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S31.E11: It's Britni, B...

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I went from kind of liking Devin last episode to disliking him this episode. He needs to chill he got lucky with Bananas.

I continue to find Zach hot dammit. And I never thought I’d say it but I’m liking Tony. 

I’m also rooting for Nelson just cause he’s an underdog and he does keep proving himself.

Im not sure who I like out of the girls.

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We got a mission, deliberation and Ring in the same episode. 'Tis a miracle!!

 Of course Devin would remember he's an asshole and demonstrate it to us in spades. As much as I'm glad he booted Johnny, he is also very insufferable. Watching him use his Grenade to choose the teams and have that spectacularly blow up on him was fun to watch.

Once again, there are no out-and-out heroes on this show. Okay, Laurel did take out Britni for us, but it didn't involve beating her without mercy. No, all Laurel did was out-tug Britni, then have a few awkward moments with Nicole. If Nicole is reading this: at least you didn't have Mike's birthday from Battle Of The Seasons. You're lucky. Also, I wondered if there was any peanut butter in that cake. Hey, you gotta know your birthday girl.

Mercenaries did not deliver. Frank is still a punk, and I'm glad he lost. Ashley is average at best, and she didn't bolster Kam's resume in surviving Rings. I will give Nelson credit for haning tough against two tenacious opponents: Darrell and Teege. Seriously, Lavin, don't hate the players for the stalemate. Hate the people who designed the game. On the plus side, good call not bringing in Laurel for a game of Figure 8. BMP might have saved a life.

BTW, watching people choose teams is really getting old. It's too safe a choice, and nobody goes for the more vindictive alternatives.

  • Love 6

Yeah those teams sucked.

Could he have used the other grenades after the teams were chosen?

The girls didn't do much on Devins team but Brad and Nelson underperformed too.  Now not taking Jemmye made sense but could he have avoided having any girls or just one girl on his team?  And I assume Devin couldn't team up with Tony or Zachary because they're not necessarily in the same alliance.

I think the grenades won on this elimination do not include making the teams.

If Devin was smart, he should have just put Cara on his team, cause she was killing that challenge. Especially watching her carry those pallets while running, by herself, and the others were doing it in teams of two.

Or he could have put Leroy on a team with people from his alliance, to throw the competition to get Leroy in the elimination. 

I give it to Nelson, that man has no quit in eliminations. But, I feel like if TJ did have them go one more round, Darrell would have won. It is funny cause Cara and the others were calling out production with how they had Nelson vs Darrell go into a stalemate, but Joss/Derrick got close to 2 hours and it ends up with Joss injuring himself and all.

Brad got lucky, cause he looked like he did not want to face Darrell at all and I don’t blame him. Darrell is a freak of nature that seems to look better with age. I always felt that Darrell, Landon, and CT were the top 3 competitors of all time. Fuck bananas.

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Natali once again proves to be the most disloyal player in the game. I love Darrell, but I kind of wanted to see Nelson win so he could go back into the house and start plotting against Natali. I'm glad it ended in a draw which I never knew was a thing in this game.

Britni had no chance against Laurel. She would've had a better shot of winning against Ashley.

Regarding the challenge this week, I too would like to see the elimination winner choose a more interesting grenade than picking the teams. It blew up in Devin's face and as much as I applaud him for getting rid of Johnny, he needs to calm down.

Zach and Tony are doing really well this season.

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21 minutes ago, Zima said:

I'm enjoying the show so much more without John. 

You can replace "show" with absolutely anything in that sentence and it would still be a true statement for me, but watching this ep, I do think he acts as something of a hate lightning rod for the audience. With him gone, focus gets dragged to the others and you can see clearly that Bananas isn't the exception but the rule, and that by and large they all really, really suck. We got drunk douche Kyle, "women were made to serve men" Zach, two of the dumbest people ever to grace this show (what a statement!) Tony and Nicole, and on and on. 

Leroy clinging to his friendship with Bananas when he has ALWAYS LOST EVERY CHALLENGE is pathetic. 

Frank is not someone who has ever proven himself to be an elimination heavy hitter. Guessing CT had to watch the kid this week.  

  • Love 2

Why is MTV not showing us more of the Leroy and Kam show? The brief interaction we got between them in this episode was cute and made both of them WAY more interesting to me. Maybe now that the drama factories of Bananas/Natalie and Brad/Britni have been split up, some of the more low-key friendships can get some airtime.

I just love Laurel, the maladjusted killbot weirdo. I love that TJ didn't even pretend Britni had a chance against her, and that Britni was so whiny about the whole thing. I don't know what happened between Laurel and Nicole, but their weird little conversation made it sound like it was Nicole's fault. (Related: "If you really loved me, you would have fought harder," is bullshit code for "If you really loved me, you would be able to get over my crappy behaviour.") Team Laurel!

  • Love 15

I hate the mercenaries twist and how unfair it is. I have no love for Britni, but the difference between drawing Laurel or Ashley is immense. Laurel is an automatic loss for whoever got her. In Britni’s case, I think she loses to Ashley as well, but she at least would have had a chance. She probably loses to Kam too, so it’s not a Joss vs Shane level of unfairness, but it still sucks. 


I thought for a moment we were going to see Darrell vs Brad. As much as I still root for Brad, I don’t think he has the stamina or the legs to beat Darrell. What did CT call him during the Duel? A bone rack? “He’s got no legs, bro!” 


Frank is a bitch. Glad to see him lose easily. He looked like he was just there for a free trip to Spain. 


I need Laurel to start doing regular challenges again. Though I doubt Cara would like that very much. The female cast has been very weak the last couple seasons. And now with Camilla banned, it’s basically only Cara left as a strong competitor . Nicole is good at anything physical, but is not good with puzzles. She’s basically the female Nelson. We’ll see how good Kam really is moving forward. Laurel and Sarah are sorely missed. 


Kyle was impressive this episode. Based solely on what I’ve seen on this show, I find him entertaining and charming. He seems to be playing the best political game, as everyone loves him. He is a low-key good competitor too. 


Zach and Tony are running the game now, which is something I never thought I’d say. Zach seems to have dropped some mass and improved his endurance. He has to be the favorite to win for the guys. 


Devin is terrible at picking teams. I suppose he thought a team of 4 had no chance, so he chose all of his alliance to be on his team. And his team had 3 guys.  But how do you not choose Zach and Cara or Nicole to be on your team? 

  • Love 3
20 minutes ago, Zima said:

I just keep waiting for Evelyn to come back as one of the "mercenaries" or something. I know she said she was done with this show like 10 years ago, but I leave a candle burning for that girl every season in the hopes that she'll return!


If the rumors of a male challenge legend returning for season 32 are correct, maybe there is still hope for an Evelyn return. I never expected to see this guy again. 

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, Hoi Polloi said:

What was the shocking betrayal, and who are the two scorned lovers? That description is overhyped.

Agreed on the hype, but in MTV synopsis speak, I assume that the shocking betrayal was Britni exacting promises from the Troika that since she was on their winning team she wouldn't go in, and then extracting further promises of a heads up from the two guys, and having both sets of promises broken; and the two scorned lovers were Natalie and Nelson.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, strippedhalo said:


I just love Laurel, the maladjusted killbot weirdo. I love that TJ didn't even pretend Britni had a chance against her, and that Britni was so whiny about the whole thing. I don't know what happened between Laurel and Nicole, but their weird little conversation made it sound like it was Nicole's fault. (Related: "If you really loved me, you would have fought harder," is bullshit code for "If you really loved me, you would be able to get over my crappy behaviour.") Team Laurel!

What Nicole said was straight from Manipulation 101.  Like what?! I would have turned around and walked away...no more words. Ass. 

  • Love 7

Devin's team seemed more like a team of people he likes, not a team designed to win. With a challenge that requires strength and endurance he put the best guy and girl option (Zac and Nicole) on the same team, but not his team.

Zac and Tony have now tasted the power of being able to control the game. Hopefully they remember that feeling the next challenge they do with Johnny and waste less time in getting him out. Didn't think it would ever happen but they've slowly become guys that I enjoy rooting for. Both are former assholes in redemption mode. 

I really dislike Natalie. I really hope that she leaves soon. 

There's obviously a very clear disadvantage to the person who draws Laurel in the elimination. Kam drawing Ashley is probably the universe giving her a break since this is the second elimination where she's got to face mercenaries to stay in the game. Always love seeing Darrell. I don't always like Laurel as a person but I love watching that girl compete. She's an absolute beast. Bye Britni, ain't sad to see you go. 

Nicole's comment to Laurel seemed very manipulative. If you fucked up in a relationship, don't question someone's love for you that they didn't put your needs ahead of their own. Take accountability that if you weren't so selfish, you wouldn't have jeopardize a relationship that you say meant a lot to you. 

Can someone please put Jeymme's ass in an elimination? She's done fuck all and had the audacity of being upset that she was even nominated by the Troika. 

  • Love 7

From Twitter:

Killbot knew whom she wanted to face if given a choice. Scroll down for Cara Maria's rejoinder. Looks like that friendship is officially over.

Joss weighs in on Darrell vs. Nelson. Dude's a wanker, but he does make a valid point.

Briana reveals too much about herself. I know, she's not on this season, but I had to share.

Also, most of the folks I see are Facebook want to wash down their meals with Nicole's tears. Once again: I get the hate, but I don't get why it has to be all-consuming for some people. I will say that Zach's crack about Nicole having to go to speech class was pretty funny.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

From Twitter:

Killbot knew whom she wanted to face if given a choice. Scroll down for Cara Maria's rejoinder. Looks like that friendship is officially over.

Joss weighs in on Darrell vs. Nelson. Dude's a wanker, but he does make a valid point.

Briana reveals too much about herself. I know, she's not on this season, but I had to share.

Also, most of the folks I see are Facebook want to wash down their meals with Nicole's tears. Once again: I get the hate, but I don't get why it has to be all-consuming for some people. I will say that Zach's crack about Nicole having to go to speech class was pretty funny.

 Laurel is bitter as f**k and Joss is right.

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Here's Sylvia replying to Joss' post: "I won my elimation while being sick and was in the hospital for the same amount of time as Leroy but I got sent home and he didn’t I feel your pain" She's got a point as well. Maybe Leroy is basically the Challenge version of Rob Mariano, where BMP will keep throwing him into the mix until he wins. Remember, he lost Nia in BOTE2, but they gave her Theresa (originally a teammate of Wes).

Follow-up from Marie: "At least you guys weren't publicly humiliated in a Laundry basket."

One problem with The Challenge being a career: permanent feuds. How often do reality feuds spill into the "real world," then back into the show they were just on? Not as often as this one.

ETA: Devin bitching about losing to Jemmye was funny. Ranks with Dan Renzi going, "All eighteen of us were beaten by Ah-MY-ya and Melissa."

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 1

Britni had it exactly right, she and Laurel are in different weight classes.

So is Zach or CT against most others.

They need to come up with more level playing field for the eliminations.  The light thing was a good one but there are so few of them which doesn't advantage bigger and stronger competitors that when they do come up with eliminations which don't involve strength, you wonder why they chose a particular elimination to bring it out.

Go back to spinning the wheel or pulling the double-butterfly to pick the type of elimination, though I guess that would be tricky logistically speaking, since production would need time to set up some of these challenges.

But it would be nice to see something that rewards agility or speed more often.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Nicole's comment to Laurel seemed very manipulative. If you fucked up in a relationship, don't question someone's love for you that they didn't put your needs ahead of their own. Take accountability that if you weren't so selfish, you wouldn't have jeopardize a relationship that you say meant a lot to you. 

Nicole.  The woman you claim to love and still care for so much took it upon herself to come over to you before she left the competition to say she forgives you and wishes you luck and all you can think of to say in that moment is "if you loved me, you would have tried harder to make this work"?  Ma'am, go sit down somewhere.  Talk about picking your moments. 

All I have to say to that is to remind Laurel of "Laurel, you look good.  Cara, you look better" which Nicole said on national gotdamn TV.   Laurel is a better person than me because I would have kept right on stepping without so much as a look over my shoulder.

Sad to see that Laurel and Cara Maria never mended their friendship.

Edited by Decider
  • Love 11
6 hours ago, Decider said:

Nicole.  The woman you claim to love and still care for so much took it upon herself to come over to you before she left the competition to say she forgives you and wishes you luck and all you can think of to say in that moment is "if you loved me, you would have tried harder to make this work"?  Ma'am, go sit down somewhere.  Talk about picking your moments. 

All I have to say to that is to remind Laurel of "Laurel, you look good.  Cara, you look better" which Nicole said on national gotdamn TV.   Laurel is a better person than me because I would have kept right on stepping without so much as a look over my shoulder.

Sad to see that Laurel and Cara Maria never mended their friendship.

I totally agree. I still can't believe Laurel still wanted to be with her after that comment. I'm still confused as to why Laurel and Cara are no longer friends.

  • Love 3
55 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

I totally agree. I still can't believe Laurel still wanted to be with her after that comment. I'm still confused as to why Laurel and Cara are no longer friends.

I think there was some bullshit about Cara sliding into Nicole's DMs, but Cara said at the time she had no idea that the thing with Laurel and Nicole was really going on. I don't know exactly, I just remember some comment like that at the reunion. I got the impression that Laurel thought Cara was hitting on Nicole after they were together.

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Laurel constantly would put Cara down in front of her friends and apparently Evelyn when they lived together briefly which Cara finally had enough of and ended their friendship.  They sort of became friends again but not as close as they once where until this whole Nicole thing happened which sent Laurel off the deep end.  She is a very salty bitter person.

I also think Cara has low self esteem so she is very passive aggressive especially on social media and in private which exacerbates the issue.  

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, lasu said:

I'm glad so many other people caught that comment from Nicole.  I am currently working on getting out of an emotionally abusive relationship, and I literally recoiled when Nicole made that comment.  Absolutely not ok.

I actually yelled "WALK AWAY LAUREL" at my laptop screen at that moment.  And again when Laurel didn't walk away and wished Nicole luck.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, scrb said:

Did you hear him talking about her swallowing skills earlier in the season?

If she's still seeing him, she's really got poor self esteem.

REALLY? That is just so unnecessary. Zach made a similar joke about Jonna during Battle of the Exes 2 that I thought was pretty crass. I don't have a problem with blowjob jokes in general but talking about a specific partner on national TV is just unbelievably rude. I am sure they feel it makes them look studly, but I hear that and I think, geez, act like you've been here before.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Decider said:

I actually yelled "WALK AWAY LAUREL" at my laptop screen at that moment.  And again when Laurel didn't walk away and wished Nicole luck.

I can't help but wonder, when despite the manipulative behavior there's obviously still love between them, if they might not reconcile. And from that, I wondered if they might be talking but not making it public, because they'd be a pretty strong team for the next time they do an Exes season.  

I liked them together, but Nicole is a player and Laurel doesn't need that in her life.

Edited by Pixel
  • Love 1

"They came here to ruin your night."  I need that on a T-shirt.  

Bye Britni!  She was a complete dumb-ass for not fighting harder to be in the troika considering everyone else had been part of it multiple times already.  And i loved Teej's nonchalant and totally unapologetic  "Sorry Brit" when she got paired with Laurel.  Kam totally lucked out.

On 3/14/2018 at 6:06 AM, strippedhalo said:

I don't know what happened between Laurel and Nicole, but their weird little conversation made it sound like it was Nicole's fault. (Related: "If you really loved me, you would have fought harder," is bullshit code for "If you really loved me, you would be able to get over my crappy behaviour.") Team Laurel!


On 3/14/2018 at 1:02 PM, Cherry Cola said:

What Nicole said was straight from Manipulation 101.  Like what?! I would have turned around and walked away...no more words. Ass. 

Classic manipulation!  It definitely sounds like she cheated because the first thing Laurel said to her was, "I forgive you," before she dropped that "If you really loved me" bullshit.

On 3/13/2018 at 9:27 PM, Marley said:

I continue to find Zach hot dammit.

Can I send flowers to whichever Production Assistant who gave Zach those bicycle shorts instead of the sporty/loose ones that all the other guys were wearing during the challenge?  Because hot damn!

  • Love 4
On 3/15/2018 at 11:41 AM, Unclejosh said:

Laurel constantly would put Cara down in front of her friends and apparently Evelyn when they lived together briefly which Cara finally had enough of and ended their friendship.  They sort of became friends again but not as close as they once where until this whole Nicole thing happened which sent Laurel off the deep end.  She is a very salty bitter person.

I also think Cara has low self esteem so she is very passive aggressive especially on social media and in private which exacerbates the issue.  

Currently rewatching Cutthroat and totally forgot what a fucking bitch Laurel was. A mean ass drunk calling Big Easy fat and ugly in front of everyone. She made the dude cry! Hope she's mellowed out some. 

She's seems a bit weird to me.

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, NMDD43 said:

Currently rewatching Cutthroat and totally forgot what a fucking bitch Laurel was. A mean ass drunk calling Big Easy fat and ugly in front of everyone. She made the dude cry! Hope she's mellowed out some. 

She's seems a bit weird to me.

Yes, socially awkward for sure, she's like a cyborg. Nicole is no prize, but I was actually shocked to hear they were in a relationship.  I didn't think Lauren was capable.

  • Love 1
On 3/16/2018 at 8:55 PM, NMDD43 said:

Currently rewatching Cutthroat and totally forgot what a fucking bitch Laurel was. A mean ass drunk calling Big Easy fat and ugly in front of everyone. She made the dude cry! Hope she's mellowed out some. 

She's seems a bit weird to me.

And even when she defended Cara (when Wes dumped that soda on her head), she hit Paula with some real low blows. Two wrongs don't make a right. She could've defended Cara in so many ways without bringing up Paula's ED. Laurel has always seemed like a difficult person to be friends with. She super competitive and while I think she has been one of the best competitors, her dominance has usually been because of her height and size. More power to her for using that to her advantage, but her poor sportsmanship really fucking grates. I won't forget either what a sore loser she was after losing to Landon and Carly in FM2. I think Cara and Laurel both have faults and their personalities probably aren't compatible, but I'm inclined to say CM is a more tolerable human being to be around. 

I wish Laurel and Kam had gone up against each other. Britini still probably would've lost, but it would have made for more competitive and interesting matchups. Speaking of Britini, how annoying was she running around trying to avoid getting thrown in? Then talking a big game after losing that those people better watch their backs because she's going to come back with a vengeance on the next challenge. You were afraid of going into an elimination during this challenge, I doubt much will change on the next one. People like her and Jemmye that get so put out when they're nominated are so annoying. I'm not really sure where this entitlement comes from, especially when their performances are ridiculously underwhelming during the actual challenges.

4 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Teej, step away from the "TTM" gear!! 

Guess it wasn't just me that was disappointed in seeing that.

  • Love 5
On 3/15/2018 at 6:32 PM, scrb said:

Did you hear him talking about her swallowing skills earlier in the season?

If she's still seeing him, she's really got poor self esteem.

I hardly think making a joke praising someone's bedroom skill like that which I guarantee she would approve of is the same as a pyscho boyfriend who is physically threatening, emotionally abusive, cheating and bragging about it as a way to put you down.  Not even close.

This is a woman who brags about being a dominatrix, took pride when Kyle said having sex with her was like a fight, and used to bang Abram out in public in front of the entire cast all the time so the producers couldn't use any footage.   Context and who the joke is targeted at do matter.

Just a few days ago she was bragging on Twitter about how good his dick was and she recommends it and gives it "two cums up!"  

Edited by Unclejosh
  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

I hardly think making a joke praising someone's bedroom skill like that which I guarantee she would approve of is the same as a pyscho boyfriend who is physically threatening, emotionally abusive, cheating and bragging about it as a way to put you down.  Not even close.

This is a woman who brags about being a dominatrix, took pride when Kyle said having sex with her was like a fight, and used to bang Abram out in public in front of the entire cast all the time so the producers couldn't use any footage.   Context and who the joke is targeted at do matter.

Just a few days ago she was bragging on Twitter about how good his dick was and she recommends it and gives it "two cums up!"  

Wait, what?!

8 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Wait, what?!

Cara said that when people try to hide either going in and out of the bathroom or trying to hide in their bedroom under the covers is how people get caught on camera and the producers would use that footage to show the hookups. They figured out if they just fucked right out in the open on the porch or on the couch or chairs in the main rooms that they couldnt show the footage because it was too graphic with no way to hide it via camera tricks.

This was confirmed by multiple cast members as well.  It was on one of those after shows or shit they should have shown specials I think.

  • Love 1

Listening to Derrick's Challenge podcast right now.  Cara Maria said that she and Laurel were never really very close friends.  According to her (and mentioned in an earlier comment), Laurel was terrible towards her on Fresh Meat and Cutthroat and would talk down to her and about her to other people.  For Free Agents, Laurel was actively rooting for Cara Maria to get beat in challenges.  When they were paired together on Rivals, it was in Laurel's better interest to keep her sweet (i.e. standing up for her when Wes dumped the soda on her) since they were playing the game as a team.   Cara Maria said that there were moments along the way where Laurel was kind to her and that they had some good times together but that she killed whatever friendship they did have long before the whole Nicole situation because of things that happened off the show.  It was not Laurel getting together with Nicole that ended anything.  She said she contacted Laurel before that Challenge aired to try to make peace after Nicole but Laurel was not trying to hear it.

Edited by Decider
On 3/19/2018 at 8:52 AM, Unclejosh said:

I hardly think making a joke praising someone's bedroom skill like that which I guarantee she would approve of is the same as a pyscho boyfriend who is physically threatening, emotionally abusive, cheating and bragging about it as a way to put you down.  Not even close.

This is a woman who brags about being a dominatrix, took pride when Kyle said having sex with her was like a fight, and used to bang Abram out in public in front of the entire cast all the time so the producers couldn't use any footage.   Context and who the joke is targeted at do matter.

Just a few days ago she was bragging on Twitter about how good his dick was and she recommends it and gives it "two cums up!"  

Oh Cara. Don't be such a try hard.



She super competitive and while I think she has been one of the best competitors, her dominance has usually been because of her height and size.

Regarding Laurel- I also think she, like Evelyn and Rachel Campus Crawl (although both Ev and Laurel are way better athletes than Rachel) has an amount of upper body strength that is pretty uncommon in females. I remember on Free Agents they had to do this one mission where they are all suspended with ropes and tangled up together and Laurel snots that most of these girls can't even support their own body weight (which was probably, on average, about 100-110 pounds). Unless you specifically train for that, that is a strength most women aren't going to come by naturally.


I don't think Laurel is a very nice person, but I do like how she is confident enough in her own skills and strength that she doesn't attempt to gain favor with the popular crowd, and has pretty openly treated Zach, Bananas, and their various minions with complete and total contempt.

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