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S09.E09: The Longest Labor

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1 minute ago, albarino said:

I am fairly new to this program and I am definitely not a supporter of plural marriage.  I would definitely go into the program saying I'm one of five adults and I get a fifth of the TLC cut.  If Kody wants to see a business case analysis of Meri's B&B plan, I'd ask for his BCA regarding having 4 wives and 18 kids.  That is complete crap--family planning is a critical component of a family's finances.  But, as I said, I'm not a proponent of plural marriage and I've gone through life making sure our careers could support our family.

I'm sure Meri is getting her cut. Plus, she operates an online clothing business and we are not so sure the family sees any of that money. 

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, albarino said:

I am fairly new to this program and I am definitely not a supporter of plural marriage.  I would definitely go into the program saying I'm one of five adults and I get a fifth of the TLC cut.  If Kody wants to see a business case analysis of Meri's B&B plan, I'd ask for his BCA regarding having 4 wives and 18 kids.  That is complete crap--family planning is a critical component of a family's finances.  But, as I said, I'm not a proponent of plural marriage and I've gone through life making sure our careers could support our family.

Hmmmm.   I see your point, and yet I don't.    I have a special needs son and one of my favorite sayings is: "Equal is not everyone getting the exact same thing.... equal is everyone getting exactly what they need to have a chance to succeed in life".   I paraphrased the quote - forgive me.  But that's the gist.  Anyway....  Yes, Meri is one of five adults.  She had one child - not by choice, but by fate.  Her one child had everything she needed growing up.  This show is in it's twilight.... a season or two at most is left.  And then what?  There are still a lot of children left to grow up who also deserve to have the same things that Meri's child was able to have.  Does Meri need two large homes for just herself?  Because she "wants" them?  She was created equal.  When they bought the homes in Las Vegas she got her own large home - filled with everything she wanted. (Wet Bar, etc. etc.)  I guess I don't understand why she should be entitled to a fifth of the money to buy another home when there are children who still need to be clothed, educated, health issues and whatnot.  They are a FAMILY and sometimes a beloved family member's needs come before another person's wants.  I'm not expressing this how I want to - I apologize.  

  • Love 20
6 hours ago, Higgins said:

There is a "better to tear" movement along with "starve your baby before supplementing formula movement"

I know some believe that doctors cut you too early, and if they just let you continue pushing then you may not have even needed the episiotomy but I'm not sure I fully believe that.

I trust doctors for the most part and really do believe they have a reason for intervening when they do. Their decisions to intervene are based on their medical training as well as the latest medical research on the subject. They arent just making a decision because they want to hurry up and get the labor over with so they can go home. 

As far as the belief that it's better to tear than be cut, I don't know. I'm pretty sure I'd rather be cut but to each their own. 

On the breast feeding topic, I am with all of you. A woman should feed her baby in whatever way is best for her. End of story.  There may be benefits to the baby if breast fed but I think a mentally healthy and happy mother is more beneficial. 

  • Love 10

@ghoulina I didn't mean to sound so judgy about home birth and things in my previous posts. I agree with you that every woman should choose how she wants to have her baby.

I didn't realize the tearing thing might heal easier and be less painful than an episiotomy. I could see the merits in that. And good to know the midwives can cut and sew you up too if need be.

I just worry about women like Maddie that might not do their research and instead just jump into a home birth. 

  • Love 2

Each one of those 5 adults involved will have their own ideas, beliefs, spirituality...the things deep down in their inner core...about what they expected from this “family” setup.  I doubt they all believe exactly same way.  And people change....I’m thinking of Meri now....what you agree to when you are young, in love with your husband who is no longer satisfied with the life you shared, have a child together and no real skills to support yourself, and you want to try to hold on to him...may not be how you still feel when you are in your 40s ( or however old she is).

In my opinion, this group is long past the idealistic stage...reality has set in.  Those ultimately responsible for each “family unit” of children are Kody and the woman who gave birth to them, each mother is responsible for her own kids.   If I had 6 kids with that slime ball you can bet I’d be setting my ducks in a row to protect my own children.   

What a ridiculous situation!  I’m embarrassed that I even watch....yet I do lol!   Fascinating  to see real people do such bizarre things...and feel proud to promote it on tv.  

  • Love 8
33 minutes ago, albarino said:

I am fairly new to this program and I am definitely not a supporter of plural marriage.  I would definitely go into the program saying I'm one of five adults and I get a fifth of the TLC cut.  If Kody wants to see a business case analysis of Meri's B&B plan, I'd ask for his BCA regarding having 4 wives and 18 kids.  That is complete crap--family planning is a critical component of a family's finances.  But, as I said, I'm not a proponent of plural marriage and I've gone through life making sure our careers could support our family.

The real question I want to know, is who has to pay for Janelles new bed now that Maddie birthed all up in that thing ?  Technically it should come out of the "joint fund" or will Meri stomp her feet and bang her hands down a firm no on her drybar ? 

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, LoneWolf said:

Not one person involved is ALL good or ALL bad, including Meri, and Kody (as much as I loathe to admit it). I’m certain the network manipulates the edit to make Meri look worse in comparison to the others because that’s the current storyline. (I think Robin’s edit has been extremely favourable considering how the stealth bitch snuck in and took everything except her bills for herself. The family, while maybe not the best, seemed to reach a homeostasis before Robin fucked it all up). 

 Amen!!  I personally believe that there was much animosity towards Robyn after what the viewers were shown in previous seasons.  While Christine is giving birth to Truely - alone - her husband is acting like a giddy 15 year old out on his first date ever with his girlfriend. It was PAINFULLY obvious that he had eyes for no one except Robyn.  Favoritism was rampant and anyone who had an eyeball in his/her head could see it.  Robyn wanted to be the legal wife and Kody wanted that as well.  I suppose if he HAD to marry Robyn to adopt her children he could do so - but then he should have divorced her and remarried Meri.  They all use his last name anyway, how hard would that have been?  But I'm sure that was never an option.  And maybe it's to claim kids on taxes or whatever...  but put yourself in Meri's shoes.  

 And you may have whatever opinion you want about the marriage certificate framed and on the wall - that MEANT something to Meri and I personally don't believe it was meant to shove in the subsequent wives' faces as it was in her BEDROOM - and they have no business going in there.  You could see the heartbreak on her face.  How many of you want to share YOUR husbands with other women?  How would YOU act if other women came into the picture and had children with your husband while you were still married to him.... I know that I would not be that gracious, even if I initially agreed to it, to please my husband.  There is no going back, after all.  And these women have a very different mentality than many of us.  More submissive, and their religion is very much ingrained into their very being, so although you all say "LEAVE HIM", I honestly believe that this is an option for very few women in this situation.

There are many things that I do not like about Meri and I most certainly do NOT condone her personal choices and behavior sometimes.   But I do try to have empathy for those things I mentioned above.

I believe Robyn and Kody did not like the viewing audience's attitude towards Robyn and they requested that she be shown in a "kinder light".  So editing has made Robyn good and Meri bad.  And Kody tosses her under the bus every chance he gets.

Don't roast me.  I forgot to bring marshmallows.....

  • Love 17
25 minutes ago, LoneWolf said:

As a psychotherapist with a Master’s in Clinical Counseling, I can barely tolerate these people, including ‘therapist’ Nancy. Regarding Nancy, while I’m certain she had the family sign a shitload of waivers, is unprofessional and incompetent bordering on malfeasance. Ethically, she loses all objectivity to her client (who is the client? Meri? Janelle? Kody? The kids?—I wish. The family as a unit?) because of her involvement with other people in the family with competing interests. If the client is identified as the family as a unit, and there is ALWAYS an identified patient/client, according to family systems theory there is no way to reconcile the present situation other than to suggest these women split. Nancy’s ridiculous exercises, techniques, and input are more harmful and unethical than professional and beneficial. This situation is abusive to the women, perhaps excluding Robin because she intentionally went into this quagmire with eyes wide open and has manipulated and angled things to her own advantage. Christine: classic signs of abuse. Janelle: same. Meri: same. Yes, even Meri. 


All the Meri hate seems over the top if you consider her a women in an abusive situation. She married a man, decades ago; her brother’s wife pursues and couples up with her husband. Down the road comes a third, then fourth woman. She legitimately had fertility issues and the suffering of these issues can be heartbreaking for both men and women who desire children. Her daughter, grown, comes out as gay (nothing wrong with that) but Meri’s hope for extended traditional family is (seemingly) dashed.  (I say seemingly because while is perfectly plausible a gay person can have a child, it is a complete shift in paradigm and perspective from everything Meri has known. And Mariah was so immature and bitchy towards her mother, regardless of what mistakes she thinks her mom made. I have issues with my mother, but I treat her with respect because MY behaviour reflects on ME regardless of how poorly my mother has treated me).


As far as not helping or trying more, I think Meri tried for so many years and with the growing up of her only child, in a family in which children are centered, I can’t imagine how isolating it is for her. Even when she is physically present, she’s not remotely welcome. Everyone’s body language, regardless of fake smiles and keep-sweet-dialogue, shouts ‘YOU’RE NOT WANTED HERE’.  Her husband doesn’t even hide his hatred. (I was equally disgusted by Kody and what he said about Christine and nachos: he is abusive and manipulative to all, with the possible exception of Robyn. I am focusing here on Meri as a case example). 


Is Meri a bitch? Yes. Does she whine, make excuses, and act selfishly? Yes. Imagine her thrill when a ‘man’ claimed to love her above anyone else (the very intrinsic nature of a good marriage!) and wanted to rescue her from her horrendous life. And then to be nationally humiliated by her cat fisher. Then her daughter acts horribly towards her and also has just flown the coop, putting Meri as the single person in the whole family without a child in the home to discuss and for whom to care. NONE of these three women have the life skills and capability to see a way out, or understand the choices available, or have the courage/self esteem/proactive decision making abilities to get out. Christine, bless her annoying but innocent little heart, seems so childlike sometimes. 


Not one person involved is ALL good or ALL bad, including Meri, and Kody (as much as I loathe to admit it). I’m certain the network manipulates the edit to make Meri look worse in comparison to the others because that’s the current storyline. (I think Robin’s edit has been extremely favourable considering how the stealth bitch snuck in and took everything except her bills for herself. The family, while maybe not the best, seemed to reach a homeostasis before Robin fucked it all up). 


Sorry that that my first ever post is this long rant. But I enjoy the intelligence and wit of you all and I share your frustration with these nitwits. Not that I’m the greatest therapist in the world or anything, but my counselor heart dies with every opportunity for healing that Nancy fucking misses. I haven’t watched the show much recently, but Nancy misses so much it’s professionally negligent. I would love for the opportunity to help some of these women and children. I’d do it for free. But holy hell, Nancy, open you fucking eyes; you’re doing way more damage than good. I wonder if any of her colleagues have reported her to the state board.....  okay, I need to stop. Step away from the the keyboard, dumbass. 


Okay just us have to say, Caleb: man up, protect your wife, clean that pool and bathroom (shudder), kick everybody out, and experience your precious son coming into the world. I would never want this, but I do understand some women wanting their mom there. But as everyone has said, not a spectator sport. But I’m fiercely private like that. 


Okay, really leaving now. Well, I’m done writing; I still have a few pages of your witty comments to finish up. I’m a dork. Forgive me. 

THANK YOU for your thoughts on Meri. I am not any kind of mental health pro, but all you say rings true with me. 

  • Love 8

@LoneWolf Nice to hear a mental health professional's thoughts on the family as well as Nancy. 

I never really liked Meri much and would definitely agree with a lot of the criticisms of her. But I started seeing Meri in a new light recently after watching Seeking Sister Wife (another plyg show) and reading some commentary on that forum.

The first wife of the Briney family is even more unlikeable than Meri and so passive aggressive and manipulative with her sister wives. It was easy to hate her on sight. But someone over on those forums started to defend her and made me really look deeper.

That person brought up a lot of what you did in your post. It made me think about what a raw deal the first wife gets in these families. She has to watch while her husband brings in all these new wives, each younger than the one before, and then proceed to have babies with all of them. And the first wife is not allowed to express her feelings or be upset about it. She has to keep sweet and pretend she's happy no matter what. And then in Meri's case having fertility issues on top of all that. Well, it helps me to see how Meri became the way she is.

I think if you studied a lot of these families, I bet you would find some similarities in the first wives. I bet most of them are unpleasant. They've spent years denying their feelings, shoving any negative feelings down deep, and doing whatever they can to get any attention from their husband for not just themselves but their children too. I could see this lifestyle turning a woman into a passive aggressive manipulative shrew especially to their sister wives. The scars must run deep. 

Also looking at Meri's situation, how horrible is it that Kody has decided to just cast her aside. Yes she made a mistake with the catfish but that was not all on her. Kody had a lot of blame there too. But Kody had just decided he's done with her. She can stay spiritually married to him but he's done. He won't be acting as a husband to her. And why would a husband in this situation care about working things out. He has three other wives to meet his needs. He's not lonely. He's not lacking in the romance or sex department.

A polygamist man can discard his first wife or any of his wives really without a second thought because he has plenty more where she came from. The wives all have to work hard to keep their husband's attention and love even more so than a monogamous woman. They all have a huge investment in their marriage but the man doesn't. Once the wife is older, not as good looking anymore, bitter and resentful from the lifestyle the man wanted her to live, he can just cast her aside for his younger happier wives. Yeah this makes me feel pretty bad for Meri after all. Hell, it makes me feel  bad for all the wives really.

You know I sometimes watch this show and get to thinking, hey maybe this lifestyle isn't as bad as I thought. Even though I would never do it, maybe it is okay for some. It's posts like these that remind me that this is a heavily manipulated TV show. The realities of this lifestyle is damaging and abusive to all the women involved. Maybe it's not such a bad thing that UT has passed a law against it. 

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, Kyanight said:


I believe Robyn and Kody did not like the viewing audience's attitude towards Robyn and they requested that she be shown in a "kinder light".  So editing has made Robyn good and Meri bad.  And Kody tosses her under the bus every chance he gets.

Don't roast me.  I forgot to bring marshmallows.....

All i can say is that if what we've been seeing is the "kind Robyn" edit - if that's the best the editors can do... Doesn't speak well for Robyn. 

The ratings have been the lowest in the history of the show.  The last five episodes starting with the Tokelti nuptials have been under .40, ranging from .37 to .34 which to me is pretty lame. Even the first grandchild's birth couldn't increase the percentage. I think it's a combination of old news and just not wanting to watch yet another home birth.  Just yuk. 

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, Alapaki said:

From a CDC study reported in the New York Times:

There's other research out there that says the opposite. I don't want to get into a citing studies situation, because this isn't the place. I just feel there's a lot of condemnation for a birth choice that many women make. Maddie's labor and delivery looked perfectly normal and safe to me. TLC just tried to amp it up for drama's sake.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

@ghoulina I didn't mean to sound so judgy about home birth and things in my previous posts. I agree with you that every woman should choose how she wants to have her baby.

I didn't realize the tearing thing might heal easier and be less painful than an episiotomy. I could see the merits in that. And good to know the midwives can cut and sew you up too if need be.

I just worry about women like Maddie that might not do their research and instead just jump into a home birth. 

No worries! 

I think the not doing research thing applies to so many people these days, about everything! I generally respect doctors, but they aren't Gods. There are bad ones, or ones that just aren't a good fit for you. Yet so many people just so whatever they tell them, with no research of their own. I'm the type who ALWAYS thoroughly looks into everything. Who knows about Maddie, but I think it's normal to want a home birth if that's an experience you've witnessed many times. And her midwife was trained. Midwives are birth specialists! Like doctors, they're not all perfect. But most of them know what they're doing. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Alapaki said:

From a CDC study reported in the New York Times:

Thank you for posting this! I'm curious about how many doctors themselves personally, choose to go the home labor route...

i still don't like the idea of it, aside from the risky feeling I get from a home birth, who the hell wants clean-up duty?? I think I would have to buy a new bed! But then again, I also prefer eating out rather than washing dishes. Lol

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 9
11 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

i still don't like the idea of it, aside from the risky feeling I get from a home birth, who the hell wants clean-up duty?? I think I would have to buy a new bed! But then again, I also prefer eating out rather than washing dishes. Lol

The clean up would be a deal breaker for me.  And the prospect of ruining my TemprPedic mattress too...

  • Love 16
15 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

...who the hell wants clean-up duty??

Somehow I don't think that seems like much of an issue in Janelle's house.  If they couldn't get the dog biscuits out of the bathroom before broadcasting endless scenes on national TV, I doubt there was much cleaning up done.  Just rinse the tub with some cold water and throw plastic over the blood stains.  

  • LOL 2
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1 hour ago, DakotaJustice said:

All i can say is that if what we've been seeing is the "kind Robyn" edit - if that's the best the editors can do... Doesn't speak well for Robyn. 

Amen!! Maybe I’m too self aware/self monitoring (read: I criticize and analyze my intentions, attitude, how I present myself...) but if I knew there were cameras around I would be on my best behaviour.  Do these people have no shame? (I ask, regarding people who share a man child and his, er, member). 

1 hour ago, DakotaJustice said:

The ratings have been the lowest in the history of the show.  The last five episodes starting with the Tokelti nuptials have been under .40, ranging from .37 to .34 which to me is pretty lame. Even the first grandchild's birth couldn't increase the percentage. I think it's a combination of old news and just not wanting to watch yet another home birth.  Just yuk. 

Forgive my ignorance, but I don’t watch much television and don’t know how ratings work. What rating would a show like Big Bang Theory have? Just curious for comparison’s sake. 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

While I am not watching I am thinking Kody is enjoying being a dick to her.  I am sure he got tired of the Meri tantrums and is sort of paying her back.  He is also probably still mad/hurt that she was emotionally cheating on him in front of the entire viewing audience, that she has treated her sister wives with disdain, that she always had to have exactly what the others had despite having no need or the finances to really be equal to all, and she has a stank 'tude.  

Well I know I'm enjoying Kody being a dick to her!

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, LoneWolf said:

Amen!! Maybe I’m too self aware/self monitoring (read: I criticize and analyze my intentions, attitude, how I present myself...) but if I knew there were cameras around I would be on my best behaviour.  Do these people have no shame? (I ask, regarding people who share a man child and his, er, member). 

Forgive my ignorance, but I don’t watch much television and don’t know how ratings work. What rating would a show like Big Bang Theory have? Just curious for comparison’s sake. 

@Absolom would probably be the best person to ask about how ratings work.  Is Big Bang Theory still airing new episodes?

Oh and btw... My second -who was already a week late-was born so fast, I almost had him in the toilet. Thank Gd my husband is smarter than I am and said, you're having a baby now, not pooping! And rushed me to the hospital. My contractions weren't regular or even that painful, my water never broke, I just felt like I wanted to poop. I had my son 2 hours later where he almost fell out! While I was recovering alone and sleeping hours later, in the middle of the night, the doctor ( who ironically was herself 9 months prego!) checked to see how I was doing. Well I wasn't clotting and wasn't stopping bleeding, and I needed an emergency procedure done which I will spare everyone from detailing. Without anesthesia. Hours after labor. I would have quietly bled out. That doctor saved my life, and I'm not exaggerating at all. At the risk of sounding judgy, yeah, ima gonna try to talk people I love out of having a home birth. Based on my life or death experience. 

Came back to add, that was my second birth, and nobody checked up on me like that after my first. Nobody could have 'predicted my complications' because I've never had one health problem. That brilliant angel/ doctor saved my life. I never even knew anything was wrong because I was asleep.

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 22
22 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Oh and btw... My second -who was already a week late-was born so fast, I almost had him in the toilet. Thank Gd my husband is smarter than I am and said, you're having a baby now, not pooping! And rushed me to the hospital. I had my son 2 hours later where he almost fell out! While I was recovering alone and sleeping hours later, in the middle of the night, the doctor ( who ironically was herself 9 months prego!) checked to see how I was doing. Well I wasn't clotting and wasn't stopping bleeding, and I needed an emergency procedure done which I will spare everyone from detailing. Without anesthesia. Hours after labor. That doctor saved my life, and I'm not exaggerating at all. At the risk of sounding judgy, yeah, ima gonna try to talk people I love out of having a home birth. Based on my life and death experience. 

Came back to add, that was my second birth, and nobody checked up on me like that after my first. That angel/ doctor saved my life. I never knew anything was wrong because I was asleep.

yikes!  I also wanted to add that for me anyway, it would be more economical to have a hospital/birth center birth since i'd just have to pay the copay and of course everything would be way more sterile than in my messy place!

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Kyanight said:

 Amen!!  I personally believe that there was much animosity towards Robyn after what the viewers were shown in previous seasons.  While Christine is giving birth to Truely - alone - her husband is acting like a giddy 15 year old out on his first date ever with his girlfriend. It was PAINFULLY obvious that he had eyes for no one except Robyn.  Favoritism was rampant and anyone who had an eyeball in his/her head could see it.  Robyn wanted to be the legal wife and Kody wanted that as well.  I suppose if he HAD to marry Robyn to adopt her children he could do so - but then he should have divorced her and remarried Meri.  They all use his last name anyway, how hard would that have been?  But I'm sure that was never an option.  And maybe it's to claim kids on taxes or whatever...  but put yourself in Meri's shoes.  

 And you may have whatever opinion you want about the marriage certificate framed and on the wall - that MEANT something to Meri and I personally don't believe it was meant to shove in the subsequent wives' faces as it was in her BEDROOM - and they have no business going in there.  You could see the heartbreak on her face.  How many of you want to share YOUR husbands with other women?  How would YOU act if other women came into the picture and had children with your husband while you were still married to him.... I know that I would not be that gracious, even if I initially agreed to it, to please my husband.  There is no going back, after all.  And these women have a very different mentality than many of us.  More submissive, and their religion is very much ingrained into their very being, so although you all say "LEAVE HIM", I honestly believe that this is an option for very few women in this situation.

There are many things that I do not like about Meri and I most certainly do NOT condone her personal choices and behavior sometimes.   But I do try to have empathy for those things I mentioned above.

I believe Robyn and Kody did not like the viewing audience's attitude towards Robyn and they requested that she be shown in a "kinder light".  So editing has made Robyn good and Meri bad.  And Kody tosses her under the bus every chance he gets.

Don't roast me.  I forgot to bring marshmallows.....

I appreciate your point of view, I really do, and I had a lot of sympathy for Meri right after she was humiliated on tv, but the way she chose to handle it going forward made me lose all respect I could have had for her. She could have come out a hero if she had one gram of honor in her, but she chose to pile lies on top of lies to weasel out of a bad situation that was of her creation. Also, she lost me forever with this house nonsense.

  • Love 16
On ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 10:34 AM, Ravenna said:

I have nothing but respect for women who birth babies with no pain meds. I had an endometrial biopsy last week, and it took me three days to recover from the pain. 

On another note, I’m disturbed by Janelles’s lack of cleanliness. Why doesn’t she STRIVE to houseclean? It burns calories, and she’d have a nice clean uncluttered place to live. What does this woman do all day?

Interestingly, I birthed my daughter with no pain meds, using hypnosis.  No kidding.  It was completely painless.  The Dr. hypnotized me alone initially, then gave me exercises to practice every night and then group hypnosis sessions semi-weekly.  No, we did not cluck like chickens!  When it was delivery time, the nurses were telling me when I was having hard contractions because I didn't feel them.  How amazing is that???  It's too bad that this method is not very well known.  (This was in 1970)

Wouldn't you think that Janelle would frigging clean her bathroom since her daughter was going to be filmed squatting in her tub?  It must be that moving is too much effort, or that she just doesn't care that people know that she is a slob with dirty feet and house.  

Letting my judgmental self out the door now.... 

  • Love 15
10 hours ago, LoneWolf said:

As a psychotherapist with a Master’s in Clinical Counseling, I can barely tolerate these people, including ‘therapist’ Nancy. Regarding Nancy, while I’m certain she had the family sign a shitload of waivers, is unprofessional and incompetent bordering on malfeasance. Ethically, she loses all objectivity to her client (who is the client? Meri? Janelle? Kody? The kids?—I wish. The family as a unit?) because of her involvement with other people in the family with competing interests. If the client is identified as the family as a unit, and there is ALWAYS an identified patient/client, according to family systems theory there is no way to reconcile the present situation other than to suggest these women split. Nancy’s ridiculous exercises, techniques, and input are more harmful and unethical than professional and beneficial. This situation is abusive to the women, perhaps excluding Robin because she intentionally went into this quagmire with eyes wide open and has manipulated and angled things to her own advantage. Christine: classic signs of abuse. Janelle: same. Meri: same. Yes, even Meri. 


All the Meri hate seems over the top if you consider her a women in an abusive situation. She married a man, decades ago; her brother’s wife pursues and couples up with her husband. Down the road comes a third, then fourth woman. She legitimately had fertility issues and the suffering of these issues can be heartbreaking for both men and women who desire children. Her daughter, grown, comes out as gay (nothing wrong with that) but Meri’s hope for extended traditional family is (seemingly) dashed.  (I say seemingly because while is perfectly plausible a gay person can have a child, it is a complete shift in paradigm and perspective from everything Meri has known. And Mariah was so immature and bitchy towards her mother, regardless of what mistakes she thinks her mom made. I have issues with my mother, but I treat her with respect because MY behaviour reflects on ME regardless of how poorly my mother has treated me).


As far as not helping or trying more, I think Meri tried for so many years and with the growing up of her only child, in a family in which children are centered, I can’t imagine how isolating it is for her. Even when she is physically present, she’s not remotely welcome. Everyone’s body language, regardless of fake smiles and keep-sweet-dialogue, shouts ‘YOU’RE NOT WANTED HERE’.  Her husband doesn’t even hide his hatred. (I was equally disgusted by Kody and what he said about Christine and nachos: he is abusive and manipulative to all, with the possible exception of Robyn. I am focusing here on Meri as a case example). 


Is Meri a bitch? Yes. Does she whine, make excuses, and act selfishly? Yes. Imagine her thrill when a ‘man’ claimed to love her above anyone else (the very intrinsic nature of a good marriage!) and wanted to rescue her from her horrendous life. And then to be nationally humiliated by her cat fisher. Then her daughter acts horribly towards her and also has just flown the coop, putting Meri as the single person in the whole family without a child in the home to discuss and for whom to care. NONE of these three women have the life skills and capability to see a way out, or understand the choices available, or have the courage/self esteem/proactive decision making abilities to get out. Christine, bless her annoying but innocent little heart, seems so childlike sometimes. 


Not one person involved is ALL good or ALL bad, including Meri, and Kody (as much as I loathe to admit it). I’m certain the network manipulates the edit to make Meri look worse in comparison to the others because that’s the current storyline. (I think Robin’s edit has been extremely favourable considering how the stealth bitch snuck in and took everything except her bills for herself. The family, while maybe not the best, seemed to reach a homeostasis before Robin fucked it all up). 


Sorry that that my first ever post is this long rant. But I enjoy the intelligence and wit of you all and I share your frustration with these nitwits. Not that I’m the greatest therapist in the world or anything, but my counselor heart dies with every opportunity for healing that Nancy fucking misses. I haven’t watched the show much recently, but Nancy misses so much it’s professionally negligent. I would love for the opportunity to help some of these women and children. I’d do it for free. But holy hell, Nancy, open you fucking eyes; you’re doing way more damage than good. I wonder if any of her colleagues have reported her to the state board.....  okay, I need to stop. Step away from the the keyboard, dumbass. 


Okay just us have to say, Caleb: man up, protect your wife, clean that pool and bathroom (shudder), kick everybody out, and experience your precious son coming into the world. I would never want this, but I do understand some women wanting their mom there. But as everyone has said, not a spectator sport. But I’m fiercely private like that. 


Okay, really leaving now. Well, I’m done writing; I still have a few pages of your witty comments to finish up. I’m a dork. Forgive me. 

Thanks for your input on Meri as a therapist.  I know there are "reasons" why she is the way she is, but people can still choose how to behave. People make mistakes and I once had empathy for Meri (for the very reasons you state),  but that pretty much ended when she seemed to imply she played a smaller part in the "Sam" relationship than she did. I get the she felt neglected and to feel loved and cared for was irresistible. It's like they all know, but she continues to minimize her role. That's gotta continue to create trust issues. 

And as far as the women not being inclined to leave, Janelle actually did leave and was on her own for 2 years. Poor dear was lured back by a big house (see below). 

Janelle: “I was at my breaking point. I couldn’t see my way out of my depression,” she writes. “I told Kody I was leaving. That night, I got into the car and drove to my mother’s house. My kids and I stayed with my mother for several months until I found my own place. My job paid a decent salary, which allowed me to buy a better car in addition to my own home. I started to build a life for myself outside the sisterhood.”

Of her new life she said, “Two years after I’d established myself in my own house, Kody told me that he was moving the family to Utah.  ‘Okay,’ I told him. ‘See you later.’ No way I was going to give up the peace and independence I had found.” But she eventually did, because as she says a “big house changed everything.”

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I appreciate your point of view, I really do, and I had a lot of sympathy for Meri right after she was humiliated on tv, but the way she chose to handle it going forward made me lose all respect I could have had for her. She could have come out a hero if she had one gram of honor in her, but she chose to pile lies on top of lies to weasel out of a bad situation that was of her creation. Also, she lost me forever with this house nonsense.

See, and I agree with you here.  That's why my feelings are so complicated about this, lol.  I have sympathy for all that I said, but I have contempt for the Sam crap and how it was handled after it blew up in her face - AND the way she has acted SINCE the catfish fiasco.

  • Love 7

I've seen Meri on her LLR FB lives enough to know that she's just not a very nice person - there are no edits on FB live. 

She was raised in a polygamist home and knew before she married Kody what she was signing up for. 

Yeah, she was young and so on, but she's older now and has equity in the Vegas house.  She could sue Kody for her half of the equity I suppose. 

But also I think she misses sex and is hoping that Kody will do a Christine on her and start being romantic with her again. 

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, Annymin said:

Wouldn't you think that Janelle would frigging clean her bathroom since her daughter was going to be filmed squatting in her tub?  It must be that moving is too much effort, or that she just doesn't care that people know that she is a slob with dirty feet and house.  

Think about this as an option:  Maybe she DID clean the bathroom for the birthing event.  Imagine what it might have looked like BEFORE she "cleaned" it.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 12
14 hours ago, Kyanight said:

 Amen!!  I personally believe that there was much animosity towards Robyn after what the viewers were shown in previous seasons.  While Christine is giving birth to Truely - alone - her husband is acting like a giddy 15 year old out on his first date ever with his girlfriend. It was PAINFULLY obvious that he had eyes for no one except Robyn.  Favoritism was rampant and anyone who had an eyeball in his/her head could see it.  Robyn wanted to be the legal wife and Kody wanted that as well.

Don't roast me.  I forgot to bring marshmallows.....

...not roasting ;) Just clarifying...

Kody was with Christine when she was giving birth to Truley.  He was right there as her coach.

Their first date (Kody/Robyn) wasn't shown on camera, by the time they were filming Robyn was a big part of their lives...in that first season the timeline was very sketchy, the date shown between Robyn and Kody was the one where he asked her to marry him officially over hot chocolate with the string ring.  The big "kiss on camera" with Robyn was when he was at Robyn's new apartment when he got the call about Christine in the hospital and was heading out to be with Christine.  Robyn popped out the door and was barely caught on camera when she was running after Kody to kiss him.  It was an extra extra big deal because Christine was the one who refused to even consider kissing Kody until they were married because she didn't believe it was right for her to kiss a married man.  It looked pretty natural for her to be throwing her arms around him and kissing him...I have always thought they were kissy feely before the ceremony, but the looks on their faces during the honeymoon special did verify that they saved the full consummation for after the vows.

Kody then made a big Kody-style blunder in the hospital with Christine.  She was in the early stages of labor and was checked on by her doctor when he started asking the doctor all kinds of fertility treatment questions.  The doctor was confused because "why would you ask this when your wife is having child #6...) and then Kody had to inform him the question was for another wife (you know he has three...working on four right!!??)

But...yea...the giddiness that Kody showed to Robyn, the obvious lust could NOT have been easy on any of the wives after they had settled into their family for so long.  They had the house rule for no affection for one wife with the others present and then had that front and center on their screens slapping them in the face.  Even Janelle showed her emotions when she got pissed at Kody for a 10 day honeymoon with Robyn.  It was most likely what seeded a lot of future family issues.

  • Love 16
11 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

Forgive my ignorance, but I don’t watch much television and don’t know how ratings work. What rating would a show like Big Bang Theory have? Just curious for comparison’s sake. 

Comparing Big Bang Theory and Sister Wives is truly apples and oranges.  BBT is on broadcast on a Big Four network.  SW is on a cable channel.  The available audience is very different.  Since you asked, BBT has averaged a 2.88 rating this season.  SW is still one of TLC's higher ranking shows.  While they have dropped so has most of TLC's other line-up.  SW is usually in the top 20 of cable shows for the night.  Those are the comparisons that TLC will make about keeping them on the air.  The real decision maker is cost of production vs ad rates. 

  • Love 7

@LoneWolf and @AmandaUnbidden, you both make a lot of valid points about Meri. BUT, she married Kody knowing full well that they were going to live polygamy. She had a say in bringing all of the wives onboard, ESPECIALLY Robyn. She and Robyn were besties in the beginning and for a few years, until things between Meri and Kody started going even further south (because as has been pointed out by Meri and Kody themselves, things were rocky with them for a while even before the show aired). 

I have had a lot of sympathy for Meri over the course of the series, and still do to a certain extent. Again, BUT, she has shown time and again that all she really cares about is herself. She wants things done her way on her timeline. She pushed Mariah to forgive her, but did she ever apologize to Mariah for the pain that she caused her? I understand that Meri has a right to a private life and a right to be happy, just like we all do, but she was openly cheating on Mariah's father right in front of her (yes, I consider what she did cheating, no doubt about it), and that did cause Mariah pain. Meri's attitude is "Sorry I hurt you, now get over it". She is overly sensitive and expects people to apologize for any perceived slight, and if you don't say what she wants to hear the situation escalates. Janelle interrupted Meri during an interview, probably something that happens a lot in big families (both my and my husband's family interrupt and talk over each other all the time), and when she texted Janelle that she was hurt, Janelle didn't even remember doing it. And according to Janelle, no one else noticed it either. It takes Meri so freaking long to spit out a sentence, Janelle probably jumped in to rescue her. Pure speculation on my part, of course.

I watched the very first episode of the show for the first time a few weeks ago, and even then you can see how Meri is. And just read Janelle and Christine's portions of the family's book, Becoming Sister Wives, to see how Meri treated both of them after they came into the family. The part about Kody and Meri sitting there holding hands watching tv while Janelle sat in a chair by herself really gets me. So much for no affection shown in front of the other wives. 

I just can't with Meri anymore.

  • Love 15
27 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

Janelle interrupted Meri during an interview, probably something that happens a lot in big families (both my and my husband's family interrupt and talk over each other all the time), and when she texted Janelle that she was hurt, Janelle didn't even remember doing it

Considering how little Janelle usually contributes to interviews, Meri is really scraping the bottom of the barrel to get offended over it.  Now if that had been Robyn....

  • Love 12
20 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Considering how little Janelle usually contributes to interviews, Meri is really scraping the bottom of the barrel to get offended over it.  Now if that had been Robyn....

Robyn deems it her responsibility as HBIC to complete the thoughts of all other family members as well as to interpret what they really meant when they dared to voice an opinion.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Gothish520 said:


I watched the very first episode of the show for the first time a few weeks ago, and even then you can see how Meri is. And just read Janelle and Christine's portions of the family's book, Becoming Sister Wives, to see how Meri treated both of them after they came into the family. The part about Kody and Meri sitting there holding hands watching tv while Janelle sat in a chair by herself really gets me. So much for no affection shown in front of the other wives. 

I just can't with Meri anymore.

I didn’t catch that first season and I have not read the book. As a therapist, the idea is to help clients and blah blah blah; as for my unfiltered opinion? I agree with the statements here regarding Meri, and everyone else, for that matter. What I find astounding is the poor choices continually and consistently made by every one of these adults. We all have shit in our lives of some nature; I have an amazing marriage going over two decades, but I have fought cancer....for those two decades as well—the cancer is my shit. It is what we do and how we CHOOSE to act in the face of adversity  that defines our character. You are correct: Meri is extremely unpleasant and unlikable. She continues to choose in utterly selfish ways. And Janelle, living in freedom, was lured back by a house?!? That’s not a great life choice right there. I don’t remember if Logan is Janelle’s son; I would wonder if her returning to that unhealthy situation is a major factor in why he has essentially flown the coop and is making his own way. Either way, good for him. 



Thank you for the lesson regarding ratings. I would imagine producing this show and paying the salaries of the onsite crew is not cheap. The bottom line is always profitability and I’m thinking our quintet of clowns will soon be axed. 

  • Love 13

In no way do I disagree with the opinions about how obnoxious  Meri is....and I don’t condone the whole catfish episode.  However....I sort of understand why she ended up in a situation like that.  That lifestyle has to be detrimental to a woman’s self-esteem.  No matter how much you intellectually  buy into a plural marriage philosophy....seems like there would always be a part of you that felt that your husband was emotionally and physically cheating on you with X number of women.  

Just my opinion of course!  I didn’t watch the show from the begin....it’s interesting to follow all the topics!

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, LoneWolf said:

I didn’t catch that first season and I have not read the book. As a therapist, the idea is to help clients and blah blah blah; as for my unfiltered opinion? I agree with the statements here regarding Meri, and everyone else, for that matter. What I find astounding is the poor choices continually and consistently made by every one of these adults. We all have shit in our lives of some nature; I have an amazing marriage going over two decades, but I have fought cancer....for those two decades as well—the cancer is my shit. It is what we do and how we CHOOSE to act in the face of adversity  that defines our character. You are correct: Meri is extremely unpleasant and unlikable. She continues to choose in utterly selfish ways. And Janelle, living in freedom, was lured back by a house?!? That’s not a great life choice right there. I don’t remember if Logan is Janelle’s son; I would wonder if her returning to that unhealthy situation is a major factor in why he has essentially flown the coop and is making his own way. Either way, good for him. 

I haven't read the whole book, just parts of it, so I can't speak to everything that happened. And I agree with you about all of the adults making poor choices! Kody certainly shares some of the blame with regard to how Janelle and Christine felt when they joined the family - after all, he was the one sitting there holding Meri's hand in front of Janelle. But it makes me wonder, maybe one of the reasons he and Meri have struggled for so long is because of the way Meri treated them. Perhaps he did try to reason with Meri, and try to keep peace between the wives.

Sorry to hear of your struggle! And you are right, it is all in how we choose to deal with our own baggage that makes us who we are.

Janelle states that after her fifth child, she had bad postpartum depression; she and Meri had a terrible fight, and Janelle was done. She moved out of the house that they had all lived in together in Wyoming as one family, shared kitchen, etc. She made a life for herself while still being in the marriage. Christine also lived in her own separate cottage on the Brown property. When Kody decided to move to Utah, he found a polygamist house that had three separate living areas that all connected. This way all of the wives would have their own separate kitchens and living spaces, but the family would be under one roof and they could be together, but separate, so to speak. This was a solution that all of the wives could live with. 

Logan is Janelle's son and the first born child. Janelle becoming pregnant before Meri was just one more reason for Meri to resent Janelle.

  • Love 8
28 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

Logan is Janelle's son and the first born child. Janelle becoming pregnant before Meri was just one more reason for Meri to resent Janelle.

Just to add so we don't all forget that Janelle had the first child, the first male child and then continued to produce four male children, two of them being obvious favorites of Kody's.  AND...then Meri...who had "just a girl..."

Yes...sarcasm...lots of it.  But hearing Meri describe her daughter as "just a girl" on camera to. this. day...frosts my cookies!!!

  • Love 15
8 hours ago, Granny58 said:

HA!  Right!  I told my husband if he ever wants out he just needs to suggest having a sister wife.  And darn it, now I want marshmallows.

I told my husband the day I meet a man who can handle one wife, I'll start to consider whether they can have two!!

Edited by Normades
  • Love 10
11 hours ago, Roslyn said:


But...yea...the giddiness that Kody showed to Robyn, the obvious lust could NOT have been easy on any of the wives after they had settled into their family for so long.  They had the house rule for no affection for one wife with the others present and then had that front and center on their screens slapping them in the face.  Even Janelle showed her emotions when she got pissed at Kody for a 10 day honeymoon with Robyn.  It was most likely what seeded a lot of future family issues.

Watch the episode where Kody informs Janelle and Christine about the divorce/remarriage to Robyn, and Janelle's reaction. Probably the most emotion she's ever shown in 8 years of episodes.

  • Love 6

I might be bordering on crazy, but I like to chat with myself during these episodes. Preferably in all caps.

Meri: So my mom wants to live here, but not run it as a business.


Kody: Doesn't Meri think about how she already lives in a house that's too big for her, and now her mom wants a huge house?


Meri: I don't care about anyone in the fambly thinks about this house.


[Approximately 731 people, sans Meri, gather in folding chairs to get front-row seats to Maddie's vagina.]


Meri wants to be talk big about the family, and then do whatever the hell she wants when she wants, which...sort of defeats the purpose of being part of a family. So...like, single, but with access to other people's money? Yeah, I think that's it.

I have to say, I felt so grateful after viewing this episode. Grateful for the clean hospital in which my son was born (no air fresheners or dog treats in sight!) and for the heroic anesthesiologist who rode into my hospital room on his horse and delivered me the gift of a pain-free delivery. Bless that heroic soul. I was tempted to propose to the man.

Edited by the-grey-lady
  • Love 23
On 3/12/2018 at 10:34 AM, Ravenna said:

On another note, I’m disturbed by Janelles’s lack of cleanliness. Why doesn’t she STRIVE to houseclean? It burns calories, and she’d have a nice clean uncluttered place to live. What does this woman do all day?

Janelle likes to talk about how other people should STRIVE. She doesn't believe in doing it herself.

  • Love 13

I remember when they were buying the McMansions. They kept talking about these houses like the houses would make them into different people. But almost from the moment they moved in, there was clutter everywhere. I never understood this. It's not like the film crew pops by unannounced. Why don't they clean up?  So much else about this show is manufactured for the cameras. Why start "reality" with the messy houses? I think they are slobs, will always be slobs, getting new huge houses didn't change them.

  • Love 10
On 3/14/2018 at 12:38 AM, Annymin said:

Interestingly, I birthed my daughter with no pain meds, using hypnosis.  No kidding.  It was completely painless.  The Dr. hypnotized me alone initially, then gave me exercises to practice every night and then group hypnosis sessions semi-weekly.  No, we did not cluck like chickens!  When it was delivery time, the nurses were telling me when I was having hard contractions because I didn't feel them.  How amazing is that???  It's too bad that this method is not very well known.  (This was in 1970)

Wouldn't you think that Janelle would frigging clean her bathroom since her daughter was going to be filmed squatting in her tub?  It must be that moving is too much effort, or that she just doesn't care that people know that she is a slob with dirty feet and house.  

Letting my judgmental self out the door now.... 

If I had the income from a television program and they were coming to my house/bathroom to film, I would hire a cleaning crew to make the place spotless.  

  • Love 17

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