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15 hours ago, mwell345 said:

Awwww...LVP wants the audience to give poor misunderstood Dorit another chance.  No thanks.  I would like to have asked LVP just exactly how Dorit has been misunderstood.  Every issue Dorit had with every one of them, including LVP, has been Dorit’s doing.  She has no one to blame but herself for the audience backlash.


 I thought Teddi held her own with Erika.  And Erika is just plain nasty.  It seemed to me like she had a problem with Teddi from the beginning. 

Erika has only spoken terribly to Eileen and Teddi.  She would never speak that way to LVP, Kyle, Rinna, Camille, Dorit.  My impression is she feels better than Teddi and feels she CAN but not sure why she did this to someone she calls a friend (Eileen).  My guess is she doesn't get that heated with Dorit due to the LVP connection.  

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I have no idea of whether Pandora is pregnant or not. I’m amazed LVP will have any of the final say on what her daughter’s  babies name will be. I’m sure Pandora and her husband will be the decision makers. Lol, but I do think that LVP is pompous enough to think that she has. 

ever since I was 15, I knew my first born daughter's name was going to be my dad's mother's name.  Everyone in my family did, and 20 years later......she was named it.  So I don't find it peculiar that Pandy may already know her future kid's name.  

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

ever since I was 15, I knew my first born daughter's name was going to be my dad's mother's name.  Everyone in my family did, and 20 years later......she was named it.  So I don't find it peculiar that Pandy may already know her future kid's name.  

I might not have made my statement clear. Pandy of course should name her child. My objection would be that LVP get to name her grandchild. Although she might make some suggestions, I don’t think that it’s her business to name it. 

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

Hee! Oh but Erika claims her outfits give her so much depth. I guess she mistakes being an asshole with depth. 

Who you tellin'? Erika's absolutely clueless; esp. when abusing someone like Teddi! I wouldn't put up with the psycho tirades, the chronic tardiness, or the constant blasé attitude about life where she's "done it all!" If you ask her about climbing Mt. Everest, she'll come up with an anecdote to make it seem she did while being fascinated about what she was wearing, who was there, and all about the great time had by all! I just couldn't! It's the same thing with Dorit going on and on and on, probably believing they're making sense when most are confused why they're on rants of illogical thought! I've been known to cut off my own children if droning on about something no one's interested in! If you're boring me, you're probably boring everyone so I put a stop to it when needed! Dorit needs a profession just to keep her on track of a discussion and how to edit it down so people's eyes aren't rolling to the back of their heads! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Kyle's new teeth really gave her a different look.  I don't understand why people are always screwing with their teeth.  I don't recall her having "bad" teeth to begin with, did she?  She must have run out of things to focus on in the mirror that day.  That thing she does with her mouth constantly, the clamping of the lips, drives me batty.  I'm assuming she's trying to smooth out the filler, lol.

Me thinks she's clinging to a lot of things.

I also noticed her new choppers made it hard for her to eat.  It didn't look natural.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I might not have made my statement clear. Pandy of course should name her child. My objection would be that LVP get to name her grandchild. Although she might make some suggestions, I don’t think that it’s her business to name it. 

I would think that would be a decision left up to Pandora,  her husband and LVP. She obviously has no legal power to name it but tgey could easily ask her to do it, my great grandmother named all the kids in my family while she was alive. 

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I also noticed her new choppers made it hard for her to eat.  It didn't look natural.

This is what's so unlikeable about Kyle; going high maintenance just to say to others all she does to keep it together! Even with all "that air" of being a BH wife, there's something so very common about Kyle! I guess it's the snob in me, but her style is horrid, she kvetches about being so busy and being taken away from her family when she has it all already, I just ROLL MY EYES with her constant kvetchin' about everyday life when she has no real problems! She's rich, has several beautiful children, stars in this horrid show, but still feels this need to try and find more fame even if it means opening another failed business in NY! She finally pushed me over the edge with the constant victimhood; real and imagined! ;-)

Edited by Fiero425
  • Love 8
13 hours ago, SCS said:


It appears that LVP has an arrangement where she is the "face" of the publication and no doubt opines about the various profiles and images -- but how much power she has over editorial and creative decisions (other than to say she wants to do a story on X or do a fashion shoot featuring Y) is debatable. Look at the staff page:

Lisa's image is large and color (and dangerously approaching cat-woman territory) whereas everyone else is a small-by-comparison B&W shot. I was amused to see Pandora is the executive editor (just shaking my head on that one), and Trista and Ryan from one of those Bachelor shows are editorial contributors.




You'll all be happy to know Beverly Hills Lifestyle has a deep sense of commitment to the world, proudly declaring




Christina Makowsky is the BHL Fashion Editor. She is also allegedly the jewelry line designer that LVP is hocking. She was also the person who first showed up at LVP's house along with Mark to discuss using Dorit for their fashion shoot.

Anyone remember Christina talking about Dorit's street creds - her social media is IMPECCABLE and beautiful decolletage?

LVP/Christina/Mark: may have planned this before the season filmed. They got the LVP house scene, 2 photo shoot scenes (one Dorit and one unknown model), Grumpy Cat scene talking to LVP about how beautiful the photos were and the BHL party. All filmed by Bravo and aired - giving BHL and the jewelry line lots of free publicity.

When you go on the magazine site where they show the jewelry - there is a website address on the bottom for the jewelry line - it doesn't work.

Who is going to be LVP's market/customer base? Her fans? I don't see this line doing so well.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, nexxie said:

If I were Kyle, I’d never tell LVP another thing - people who weaponize vulnerabilities (especially in order to punish someone) are scum.

Just how did Lisa use what Kyle tells her as a weapon and when did she do this? All Lisa did was correct Kyle's nasty comment that Lisa left the lunch with her/Dorit because "It wasn't all about you (Lisa)" making it sound like Lisa only talked about herself, which is not true. It is far more likely that Kyle would betray Lisa by revealing private info than Lisa doing it to Kyle.

1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Erika had to ride with LVP so they could film on the way to Dana Point.  After they were done filming Erika most likely wanted a quick exit.  I don't think it is a big secret Erika regularly travels with her assistant or Glam Squad.  

I have a theory on the "off with her head" I don;t think it was the bad energy, I think LVP pulled her punches because she didn't want Dorit's face associated with her jewelry line because Dorit was an ass this season.

Nahhh, the magazine owner didn't want the face of someone that put down his team on camera featured in his magazine. 

26 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Erika has only spoken terribly to Eileen and Teddi.  She would never speak that way to LVP, Kyle, Rinna, Camille, Dorit.  My impression is she feels better than Teddi and feels she CAN but not sure why she did this to someone she calls a friend (Eileen).  My guess is she doesn't get that heated with Dorit due to the LVP connection.  

Not quite, Erika was nasty/OTT to Dorit and PK last season.

11 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I would think that would be a decision left up to Pandora,  her husband and LVP. She obviously has no legal power to name it but tgey could easily ask her to do it, my great grandmother named all the kids in my family while she was alive. 

Lisa was talking about a nickname for her first grand child, not their actual first name IMO. 

  • Love 14
1 minute ago, SweetieDarling said:

My theory? LVP is covering her ass, so that when Dorit gets fired they can't pull the "You didn't have my back" card.

Well you can be assured, Dorit will still rationalize how LVP just contributed to her bad PR pulling those pics out of the magazine at the last minute! That's what Dorit does; re-lives the conversations she has with the girls with PK and makes up all kinds of drama he fuels by allowing her imagination to run wild! I'm still horrified by that dinner they had with Teddi and her husband! Dorit went on a rant about Rinna and I'm not sure I could sit there without telling her to keep it to herself! Teddi was just as horrified, but didn't say anything, just nodding and being polite! I guess that's what you do when young! Me, I would have given her the "throat slash" sign to STOP! Teddi and Rinna were and are friendly IIRC! Dorit's the only one who's in constant warfare because her mind goes off the deep end making dramas out of whole cloth! As most can tell, she doesn't listen to anything anyone else has to say which keeps her zeroed in on making her point which she feels is the truth! The woman's too delusional for words and people need to take her to task more often to stop her BS! ;-)

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

She did seem to imply that the money she is currently making (between her Bravo paycheck and minor appearances at clubs) is bankrolling her $40k per month lifestyle. Tom maybe dialing back. 

Ok I can roll with this, but I must add that this kind of expense if she really paying her own way, is dependent on THAT BRAVO check. I do hope she doesn't receive another one. Let her be rude somewhere else.  

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Just how did Lisa use what Kyle tells her as a weapon and when did she do this? All Lisa did was correct Kyle's nasty comment that Lisa left the lunch with her/Dorit because "It wasn't all about you (Lisa)" making it sound like Lisa only talked about herself, which is not true. It is far more likely that Kyle would betray Lisa by revealing private info than Lisa doing it to Kyle.

They weren’t discussing the restaurant scene when LVP launched her attack on Kyle for her vulnerabilities - obviously she’d been chewing on that and couldn’t wait to punish Kyle (like she punished Dorit by cutting off her head). Finally, when she mentioned the restaurant scene, they all saw what the attack was about - LVP never forgets an ego bruising.

It also seemed that mentioning having seen Kathy was meant to hurt Kyle. LVP is a vicious woman who wraps her dark heart in pink and pretends to be a friend.

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I have led nothing even resembling a "charmed life," but I've heard very few people speak to a friend or acquaintance the way Erika spoke to Teddi multiple times. It's pedantic, dismissive, nasty, aggressive, and chiding all at the same time. 

I, in my uncharmed life, have had people speak to me that way. But guess what? They only got to do it once. They either apologized or I never spoke to them again. If Teddi had her druthers, I doubt she'd bother associating with Erika. But now they're co-workers and she's stuck with her. Some people hold themselves in high respect and do not allow themselves to be spoken to like trash. I'm one of them, and I'm proud of it. You'd have to cost me thousands of dollars, hurt my dog, or hurt a family member for me to hurl the kind of unprompted nastiness at you that Erika tossed Teddi's way in that restaurant. Erika's complete lack of shame about the whole thing makes it even worse.

I'm Italian. It's one thing to get mad, yell, fly off the handle, and maybe have a Rinna moment. What strikes me about Erika's reaction is how VISCERALLY nasty and calm Erika was at the same time. It's a mode she's comfortable in and feels no shame about. That's telling. And it doesn't bode well for friendships.


It doesn’t bode well for motherhood either - after seeing Erika explode at Eileen and Teddi, I wonder if she left her child because she lost custody or was about to.

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I have led nothing even resembling a "charmed life," but I've heard very few people speak to a friend or acquaintance the way Erika spoke to Teddi multiple times. It's pedantic, dismissive, nasty, aggressive, and chiding all at the same time. 

I, in my uncharmed life, have had people speak to me that way. But guess what? They only got to do it once. They either apologized or I never spoke to them again. If Teddi had her druthers, I doubt she'd bother associating with Erika. But now they're co-workers and she's stuck with her. Some people hold themselves in high respect and do not allow themselves to be spoken to like trash. I'm one of them, and I'm proud of it. You'd have to cost me thousands of dollars, hurt my dog, or hurt a family member for me to hurl the kind of unprompted nastiness at you that Erika tossed Teddi's way in that restaurant. Erika's complete lack of shame about the whole thing makes it even worse.

I'm Italian. It's one thing to get mad, yell, fly off the handle, and maybe have a Rinna moment. What strikes me about Erika's reaction is how VISCERALLY nasty and calm Erika was at the same time. It's a mode she's comfortable in and feels no shame about. That's telling. And it doesn't bode well for friendships.

The funniest part? I don't even like Teddi. I do think she's boring and a shit-stirrer. But the way you speak to people matters. And if someone speaks to you disrespectfully over and over again, it's not your attitude that needs adjusting, it's their tone. When Erika says "That's on you, those are your feelings," what she's really saying is, "I'm going to verbally shit on you over and over again and I expect you to just take it."

Same here! I wouldn't speak to someone I really disliked the way Erika dismisses people! I also wouldn't allow someone to offend me again and again; the apologies would be worthless! ;-)

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Yes, LVP is starting to resemble (as another PT poster mentioned awhile back)  Michael Jackson and not in a good way. Apparently, she does NOT have a good plastic surgeon. And don't get me started on her neck! It's equally as messed up as Kyle and Kim. Wrinkles, Sharpei ripples, crepey skin. And these women are only in their 50's/late 40's? Good luck to all of them for attempting to look "forever young". You lost that one already.

She looked so much better and younger on the Vanderpump Rules reunion.

Adding my 2 cents after watching the DVR:

Dorit - Cut her loose. She does not add to the show in any way, shape or form.

Erika - Let her go. She did nothing and seems bored with the whole concept of RHOBH. 

LVP - She needs to hire a better stylist. I like that she does stand up for herself whether others agree or not. I do not agree with her about Dorit being misunderstood.

Kyle - meh. Boring. Wil not be watching American Woman; couldn't care less!

LR - No opinion. She wasn't great; she wasn't awful.

Teddi - Love her. She's not rude, can speak for herself, and is relatable.

Edited by Snappy
  • Love 13
3 hours ago, nexxie said:

If I were Kyle, I’d never tell LVP another thing - people who weaponize vulnerabilities (especially in order to punish someone) are scum.

I respectfully disagree.  LVP didn't say anything more than Kyle herself has said for years.  To me, Kyle did seem to be projecting at the beach house.

 I also believe that LVP keeps quiet about things Kyle tells her confidentially.

  • Love 14
26 minutes ago, Christi said:

Erika would be much more tolerable if she wasnt ALWAYS in Jayne Mode now.  Not every coffee date needs to be a 'moment' with a freaking look designed for it.  Save Jayne for the stage, and show up as a real, relatable person....it would be interesting to see a human being, rather than JUST a blow up/themed  sex doll.


She was ridiculous hosting that dinner party in Berlin wearing a hat and veil like she was Mata Hari! Making everyone wait while she squeezes into the latex get-up made even less sense! Are the girls so mesmerized by these transformations? I think not! ;-(

Edited by Fiero425
  • Love 16
7 hours ago, TexasGal said:

LVP's "casual" mention of how she had seen Kathy recently was a perfect sniper from the side move.

Teddi and Rinna (how is this possible?) came off the best, I thought.  I generally like Kyle, accepting that she is far from perfect, but she lost me tonight.  Dorit and Erika, no further comment is needed.

Kyle said she hasn't spoken to Kathy in 6 months. Kyle needs to wake up Kathy is D-O-N-E with her. She didn't even care enough to call her to find out what things of their mom's was stolen.

RHOBH - gave her the "fame" she craved above all else.

Kyle outed Kim's alcoholism on National TV. Isn't this the "secret" she promised to keep for her mom?

  • Love 13
Just now, KungFuBunny said:

Kyle said she hasn't spoken to Kathy in 6 months. Kyle needs to wake up Kathy is D-O-N-E with her. She didn't even care enough to call her to find out what things of their mom's was stolen.

RHOBH - gave her the "fame" she craved above all else.

Kyle outed Kim's alcoholism on National TV. Isn't this the "secret" she promised to keep for her mom?

Kyle's losing a bit of her innocence season after season! I had a problem allowing Rinna to bully Kim to undermine her sobriety! Then there's her level of "celebrity Ho-dom" that makes me cringe! It isn't enough being a Richards related to the Hiltons! She has to have that little bit of notoriety all to herself and it's gonna cost her! Kathy and Kim are obviously ticked off by the "American Woman" show and Kyle's BS about it only being "inspired" by her childhood is flying with them! ;-(

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Kyle said she hasn't spoken to Kathy in 6 months. Kyle needs to wake up Kathy is D-O-N-E with her. She didn't even care enough to call her to find out what things of their mom's was stolen.

RHOBH - gave her the "fame" she craved above all else.

Kyle outed Kim's alcoholism on National TV. Isn't this the "secret" she promised to keep for her mom?

I do think it is funny that Kathy has more of a relationship with LVP than Kyle.  Where Kathy goes-Kim follows.  

RHOBH gave Kyle the victim podium.  As a former Kyle loyalist, I think the plug on that is about to be pulled.  Kyle fucked RInna over last night.  RInna will be back armed with Dorit and Erika-they will be unstoppable.  RInna has taken a few bullets for Kyle.    

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

You really think she NEEDS this Bravo check? I think her future is set with her family "thank you very much!" ;-)

I think there is a certain addiction these cast members have being on a reality TV show.

Neither LVP nor Maloof "needed" the money, but something is in that limelight.

I don't see LVP ever giving up her diamond. If Ken passes away - I picture Lisa stapling him to various objects a la Weekend At Bernie's

  • Love 14
2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I do think it is funny that Kathy has more of a relationship with LVP than Kyle.  Where Kathy goes-Kim follows.  

RHOBH gave Kyle the victim podium.  As a former Kyle loyalist, I think the plug on that is about to be pulled.  Kyle fucked RInna over last night.  RInna will be back armed with Dorit and Erika-they will be unstoppable.  RInna has taken a few bullets for Kyle.    

Kyle'll never outdo the pretentiousness, pettiness, and b!tchiness of Dorit and Erika! Where she does compare is "not listening" and only caring about what she has to say; hence not remembering Nanny K! ;-)

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

And a Staffordshire Terrier named Queensly, who has bitten been bitten by a housekeeper.

We are nearly done!  Some madcap spying on past girlfriends in some zany wigs should be in there somewhere.  Maybe a culinary scene mixing up some macaroni salad with their hands (its inspired by the potato salad donchknow!).

  • Love 10
43 minutes ago, Christi said:

Erika would be much more tolerable if she wasnt ALWAYS in Jayne Mode now.  Not every coffee date needs to be a 'moment' with a freaking look designed for it.  Save Jayne for the stage, and show up as a real, relatable person....it would be interesting to see a human being, rather than JUST a blow up/themed  sex doll.

1000 times yes!!! 

I don't understand the constant need for the glam squad.  If you're doing a show in Berlin or wherever the heck you are, fine, but you don't need them for every freaking event. I can't get past some of her looks to even begin to look at the person.  I thought the latex was horrible (and the bangs that went with it)  and all I could think about was how uncomfortable it must be.  (I wanted so much for there to be a puddle and for bicycle guy to get mud all over her). 

Clearly she does it for attention- - she gets to make a grand entrance,  the other ladies ooh and ahh over it, and she gets to tell them what it takes to achieve the look.  Either she is very, very needy, or very superficial - or both.

The only time she seemed happy  during the reunion was during the first part when Andy started asking the others which look of hers they liked the best. Spare me.

1 minute ago, Natalie68 said:

We are nearly done!  Some madcap spying on past girlfriends in some zany wigs should be in there somewhere.  Maybe a culinary scene mixing up some macaroni salad with their hands (its inspired by the potato salad donchknow!).

Don't forget "The Mystery of the Stolen House."

  • Love 23
4 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

1000 times yes!!! 

I don't understand the constant need for the glam squad.  If you're doing a show in Berlin or wherever the heck you are, fine, but you don't need them for every freaking event. I can't get past some of her looks to even begin to look at the person.  I thought the latex was horrible (and the bangs that went with it)  and all I could think about was how uncomfortable it must be.  (I wanted so much for there to be a puddle and for bicycle guy to get mud all over her). 

Clearly she does it for attention- - she gets to make a grand entrance,  the other ladies ooh and ahh over it, and she gets to tell them what it takes to achieve the look.  Either she is very, very needy, or very superficial - or both.

The only time she seemed happy  during the reunion was during the first part when Andy started asking the others which look of hers they liked the best. Spare me.

Don't forget "The Mystery of the Stolen House."

That has cliffhanger written all over it!

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

By most accounts Big Kathy was a horror of a mother.  She was a chronic alcoholic whose thirst for fame was was lived out through her daughters, especially Kim.  Big Kathy and the Hollywood system exploited Kim and it destroyed her.  I think Kim's main issue is the PTSD she suffers from due to the abuse she endured as a child star.  Her alcoholism and drug use is a "coping mechanism" for her to deal with the pain.  I am not making excuses for Kim's substance abuse, she is responsible for her drinking.  Kim is extremely emotionally fragile.  Like many addicts with a history of child abuse, putting down the drugs and alcohol and going to rehab is the "easy" part.  However, when they are no longer numbing the pain with drugs and alcohol, all of their past trauma and pain begins to surface and an addict new to recovery will often pick up and use again to make it stop.  I feel that Kim has been caught up in this cycle for decades.  The worst thing for her has been joining Kyle on RHOBH.  Kyle exploits her sister's vulnerabilities and use them to make her look like "the loyal put upon sister".  She never had her sister's back when Taylor or Rinna attacked Kim.  She sat back and allowed them to abuse Kim.  Now Kyle is exploiting their painful childhoods to gain more fame and money by "creating" a TV show about them.  Kyle is a thirsty bitch and is toxic to Kim.    

I still believe Bravo wanted Kim on the show not Kyle. Or wouldn't take Kyle unless Kim was involved. For me, I knew Kim Richards - but I had no idea who Kyle was. Kyle convinced Kim to do the show with her. This is what fractured the trio sisters relationship.

Kathy knew it was too much of a risk without editorial control. When Kyle disobeyed - the "secret" they carried was the ticking time bomb that exploded.

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

By most accounts Big Kathy was a horror of a mother.  She was a chronic alcoholic whose thirst for fame was was lived out through her daughters, especially Kim.  Big Kathy and the Hollywood system exploited Kim and it destroyed her.  I think Kim's main issue is the PTSD she suffers from due to the abuse she endured as a child star.  Her alcoholism and drug use is a "coping mechanism" for her to deal with the pain.  I am not making excuses for Kim's substance abuse, she is responsible for her drinking.  Kim is extremely emotionally fragile.  Like many addicts with a history of child abuse, putting down the drugs and alcohol and going to rehab is the "easy" part.  However, when they are no longer numbing the pain with drugs and alcohol, all of their past trauma and pain begins to surface and an addict new to recovery will often pick up and use again to make it stop.  I feel that Kim has been caught up in this cycle for decades.  The worst thing for her has been joining Kyle on RHOBH.  Kyle exploits her sister's vulnerabilities and use them to make her look like "the loyal put upon sister".  She never had her sister's back when Taylor or Rinna attacked Kim.  She sat back and allowed them to abuse Kim.  Now Kyle is exploiting their painful childhoods to gain more fame and money by "creating" a TV show about them.  Kyle is a thirsty bitch and is toxic to Kim.    


Also, Big Kathy pitted the daughters against each other. There was none of this each success is a  'feather in each other's cap."  There is jealousy, competition, and a bizarre co-dependency (particularly with Kim and Kyle) Not healthy sisterly relationships by any stretch of the imagination. 

  • Love 11
41 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

Kyle's losing a bit of her innocence season after season! I had a problem allowing Rinna to bully Kim to undermine her sobriety! Then there's her level of "celebrity Ho-dom" that makes me cringe! It isn't enough being a Richards related to the Hiltons! She has to have that little bit of notoriety all to herself and it's gonna cost her! Kathy and Kim are obviously ticked off by the "American Woman" show and Kyle's BS about it only being "inspired" by her childhood is flying with them! ;-(


39 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I do think it is funny that Kathy has more of a relationship with LVP than Kyle.  Where Kathy goes-Kim follows.  

RHOBH gave Kyle the victim podium.  As a former Kyle loyalist, I think the plug on that is about to be pulled.  Kyle fucked RInna over last night.  RInna will be back armed with Dorit and Erika-they will be unstoppable.  RInna has taken a few bullets for Kyle.    

When Kyle said maybe Rinna really remembered at least the sentiment about enabling, near death, not sober...I was hoping Rinna would say well if you want to go there, I'll be honest and say where I heard it. It was from you Kyle, after Kingsley bit your daughter, you were ranting and raving about Kim - this is what you said.

Erika has her own issues with Kyle - it was Kyle who constantly tried to bring Erika into the LVP/Kyle/Dorit fight this season. Erika wanted absolutely no involvement. Kyle also ruined 2 events hosted by Erika - the horse back riding trip and the dinner in Erika's suite. Even though it was Dorit who brought up the panty gifting at the dinner - no one took what she said seriously - everyone just saw blathering except for Kyle. So again Kyle does it to Erika one more time at the Swimwear party, making this all Erika's fault - with Teddi jumping in to say Erika could have fixed it.

If Erika/Rinna/Dorit unite next season - Kyle better watch it along with Teddi.

  • Love 6

Bravo hired Kyle after seeing her talk about her niece Paris, Kim was a side piece.  Much of the credit of RHOBH goes to Kyle.  I may not like Kyle now but she is heavily credited with helping start the show. There was never a twofer with Kim and Kyle.  When RHOBH first started filming Kathy Hilton and her family had a show on VH-1 and they would not cross lines to film.  Kim was never the big draw-the producers knew she was a hapless drunk barely ever to pay her rent.  They even highlight it in Season 1 with Kim complaining how Kyle manages her money and Kyle talking about how Kim blew through her trust money at age 18.

Kyle has every right to her recollection and should be able to produce a "inspired by" show.  Heck, Kathy isn't even a role on the "American Woman" show.  The sisters tried doing their own reality show and if one takes a peek at Kyle's thread it was just so bad.  Kim and Kyle had some co-starring roles but Kathy was never in the mix.

LVP's point was valid about Kyle last night. Unless the two of them are on the outs Kyle is a whiner.  Where Kyle screwed up was in confronting LVP at the beach house claiming LVP was upset if it wasn't all about her.  

14 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:


Also, Big Kathy pitted the daughters against each other. There was none of this each success is a  'feather in each other's cap."  There is jealousy, competition, and a bizarre co-dependency (particularly with Kim and Kyle) Not healthy sisterly relationships by any stretch of the imagination. 

I am sorry but not one sister has ever given this credence.  The girls are five years apart so they never vied for the same roles.  They did celebrate each other's successes.  When Kim was in her heyday at about 15 years old-Kyle was 10 years old and Kathy was on her way to marry Rick Hilton.  The BS meter comes in because Kyle has tried to recreate her mother and become the boss.  I have no doubt Big Kathy asked her daughters to get along. . . duh . . . what mother doesn't.  Big Kathy was very fair she split her assets three ways. Kathy and Kim cashed out and  Kyle decided to abide by her mother's wishes to hod onto her home (at a loss) for 10 years.   Big Kathy always liked Kim best and she leaned on Kyle to protect Kim.  Kathy and Kim are frustrated by Kyle's fame ho stuff.  In Kyle's defense there is no upside in partnering with her sisters.  Mauricio was promised a partnership by Rick Hilton and Rick screwed his #1 sales person.  

Through all the sister bullshit-the daughters (cousins) have managed to stay close.  Kathy Hilton has shown time and time again she doesn't even value her nieces attempts to stay close.  I don't know if the sisters' dynamic is all that different I just know Kyle puts the dynamic out there year after year.  I don't think Kathy appreciates it.

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, nexxie said:

They weren’t discussing the restaurant scene when LVP launched her attack on Kyle for her vulnerabilities - obviously she’d been chewing on that and couldn’t wait to punish Kyle (like she punished Dorit by cutting off her head). Finally, when she mentioned the restaurant scene, they all saw what the attack was about - LVP never forgets an ego bruising.

It also seemed that mentioning having seen Kathy was meant to hurt Kyle. LVP is a vicious woman who wraps her dark heart in pink and pretends to be a friend.

They were discussing what happened at Teddi's beach house, which is where Kyle accused Lisa of leaving the restaurant because it "wasn't all about" her and Lisa had every right to set the record straight, as this isn't the first time Kyle has made this type of claim against Lisa. Kyle knows full well that Lisa/Kathy are friends and see each other, this would not have been a surprise to Kyle. 

I really think you have the 2 personalities confused/mixed up, Kyle is the egotist/narcissist/manipulator that goes after Lisa's vulnerabilities and Lisa is the victim that keeps coming back. 

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2 hours ago, Christi said:

Erika would be much more tolerable if she wasnt ALWAYS in Jayne Mode now.  Not every coffee date needs to be a 'moment' with a freaking look designed for it.  Save Jayne for the stage, and show up as a real, relatable person....it would be interesting to see a human being, rather than JUST a blow up/themed  sex doll.

Amen to this!  Mr. Chat and I have a joke about how we apologize to each other.  For instance, if I get upset with him about an issue (which isn't often,) my way of apologizing is to jokingly say "I'm sorry you made me mad!"   It makes us both laugh.  Then I will make a heartfelt apology.  I think this is how Erika apologizes, but she isn't joking.  You can't go around in life announcing what an asshole you are and then expect people to accept your rude behavior. 

I do not like this idea of people thinking they can say "well, that's just the way I am, you'll have to accept it."  No, there are rules of etiquette and social norms that most people go by.   If I'm doing something that isn't acceptable, that's on me!  I need to change.   I certainly wouldn't be proud of myself if I thought I was an asshole.  That sets the bar pretty damn low.  I strive to be a whole lot better than that.  

  • Love 22
5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

My impression is she feels better than Teddi and feels she CAN but not sure why she did this to someone she calls a friend (Eileen). 

Thinking about this statement:  remember when Andy asked Erika about collaborating with Teddi’s Dad?   Erika’s response was to say he didn’t need it.  She will never be on his level, ever.  So I wonder how much her professional jealousy of John is affecting her relationship with her daughter?

Edited by b2H
  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I do not like this idea of people thinking they can say "well, that's just the way I am, you'll have to accept it."  No, there are rules of etiquette and social norms that most people go by.   If I'm doing something that isn't acceptable, that's on me!  I need to change.   I certainly wouldn't be proud of myself if I thought I was an asshole.  That sets the bar pretty damn low.  I strive to be a whole lot better than that.  

That seems to me to be a very "reality show" personality trait - I don't know a lot of people IRL who enjoy being so nasty!

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