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S05.E04: All Talk No Action

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21 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

All of our discussions about how evil and nasty Naomi is, serves her purpose perfectly.  Her purpose being a contract for a third season.

I don’t see her as deliberately allowing herself to be cast in th the role of “the bad guy,” as she’d never see herself that way. I have to think that she thought we’d all be siding with her as if she’s “justified” in her attitude. Like, for how many seasons have we talked about Craig being lazy and unmotivated? I can see her thinking that we’d all be like, “Go, Naomie... tell him how it is!” When really, instead of criticizing Elizabeth for keeping mum about her problems in public, she could’ve stood to have been a bit more like her. Not in the sense of denying problems, but in the sense of smiling and holding her tongue, at least when the cameras are rolling. 

20 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I wonder if Thomas' father has threatened to withhold an inheritance as long as Thomas trashes the family name by being with Kathryn.


15 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I'm of the opinion that Thomas and his father do a fine job of that, without any consideration of Kathryn.

^^^ This. Of course, Papa Ravenel would never see it that way...

  • Love 4
21 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I'm not sure Kathryn will ever give up her dream of a wealthy husband who affords her a lavish carefree life.

She needs to move on and keep hunting for fresh meat and give up the TRav infatuation. It doesn't get any easier as time goes by. Maybe she should make amends with Patricia so she can get some good pointers on how to do it successfully!

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, nexxie said:

I think Kathryn was speaking truth when she mentioned the double standard and how “justice” works for rich men in a place like Charleston - 

It's even worse for her with TRav because he is not only wealthy, he has that prominent family name and all the important Charleston connections. Even the bad publicity is good publicity for TRav. 

  • Love 7
On 4/27/2018 at 1:32 PM, Panda Bear said:

Kathryn, you're better than Thomas and his sad, fame-hungry girlfriend (who isn't much when she doesn't have her make-up spackled on). Stay strong. (And I know--you could easily make the case that Kathryn once was that same fame-hungry girl, but I give her more leeway because she was only 21 at the time. Ashley's what, 32? She should know better by now.) 

Speaking of age, I don't think I realized how truly young Naomie still is until this season. She is going to be so embarrassed about her behavior someday, if she isn't already. I hope she and Craig truly do stay apart, because it isn't entertaining to

Just watched this. Last week I said the same about Naomie. She's getting a really bad rap for her behavior, but we forget she's so young and inexperienced. I'm watching her make the mistakes I made. The women on this show are actually displaying signs of actual personal growth. Kathryn in particular. She's is making TRav look like the priveleged, Old Boys network, permanently personality stunted ass he is without raising her voice or an eyebrow. Ashley, and any other of TRav's 'for the show' consorts, don't stand a chance. I think at this moment, Kathryn is probably working on an endgame that sees her and TRav together and married. What I think MAY happen, is that Kathryn, through practising all this, developing conflict management skills and really appreciating having women as friends and support, instead of seeing them always through the prism of how much of a threat they are vis a vis TRav, I think she'll end up realising that she doesn't NEED or WANT TRav. Kathryn could be president, down the track. 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, nexxie said:

I think Kathryn was speaking truth when she mentioned the double standard and how “justice” works for rich men in a place like Charleston - why is it okay for him to be a drunken (and more?) a-hole who introduces his children to new lovers within a week?

Apparently neither is allowed to be drunk around the children.  https://allaboutthetea.com/2018/04/27/kathryn-spotted-drunk/   For some reason I always felt as if that were pretty much a given with parents.  I think Kathryn has pretty well worked herself into 50% custody/visitation.  I hope it works out for the parties involved.  Kathryn was in a bad way and got help and I think the children were fortunate to have a parent to be with while she got help.  

Very strange if Thomas allegedly met this woman on May 5th (they were posing for pictures as a couple on May 6th) that she would take a trip to Charleston a week later.  I don't think it was  big surprise she was posing for pictures with Whitney that weekend-maybe it was an audition. Oh well, Kathryn met Thomas and was taking a pregnancy test two weeks later.   Once again nothing surprises me when it comes to this group as we now have Kathryn giving etiquette tips.  http://hauteliving.com/2018/04/southern-charm-star-kathryn-calhoun-dennis-shares-etiquette-tips/655100/

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Ashley on the other hand reminds me a lot of Dana Delaney.http://castle.wikia.com/wiki/Dana_Delany

OMG Yes!!! And that would be right smack bang in the middle of TRav's most prolific 'playa' period, when Dana Delaney was a thing. So we're probably seeing one of his 'types' right here. Can't hold a candle to the flame haired one, that's for damn sure. And, i never liked Dana Delaney! Her career went about as far as Ashley's is going to in this saga. 

  • Love 3

I do agree that Kathryn has made great strides as far as becoming sober, learning how to control her anger, learning how to be a parent to her children and tolerating Thomas’ misbehavior. She’s grown up so much in the past few years and he hasn’t changed one damn bit. I believe that at some point, she will be a responsible parent to her children, find a man who will love and support her/her children and Thomas will die just as he’s lived. Drunk, alone or with some one night stand in his bed and shamed as an old man still chasing ass. I really hate to be so judgmental of him but I think he’s earned it based on his behavior on this show.

  • Love 10

They bring in Peyton to stir up trouble?

Of course she's going to date several male cast members, so that we can have episodes with big cat fights.

I forget how long but supposedly Craig and Naomi had been broken up for months yet Bravo is going to use that.  It wouldn't surprise me if he even consented to allow Naomi to track him for the sake of the story line.

Seems like one of the themes of this season is "thirsty" women trying to take these great guys away from the great women on the show.

  • Love 4
On 4/28/2018 at 12:50 AM, esco1822 said:

I have to say, Craig won major points from me for saying he didn't want to go out looking for other girls as long as there was still a possibility of him and Naomie getting back together. For all his faults, he at least doesn't seem like the rest of the man whores on this show. He seems to legitimately want to be settled down and not out prowling for women all the time, which I appreciate. I'm so used to seeing Craig be a jerk, this was a nice change of pace.

As for Naomie, her age is definitely showing. If you don't want Craig, fine, let him go. Don't keep stalking him and threatening other women about him, it's misleading. No wonder Craig keeps thinking they'll get back together

i also think Nomes has spent a whole season being Craig's sewing hating buzzkill bitch gfriend, focussed on doing nothing but studying at the library and getting her school work complete so she can get on in life. THIS season, we are seeing Nomes being the young party person she wouldn't permit herself to be last season. And yeah, I wouldn't (at my advanced age) take Mr Queenjen's phone and enable his wifi until infinity, because that stuff is a young person' s game. So we are seeing Nomes being present for her girlfriends and more multidimensional as a person. A young person. One who seems to be revelling in acting out her inner psycho. She does love Craig. And I wasn't really a Craig fan until this season (except for his support for Kathryn), when I can see that Naomie and Craig are both empathic, decent people. Naomi went straight to Craig after the Patricia debacle because Craig is the only one that would understand how important it was to be shut down trying to get a deserved 2nd chance for their friend. Craig not wanting to move on, and standing up for himself and not caving to the Charlston superannuated Peter Pan club trying to force women on him, shows how much Craig has changed from Season 1 also. I'm enjoying watching the cast (some of the cast) of the many reality tv shows I watch and have watched ACTUALLY evolve emotionally into potentially healthier adults. It's weird and unsettling. I'm loving this show more than any other at the moment because of this. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, queenjen said:

OMG Yes!!! And that would be right smack bang in the middle of TRav's most prolific 'playa' period, when Dana Delaney was a thing. So we're probably seeing one of his 'types' right here. Can't hold a candle to the flame haired one, that's for damn sure. And, i never liked Dana Delaney! Her career went about as far as Ashley's is going to in this saga. 

I don't get this comparison.  Dana Delaney Has been a star who's had a long career.  She didn't get on TV through dating someone -- as far as I know.

Ashley has only been on a few episodes of a relatively unknown reality show.  How is she like a TV star who's had a career which has lasted decades?

  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, queenjen said:

OMG Yes!!! And that would be right smack bang in the middle of TRav's most prolific 'playa' period, when Dana Delaney was a thing. So we're probably seeing one of his 'types' right here. Can't hold a candle to the flame haired one, that's for damn sure. And, i never liked Dana Delaney! Her career went about as far as Ashley's is going to in this saga. 

I found Kathryn sans the make up to be the equivalent of Charlize Theron in "Monster".  I think it is hard to discuss Thomas many, many failings as a human and then start in on a comparison between Kathryn and Ashley's physical appearance.  They are both attractive women, their choices for who they decide to share their bodies with somehow diminishes their physical beauty.

It is funny Dana Delaney has never done a thing for me, maybe because she often times plays a villain, but she and Ashley resemble one another.  Dana Delaney, like her or not, has had a incredible career, including two Emmy wins.  A little bit of research revealed she has never married, doesn't like being in a relationship and never desired children.  Career wise she has hit it out of the park for a 62 year old woman she has had a number of successes and roles in many US television shows.  She has done good things for charity and the arts.  Ashley is a nurse trolling for Thomas Ravenel, a convicted felon, disgraced politician, and reality star.  For the life of me I do not understand what either Ashley or Kathryn see in Thomas or any other woman but I guess that is what makes this show entertaining.  

I say this as to Bravo and society in general-why is one considered more or less successful depending on whether or not one has  a relationship or in the case of this show RelationShep?  There is a lot of bravado taking down the ruling aristocracy on this show but essentially they all work for men who control the show, their paychecks and essentially their future in reality TV.  The men still compete for the women (Shep) and the women stalk exes and are in general are not really terribly happy for their exes.  Reality is the women do the show because it is easy money and hopefully it can propel them to future success and happiness.

  • Love 5
On 4/28/2018 at 2:21 AM, bichonblitz said:
On 4/28/2018 at 2:06 AM, AnnieHeights said:

Also her phone screen is cracked....I would think she is paid well enough and should have enough money to have these things fixed.  Especially on camera.  I also agree something seems off with her.    

That phone was beat to hell! WTF? 

I truly believe that Kathryn is playing a long game here. She's probably still talking to K Cooper Ray. It's like a David Lynch film. Every outfit, every prop choice is informed by the long game. Which is to be taken seriously as a responsible adult and allowed to parent her children fully, probably married to TRav. At the moment, we are getting the smashed phone screen on repeat because Kathryn wants us to know that her utilitarian apartment, chock full of TOYS for her CHILDREN, is her priority. Not her  nails, not her phone. And her hair and her makeup, all carefully constructed. I'm in total admiration of her turn around. She is smart as a whip and TRav is toast. I doubt we will ever see Kathryn reacting to another woman on this show like she did with Landon last season, she's learned much more sophisticated methods. I will always heart Kathryn Finger though...

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, scrb said:
2 hours ago, queenjen said:

OMG Yes!!! And that would be right smack bang in the middle of TRav's most prolific 'playa' period, when Dana Delaney was a thing. So we're probably seeing one of his 'types' right here. Can't hold a candle to the flame haired one, that's for damn sure. And, i never liked Dana Delaney! Her career went about as far as Ashley's is going to in this saga. 

I don't get this comparison.  Dana Delaney Has been a star who's had a long career.  She didn't get on TV through dating someone -- as far as I know.

Ashley has only been on a few episodes of a relatively unknown reality show.  How is she like a TV star who's had a career which has lasted decades?

I meant relatively speaking: like to me, Dana D didn't have a stellar career, she's not Jane Fonda or Kim Basinger. On this reality show, Ashley is a Dana. She'll be here for a bit, but won't endure. 

  • Love 1

Something I find interesting: Cameran doesn’t ride Chelsea’s ass to grow up and settle down like she does Shep. Why not?? 

Naomie is OFF.  A couple weeks ago she “joked” that she would want to murder Craig’s next girlfriend AND her entire family. She sounded unhinged. 

Now the previews show them mentioning Payton (Peyton?) and Craig getting together and the first thing Naomie says is, “what is her address and the addresses of her extended family?” Hey bitch, you crazy. Truly nuts. 

Let me get this straight Naomie. All you have done for eons is rip the shit out of Craig 24/7 and tell him how the very sight of him enrages you. He practically begged you to come back to him anyway (WTF Craig?!) and you still were a massive bitch and walked off. But... you also stalk the dude (that you DON’T want) AND threaten to kill Payton and her family? Bravo, get this creep off my screen. 

  • Love 15
14 minutes ago, Sage47 said:

Something I find interesting: Cameran doesn’t ride Chelsea’s ass to grow up and settle down like she does Shep. Why not?? 

Naomie is OFF.  A couple weeks ago she “joked” that she would want to murder Craig’s next girlfriend AND her entire family. She sounded unhinged. 

Now the previews show them mentioning Payton (Peyton?) and Craig getting together and the first thing Naomie says is, “what is her address and the addresses of her extended family?” Hey bitch, you crazy. Truly nuts. 

Let me get this straight Naomie. All you have done for eons is rip the shit out of Craig 24/7 and tell him how the very sight of him enrages you. He practically begged you to come back to him anyway (WTF Craig?!) and you still were a massive bitch and walked off. But... you also stalk the dude (that you DON’T want) AND threaten to kill Payton and her family? Bravo, get this creep off my screen. 

Why would they get her off the screen?

They wrote this script for her.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Something I find interesting: Cameran doesn’t ride Chelsea’s ass to grow up and settle down like she does Shep. Why not?? 

Naomie is OFF.  A couple weeks ago she “joked” that she would want to murder Craig’s next girlfriend AND her entire family. She sounded unhinged. 

Now the previews show them mentioning Payton (Peyton?) and Craig getting together and the first thing Naomie says is, “what is her address and the addresses of her extended family?” Hey bitch, you crazy. Truly nuts. 

Let me get this straight Naomie. All you have done for eons is rip the shit out of Craig 24/7 and tell him how the very sight of him enrages you. He practically begged you to come back to him anyway (WTF Craig?!) and you still were a massive bitch and walked off. But... you also stalk the dude (that you DON’T want) AND threaten to kill Payton and her family? Bravo, get this creep off my screen. 

I see that you are not well versed in the art of cyber stalking your ex and googling future prospects. Lol.

  • Love 7
On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 9:53 AM, Bluedog100 said:

When Shep picked up Payton on his dating show, he picked her up at Vanderpump Dogs. Now she is again wor king at a doggie daycare-type place.  I am wondering if she comes from money. Even with the show's paycheck I don't see how she could make a living loving on dogs. If that were the case, I would be doing it. 

Yeah , me too. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, scrb said:

Why would they get her off the screen?

They wrote this script for her.

I have read that Naomi is pals with the VPR women.  AFAIAC, she is copying Kristen of VPR season 2 and 3.  Put that show on the map.


Calling someone  else “thirsty” is ironic.


Glad we can like Craig again.  He is awfully lovable.

  • Love 6

Naomie is only 21? I’d say that explains her immaturity but she’d say people mature faster in Europe. Blah blah blah.  If that’s the case why would Liz confide in someone that young? Seems like a poor choice of confidants as she found out.  

I don’t get Craig wanting so much to make this work for her.  They were seated 30 seconds and she had to correct his pronunof Kolsch.  She just can’t stop and then moments later asking him what’s changed and brushing off his accomplishments. She needs to find someone that is already a lawyer and gets up early and has established these good habits she’s so fond of.  Does she do these things?

It annoys me she runs to Craig for comfort and then rips him a new one. She can’t have it both ways.  She needs to accept him where he’s at and if she can’t leave him the fuck alone.  

I’m also pissed off she’d put a tracker on Craig’s phone.  If it were the other way around more heads would be spinning.  Talk about Stalker Avenue! She’s the epitome of psycho-girlfriend with all the threats. And here I thought she was one of the level headed.  I guess SC only has room for one level-headed person, Cameran, so maybe the pressure is on Naomie to bring the crazy.  Whatever the case, it comes very naturally to her. 

Is Peyton supposed to be hot? She looks like a used up old dish rag. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Naomie is only 21? I’d say that explains her immaturity but she’d say people mature faster in Europe. Blah blah blah.  If that’s the case why would Liz confide in someone that young? Seems like a poor choice of confidants as she found out.  

I don’t get Craig wanting so much to make this work for her.  They were seated 30 seconds and she had to correct his pronunof Kolsch.  She just can’t stop and then moments later asking him what’s changed and brushing off his accomplishments. She needs to find someone that is already a lawyer and gets up early and has established these good habits she’s so fond of.  Does she do these things?

It annoys me she runs to Craig for comfort and then rips him a new one. She can’t have it both ways.  She needs to accept him where he’s at and if she can’t leave him the fuck alone.  

I’m also pissed off she’d put a tracker on Craig’s phone.  If it were the other way around more heads would be spinning.  Talk about Stalker Avenue! She’s the epitome of psycho-girlfriend with all the threats. And here I thought she was one of the level headed.  I guess SC only has room for one level-headed person, Cameran, so maybe the pressure is on Naomie to bring the crazy.  Whatever the case, it comes very naturally to her. 

Is Peyton supposed to be hot? She looks like a used up old dish rag. 

Naomie is 25 years old.  She and Craig started dating when she was 22 years old and he was 26.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Naomie is only 21? I’d say that explains her immaturity but she’d say people mature faster in Europe. Blah blah blah.  If that’s the case why would Liz confide in someone that young? Seems like a poor choice of confidants as she found out.  

I don’t get Craig wanting so much to make this work for her.  They were seated 30 seconds and she had to correct his pronunof Kolsch.  She just can’t stop and then moments later asking him what’s changed and brushing off his accomplishments. She needs to find someone that is already a lawyer and gets up early and has established these good habits she’s so fond of.  Does she do these things?

It annoys me she runs to Craig for comfort and then rips him a new one. She can’t have it both ways.  She needs to accept him where he’s at and if she can’t leave him the fuck alone.  

I’m also pissed off she’d put a tracker on Craig’s phone.  If it were the other way around more heads would be spinning.  Talk about Stalker Avenue! She’s the epitome of psycho-girlfriend with all the threats. And here I thought she was one of the level headed.  I guess SC only has room for one level-headed person, Cameran, so maybe the pressure is on Naomie to bring the crazy.  Whatever the case, it comes very naturally to her. 

Is Peyton supposed to be hot? She looks like a used up old dish rag. 

Love this entire post!! Naomie would be just brutal to date with her constant criticisms and superiority complex.  If you dump her, you’re dead-literally. Good luck attracting future men now Gnomi. 

 Why is Peyton’s delivery in totally flat affect, no tone or emotion? She’s got a hard edge, almost masculine. I don’t see how men would fight over her, she is off-putting. 

This show is not great anymore. They have brought in two girls (actresses?) from California, changing the whole dynamic. I want a show about a group of Charleston/SC friends. Not randos who went on Shep’s stupid dating show.  And Ashley is just laughable. 

  • Love 12
On 4/28/2018 at 11:53 PM, Sage47 said:

Something I find interesting: Cameran doesn’t ride Chelsea’s ass to grow up and settle down like she does Shep. Why not?? 

Naomie is OFF.  A couple weeks ago she “joked” that she would want to murder Craig’s next girlfriend AND her entire family. She sounded unhinged. 

Now the previews show them mentioning Payton (Peyton?) and Craig getting together and the first thing Naomie says is, “what is her address and the addresses of her extended family?” Hey bitch, you crazy. Truly nuts. 

Let me get this straight Naomie. All you have done for eons is rip the shit out of Craig 24/7 and tell him how the very sight of him enrages you. He practically begged you to come back to him anyway (WTF Craig?!) and you still were a massive bitch and walked off. But... you also stalk the dude (that you DON’T want) AND threaten to kill Payton and her family? Bravo, get this creep off my screen. 

Chelsea doesn't feel pressured to settle down because she hasn't met anyone who is marriage material and ready to settle down. She doesn't want to get married or have children for the sake of saying that she has it. All of the women, including Cameron have talked about the Boys Club mentality that goes on in Charleston. I think she doesn't pressure Chelsea because she knows that Chelsea is capable and ready to have a meaningful relationship if the opportunity presents itself. With Shep, he is an example of the Boys Club culture and is the stereotype of why women like Chelsea can't find a man. Shep doesn't feel ready or capable of having a meaningful relationship and I think that's why Cameron gets on his case because he seems caught up in this Peter Pan syndrome.

I also agree that Naoimi isn't coming off well this season. I can't say that I've ever behaved the way she does but I know many people who have gone through similar experiences and lashed out so her behaviour seems more like acting out and making mistakes but she's doing it in front of cameras...hopefully we can also see her come to important realizations about her behaviour. She may be young and making mistakes but that doesn't mean that she's not fair game for criticism, but I personally don't see her behaviour as being genuinely mean-spirited. She is mean to Craig but she's too caught up in her own emotions of how she feels he has let her down that she has yet to acknowledge how she may have let him down and have contributed to negativity in their relationship. All last season I was right there with her complaining about how lazy Craig seemed but in retrospect, Craig is accomplishing things in ways that are non-traditional but thinking about it, people spend all their days studying for the bar, working to afford a home, etc. and that is why they're so productive from early morning to late nights. Craig somehow did a lot of things at once and it seemed like he was flighty and wasn't really accomplishing anything but in fact, he did get shit done. Knowing what I know now about his goals and how he's achieved all of those major milestones, I would say it's very possible that Craig is much smarter that I originally gave him credit for and maybe in order to accomplish things he needs to feel like he has to be constantly learning and exposing himself to new things. Maybe he's just a mind that gets bored if he focuses on one thing for too long and if that's how he is, you can't impose traditional methods on him. Instead of asking him to get up in the mornings and be 'productive', ask what his long term goal is in making money to support himself and a family because it seems Craig prioritizes doing things that fulfills him versus grinding simply to get a pay cheque. If the man can sew pillows and make a living off of that, then so be it...I think Craig is still trying to figure out what his passion is and to give it longevity.

Also, is Landon no longer on the show? She hasn't been on in the past few episodes and it's been lovely and I'm hoping that it stays that way.

  • Love 8
On 4/26/2018 at 10:59 PM, Emkat said:

I know of a very attractive and smart young female (think very advanced degree) professional who recently relocated to Charleston.

She could not get out of there fast enough. Despite living in and practicing her profession literally all over the world with no issues whatsoever; she could not make things work in that town.

That tells me all I need to know about Charleston and the people who live there. Seems like a very toxic environment for young people. 

Charleston is fast having that reputation of being the worst place for dating after New York and Los Angeles. 

  • Love 6

Charleston: the land of white pants and hook-ups. 

I have no way of knowing but what if Craig has ADD?  My husband does and he’s always starting new interests then finding new ones and has a hard time focusing on things. Fortunately, with medication, he’s gainfully employed but I would not be surprised if I came home one day and found him setting up a sewing machine in our living room!  I like Craig.  He looks out for the underdog and has shown a lot more depth of feeling than any of the others. Now that he’s not all Dapper Dan all the time, I like him even more. 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

  I like Craig.  He looks out for the underdog and has shown a lot more depth of feeling than any of the others. Now that he’s not all Dapper Dan all the time, I like him even more. 

I agree, the Dapper Dan look was offputting as was the slicked back hair. The (hashtag) new Craig, in a tee and messy hair looked hot-can’t believe I’m admitting that. Craig was trying too hard before to be part of Charleston society but is much better being himself. 

I have ADD and see what you mean about Craig. That is a reason I kind of liked the scattered part of Landon. I could relate! 

  • Love 4

To go back to the Dana Delaney conversation, I first saw her on the excellent TV series “China Beach”. That was a ground breaker on TV with a superb cast and plot. She was a real star on that show and everything else I’ve ever seen her in. I really don’t understand comparing her or her career with anyone on this show. I also enjoyed her on “Desperate Housewives”. Gosh, I loved that show. 

  • Love 7

Charleston...ugh!  Lived there, hated it!  These "southern charm" contestants truly represent.  The polo playing, boat shoe wearing, bow tie and pink shirt jerks are the norm.  They are slimy, skeevy, smarmy, entitled knob-hoppers who are chased by gold diggers who obsess and stalk their prey.  Southern Charm (Charleston) is devoid of charm...just like in real life.  

Word of the season...THIRSTY! C'mon ladies, have some pride, will ya?!?

Edited by LDHW
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, ProudMary said:

Landon is no longer a cast member.

Sweet! Naoimi mentioned being cautious about talking about business ventures on the show because she didn't want to end up like Landon's situation. I wonder if Landon's business failures (I'm assuming it was a failure) was a factor in her decision not to return. She wasn't in good graces of popular opinion last I remember.

Edited by RHJunkie
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