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I'm tired of the psychic trope.  Put it to bed. 

Lois is my queen and I'm here for her.  God bless her for not wanting to move in with Rinna and her crazy brood. 

Erika Jayne at the Girl Cult Festival is a total miss.  We're supposed to be celebrating individuality are we not?  There's nothing more conformist than slapping labels all over your body and maiming yourself to look like the mainstream media's idea of beauty.

I liked Kyle's striped maxi dress.  It reminded me of the seventies in a good way. 

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 I've heard that 40 is the new 20, but COME ON!

A person is only as old as they feel...and some feel younger than others.


young women were encouraged NOT to dress like Japanese anime hookers to be taken seriously

Glad we live in an era now where women aren't judged by the way they dress...er...


 I guess that means PK too? yikes!

Probably not. Even Ericka has her standards...


I normally enjoy Rinna because she doesn't take shit so seriously and is usually very self-deprecating. I think that's her natural mode. But this show brought out a side of her where she was trying TOO hard to earn her place, where she was throwing herself into the drama too much. One thing about Rinna is, she's a hustler. She'll do any kind of work, really. I think she brought some of that hustler mode into the show, when she really didn't need to. I hope she's learned now to just dial it back and be herself, because she is hilarious! 

I agree, being the kooky Greek chorus is a much better look for her than playing the pot-stirrer. Especially if she is trying to build a career for her kids via this show.


The psychic reminded me of the John Lovitz SNL character - Yeah yeah yeah that's the ticket!

Rebecca to Teddi: Do you have a patio or deck area?

Teddi: Yes at my beach house

Rebecca: Yeah, she likes to hang out there looking at the ocean.


Edited by BBHN
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4 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

Why would he miss his chance to hang out with Marilyn Monroe and a real-live (reincarnated) Spanish prince? Besides, George Harrison and Roy Orbison were busy playing pool with James Dean.

It explains why they kept moving to different tables. The apparitional guests needed seating - it's very tiring for spirits to stand.


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5 minutes ago, MerryMary said:

I'm tired of the psychic trope.  Put it to bed. 

I disagree. I love when they bring on a psychic, because these dumbass women  get so into it, when it's perfectly obvious the psychic gathers info easily found on the web before giving a "reading" . Plus sometimes the psychic drops a truth bomb ( for reference see Vicki on OC and  Brooks cancer is fake, according to the psychic Tams hired) . 

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I'm not used to hearing people refer to their parents by their first name. When Rinna was talking about Lois being 89 and wanting to spend as much time with her as possible, she was playing with the dog and my instinctual reaction was that she was talking about the dog...in fairness I was half listening, lol. Lois seems lovely though. She does look great for her age though and I think it's great that she's allowed her experiences to inspire happiness in her life.

Kyle, you hired a party planner to organize a seance with like 6 people? That's so Beverly Hills, lol. 

Felt really bad for Lisa and Ken. Especially with the way they treat their pets, it's no surprise that they took Pink Dog's death so hard. 

That psychic lady should have just left all of that technology with heaven stuff at home. It was an opening that just made her sound loony. 

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Especially with the way they treat their pets,

Their pets live better than most people.

If I believed in reincarnation, I wouldn't mind coming back as one of their pets.

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2 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

The pep talk from Mikey, Erika's Fluffer, about the amazing "young" women on the panel. Tyra Banks?? Kimora Lee Simmons?? I've heard that 40 is the new 20, but COME ON!  T

I seriously could not tell if Mikey was being serious or shady when he said that.

Was Mauricio carrying around an Agency branded yoga mat?

Edited by biakbiak
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The only time I ever considered going to a  psychic or whatever you call them , was after my mom died.  Thank goodness I didn't.  I probably would have handed over my all my money to some con. 

Kyle's friend was just telling them what she read about these women.

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1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

"Psychic principles" is an oxymoron.  Know that.


ETA: Lisa & Ken's sorrow just broke me.


1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

The psychic reminded me of the John Lovitz SNL character - Yeah yeah yeah that's the ticket!

Rebecca to Teddi: Do you have a patio or deck area?

Teddi: Yes at my beach house

Rebecca: Yeah, she likes to hang out there looking at the ocean.


I was hoping that Teddi wouldn't feed her any info to let her expand the story, and then was disappointed when she offered up beach house.  So, clearly the psychic had researched them all and knew Teddi was an equestrian - do you think that was the basis of her assuming she may have lost a childhood friend or would she have just tossed that out to anyone?  And once she got a bite a broken neck was a good follow up guess?

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I feel like Erika has to try too hard to be shocking, blow all the husbands? Really?  If I were her I would claim temporary amnesia if anyone every brought that nugget up again.

She can always say that Erika Girardi isn't responsible for what Erika Jayne says. 

Also, Erika Girardi should not have to apologize for anything that Erika Jayne says or does.

Edited by Happy Camper
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Yikes, I don't know what is happening to me! 

I used to LOVE Dorit, now I can't stand her.  She seems so fake and mean. (I do adore her sweet kids)

I really did not like Teddi at all, not a fan! She still annoys me but I find myself rooting for her at times. 

Never have liked Erika or Kyle, but you never know!

Does anyone else find themselves changing opinions on these women, or are you ride or die?

I think I need an Arnold Palmer, or two.

Edited by Happy Camper
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1 minute ago, Happy Camper said:

Yikes, I don't know what is happening to me! 

I used to LOVE Dorit, now I can't stand her.  She seems so fake and mean. (I do adore her sweet kids)

I really did not like Teddi at all, not a fan! She still annoys me but I find myself rooting for her at times. 

Never have liked Erika or Kyle, but you never know!

Does anyone else find themselves changing opinions on these women, or are you ride or die?

I haven't liked Dorit, almost from Day 1.

I like Erika, but don't enjoy her getting mean about something that was said to or about her.

The rest of them?  I go back & forth!!!

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5 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

I haven't liked Dorit, almost from Day 1.

I like Erika, but don't enjoy her getting mean about something that was said to or about her.

The rest of them?  I go back & forth!!!

I will always love LVP, I think.

This season I actually am entertained by Rinna.

I was impressed with Teddi's Blog.  At the end, she called out Erika for the mean tweet.  I think Teddi is very smart and learning strategy. ( I don't think much of the whole accountability coach thing)

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50 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I seriously could not tell if Mikey was being serious or shady when he said that.

Mikey is shady, has to be to keep getting paid to make EJ/EG look like he does on purpose.  

Girl Cult, please. I thought Erika's interview portion looked like a segment from Ru Paul's Drag Race.  

I have never experienced the loss of a pet, just humans.  Ken crying over losing their little pink dog was sad but the manufactured drama for the camera made me roll my eyes. 

BTW, I got my first pet 9 years ago, the Cornish Rex in the photo...when he goes please send sympathy cards to my local insane asylum 'cause I will be inconsolable. 

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Every year when the big trip comes up they are just terrible at acting surprised. I wish TPTB would drop the pretense of one cast member inviting the others for a spur of the moment trip. There was a moment when they tried to imply that Erika might not invite Teddi, but we all know it’s a designated group trip and it’s very difficult to exclude a cast member. Hopefully Erika won’t take too much credit for being such a great “hostess”

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2 hours ago, jennylauren123 said:

Oh, don't mind me. I'm just bumming around my house in my stripper heels and Gucci fanny pack...

OMG, it's like we are twins!  

I am sort of glad to see fanny packs are making a comeback, they are practical even though they frequently need socks and sandals to complete the look.

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11 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Mikey is shady, has to be to keep getting paid to make EJ/EG look like he does on purpose.  

Right been in this case where they are more famous than Erika and headlining the event if he were being shady it would also be being shady about Erika.

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I've known Lois for all of 2 minutes and I'd like to trade Rinner for her.

I'd rather trade the Erikas for the Spanish boat prince.


I do too, but with a shot of vodka in it! 

That's a John Daly.

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23 minutes ago, prettybird said:

Every year when the big trip comes up they are just terrible at acting surprised. I wish TPTB would drop the pretense of one cast member inviting the others for a spur of the moment trip. There was a moment when they tried to imply that Erika might not invite Teddi, but we all know it’s a designated group trip and it’s very difficult to exclude a cast member. Hopefully Erika won’t take too much credit for being such a great “hostess”

Gosh, Erika is inviting the ladies to Berlin, will they be flying in Ol' Man Girardi's private plane? LOL.

I really do think that Teddi would be okay sitting out this trip although if she goes I hope she checks herself in to a different hotel, I'd love to see that.

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Considering how Bravo pays for most of these trips, I don't think the ladies have much say in where they'll be staying or how they will be getting there. Unless they want to pay for it themselves, which, lol.


Every year when the big trip comes up they are just terrible at acting surprised. I wish TPTB would drop the pretense of one cast member inviting the others for a spur of the moment trip.

So was LVP paying for the Hong Kong trip last year? Just wondering given the drama between LVP and Rinna last year when Rinna gave LVP her fake lashes and LVP agreed to let Rinna on the trip...

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16 hours ago, Wicked said:

Fanny packs!!!!!!  I've been waiting for them to become fashionable! They are soooooo convenient.

I still hate Dorit.

Dorit is such a poser.  

I always walk around in my house with a fanny pack, mine isn't a Gucci, but a Hello Kitty one, I keep my phone, my lip gloss, a People magazine , a juice box and some tampons for when I make the 20 foot trek from the kitchen to my living room.  

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3 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

I think she did a huge bump on the way to lunch.

Erika is going to blow all of the husbands, I guess that means PK too? yikes!

Who's going to call Tom and apologize?


3 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

When Erika was telling the ladies about her past life as a boy in Spain...I swear she said "...and I lived in the bottom of a shoe."  I rewound twice  and figured out it was "ship".  Either one, both are equally plausible....not. The whole psychic thing is such a joke, especially when done on these reality shows.  

I thought so too until I heard her say ship on WWHL.  Since it was featured on the promo I thought she was making fun of the psychic and was surprised to see in the episode she was serious and couldn't figure out how living in a shoe made sense and then decided the old nursery rhyme maybe wasn't as figurative as I thought and a shoe was some kind of dwelling back in the days of yore.

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3 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Why would he miss his chance to hang out with Marilyn Monroe and a real-live (reincarnated) Spanish prince? Besides, George Harrison and Roy Orbison were busy playing pool with James Dean.

And Marvin and Jackie (indulge me, please)!


1 hour ago, prettybird said:

Every year when the big trip comes up they are just terrible at acting surprised. I wish TPTB would drop the pretense of one cast member inviting the others for a spur of the moment trip. There was a moment when they tried to imply that Erika might not invite Teddi, but we all know it’s a designated group trip and it’s very difficult to exclude a cast member. Hopefully Erika won’t take too much credit for being such a great “hostess”



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16 hours ago, Wicked said:

Fanny packs!!!!!!  I've been waiting for them to become fashionable! They are soooooo convenient.

I still hate Dorit.

This was in my email about a month ago.  I was going to make fun of it and then saw a friend had posted a photo of her kid doing the same thing and her kid is usually pretty fashion forward for an 8 yer old, so I just figured I was old and out of it.



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2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

It explains why they kept moving to different tables. The apparitional guests needed seating - it's very tiring for spirits to stand.


What was that about ? lol.  

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I thought Erika said shoe also and thought “ there was a Lady who lived in a shoe she had so many kids..etc.). I like the idea of fanny packs returning but if I’m going to wear it across my body I would rather wear a crossbody bag.  It’s better and more convenient around your waist.

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3 minutes ago, imjagain said:

What was that about ? lol.  

Looks like the outside rectangular table was set up for food and the inside circular table was set up for psychic chic ambiance.

This didn't seem to matter as the apparitions followed them anyway.

I wanna know which dead celebrity stood in the bathroom while Kyle was peeing.

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40 minutes ago, BBHN said:


So was LVP paying for the Hong Kong trip last year? Just wondering given the drama between LVP and Rinna last year when Rinna gave LVP her fake lashes and LVP agreed to let Rinna on the trip...

Again, I think it was all play acting. Rinna was going no matter what. Last season on RHONY, Bethenny tried to not invite Ramona to Mexico and Ramona came right out and said that it was a group trip so Bethenny had no say.  

Edited by prettybird
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If you were skeptical about psychics before, this episode should certainly make a believer out of you--Rebecca is no charlatan. She has a direct line to heaven! Papa God is constantly hitting up her cell, probably reminding her to scour the twitter and social media feeds of her clients for usable intel on dead.

Hire this lady for all your clairvoyant needs today! I mean, who doesn't want to know about all the random dearly departed celebrities that are haunting your home?  Perhaps the lingering dead spirits of Marilyn Monroe and John Lennon have nothing better to do than to be at your dining table on a random Tuesday night.

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6 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I did not need to see up the skirt or the Girl Cult hostess! I needed to see up her skirt more than I needed to see Erika Jaynes fake ass pontificating about girl power. She can fuck off. I’ll take my girl power from Malala or RB Ginsberg ..... or Lois! 


I feel like you were leering and need to call the hostess's husband and apologize.

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I've been writing this in a million different threads for years now, but yet again, I feel we need to have a discussion about apologies. How to give, receive, and what's expected afterward. This episode demonstrated that the concept is lost on these women in all aspects.

1. When someone apologies - doesn't matter if it's in a written letter, an e-mail, a text, on the phone, in person, in private, in public, via skywriting, or an edible arrangement basket - if "I'm sorry" has been given, that's the apology. You have two choices. Accept and move forward, or acknowledge its existence but tell the person you can't move past it. You DO NOT get to ask for a better apology, a second apology, a different apology, etc. You also don't get to keep bringing up the issue that's been killed through the apology.

Dorit was frustrated that Teddi showed a pattern of behavior. That's fair. Once Teddi apologized, Dorit had no business with the continued chastising. Why the fuck would someone bother to apologize if they think you'll continue to berate them. I wish Teddi had shut her down faster. I can't believe I'm siding with Teddi on this, but she's right - you don't get an apology in blood. Get over yourself, Dorit. 

Then, at the psychic dinner, Erica clearly apologizes and offers Teddi a private conversation. Teddi barely reacts to it. Who cares why Erica's apologizing? She apologized - which Teddi never thought she'd get anyway! Just take it, go to Berlin, and move on!

Apologies are not opportunities to speak down to a person or school them on their behavior. Otherwise, trust me, you won't get any more. I've run across people like that. That attitude makes it apparent to me that they're in "punisher" mode and that they don't want an apology but a pound of flesh instead. They want a punching bag for their rage - which is likely misplaced. Small transgressions do not warrant making yourself available for someone's convenient abuse. If I were Teddi, I'd have rescinded Dorit's apology and told her to eff off. 

But again, I'm sick of people whining and complaining about wanting an apology, only to deem it insincere, not good enough, or to pretend it didn't come their way so they can continue griping. Shut up and move on.

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16 hours ago, charming said:

Note to Erika- Anytime you say I apologize but....you're not actually apologizing. 

so true.  She could have (but God forbid) listened to Teddi's apology to Dorit.  Which Dorit?  Was FINE, nothing wrong with it.  Get over yourself.

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2 hours ago, TexasGal said:

I was hoping that Teddi wouldn't feed her any info to let her expand the story, and then was disappointed when she offered up beach house.  So, clearly the psychic had researched them all and knew Teddi was an equestrian - do you think that was the basis of her assuming she may have lost a childhood friend or would she have just tossed that out to anyone?  And once she got a bite a broken neck was a good follow up guess?

Saying an old friend died is a pretty good vague guess. So many people have someone they knew that died. A girl I went to grade school with committed suicide in high school. They throw these really vague things out there and if it doesn't quite fit, they tweak it real fast. It's super shady. But yea, the neck thing was a good guess - considering it was a riding accident. 


15 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Why is Doritos hair 6” longer at the Lois lunch than the day before on the apology phone call? And 3” shorter at the psychic !  She said on WWHL she doesn’t wear wigs. Hate her.

Did she seriously say she doesn't wear wigs??? Oh, she is so full of shit. I thought she was Teddi when she came to lunch, before she spoke. That long hair ain't hers. Or the short hair isn't. 

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3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I seriously could not tell if Mikey was being serious or shady when he said that.


Mikey and Kelsey the Reiki Master on VPR fulfill the same role: paid staff whose main job is to blow smoke up the behind of the person paying the bills.

1 hour ago, SCS said:

And Marvin and Jackie (indulge me, please)!

Marvin? He was a friend of mine. He could sing a song, his heart in every line. Jackie—what’s he doing now? Seems like yesterday when we were working out.

I did think they were on the night ship...

ETA or maybe they were on the night shoe along with Prince Enrico Jane.

Edited by ivygirl
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3 hours ago, Xcptnl said:

Your mileage may vary but Teddi bugs the living daylights out of me.  Dorit is next.  The rest I am fine with.  I guess I am team Erika cuz she does not bother me one bit.  :).  I had to try and ignore Ken and Lisa as we recently lost our dog after 13 years. :(

My sympathies to you XCPTNL on the loss of your pup.  Losing a fur baby is so hard... 

1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Mikey is shady, has to be to keep getting paid to make EJ/EG look like he does on purpose.  

Girl Cult, please. I thought Erika's interview portion looked like a segment from Ru Paul's Drag Race.  

I have never experienced the loss of a pet, just humans.  Ken crying over losing their little pink dog was sad but the manufactured drama for the camera made me roll my eyes. 

BTW, I got my first pet 9 years ago, the Cornish Rex in the photo...when he goes please send sympathy cards to my local insane asylum 'cause I will be inconsolable. 

Your Rexie is gorgeous Baltimore Betty.  May you have many, many more years with him/her. 

3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I normally enjoy Rinna because she doesn't take shit so seriously and is usually very self-deprecating. I think that's her natural mode. But this show brought out a side of her where she was trying TOO hard to earn her place, where she was throwing herself into the drama too much. One thing about Rinna is, she's a hustler. She'll do any kind of work, really. I think she brought some of that hustler mode into the show, when she really didn't need to. I hope she's learned now to just dial it back and be herself, because she is hilarious! 


Didn't she say John Lennon was there too??? Like, WHY, of all places, would John Lennon come hang out at Kyle Richard's house in CA? That shit is just so crazy, to me. 

I have to say I'm also enjoying Rinna's self-depreciating humor.   I think you have to be pretty comfortable with yourself and self assured to make jokes at your own expense.  I am also in total and complete LOVE with Lois. I can only hope to be as sassy and full of life when I'm 89.  I see a facial resemblance in her to Rinna.  Minus the lips of course...  

John Lennon was there of course because according to Dorit, he was Peekay's favorite singer.    Dorit... take your Gucci fanny pack and stripper heels with the hot pink garter (WTH was that anyway?) and go away.  

P.S. Ya'll have made so many funny posts already that I'm almost all out of likes! 

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15 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I've been writing this in a million different threads for years now, but yet again, I feel we need to have a discussion about apologies. How to give, receive, and what's expected afterward. This episode demonstrated that the concept is lost on these women in all aspects.

1. When someone apologies - doesn't matter if it's in a written letter, an e-mail, a text, on the phone, in person, in private, in public, via skywriting, or an edible arrangement basket - if "I'm sorry" has been given, that's the apology. You have two choices. Accept and move forward, or acknowledge its existence but tell the person you can't move past it. You DO NOT get to ask for a better apology, a second apology, a different apology, etc. You also don't get to keep bringing up the issue that's been killed through the apology.

Dorit was frustrated that Teddi showed a pattern of behavior. That's fair. Once Teddi apologized, Dorit had no business with the continued chastising. Why the fuck would someone bother to apologize if they think you'll continue to berate them. I wish Teddi had shut her down faster. I can't believe I'm siding with Teddi on this, but she's right - you don't get an apology in blood. Get over yourself, Dorit. 

Then, at the psychic dinner, Erica clearly apologizes and offers Teddi a private conversation. Teddi barely reacts to it. Who cares why Erica's apologizing? She apologized - which Teddi never thought she'd get anyway! Just take it, go to Berlin, and move on!

Apologies are not opportunities to speak down to a person or school them on their behavior. Otherwise, trust me, you won't get any more. I've run across people like that. That attitude makes it apparent to me that they're in "punisher" mode and that they don't want an apology but a pound of flesh instead. They want a punching bag for their rage - which is likely misplaced. Small transgressions do not warrant making yourself available for someone's convenient abuse. If I were Teddi, I'd have rescinded Dorit's apology and told her to eff off. 

But again, I'm sick of people whining and complaining about wanting an apology, only to deem it insincere, not good enough, or to pretend it didn't come their way so they can continue griping. Shut up and move on.

I agree 100% with the following exception:

When someone apologizes not for what they did, said, whatever, but rather, gives a non-apology that usually starts something like, "I'm sorry you misunderstood me" or I'm sorry you feel that way".  That is NOT AN APOLOGY!! 

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3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I usually agree but (haha!) she was right, IMO, about "pretend amnesia" = deliberately lying.

But she'd already said that.  Technically she was apologizing for exploding in anger; she didn't need to repeat about the pretend amnesia.  that's what I didn't like about the "apology."  Honey, Teddi (and the world) already knew you were serious about the no "pretend amnesia."  Though I don't believe she never has pretend amnesia, I think that gets used with her husband many, many times.

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

OMG, it's like we are twins!  

I am sort of glad to see fanny packs are making a comeback, they are practical even though they frequently need socks and sandals to complete the look.

White socks only, please!

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2 minutes ago, Beachdreamer said:

Oh, the irony!  In the same episode that Erika does the whole girl cult/empower women rally, she ends the episode by joking that she will blow the husbands.  I know it's a joke, but the implication behind the joke is that these women would have to do something "nice" -ahemm- for their husbands in order to be allowed to go on a girl trip. 

Was that Erika Jayne or Girardi that threw that out there? 

I imagine that Tom's partners' wives are " blowing" up each others phones today. They are such bitches.

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13 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I agree 100% with the following exception:

When someone apologizes not for what they did, said, whatever, but rather, gives a non-apology that usually starts something like, "I'm sorry you misunderstood me" or I'm sorry you feel that way".  That is NOT AN APOLOGY!! 

I view that "apology" as the person doesn't really think they need to apologize for anything, but for the sake of the friendship/whatever, wants to make the other person feel better.  So, I still believe what I said, but I am actually sorry you took it badly.  Yeah, not an apology, but the best you can do under those circumstances since at least you're acknowledging the other person feels differently.

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