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S07.E18: One Life To Live

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3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Except their codependent families would not like it, one bit. I think it would be great for them to move to Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, somewhere warm and sunny  where they could get some land, have horses, and try and live a healthy, outdoorsy life. It would do pasty Tyler and slothful, lardy Cate a world of good. Chances of this happening? Slim to none. They are too enmeshed with their toxic families. Plus I don't think they really want the challenge of trying to set down roots elsewhere. They're what? 26? They act 50! They're so settled in their ways and averse to change.

In other news, Ryan's parents live in a Home Goods now?

Amber is still a repellent slag. Her creepy boyfriend is still a combination of a sasquatch and a lamprey. Charming.


And I thought my Discount Hagrid was a good description of NuMatt.

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6 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

I was surprised when Loser Amber said she's leaving IN when Leah is about to graduate high school. But then again, this is Loser Amber,  who clearly doesn't care that her daughter needs a mom, even when she becomes a young adult. Kristina will fill that role nicely.

Cate is such a slob.

I will bet you money she bounces to LA well before that! 

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Cate ~ the only thing I can add regarding her is for the ending montage, it was Tyler and Nova giving attention to Cate's "therapy" horse.  Y'all remember...the one she just had to blow money to buy because having it to ride would alleviate a "panic attack."  Yeah, right!

Ryan ~ he appeared to be in heroin detox.  Towards the end when he was at the top of the stairs to go down, it looked like he was about to fall.  That entire dining room scene was just WTF.  They seem to think this baby will make everything all better and Ryan's problems will just magically be solved...by this baby.  Since when has a baby ever fixed a terrible situation?  But really, I guess Jen and Larry really can't say anything but positive stuff.  What good will it do to speak the truth?  Then Mack Truck will keep the baby away from them.

Amber ~ her and that guy just make me gag.  For real, no exaggerating.  His lips really do resemble the puckering of an anus.  They are gross in every sense of their being and their house is gross.

Maci ~ her "babies" are cute, but they always look . . . sticky.

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1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

MTV plays games w their editing but I was really trying to see if Tyler's expression when Cate was snapping at Nova to nap was really happening at the same time.  He looked as if he wanted to tell her to chill the fuck out, but was scared of saying the wrong thing and setting Cate off on a crying jag. 

Any thoughts?

I fully agree 100 percent.  MTV is notorious with their editing. How long did they cover up Leah and Ryan's drug abuse? 

Tyler is walking on eggshells around Cate. I think he does tend to fly off the handle with her at various times, but when the cameras are around, he is making that extra effort to not say or do anything. 

I mentioned this on the Cate thread, but ever notice how Tyler and Cate never ever tweet or mention how bad Cate is during the off-season? For all the tweeting C&T do, we never read about any depressive episodes, melt-downs or anxiety attacks Cate has when the show is not filming. They never occur when she is on vacation whether it is a vacation MTV is filming or not. This anxiety-ridden and depressed woman only has mental issues when the cameras are around. There are no tweets from Cate about any mental issues unless it pertains to her being a "role-model" and spokesperson for mental health while being hateful towards people who question her being in such a position to offer any advice or help. For all the times ON CAMERA that Cate has mentioned suffering from a mental breakdown, made threats of harming herself, and how she is feeling depressed, have we ever read a tweet where she mentions having any of those kind of moments when she is on a break from filming? Everything is all rainbows and sunshine. It is like she puts on her mental issues hat when the MTV cameras show up.

Currently, all the tweets that are being posted are these lovey-dovey, gag-inducing tweets non-stop. I am beginning to think Cate is using Tyler's phone at times to respond to her own tweets. 

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On 4/5/2018 at 10:48 PM, GreatKazu said:

Catelynn goes home and is expected to work on post-rehab and visit with a therapist while being a mother to her neglected child. Too much work. She decides she pull the mentally ill card again and go back to the spa. 

Man, Catelynn could *not* get out of there fast enough.  That poor little girl--"Mommy will pick me up from school?"  Amber is in serious danger of being replaced as my most hated TM.  I've said it over and over again:  these fancy rehabs are heaven to people who have never had anything in their lives.  I bet as much as anything Catelynn loves the fact that she's living in a neat, clean room with a daily routine to follow.  No pets or children to look out for, everything the way it could be at her home, actually, if she would make the effort.  And I do understand that making the effort is a lot to ask of someone who is clinically depressed.  But she wasn't even willing to give daily outpatient therapy a trial of a week.  I predict lots of heartache ahead for everyone in this family.  Especially when the money is gone.

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13 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

What I think is weird was that Cate said in rehab she met with a therapist once a week but she could do it more if she wanted.

Most people who are seeing a therapist see them once a week.

How much can you get done in this resorty rehab only seeing a therapist once week? 

And she's gonna have to learn to deal at home eventually. She's going to have to learn to manage the ups and downs of depression while dealing with life because THAT IS WHAT PEOPLE DO.

I found that odd too. Her going on about how she can see a therapist once a week or more if needed. People in outpatient often see therapists more than once a week.  Can even do emergency sessions.  So how was that her big selling point on the rehab. And if that was pretty much all she offered up I think it’s clear it’s the pampering she wanted. She didn’t even sound convincing when she said it either. But someone posted the rehab schedule on the first page, she’s doing important things like yoga and swimming there too. She couldn’t possibly do that at home.


I think the family therapy part was helpful. If her problems truly stem from her childhood it’s good for the  parents to have done that and gained understanding. But they’ve done that and that too can be done in out patient. She wants a gd spa trip, just be honest and admit it Cate.

13 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:


11 hours ago, CDC said:

I particularly enjoyed when they showed Maci helping Bentley with his math homework.  Bentley quickly gave the answer of 80 minutes, and then Maci struggled quite some time to add 60 and 20 together to confirm that the answer was, in fact, 80.

I rewound that a couple times to watch her lips move while she counted it slowly out by fives ??‍♀️. We homeschool and I have a 9th grader doing geometry. I was amazing with algebra but geometry hurt my brain and I’ve never needed it so I forget it. I’d totally be burning the mental energy like Maci there if my husband didn’t do the math with her but I can do elementary math faster than my elementary age kids. Especially a simple time problem. You do time things everyday it should be second nature.

9 hours ago, leighroda said:

My 2 cents on Cate... you need to go back to treatment full time without even considering outpatient, no regard that the world still turns, or that you have responsibilities that other people have to cover while you enjoy your omelette... ok fine, not my circus, not my monkeys. BUT... this was sooooooo important to her, the only solution the only way to process her trauma... yet what got her to leave at the end? Missing her family? Nope. Legit fixing her issues? Doubt it. Sense of responsibility/needing to work? HA. She left the spa to pimp herself out on the reunion show. I guess you could argue that that is her “work” but if her well being was truly at stake, I’m fairly confident MTV would let her skip, or maybe Skype her in for a segment or something, they are the ones footing the bill and they’ll likely be the ones on the hook for another 6 weeks when she decides she has to start over because she left early... AGAIN. I think she only left a few days early, but it still pisses me off because it was her 3rd try in a matter of months, and it just reinforces the belief that she doesn’t take it seriously, and I find it suspicious that the thing that coaxed her to leave is going to the reunion where everybody is going to fawn over her and tell her how strong she is.

I swear to everything in my life I have ever loved... if her and Tyler spout the whole stigma angle one more time I’m going to lose it. They aren’t educating anyone. They aren’t bringing any positive awareness to anything. They are perpetuating the belief that people who are depressed are lazy and seeking attention. At this point with the exception of a few leghumpers when they mention mental health, I think I can hear the collective sigh and eye roll from most of us. It does not help the cause when you abandon your life, and go to a fancy rehab that the general public does not have the opportunity to do. If they want to change the stigma do the work to get better and show that while it is extremely hard, it’s so worth the work, give people something to aspire to, and show us that it’s possible to change for the better. It’s not about being perfect or having everything together, it’s ok to have bad days or relapse, but if you want to inspire people get up and do something about it, that’s how you change the stigma, not wallowing and running away when things get hard. End rant.

Yeah, the reunion thing makes it all seem like the vacation it is. Everyone was thinking it bs when we knew she left for the reunion, but it was more concern, like oh no shouldn’t she stay, she had gone back in she must need it... but now seeing the episode and seeing that nothing went down, that she just looks to want the freedom of minor responsibility and that the rehab suggested OUTPATIENT, of course she could leave early for something as dumb as a reunion. She was just there for fun. 

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2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

MTV plays games w their editing but I was really trying to see if Tyler's expression when Cate was snapping at Nova to nap was really happening at the same time.  He looked as if he wanted to tell her to chill the fuck out, but was scared of saying the wrong thing and setting Cate off on a crying jag. 

Any thoughts?

I saw the same thing. He looked like he was thinking, "She's three, calm the fuck down!" But he can never criticize anything she does, or it's off to rehab again!


1 hour ago, Chris Knight said:

I was surprised when Loser Amber said she's leaving IN when Leah is about to graduate high school. But then again, this is Loser Amber,  who clearly doesn't care that her daughter needs a mom, even when she becomes a young adult. Kristina will fill that role nicely.

As if she and Andrew will even still be together in 10 years. 

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4 minutes ago, Kalamityjayne said:


13 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

What I think is weird was that Cate said in rehab she met with a therapist once a week but she could do it more if she wanted.

Most people who are seeing a therapist see them once a week.

How much can you get done in this resorty rehab only seeing a therapist once week? 

And she's gonna have to learn to deal at home eventually. She's going to have to learn to manage the ups and downs of depression while dealing with life because THAT IS WHAT PEOPLE DO.

I found that odd too. Her going on about how she can see a therapist once a week or more if needed. People in outpatient often see therapists more than once a week.  Can even do emergency sessions.  So how was that her big selling point on the rehab. And if that was pretty much all she offered up I think it’s clear it’s the pampering she wanted. She didn’t even sound convincing when she said it either. But someone posted the rehab schedule on the first page, she’s doing important things like yoga and swimming there too. She couldn’t possibly do that at home.


I heard her say that she met with her psychiatrist, not therapist, once a week. I would hope she would see a therapist daily in rehab for the amount of money it costs. A psychiatrist isn’t needed as often because they mainly deal with medication. 

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1 minute ago, MrsBestes said:

I heard her say that she met with her psychiatrist, not therapist, once a week. I would hope she would see a therapist daily in rehab for the amount of money it costs. A psychiatrist isn’t needed as often because they mainly deal with medication. 

This is true. But Tyler seemed to be mentioning an out patient program where she could go in daily. And she could see a psychiatrist at home to better manage her meds. She truly wants to run away from her issues, not deal with them. 

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1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

I saw the same thing. He looked like he was thinking, "She's three, calm the fuck down!" But he can never criticize anything she does, or it's off to rehab again!


As if she and Andrew will even still be together in 10 years. 

He really looked like he was trying to bite his tongue didn’t he? And it was a struggle. 


I think if anything , through this Tyler is becoming a better parent.  He seems more involved with Nova and concerned and protective of her.  I think catelynns vortex of misery and laziness sucked him in and being free of her presence has brought him back to better habits and real living.


not saying he won’t go back or she’s solely responsible for his lazy decisions and neglectful parenting, but in her absence he seems to have improved all around.

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Poor Baby Nova!!! She just wants mom around.  It bothers me that Cate doesn't care how Nova deals with this, Only how Cate deals is what matters.   That is so sad.  I was honestly not surprised that she wanted to go back to AZ so quick.  I think she is running away.  If she truly needs help, I hope she finds it.  I do.  But I also hope she steps up and starts parenting Nova and being a wife.  This is a great burden on Tyler and not fair.  Life isn't fair, I get it, but Cate is supposed to be his partner...so do your part, Cate!!!

I actually felt bad for Mac when she was happy about the baby and Ryan only cared about getting home to lie down.  

These people show me that Leah is lucky with her little family at Gary's house and so is Bentley.  He has a nice family and home.  Forget Ryan! 

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19 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Man, Catelynn could *not* get out of there fast enough.  That poor little girl--"Mommy will pick me up from school?"  Amber is in serious danger of being replaced as my most hated TM.  I've said it over and over again:  these fancy rehabs are heaven to people who have never had anything in their lives.  I bet as much as anything Catelynn loves the fact that she's living in a neat, clean room with a daily routine to follow.  No pets or children to look out for, everything the way it could be at her home, actually, if she would make the effort.  And I do understand that making the effort is a lot to ask of someone who is clinically depressed.  But she wasn't even willing to give daily outpatient therapy a trial of a week.  I predict lots of heartache ahead for everyone in this family.  Especially when the money is gone.

Why is Nova in day care at all? Don't get me wrong, it must be a huge benefit to her--friends to play with, the opportunity to learn, and adults who engage with her and pay attention to her. But her parents don't work. They were desperate to have a child, supposedly. Now they can barely acknowledge her existence.

Cate seems to be living in some kind of fantasy land, and rehab is the childhood she didn't have--a clean, well ordered home, people who care about her and listen to her, three meals a day, no responsibilities.

Maci "helping" Bentley with his homework had me rolling.

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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Why is Nova in day care at all? Don't get me wrong, it must be a huge benefit to her--friends to play with, the opportunity to learn, and adults who engage with her and pay attention to her. But her parents don't work. They were desperate to have a child, supposedly. Now they can barely acknowledge her existence.

Cate seems to be living in some kind of fantasy land, and rehab is the childhood she didn't have--a clean, well ordered home, people who care about her and listen to her, three meals a day, no responsibilities.

Maci "helping" Bentley with his homework had me rolling.

Maci has Bud Light brain. She can only count six packs. 

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I think a trip to a state run rehab or the psych ward of a local hospital will cure caits anxiety. She seems to thrive on being the center of attention and of course who wouldn't enjoy that pampered vacation on Arizona. She's fine going to the reunion but can't be bothered to be at home to take care of her precious little daughter. The way she had no Fucks to give when Nova was crying about not wanting to g to school. My heart was breaking and that's not even my child. Yet cate could have cared less. Nova is nothing more than an annoyance to her. Cait doesn't want to live in the real world and have responsibilities and have to be accountable so she hides behind the excuse thst she can't cope so she can run off and laze around in some cushy facility hundreds of miles from her family. 

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17 hours ago, CalicoskiesNC said:

It's so obvious that Cate looks at Nova and all she thinks of is Carly and what coulda woulda shoulda.

That hadn't even occurred to me, but of course you're right.  Especially since Carly, with her solid middle-class family, will have all the advantages Cate never had, and that Nova will probably never have.  Much was made, correctly I think, of the positive impact 16 and Pregnant had on teenage girls and their sex lives, but I think the Carly saga, begun so optimistically (see?  we placed our baby because we couldn't care for her, but we'll be a permanent part of her life!  Yay!) has been an even stronger cautionary tale about open adoptions.  That may be the one "trauma" Cate will never heal from, and it's too bad.  She and Tyler (and I've grown to respect him while still maintaining he's sort of a douche) have never had realistic expectations about what their lives would be like--through no fault of their own.

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17 hours ago, snarts said:

Isn't Nova too old to still be in a diaper with a bottle of milk?

Larry going on & on about Ryan's story saving someone's life while Ryan sits there high and can't even make eye contact. No wonder Jen was crying. 

Yes for the bottle.  It is going to cause bottle mouth which is decayed teeth.  It is about 2 1/2 years too old for that, the diaper is not uncommon at this age as a lot of kids are not sleep trained by 3.

1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Why is Nova in day care at all? Don't get me wrong, it must be a huge benefit to her--friends to play with, the opportunity to learn, and adults who engage with her and pay attention to her. But her parents don't work. They were desperate to have a child, supposedly. Now they can barely acknowledge her existence.

Cate seems to be living in some kind of fantasy land, and rehab is the childhood she didn't have--a clean, well ordered home, people who care about her and listen to her, three meals a day, no responsibilities.

Maci "helping" Bentley with his homework had me rolling.

She is 3.  That is when preschool starts.  I have no issue with it even with her parents being so lazy and not working.

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5 minutes ago, smhjess said:

Yes for the bottle.  It is going to cause bottle mouth which is decayed teeth.  It is about 2 1/2 years too old for that, the diaper is not uncommon at this age as a lot of kids are not sleep trained by 3.

She is 3.  That is when preschool starts.  I have no issue with it even with her parents being so lazy and not working.

Nova is shitting in her bedroom per Cate's tweet a few weeks back. This is what happens when a parent who is home is relying on a baby monitor instead of helping to train their kid. Cate is so lazy, she can't bother. In fact, that was the reason she put non-Carly in daycare because she read on their website that they help with potty-training. That was over a year ago. She didn't just start pre-school. 

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52 minutes ago, kira28 said:

I think a trip to a state run rehab or the psych ward of a local hospital will cure caits anxiety. She seems to thrive on being the center of attention and of course who wouldn't enjoy that pampered vacation on Arizona. She's fine going to the reunion but can't be bothered to be at home to take care of her precious little daughter. The way she had no Fucks to give when Nova was crying about not wanting to g to school. My heart was breaking and that's not even my child. Yet cate could have cared less. Nova is nothing more than an annoyance to her. Cait doesn't want to live in the real world and have responsibilities and have to be accountable so she hides behind the excuse thst she can't cope so she can run off and laze around in some cushy facility hundreds of miles from her family. 

She just wanted to hurry and drop Nova off so she could get back to her day spa. She wants everyone to feel bad for her, but where was her empathy for her CHILD? "What's upsetting you about going to school today, Nova?" Or how about, "I'm sorry you're so upset." Nope. All Nova got was repeated assurances that she was "fine". I tell ya, if there's one thing I just LOVE, it's people insisting on how I feel. 


34 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

The best was Amber's line " I put myself in prison. What other moms do you know who would do that?"... well Gee Amb, I don't know many moms in my every day life who NEED to be in prison. Most moms I know actually mother their children and keep themselves away from being in jail.

Exactly. It's not like she just randomly sent herself to prison. She was a junkie who was abusing her significant other! None of that makes a good mom! 

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I wanted to ask.  How old is nova?  I notice she's still wearing a diaper.  I guess nobody has time for potty training.

She knew her mother was going to disappear again.  That's why she cried at school.  Sad.

btw do they offer any grooming classes at that fancy spa..I mean rehab??  Cate looks like she could do with a full make over.  That hair...what can I say.

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7 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I wanted to ask.  How old is nova?  I notice she's still wearing a diaper.  I guess nobody has time for potty training.

My daughter wasn't potty-trained until a month or so before her 4th birthday. She is on the spectrum. I tried with her at 2, and earlier in her 3rd year....it was like hitting a brick wall, so I just stopped. When she got it, she got it quickly and it was so easy. 

I bet that Cate her zero time for potty training, but Nova has often appeared a bit delayed, to me. I'd give her some more time before I'd worry about it. 

Although, when I used to teach daycare, kids could not move from the 2-year-old class to the 3-year-old class if they weren't potty trained. So I wonder what class she's actually in. Also, it's possible she is potty trained at daycare, but not at home. I've seen that. I had this wonderful little girl in my class one year who was fully potty trained as far as I was concerned. No issues. But her mother INSISTED I put a pull-up on her before she came to pick her up. I wagered that mom was just too lazy to stop if her daughter needed to go. 

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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Nova is shitting in her bedroom per Cate's tweet a few weeks back. This is what happens when a parent who is home is relying on a baby monitor instead of helping to train their kid. Cate is so lazy, she can't bother. In fact, that was the reason she put non-Carly in daycare because she read on their website that they help with potty-training. That was over a year ago. She didn't just start pre-school. 

Or was it Cate shitting on the floor?


That tweet of hers and Amber’s classic “jel/gel” will never make me not laugh.

I’m still in shock at what we saw re: C&T.

From the moment she walked into the house, she was super detached and it was written all over her face. Most mothers go running to their kids after being gone for an extended period of time. Additionally, most kids go running TO their moms upon their arrival home. I thought it was quite telling that Nova didn’t run to her mom when she walked in the door. 

Cate didn’t even embrace Tyler nor did he embrace her. You’d have thought she’d just gotten home from the grocery store instead of being away for several weeks.

To the poster that suggested Tyler hire a housekeeper while Cate is gone, that is a brilliant idea! Kudos to you! 

My mom always says the two areas people “should” keep clean (and can keep clean with frequent wipe downs during the week vs a deep clean) at all times are the guest bathroom & kitchen. That’s where visitors inevitably end up. 

Upon expecting guests (or a freakin camera crew!), I firmly support the “close the door to the messy room” club, as well as the “take the clutter/junk off of the table tops, toss in a bag & throw into a closet temporarily”, but when Cate was “packing” for the spa, I wouldn’t have allowed cameras in my room if it looked like that.

Someone (or both of them) can’t even be bothered to place dirty linens inside the actual laundry hamper. What is that?!?!

Maybe Tyler doesn’t want to hire a part-time housekeeper when Cate heads to the spa because it would mean he isn’t worthy of wearing his SuperMartyr cape. However, if he were smart and did hire someone part time, at least we’d know Nova would have real toys to play with instead of the doggie crap on her carpet.

Edited by Bridget
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56 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I wanted to ask.  How old is nova?  I notice she's still wearing a diaper.  I guess nobody has time for potty training.

She knew her mother was going to disappear again.  That's why she cried at school.  Sad.

btw do they offer any grooming classes at that fancy spa..I mean rehab??  Cate looks like she could do with a full make over.  That hair...what can I say.

She is 3 when these were filmed.  We have seen them try to potty train her for over a year and I would be shocked if preschool is not trying with her as well.  My guess is she is not willing or the parents are not consistent about it.

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5 minutes ago, smhjess said:

She is 3 when these were filmed.  We have seen them try to potty train her for over a year and I would be shocked if preschool is not trying with her as well.  My guess is she is not willing or the parents are not consistent about it.

Perhaps she has “accidents” at home for the attention. Or, perhaps she has stress related issues. Or, I could be out in left field !!!

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9 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Ummm...so what's this big job of Andrews? Producing some BS film for some college students? I was confused. Didn't seem like a reason to haul everyone out to LA; but, of course, Amber thinks she's too good for Indiana. She's delusional, though, if she thinks Gary's gonna let her take Leah away for the summer. 

I'm just so over her immature parenting. She thinks, "I let Leah go to her friends, so she should come see me on her dad's weekend". Not how it works, honey. You could have said no.  But Gary deserves his weekends just as much as you do. Maybe if you cared to spend more than two...oh, excuse me, THREE....days with your daughter over the summer people might be willing to be more flexible. 

I had to laugh when Amber said something like, "I know it's not fun over here right now because I'm pregnant and sick." Bitch, it's literally no different. You sit around doing nothing every damn day of your life. 

I see she's got cousin Krystal cooking for her again. This spoiled princess....I just can't. 


So let me get this straight - Mackenzie put the fucking pee stick in Ryan's bag of FOOD??? I'm not a big "germ" person. But that's crossing a line. I'm loathe to defend Ryan, yet I would totally throw that nasty thing at her as well. 

So I think Ryan was trying to get sober briefly during this period of filming. He looked a wreck. What was with the hyperventilating over being cold in the car? And then immediately complains about the cold when walking into the house. Aren't cold flashes a symptom of heroin withdrawal? And he was complaining of feeling sick as well. I bet when they got the baby news, Mack (or someone) demanded he get sober once and for all. Yea, because hiding it and not seeking serious, long-term treatment is the way to do it. It's not safe, and clearly not effective. 

That would also explain why he was so bitchy to her. When he's high he's all lovey dovey. "I think we need to separate for 9 months". Yea, because that's how it works. Mack is going to be a nagging bitch pregnant, not-pregnant, on TV, off TV, with sober Ryan, with dopey Ryan. That's just who she IS. You'd have noticed that if you spent more than 5 minutes with her while not whacked out of your mind. 

Oh, and wasn't it hilarious when Larry was going on and on about Ryan potentially saving someone with his story? Open your fucking eyes, Larry!!! He needs to be saved himself. Honestly, I think that dude is way more in denial than Jen. I just think Jen is quieter. 


I knew something was wrong when Cate got back from AZ. She didn't seem thrilled to see either Tyler or Nova. If I had been away from my kid for 6 weeks, I'd be wrapping them in a bear hug, rocking them back and forth, and sobbing. You should have seen me after a week in Ireland. But Cate barely gave her a kiss on the forehead. She just seems so detached. I think she was likely still very depressed. I wonder why she was even sent home? 

That being said, I'm as pissed at her as Tyler is. I do think her issues are very real, but I don't think they're significantly worse than anyone else going through regular depression treatment in America. And I don't begrudge someone getting the best treatment THEY can afford.....except she has a kid at home. My heart was just breaking for Nova in these scenes. Cate didn't even tell her goodbye!!! I think that was totally selfish. It wasn't about Nova. She didn't want it to be harder for HER. So just say, "I'll see you soon" and let Tyler deal with the aftermath. 

I was totally on Tyler' side and actually glad to see him expressing some anger about the situation for once. He takes care of EVERYONE. Who is looking out for him? No one. He gets douchey about it, sure. But I don't think he sees any other options. Cate wouldn't even CONSIDER out patient treatment. "For me, in patient makes more sense". Why? So you can laze around in AZ and eat fancy food and have zero responsibility? I would have given her a pass if she at least tried. For the sake of her damn family. But she wouldn't. A doctor could see her daily in MI. A doctor in MI could straighten her meds out. 

No, with Cate, it's an issue of legit mental problems COUPLED with complete laziness and selfishness. I really wish Tyler would have left her. 

I haven't gotten to the end yet so please forgive me if this has been answered. In relation to Ryan's complaints I am going to say HELL YES! Mack even gave him the side eye in the car cuz he still looked high AF! on something!  

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On April 6, 2018 at 11:30 AM, FlowerofCarnage said:

No, Amber, you're still a bad mom! And Discount Hagrid can have a stadium full of seats because he will be in the same situation when Amber dumps baby James off on him and his family.

Discount Hagrid - I'm dead. ???? 

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3 hours ago, MrsBestes said:

I heard her say that she met with her psychiatrist, not therapist, once a week. I would hope she would see a therapist daily in rehab for the amount of money it costs. A psychiatrist isn’t needed as often because they mainly deal with medication. 

I think Cate was looking at the possibility of a partial hospitalization program, which in my experience working with clients (I'm an LCSW) are a tremendous boon to a client's re-entry to stability in their home life following an inpt.. hospitalization.  You go on an outpt basis but it's a full-day program, four or five days a week depending on the program.  She could've dropped little Nova off at school with the assurance that Mommy would be home at the end of Nova's school day.

There was a scene...I don't know if it was in last week's episode or this week's...of Nova laying around on the couch at home staring at some object.  Not playing with it, just staring at it.  Reminiscent of you-know-who.  Little kids can get depressed when they feel they're being emotionally neglected just like adults can.  So, so sad.

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11 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

I think Cate was looking at the possibility of a partial hospitalization program, which in my experience working with clients (I'm an LCSW) are a tremendous boon to a client's re-entry to stability in their home life following an inpt.. hospitalization.  You go on an outpt basis but it's a full-day program, four or five days a week depending on the program.  She could've dropped little Nova off at school with the assurance that Mommy would be home at the end of Nova's school day.

There was a scene...I don't know if it was in last week's episode or this week's...of Nova laying around on the couch at home staring at some object.  Not playing with it, just staring at it.  Reminiscent of you-know-who.  Little kids can get depressed when they feel they're being emotionally neglected just like adults can.  So, so sad.

Oh, I completely agree. The type of program you described would probably be ideal for the situation, but Cate is only focused on herself right now. I was just responding to someone who thought Cate said she only saw a therapist once a week in inpatient rehab. I’m pretty sure she said she saw a psychiatrist once a week. In your experience, do people in inpatient meet with a therapist/counselor daily? 

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8 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

I think Cate was looking at the possibility of a partial hospitalization program, which in my experience working with clients (I'm an LCSW) are a tremendous boon to a client's re-entry to stability in their home life following an inpt.. hospitalization.  You go on an outpt basis but it's a full-day program, four or five days a week depending on the program.  She could've dropped little Nova off at school with the assurance that Mommy would be home at the end of Nova's school day.

There was a scene...I don't know if it was in last week's episode or this week's...of Nova laying around on the couch at home staring at some object.  Not playing with it, just staring at it.  Reminiscent of you-know-who.  Little kids can get depressed when they feel they're being emotionally neglected just like adults can.  So, so sad.

That was in last week’s episode. Also, she was more than happy to lie down on the ground in a patio area (at the spa), clutching and staring at her toy horse.

Is it wrong that instead of a pet turtle, I thought Tyler should’ve given Nova a pet parrot? 

Was it OK for Nova to be so “interactive” with her turtle? I have never seen a turtle “played with” like that. I almost thought it was an action figure at first, but then it moved its head.

That poor turtle must’ve been scared!

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I forgot to mention the turtle in my earlier post! Is anyone else worried about little Nova getting salmonella? I doubt Tyler & Cate are good at getting her to wash her hands throughly after playing with it. 

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5 minutes ago, MrsBestes said:

I forgot to mention the turtle in my earlier post! Is anyone else worried about little Nova getting salmonella? I doubt Tyler & Cate are good at getting her to wash her hands throughly after playing with it. 

They aren't concerned about her washing her hands after handling her own turds and the feces of the various animals in the house. 

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4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Why is Nova in day care at all? Don't get me wrong, it must be a huge benefit to her--friends to play with, the opportunity to learn, and adults who engage with her and pay attention to her. But her parents don't work. They were desperate to have a child, supposedly. Now they can barely acknowledge her existence.

Cate seems to be living in some kind of fantasy land, and rehab is the childhood she didn't have--a clean, well ordered home, people who care about her and listen to her, three meals a day, no responsibilities.

Maci "helping" Bentley with his homework had me rolling.

I hate to defend him but I think Tyler keeps himself busy.  So at least while Cate is away it makes sense for her to be in daycare every day. Whether it be with shipping out orders or working on new merchandise and then he's also working on that farmhouse they bought.  He really seems like the type of person that doesn't want to sit around. Cate on the other hand... I don't think she does a damn thing when she's home.  It's no wonder she goes into depression and anxiety.  I'd go nuts too if i had no purpose in life!

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12 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I hate to defend him but I think Tyler keeps himself busy.  So at least while Cate is away it makes sense for her to be in daycare every day. Whether it be with shipping out orders or working on new merchandise and then he's also working on that farmhouse they bought.  He really seems like the type of person that doesn't want to sit around. Cate on the other hand... I don't think she does a damn thing when she's home.  It's no wonder she goes into depression and anxiety.  I'd go nuts too if i had no purpose in life!

True, but she does have a purpose.  Raising Nova, running business etc...but she is choosing not to do it.  She looked ridiculous at the new house, looking so sad.  Like really? I would be excited about the renovations.  Did anyone else see Tyler's face all broken out.  I wonder if that is stress related.  Is there stress acne? 

Edited by Cherry Cola
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Cate said to Tyler when he asked her what she was going to do now that she was home. Her response:

"I'm going to see a therapist once a week. I will then see their psychiatrist. I will be getting a different phone with NO SOCIAL MEDIA ON IT."

I guess it is established she is NOT doing her post-rehab per the professional's orders since she is on social media non-stop. 

Cate, go to hell. No one has time with your faux mental issues. The only mental issues you suffer from are the sick mind games you play on Tyler and your daughter. You need to be put away for a long time in some institute where you can truly be evaluated and handled properly without the luxury of being catered to. What you are doing to your daughter will scar her for life. 

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38 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I hate to defend him but I think Tyler keeps himself busy.  So at least while Cate is away it makes sense for her to be in daycare every day. Whether it be with shipping out orders or working on new merchandise and then he's also working on that farmhouse they bought.  He really seems like the type of person that doesn't want to sit around. Cate on the other hand... I don't think she does a damn thing when she's home.  It's no wonder she goes into depression and anxiety.  I'd go nuts too if i had no purpose in life!

I think Tyler does better without Cate.  When someone is that lazy, miserable and a lie around you can get sucked into that vortex and start becoming that way. He’s doing well for himself while she’s away and for Nova too. 

I don’t think he’s perfect by far but compare him this season to the past ones. And I think the change is she’s been gone a lot.  He’s not getting pulled into her swirling vortex of suckiness. She’s a toilet. 

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33 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Cate said to Tyler when he asked her what she was going to do now that she was home. Her response:

"I'm going to see a therapist once a week. I will then see their psychiatrist. I will be getting a different phone with NO SOCIAL MEDIA ON IT."

I guess it is established she is NOT doing her post-rehab per the professional's orders since she is on social media non-stop. 

Cate, go to hell. No one has time with your faux mental issues. The only mental issues you suffer from are the sick mind games you play on Tyler and your daughter. You need to be put away for a long time in some institute where you can truly be evaluated and handled properly without the luxury of being catered to. What you are doing to your daughter will scar her for life. 

I am still having trouble processing the fact that she was there over Christmas. When my son was 3, I was hospitalized for hyperemesis. I'd been in the hospital for 3 weeks and it was getting close to Christmas. I finally talked them out of releasing me for a week. I was having panic attacks at the thought of not being there for my family. They installed a Picc line and set me up with a home health nurse so that I could go home for a week to spend Christmas and New Years' with the family. Had they not done that, I probably would've just checked myself out anyway. 

As someone who is frequently hospitalized, I'd trade places with just about anyone if it meant that I didn't have to be away from my husband and kids so much. When an organ ruptures and has to be removed, I don't have much of a choice. Cate and her nonchalant attitude about how Nova will "manage" and her hightailing her ass back to the spa rehab without even discussing it with her husband first can kiss my toe. 

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Baby Huey's wrinkly area around his eye that I pointed out last night looking like the skin around a rectum. Add that to the comments here about his mouth looking like an anus and you have one big Sasquatch hemorrhoid. 

@Brooklynista you brought up the editing about Cate and Tyler's scene regarding Nova. One thing I did notice was how the editors spliced one scene of Cate looking like her usual self while driving and the next scene has her walking through the door after her trip from the spa. She walks in all happy and smiling with her hair and face done which is not how she looked when she was shown driving seconds before: 


baby huey eye.jpg

cate driving.jpg

cate walking in.jpg

Edited by GreatKazu
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23 hours ago, Inga said:

It looked like a Hobby Lobby exploded in Jen and Larry’s dining room 


8 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

In other news, Ryan's parents live in a Home Goods now?

LOL - Two of my favorite stores! Although, I'm glad to read others thought their dining room was too much. I feared I wasn't accessorizing my home enough!



Who is pressuring her? Society.  Particularly the subculture in which she and her family members live.  After I had my son, so many people I knew from growing up in a working class/lower middle class neighborhood were immediately asking me when I was having more.  I can't tell you how many of them were ready to list reasons why only having one child was bad (they'll be spoiled, they'll be lonely, it isn't fair to them, only children are 'weird,' it's selfish to only have child, etc, etc)....all of which I found quite offensive as an only child myself.

It's pretty common in most middle and upper-middle class families for there to be only one child in a family.  No one thinks much of it because they know how time-consuming and expensive raising a child is (especially with the "expected" middle/upper-middle class kids' activities such as dance class, soccer, language lessons, camps, etc, etc).  Also, many of those families have educated parents who had kids later in life and both parents are balancing established careers and parenting.  They recognize the time and money simply aren't there to give more than one or maybe two children all they could give to one child, let alone several.  Middle and upper-middle class people also generally have accomplishments (degrees, careers, etc) besides having children.  For many people in Cate & Tyler's family and social circle, having/raising kids is their only accomplishment.  Let's be real, it's Cate's & Tyler's only *real* accomplishment, too.

I can personally attest, though, that it's uncommon and even looked down upon by many in working class society to "only" have one child.

That said: It is obvious that she should not have another kid, at least not anytime soon.


As an only child and the mother of an only child, thank you, MyPeopleAreNordic! My husband and I could have afforded more and I was blessed to be a stay at home mom, but I've only ever wanted one child. It's not a horrible thing.

Edited by Quita
Giving proper credit to a quote
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45 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


baby huey eye.jpg

cate driving.jpg



I'm sorry, but these are the faces of 50 year olds. And I say that as someone who is 40+.

Edited by Quita
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28 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

Just watched this episode (early for me - generally it takes several days to work up to it) and I literally came on here to post exactly that.

I wonder how much Baby Huey paid those teenagers to Skype him asking to “produce” a show for them.

And after being hands off “poor Cate” this season, I now declare Open Season on her ridiculousness. Sign me up! Mr. DC suffers from terrible depression - without insurance his multiple meds would run thousands $ monthly. He’s done inpatient and outpatient in the past. Yoga is great - that’s why he takes classes at the gym. Therapy is great - that’s why he goes 1-2X a week. He doesn’t run around trying to garner sympathy and head off to MTV paid “spa rehab” at the drop of a hat - which to me is what she’s doing at this point.

And WTF is her “PTSD” from? Having an alcoholic mother? Did she lock her in a closet while she got high? My mother is kinda batshit crazy with likely some borderline personality thrown in (she means well). My FIL was hell on wheels when he was younger - emotionally abusive to his entire family.  I’m sure many out there have similar backgrounds. Do we all have undiagnosed “PTSD”?

Why do so many of these girls coddled by MTV since their teens -  claim to have all sorts of mental illness. Farrah (worst PTSD ever seen according to her lunatic Dad - like she was in Vietnam or Fallujah), Amber, Kailyn, Jenelle...

Rant over...

OMG I didn't even think of Baby Huey paying those teens to Skype him. 

lol @ your open season comment.

You summed it up perfectly. Cate is jerking the mental health system. That time could be better spent on someone who truly desires help and is not manipulating people for sympathy. 

I have been going after her for a long while now. She is fucking ridiculous and she is playing Tyler for a fool. Cate is not a PTSD sufferer. She just tweeted two weeks ago about life being grand when she was growing up. Cate is not mentally ill with depression or anxiety. She is fearful of Tyler leaving her. She is mentally disturbed. 

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