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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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21 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Well, seeing as there's been zero confirmation that next season would even be an All Stars, and the fact that the article mentioned Raven's fans, I'm going with this being false. 

1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

People are speculating that Jordan is pregnant because of a picture


You know? That last "&" on the wall looks photoshopped in, or drawn on the wall. 

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6 hours ago, Sayla Vee said:

I'm still going to watch it.  Didn't let Brenchel scare me off and I won't let Jody/Jessico ruin my favorite show.  I just wish CBS would treat Phil Keoghan with as much respect as they do Jeff Probst and stop forcing their garbage cast onto his show. 

You do know that Caleb and one other, who I'm going blank on,   have been on Survivor right?

1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

You do know that Caleb and one other, who I'm going blank on,   have been on Survivor right?

I now do remember Caleb, but totally forgot that.  And now that you've reminded me, I think the other was Hayden of the Four Horsemen or whatever.  I think he was allied with an Enzo, Lane and someone else.  It was Brittany's first year.

So now I have to cover my face in shame, except that TAR has really gotten the worse of it.  They had Brenchel twice, Allison and her boyfriend, and Jeff and Jordan.  Plus Survivor sent them Rob & Amber twice, and finally decided to give Rob his million on their show so CBS could finally be rid of him.

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On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 9:56 PM, Sayla Vee said:

I now do remember Caleb, but totally forgot that.  And now that you've reminded me, I think the other was Hayden of the Four Horsemen or whatever.  I think he was allied with an Enzo, Lane and someone else.  It was Brittany's first year.

It was the Brigade.

On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 1:29 PM, Sayla Vee said:

I'm still going to watch it.  Didn't let Brenchel scare me off and I won't let Jody/Jessico ruin my favorite show. 

I don't get how they'd ruin TAR.  That's a show much more fit for both Cody and Jessica.  I think they'll do well.

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Seriously, Amazing Race is a much better fit for Cody. It involves tasks, directions and competition. Cody does not have the type of personality that is suited to doing well in Big Brother but on a show like the Amazing Race he should be fine. Social interaction is limited and, while it can be important, it is not responsible for your winning at the end. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Her side boob is a violation of what a side boob is supposed to be.  It works for smaller breasts but even then, that top is risky. 

One time, in the way of demonstrating a complete and absolute lack of the whole concept of planning, I had a friend who went to an discount warehouse store and bought a new king-sized mattress.  After she bought it, she called me for help - she could get the guys at the store to load it, but she would need help unloading it and would I mind...?  

Being me, I sighed and said yeah sure.  She said the store was about twenty minutes from her place, so allowing for loading time we should meet there in a half hour.  I was right at a half-hour’s drive away, so I get off the phone and head over to her place.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.  [Note: this was back before cell phones, so no calling to see what the hell was up.]

Eventually (about an hour and a quarter later), I see her coming up the street - and immediately realize the issue.   

This brain-dead bimbo went to buy a new mattress.  

And bought one.  A king-sized one.  

And brought it home.  

With her car.  

Said car being a 1973-ish VW beetle.

Coming down the street.  At about 10mph.  With a mattress tied on top.  

Did I mention the mattress was king-sized?

You could barely tell there was a car under there - the mattress overlapped on either side about a foot and a half, and was tied down on the sides.  She’d had to crawl through the window under the mattress overhang to get in and drive.  

And that “twenty minutes away” horseshit?  That was by interstate - which she couldn’t drive because taking a curve at anything in excess of 10-12mph rocked that poor little blessed beetle so badly, she was scared it might flip.

Why am I telling you this story?

Because the visual memory of that VW beetle chugging down the road toward me at 10mph with this big fluffy mattress bulging out over the sides and straining against the ropes kept popping to mind EVERY time Jess started tugging at her top to cover her boobs.

Thank you for your time and attention.  We now return you to our regular program of dance music.

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, Christi said:

Shortest lasting? how do we know where they placed in TAR?  If u are talking about placing in BB, since Cody won Fan Fav, he technically came in like 3rd or 4th right?

I think the OP means shortest lasting in the run of CBS "fame", they basically had a 5 month run, June through November, although technically the timeframe will be longer because there will be a delay before the TAR season airs (also, there are spoilers in the TAR thread with their placement info if you're interested), with a very quick turnaround between shows (a couple of weeks?). This is in contrast to a duo like Brendan and Rachel, who spanned years from their first appearance on BB (2010) all the way through TAR all stars (2014) along with their continued affiliation with the show, down to announcing their baby news on air. I think it may extend a bit further, as CBS might invite Jessica back for BB, although I can't see Cody returning, he would just sink her game again if she refused to work with anyone he nixed. If they don't win TAR, and they provided enough entertainment value, maybe they'll make another season of that too (provided they are still together). I don't see Jessica turning down any opportunities but Cody may be content going back to a normal life. 

Fan fave doesn't change one's placement on BB and "ability" to play the game. Plus, a lot of that was due to (IMO) a couple of factors: Jessica's campaigning for him to win and the show kind of hyping up Jody as a great love story, and people wanting to stick it to the remaining houseguests who were pretty despised. It wasn't as an organic a win as someone like Donny, who people just really liked (or even Zach/Nicole who were top 3 in votes) in BB16.

Edited by neenyah
  • Love 5

Cody won fan favorite because people hated Paul and wanted to stick it t Paul. Paul spent the entire season bitching about Cody and telling people how Paul and his followers were loved and Cody was hated. Jessica actively campaigned for Cody because she knew it would piss off Paul and because she knew if she didn't, she and Cody would have split the vote and someone else would have won. Toss in a good amount of sympathy for the crap that Cody had to deal with from Paul and his minions in his last week in the house and Cody became the fan favorite. Cody would not have won fan fav in a season where the final seven were less odious then this last season of BB. Seriously, he was up against a Bully Organizer (Paul), a Bully (Christmas), a Con Artist (Raven), an Attack Dog (Josh), obedient lap dogs (Kevin and Matt), and an idiot who made jokes about raping women (Whistle Nut)

I have no idea why Geenee responded to my post with that list.

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40 minutes ago, UniqBlue69 said:

Celebrity Big Brother premieres February 7

The season finale is Feb. 25. That's less than a month.. you think they got someone big that would only commit to such a short time?

I'm sorry that I don't have an exact answer to your question but I hope so. I think that big name celebs need to get back to their shows/movie making (or sport teams) and get back on social media to be current and keep their buzz going. I'm more afraid of it being D-listers and it becomes a Surreal Life knock off. 

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They wouldn't get anyone, even D-listers if it was much longer than that.  They all have lots of other self-promotion to do.  Also, the regular hamsters may work for peanuts, but not these folks.  

PS - It looks like this show is being made/shown only to counter against the Olympics and not burn off new episodes of their  better shows.

Edited by DEL901
  • Love 2
51 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Whatever, I'll still be watching.

LMAO right!

51 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Is that the length of other "celeb" BBs?

I just looked it up and the least UK version was 25 days, so I guess this isn't as weird as I initially thought. 

I don't understand how something that short will work. Like are there only gonna be like 6 HGs?

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9 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I don't mind a short season for a stunt season like this. You just have evictions, like, every other episode. It'll be fun. 

I wouldn't mind it, if it was during a time that I didn't have other things to watch. Not even just the Olympics either, but The Amazing Race and whatever other shows are still going to be airing in February. I know most will probably go on hiatus, but not all. 

It's absolutely going to depend on which celebrity I'm familiar with enough to want to watch. If there's nobody I have a particular interest in, I might skip? I know I could technically just treat it as a normal BB season if I don't know any of the celebrities, but the timing of this season makes me feel like it'll be a chore to watch. Maybe I'll feel differently once the cast list is officially announced. 

(And honestly, I know that I say all of this now but come February, I'll be sitting in front of my computer with the live feeds on like the rest of you). I just think that if I do watch, it won't be my priority if other things are on. 

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29 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

So Raven and Matt...on or off?  Her IG profile pic is them.  No recent pics of them together.  His IG is no mention of her.  Oh I hope they broke up. 

Heh. Well, I checked his instagram. He did post a pic of them three days ago, but the caption screams just friends and it also is an older photo of them. Hers has her most recent photo of them and talking about them seeing each other next weekend.

Basically, she seems delusional about how serious their relationship is. He either is a very private person about his relationships, or he just sees her as his buddy.

Though looking at a photo he posted on November 4th of him, Raven, and some other chick, he is not just leaning more toward the other chick, but she's pretending to lick him, while Raven is WAYYYY off to the side (ok, not that off, but he's barely touching her).

Seriously; even on Twitter, Raven keeps tweeting pictures of them or talking about them, while he just doesn't. He retweets more things from Ramses and Josh than he does for Raven. But apparently they're spending Christmas together, so who the hell knows. 

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Going by Instagram alone,  Big Brother HGs seem to have gotten into the habit of shilling stuff such mattresses, makeup, teeth whitening products.

On one hand I think it's so cheesy, on the other I say get it while you can.   It's really just Jody and Marlena though??? I'm not following everyone but I haven't seen product placement on anyone else with the exception of Christmas who is just continuing on with her stuff.

47 minutes ago, njbarmaid said:

On one hand I think it's so cheesy, on the other I say get it while you can.   It's really just Jody and Marlena though??? I'm not following everyone but I haven't seen product placement on anyone else with the exception of Christmas who is just continuing on with her stuff.

I've glanced at a few of the houseguests to see how much they've been using their BB fame, though not necessarily through product placements. Jody and Marlena have, Jason and Alex have, I think Josh has, and Cameron has posted about BB a bit. Dominique posts her religion stuff but also uses BB hashtags. Kevin also has been using his BB fame through social media. And Raven? Well, her angle is still more about her 10000 deadly diseases and how she got a new pacemaker. 

Christmas has barely mentioned Big Brother and pretty much sticks to what she was doing before. Paul, I think, avoids BB talk like the plague and posts pretentious black and white photos of himself (no seriously; they're ALL black and white on Instagram). Matt is kind of in the middle, tending to just talk about his fitness stuff, a lot of bro talk, but he retweets the houseguests sometimes. 

So I think, besides the three mentioned above, everyone else is still trying to ride their BB fame for as long as they can. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it's clear from the houseguests who are desperate to keep the BB spotlight on them and who don't really care either way. 

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