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S08.E16: Holy Schnitzel

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Whenever I get together with friends for lunch or dinner, our main topic is what's going on in our lives because we see each other so infrequently.  Where are those conversations among these ladies..."How are your kids"..."How's it going with that nasty neighbor of your?"..."Menopause...it sucks!", etc.   Instead one will launch immediately into a problem they have with one another (s).  Are they not allowed by production to have normal friendly conversations?  I'd love to listen into a few of those!

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, Jel said:

Great post, RHJunkie!

I think we saw this epi that Dorit is mad at Kyle for not telling her, in so many words, DO NOT GIFT PANTIES. But at the time Dorit was hell bent on giving them, so I  doubt she would have listened. I think she now feels a bit indirectly sold out by Kyle, but that's misplaced, imo.

Kyle's pissed because she expects that her longstanding friendship with Lisa should trump all else.  I sort of understand that sentiment, but unfailing loyalty needs to be a two way street. Kyle's is decidedly one way.

Dorit made no sense with her pantygate explanation. I don't care to go back and check and I certainly don't remember the details, but I'm not inclined to readily accept Dorit's timeline of events, however I see the play she's trying to make. She's actually doing what Kyle did, lol. Kyle's initial grievance with Dorit was that she felt that Dorit was intentionally trying to ruin her friendship with Erika. So when Kyle confronted Dorit, she also brought up what she had heard her say about LVP as a way to substantiate her own misgivings about Dorit. In this episode, Dorit is trying to say that because Kyle chose such an important night to 'attack' her, it made her feel like the whole thing, including going back to LVP was a malicious attempt at ruining her friendship with LVP. She then brings in pantygate to try and substantiate this by suggesting that Kyle thought the gift was funny, Erika was fine with the gift, but then at some point, with Erika and Kyle around, Dorit went to the bathroom and came back to a hostile Erika (insinuating that Kyle said something about pantygate) which was intentionally done to cause an issue between Dorit and Erika. I agree, the overall sense of Dorit's argument both regarding pantygate and LVP is that Dorit does in fact feel sold out by Kyle and I also agree, that the feeling is misplaced and a result of Dorit not being able to accept that just because someone shares your bad deeds with others doesn't mean that they're accountable for the fallout. If she minded her words better it wouldn't have been an issue to begin with.

Kyle should know better than anyone that unfailingly loyalty is hard to give because it may require us to compromise our own values and better judgement. Look no further than her relationship with Kim. How many times did she sit quietly by and let the others at Kim? And why? She said it wasn't her fight and she didn't want to have to be accountable for her sister's decisions and relationships. When Kim and Rinna were going at it, a point of friction in Kim and Kyle's relationship is because Kyle had attempted to explain Rinna's feelings to Kim which upset Kim. When Taylor had confronted Kim about not being there for Kyle, she didn't try to save face for her sister and deal with the matter privately, she stood by and let Taylor say what she wanted to Kim and then jumped in herself to confront her sister (which of course led to the infamous limo scene). The reality is that Kyle has double standards as do all of these women when it comes to their expectations of friendships. But bringing up Kyle and Kim's relationship isn't to say that Kyle treated her sister poorly or that LVP is a wonderful and always well meaning friend - it's to say that Kyle fails to see that she has become the Kim in her relationship with LVP. Kyle's relationship with Kim is fractured because Kim constantly requires unfailingly loyalty from Kyle. Kyle doesn't think it's fair that her sister expects loyalty from her that doesn't allow her to be true to herself. Her sister expects a loyalty that compromises her other relationships and poses a threat to potential future relationships. Her sister always wants her to show unity even when Kyle disagrees with how she's handling a matter, and how many times have we seen Kim's confrontation with others turn into an argument with Kyle because Kyle 'didn't have her back'? Kyle checks every single one of those boxes when it comes to her relationship with LVP.

  • Love 9
50 minutes ago, byrd said:

Rhinna's lips were huge , reminded me of a clown's mouth..

She reminded me of a blow up doll.  Not that I've ever seen one.  Does she never change her hairstyle?

I agree with the poster that suggested these bickering housewives should drink more beer and eat more carbs.  They actually seemed happy for a while.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Jel said:


When Teddi brings something up, she's "clearing the air", when Dorit does, she's "stirring shit".  We have a cultural fascination with olfaction-based metaphors.

Dorit was stirring shit.  How long ago did this so-called slight happen in NY?  How often have these ladies seen each other since then?  If Dorit had a legitimate gripe with something Kyle said or did at her party in NY, address it to her within the next couple of days.  And only address it to her.  Do not bring it up while on vacation with the other ladies during a group dinner.  Heck, I wouldn't bring it up at all during the trip.  It's supposed to be fun.  Not everything is about Dorit.

20 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

Whenever I get together with friends for lunch or dinner, our main topic is what's going on in our lives because we see each other so infrequently.  Where are those conversations among these ladies..."How are your kids"..."How's it going with that nasty neighbor of your?"..."Menopause...it sucks!", etc.   Instead one will launch immediately into a problem they have with one another (s).  Are they not allowed by production to have normal friendly conversations?  I'd love to listen into a few of those!

Well, it did seem to start that way.  Rinna brought up her daughter's anxiety and Kyle talked about hers.  Once LVP mentioned being on good terms with everyone, Dorit seemed to think that was an opening to start something.

I would never invite Dorit on a trip.  She seems like a high maintenance pain in the ass.

  • Love 24
54 minutes ago, Jel said:

I think we saw this epi that Dorit is mad at Kyle for not telling her, in so many words, DO NOT GIFT PANTIES. But at the time Dorit was hell bent on giving them, so I  doubt she would have listened. I think she now feels a bit indirectly sold out by Kyle, but that's misplaced, imo.

Kyle actually fully encouraged Dorit to buy Erika the panties and thought it was hilarious.  Dorit is mad because of Kyle's "horror" only after Erika got upset and Kyle never copping to the fact that she was remotely complicit. I never understood how Erika let Kyle and Eileen off so easily after seeing how things really went down.  

  • Love 15
28 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

Whenever I get together with friends for lunch or dinner, our main topic is what's going on in our lives because we see each other so infrequently.  Where are those conversations among these ladies..."How are your kids"..."How's it going with that nasty neighbor of your?"..."Menopause...it sucks!", etc.   Instead one will launch immediately into a problem they have with one another (s).  Are they not allowed by production to have normal friendly conversations?  I'd love to listen into a few of those!

Oh they have them they are just far more boring than even the crap they showed last night and throughout the season. It doesn't really matter though because apparently Kyle doesn't listen to anyone else's musings, Dorit talks a lot and Erika puts up a a wall.  Or as Erika prefers to say she talks about important shit which apparently isn't a whole lot of important shit in her life.  

5 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

  Kyle actually fully encouraged Dorit to buy Erika the panties and thought it was hilarious.  Dorit is mad because of Kyle's "horror" only after Erika got upset and Kyle never copping to the fact that she was remotely complicit. I never understood how Erika let Kyle and Eileen off so easily after seeing how things really went down.  

If only Dorit could have reduced her accusation into something as succinct as your statement.  I think there was a lot of willful ignorance when trying to deduce what Dorit is trying to get across. 

Same goes with the beach house stuff.  They were pissed Erika left as the wanted to recreate Ojai and have some fun candid video-which like most of the season was lackluster.  

One thing I never understand why aren't Erika and Dorit's feelings ever important?  It seems to be all about Kyle and Teddi's feelings. Just seems off to me.

  • Love 8

Dorit was going to buy Erika the panties no matter what. Even if it meant having to drop-kick her own parents if they were in her way.

Kyle and Eileen laughing/encouraging/whatever doesn't make them that complicit. Unless there is a scene where one of them bought the panties instead of Dorit, or were discussing with her what type of panties to get ("No, Dorit, don't get her those, get her these instead") it does seem like Dorit is trying to deflect the attention off of herself.

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 12
10 hours ago, BBHN said:

I feel like Dorit was also gunning for Kyle/LVP's friendship, so Kyle going after her is ok.

It's a popular dish throughout Europe, and Germany has it's own variations of it. So why not go for something authentic and local?

How could someone who has "traveled the world" be so clueless?

Yeah, it seems a bit hypocritical of LVP.

Seriously, does PK have pics of LVP and Ken having orgies with dogs and goats or something?

I'm thinking it's "or something"

As in, some shady business ventures when they were across the pond.

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, Jel said:

Erika did say that the hotel staff planned everything, so I doubt she chose the veal. (Some people don't eat veal because of the conditions in which the animals are raised. I'm one. Also don't eat lamb. Or foie gras.)  Based on what Lisa and Lisa said, for those two at least it's not the rawness, it's the fact it was veal. 

I did a 30 second research project into Siberian concentration camps of WWII. Apparently they existed, but were not discussed much since sins of the Allies were not really advertised by the other Allies.  I do not for one second believe that Dorit made that up.  

I appreciated Erika's interpretation of the Holocaust Memorial.

When Teddi brings something up, she's "clearing the air", when Dorit does, she's "stirring shit".  We have a cultural fascination with olfaction-based metaphors.

I sympathize with Kyle's feeling on LV,  but Kyle appears to be really 'whiney " this season. I am so weary of her tears crying over Lisa's treatment of her. Tell Lisa one time how you feel and let it go.   

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, BBHN said:

Teddi is involved as much as Erika is, so she has as much reason to join the conversation. So, yeah, LVP is being a bit hypocritical.

Gotta disagree with that as well.

Agree! LVP brought the subject up at Erika's dinner. Do you notice how LVP/Kyle/Dorit - like to bring this up when all the ladies are together? If it was something the 3 of them wanted to hash out without any opinions, they should have met for drinks, dinner, lunch, or in one of their rooms while it was just the 3 of them. It is as though each of their agendas have been to bring the other ladies into the drama.

Kyle & Dorit's response when LVP brought the subject up - should have been, why don't we talk about this later in private and enjoy this dinner with everyone now.

LVP told Teddi to hush when Teddi wasn't taking LVP's stance.

Good for Rinna - telling everyone Teddi should be able to speak her mind.

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 11
9 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Rewatching and I didn’t realize how much of that dinner conversation I missed.

One, I loved Erika’s makeup look.

Two, I like LVP but she had no reason to tell Teddi to stop talking. She just interjected a statement to support Kyle; nothing out of line. If you don’t want people to interject, have a private conversation. It’s actually kind of rude to have a private conversation in a group setting like that. 

Three, Erika is right: Dorit goes from A to L to G to P making specious connections among events. She’s hard to follow and it definitely comes across like she’s fabricating things when she does it.

“To Hell in a Handbag” would be a great ep title. 

It’s a little weird that Dorit wore a military-inspired jacket on that particular walking tour.


Dori't thinks it was rude of Kyle to bring up issues the night of the Bella mag party, but none of them (LVP, Dorit, Kyle) seem to think it's rude to have this discussion at a dinner hosted by Erika.

Also the subject matter of who has whose back, who's stabbing who in the back and most importantly who's the best BFF to LVP - that's not supposed to make the other ladies feel excluded in some way?

  • Love 11

Dorit is such a drip. Way to ruin a dinner party, dredging up past incidents that had been dealt with ad nauseum. Can LVP please use her clout as OG Housewife to excise Dorit from this show permanently like the malignant cancer she is?

Elsewhere, it looks like Rinna showed up to the dinner party after borrowing Erika's glam squad for a makeover. Yikes! Not a good look for her.

  • Love 9
25 minutes ago, babykin said:

Delurking to say this....there were no "concentration camps" in Russia or Siberia. There were Labor Camps. My grandparents actually escaped from Poland, crossed into Russia and were held in a camp. My mother was born in a Labor Camp in Russia 1943. To have Dorit tell this bullshit story with fake tears is offensive to real survivors. I do not believe it.

When I read my post (and after my very quick googling) I thought to myself that I should change the word "concentration" to labor, but I was too lazy to do it.  I regret my laziness.

I believe Dorit used the term "concentration camp" in a broader way, not specifically relating to Nazis:

From Britannica.com

Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial. 

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, Jel said:

When I read my post (and after my very quick googling) I thought to myself that I should change the word "concentration" to labor, but I was too lazy to do it.  I regret my laziness.

I believe Dorit used the term "concentration camp" in a broader way, not specifically relating to Nazis:

From Britannica.com

Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial. 

If she's referring to those Labor Camps, fine. I just think her story is exaggerated to make herself seem more important and I just don't think the holocaust should be used that way.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, A-Lo said:

Whenever I get together with friends for lunch or dinner, our main topic is what's going on in our lives because we see each other so infrequently.  Where are those conversations among these ladies..."How are your kids"..."How's it going with that nasty neighbor of your?"..."Menopause...it sucks!", etc.   Instead one will launch immediately into a problem they have with one another (s).  Are they not allowed by production to have normal friendly conversations?  I'd love to listen into a few of those!

Then they couldn’t pretend to be perfect in every way.

  • Love 2
57 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

Kyle actually fully encouraged Dorit to buy Erika the panties and thought it was hilarious.  Dorit is mad because of Kyle's "horror" only after Erika got upset and Kyle never copping to the fact that she was remotely complicit. I never understood how Erika let Kyle and Eileen off so easily after seeing how things really went down.  

I don't remember it that way. I kind of remember Kyle "Haha yeah..ing" a little, but I also remember Kyle saying something like "I don't knowwww if that's such a good ideaaaa" But I don't know if she said that to Dorit or if she said it in a TH. If she only said it in a TH, and gave Dorit nothing but high-fiving YESSSS!-ness, then I agree that Kyle, at the very least, could have been more forthcoming with her advice.

38 minutes ago, byrd said:

I sympathize with Kyle's feeling on LV,  but Kyle appears to be really 'whiney " this season. I am so weary of her tears crying over Lisa's treatment of her. Tell Lisa one time how you feel and let it go.   

And deny Kyle the opportunity to bust out her English accent yet again?! Surely, you jest, Byrd! ;)

  • Love 10
28 minutes ago, babykin said:

Delurking to say this....there were no "concentration camps" in Russia or Siberia. There were Labor Camps. My grandparents actually escaped from Poland, crossed into Russia and were held in a camp. My mother was born in a Labor Camp in Russia 1943. To have Dorit tell this bullshit story with fake tears is offensive to real survivors. I do not believe it.

I thought her tears seemed genuine. Is it possible that Dorit has a different understanding of her family's story? I would hate to think that someone intentionally fabricated a story of that nature. Dorit can be rather delusional. I wouldn't put it past her to misunderstand the story and then run with that version thinking it was the real thing. I had never heard about concentration cmaps in Russia or Siberia. Here I thought she was teaching me something new.

  • Love 15

I haven't read through the whole thread yet so forgive me if I repeat things that have already been said.

I think LVP brought the NY thing up again to punish Kyle for not remembering who Nanny Rose (was that what she called her?) was.

I loved Erika's dramatic look at the dinner she hosted.  The pig tails.....not so much.  I have to admit, if I could afford it, it really would be fun playing with different looks all the time.  Doubt I would be as bold as she is though.

LR's bright lipstick is a NO. Way too many colors going on in her look that night.....she should have had minimal eye make-up with the bold lip.  She did crack me up with her popcorn TH.  I am loving her this season.

Kyle looked silly on the small horse but I commend her for going for her comfort level (even though it was ridicules for her to ride w/o allergy medicine).

Teddi was a champ helping LR stop her horse.  Another reason I like Erika, she made a point to praise Teddi for her efforts, yes, she can be over the top in her reactions but at least she recognizes the good in people too.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, bosawks said:

I got the feeling it was a book she once read, oh, who am kidding about Dorit reading, I mean a movie she once saw.

But with "Dorit logic" feeling sad about something translates to it having happened to you and, voila, truth........

I read that book in the 60s...it was a memoir by Esther Hautzig, The Endless Steppe. Her family was taken from their wealthy home in Poland, during WWll, by the Russians and sent in cattle cars with many others to work in labor camps in Siberia. It was horrible. It's the first thing I thought of when Dorit told that story. 

  • Love 15
56 minutes ago, babykin said:

If she's referring to those Labor Camps, fine. I just think her story is exaggerated to make herself seem more important and I just don't think the holocaust should be used that way.

Are you thinking Dorit's Jewish relatives in Europe during WWII led a charmed existence?  I think it is pretty much a given Jews who were unable to flee certain parts of Europe during WWII suffered atrocities at the hands of the Germans.  The  RHOBH are at a memorial for the holocaust Dorit's family were European Jews who lived through the holocaust. I didn't realize one could use the holocaust.  

  • Love 13

Oh Kyle. Sigh. Let’s assume your feelings are legit over legit issues (and I’m being way generous here). At some point if this is the type of friend LVP is, accept it and shut up,or stop being friends with her. I feel like I’m listening to a woman whose husband cheats and she just keeps whining and complaining about it. Shut up or move on. Trying to reason somembody into being who you want never works. I learned this in 10th grade. Is she that stupid. First time I’m a victim of your bad behavior but after that it’s on me for sticking around. Kyle would wear me out, all the needy is a terrible look.

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, Jel said:

Erika did say that the hotel staff planned everything, so I doubt she chose the veal. (Some people don't eat veal because of the conditions in which the animals are raised. I'm one. Also don't eat lamb. Or foie gras.)  Based on what Lisa and Lisa said, for those two at least it's not the rawness, it's the fact it was veal. 

I did a 30 second research project into Siberian concentration camps of WWII. Apparently they existed, but were not discussed much since sins of the Allies were not really advertised by the other Allies.  I do not for one second believe that Dorit made that up.  

I appreciated Erika's interpretation of the Holocaust Memorial.

When Teddi brings something up, she's "clearing the air", when Dorit does, she's "stirring shit".  We have a cultural fascination with olfaction-based metaphors.

Dorit's story could very well be true, but she created doubt by trying too hard to be dramatic.  

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

I thought her tears seemed genuine. Is it possible that Dorit has a different understanding of her family's story? I would hate to think that someone intentionally fabricated a story of that nature. Dorit can be rather delusional. I wouldn't put it past her to misunderstand the story and then run with that version thinking it was the real thing. I had never heard about concentration cmaps in Russia or Siberia. Here I thought she was teaching me something new.

research Dorit's  story.. I did.. those camps did exist..

Edited by byrd
  • Love 5
12 hours ago, film noire said:

And Rinna continues her Stealth Queen rise in this episode for me  -- the popcorn alone! (and every time she yelled "HO!" while riding,  I cracked up;  like she was proclaiming her past life as a whore to the German countryside. ; )

I cant tell if you're just being funny but anyone who rides knows that saying "ho" is a very common way to try to calm down ones horse. To me that felt like Rinna had ridden in the past because I've not ridden in years but I'd know instinctively to say that if my horse was getting out of hand on me. Mind you, the only two who seemed comfortable on horses were Teddi and LVP, and LVP always looks so fake on her horse, like she just barely rides. To be honest, I wouldn't take a group of people riding ever, too much can go wrong when people who dont know horses try to ride 'just for fun'. Oh, and Kyle looked ridiculous on that pony. She showed how short she is in real life, it was so odd looking.

12 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

It seems insane to me that Dorit would keep bringing up stuff that she was responsible for as if she was the wronged party.  Does she literally run all her memories through a Dorit is the wronged party filter or is every conversation she has as fake as her accent.


I'm rewatching tonights episode and I call bs on Dorit's story about her family.

I felt bad for thinking this during the show.  But I don't believe a word out of Dorit's mouth at this point. I thought that Dorit made it all up. 

Dorit is a vapid idiot who offers nothing but manufactured drama bullshit 24/7, period end of story. She is an average mental midget who married someone who claims to be 'wealthy', but other than PKs bank account, she's a moron who should probably be waiting tables at Hooters (no disrespect to any Hooters waitresses).

As for her family Holocaust story, I too felt that that her 'tears' seemed put on, and I also felt it seemed off, which is a sad testament to how full of shit she is. Quite honestly, I think everything she says is filtered through a BS filter, except her filter ADDS BS to anything she says, case in point: constantly rehashing issues with the ladies where she's said something shit stirring and denies it and acts like the put upon victim. 

In case anyone from BravHo reads this site, NEWSFLASH: Dorit is not 'good TV'. She is an insufferable cunt - and I dont use that word lightly nor often - but its the only word that will even moderately suffice when describing the deluded, shit stirring freakshow that is Dorit. I would be very happy to never hear her fake ass accent ever again. She needs to be exiled to Beverly Beach, where she can sip cocktails and prattle on to the nearest palm tree about how hard it is to design (ie: play with pencils twice a year) her line while professionals do it for her.

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:


That's a waiter's job, though--and they were lattes, so he wouldn't have to bring various creamers; the milk is already in it (and, yes, I was a server for years).  And some people don't eschew dairy because of intolerance for lactose but for intolerance of the brutalization of animals--not that I think that's the reason behind these ladies' requests for non-dairy options. The other milks, IMO, do taste better than nasty, pus-'n'-blood--filled dairy though!

Maybe I misunderstood your post. The brutalization of the animals comment, what is brutal about milking a cow? Please explain. 

On 3/28/2018 at 7:26 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

Has anyone ever seen LVP carry a Birken? I think I have seen some in her closet, but I don’t recall seeing her carrying one around. 

I'm also handbag obsessed. I have very expensive bags but I can't afford a Birkin. I have something even better - found a stylist on Instagram that makes "Birkin" adjacent bags and on them she paints "YOU FAKE LIKE THIS BIRKIN" It's absolute fabulous and gets so much attention. Even though it clearly says its fake right on bag, so many people think it's real and quirky.  

  • Love 5

I enjoy the HW trips abroad...minus the bs drama. Sometimes Erika surprises by showing some depth/humbleness when she talked about their problems being small in comparison to what has/is going in the world. It easy for them to lose sight of it because they live in a bubble of gated communities, designer clothes, and glam squads. That said, she has the WORST glam squad because they make her look like she's been to a costume shop and picked out a 'persona.'  So far on the trip she's been the aging white hip hop gangster chick; the grieving retro granny; and next week she's the latex dominatrix. 

Rinna has been fun this season. Her TH are some of the best, and it is nice to see that side of her. She seems like a fun, and spirited person. 

I tend to ignore, or fast forward past the bickering and re-hashing between LVP, Kyle, and Dorit. It is an unfortunate side to the series, but will remain that way as long of Cohen is around. 

Edited by Barbara Please
  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

I enjoy the HW trips abroad...minus the bs drama. Sometimes Erika surprises by showing some depth/humbleness when she talked about their problems being small in comparison to what has/is going in the world. It easy for them to lose sight of it because they live in a bubble of gated communities, designer clothes, and glam squads. That said, she has the WORST glam squad because they make her look like she's been to a costume shop and picked out a 'persona.'  So far on the trip she's been the aging white hip hop gangster chick; the grieving retro granny; and next week she's the latex dominatrix. 

Rinna has been fun this season. Her TH are some of the best, and it is nice to see that side of her. She seems like a fun, and spirited person. 

I tend to ignore, or fast forward past the bickering and re-hashing between LVP, Kyle, and Dorit. It is an unfortunate side to the series, but will remain that way as long of Cohen is around. 

I agree, Rinna has been pleasant this season, last season she was hell. All of the bickering between she and Kim, Kyle ,LV and the love & light chick from last season , who did not return (thank you Jesus) but when you mess with the untouchable 'Harry Hamlin" there will be hell to pay.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

If the reunion doesn't have a supercut of clips of all the times Dorit has reinvented events to suit her agenda and every clip showing the evidence to the contrary and every talking head of every housewife saying WTF then I'm quitting this show.

I need them to get to the bottom of what Dorit's deal is.

Is she knowingly manipulating them (because its working and its bizarre)?  Or is she out of touch with reality?  A pathological liar?

It seems insane to me that Dorit would keep bringing up stuff that she was responsible for as if she was the wronged party.  Does she literally run all her memories through a Dorit is the wronged party filter or is every conversation she has as fake as her accent.

Not sure she’s enough of an actress to pull off the manipulation scenario, so my vote is she has some sort of disorder.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Benadryl knocks me out, even the less sedating antihistamines make me drowsy, so maybe the effect her like that and she should have just bowed out. It looked like a really boring ride so she wouldn't have missed anything.

Kyle cracked me up on the Pony Ride, she looked so funny like the child riding next to the grownups.

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I'm loving all the scenes of Berlin, I'll probably never get there, and I don't drink beer but I'd love to go to a beer hall and eat, dance and have fun. 

The beer hall they went to was a chain.  we have one in a Chicago suburb.  I COULD NOT believe they were there.  

16 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Oh my gosh. Erika saying that that place in the alley was the new hot spot had shades of SNL Stephon. “This place has EVERYTHING: cat waiters, go-go dancing glam squads on mini polo ponies, and a bartender with a goiter shaped like Yul Brenner.”

omg, I'm choking on my lunch!!!   yes yes yes yes yes.... you win the entire internet today AND tomorrow!

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Not sure she’s enough of an actress to pull off the manipulation scenario, so my vote is she has some sort of disorder.

Camille summed up Dorit for me, ." Dorit,  there you go again, just can't help yourself can you "  

26 minutes ago, gingerella said:

I cant tell if you're just being funny but anyone who rides knows that saying "ho" is a very common way to try to calm down ones horse. To me that felt like Rinna had ridden in the past because I've not ridden in years but I'd know instinctively to say that if my horse was getting out of hand on me. Mind you, the only two who seemed comfortable on horses were Teddi and LVP, and LVP always looks so fake on her horse, like she just barely rides. To be honest, I wouldn't take a group of people riding ever, too much can go wrong when people who dont know horses try to ride 'just for fun'. Oh, and Kyle looked ridiculous on that pony. She showed how short she is in real life, it was so odd looking.

Dorit is a vapid idiot who offers nothing but manufactured drama bullshit 24/7, period end of story. She is an average mental midget who married someone who claims to be 'wealthy', but other than PKs bank account, she's a moron who should probably be waiting tables at Hooters (no disrespect to any Hooters waitresses).

As for her family Holocaust story, I too felt that that her 'tears' seemed put on, and I also felt it seemed off, which is a sad testament to how full of shit she is. Quite honestly, I think everything she says is filtered through a BS filter, except her filter ADDS BS to anything she says, case in point: constantly rehashing issues with the ladies where she's said something shit stirring and denies it and acts like the put upon victim. 

In case anyone from BravHo reads this site, NEWSFLASH: Dorit is not 'good TV'. She is an insufferable cunt - and I dont use that word lightly nor often - but its the only word that will even moderately suffice when describing the deluded, shit stirring freakshow that is Dorit. I would be very happy to never hear her fake ass accent ever again. She needs to be exiled to Beverly Beach, where she can sip cocktails and prattle on to the nearest palm tree about how hard it is to design (ie: play with pencils twice a year) her line while professionals do it for her.

Ladies and Gents' "THIS DOES IT FOR ME"

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Are you thinking Dorit's Jewish relatives in Europe during WWII led a charmed existence?  I think it is pretty much a given Jews who were unable to flee certain parts of Europe during WWII suffered atrocities at the hands of the Germans.  The  RHOBH are at a memorial for the holocaust Dorit's family were European Jews who lived through the holocaust. I didn't realize one could use the holocaust. 

Sorry - where did I say that? Of course people use the Holocaust, and I personally find it offensive. 

Edited by babykin
  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, byrd said:

Camille summed up Dorit for me, ." Dorit,  there you go again, just can't help yourself can you "  

Ladies and Gents' "THIS DOES IT FOR ME"

I’ve always thought Bravo has a casting checklist, purposely hiring a lot of psychologically disordered people like Dorit. Came across these quotes yesterday in a piece about Peter Pan personalities but they apply here too:

“When [they are] casting a show like ‘The Bachelor,’ oftentimes producers look for people with more intense personalities,” Dr. Jenn Mann, the executive producer and host of VH1’s “Couples’ Therapy with Dr. Jenn” and VH1’s “Family Therapy with Dr. Jenn,” told Page Six, noting that the ideal person has “less impulse control, [is] more likely to create conflict and make for interesting TV.”

When looking to cast the next Taylor, Ravenel or his “Southern Charm” co-star Shep Rose, Dr. Venus Nicolino, the host of “Marriage Bootcamp: Reality Stars,” told us producers are often looking for “someone who’s egocentric. Someone who’s non-committal. Narcissistic. They see responsibility as a burden or inconvenience.”


Edited by nexxie
  • Love 9
11 minutes ago, babykin said:

Sorry - where did I say that? Of course people use the Holocaust, and I personally find it offensive. My entire family was killed in Auschwitz with the exception of my grandparents, so please don't put words in my mouth.

Here is your quote "I just don't think the holocaust should be used that way."  I logically assumed you were stating  Dorit was using the holocaust. You have some personal insight what her family did or did not endure.

Sorry about your family.  

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I was watching the Chew one day and Michael Symon said you can eat bacon straight from the package because it's smoked so it's actually cooked. 

It Was an amazing episode,  because of Berlin. The Holocaust Memorial was sad but im glad it gave these women a chance to think of other things besides  petty arguments.

Some store bought isn't smoked anymore.  They cut corners wherever they can.  I make my own bacon at home and would have no problem eating it after curing and smoking, but it is a whole different beast and not all slimy like store bought is before frying.


1 hour ago, AnnieHeights said:

I haven't read through the whole thread yet so forgive me if I repeat things that have already been said.

I think LVP brought the NY thing up again to punish Kyle for not remembering who Nanny Rose (was that what she called her?) was.

I loved Erika's dramatic look at the dinner she hosted.  The pig tails.....not so much.  I have to admit, if I could afford it, it really would be fun playing with different looks all the time.  Doubt I would be as bold as she is though.

LR's bright lipstick is a NO. Way too many colors going on in her look that night.....she should have had minimal eye make-up with the bold lip.  She did crack me up with her popcorn TH.  I am loving her this season.

Kyle looked silly on the small horse but I commend her for going for her comfort level (even though it was ridicules for her to ride w/o allergy medicine).

Teddi was a champ helping LR stop her horse.  Another reason I like Erika, she made a point to praise Teddi for her efforts, yes, she can be over the top in her reactions but at least she recognizes the good in people too.

Nanny Kay!  You are not LVP's true friend.

5 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

The beer hall they went to was a chain.  we have one in a Chicago suburb.  I COULD NOT believe they were there.  

The original HB in Munich is owned by the Bavarian government and is a huge tourist attraction but lots of locals also go.  It's like 500 years old and was the royal brewery of Bavaria and is probably the best known beer hall in the world.  I knew they'd franchised in Europe but didn't realize they also had locations in the states now.  It's totally a touristy thing to do in Munich and something you do your first time there.  I wasn't surprised that they went to HB if they were going to a beer hall, but I was surprised they were going to a beer hall in Berlin since it's a Bavarian thing and Berlin is not in Bavaria.  

  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, byrd said:

I agree, Rinna has been pleasant this season, last season she was hell. All of the bickering between she and Kim, Kyle ,LV and the love & light chick from last season , who did not return (thank you Jesus) but when you mess with the untouchable 'Harry Hamlin" there will be hell to pay.

I am trying and Rinner has had hilarious moments.

But I also see anger bubbling under the surface.  She doesn't like LVP and her TH have an undertone to them of resentment.  I also think it's driving her crazy to not be putting herself in the middle of it all even if she's working on not doing that.

I know. MMV and I am an LVP minion.  Shrugs.  I did like Rinner a lot 3 years ago.  Maybe I need another 2 years to erase last year.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Here's the rub, Erika told them all about the horse back riding trip the night before at the bar (Kyle, LVP, Rinna, Teddi - were there. Only Dorit wasn't in attendance she was sleeping off her mixed meds)

Kyle could have easily brought up I'm severely allergic to horses so I'm going to bow out. OR she could have asked the concierge about where to buy Benadryl or she could have made use of the hotel doctor that Dorit saw. She could have also asked Rinna, if she had anything for her in the Felix The Cat Ziploc. Nobody seemed to know anything about Kyle's allergy until they were at the location and on the horses.

I think Erika told them before they left the states, because they all packed riding clothes. 

  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

The beer hall they went to was a chain.  we have one in a Chicago suburb.  I COULD NOT believe they were there.  

omg, I'm choking on my lunch!!!   yes yes yes yes yes.... you win the entire internet today AND tomorrow!

THAT'S why that beer hall looked so familiar!  I went to one of its chain restaurants in St. Petersburg, FL.  It was a super-fun place. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, byrd said:

research Dorit's  story.. I did.. those camps did exist..

Thanks, I did a quick search and the events and timelines match up with information I found. Of course I didn't look for names or anything, but the places, order of events and where people ended up all matched up with Dorit's story so I believe it's a story that Dorit heard from somewhere.  I know that we all have our own likes and dislikes of the women but I'd would prefer to err on the side of caution and not potentially disrespect the traumatic experiences of Dorit's ancestors simply because I find her to be a rather annoying TV personality.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Benadryl knocks me out, even the less sedating antihistamines make me drowsy, so maybe the effect her like that and she should have just bowed out. It looked like a really boring ride so she wouldn't have missed anything.

It makes me tired, as well.  I would have stayed home or stayed at the farm and just relaxed with a drink. Riding the horse was stupid. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, byrd said:

I agree, Rinna has been pleasant this season, last season she was hell. All of the bickering between she and Kim, Kyle ,LV and the love & light chick from last season , who did not return (thank you Jesus) but when you mess with the untouchable 'Harry Hamlin" there will be hell to pay.

I think Rinna learned the hard way that she did too much. All of the women bring the drama, that's what they're paid for and that's why they keep getting contract extensions but there are certain boundaries you don't cross without reprisal. After the Yolanda stuff, she tried her best to shift the focus away from the fact that she heard a rumour, she shared that rumour and then she began to dissect every conversation and interaction she had in a manner which allowed her to conveniently interpret those incidents as manipulation. Then the next season she intended to lay low but her big mouth got her in trouble yet again when Eden repeated information Rinna had said about Kim. I think because Rinna is such a big personality, if she allows herself to get involved in the drama, she can't help but go too far down the rabbit hole. We even saw it in the way she unnecessarily invested in doubling down on Kim. She could have left Kim alone and let Kim bury herself (for the umpteenth time) but she kept hacking away at it. I also think it took a while for Rinna to realize that while she saw herself as a truthseeker, her behaviour came across as someone who made excuses for their behaviour and relished drama and I don't think she actually enjoys having vendettas with the women for the sake of some screen time.  She's an all or nothing personality and she's choosing to go with 'nothing' to keep herself out of trouble and I don't think that's a bad idea. She's also gone through other personal changes so I imagine all of those fresh experiences provide a different kind of perspective...at least for now.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, A-Lo said:

Whenever I get together with friends for lunch or dinner, our main topic is what's going on in our lives because we see each other so infrequently.  Where are those conversations among these ladies..."How are your kids"..."How's it going with that nasty neighbor of your?"..."Menopause...it sucks!", etc.   Instead one will launch immediately into a problem they have with one another (s).  Are they not allowed by production to have normal friendly conversations?  I'd love to listen into a few of those!

I was really interested in the story Rinna was telling about Delilah and her post-strep anxiety. How Harry would wait outside the school for hours. That was oddly fascinating. I always enjoy these shows more when there's more of a family element and not so much petty drama. 

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