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S05.E12: My Big Fat Baby

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Half a palm tree's so expensive now you have to move into Sweatnies attic?

I giggled when Tal said "it's from all of us... Buddy..." I wondered if Whitney might not rather have rent than whatever Buddy chipped in for the tree (I'm guessing nothing...)

It was a really sweet gesture though.

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I don't want to cut Whitney off but I do need to move down there, get into a routine, set some roots and meet some people, have children, grandchildren and Social Security before anyone from the past comes to say hello. 

Still love you!, Bud.

Edited by WillowG
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Also, can 2 unmarried people adopt in NC?

That's a great question! I don't know. The relevant state statute is as follows:

Who May Adopt

Citation: Gen. Stat. §§ 48-1-103; 48-4-101

Any adult may adopt, except that spouses may not adopt each other.

A stepparent may petition to adopt the minor child of his or her spouse if:

The parent who is the spouse has legal and physical custody of the child, and the child has resided primarily with this parent and the stepparent during the 6 months immediately prior to filing the petition.

The spouse is deceased or incompetent but, before dying or being adjudicated incompetent, had legal and physical custody of the child, and the child has resided primarily with the stepparent during the 6 months immediately prior to filing the petition.

For cause, the court permits a stepparent who does not meet the requirements above to file a petition.

To my read (I'm not an expert by any stretch), it isn't clear. My guess is that a home study worker would probably have difficulty approving as a couple two individuals who have no other legal relationship to one another. I would probably say that Whitney would be more likely to adopt as a second parent and raise the child with Tal. She could work with an attorney to draw up some sort of co-parenting agreement or minimally, to make sure that Tal would have rights of guardianship should Whitney's death precede the child reaching adulthood. 

On a different note: Given how close Whitney is to her parents and that she would a) want them to be active and involved grandparents and 2) probably rely on them as a major source of emotional, if not financial support, I'm all for her talking to Babs and Glenn as she begins the adoption process (not that I think she should). I don't like for couples to surprise their families with an adopted child if they are planning/hoping for their support. But - at a balloon race? On what is supposed to be a fun family outing. No. The fact that she chose that setting to spring the news on her parents shows me how (not) seriously she is treating this whole thing.

Edited by Elizzikra
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 Since Whitney and Tal were holding hands when they went to make the big announcement to her parents, I wonder if her parents thought they were going to announce that Tal had  switched teams and that they were getting married.

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Just now, Elizzikra said:

I giggled when Tal said "it's from all of us... Buddy..." I wondered if Whitney might not rather have rent than whatever Buddy chipped in for the tree (I'm guessing nothing...)

It was a really sweet gesture though.

That stuck out to me, too. Either way, Buddy looks bad. If he chipped in, why is he buying plants instead of paying his past due rent. If he didn’t chip in but got credit, he looks like a cheapskate. 

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7 minutes ago, PityFree said:

 Since Whitney and Tal were holding hands when they went to make the big announcement to her parents, I wonder if her parents thought they were going to announce that Tal had  switched teams and that they were getting married.

That's what I thought too. Babs had such a hopeful look on her face.

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What about said parent having a job to support this adopted child?  

Or will Tal be the "bread winner" , and Twit the "bread eater"?

Sorry, couldn't  resist. 

God in Heaven!  Tal would be tied to Twit the rest of his life!!!  A fate worse than death.  

OTOH, not cool to dangle this possibility of a child in front of Babs and Glen. Mainly because adoption is such an important life decision and achingly difficult process for many people. Not an episode cliff-hanger on a two-bit reality show.  

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1 hour ago, PityFree said:

She wanted to adopt a Korean child????????.??????!!!

 They are not souvenirs, Whitney!

Years ago when Cabbage Patch Kids were hot and hard to find, I was on a flight from Korea to US and it was filled with souvenir (fake) CPKs and adopted (real) Korean kids. So many kids that it was sort of a surreal experience and it seemed like the adoptees were souvenirs.

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2 minutes ago, Tosia said:

OTOH, not cool to dangle this possibility of a child in front of Babs and Glen. Mainly because adoption is such an important life decision and achingly difficult process for many people. Not an episode cliff-hanger on a two-bit reality show.  

They did that fake pregnancy scam in season 4. Making jokes out of achingly difficult processes is what they do.

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The Charleston dance class looked more like it was full of people desperate to be on TV as opposed to Big girl dance class supporters. Was it me or was Whit outof breath constantly, even when talking? That one crying gal was definitely a plant. Let me share my Dance experience...the girl teaching was super muscular and a great dancer. I am a thin gal but have zero coordination and was horribly self-conscious. I am Pigeon toed which to me is embarrassing and sometimes painful when I run as the weight distribution is all wrong.  She was a wonderful teacher, very kind and encouraging and even though I still suck I improved a lot. That is what a good instructor is like, we don't need an out of shape Whit teaching poor technique and throwing pity parties. I am not a large gal but I think we all deserve encouragement and the space and support to learn and grow without the pity party mentality.....I will get off my soapbox now!

Edited by sainte-chapelle
Spelling, damn you auto correct
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On 3/16/2018 at 2:35 PM, LordOfLotion said:

I wonder how much of this breakup stuff was actually filmed in the same week, and they spread it out over all these episodes to make it seem like it dragged out a lot longer. Maybe I'm just insensitive because I have asperger's, but as soon as this guy said he wanted to break up, I would have put his junk in a box, set it on my front porch, sent him a text to let him know it was there and blocked him on my phone. None of this would have been discussed with mutual friends and I probably would have blocked him on social media. I don't stay where I'm not wanted, and I do have some dignity left somewhere.

Exactly what I was thinking. If somebody breaks up with me, I assume it's because they think I'm a bitch, in some way. I have no interest in finding out WHY they think I'm a bitch.

Buddy's line "I'll still always love you, Heather, BUT"....what a load of shit! If you're "always" going to love her, you wouldn't have dumped her. There's no such thing as "I'll always love you, BUT get the hell out of my life, I don't want to be with you anymore", IMO. At least when I dump somebody I'm honest. It might not be pretty, but I don't give them false hope about how I do really love them but I'm still trying to "find myself" or some crap.

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Does she EVER wash her hair? 

I don't believe for a second she really wants to adopt, unless its a Joan Crawford type of adoption for publicity.

But, seriously....there are common sense issues both mentally and physically where Whitney would be shown the door.   If she wasn't, I shudder at the thought.

How could anyone approve someone who cannot walk or run fast enough to save a child from running in the street?

No stable job.  Daddy had to co-sign for house. Daddy buys her toilet paper and delivers it.    

Someone would give her a child? Wow........

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3 hours ago, aliya said:

They sound like the kids at my Girl Scout camp at the end of the summer, "We'll always be friends, forever and ever!"

I recently had my high school yearbook out to look someone up, and it was full of those messages, from people I mostly didn't reconnect with, until Facebook.

1 hour ago, mybuddyspence said:

Aw, the dance class ladies were so sweet. They deserve a Richard Simmons, not the queen of denial.

Yes, they were having a good time, and good for them.

7 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

Does she EVER wash her hair? 

Yes. That was what I noticed, and remember, about her Megyn Kelly appearance, her hair was clean.

Also, I couldn't believe she went to see Buddy so soon.  It's a wonder she didn't pass him on the way.

Edited by auntjess
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Move forward and see what happens? Heather! He dumped you! It’s over and done. What will it take to get that through your head? Have some pride. 

Why is Twit crying? And why is she sitting there nodding her head knowingly while Buddy “confesses” like she’s some kind of fucking therapist? I don’t know why I watch this show. I hate her more than anyone. 

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Whitney should have done some research before making the decision or springing it on her parents. Has she thought about where she will put the kid? Is she going to kick Donna out of the house? make the kid sleep in that attic? Who will watch the kid while she stalks her internet boyfriends? Do the cats get along with kids? What happened to wanting to ask Todd for baby batter and get pregnant? 

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 Since Whitney and Tal were holding hands when they went to make the big announcement to her parents, I wonder if her parents thought they were going to announce that Tal had  switched teams and that they were getting married.

I like Tal but I thought that was weird. I, too, wonder why he gave up his cute little house to go live in the Giant Litter Box. Maybe he had roommates we never saw? Broke up with a SO he was living with? Thought he'd save some cash by renting a room? I'd need a pretty significant type of motivation to move into that house.

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32 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

Exactly what I was thinking. If somebody breaks up with me, I assume it's because they think I'm a bitch, in some way. I have no interest in finding out WHY they think I'm a bitch.

Buddy's line "I'll still always love you, Heather, BUT"....what a load of shit! If you're "always" going to love her, you wouldn't have dumped her. There's no such thing as "I'll always love you, BUT get the hell out of my life, I don't want to be with you anymore", IMO. At least when I dump somebody I'm honest. It might not be pretty, but I don't give them false hope about how I do really love them but I'm still trying to "find myself" or some crap.

I can sort of understand the "I like you as a person but don't think we're compatible as a couple" angle, but if that's the case Buddy should have clarified it when they broke up like a mature adult. 

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31 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

Buddy's line "I'll still always love you, Heather, BUT"....what a load of shit! If you're "always" going to love her, you wouldn't have dumped her. There's no such thing as "I'll always love you, BUT get the hell out of my life, I don't want to be with you anymore",

He's a lying piece of shit. Just last episode he was telling his new sober fried that he"fell out of love" with Heather. 

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2 hours ago, aliya said:

As the leader, Twit should have been able to dance with each person in the circle. I see that they ended up dancing with each other. She can't even do a little freestyle dance with her fans. I'm sure each of them would have loved to go home and say they had a one on one dance with Twit. I'm being serious. But that would take physical effort on Twit's part, so we know that's not going to happen.

YYYYYYEP! I noticed that all of the people who showed up for the class (and actually DID all the moves) were not sweaty and red in the face. Only TWIT was.

Miss Professional Dancer is the most exhausted person in the room, and she didn't even dance the whole time. I guess wandering around the room while Todd taught the class really wore her out.

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2 hours ago, aliya said:

Especially in the black community, having a father in the home is becoming a rarity. 

This is a popular and pervasive narrative in this political climate but is a myth with deeply racist roots. 

I started to watch but had to turn it off when Whitney decided she needed to mediate Buddy and Heather’s 400th breakup, though I actually wanted to turn it off as early as when she started playing with Piggy’s cremains. Every time I think she couldn’t be more repugnant, or have less appropriate boundaries, or be a more terrible human being, she lowers the bar. I’m not even hate-watching at this point—I’m just here for the boards.

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If Whitney does want to adopt a child I feel like as soon as the kid is walking she will have him waiting on her hand and foot.  I don’t know about adoption, but do they potential parents have to past certain health tests? 

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6 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

 I actually wanted to turn it off as early as when she started playing with Piggy’s cremains.

Ugh, I know. How unfeeling, and how rude to her mother, who was asking her to stop it. It was Babs' pet, it's not about YOU. Babs gets to decide what she wants to do with piggy's remains. What a freaking asshole.

I wanted to slap the horrible bitch across the face for that.

Also, when she dropped her adoption news on her parents, did you see that haughty little "I'm DEFYING you!" smirk she had on her face? I wanted to slap her then, too. As my Dad used to say, I'll slap that damned look right off your face.

What a disgusting POS excuse for a human being she is. She put about as much thought into adopting a kid as I put into whether I should have coffee or tea!

She's a big, stupid, spoiled toddler. Ashley had a baby, so now she wants one too. She sees Ashley dressing up her cute little baby and jumps right to "I want one, too!" like a freaking 3 yr old. It's not a DOLL, Sweatney, it's a HUMAN BEING.

Tal is either completely delusional, or he's sold his soul to TLC and he's willing to do any ridiculous thing for that money, including move in with the braying ToddlerWoman and pretend he might adopt a child with her.

My money's on "sold his soul".

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3 hours ago, PityFree said:

 Why on earth do Whitney and Tal  need to go talk to her parents about the adoption. They don’t need to know until things are going to be final and they are  about to get a kid.  Unless Whitney’s parents are still supporting her they don’t need to be involved in her adult decisions. 

 I really don’t understand why she comes to them with things like that. it’s almost like she gets some satisfaction out of their disappointment in her and defying them — and she doesn’t want to let that feeling go. 

Then she regresses and is like a to year old...telling Glen I thought that's what you wanted (forget direct quote) Oh, my bad...the adoption is to just to do a power play with Dad? I don't like Glen's comments about husband/child either...it does seem like he believes it. She must have always exhausted them with her pronouncements, changing tracks all of the time, motivated by attention and drama

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I'd rather write or LOL at snark, however this one got me.  Babs pleads a heartfelt request to Whit to stop and please sit down instead of carrying a torn open bag that could leave her with no ashes to keep in the house.  I was afraid it was going to split open as hard as she was shaking it.  The snub on her face she gave her mother when she got up from the table, I hit the flash back key a few times, made my jaw drop and heart break for Babs... Just saying cuz I am not a cry at TV shows person at all.  I get more of the people's frustration with her on here now.

Officially Shitny!!

Edited by WillowG
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1 hour ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Move forward and see what happens? Heather! He dumped you! It’s over and done. What will it take to get that through your head? Have some pride. 

Why is Twit crying? And why is she sitting there nodding her head knowingly while Buddy “confesses” like she’s some kind of fucking therapist? I don’t know why I watch this show. I hate her more than anyone. 

That lilting tone she used when setting up her "therapy session." That's exactly how she sees herself as being so profound that her viewers have a lot to learn from her. Yet, she just sounds like she is talking down to them the whole time. She is so damn bossy, and inserts herself into every situation cannot stand to share the spotlight, or dance class. and That damn smirk, to the poster that said she is so punchable yes,,she sure is. 

12 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

Ugh, I know. How unfeeling, and how rude to her mother, who was asking her to stop it. It was Babs' pet, it's not about YOU. Babs gets to decide what she wants to do with piggy's remains. What a freaking asshole.

I wanted to slap the horrible bitch across the face for that.

Also, when she dropped her adoption news on her parents, did you see that haughty little "I'm DEFYING you!" smirk she had on her face? I wanted to slap her then, too. As my Dad used to say, I'll slap that damned look right off your face.

What a disgusting POS excuse for a human being she is. She put about as much thought into adopting a kid as I put into whether I should have coffee or tea!

She's a big, stupid, spoiled toddler. Ashley had a baby, so now she wants one too. She sees Ashley dressing up her cute little baby and jumps right to "I want one, too!" like a freaking 3 yr old. It's not a DOLL, Sweatney, it's a HUMAN BEING.

Tal is either completely delusional, or he's sold his soul to TLC and he's willing to do any ridiculous thing for that money, including move in with the braying ToddlerWoman and pretend he might adopt a child with her.

My money's on "sold his soul".

Yes, she has zero respect for people's boundaries. She is just going to do anything she can for attention, regardless of whose feelings she runs over. 

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5 minutes ago, WaterSpirit said:

That lilting tone she used when setting up her "therapy session." That's exactly how she sees herself as being so profound that her viewers have a lot to learn from her.


In case you don't know it, Twit gives advice monthly to 4-5 (mostly) women who ask for it at the MBFFL FB page. That's where she has perfected the "lilting tone" & smug smirk. How someone who is as truly fucked up as she is has the audacity to offer advice to anyone is beyond me.

A question about this episode: neither parent, but esp Glenn, seems the type to be happy about an adopted grandchild rather than a blood one. Did that come up at all in the episode?

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25 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I don’t know about adoption, but do they potential parents have to past certain health tests? 

If I was running the world, the first criteria for Shitney to be able to adopt would be "Must be able to wipe own ass."

FAIL! And we're done here, thanks for your interest in adoption but there's the door. Don't let it hit your epic ass on the way out.

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More boundary issues: when Buddy kissed her goodbye she demanded another “on the lips!!!” That is not normal for 30-something opposite sex straight friends, especially if they allegedly used to hook up and then he recently dumped her best friend. 

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4 minutes ago, MissCurmudgeonly said:

Piggy's ashes, omg. My beloved pup died 5 months ago, and I have been SO CAREFUL with his ashes, and right now they're on his little couch where he would wait for me to come home. Yes, I have a little shrine to him. I say this in all seriousness, if someone messed with his ashes? I'd fucking shiv them. In a second.

I would too. I lost a dog also, and I keep her ashes in my bedroom because she always slept on my bed. If that bitch got near my pet's ashes I'd rip her arm off and beat her to death with it.

And you're right, she doesn't give a shit about Piggy dying. There's a video somewhere on the internet of Shitney laughing her ass off about her parents providing cancer treatment for a ferret she dumped on them after she didn't want it anymore. Braying away at how her parents were so upset and trying to save the pet and make it comfortable in its last days. She's pure fucking evil.

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So maybe I missed it, but did Tal ever really say yes to this adoption fantasy? I know Whitney draped herself over him on the sofa and talked about watching a baby (and comparing it to looking after the cats!) but from that we suddenly got to "we're adopting a baby together!"? 

Even when Whitney was making the grand announcements to her parents, Tal wasn't chiming in or looking very enthusiastic. He just looked kind of bemused or mildly interested in the conversation. Hardly like a proud daddy-to-be.

So when did Tal sign up for this long-term commitment? He just seemed smarter than that to me. Or maybe it's part of the lease...

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Oh, FFS. Tal and Whitney talked all of three minutes about possibly adopting a baby, a conversation in which Whitney assured him the whole thing wouldn't be too serious, i.e. Tal would just need to provide occasional care (y'know, like taking care of her freaking cats). Then, something like a minute and a half later, she's proudly braying to her parents that she and Tal now "want to adopt." Obviously a well thought out, carefully considered process here. I'm fucking impressed.

Does Whitney EVER consider anyone else's feelings, like, EVER? If she wanted to see Buddy, why not CALL HIM AND SEE IF HE'S UP FOR IT? Instead she just swans into town, uninvited, announces her presence, and waits for him to lavish her with attention. Gee, I don't know - it seems possible to me that a recovering addict might want some space, especially if she's setting up a new, sober life in a new town, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, his friends shouldn't pop in to see him without talking to him first. But that's just me; what do I know?

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4 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:

Oh, FFS. Tal and Whitney talked all of three minutes about possibly adopting a baby, a conversation in which Whitney assured him the whole thing wouldn't be too serious, i.e. Tal would just need to provide occasional care (y'know, like taking care of her freaking cats). Then, something like a minute and a half later, she's proudly braying to her parents that she and Tal now "want to adopt." Obviously a well thought out, carefully considered process here. I'm fucking impressed.

Thank you, Grey Lady. That's how I thought it went down, but sometimes I get Whitney's fabulous life and fabulous delusions a little mixed up.  

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1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

More boundary issues: when Buddy kissed her goodbye she demanded another “on the lips!!!” That is not normal for 30-something opposite sex straight friends, especially if they allegedly used to hook up and then he recently dumped her best friend. 

She also couldn't just sit on the couch next to Tal. She had to lay there with her head in his lap.

She's constantly demanding physical affection from people who seem uncomfortable with it. It's like she's desperate to suck up all the attention and affection she can possibly get, even if it isn't freely given. It has to be totally exhausting to be around this crazy buffoon.

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What the hell is up with her talking-head hairdo? I swear it gets taller and pointier every week. And the contouring makeup on her cheeks looks like it was done with a exterior paintbrush. I think she can look very pretty but these two choices are not working in her favor. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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So it appears that Tal, Head Cheerleader, and Chief  Barnacle got a promotion on My Big Fat Blubbering Life. He’s a movin’ on up!

Speaking  of blubbering, I counted Twit with at least 4 blubbers, and 2 brays this episode. 

Buddy is a major asshole. Heather must have been on a strong muscle relaxant because she was hella calm when Buddy told her he cheated on her. Makes me wonder if the relationship was actually legit.

Poor Piggy. I was hoping for a last act of revenge with some piggie dust flying into Twit’s peepers and blinding her. She is an evil woman to be shaking that bag around taunting a visibly upset Babs.

Todd= Always presenting the truth in short shorts glamour. 

To Tal:  “Let’s go see some balloons, and oh, would it be great to give my Dad a heart attack, and my Mom another stroke when we tell them we’re adopting?”  *insert braying laughter*

Edited by Ravenna
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3 hours ago, LeesburgLee said:

So when did Tal sign up for this long-term commitment? He just seemed smarter than that to me. Or maybe it's part of the lease...

Maybe he'll get free rent for this "extra" role as Twit's co-adoptee.  Didn't I read once that Tal doesn't make that much money as a counselor?  I was wondering how he afforded where he was living originally so this move and his new fake role actually don't surprise me.   Maybe he broke up with someone and was struggling financially so Whitney found a way to write him into a new plot to earn more $$$.  Although I don't believe it'll be in the script for them to ever actually adopt.  Something will happen to nix those obviously fake "plans", like Tal will find another boyfriend and want out.  Something we won't have any way of knowing is also fake, but will be fake.  So typical of this show - YAWN, so what else is new?

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6 hours ago, Dot said:

In case you don't know it, Twit gives advice monthly to 4-5 (mostly) women who ask for it at the MBFFL FB page. That's where she has perfected the "lilting tone" & smug smirk. How someone who is as truly fucked up as she is has the audacity to offer advice to anyone is beyond me.

A question about this episode: neither parent, but esp Glenn, seems the type to be happy about an adopted grandchild rather than a blood one. Did that come up at all in the episode?

No I didn’t get that impression at all. I think Glenn would prefer she have a husband to raise the child with. Even with that I think it’s a combination of reasons. I think he’s a traditional guy but move than that as he said at the end he doesn’t think Whitney is ready to raise a child. Currently Whitney collects animals and dumps them on Glenn and Babs. If she runs out and gets a child before she’s settled down and more mature, where is that baby going to end up when she’s tired of it? Glenn and Babs. I think Glenn equates married with grown up, settled, committed, mature so he’s encouraging that before a baby. But I didn’t get the impression at all that if Whit was married, settled, and mature that he’d care that the baby wasn’t her blood child. 

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Agree that Glenn's point is being settled, committed, and mature would be a better road to parenthood.  Individuals can make great parents, but not single Whitney.

Hasn't Tal just torpedoed his career as a counselor?  Who would take advice now from this idiot?

Enraged watching Whitney so carelessly and defiantly messing with Piggy's ashes.

TLC was prepared to capture Tal reaching for Whitney's hand.  Maybe it was TLC's idea.  Of course the point was to scare Glenn and Babs into thinking Tal had proposed.

Anyone know how soon The Skinny (next episode) is filmed after the rest of filming ends?  Are we going to find out a mere one week from now the adoption is off?  If so, it's not a cliff hanger.

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I think (HOPE) that any adoption agency they visit will be manned by the same actors/actresses that pretended to be venture capitalists when the Sisterwives Brown and Kody put together a "business plan" to get the investors to loan them $2,000,000 for their jewelry business.  No money was ever invested, because the whole episode was fake, fake, fake.  

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11 hours ago, Dot said:

I can't watch the episode since direcTV Now also doesn't let me watch on TLC's app.

So, I have been reading the comments. Did someone say that Tal has now moved into Buddy's digs? If so, was there any explanation as to why he gave up his nice little house to take up quarters in a cramped, unventilated space?

Also, can 2 unmarried people adopt in NC?

Whitney’s excuse about Tal is that he wanted to save rent, a little bit bigger place, and she would actually get paid rent.  I’m actually guessing he’s filling the void left for house “antics” since Buddy left and Todd is too ready to go rogue and off Whitney’s script to fill the role, not to mention living with her might cause multiple Chubb rub flashbacks, which is enough to leave anyone crying in the fetal position.

The only thing I can say about this adoption is I hope it’s a storyline because as I mentioned before, she can’t really take care of herself much less a child.  As far as Tal goes, I really am guessing he’s just trying to earn his paycheck this season and it was either this or be the person, who put on the Chubb rub cream.  

I know it might be antiquated or out of fashion to agree with Glenn on some of this, but in this case I don’t see anything wrong with him wanting for Whitney to be married before the “child”.  He said the same thing with Lennie and the fake pregnancy.  Honestly, some of it may be how he was raised, but I still hold out the fact that Glenn is probably helping support Whitney financially, at the very least up until this show, and he will have to have another mouth to feed.  Not to mention Glenn and Babs are at an age where they probably don’t want to raise more kids, when Whitney runs off (with the FM or whatever fake storyline)and Tal has to flee in the middle of the night to get her, who is watching little Cat’s Breath-Cake Crumbles or whatever she would name her child?  Is Glenn going to have to hire 27 au pairs like he did math tutors?

Also why are Buddy and Heather taking relationship advice from Whitney? That’s like taking dating tips from Ted Bundy.  No thanks, I’ll pass.  The conversation left me feeling Buddy is still an asshole, Heather is still pathetic, and Whitney has no life outside of her friends.

Edited by Irate Panda
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53 minutes ago, Brooks said:

Agree that Glenn's point is being settled, committed, and mature would be a better road to parenthood.  Individuals can make great parents, but not single Whitney.

Hasn't Tal just torpedoed his career as a counselor?  Who would take advice now from this idiot?

Enraged watching Whitney so carelessly and defiantly messing with Piggy's ashes.

TLC was prepared to capture Tal reaching for Whitney's hand.  Maybe it was TLC's idea.  Of course the point was to scare Glenn and Babs into thinking Tal had proposed.

Anyone know how soon The Skinny (next episode) is filmed after the rest of filming ends?  Are we going to find out a mere one week from now the adoption is off?  If so, it's not a cliff hanger.

I’m not sure but I checked and that ballon fest is held in October. If the Skinny episode was filmed recently, and she really did look into adoption, she would have had plenty of time to find out it requires effort, money, and commitment. 

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8 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

More boundary issues: when Buddy kissed her goodbye she demanded another “on the lips!!!” That is not normal for 30-something opposite sex straight friends, especially if they allegedly used to hook up and then he recently dumped her best friend. 

Their whole relationship dynamic is weird. Whit seemed to portray herself as the ex-girlfriend when he was leaving. Also, where did all of this angst about not being to see him all of the time come from? 

Baby Harper is adorable! 

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9 hours ago, Pachengala said:

This is a popular and pervasive narrative in this political climate but is a myth with deeply racist roots. 

I started to watch but had to turn it off when Whitney decided she needed to mediate Buddy and Heather’s 400th breakup, though I actually wanted to turn it off as early as when she started playing with Piggy’s cremains. Every time I think she couldn’t be more repugnant, or have less appropriate boundaries, or be a more terrible human being, she lowers the bar. I’m not even hate-watching at this point—I’m just here for the boards.

I had to remove this show from my recordings and delete the last 3 episodes unwatched.  It's just painful.  I scan the board because it's hard to drop the addiction and of course, watching a train wreck.  Thanks for the posting those links Pachengala

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