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5 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

My favorite Dolly Parton movie, after 9 to 5 is The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. That movie is absolutely terrible but I love it. The only trouble is, as a kid watching it I thought I'd like to be a whore when I grow up. Luckily I got over that. lol


4 hours ago, Bastet said:

I love The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas unreservedly, and don't even think it's a bad movie.  A masterpiece, certainly not, but it has fun music and good commentary on politics and media.

I can't even tell you how many times I've seen that movie. I can still sing along with most of the songs. As I got older and more interested in politics, I tend to start singing "ohhh, I love to dance a little side step...." quite frequently. Dolly is all kinds of awesome.

  • Love 5
34 minutes ago, Shannon L. said:

As I got older and more interested in politics, I tend to start singing "ohhh, I love to dance a little side step...." quite frequently.

Me too.

I didn't understand how brilliant that song was when I first fell in love with the movie - it was fun, but I didn't get it since I was not even a teenager yet - but in my numerous re-watches as I got older, it quickly became a favorite of the film's many great musical sequences.

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Red Notice was a fun movie, I don’t care if it was dumb. Just because a movie’s plot is silly doesn’t automatically make it bad.

I didn't care for Red Notice but whenever I'm watching a movie that isn't "prestige" (or even a movie that might be going for "prestige") I grade it on the curve of "Is this a good version of what it is trying to be?"  Are the performances fun, does it subvert some tropes, and/or does it give me an element of something I haven't already seen time and time again?  Enough of those ingredients is usually enough to override a silly and/or cookie cutter plot for me.  Also, predictable isn't necessarily a knock against something.  A lot of movies are predictable.  The question is, did I enjoy myself while getting there?

Edited by kiddo82
  • Love 7
On 12/30/2021 at 9:17 AM, kiddo82 said:

I'm listening to a lot of back Oscar podcasts lately.  My UO is that I don't inherently look down on those who "campaign hard."  

Though I will forever side-eye Leonardo diCaprio and his "campaign hard" run for an Oscar for The Revenant (I ate raw bison liver! On camera! I took in a photo opp with THE POPE), it's not jus the campaigning… It's campaigning + planting a "narrative". The worst in recent memory is Rami Malek winning an Oscar for Bohemian Rhapsody. It's one of the worst wins in recent memory. 

On 1/6/2022 at 6:37 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

I love Nicolas Cage in Valley Girl. I love Valley Girl. What happened to that Nic Cage?  

Valley Girl Nic is still with us! Nicolas Cage plays with all the keys on the piano. 

On 1/6/2022 at 6:44 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

Yes but Breaking Away is a top ten for me. One of the greatest. Maybe because it’s not really a sports movie. One of my recent regrets is that the pandemic has kept us from going to Bloomington for the Little 500. We have some friends who moved there and we were all set to go in May 2020. 

Breaking Away is one of the greatest. ("His name is Jake, dammit!") It IS a sports movie, but not in the simple underdog wins it all (though it is partly it is that 😄 ). 

On 1/6/2022 at 11:29 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Thst being said, I loved Rachel Zegler in the remake. She was just perfect. But I’d take Richard Beymer over Elgort any day.

I thought Rachel Zegler was not quite perfect: her singing is lovely, but there were moments where it's apparent that she could use a few more years experience in the acting department. Also, just to be extra unpopular: I loved Elgort in West Side Story. He wasn't "the best", but all the reviews made him out to be some kind of lead weight, but his baritone is lovely, and he really sold the emotion in the final moments of the movie. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, starri said:

One of the things I most respected about Roger Ebert was how he would rate movies on a sliding scale.  He'd always give a good review to a dumb action movie that he enjoyed watching that didn't insult his intelligence, while being utterly vicious towards prestige movies that screwed it up.

I don't remember which movie he and Gene Siskel were reviewing, but I'll never forget the one time Roger gave a movie a thumbs up, then when Gene gave it a thumbs down saying that there was no plot, he responded with something like "Come on, Gene! It's a summer action movie! The plot always goes out the window."

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, starri said:

One of the things I most respected about Roger Ebert was how he would rate movies on a sliding scale.  He'd always give a good review to a dumb action movie that he enjoyed watching that didn't insult his intelligence, while being utterly vicious towards prestige movies that screwed it up.

He'd also sometimes revisit movies he gave poor reviews to and admit he was wrong if time or experience made him view it differently than he initially did.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Shannon L. said:

The Eternals is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Was it great? Not really. Did they take on too much with 10 new characters? Absolutely.  But, it's not that bad. In fact, there are at least 2 others that I think fall below it.

I can think of more than two MCU movies I dislike, and that's just the ones I've seen. Some looked terrible from the trailers and I didn't bother. But I would put Eternals in the middle of the pack of good ones. Fun, inoffensive, worth watching again if I was in the right mood.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Shannon L. said:

The Eternals is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Was it great? Not really. Did they take on too much with 10 new characters? Absolutely.  But, it's not that bad. In fact, there are at least 2 others that I think fall below it.

I actually just watched it last night and I enjoyed it. It was a little long, but I was totally invested in the characters and will be more than happy to go see the sequel (in theaters, hopefully).

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

I actually just watched it last night and I enjoyed it. It was a little long, but I was totally invested in the characters and will be more than happy to go see the sequel (in theaters, hopefully).

I would see a sequel, too.  I do wish they could put together a 10 episode Disney+ series between the two, though, because I think it would be beneficial for more background on the characters, especially the ones who didn't get a lot of screen time, but I'd still see a sequel regardless.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, kiddo82 said:

I like Attack of the Clones.

That's fair enough. I like the action scenes and Obi-Wan's investigations. The general plot is pretty good, though I find some of the actual acting a little weak.

Out of curiosity, are you the prequel generation? Or raised by a prequel generation person? Star Wars love tends to be somewhat generational. I'm very much an OT person.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Anduin said:

That's fair enough. I like the action scenes and Obi-Wan's investigations. The general plot is pretty good, though I find some of the actual acting a little weak.

Out of curiosity, are you the prequel generation? Or raised by a prequel generation person? Star Wars love tends to be somewhat generational. I'm very much an OT person.

I think the only scene in that entire movie I like is when Jango Fett is dropping those weird bombs in the asteroid field, to fend of Obi-Wan. And that's more for the sound design than anything else.

Everything else in the movie is an unmitigated disaster. I don't even know whether that's an unpopular opinion or not any more, because a lot of people apparently like the prequels nowadays. 

On 1/15/2022 at 10:30 AM, Anduin said:

Out of curiosity, are you the prequel generation? Or raised by a prequel generation person? Star Wars love tends to be somewhat generational. I'm very much an OT person.

I grew up in that interim between the episodes IV-VI and episodes I-III.  I guess you could say I grew up with the Special Editions/re releases.  I saw those in the theater at 13-14.  But I can't say I grew up attached to them.  The Phantom Menace was 1999?  So I was 16 going on 17.  I don't *love* the prequels but I don't think they are as bad as they are made out to be.  And I do genuinely enjoy Attack of the Clones.  I also don't think the original trilogy, while a better series of movies overall, isn't as infallible as it is made out to be. 


And Rogue One is in my top 3.

Edited by kiddo82
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, kiddo82 said:

And Rogue One is in my top 3.

I was 10 when Star Wars premiered and those first three movies were so thrilling at the time.  I tried to sit through them again and I can't.  I've tried some of the others and have been bored, even falling asleep in the theaters at times.  At least one, I just stopped watching altogether (we were watching in at home). Rogue One and Solo were the only two of the "new" ones that I enjoyed.  Having said that, because I remember how thrilling the 1st three were for my young self, I loved walking into that whole section of Disneyland, to the point of almost being giddy, and the rides were amazing.

  • Love 6

I don't hate Rise of Skywalker. It's not my favorite but I don't think it ruined the franchise the way other people think or ruined any future stories for the lead characters. I've read what the Colin Trevorrow script and what Lucas' original plan for the sequels and I prefer what we got. It could have been better if they had time to work on the script but Disney CEO Bob Iger wanted the movie out just before he left. Nobody was going to be happy. People against Kylo Ren's redemption because it's repeating the Vader but then the alternative undermines the previous movies' message IMO. Those wanting him to live and somehow be with Rey were delusional. Lucas pretty much hobbled himself and the saga with the happy ending and the Empire defeated in Return of the Jedi. Originally he planned the Empire's defeat at the end of the 9 or 12 part saga but by 1983 Lucas was exhausted and didn't want to make more movies and wanted a finale.  Any stories after was going to feel like an epilogue.

Edited by Fool to cry
  • Love 3

Solo: A Star Wars Story is my personal favorite "Disney era" Star Wars movie. The storytelling was powerful and I really cared about each character. They each made their mark, and was engaged throughout.

Rogue One was wide of the mark for me; while the action and thrills were aplenty, I didn't care about these characters. No time for any buildup, and I felt I was expected to care because we knew they were going to die. That helped a bit, but they were all parts to move the plot along. (I heart you, Diego Luna. I wished you had more to do in the movie!) 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, pancake bacon said:

Solo: A Star Wars Story is my personal favorite "Disney era" Star Wars movie. The storytelling was powerful and I really cared about each character. They each made their mark, and was engaged throughout.

Rogue One was wide of the mark for me; while the action and thrills were aplenty, I didn't care about these characters. No time for any buildup, and I felt I was expected to care because we knew they were going to die. That helped a bit, but they were all parts to move the plot along. (I heart you, Diego Luna. I wished you had more to do in the movie!) 

Wow. That is the exact opposite of my SW opinion. I hated Solo but loved Rogue One. I found I didn't care about budget Han, living cartoon Lando, Emilia Clarke, or especially OTT wacky droid. No one had the charm their OT equivalents have. Then you stick on a stupid cameo that requires a bunch of comics and a TV series to explain/follow up on...

The strength of R1 is of course the second half. But the first half is there to make us care about the deaths to come. If that didn't work for you, I can see how it felt flat.

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, pancake bacon said:

It's an interesting point of view, but hardly unpopular, LOL.

Fair enough. You want a UO, Iron Man 3 is one of my favourite MCU movies. I also found both Captain Marvel and Shang-Chi fine but nothing exceptional. Maybe it helps to be one of the minorities depicted? I'm a white man, I've developed higher standards to be pandered to.

But I hate all the Thor movies. Even though I'm happy for fellow Aussie Chris Hemsworth. He's fine in the better Avengers movies, it's just his starring efforts that are bloody terrible.

There. Now I've alienated everyone. :)

  • Love 2
Just now, Anduin said:

But I hate all the Thor movies.

That's coming in hot, for sure! 

MCU-wise, let me come in with a hot take that I'm less than delighted with Florence Pugh. She's fiiinnnnne, but no more. Fine in Little Women (I liked Kirsten Dunst in the 1994 version better), annoying me in Black Widow (super flaming hot take 🔥, huh?) and on the upside, well-used on Hawkeye (just the right amount of Florence in it). I'm far from: "Give me more Pugh!"

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Anduin said:

Fair enough. You want a UO, Iron Man 3 is one of my favourite MCU movies. I also found both Captain Marvel and Shang-Chi fine but nothing exceptional. Maybe it helps to be one of the minorities depicted? I'm a white man, I've developed higher standards to be pandered to.

But I hate all the Thor movies. Even though I'm happy for fellow Aussie Chris Hemsworth. He's fine in the better Avengers movies, it's just his starring efforts that are bloody terrible.

There. Now I've alienated everyone. :)

I can't agree with you on the Thor movies, but Iron Man 3 is my favorite of the three movies and up in the top tier for me.  The first Iron Man was great because it was the first one, but with so many that came after it, I found that the last time I watched it, it was just "meh".  So simplistic in comparison to the others, which does have it's advantages, but it no longer thrills me like it did the first time I saw it. 

You want really unpopular?  Another Marvel movie that I don't revisit unless I happen to be with someone who hasn't seen it yet, is Black Panther.  It's an important movie and it proved that movies that star POC can do really well and I understand the importance of the narrative/motivation in the movie, but the movie as a whole?  I didn't understand the Best Picture nomination.  I feel the same way about Crazy Rich Asians--an important movie for the reason I mentioned, but I wasn't on board with the push for Best Picture and Acting nominations, although, I do think it deserved to be nominated for some technical awards like Costume and Production Design (I did love it, though, so this one I have seen multiple times).  Having said that, I was happy to see the Academy recognize that there are main stream films, especially action-adventure, that are good enough to be nominated. I'm always happy to see them go outside their usual nominations of artsy films, even if I don't agree with them.

  • Love 1
47 minutes ago, Shannon L. said:

I can't agree with you on the Thor movies, but Iron Man 3 is my favorite of the three movies and up in the top tier for me.  The first Iron Man was great because it was the first one, but with so many that came after it, I found that the last time I watched it, it was just "meh".  So simplistic in comparison to the others, which does have it's advantages, but it no longer thrills me like it did the first time I saw it. 

I like Iron Man 3 too as I watched it over Christmas. It's not one of my favourites but it's easily in the top half of MCU movies and there are a lot of fun parts. I especially like how much of it is Tony using his brain to figure shit out. The only thing that bugs me is that there really weren't any suits in the Avengers tower he could have used? The whole charging the suit thing was kind of dumb but that at least I could overlook.

  • Love 1

I fell asleep during Thor that is sooooooooooooooooooooo not my type of movie.

I loved Solo: A Star Wars Story!  When that movie came out I said that I really must have no idea what will become a hit because I thought it would be enormous.  I was so wrong.  I can't believe how little money it actually made in profit (compared to other such movies).

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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5 hours ago, pancake bacon said:

 I'm less than delighted with Florence Pugh. She's fiiinnnnne, but no more. Fine in Little Women (I liked Kirsten Dunst in the 1994 version better)

Pugh's version of Amy March is the first time I was really sympathetic towards the character, but it's at least partly because except for a couple of exceptions I haven't liked Dunst's work. She was good in Bring It On, and I give her credit for Interview With The Vampire since she was a kid then, but she doesn't come off as likable in much else. With Amy that was probably even the point, because she is a brat, so it's just my weird take.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Enigma X said:

Iron Man 3 (all the Iron movies) are in my top MCU movie(s). The Thor movies are also in the upper to upper middle tier. The Guardians of the Galaxy franchise sinks to the bottom. 

I thought the first GotG was really good, but I didn't get the love for the first one.  That one is in the bottom tier for me.  Captain America: The First Avenger still holds the bottom spot on my list, though.  The first half was fun, but then it got really boring, which is funny because until the latest Spider-Man movie, Captain America: The Winter Soldier held the top spot on my list.  Now, it's a very close second.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I fell asleep during Thor that is sooooooooooooooooooooo not my type of movie.

I loved Solo: A Star Wars Story!  When that movie came out I said that I really must have no idea what will become a hit because I thought it would be enormous.  I was so wrong.  I can't believe how little money it actually made in profit (compared to other such movies).

I think if it had come out after The Mandalorian it would have been a hit because that show got people used to the idea of smaller scale stories in the Star Wars universe. Before that live action Star Wars had to have big battles with the stakes being the fate of the galaxy.

  • Useful 1

Another controversial opinion. I hated all three of Raimi's Spider-Man movies. So badly burned by the first two, I ended up watching 3 at home and skipping forward to the action scenes. In fact, he completely burned me out on Spider-Man in general. I haven't seen any of the next six and I don't want to.

Thinking back, I've tried other Raimi movies and didn't like them either. He's just someone whose work I don't like.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Anduin said:

Another controversial opinion. I hated all three of Raimi's Spider-Man movies. So badly burned by the first two, I ended up watching 3 at home and skipping forward to the action scenes. In fact, he completely burned me out on Spider-Man in general. I haven't seen any of the next six and I don't want to.

Thinking back, I've tried other Raimi movies and didn't like them either. He's just someone whose work I don't like.

I also disliked that trilogy, especially Tobey Icantbebotheredtocheckhowhisnameisspelled. I much preferred Andrew Garfield's movies.

  • Love 1
On 1/17/2022 at 6:01 AM, pancake bacon said:

Rogue One was wide of the mark for me; while the action and thrills were aplenty, I didn't care about these characters. No time for any buildup, and I felt I was expected to care because we knew they were going to die. That helped a bit, but they were all parts to move the plot along. (I heart you, Diego Luna. I wished you had more to do in the movie!) 

I'm with you on this.  I wanted to like it, but since I knew what was ultimately going to happen, I found I just didn't care all that much.

I dislike all the other prequels, although Revenge of the Sith is tolerable, and can't be bothered to care about the movies set after the original trilogy.  For me, it begins with Star Wars and ends with Return of the Jedi.

On 1/17/2022 at 9:20 AM, Anduin said:

But I hate all the Thor movies. Even though I'm happy for fellow Aussie Chris Hemsworth. He's fine in the better Avengers movies, it's just his starring efforts that are bloody terrible.

I only like Chris Hemsworth in the non-Marvel movies I've seen, particularly Rush where he was sexy as hell which really surprised me.

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On 1/17/2022 at 9:20 AM, Anduin said:

Fair enough. You want a UO, Iron Man 3 is one of my favourite MCU movies. I also found both Captain Marvel and Shang-Chi fine but nothing exceptional. Maybe it helps to be one of the minorities depicted? I'm a white man, I've developed higher standards to be pandered to.

But I hate all the Thor movies. Even though I'm happy for fellow Aussie Chris Hemsworth. He's fine in the better Avengers movies, it's just his starring efforts that are bloody terrible.

There. Now I've alienated everyone. :)

Did I write this? I have never understood the hate Iron man 3 gets. I love that it's about Tony's PTSD. It's also funny and full of cool action sequences.

But Thor. I just don't like any of his movies not even the much lauded Ragnarok. I think the problem is none of his movies are about him, not really. And he's a very tragic interesting character. I'm so dreading the upcoming movie because it's about Jane who I really dislike. Also the movies not about Thor once again.

I guess my unpopular Star Wars opinion is that the movies are just ok? Apparently my mom hates the movies so I didn't watch them as a child so the nostalgia isn't there for me.  I wish I liked the more.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, blugirlami21 said:

Did I write this? I have never understood the hate Iron man 3 gets. I love that it's about Tony's PTSD. It's also funny and full of cool action sequences.

But Thor. I just don't like any of his movies not even the much lauded Ragnarok. I think the problem is none of his movies are about him, not really. And he's a very tragic interesting character. I'm so dreading the upcoming movie because it's about Jane who I really dislike. Also the movies not about Thor once again.

If you're trying to find a new place to live while suffering through a heatwave, yes, you did write this!

My problem with Thor. I can imagine a space viking movie. Thor is utterly unlike my imagination. It was utterly unlike my expectation, more to the point. I went into the cinema with viking metal on my ipod, wearing an Amon Amarth shirt. Viking metal band, you get the idea. At that point, I didn't realise the MCU was going to be mostly live action cartoons. For that matter, I've heard the plot described as Shakespearean. It's directed by Branagh, of course it's going to be Shakespearean. But I don't like Shakespeare.

A combination of factors utterly turned me off. As for Dark World, that's widely regarded as possibly the worst MCU entry. For good reason. And Ragnarok, the trailer leaned into all the elements I disliked about the first two. If they dialed down the cartoon aspect, made it more serious, maybe I'd like number 4. But I doubt it.

13 hours ago, blugirlami21 said:

Did I write this? I have never understood the hate Iron man 3 gets. I love that it's about Tony's PTSD. It's also funny and full of cool action sequences.

But Thor. I just don't like any of his movies not even the much lauded Ragnarok. I think the problem is none of his movies are about him, not really. And he's a very tragic interesting character. I'm so dreading the upcoming movie because it's about Jane who I really dislike. Also the movies not about Thor once again.

I guess my unpopular Star Wars opinion is that the movies are just ok? Apparently my mom hates the movies so I didn't watch them as a child so the nostalgia isn't there for me.  I wish I liked the more.

I think that it came down to the Mandarin to Ironman was like the Joker to Batman. But everyone was unsure of how to produce a politically correct Mandarin

  • Love 1

Nothing can top the original trilogy. It will always be the best, undefeated.  I get why people have issues with the prequels but I love all three of them. Even before the Clone Wars came out but since then it even more so. The Rebels and the Bad Batch too. Visually they are so beautiful. The different planets and species. I really liked Rogue One and amazed that Disney of all people chose to kill them off. The sequels were just okay. There are things I liked and I didn't like. They could have done so much better with Rey, Finn, and Poe and other characters.  I didn't like Solo. I never felt like I watching Han Solo. The actor who played Lando was perfect but the one who played Han. 

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

Nothing can top the original trilogy. It will always be the best, undefeated.  I get why people have issues with the prequels but I love all three of them. Even before the Clone Wars came out but since then it even more so. The Rebels and the Bad Batch too. Visually they are so beautiful. The different planets and species. I really liked Rogue One and amazed that Disney of all people chose to kill them off. The sequels were just okay. There are things I liked and I didn't like. They could have done so much better with Rey, Finn, and Poe and other characters.  I didn't like Solo. I never felt like I watching Han Solo. The actor who played Lando was perfect but the one who played Han. 

I recently watched an old episode of the Raymond Burr show IRONSIDE from 1967 featuring a young Harrison Ford and he's about the age Han is supposed to be in SOLO. Watching it it's clear even 23 year old Harrison Ford wouldn't have been a good young Han Solo! He was so gawky and awkward.


Whenever you see Ford in interviews he isn't like Han at all. Han is brash and full of himself and kind of a loudmouth whereas Ford is soft-spoken. Kurt Russell was one of the candidates for Han and he could have played that brash Han easily. What Ford brings is this world weary, laconic edge for a Han that's been a criminal for 10 years that we meet in A New Hope and made him the perfect foil for young, naive, idealistic Luke. It's like how Jon Hamm couldn't get any roles in his 20s because he wasn't boyish looking enough. He already looked like a man when he was in high school! I think the actor(I'm never going to get his name or spell it right) was good as a young Han who hadn't become cynical yet.

Edited by Fool to cry
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On 1/22/2022 at 1:19 PM, andromeda331 said:

 I didn't like Solo. I never felt like I watching Han Solo.

I remain steadfast in my unpopular stance that I did feel like I was seeing the Han Solo character, unfolding in a story where he you can see his scrappy, bravado front (even if he didn't have much to build on with his bad situation), trying to achieve on an actual dream before it got dashed and ruined. How he met and bonded with Chewbacca was adorable, and the impact of Tobias Beckett on him understandably evolves to the A New Hope version of Han Solo. 

Solo presented a direct, contained adventure story that didn't involve any Skywalkers, and honestly that was the cry of some Star Wars fan post the complexities of The Last Jedi. We finally got that cry answered, and Solo was a delight. 

Edited to add: What @Fool to cry just said! 

On 1/19/2022 at 5:20 PM, Anduin said:

But I don't like Shakespeare.


Now this is an unpopular opinion! You're in the right place for sure now! 😄


Edited by pancake bacon
Formatting; Didn't like to repeat adjectives
  • Love 2
On 1/22/2022 at 11:45 AM, Fool to cry said:

I recently watched an old episode of the Raymond Burr show IRONSIDE from 1967 featuring a young Harrison Ford and he's about the age Han is supposed to be in SOLO. Watching it it's clear even 23 year old Harrison Ford wouldn't have been a good young Han Solo! He was so gawky and awkward.


Whenever you see Ford in interviews he isn't like Han at all. Han is brash and full of himself and kind of a loudmouth whereas Ford is soft-spoken. Kurt Russell was one of the candidates for Han and he could have played that brash Han easily. What Ford brings is this world weary, laconic edge for a Han that's been a criminal for 10 years that we meet in A New Hope and made him the perfect foil for young, naive, idealistic Luke. It's like how Jon Hamm couldn't get any roles in his 20s because he wasn't boyish looking enough. He already looked like a man when he was in high school! I think the actor(I'm never going to get his name or spell it right) was good as a young Han who hadn't become cynical yet.

Nope, still didn't work for me.  There should be glimmers of the Han we know from Star Wars, but to me, there weren't.  The "Han" in Solo had no chance of becoming the Han from Star Wars, and whether that's entirely because the actor was miscast (which he was) or also because the writing was bad is a matter of debate.

3 hours ago, Crs97 said:

I loved Solo.  It probably has been my favorite of the post-original trilogy movies

It wasn't a terrible movie.  Had it not been Han Solo's origin story, I might've enjoyed it.  It just didn't work as an origin story for me.

  • Love 2

Knives Out has come up a couple of times in the last few of days and it reminded me of my UO that I hated Chris Evans in that off white cable knit sweater-especially with that brown coat over it. I know he's playing a despicable character,  so they weren't going for hot, but I just couldn't get past it (although,  I loved the movie). If it had been white with a black or navy blue jacket, or dark blue with a black jacket it would have looked much better, I think. 

  • LOL 2
On 1/24/2022 at 6:27 PM, Shannon L. said:

Knives Out has come up a couple of times in the last few of days and it reminded me of my UO that I hated Chris Evans in that off white cable knit sweater-especially with that brown coat over it. I know he's playing a despicable character,  so they weren't going for hot, but I just couldn't get past it (although,  I loved the movie). If it had been white with a black or navy blue jacket, or dark blue with a black jacket it would have looked much better, I think. 

My UO is that it doesn't matter what they put Chris Evans in, I still don't find him attractive.  Quite a good actor, though.

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