be around for season 7, which as I understand it, makes sense given the Longbow Hunters in season 7, but GOOD LORD, I cannot take another second of his horrible Al Pacino take on acting.  If he's going to play the role this way, I need him to at least start yelling about "taking a flame thrower to this place!" or "out o' order, I'll show you out o' order!"

  • Love 13
5 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

He's already trying to channel Pacino. Trying — and massively failing :P

I'm surprised he didn't say "and say hello to my little friend," when brandishing whatever, during the season. Or was he trying to make everyone think he was believable as the tv screen's version of Michael Corleone? ????? Because, not EVENCLOSE. I've already had to suffer Maurice-stutterbarkmumbly-Bernard try to attempt this, and FAILING. Leave my Pacino alone!

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I'm surprised he didn't say "and say hello to my little friend," when brandishing whatever, during the season. Or was he trying to make everyone think he was believable as the tv screen's version of Michael Corleone? ????? Because, not EVENCLOSE. I've already had to suffer Maurice-stutterbarkmumbly-Bernard try to attempt this, and FAILING. Leave my Pacino alone!

Yes, I really noticed it as the episodes went on and he got more aggressive and chaotic!  He roars and bellows like he's some kind of super-mobster in his own little fantasy world.  I am baffled by the idea the show tries to push that he's such a formidable villain - that's why I want him to go even more over-the-top when he's brought back against viewer wishes - just turn him into a full cartoon character instead of some allegedly serious and capable arch-nemesis.  (And then kill him in the first two minutes of the premiere, please.)

OR!  He can just reveal himself to be the devil next season.  "Vanity!  My favorite sin!"  "I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt!"

  • Love 2

I had to wait a few days to let the suckness of this episode dissipate a little before posting. I'm struggling to find anything about this that was interesting or that I liked. 

Honestly, killing off Quentin was no big deal for me. They ruined the character completely over the last few years so having him gone actually makes me happy. I'd rather have him dead than have him on-screen whining about not-Laurel, how he's a drunk, blah blah blah. And then they bring back Sarah and she doesn't even get to see him before he dies? Pure crap.

Second, have Team Newbie "forgive" Oliver and rally by his side pisses me off. Get rid of them. The show takes away great characters, fun characters, cool characters - and they keep these people? They KEEP DIAZ!?! Get rid of Thea! Get rid of mummy-wrap guy (I can't remember his name, but I really liked him). Get rid of Moira. Get rid of Sarah. Get rid of Quentin. Even ROY - who wasn't my fave, but was likable - but keep Diaz, not-Laurel and Team Nub instead. Brilliant. 

Why does the show keep pushing this "turning over the Arrow identity to Diggle" crap? I hate it. Diggle is Diggle. He is not the Green Arrow. He shouldn't be and he shouldn't have been written as a petulant child complaining that Oliver "promised" and then took it back. 

And finally, the (pretty much only) redeeming quality about the show has been the relationship between Oliver and Felicity - but then they write this "twist" of Oliver turning himself in without discussing it with her first? Or even telling her after the fact to give her a heads up? Seriously? She has to find out when they come to take him away and they thought long-time viewers would be okay with that? Literally the reason she broke up with him was because he didn't trust her and didn't discuss stuff like this before just doing it. 

So, in effect, the writers have given me no reason to continue watching. 

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

Were we supposed to be afraid when they showed the large tattoo on Diaz’s back? Was it depicting that he was a Long Bow Hunter?

I assume we were supposed to be afraid (another epic fail) but I'm not sure about the Long Bow Hunters. If he is actually a Long Bow Hunter then why the F was he so weird about having to join The Quadrant which seemed less prestigious/exclusive? I understand nothing they're trying to accomplish with Diaz.

Edited by JamieLynn832002
  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I assume we were supposed to be afraid (another epic fail) but I'm not sure about the Long Bow Hunters. If he is actually a Long Bow Hunter then why the F was he so weird about having to join The Quadrant which seemed less prestigious/exclusive? I understand nothing they're trying to accomplish with Diaz.

Great question! If only we knew the answer! 

My theory is it's due to his inability to speak properly! Maybe some intensive speech therapy will redeem him! 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, BunsenBurner said:

Were we supposed to be afraid when they showed the large tattoo on Diaz’s back? Was it depicting that he was a Long Bow Hunter?

I took it as their way of subtly saying that the dragon has awakened. I think he said in 19 that he keeps it under control or something and now I bet the Dragon will take control.

Team Arrow needs to get a new doctor though. Two failed surgeries for no apparent reason. Maybe she is working with the enemy.

  • Love 3

So I finally watched this today and it was WORSE than I thought it would be,  based on everyone’s comments.

Marble Mushmouth is nothing but a petulant man-boy, throwing a tantrum because the FBI managed to sweep in and catch all who were under his control.??????

I see what you’re trying to do Show, having that THUG show up silently behind Anatoly in his car and disappear like he’s the FUCKING BATMAN(!!???)when he’s NOTHING like him! Not even FUCKING CLOSE. He’s more like Solomon Grundy, with his lurching and grunting.

And BLACK SIREN CAN FUCK OFF AND DIE IN A DUMPSTER FIRE. Acting like she’s some fucking hero by screaming that Thug into the river, and worse, being the one to call Sara. And speaking of which, she doesn’t even get a scene with Quentin????!!!???

Do NOT even get me started on Oliver AGAIN going on that apology tour!??? Felicity even called him out on it, and he just brushed her off? And just what the FUCK was that, in their last scene? Came off as if Felicity was just his vigilante partner and not his wife, the woman he LOVES. FUCK OFF, whoever wrote this insulting bullshit of a finale. She doesn’t even get a kiss, let alone a touch?!  FUCK THAT NOISE???

I know I’m all over the place, but I ????? so HARD when that one Feeb was all crying  to that other piece of shit, Watson, that they were all gonna DIE!!! What? Did she think working for the FBI was going to be a desk job?

I fast forwarded all scenes NOOBS, so at least I was spared all their hypocrisy. And just like that, they’re all friends now?

And they put Oliver in with other criminals he had a hand in putting away? That looked like general population than supermax or whatever it was that Oliver said. That ending scene actually looked like the prison from Prison Break.

The ONLY good and bright thing about this was Anatoly. Him saying “I love you” to Oliver and Oliver’s WTF look on his face, to him walking in to the precinct and turning himself in. I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Anatoly.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 6
7 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Acting like she’s some fucking hero by screaming that Thug into the river, and worse, being the one to call Sara. And speaking of which, she doesn’t even get a scene with Quentin????!!!


I keep forgetting to bring this up. I just don't buy that BS would be the only one that would consider calling Sara if Quentin's situation was dire.  I also don't buy that Quentin would give her access to Sara that way.  He's deluded but that deluded?   And how else would she know even HOW to call for Sara?  Felicity knew and maybe the rest of the team but there's no reason to think the bug Kayden James would have picked up those details.  It's not like they are going to sit around discussing it.  

I feel it's just like Rene being the only one to figure out that Diggle would want to see his son. Not his wife, not his chosen brother, closest friends or teammates.  Just the new guy.  Yeah, sure.  Totally believable.   I tend to think that MAYBE BS said aloud something about calling Sara, something that I'm sure Felicity and Oliver were already set to do and they contacted Sara but BS took credit.  It's not like anyone seemed shocked to see Sara show up.  

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 15

Well I guess I'll be in the vast minority (table for one, maybe even? lol) who actually liked this ep and felt it was a good season finale.

It was pretty obvious something was up by the way Oliver was making peace and saying goodbye to everyone (btw Felicity's "the Oliver Queen Farewell Tour" legit made me LOL) so I had already resigned myself to the fact that the second condition with the FBI was that he turn himself in.  And I even completely understand why he didn't tell Felicity beforehand - because she never would have agreed to it or accepted it, and her focus would be torn between trying to help them take down Diaz and figure out a way to keep her husband out of prison.  Since the show insisted on making Diaz out to be the most villainous villain that ever villained, they couldn't afford to have anyone splitting their focus like that as they tried to catch him and bring him in.

I skimmed a lot of the posts (sorry!) so I may have missed someone commenting on this already, but I really liked that Sara didn't pretend Black Siren was even a stand-in for the real Laurel.  She wasn't unkind or refuse to acknowledge her or anything, but she didn't pretend BS was someone she's not, either.  At one point she did kind of subconsciously reach out toward her, but then she turned and hugged Felicity instead I think.  I just thought it was a nice touch.

The less said about Quentin's death, the better.  He hasn't even been one of my favorite characters for the past 2 - 3 seasons, but he used to be, and his death hit me pretty hard.  (Where was his ex-wife, though?  Nobody thought to call her?)

I don't even know what else to talk about.  There's a million ways this season could have been better, but it is what it is.

  • Love 3
On 6/7/2018 at 6:06 AM, Taryn74 said:

It was pretty obvious something was up by the way Oliver was making peace and saying goodbye to everyone (btw Felicity's "the Oliver Queen Farewell Tour" legit made me LOL) so I had already resigned myself to the fact that the second condition with the FBI was that he turn himself in.  And I even completely understand why he didn't tell Felicity beforehand - because she never would have agreed to it or accepted it, and her focus would be torn between trying to help them take down Diaz and figure out a way to keep her husband out of prison.  Since the show insisted on making Diaz out to be the most villainous villain that ever villained, they couldn't afford to have anyone splitting their focus like that as they tried to catch him and bring him in.

I did a rewatch and I agree: Oliver didn't tell Felicity because she would have never agreed to go along with his plan. Even in the goodbye scene he hid behind the table because it was a physical barrier between them. As soon as Felicity walked in the room he got teary eyed – he had to keep the table between them, otherwise he wouldn't been able to go through with this and he knew it. He was barely able to look into her eyes. There was guilt and grief all over his face and body and that's why he couldn't hug her or even touch her. He stood up and came in front of the table only when Felicity was farther away, to talk to William.

And when I realized this, I was OK with that final scene and with no hugs and even no ILY because Oliver was actually saying all that without any words at all.

It annoys me that he was regressing back to old Oliver who makes choices for other people but I understand his reasoning. Felicity should still smack him though.

And now I have typed this I realized that I came out of lurking to say just that, which is just weird.

  • Love 10
48 minutes ago, Kuu-uurija said:

I did a rewatch and I agree: Oliver didn't tell Felicity because she would have never agreed to go along with his plan. Even in the goodbye scene he hid behind the table because it was a physical barrier between them. As soon as Felicity walked in the room he got teary eyed – he had to keep the table between them, otherwise he wouldn't been able to go through with this and he knew it. He was barely able to look into her eyes. There was guilt and grief all over his face and body and that's why he couldn't hug her or even touch her. He stood up and came in front of the table only when Felicity was farther away, to talk to William.

And when I realized this, I was OK with that final scene and with no hugs and even no ILY because Oliver was actually saying all that without any words at all.

It annoys me that he was regressing back to old Oliver who makes choices for other people but I understand his reasoning. Felicity should still smack him though.

And now I have typed this I realized that I came out of lurking to say just that, which is just weird.

I agree. I still kind of wish it had been shot differently, as I think actually being able to see it when they appeared to be grasping hands across the table would have made the scene read better, but on rewatch the scene and Oliver's reactions work much better than they did in the moment. 


Coming out of lurking is never a bad thing. :)

  • Love 3

I never noticed the parallel until today but when Diaz threatens to kill Laurel if Quentin doesn't do what he's told, Q responds with "Go to hell." Similar sentiments to when Slade took Laurel and Quentin was begging Oliver to save her and he responds with "The city comes first" or something like that. Poor Laurel, no matter which Earth she is from, no one wants to put her first, LMAO!

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
  • Love 9

Thus ends arguably the worst season of Arrow...

623 (Life Sentence) – No Oliver Queen voiceover intro.

623 (Life Sentence) – Oliver and his team, who are now working with FBI Agent Samanda Watson, take back the S.C.P.D. precinct from Diaz:
Oliver: "Diaz clearly has a third base of operations we don't know about."
Rene: "Yo, Hoss. Masks?"
Watson: "Mr. Queen and I have come to an understanding. Even if we didn't, your identity is hardly a well-kept secret, Mr. Ramirez."
Rene: "So you're done trying to throw us in jail?"
Oliver: "Everyone has immunity from prosecution, Rene. The FBI recognizes that Diaz is the clear and present danger."
Rene: "Better late than never, I suppose."
Felicity (entering): "That immunity deal does include me, right, because I'd really like to not spend the rest of my life in prison if I can avoid it."
Watson: "How did Diaz know we were moving in on him tonight?"
Oliver: "We've rounded up the S.C.P.D., but Diaz still controls dozens of city officials."
Dinah: "Diaz has a list of all of them. He keeps it on his person."
Watson: "Once we take Diaz, we won't need a list."
Diggle: "We need to interrogate all the people we rounded up, see if we can get one of them to give up Diaz's location."
Oliver: "Oh. They won't give it up. They're more afraid of them than they are of us."
Watson: "They also know without corroboration, Diaz, or this list of his, we'll have to kick them in 48 hours. (Oliver leaves) Where's he going?"
Curtis: "Probably to go talk to his guy on the inside."

623 (Life Sentence) – The Longbow Hunters are introduced to the Arrowverse:
Anatoly: "So what is your next move? You lost your army."
Diaz: "I made some new friends."
Anatoly: "New friends?"
Diaz: "The Longbow Hunters."
Anatoly: "Thought those were a myth."
Diaz: "They're very real."
*  *  *
Oliver: "What do you have, Anatoly?"
Anatoly: "Address for Diaz. He said to meet him there in one hour, but he's not going to be alone. He's bringing Longbow Hunters."
Curtis: "Long-what, now?"
Oliver: "Three assassins that even the League is afraid of. Or they were because the last one died out in the 1950s."
Diggle: "Or that's what they wanted people to think."
Rene: "We got the FBI backing us. Please tell me we're not afraid of three guys."
Dinah: "Hell, no."
Oliver: "All right. Let's get ready to move. I'll go tell Agent Watson."

623 (Life Sentence) – Rene, Watson and other FBI agents are trapped in Diaz's rigged laser grid, but Felicity saves them:
Oliver (over comms): "We're on site."
Felicity (over comms): "The FBI has graciously given me control of their keyhole satellites, which I got to say are a lot easier to operate when they aren't being hacked."
Watson: "All right. Listen up. Diaz may have lost his police force, but we believe he still has his personal security and Quadrant muscle backing him up. No warning shots. Let's move out."
Curtis: "If this is where Diaz is planning on making his last stand, I would have expected more guys with guns."
Rene: "Not seeing anything."
Felicity (over comms): "I'm getting a big thermal reading from inside the northwest corner."
Watson (over comms): ""That's where we're headed. Stand by."
(Watson, another FBI agent, and Rene enter the building. Suddenly a laser grid appears all around them.)
Rene: "Son of a bitch."
Anatoly: "What is it?"
Felicity: "Laser trip wires."
Anatoly: "Trip wires to what?"
Felicity (over comms): "Triacetone triperoxide. It's the thermal source. Diaz was never here. It's a trap."
*  *  *
Oliver (over comms): "Hang tight. We're almost at your position."
Felicity (over comms): "Negative. If you go in there, if anybody moves, the whole place will go up."
Rene (over comms): "If we can't move, we can't get to the bombs. How are we supposed to disarm them?"
Felicity (over comms): "I am working on that. Everyone else, just get clear."
Dinah (over comms): "We can't leave Rene."
Felicity (over comms): "No. There might be more explosives rigged. Just please get away from the building."
Oliver (over comms): "You heard her. Let's go."
Rene (over comms): "Talk to me, Blondie."
Felicity (over comms): "I'm tracing a radio signal to the explosives."
Anatoly: "In case Diaz gets impatient, wants to set off bomb himself."
Felicity (over comms): "If I can piggyback off the signal, I might be able to fool the triggers into thinking that you're not moving."
Rene (over comms): "Might? You can't see this, but there's enough explosives in here to send us into orbit."
Felicity (over comms): "Pressure is not helping, Rene."
*  *  *
Oliver (over comms): "Can we get in through the roof?"
Felicity (over comms): "Negative. Blowing the roof will set off the TATP. Stand by while I clone the trigger frequency."
*  *  *
Felicity (over comms): "He triggered the explosives, but I'm bouncing the signal off a bunch of satellites. You have seven seconds!"
Oliver (over comms): "Move!"

623 (Life Sentence) – Quentin doesn't want to risk E2 Laurel's life in order to get Diaz:
Felicity: "Guys! We have another problem."
Quentin: "I told Diaz to go to hell because you were about to move on him."
Anatoly: "It was deception. He learned I was helping you, and he manipulated me."
Diggle: "Means we're right back to square one, not knowing where Diaz is."
Watson: "But now we have a way to find out. You tell Diaz you want to see Laurel, proof of life. We follow you to her, her to Diaz."
Quentin: "You go in there guns blazing, my daughter takes the first bullet."
Watson: "From what Oliver tells me, she's not actually your daughter, and she's a criminal that made her own bed. This isn't a hostage situation. Our objective hasn't changed."
Quentin: "Oliver, please."
Oliver: "We can keep her safe."
Quentin: "How? The first thing he'll do when he sees you coming is kill her!"
Oliver: "I think this is a risk we need to take."
Quentin: "Yeah? Would you be taking that risk if this was our Laurel, or is that the kind of risk that got her killed in the first damn place?"

623 (Life Sentence) – Oliver figures out that Quentin expects them to track his pacemaker:
Rene: "I can't believe he'd do something so reckless."
Dinah: "Or stupid. He knows Diaz will kill him and Laurel."
Curtis: "What the hell was he thinking?"
Watson: "He wasn't. That's the problem."
Oliver: "Before Quentin went to see Diaz, he went out of his way to tell me that he had a pacemaker."
Felicity: "Yeah, and he's never told us that before."
Oliver: "So why would he say something now? You can track a pacemaker."
Felicity: "You know I can."
Oliver: "Quentin knew that Diaz's man was gonna frisk him for a tracker just like he knew that Diaz wasn't going to actually bring Laurel to the meet, so Quentin had Diaz bring him to her, knowing that we could track him."
Watson: "How long will it take you to find him?"
Felicity: "Give me a high-speed connection and a few minutes."

623 (Life Sentence) – Felicity wonders why Oliver has been going around saying good-bye to people:
Oliver: "Hey."
Felicity: "What is going on?"
Oliver: "What do you mean?"
Felicity: "I mean, you've been giving the Oliver Farewell Tour all around this place, including giving John the hood. You know, everyone's wondering what did you have to give Watson to get her to give us immunity. I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and guess it was giving up being the Green Arrow."
Oliver: "Sort of."
Felicity: "You can't be serious. What happened to becoming your best self?"
Oliver: "I don't know if I believe that anymore."
Felicity: "Oliver, this is who you are. You can't let Watson get in the middle of that."
Oliver: "She's not. It was my idea."
Felicity: "What do you mean, it was your idea?"
Curtis (entering): "Ahem. Uh, sorry to interrupt what looks like a pretty serious marital moment, but everyone's ready to go."
Oliver: "To be continued. Okay?"

623 (Life Sentence) – Sara meets E2 Laurel for the first time (per script):

623 (Life Sentence) – The FBI takes Oliver into custody, and everyone learns what deal Oliver made with FBI Agent Watson:
Watson: "Mr. Queen. It's time."
Felicity: "Time for what? (To Oliver) What is she talking about?"
Oliver: "I'm sorry that I haven't ex - explained this to everyone. There hasn't been any time."
Felicity: "There wasn't time to explain what?"
Rene: "You're arresting us?"
Felicity: "What the hell are you doing?"
Rene: "I thought you said we had immunity!"
Watson: "You do. Thanks to him."
Felicity: "Oh, my God."
Oliver (sighing): "It was the only way."
Felicity: "No, it was not the only way. There are a million other ways."
Dinah: "The judge threw out his case. You can't do this."
Watson: "I can. It's federal."
Dinah: "Federal."
Watson: "The Bureau's going to stay in Star City until Diaz is brought in, but only if Oliver agreed to turn himself in."
Sara (entering with Black Siren): "What the hell is going on here?"
Diggle: "Wait a minute. Just wait."
Dr. Schwartz (entering): "Ahem."
Oliver: "How's Quentin?"
Dr. Schwartz: "Mayor Lance seized during the procedure. The surgeons worked to revive him. They did everything they could, but his brain was deprived of oxygen for seven minutes. He's gone. I'm very sorry."
Watson: "Unfortunately, this doesn't change our arrangement."
Oliver: "I'm so sorry, Sara. All of you, please take care of each other."
Sara: "Ollie."
(The FBI agents lead Oliver away. Felicity hugs Sara.)

623 (Life Sentence) – While Oliver waits in the police interrogation room for transport to prison, Felicity and William visit him:
Watson:" Transport's delayed. We'll be transferring you in a half-hour."
(Felicity enters, as Watson leaves. Felicity uses an electronic device to turn off the surveillance camera.)
Felicity: "I talked to John. We have a plan. We're gonna get you out."
Oliver: "No, you can't."
Felicity: "Yes, we can. We've done it before. We got John out of -"
Oliver: "We broke him out of Langham Penitentiary."
Felicity: "Yes, we did."
Oliver: "They're transferring me to a Super Max, Felicity. And even if I wanted to break out, they would just arrest everyone, including you. I think that William deserves at least one parent."
Felicity: "During your trial, you said you didn't want to go public because you wanted a life after the Green Arrow. This is that life. You could -"
Oliver: "I wanted to stop Diaz. And I wanted to save you and William more. Not everything went our way. Quentin and - that protective custody that we talked about for the two of you during my trial -"
Felicity: "No."
Oliver: "Lyla's gonna handle everything. Uh, I promise, just until Diaz is off the board."
Felicity: "No. I refuse to believe that this is the only option."
Oliver: "We won back the city. We got it back. Thought I had lost it."
Felicity: "You didn't do that alone."
Oliver: "I know. Diaz tried to kill everybody close to me. I had to find a way to protect everybody. (Sighs) This was the way. (Felicity is crying) Is William here?"
Felicity: "Yeah, he's outside. He's scared. He's confused. He's wondering how the woman that he's known for less than a year is suddenly his only parent."
Oliver: "Would you please go get him."
Felicity: "Yeah."
(She brings William into the room.)
Oliver: "Buddy, how are you doing?"
William: "I don't understand. What's happening?"
Oliver: "I'm gonna explain everything to you."

623 (Life Sentence) – The FBI brings Oliver outside in handcuffs, and Oliver makes a public statement to the press:
Reporter: "Mr. Queen, why are you being arrested again?"
Oliver: "I have voluntarily handed myself over to the FBI."
Reporter: "Can you comment any further?"
Oliver: "Yes, I can. I am the Green Arrow. I realize that I've denied that claim with the same conviction with which I'm speaking now. I have let good people stand accused of things that I've done. Roy Harper is not the Green Arrow. Tommy Merlyn is most certainly not the Green Arrow. These are two names on a long list of people who have given so much and sacrificed everything in the name of my crusade. Some of them gave their lives in the pursuit of one simple objective - to save our city. Star City still needs saving. Last night we dealt our enemy a critical blow, but there is still work to be done. So I'm looking to the people of this city. I'm looking to my allies, to my friends, to my partners. And I'm asking them to continue. To keep fighting. I'm asking them to complete our mission. To save our city."



Edited by tv echo

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