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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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If KMc goes come back for a bit, I want Robin to come into a town like a hurricane, announce either she rescued herself or an off-screen Robert did, tell everyone especially Patrick to fuck off, grab her daughter and get the hell away from Port Chuckles.


If Jason decides to leave, Patrick can leave town to beg Robin for forgiveness.

Not Mac!!!! I really want a heartfelt scene between Robin and Uncle Mac because he has truly loved her unconditionally. Also, unlike Anna, he has the history of feeling Patrick was not good enough for Robin. I even remember the acknowledgement of that in an uncle-niece conversation in the PCPD interrogation room. Mac knows Patrick, and the Scrubs past relationship, much more than Robert does. It's not Mac's fault that Anna hasn't bothered to really try to be a mother to Robin after Robin was written off the show the last time.  

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Not Mac!!!! I really want a heartfelt scene between Robin and Uncle Mac because he has truly loved her unconditionally. Also, unlike Anna, he has the history of feeling Patrick was not good enough for Robin. I even remember the acknowledgement of that in an uncle-niece conversation in the PCPD interrogation room. Mac knows Patrick, and the Scrubs past relationship, much more than Robert does. It's not Mac's fault that Anna hasn't bothered to really try to be a mother to Robin after Robin was written off the show the last time.  


Who is this "Mac" you speak of?

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Haha yowsah1! I am referring to the underused/appreciated JYork. For a long time now, I've felt his Mac loved and has been devoted to Robin in a way that Anna and Robert just were not. Anna at least has guilt about that; I sometimes wonder if Robert truly did. I remember Robert and Anna talking about how Robin grew up; Robert said something like well I don't see what the problem is, she turned out fine. Mac was there for her. Anna pointed out they should have been there for her. Well, duh. I didn't like Robin whitewashing their pasts and saying, "you're great parents" when the three were at the docks one night.

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Not Mac!!!! I really want a heartfelt scene between Robin and Uncle Mac because he has truly loved her unconditionally. Also, unlike Anna, he has the history of feeling Patrick was not good enough for Robin. I even remember the acknowledgement of that in an uncle-niece conversation in the PCPD interrogation room. Mac knows Patrick, and the Scrubs past relationship, much more than Robert does. It's not Mac's fault that Anna hasn't bothered to really try to be a mother to Robin after Robin was written off the show the last time.  


Mac & Felicia are the only two adult residents of Port Chuckles that are exempt.  

This is probably not considered a spoiler, but just in case. KeMo and JT posted adoooorbs! pics of themselves w/ Brooklyn. I wonder if the matching braids with the girls is for one of the weddings? Or maybe the writers are taking trolling to new levels and Sam/Emma are going to be twins. JT still needs a damn haircut, though.




My complete boredom and WTF-ness of Samtrick aside, I admit these pictures are cute. And bad hair or not, I do like that JT thinks so much of his TV daughter. I think it's sweet.


With all that said, I hope the matching Emma/Sam 'dos aren't for a vomit-inducing Samtrick wedding.

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from SID, so I guess what I posted yesterday was accurate after all


Oct 12 - Lulu shoots Dillon down and he bonds with Valerie

Oct 13 - Alexis doesn't buy Olivia's lies
Oct 14 - Jordan is suspicious of Anna's role in Carlos' death
Oct 15 - Lulu has big news
Oct 16 - Hayden has a busy day, beginning when Liz tries to find out what she really knows and then Nik tries getting her a job
Oct 21 - Alexis drops a bomb on Julian
Oct 23 - Liz is guest of honor at a special event


Also it says Sabrina is pregnant, and Dante confronts Valerie over her pregnancy on Friday. I can already feel dubbel zout's rage blackout from here!


Oct 13 - M&M have to answer their father and Michael would love to hear the conversation Sabrina has with Felix
Oct 16 - Paul goes looking for answers
Oct 19 - Jake goes looking for answers about his past
Oct 20 - Sonny overhears something he doesn't like
Oct 22 - Sonny gathers his family and asks for support


"I'm . . . fragile, so so, nobody yell at me."

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 3

Oct 22 - Sonny gathers his family and asks for support



Dear God.  Seriously?  How much more can they support his ass?

Sabrina and Val both pregnant according to SID.  Which is the tick and which is the tock? Sabrina's baby probably lives since Gabriel died only a year and a half ago.

I guess the soap gods ignored my no more babies  prayers



Both babies will live.  For one thing, Sabrina has done the dead baby thing.  For another, both kids are tied to Sonny's family.  Of course they will live.

  • Love 5

I'm not entirely convinced Val's baby won't be a tock, but that's just me.


I don't think it's just you. There's something fishy going on here. She was confessing her feelings to Dante last week. If she were pregnant, that would kind of be the perfect time to say that, unless she has some notion of wanting him to want her for her and her alone. 


The thing that bugs me is whether she is or she isn't, I'm pretty sure that whole group is filming the reveal scenes right now, so if Dante thinks she is pregnant, it appears he still doesn't say anything to Lulu, so more character destruction. hoorah!


Either way, a baby element was sooooooo friggin unnecessary to this story.

  • Love 4

I'm going with Val has a tock, caused by mob stuff or a confrontation with Lulu.

Sabrina has a boy, but lies and says it's for Carlos. She'll find out Carlos is dead and get Anna and Felix to keep her secret, and Tracy because Anna killed Carlos and Tracy will want the baby raised non mob and Felix is um never there.

Yeah, that's my guesses.

  • Love 1

Val being pregnant is weird because of the timing.  Her mom's favorite holiday was months ago.  And then there was that whole moment with Bobbie where she felt sick and Bobbie took her home and it seemed like there were more spoilers there that never panned out so I thought it might have gotten dropped with the new writers.


As for Sabrina, I'm guessing she'll find out she's pregnant, Michael will refuse to disown Sonny and the mob, and Sabrina will flee town with Felix's help to protect her baby, letting TeCa go on leave.

  • Love 2
Oct 12 - Lulu shoots Dillon down and he bonds with Valerie


Gross. True love strikes again. (It's no better that Dillon is Valerie's rebound.)


Also it says Sabrina is pregnant, and Dante confronts Valerie over her pregnancy on Friday. I can already feel dubbel zout's rage blackout from here!


Oh, sweet baby Jasus. It's a good thing I have an Ativan prescription for nausea. It will do double duty.


I'm going with Val has a tock


Same here. Not just because I'll bust an aneurysm, but it gives the stupid story much more angst. 


Val being pregnant is weird because of the timing.


Every story suffers from the show's terrible pacing; this one more than some others. The writer change didn't help, either. 


Your guess for Sabrina sounds very likely, TeeVee329. I wish she could just go upstairs for a three-month nap like Bree Williamson did on OLTL, though.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Val being pregnant is weird because of the timing.  Her mom's favorite holiday was months ago.  And then there was that whole moment with Bobbie where she felt sick and Bobbie took her home and it seemed like there were more spoilers there that never panned out so I thought it might have gotten dropped with the new writers.


This is a soap, after all. It takes approximately 11 months to miss the first period, then two weeks from confirmation to full term birth.

  • Love 2

I really don't get what they're going for with Dillon over here. "Hello married woman who I've only been reacquainted with for 4 months and before that we hadn't seen each other in 8 years. Would you like to break up your marriage for me?"


Val being pregnant is weird because of the timing.  Her mom's favorite holiday was months ago.


Because of that but because also like I said it's not like she's keeping away from him and moving on and announcing the pregnancy would wreck her life. She was going on to Nathan about how if only they had had a little more time to talk, she thinks something could have changed. I do think there is a chance she might go crazy. Not Lisa Niles crazy, but, like, Marty Saybrook crazy. Marty was a sympathetic character in the end, right? Because they've also said over and over how Valerie is a good person who made a big mistake, so I don't think she's gonna be dumping anyone down wells.

  • Love 5

This is a soap, after all. It takes approximately 11 months to miss the first period, then two weeks from confirmation to full term birth.


Actually I feel like it doesn't usually take this long to announce a pregnancy. This is the longest one I've ever watched, anyway.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 2

My complete boredom and WTF-ness of Samtrick aside, I admit these pictures are cute. And bad hair or not, I do like that JT thinks so much of his TV daughter. I think it's sweet.


With all that said, I hope the matching Emma/Sam 'dos aren't for a vomit-inducing Samtrick wedding.

They are probably for the Jake/Liz wedding, or maybe a Samtrick engagement party.

Val and Sabrina pregnant? Yeah, one will be a tock, but I think it will be Sabrina's.

  • Love 2

I think the braids are for Halloween. Kirsten and Ryan posted similar stuff so I think there is some Halloween thing going on. And Jason called her a cowgirl, so I think they are going as Cowboys/cowgirls hence Jason's awful denim shirt.

Oh, that could def. be it. JT's outfit looked close to stuff in real life, so I totally just brushed it off.

  • Love 1

Actually I feel like it doesn't usually take this long to announce a pregnancy. This is the longest one I've ever watched, anyway.


You're right. I'm just exaggerating the messed up timeline issues that exist in soaps where the Fourth of July lasts a month and the next day is Christmas. It always seems to be worse WRT pregnancies. Like on Passions when Teresa was a surrogate with a confirmed heartbeat, then thought she miscarried and had sex to conceive a replacement baby, then had two heartbeats. Even though the fetuses would have been conceived at least six weeks apart in "reality", no one commented on them being different sizes/gestational ages, or that the second's heartbeat showed up just days after conception. 

  • Love 2

I'm not convinced Liez is OOC. Didn't she come to town as a schemer, tryna take her sister's man? They changed her after the rape to facilitate LnL2, right? But a certain nature has always been there. 


Liz was a schemer when she came to town. She lived to mess with her sister. (It was entertaining.) Liz & Lucky bounded before the rape; the writing was definitely about pairing them from the moment Liz hit town. They did try to make Liz pure and sweet as a compare and contrast with Carly during the first Jason/Liz go-around. It was dumb. Since then Liz has been just a random mess, always bedding the wrong guy and failing to see how incredibly cute Lucky was when played by Greg Vaughan. 


So, if Liz is a schemer, this is her lamest scheme ever. 

  • Love 1

Val being pregnant is weird because of the timing.  Her mom's favorite holiday was months ago.


This is a soap, after all. It takes approximately 11 months to miss the first period, then two weeks from confirmation to full term birth.


You're right. I'm just exaggerating the messed up timeline issues that exist in soaps where the Fourth of July lasts a month and the next day is Christmas. It always seems to be worse WRT pregnancies.


So there's still a chance that Val's baby could be born on the 4th of July? (It was her mother's favorite holiday, you know.) Maybe they're delaying the announcement in hopes that we'll forget the date of conception.

Edited by rur
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So there's still a chance that Val's baby could be born on the 4th of July? (It was her mother's favorite holiday, you know.) Maybe they're delaying the announcement in hopes that we'll forget the date of conception.


Definitely. I expect around mid-June Val will overhear Dante tell Lulu he doesn't want anything to do with her (Val) and she'll decide to leave town. She'll have an eclamptic seizure and crash her car, coming to just long enough to wander into the woods and collapse. Then we'll have a week of Dante and Lulu finding her crashed car and searching the woods for her. Lulu will find her just as she goes into labor. We'll endure another week of every third scene being Val screaming while Lulu yells, "Push, Val, you can do it!" The baby will be born just after midnight the morning of the Fourth, and Val will lay back to "watch the fireworks", aka the impending second seizure that results in her death. Then Lulu and Dante will be free to reunite and raise their love-child-cousin together. It practically writes itself!

  • Love 6

Was Marty sympathetic when she went crazy...kinda?  It's complicated lol.


My take on that storyline was, no, Marty was not sympathetic.  I felt they totally trashed her character, someone who had overcome a lot to become pretty awesome, to make her cray-cray, all for the love of John McBain.  She was an unsympathetic, one dimensional plot point, not Marty Saybrooke.


Here's a thought:  Could Lulu's exciting news be that she's pregnant, too?  Maybe she took that fetus out of cold storage.  Wouldn't three pregnant women be...  just horrendous.

  • Love 3

I guess one argument for Sabrina's baby to be the tock over Val's would be the domestic boredom that she and Michael would fall into, plus how young he still is, while with Val there's the potentially soapy aspect of Lulu raising Dante's child with another woman (like Monica raised Jason with Alan).


But I don't want to see Sabrina lose two babies, and the Lante fan in me wants Val's kid to die, so...yeah.

Edited by UYI
  • Love 3

I guess one argument for Sabrina's baby to be the tock over Val's would be the domestic boredom that she and Michael would fall into, plus how young he still is, while with Val there's the potentially soapy aspect of Lulu raising Dante's child with another woman (like Monica raised Jason with Alan).


But I don't want to see Sabrina lose two babies, and the Lante fan in me wants Val's kid to die, so...yeah.


I'd rather Lulu get a miracle kid with someone else then and Dante have to deal with that. I'm tired of the women always being piled upon on this show. Dante getting a kid and his wife back would not be suffering, and the man needs to suffer for his idiotic assumptions. I'm not saying you disagree, I'm just ranting in general. :)

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 6

Sabrina and Val both pregnant according to SID.  Which is the tick and which is the tock? Sabrina's baby probably lives since Gabriel died only a year and a half ago.

I guess the soap gods ignored my no more babies  prayers


Oh for pete's sake, what happened to using oversize purses and potted plants? Sabrina doesn't need to be pregnant just because TeCa is. And Valerie well we saw that one coming wash, rinse and repeat GH.

  • Love 4

Wait...so is Valerie not pregnant and Nathan/Dante just think she is?  Or was her bag of candy supposed to indicate cravings because she is pregnant?  And oh man, is it possible Valerie will tell Dante she is just to spite him tomorrow?

I think Dante potentially acting like a dickbag may lead to Valerie pretending she's pregnant to fuck with him--and then deciding that is the way to get him (faking a pregnancy).

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